High strength seamless tubes and hollow sections for cranes and machine building applications PRODUCTION AND PROPERTIES – REPRINT FROM „STAHLBAU”, ISSUE 9, 2015 Cover_Sonderdruck_A4_23.05.16.indd 3 24.05.2016 08:44:08 Topics Thomas Müller Boris Straetmans DOI: 10.1002/stab.201510310 High strength seamless tubes and hollow sections for cranes and machine building applications Production and Properties High strength tubes and hollow sections for cranes and machine building applications are used with increasing utilization of the designs to cover continuously growing requirements. For many applications limiting construction weight is a necessity. Either regulatory inputs, like axle load limitation of mobile cranes, or other application-specific requirements such as load capacity of crawler cranes are covered. Additionally high strength steels allow wall thickness reductions and thereby give opportunity to reduce the effort of welding. For design and execution beside yield strength and static properties mostly ductility, impact properties and preferable easy processing through uniform properties of the used steel grade are key interests. This article will provide an overview of requirements, manufacturing and properties of high strength seamless tubes and hollow sections. Hochfeste nahtlose Rohre und Stahlbauhohlprofile für Krane und den Maschinenbau – Herstellung und Eigenschaften. Hochfeste 1 Introduction Over decades, materials with higher yield-strengths have been developed for the production of seamless hot rolled tubes and hollow sections. Today, quenched and tempered highstrength tubes and hollow sections are available with yield strengths of up to 960 MPa. These are used, for example, in crane construction, hydraulic cylinders, and in other frame constructions in machine engineering which are subject to static or dynamic loads, for instance in agriculture machinery (Fig. 1). Rohre und eckige Stahlbauhohlprofile für Krane sowie für den Maschinenbau werden eingesetzt, um bei zunehmender Auslas tung den stetig wachsenden Anforderungen an die Konstruktion gerecht zu werden. In vielen Anwendungen besteht die Notwen digkeit, Konstruktionsmassen zu begrenzen. Damit werden ent weder regulatorische Vorgaben, wie beispielsweise Achslastbe schränkungen bei Mobilkranen, oder andere anwendungsspezi fische Erfordernisse erfüllt, wie die Steigerung der Hakenlast bei Gittermastkranen. Zudem bietet sich die Möglichkeit, Wanddi cken zu reduzieren und damit den Verarbeitungsaufwand beim Schweißen zu reduzieren. Für Bemessung und Ausführung sind neben der Streckgrenze und den statischen Eigenschaften meist die Duktilität, die Kerbschlagzähigkeit sowie eine möglichst einfa che Verarbeitung durch gleichmäßige Eigenschaften der einge setzten Werkstoffe von zentralem Interesse. Dieser Beitrag bietet einen Überblick über Anforderungen, Herstellung und Eigen schaften hochfester nahtloser Rohre und Stahlbauhohlprofile. ments derived from engineering standards, guidelines, and laws led to a primary focus on developing highstrength materials. Several research projects were promoted to meet structural requirements in terms of mate- rial properties and processing techniques ([1], [2], [3]). Increased automation changes the boundary conditions in manufacturing facilities. The consequence is a need for higher precision in cuttings, 2 Requirements The development of high-strength materials has been motivated by the need to handle higher static, dynamic, and lifting loads, and larger dimensions, as well as by a desire to extend service life, and by other factors that influence the production. These require- Fig. 1. Applications for improved and high-strength steel tubes and structural hollow sections from left to right lattice crawler crane Liebherr LR13000 (Liebherr), hydraulic cylinder (iStock.com/pic4you), agricultural machinery (iStock.com/pic4you) Bild 1. Anwendungsbereiche für höher- und hochfeste Stahlrohre und Stahlbauhohlprofile, v. l. n. r. Gittermastraupenkran LR13000 (Fa. Liebherr); Hydraulikzy linder (iStock.com/pic4you), Landmaschinen (iStock.com/pic4you) © Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin · Stahlbau 84 (2015), Heft 9, S. 650–654 3 T. Müller/B. Straetmans · High strength seamless tubes and steel hollow sections for cranes and machine building applications After piercing, all metalworking processes continue with the first essential forming, and stretching respectively, according to the rolling procedure relevant for the specific dimension. As the temperature of the hollow block drops during the forming process, the steel must be reheated to rolling temperature in a reheating furnace before it can be rolled to the final dimensions in a sizing or stretch-reducing mill. The roll stands of these mills facilitate the production of round tubes and square/rectangular sections. Elliptical dimensions are also feasible. The last steps of production are straightening, non-destructive tests, cutting, marking, and if necessary, bundling [4]. Fig. 2. Scheme of processes for seamless tube production Bild 2. Schematische Übersicht der Nahtloswarmwalzverfahren compensation of material tolerances, and the application of sophisticated separating processes which have little or almost no influence on the material. This is the basis to successfully process high-strength steel with homogeneous properties, even at the welding seams. 