Frequency Personal Rate € Institutional Print + Online € (Single Site) Institutional E-Only € (Single Site) Institutional Print-Only € Single Issue Rate € Language E=English, G=German Publisher Shipping Charges Germany € Shipping Charges Europe € Shipping Charges Africa, Asia, Australia & NZ € 52 12° 339.00 669.00 640.00 - 40.00 G Thieme 36.90 64.90 92.90 43 12° 295.00 489.00 479.00 - 44.00 G Thieme 36.90 64.90 92.90 Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin 42 6 268.00 426.00 423.00 - 69.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 Aktuelle Kardiologie 6 6 228.00 634.00 617.00 - 44.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 Aktuelle Neurologie 44 10 375.00 629.00 617.00 - 52.00 G Thieme 35.90 62.90 92.90 Aktuelle Rheumatologie 42 6 299.00 462.00 445.00 - 53.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 Aktuelle Urologie 48 6 328.00 558.00 537.00 - 60.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 AHZ Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 262 6 119.00 199.00 194.00 - 24.70 G Haug 15.50 21.50 21.50 Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie up2date 11 6 218.00 358.00 342.00 - 50.00 G Thieme 39.40 52.90 71.90 American Journal of Perinatology 34 14 262.00 1,578.00 1,578.00 1,472.00 114.00 E Thieme NY 138.00 138.00 138.00 Augenheilkunde up2date 7 4 175.00 442.00 423.00 - 48.00 G Thieme 27.80 33.90 46.90 Balint-Journal: Beziehung im Fokus previously Balint-Journal 18 4 138.00 219.00 216.00 - 43.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 B&G Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport 33 6 51.00 139.00 136.00 - 11.20 G Haug 15.50 21.50 21.50 46 4 138.00 - - 138.00 40.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 Chirurgie 2197-0548 30 5* 245.00 1,002.00 1,002.00 983.00 201.00 E Thieme NY 53.00 53.00 53.00 Clin. Col. 1531-0043 - 5 269.00 - - - - G Thieme incl. incl. incl. - Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction 10 4 150.00 475.00 475.00 433.00 120.00 E Thieme NY 43.00 43.00 43.00 Deutsche Heilpraktiker Zeitschrift DHZ 12 8 79.00 139.00 136.00 - 23.40 G Haug 17.00 22.50 22.50 DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 142 25 205.00 492.00 456.00 - 9.90 G Thieme 33.90 52.90 71.90 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie 49 4 91.00 139.00 136.00 - 29.20 G Haug 14.50 20.50 20.50 DO Deutsche Zeitschrift für Osteopathie 15 4 95.00 149.00 143.00 - 29.90 G Haug 14.50 20.50 20.50 Diabetes aktuell 15 8 82.00 148.00 148.00 - 15.00 G Karl Demeter incl. incl. 57.90 Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 12 6 228.00 344.00 331.00 - 52.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 2017 Journal Rates in € AINS Anästhesiologie • Intensivmedizin • Notfallmedizin • Schmerztherapie °in 10 issues Aktuelle Dermatologie °in 10 issues Chirurgie Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie not available online Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery *increased frequency CNE Individual License Status: 7/31/2016 NEW Short Title/ISSN 2017 Volume Rates applicable in Europe (excluding DACH), Africa, Asia (excluding Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), Australia and New Zealand. AINS 0939-2661 Akt.Derma 0340-2541 Akt.Ernähr 0341-0501 Akt.Kard 2193-5203 Akt.Neuro 0302-4350 Akt.Rheuma 0341-051X Akt.Urolog 0001-7868 AHZ 0175-7881 AVCUp 