July 22, 2016 PUBLICATIONS OHTA Michihiro, 太田 道広 Peer-reviewed journal articles: 61 Review: 4 (First/Corresponding: 3) Full Paper: 42 (First/Corresponding: 26) Proceedings Paper: 15 (First/Corresponding: 6) Technical reports and non-peer reviewed publications: 10 Book Chapter: 1 (First/Corresponding: 1) Review, Non-Peer-Reviewed: 9 (First/Corresponding: 9) 2016 71 ナノテクノロジーと元素代替によって加速する熱電発電の開発研究 [Japanese] 太田道広(産総研) 責任著者: 太田道広(産総研) マテリアルステージ(技術情報協会), Vol.16, No.4 (通巻 184 号), pp.63–68 (July 10, 2016) Nanotechnology and Critical Raw Material Substitution for Thermoelectric Generation [Japanese] Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Material Stage (Technical Information Institute), Vol.16, No.14 (Consecutive Number of Vol.184), pp.63–68 (July 10, 2016) [Review, Non-Peer-Reviewed, N9] 70 Tuning the Charge Carrier Density in the Thermoelectric Colusite Fiseong S. KIM (Hiroshima Univ.), Koichiro SUEKUNI (Hiroshima Univ.), Hirotaka NISHIATE (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Hiromi I. TANAKA (Hiroshima Univ.), Toshiro TAKABATAKE (Hiroshima Univ.) Corresponding Author: Koichiro SUEKUNI Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.119, Issue 17, pp.175105:1–5 (May 7, 2016) DOI: 10.1063/1.4948475, Published Online: May 4, 2016 1 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A42] 69. 熱電変換モジュールの高効率化と低毒性化:ナノ構造の形成と元素代替が切り開く 実用への道 [Japanese] 太田道広(産総研) Corresponding Author: 太田道広(産総研) クリーンエネルギー (Clean Energy) (日本工業出版 (Japan Industrial Publishing)), Vol.25, No.4 (通巻 285 号), pp.15–21 (April 10, 2016) [Review, Non-Peer-Reviewed, N8] 68. 古くて新しい鉛テルライド系熱電材料:ナノ構造化がもたらす驚異の性能 [Japanese] 太田道広(産総研) Corresponding Author: 太田道広(産総研) 金属 (Kinzoku, Materials Science & Technology) (アグネ技術センター (AGNE Gijutsu Center)), Vol.86, No. 3, pp.213–220 (March 1, 2016) [Review, Non-Peer-Reviewed, N7] 67. Power Generation from Nanostructured PbTe-based Thermoelectrics: Comprehensive Development from Materials to Modules Xiaokai HU (AIST), Priyanka JOOD (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Masaru KUNII (AIST), Kazuo NAGASE (AIST), Hirotaka NISHIATE (AIST), Mercouri G. KANATZIDIS (Northwestern Univ./ANL), Atsushi YAMAMOTO (AIST) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Energy & Environmental Science, Vol.9, Issue 2, pp.517–529 (February 1, 2016) DOI: 10.1039/C5EE02979A, Published Online: November 27, 2015 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A41] 2015 66. Nanostructural and Microstructural Ordering and Thermoelectric Property Tuning in Misfit Layered Sulfide [(LaS)x]1.14NbS2 Priyanka JOOD (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Oleg I. LEBEDEV (CRISMAT), David BERTHEBAUD (CRISMAT) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol.27, Issue 22, pp.7719–7728 (November 24, 2015) DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b03365, Published Online: October 21, 2015 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A40] 65. 階層構造化によるカルコゲナイド系熱電材料の高効率化:テルライドから硫化物へ [Japanese] 太田道広(産総研) 2 Corresponding Author: 太田道広(産総研) 日本金属学会誌, Vol.79, No.11, pp.538–547 (November 1, 2015) DOI: 10.2320/jinstmet.JA201513, Published Online: November 1, 2015 Hierarchical Structures for High-Performance Chalcogenides: From Tellurides to Sulfides [Japanese] Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, Vol.79, No.11, pp.538–547 (November 1, 2015) [Review, Peer-Reviewed, R4] 64. Enhanced Average Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of n-type PbTe1−xIx–MgTe, Priyanka JOOD (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Masaru KUNII (AIST), Xiaokai HU (AIST), Hirotaka NISHIATE (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST), Mercouri G. KANATZIDIS (Northwestern Univ./ANL) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol.3, Issue 40, pp.10401–10408 (October 28, 2015) DOI: 10.1039/C5TC01652E, Published Online: August 3, 2015 Back Cover: Vol.3, Issue 40, p.10652 (October 28, 2015) DOI: 10.1039/C5TC90184G, Published Online: October 28, 2015 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A39] 63. Three-Dimensional Finite-Element Simulation for a Thermoelectric Generator Module Xiaokai HU (AIST), Hiroyuki TAKAZAWA (AIST), Kazuo NAGASE (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST) Corresponding Author: Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST) Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.44, Issue 10, pp.3637–3645 (October 2015) DOI: 10.1007/s11664-015-3898-y, Published Online: July 7, 2015 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A38] 62. 