3 Production of seamless tubes and hollow sections The basic material for seamless tube production is usually continuous casting. Regardless of the subsequent seamless tube rolling process, the basic material is cropped to the required 4 Material properties of high-strength seamless tubes and hollow sections length. In a rotary hearth furnace the steel is then heated up to rolling temperature, before a cross rolling process forms it into a hollow block. This ingenious invention was made by the Mannesmann brothers at the end of the 19th century. To this day it is the basis for almost all seamless tube rolling processes. In order to produce tubes with large dimensions and heavy weights per meter, some rolling processes require the use of ingot casting. After heating, the ingot goes through a piercing press where it is pre-pierced and transformed into a hollow block (Fig. 2). The development of fine-grained steels has already begun in the 1950ies. Today it includes higher-strength mate rials up to approx. 500 MPa yield strength, and high-strength heat treated materials up to 960 MPa. Progress in metallurgical engineering, such as the development of materials with low phosphorus and sulphur contents, and substantially improved purity paved the way for these steels with high yield strength and increased ductility [5]. Higher-strength fine-grained steel with a minimum yield strength of up Table 1. Essential mechanical properties of some fine grain steel grades (extract) out of EN 10210-1 [6] and FineXcell®material data sheets in comparison to a standard grade S355J2H Tabelle 1. Wesentliche mechanische Eigenschaften einiger Feinkornstahlsorten (Auszug) der EN 10210-1 [6] und FineXcell®-Werkstoffdatenblätter im Vergleich zu einer Standardgüte S355J2H Strength category normalstrength Grade Heat treatment S355J2H rolled S355NH normalized Tensile test Notch impact test Reh, and Rp0,2 min in MPa in MPa A min. in % 355 470 to 630 22 Rm S355NLH higherstrength S460NH high-strength S690QL S460NLH S690QL1 hardened and tempered S770QL S890Q S890QL1 S960QL 4 Sonderdruck aus: Stahlbau 84 (2015), Heft 9 460 540 to 720 17 690 770 to 960 16 770 820 to 1 000 15 890 960 to 1 110 14 960 980 to 1 150 10 Test temperature in °C KV min in J –20 27 –20 40 –50 27 –20 40 –50 27 –40 45 –60 40 –40 45 –40 45 –60 30 –40 27 T. Müller/B. Straetmans · High strength seamless tubes and steel hollow sections for cranes and machine building applications 5 Processing and application Fig. 3. Heat treatment process Bild 3. Vergütungsprozess to 500 MPa, and high requirements on toughness, as for example 40 J at –20 °C or 27 J at –50 °C, are normalized. But they can also be made in a normalizing rolling process with re gulated temperature control. Highstrength fine-grained steels with minimum yield strengths of 500 MPa to 960 MPa are hardened and tempered in a separate process, after hot rolling. For this purpose they are heated up to austenitizing temperature, water quenched, and then tempered at defined temperatures and retention times (Fig. 3). The heat treatment process (Fig. 3) thus guarantees a yield strength that usually starts at minimum 690 MPa. This marks a significant difference to higher-strength materials. The guaranteed minimum ductility is subject to steel grades, and can be up to 16 %. The notch impact strength is guaranteed between 27 J to 50 J, and temperatures from –40 °C, –50 °C or –60 °C. After the heat treatment, the micro structure and the chemical composition of high-strength tubes and structural steel sections lead to fundamentally different mechanical prop erties, compared to higher-strength steels and simple mild steels (e.g. S355J2H according to EN 10210 [6]) in as-rolled state (Fig. 4). Low-alloy fine-grained steels have a carbon content of below 0.20 %. Whilst the properties of higher-strength fine-grained steels are mainly achieved through normalizing heat treatment in combination with grain refining V microalloying. To achieve quenched and tempered highstrength fine-grained steels it is necessary to use solid solution elements, like Cr, Mo, Ni and W, in order to achieve basis strengths. These are additionally combined with V, Nb and All standard welding methods can be applied to weld high-strength tubes and hollow sections. To achieve similar properties in the welding seams, as well as in the base material, the mechanical and technological properties of the filler metals should match those of the base material. High-strength fine-grained steels require particular attention to the properties in the heat-affected zone (HAZ), as well as to the cold cracking behaviour. Aside Ti as grain-refining elements. Prefera- from the choice of material and weld bly, V is used in combination with N metal this property change is also set in a defined stoichiometry to form ho- by a process parameter: the coolmogeneously distributed carbon-ni- down time t8/5. With increasing material strength tride precipitates, which inhibit the grain growth and increase the recrys- it becomes more important to meet tallisation stopping temperature over the defined processing specifications. the final rolling temperature. This pro- Optimised heat conduction whilst obcedure induces an increased strength serving the specified t8/5 time is therethrough deformation solidification [5]. fore of particular importance for the It is generally accepted that grain- processing of high-strength materials boundary strengthening according to ([7], [8]). Trained and experienced the Hall–Petch relation has a benefi- welding operators can easily meet the cial effect on ductility, and increases t8/5 time by adhering to the pre-heating and interpass temperature, and by the yield strength (Fig. 5). Fig. 4. Microstructure state Bild 4. Gefügezustände Fig. 5. Schematic