1611-6437 Am. Perinat 0735-1631 Augen. u2d 1616-9719 Balint 1439-5142 B&G 1613-0863 Cranio 1943-3875 DHZ 1862-2267 DMW 0012-0472 DZO 1617-5891 DO 1610-5044 Diabetes 1861-6089 DS 1861-9002 Frequency Personal Rate € Institutional Print + Online € (Single Site) Institutional E-Only € (Single Site) Institutional Print-Only € Single Issue Rate € Language E=English, G=German Publisher Shipping Charges Germany € Shipping Charges Europe € Shipping Charges Africa, Asia, Australia & NZ € 21 10° 62.00 149.00 148.00 - 14.00 G Thieme incl. incl. 57.90 Dialyse 1434-0704 1 4 29.00 320.00 320.00 - 81.00 E Thieme NY 43.00 43.00 43.00 DDI 2472-8721 67 12 636.00 1,064.00 on demand - 73.00 E Thieme 36.90 64.90 92.90 DrugRes 2194-9379 Endo-Praxis 33 4 43.00 149.00 148.00 - 18.00 G Thieme 13.40 18.40 41.40 Endoscopy 49 12 488.00 1,179.00 1,155.00 - 80.00 E Thieme 73.40 79.90 104.90 Erfahrungsheilkunde 66 6 101.00 169.00 166.00 - 23.20 G Haug 15.50 21.50 21.50 ergopraxis 10 10 116.00 269.00 240.00 - 31.00 G Thieme 17.50 22.50 22.50 Ernährung & Medizin 32 4 94.00 159.00 159.00 - 29.80 G Haug 14.50 20.50 20.50 European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 27 6 329.00 811.00 811.00 734.00 136.00 E Thieme 41.00 48.00 55.00 Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 125 10 656.00 876.00 877.00 - 90.00 E Thieme 48.90 69.90 92.90 Facial Plastic Surgery 33 6 395.00 1,109.00 1,109.00 1,090.00 186.00 E Thieme NY 67.00 67.00 67.00 Flugmedizin Tropenmedizin Reisemedizin 24 6 67.00 148.00 148.00 - 15.00 G Thieme incl. incl. 49.90 Fortschritte der Neurologie • Psychiatrie 85 12 299.00 539.00 525.00 - 41.00 G Thieme 42.80 64.90 92.90 Frauenheilkunde up2date 11 6 218.00 358.00 342.00 - 60.00 G Thieme 39.40 52.90 71.90 Gastroenterologie up2date 13 4 173.00 295.00 285.00 - 58.00 G Thieme 27.80 33.90 46.90 Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 77 12 328.00 624.00 606.00 - 50.00 G Thieme 42.80 64.90 104.90 4 4 199.00 1,347.00 1,339.00 - 62.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 Gefäß Scan 2197-5922 22 6 256.00 798.00 789.00 - 85.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 Gesök 1432-2625 79 12° 293.00 480.00 469.00 - 47.00 G Thieme 42.80 64.90 92.90 Handchirurgie•Mikrochirurgie•Plastische Chirurgie 49 6 392.00 599.00 594.00 - 68.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 Handchirurgie Scan 6 4 199.00 1,347.00 1,339.00 - 62.00 G Thieme 39.40 41.40 49.90 Die Hebamme 30 6 65.00 139.00 136.00 - 20.20 G Hippo-krates 14.50 20.50 20.50 Homoeopathic Links 30 4 67.00 158.00 158.00 - 41.00 E Thieme New Delhi 18.00 19.00 23.00 2017 Journal Rates in € Dialyse aktuell °plus 1 supplement Digestive Disease Interventions NEW Drug Research Drug Discovery, Development, Evaluation, Translational Medicine * institutional price including online access for 1 user via password Gefäßmedizin Scan from issue 3/2016, includes Interventionelle Radiologie Scan Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement Klinik und Praxis, Wirtschaft und Politik Das Gesundheitswesen °in 11 issues Status: 7/31/2016 Short Title/ISSN 2017 Volume Rates applicable in Europe (excluding DACH), Africa, Asia (excluding Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), Australia and New Zealand. Endopraxis 0177-4077 Endos 0013-726X EHK 0014-0082 ergopraxis 1439-2283 E&M 1439-1635 E.J.Ped.Sur 0939-7248 ExpClin Endo 0947-7349 Facial 0736-6825 FTR 1864-4538 Fort. Neuro 0720-4299 FrauUp 1439-3719 GastroUp 1616-9670 GebFra 0016-5751 Gesu 0941-3790 Handchir. 