熱電をめぐる評価技術とその国際動向 [Japanese] 天谷康孝(産総研), 山本 淳(産総研), 太田道広(産総研) Corresponding Author: 天谷康孝(産総研), 山本 淳(産総研), 太田道広(産総研) 日本熱電学会誌 (The Journal of the Thermoelectrics Society of Japan), Vol.12, Issue 1, pp.14–19 (August 2015) [Review, Non-Peer-Reviewed, N6] 61. 熱電変換材料として魅力的な人工硫化銅鉱物とそれを用いた発電モジュールの開 発 [Japanese] 3 末國晃一郎(広大), 高畠敏郎(広大), 太田道広(産総研), 山本 淳(産総研) Corresponding Author: 末國晃一郎 まてりあ, Vol.54, Issue 7, pp.335–338 (July 1, 2015) DOI: 10.2320/materia.54.335, Published Online: July 1, 2015 Synthetic Copper-based Sulfide Minerals as Advanced Thermoelectric Materials and the Modularization for Power Generation [Japanese] Koichiro SUEKUNI (Hiroshima Univ.), Toshiro TAKABATAKE (Hiroshima Univ.), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST) Corresponding Author: Koichiro SUEKUNI Materia Japan, Vol.54, Issue 7, pp.335–338 (July 1, 2015) [Review, Peer-Reviewed, R3] 60. Measurement and Simulation of Thermoelectric Efficiency for Single Leg Xiaokai HU (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Hirotaka NISHIATE (AIST) Corresponding Author: Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST) Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.86, Issue 4, pp.045103-1–045103-7 (April, 2015) DOI: 10.1063/1.4916545, Published Online: April 2, 2015 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A37] 59. Hierarchical Architecturing for Layered Thermoelectric Sulfides and Chalcogenides Priyanka JOOD (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Materials, Vol.8, Issue 3, pp.1124–1149 (March 16, 2015) DOI: 10.3390/ma8031124, Published Online: March 2015 Correction: Vol.8, Issues 9, pp.648–6483 (September 21, 2015) DOI: 10.3390/ma8095315, Published Online: September 2015 [Review, Peer-Reviewed, R2] 58. Power Generation Evaluated on a Bismuth Telluride Unicouple Module Xiaokai HU (AIST), Kazuo NAGASE, Priyanka JOOD (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST) Corresponding Author: Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST) Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.44, Issue 6, pp.1785–1790 (June 2015) DOI: 10.1007/s11664-014-3556-9, Published Online: January 8, 2015 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A36] 2014 57. Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity in Pb5Bi6Se14, Pb3Bi2S6, and PbBi2S4: Promising 4 Thermoelectric Materials in the Cannizzarite, Lillianite, and Galenobismuthite Homologous Series Michihiro OHTA (ANL/AIST), Duck Young CHUNG (ANL), Masaru KUNII (AIST), Mercouri G. KANATZIDIS (Northwestern Univ./ANL) Corresponding Author: Mercouri G. KANATZIDIS (Northwestern Univ./ANL) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol.2, Issue 47, pp.20048–20058 (December 21, 2014) DOI: 10.1039/C4TA05135A, Published Online: October 3, 2014 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A35] 56. High-performance Thermoelectric Minerals: Colusites Cu26V2M6S32 (M = Ge, Sn) Koichiro SUEKUNI (Hiroshima Univ.), Fiseong S. KIM (Hiroshima Univ.), Hirotaka NISHIATE (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Hiromi I. TANAKA (Hiroshima Univ.), Toshiro TAKABATAKE (Hiroshima Univ.) Corresponding Author: Koichiro SUEKUNI Applied Physics Letters, Vol.105, Issue 13, pp.132107:1–4 (September 29, 2014) DOI: 10.1063/1.4896998, Published Online: October 3, 2014 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A34] 55. Microstructural Control and Thermoelectric Properties of Misfit Layered Sulfides (LaS)1+mTS2 (T = Cr, Nb): The Natural Superlattice Systems Priyanka JOOD (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Hirotaka NISHIATE (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST), Oleg I. LEBEDEV, David BERTHEBAUD, Koichiro SUEKUNI, Masaru KUNII (AIST) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Chemistry of Materials, Vol.26, Issue 8, pp.2684–2692 (April 22, 2014) DOI: 10.1021/cm5004559, Published Online: March 20, 2014 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A33] 54. 