about influence of grain size to impact behavior Bild 5. Schematische Darstellung des Einflusses der Korngröße auf die Kerbschlagzähigkeit Sonderdruck aus: Stahlbau 84 (2015), Heft 9 5 T. Müller/B. Straetmans · High strength seamless tubes and steel hollow sections for cranes and machine building applications Fig. 6. Fabrication of steelconstruction hollow section node Bild 6. Herstellung eines Stahlbauhohlprofilknotens considering sheet thickness, welding velocity, and welding beads (Fig. 6). At the same wall thickness, highstrength fine-grained steels allow a greater load on the construction, compared to S355J2H steels; at a reduced wall thickness they have the same effect, provided that admissible strain is not exceeded. Under the given set of boundary conditions the characteristics of the material, including the connections, guarantee good material behaviour in terms of distortion and high ductility. The influence of material fatigue is of growing importance in machine engineering, but also in other fields, such as bridge engineering. The number of cycles-to-failure that need to be withstood to bear stress without damages, range from a few thousand (Low Cycle Fatigue) to a fatigue strength of 2 · 106. The stress range of bearable cycles-to-failure (fatigue strength) is primarily influenced by stress increases that occur at the notches. Welded joints constitute geometric and metallurgic notches. Hence, they are of special interest in the fatigue load analysis of high-strength materials. Various post-treatments on the welding seam (high frequency impact treatment), such as hammering, grinding etc. help to increase fatigue strength and to achieve a higher notch impact class. This treatment also inhibits crack-growth of already formed cracks. Failure induced by breakage occur thus only at a high number of cycles-to-failure. Particularly in regards to shortterm strength, components made of high-strength steels benefit from higher nominal yield strengths. This 6 Sonderdruck aus: Stahlbau 84 (2015), Heft 9 phenomenon allows for wider stress ranges. Furthermore, these can bear higher stress levels (medium stress). An updated version of EN 13001-3-1 [11] based on new research results has been drafted over recent years, taking into account existing rules and standards (e.g. EN 1993-1-9 [9] and FKM- guideline [10]). Aside from applying highstrength tubes, the use of structural steel sections of up to 960 MPa yield strength has lately been established. As with the production of tubes, the seamless hot-forming process benefits from manufacturing conditions, i.e. the homogeneous micro structure without metallurgic notches (welding seam). Additionally, low residual stress in the entire cross section reduces the risk of distortion. This characteristic also provides excellent workability, especially at the profile corners. Small corner radii allow for the positioning of bore-holes and welding seams close to the corners. This creates larger connection faces. Recent developments facilitate the optimisation of the already small corner radii of hot-formed hollow sections. Consequently, this allows for the design of corner radii with the maximum size of a single nominal wall thickness. In comparison to tubes, structural steel sections feature simpler cutting-patterns and clear connection geometry with sections of straight welding joints. The advantage over cold-formed hollow sections is a clearly reduced welding seam volume (Fig. 7), and a more efficient construction. 6 Summary Higher and high-strength tubes and hollow sections combine high yield strengths with excellent strain behaviour and good notch impact properties. They are therefore suitable for applications that have to meet high technical demands and standards. The continuous homogeneous properties of hot-formed materials, tight geometric tolerances, and the welding-related processing have leveraged this class of materials over recent years. The applied research on these applications has promoted their popularity and made significant contributions to enhance the processing quality. In this respect, high-strength materials usefully complement existing processes, to meet future challenges in construction and manufacturing technology. Bibliography [1] Ummenhofer, T., Herion, S., Hrabowski, J., Feldmann, M., Eichler, B., Bucak, Ö., Lorenz, J., Boos, B., Eiwan, C., Stötzel, J.: Bemessung von ermüdungs beanspruchten Bauteilen aus hoch und ultrahochfesten Feinkornbaustählen im Kranund Anlagenbau. Forschungsbericht P778. Forschungsvereinigung Stahlanwendung e.V., Düsseldorf: Verlag und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH 2013. [2] Ummenhofer, T., Veselcic, M., Dietrich, R., Nussbaumer, A., Zamiri, F.: Optimaler Einsatz von Hohlprofilen und Gussknoten im Brückenbau aus Stahl S355 bis S690. Düsseldorf: Verlag und Vertriesgesellschaft mbH 2014. [3] Puthli, R., Herion, S., Bergers, J., Sedlacek, G., Müller, C., Stötzel, J., Höh- Fig. 7. Connection using different corner radii Bild 7. Anschluss bei unterschiedlichen Kantenradien T. Müller/B. 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Boris Straetmans, [email protected], Vallourec Deutschland GmbH, Theodorstraße 109, 40472 Düsseldorf Sonderdruck aus: Stahlbau 84 (2015), Heft 9 7 www.vallourec.com www.vallourec.com Cover_Sonderdruck_A4_23.05.16.indd 4 V D02B0017B-16GB Vallourec Deutschland GmbH Industry Division Theodorstraße 109 40472 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone +49 (211) 9 60 35 80 [email protected] 24.05.2016 08:44:09
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