0722-1819 Hand Scan 2194-8976 Hebamme 0932-8122 Hom.Links 1019-2050 Frequency Personal Rate € Institutional Print + Online € (Single Site) Institutional E-Only € (Single Site) Institutional Print-Only € Single Issue Rate € Language E=English, G=German Publisher Shipping Charges Germany € Shipping Charges Europe € Shipping Charges Africa, Asia, Australia & NZ € Hormone and Metabolic Research 49 12 948.00 1,148.00 1,224.00 - 102.00 E Thieme 58.90 64.90 92.90 Hormone 0018-5043 Im OP 7 6 116.00 269.00 663.00 - 31.00 G Thieme 15.50 21.50 21.50 ImOP 1611-7905 Indian Journal of Neurotrauma 14 3 32.00 169.00 169.00 - 57.00 E Thieme New Delhi 79.00 79.00 79.00 IOK - Informationen aus Orthodontie & Kieferorthopädie 49 4 309.00 527.00 514.00 - 98.00 G Thieme 35.90 43.90 57.90 25 6 116.00 269.00 262.00 - 31.00 G Thieme 15.50 21.50 21.50 Intensivmedizin up2date 13 4 173.00 295.00 285.00 - 54.00 G Thieme 27.80 33.90 46.90 International Journal of Angiology 26 4 214.00 566.00 566.00 534.00 143.00 E Thieme NY 43.00 43.00 43.00 International Journal of Sports Medicine 38 14 593.00 1,366.00 1,340.00 - 105.00 E Thieme 69.90 92.90 123.90 Interventionelle Radiologie Scan from issue 3/2016 integrated in Gefäßmedizin Scan - - - - - - G Thieme - - - Journal Club AINS 5 4 69.00 690.00 716.00 - 22.00 G Thieme 13.40 16.90 19.90 Journal Club Schmerzmedizin 5 4 69.00 690.00 716.00 - 22.00 G Thieme 13.40 16.90 19.90 Journal of Hand and Microsurgery 9 3 48.00 342.00 342.00 - 115.00 E 31.00 31.00 31.00 2 4 29.00 320.00 320.00 - 81.00 E 43.00 43.00 43.00 30 9* 204.00 743.00 743.00 672.00 84.00 E Thieme NY 80.00 80.00 80.00 JKS 1538-8506 78 12 461.00 1,696.00 1,696.00 1,599.00 142.00 E Thieme 68.00 90.00 106.00 JNLS 2193-6331 78 6 244.00 846.00 840.00 - 142.00 E Thieme 40.00 44.00 53.00 JNLS-A 2193-6315 Journal of Pediatric Biochemistry 7 4 122.00 428.00 428.00 - 108.00 E Thieme 43.00 43.00 43.00 Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy 6 4 122.00 428.00 428.00 - 108.00 E Thieme 43.00 43.00 43.00 Journal of Pediatric Genetics 6 4 122.00 428.00 428.00 - 108.00 E Thieme 43.00 43.00 43.00 Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 12 4 122.00 428.00 428.00 - 108.00 E Thieme 43.00 43.00 43.00 Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care 6 4 122.00 428.00 428.00 - 108.00 E Thieme 43.00 43.00 43.00 Journal of Pediatric Neurology 15 4 122.00 428.00 428.00 - 108.00 E Thieme 43.00 43.00 43.00 Journal of Pediatric Neuroradiology 6 4 122.00 428.00 428.00 - 108.00 E Thieme 43.00 43.00 43.00 Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 33 9 413.00 1,665.00 1,665.00 1,619.00 186.00 E Thieme NY 101.00 101.00 101.00 2017 Journal Rates in € Fachzeitschrift für OP-Pflege und OTA intensiv Fachzeitschrift für Intensivpflege und Anästhesie Journal of Hip Surgery NEW Journal of Knee Surgery *increased frequency Thieme New Delhi Thieme NY Journal of Neurological Surgery (previously Central European Neurosurgery, Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, Skull Base) Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery only available for renewing customers Status: 7/31/2016 Short Title/ISSN 2017 Volume Rates applicable in Europe (excluding DACH), Africa, Asia (excluding Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), Australia and New Zealand. IJNT 0973-0508 IOK 0020-0336 Intensiv 0942-6035 InUp 1614-4856 Int.J.Angiol. 