硫化物熱電材料の魅力と素子化の課題 [Japanese] 太田道広(産総研), 山本 淳(産総研), 末國晃一郎(広大) Corresponding Author: 太田道広(産総研) 工業材料 (Engineering Materials) (日刊工業新聞社 (The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun)), Vol.62, No.4, pp.52–55 (March 15, 2014) [Review, Non-Peer-Reviewed, N5] 2013 53. 熱電変換で進む未利用熱エネルギーの有効利用 [Japanese] 太田道広(産総研), 山本淳(産総研) Corresponding Author: 太田道広(産総研), 山本淳(産総研) エネルギー・資源, Vol.34, pp.22–26 (November 5, 2013) 5 Recent Advances in Thermoelectric Waste Heat Recovery [Japanese] Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST) Energy and Resources, Vol.34, pp.22–26 (November 5, 2013) [Review, Non-Peer-Reviewed, N4] 52. 硫化物熱電材料 [Japanese] 太田道広(産総研) Corresponding Author: 太田道広(産総研) 金属 (Kinzoku, Materials Science & Technology) (アグネ技術センター (AGNE Gijutsu Center)), Vol.83, No. 10, pp.847–854 (October 1, 2013) [Review, Non-Peer-Reviewed, N2] 51. 未利用熱エネルギー活用のための熱電変換鉱物 [Japanese] 末國晃一郎(北陸先端大), 太田道広(産総研) Corresponding Author: 末國晃一郎(北陸先端大), 太田道広(産総研) クリーンエネルギー (Clean Energy) (日本工業出版 (Japan Industrial Publishing)), Vol.252, pp.6–11 (July 10, 2013) [Review, Non-Peer-Reviewed, N2] 50. High-performance Thermoelectric Mineral Cu12−xNixSb4S13 Tetrahedrite Koichiro SUEKUNI (JAIST), Kojiro TSURUTA (JAIST), Masaru KUNII (AIST), Hirotaka NISHIATE (AIST), Eiji NISHIBORI (RIKEN), Sachiko MAKI (RIKEN), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST), Mikio KOYANO (JAIST) Corresponding Author: Koichiro SUEKUNI (JAIST) Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.113, Issue 4, pp.043712:1–5 (January 28, 2013) DOI: 10.1063/1.4789389, Published Online: January 28, 2013 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A32] 2012 49. Thermoelectric Properties of Ti1+xS2 Prepared by CS2 Sulfurization Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Shuhei SATOH (Muroran-IT), Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Masaru KUNII (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST) Corresponding Author: Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Co-corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT) Acta Materialia, Vol.60, Issue 20, pp.7232–7240 (December 2012) DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2012.09.035, Published Online: October 10, 2012 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A31] 6 48. Enhancement of Thermoelectric Figure of Merit by the Insertion of MgTe Nanostructures in p-type PbTe doped with Na2Te Michihiro OHTA (Northwestern Univ./ANL/AIST), Kanishka BISWAS (Northwestern Univ.), Shih-Han LO (Northwestern Univ.), Jiaqing HE (Northwestern Univ.), Duck Young CHUNG (ANL), Vinayak P. DRAVID (Northwestern Univ.), Mercouri G. KANATZIDIS (Northwestern Univ./ANL) Corresponding Author: Mercouri G. KANATZIDIS (Northwestern Univ./ANL) Advanced Energy Materials, Vol.2, Issue 9, pp.1117–1123 (September 2012) DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201100756, Published Online: May 21, 2012 Inside Front Cover: Vol.2, Issue 9, p.1038 (September 2012) DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201290046, Published Online: September 11, 2012 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A30] 47. 熱電材料と製造プロセス技術:2 章 9 節 硫化物熱電材料と硫化合成 [Japanese] 太田道広(産総研) S&T Publishing Inc., pp.204–223 (June 28, 2012) 監修: 梶川武信, 河本邦仁 [Book Chapter, B1] 2011 46. Thermoelectric Properties of Selenospinel Cu6Fe4Sn12Se32 Koichiro SUEKUNI (JAIST), Masaru KUNII (AIST), Hirotaka NISHIATE (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST), Mikio KOYANO (JAIST) Corresponding Author: Koichiro SUEKUNI (JAIST) Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.41, No.6, pp.1130–1133 (June 2012) DOI: 10.1007/s11664-011-1842-3, Published Online: December 14, 2011 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A29] 45. 