1061-1711 Int.Sports 0172-4622 IntRadScan 2196-2510 JC AINS 2194-9719 JC Schmerz 2194-9735 JHMS 0974-3227 JHIP 2472-8446 J.Ped.Bio 1879-5390 J.Ped.Epi 2146-457X J.Ped.Gen 2146-4596 J.Ped.Inf 1305-7707 J.Ped.Int 2146-4618 J.Ped.Neur 1304-2580 J.Ped.NRad 1309-6680 J. Reconstr 0743-684X Personal Rate € Institutional Print + Online € (Single Site) Institutional E-Only € (Single Site) Institutional Print-Only € Single Issue Rate € Language E=English, G=German Shipping Charges Germany € Shipping Charges Europe € Shipping Charges Africa, Asia, Australia & NZ € 4 156.00 453.00 453.00 - 114.00 E Thieme NY 43.00 43.00 43.00 6 6 89.00 269.00 640.00 - 31.00 G Thieme 15.50 21.50 21.50 13 4 173.00 295.00 285.00 - 60.00 G Thieme 27.80 33.90 46.90 20 6° 139.00 209.00 205.00 - 28.90 G Enke 17.50 22.50 22.50 Kleintier 1434-9132 46 11° 148.00 223.00 216.00 - 19.50 G Karl Demeter incl. 52.90 92.90 Klinikarzt 0341-2350 234 12 416.00 738.00 720.00 - 50.00 G Thieme 49.90 64.90 104.90 48 4 295.00 549.00 537.00 - 88.00 G Thieme 21.40 29.60 39.80 229 7 509.00 779.00 754.00 - 99.00 G/E Thieme 27.80 41.40 52.90 22 12 162.00 auf Anfrage auf Anfrage - 17.00 G Thieme incl. 52.90 92.90 Krankenhaushygiene up2date 12 4 173.00 295.00 285.00 - 54.00 G Thieme 27.80 33.90 46.90 Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 96 12 360.00 609.00 594.00 - 39.00 G Thieme 42.80 64.90 92.90 lege artis 7 5 69.00 690.00 745.00 - 18.00 G Thieme 13.40 16.90 19.90 legeartis 2191-4192 21 5 129.00 269.00 262.00 - 31.00 G Thieme 15.50 21.50 21.50 Man.Ther. 1433-2671 Neonatologie Scan 6 4 154.00 1,347.00 1,327.00 - 69.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 Neurochirurgie Scan 5 4 199.00 1,347.00 1,327.00 - 62.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 48 6 265.00 861.00 861.00 773.00 145.00 E Thieme 37.00 43.00 49.00 Neuroradiologie Scan 7 4 226.00 1,347.00 1,327.00 - 69.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 neuroreha 9 4 119.00 479.00 479.00 - 41.00 G Thieme 14.50 20.50 20.50 Der Notarzt 33 6 155.00 255.00 250.00 - 44.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 Notfallmedizin up2date 12 4 173.00 295.00 285.00 - 54.00 G Thieme 27.80 33.90 46.90 Der Nuklearmediziner 40 4 239.00 389.00 377.00 - 76.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 om Zeitschrift für Orthomolekulare Medizin 15 4 64.00 149.00 143.00 - 20.50 G Haug 14.50 20.50 20.50 OP-JOURNAL 33 3 69.00 148.00 148.00 - 28.00 G Thieme 27.80 52.90 52.90 Journal of Wrist Surgery JuKiP Ihr Fachmagazin für Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpflege Kardiologie up2date kleintier.konkret °subscriptions include 4 issues team.konkret - Die Zeitschrift für Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte and 2 issues heimtier.konkret Klinikarzt Interdisziplinäre Fortbildungszeitschrift für die Medizin im Krankenhaus °plus 2 supplements (topics: cardiovascular, oncology) Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde Klinische Neurophysiologie Klinische Pädiatrie kma - Das Gesundheitswirtschaftsmagazin institutional price including online access for 1 user via password Das Magazin zur ärztlichen Weiterbildung manuelletherapie Physiotherapeutische Zeitschrift Neuropediatrics Journal of Pediatric Neurobiology, Neurology and Neurogenetics Status: 7/31/2016 Short Title/ISSN Frequency 6 2017 Journal Rates in € Publisher 2017 Volume Rates applicable in Europe (excluding DACH), Africa, Asia (excluding Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), Australia and New Zealand. JWS 2163-3916 JuKip 1439-2569 KardUp 1611-6534 Kl. Augenh. 0023-2165 Kl. Neuro 1434-0275 Kl. Pädiat. 0300-8630 kma Ges 1439-3514 KHHup 1862-5797 LRO 0935-8943 Neo Scan 2194-5462 Neurochir Scan 2195-9919 Neuroped. 0174-304X Neuro Scan 1616-9697 neuroreha 1611-6496 Notarzt 0177-2309 NFMup 1611-6550 NuK 0723-7065 OM 1611-5562 Op-Journal 0178-1715 Frequency Personal Rate € Institutional Print + Online € (Single Site) Institutional E-Only € (Single Site) Institutional Print-Only € Single Issue Rate € Language E=English, G=German Publisher Shipping Charges Germany € Shipping Charges Europe € Shipping Charges Africa, Asia, Australia & NZ € Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie Mitteilungen und Nachrichten 6 6 252.00 472.00 457.00 - 46.00 G Thieme 39.40 41.40 49.90 Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie up2date 12 6 218.00 358.00 342.00 - 55.00 G Thieme 39.40 52.90 71.90 Pädiatrie up2date 12 4 173.00 295.00 285.00 - 56.00 G Thieme 27.80 33.90 46.90 °plus 4 issues team.konkret - Die Zeitschrift für Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte 20 4° 109.00 199.00 200.00 - 35.20 G Enke 11.50 24.00 24.00 ps 1860-3203 Pharmacopsychiatry 50 6 694.00 848.00 923.00 - 126.00 E Thieme 39.40 43.90 49.90 Pharmacop. 0176-3679 Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin 27 6 210.00 336.00 331.00 - 50.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 Phys.Med 0940-6689 physiopraxis 15 10 129.00 299.00 285.00 - 20.80 G Thieme 17.50 22.50 22.50 physioscience 13 4 119.00 299.00 285.00 - 31.00 G Thieme 14.50 20.50 20.50 PiD - Psychotherapie im Dialog 18 4 126.00 230.00 228.00 - 37.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 Planta Medica 83 18 - 1,838.00 1,921.00 - 138.00 E Thieme 112.90 154.40 173.90 Pneumologie 71 12 319.00 534.00 525.00 - 44.00 G Thieme 41.80 64.90 92.90 PPH Die Zeitschrift für Psychiatrische Pflege heute previously Psych.Pflege Heute 23 6 116.00 269.00 250.00 - 31.00 G Thieme 15.50 21.50 21.50 PSYCH up2date 11 6 183.00 321.00 308.00 - 55.00 G Thieme 39.40 52.90 71.90 Psychiatrische Praxis 44 8 235.00 425.00 411.00 - 46.00 G Thieme 29.90 47.80 57.90 Psy.Prax 0303-4259 PPmP - Psychotherapie • Psychosomatik • Medizinische Psychologie 67 12 222.00 409.00 399.00 - 38.00 G Thieme 36.90 64.90 92.90 PPmP 0937-2032 Radiologie up2date 17 4 206.00 334.00 320.00 - 66.00 G Thieme 27.80 33.90 46.90 Radiopraxis 10 4 79.00 159.00 148.00 - 27.00 G Thieme 15.80 24.40 41.40 Die Rehabilitation 56 6 255.00 427.00 423.00 - 59.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 retten! - Das Fachmagazin für den Rettungsdienst 6 5 65.00 auf Anfrage auf Anfrage - 19.00 G Thieme 13.40 16.90 19.90 RöFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 189 12 799.00 1,162.00 1,132.00 - 86.00 G/E Thieme 49.90 79.90 138.80 Seminars in Hearing 38 4 154.00 845.00 845.00 781.00 212.00 E 43.00 43.00 43.00 Seminars in Interventional Radiology 34 4 272.00 1,043.00 1,043.00 1,001.00 262.00 E 43.00 43.00 43.00 Seminars in Liver Disease 37 4 314.00 1,123.00 1,123.00 1,096.00 282.00 E 43.00 43.00 