高効率固体酸化物形燃料電池に向けたセグメント型熱電モジュールの開発 [Japanese] 山本淳(産総研), 國井勝(産総研), 高澤弘幸(産総研), 李哲虎(産総研), 太 田道広(産総研), 嘉藤徹(産総研) Corresponding Author: 山本淳 プラズマ・核融合学会誌, Vol.87, No.12, pp.825–829 (December 2011) Development of Segmented-type Thermoelectric Modules toward High Efficiency Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System [Japanese] Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST), Masaru KUNII (AIST), Hiroyuki TAKAZAWA (AIST), Chul-ho LEE (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Toru KATO (AIST) 7 Corresponding Author: Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST) Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, Vol.87, No.12, pp.825–829 (December 2011) [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A28] 44. 相変態を利用したγ-PrGdS3 とγ-NdGdS3 の結晶粒微細化 [Japanese] 佐々木英人(室工大), 平井伸治(室工大), 葛谷俊博(室工大), 太田道広(産 総研) Corresponding Author: 平井伸治(室工大) 溶融塩および高温化学, Vol.54, No.2, pp.66–71 (September 2011) Grain Size Reduction in γ-PrGdS3 and γ-NdGdS3 via Phase Transformations [Japanese] Hideto SASAKI (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Corresponding Author: Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Molten Salts, Vol.54, No.2, pp.66-71 (September 2011) [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A27] 43. Preparation of Single-Phase Pb-Filled Chevrel-Phase Sulfide and Its Thermoelectric Properties Hirotaka NISHIATE (AIST), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST), Haruhiko OBARA (AIST), Chul-Ho LEE (AIST), Kazuo UENO (AIST) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Materials Transactions, Vol.52, No.8, pp.1535–1538 (July 25, 2011) DOI: 10.2320/matertrans.E-M2011808, Published Online: May 25, 2011 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A26] 42. Preparation and Thermoelectric Properties of LaGd1+xS3 and SmGd1+xS3 Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.40, No.5, pp.537–542 (May 2011) DOI: 10.1007/s11664-010-1436-5, Published Online: December 15, 2010 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A25] 2010 41. Synthesis of LnCuS2 (Ln = Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, and Tb) Powder by Polymerized Complex Method and CS2 Gas Sulfurization Omar Massoud SAAD (AIST), Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Corresponding Author: Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT) Materials Transactions, Vol.51, No.12, pp.2289–2293 (December, 2010) 8 DOI: 10.2320/matertrans.M2010157, Published Online: November 25, 2010 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A24] 40. 高効率硫化物熱電材料の開発 [Japanese] 太田道広(産総研) Corresponding Author: 太田道広(産総研) まてりあ, Vo.49, No.10, pp.477–481 (October 1, 2010) DOI: 10.2320/materia.49.477, Published Online: November 22, 2012 Development of High Efficiency Thermoelectric Sulfides [Japanese] Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Materia Japan, Vo.49, No.10, pp.477–481 (October 1, 2010) [Review, Peer-Reviewed, R1] 39. Thermoelectric Properties of Chevrel-Phase Sulfides MxMo6S8 (M: Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni) Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST), Haruhiko OBARA (AIST) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.39, No.9 pp.2117–2121 (September 2010) DOI: 10.1007/s11664-009-0975-0, Published Online: November 18, 2009 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A23] 38. Low-Temperature Formation of Cubic Th3P4-type Gadolinium and Holmium Sesquisulfides Haibin YUAN (Muroran-IT), Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT) Journal of MMIJ, Vol.126, No.7, pp.450–455 (July 25, 2010) DOI: 10.2473/journalofmmij.126.450, Published Online: July 17, 2011 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A22] 37. 高い性能指数を示す n 型と p 型硫化物熱電材料 [Japanese] 太田道広(産総研) Corresponding Author: 太田道広(産総研) 日本熱電学会誌 (Journal of the Thermoelectrics Society of Japan), Vol.6, No.3, pp.7–10 (March 31, 2010) [Review, Non-Peer-Reviewed, N1] 36. Microstructure and Thermoelectric Properties of Al-Doped ZnO Sintered Body Noburo SHIKATANI (Fukuoka-IT), Tatsuya MISAWA (Saga Univ.), Yuji KAWAKAMI (Saga-ITC), Michihiro OHTA (AIST) 9 Corresponding Author: Noburo SHIKATANI Materials Science Forum, Vol.638-642, pp.2172–2177 (January 12, 2010) DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.638-642.2172, Published Online: January 12, 2010 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A21] 2009 35. Thermoelectric Properties of Bi2Te3-Based Thin Films with Fine Grains Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition Haruhiko OBARA (AIST), Shun HIGOMO (AIST/Tokyo Univ. of Sci.), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST), Kazuo UENO (AIST), Tsutomu IIDA (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) Corresponding Author: Haruhiko OBARA Japan Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.48, No.8, pp.085506-1–085506-4 (August 2009) DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.48.085506, Published Online: August 20, 2009 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A20] 34. Preparation and Thermoelectric Properties of Chevrel-Phase CuxMo6S8 (2.0 ≤ x ≤ 4.0) Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Haruhiko OBARA (AIST), Atsushi, YAMAMOTO (AIST) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Materials Transactions, Vol.50, No.9, pp.2129–2133 (August 2009) DOI: 10.2320/matertrans.MAW200918, Published Online: July 15, 2009 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A19] 33. Thermal Decomposition of NH4SCN for Preparation of Ln2S3 (Ln = La and Gd) by Sulfurization Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Hisanaga KATO (Muroran-IT), Vladimir V. SOKOLOV (Nikolaev IIC SB RAS), Vladimir V. BAKOVETS (Nikolaev IIC SB RAS) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Materials Transactions, Vol.50, No.7, pp.1885–1889 (July 2009) DOI: 10.2320/matertrans.M2009047, Published Online: June 25, 2009 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A18] 32. Thermoelectric Properties of Ternary Rare-earth Copper Antimonides LaCuxSb2 (0.9 ≤ x ≤ 1.3) Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Materials Transactions, Vol. 50, No. 7, pp. 1881–1884 (July 2009) DOI: 10.2320/matertrans.M2009047, Published Online: June 3, 2009 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A17] 10 31. Thermoelectric Properties of NdGd1+xS3 Prepared by CS2 Sulfurization Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.38, No.7, pp.1287–1292 (July 2009) DOI: 10.1007/s11664-009-0660-3, Published Online: January 28, 2009 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A16] 30. Synthesis of Multinary Rare-earth Sulfides PrGdS3, NdGdS3, and SmEuGdS4, and Investigation of their Thermoelectric Properties Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT), Hideto SASAKI (Muroran-IT), Taku KAWASAKI (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.484, Issues 1-2, pp.268–272 (September 18, 2009) DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.04.076, Published Online: April 23, 2009 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A15] 2008 29. Rare Earth Chalcogenide Fine Particles Derived from Various Rare Earth-Ligand Complexes Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Corresponding Author: Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT) Processing Materials for Properties III (The Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale), pp.851–855 (December 20, 2008) Edited by B. MISHRA, A. FUWA, P. BHANDHUBANYONG [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P15] 28. Synthesis and Thermoelectric Property of Th3P4-Type SmEuGdS4 Taku KAWASAKI, Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Processing Materials for Properties III (The Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale), pp.247–251 (December 20, 2008) Edited by B. MISHRA, A. FUWA, P. BHANDHUBANYONG [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P14] 27. Influence of Annealing Conditions for Synthesized Powder on Grain Growth in GdPrS3 Sintered Compact Hideto SASAKI (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) 11 Processing Materials for Properties III (The Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale), pp.241–246 (December 20, 2008) Edited by B. MISHRA, A. FUWA, P. BHANDHUBANYONG [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P13] 26. Synthesis and Sintering of Single-phase ReCuS2 (Re: Pr, Nd, Sm and Gd) Powders Massoud OMAR (Muroran-IT), Kohei