43.00 Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 21 5 269.00 798.00 798.00 773.00 161.00 E 53.00 53.00 53.00 2017 Journal Rates in € Status: 7/31/2016 Thieme NY Thieme NY Thieme NY Thieme NY Short Title/ISSN 2017 Volume Rates applicable in Europe (excluding DACH), Africa, Asia (excluding Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), Australia and New Zealand. OU MuN 2193-5254 ou up2date 1611-7859 Pädup 1611-6445 pp 1439-023X ps 1860-3092 PiD 1438-7026 Planta 0032-0943 Pneumo 0934-8387 PPH 0949-1619 PSYCHup 2194-8895 RadUp 1616-0681 Radiopraxis 1866-1033 Rehab 0034-3536 retten! 2193-2387 RöFo 1438-9029 Sem. Hear 0734-0451 Sem. Interv 0739-9529 Sem. Liver 0272-8087 Sem. Musc 1089-7860 Shipping Charges Africa, Asia, Australia & NZ € 65.00 65.00 65.00 Thieme NY 53.00 53.00 53.00 E Thieme NY 86.00 86.00 86.00 50.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 - 31.00 G Thieme 14.50 20.50 20.50 308.00 - 52.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 180.00 170.00 - 39.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 139.00 245.00 240.00 - 45.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 12 343.00 1,182.00 1,173.00 - 134.00 E Thieme 65.20 70.70 111.90 Synfacts 1861-1958 28 20 352.00 2,482.00 2,336.00 2,177.00 129.00 E Thieme 108.60 117.80 176.90 Synlett 0936-5214 49 24 592.00 3,688.00 3,464.00 3,237.00 160.00 E Thieme 130.20 146.90 258.60 Synth 0039-7881 13 4 39.00 149.00 143.00 - 12.00 G Enke 9.50 18.50 18.50 tk 1869-3202 65 8 217.00 1,068.00 1,068.00 944.00 135.00 E Thieme 38.00 48.00 56.00 7 4 104.00 406.00 262.00 - 40.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 TumorDiagnostik & Therapie 38 10 488.00 614.00 514.00 - 60.00 G Thieme 35.90 57.90 69.90 Ultraschall in der Medizin/ European Journal of Ultrasound 38 6 448.00 659.00 640.00 - 96.00 G/E Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 Ultra 0172-4614 Urologie Scan 4 4 199.00 1,347.00 1,327.00 - 62.00 G Thieme 22.80 30.80 41.40 Uro Scan 2198-9109 veterinär spiegel °plus 4 x Beilage team.konkret - Die Zeitschrift für Tiermedizinische 27 4° 54.00 149.00 143.00 - 17.50 G Enke incl. 24.00 24.00 vs 0940-8711 Zahnmedizin up2date 11 6 265.00 438.00 423.00 - 58.00 G Thieme 39.40 52.90 71.90 Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 31 4 78.00 149.00 143.00 - 25.60 G Sonntag 14.50 20.50 20.50 37 6 348.00 1,298.00 1,298.00 1,294.00 217.00 E Seminars in Plastic Surgery 31 4 224.00 1,098.00 1,098.00 1,034.00 276.00 E Seminars in Reproductive Medicine 35 6 359.00 1,229.00 1,229.00 1,224.00 206.00 E Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 38 6 378.00 1,428.00 1,428.00 - 239.00 E 38 5* 159.00 932.00 932.00 866.00 187.00 E Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 43 8 422.00 1,552.00 1,552.00 1,503.00 195.00 Senologie 14 4 124.00 170.00 159.00 - Sportphysio 5 4 119.00 269.00 240.00 31 4 192.00 318.00 Sprache • Stimme • Gehör 41 4 102.00 Suchttherapie 18 4 13 Seminars in Speech and Language *increased frequency Sportverletzung•Sportschaden Grundlagen•Prävention•Rehabilitation Thieme NY Thieme NY Thieme NY Thieme NY Synfacts Highlights in Chemical Synthesis print issues only available in combination with online access Synlett Accounts and Rapid Communications in Chemical Synthesis Synthesis Reviews and Full Papers in Chemical Synthesis Short Title/ISSN Shipping Charges Europe € 65.00 Seminars in Neurology 2017 Journal Rates in € Publisher 65.00 Language E=English, G=German 65.00 Single Issue Rate € 43.00 Institutional Print-Only € 43.00 Institutional E-Only € (Single Site) 43.00 Institutional Print + Online € (Single Site) 65.00 Personal Rate € 65.00 Frequency 65.00 2017 Volume Shipping Charges Germany € Rates applicable in Europe (excluding DACH), Africa, Asia (excluding Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), Australia and New Zealand. Sem. Neuro 0271-8235 Sem. Plast 1535-2188 Sem. Repro 1526-8004 Sem. Resp. 1069-3424 Sem. Speech 0734-0478 SemThromb 0094-6176 Senologie 1611-6453 Sportphysio 2196-5951 Sportverl 0932-0555 Sprache 0342-0477 Sucht 1439-9903 team.konkret Die Zeitschrift für Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte Subscribers to the journals kleintier.konkret, and veterinär spiegel receive sopies of team.konkret as part of their regular subscription The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon Transfusionsmedizin Immunhämatologie, Hämotherapie, Immungenetik, Zelltherapie Fachangestellte Status: 7/31/2016 Thoracic 0171-6425 Transmed 2191-8805 Tumor 0722-219X ZahnUp 1865-0457 Z.Tiermed 0939-7868 Frequency Personal Rate € Institutional Print + Online € (Single Site) Institutional E-Only € (Single Site) Institutional Print-Only € Single Issue Rate € Language E=English, G=German Publisher Shipping Charges Germany € Shipping Charges Europe € Shipping Charges Africa, Asia, Australia & NZ € Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 55 12 358.00 570.00 549.00 - 50.00 G Thieme 42.80 79.90 92.90 Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie 221 6 388.00 628.00 628.00 - 78.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 ZKH Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie 61 4 101.00 169.00 159.00 - 31.50 G Haug 14.50 20.50 20.50 zkm Zeitschrift für Komplementärmedizin 9 6 101.00 169.00 166.00 - 23.20 G Haug 15.50 21.50 21.50 Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie 155 6 399.00 712.00 708.00 - 75.00 G Thieme 39.40 41.40 49.90 Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin 18 6 139.00 202.00 194.00 - 44.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 38 6 101.00 169.00 166.00 - 25.20 G Haug 15.50 21.50 21.50 Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 30 4 149.00 232.00 228.00 - 50.00 G Thieme 22.20 30.80 41.40 142 6 332.00 536.00 525.00 - 58.00 G Thieme 27.80 41.40 49.90 Zbl. 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New Journals Digestive Disease Interventions Journal of Hip Surgery Thieme Publishers New York Thieme Publishers New York Publication Changes Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery Journal of Knee Surgery Seminars in Speech and Language TumorDiagnostik & Therapie Thieme Publishers New York Thieme Publishers New York Thieme Publishers New York Georg Thieme Verlag 5 issues p.a. 9 issues p.a. 5 issues p.a. 10 issues p.a. Georg Thieme Verlag from issue 3/2016, merged with Interventionelle Radiologie Scan Georg Thieme Verlag Georg Thieme Verlag from 01.01.2017 from 01.04.2016 Merged Titles Gefäßmedizin Scan Discontinued Titles Balint-Journal: Beziehung im Fokus PPH - Die Zeitschrift für Psychiatrische Pflege heute Volume Hard Covers Are no longer available for Thieme journals. Status: 7/31/2016
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