OHKI (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Toshihiro KUZUYA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Processing Materials for Properties III (The Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale), pp.235–239 (December 20, 2008) Edited by B. MISHRA, A. FUWA, P. BHANDHUBANYONG [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P12] 25. CS2 雰囲気下における TiS2 ターゲットからの硫化チタン薄膜のパルスレーザ蒸着と その熱電特性 [Japanese] 太田道広(産総研), 吉永勝己(東北大), 佐藤修彰(東北大) Corresponding Author: 太田道広(産総研) Journal of MMIJ, Vol.124, No.10, 11, pp.648–652 (November 25, 2008) DOI: 10.2473/journalofmmij.124.648 Pulsed Laser Deposition of Titanium Sulfide Films from TiS2 Target under CS2 Pressure and their Thermoelectric Properties [Japanese] Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Masaki YOSHINAGA (Tohoku Univ.), Nobuaki SATO (Tohoku Univ.) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Journal of MMIJ, Vol.124, No.10, 11, pp.648–652 (November 25, 2008) [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A14] 24. Thermoelectric Properties of Th3P4-type Rare-earth Sulfides Ln2S3 (Ln = Gd, Tb) Prepared by Reaction of Their Oxides with CS2 Gas Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Yoshiyuki YAJIMA (NIMS), Toshiyuki NISHIMURA (NIMS), Kazuyoshi SHIMAKAGE (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.451, Issues 1–2, pp.627–631 (February 28, 2008) DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.04.07, Published Online: April 13, 2007 Corrigendum: Vol.463, Issues 1–2, pp.596–597 (September 8, 2008) DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2008.05.003, Published Online: June 18, 2008 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A13] 12 23. Hydroxyapatite-silk Functionally Graded Material by Pulse Electric Current Sintering Tjokorda Gde Tirta NINDHIA (Udayana Univ.), Yuta KOYOSHI (Muroran-IT), Atsushi KANEKO (Muroran-IT), Hiroaki SAWADA (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Motohiro UO (Hokkaido Univ.) Corresponding Author: Tjokorda Gde Tirta NINDHIA (Udayana Univ.) Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs, Vol.22, No.1, pp.28–33 (May-August 2008) URL: http://www.biomaterials.org.in/ojs/index.php/tibao/article/view/325 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A12] 2007 22. Synthesis of Ternary Rare-Earth Sulfides LnGdS3 (Ln: Nd and Sm) Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (AIST) Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway), pp.374–376 (June 3–7, 2007) DOI: 110.1109/ICT.2007.456949 [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P11] 21. Detection of Duplicate Information in a Large Soil Drilling Log Database Hideyasu ASAHI (Muroran-IT), Kunio KAWAUCHI (Muroran-IT), Toshikazu KUROSHIMA (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (AIST), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Geoinformatics, Vol.18, No.2, pp.50–60 (June 15, 2007) Corresponding Author: Hideyasu ASAHI (Muroran-IT) [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A11] 2006 20. Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of Rare-Earth Sesquisulfides Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Kazuyoshi SHIMAKAGE (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Proceedings of the 16th Iketani Conference, Electrochemistry and Thermodynamics on Materials Processing for Sustainable Production: Masuko Symposium (The 16th Iketani Conference Organizing Committee, Tokyo), pp.65–73 (November 12, 2006) [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P10] 19. Thermoelectric Properties of NdGdS3 Prepared by Reaction of Oxides with CS2 Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Yasushi HORIGUCHI (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway), pp.569–571 (August 6-10, 2006) 13 DOI: 10.1109/ICT.2006.331378 [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P9] 18. Effect of Non-stoichiometry on Thermoelectric Properties of γ-Tb2S3−x Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Takao MORI (NIMS), Yoshiyuki YAJIMA (NIMS), Toshiyuki NISHIMURA (NIMS), Kazuyoshi SHIMAKAGE (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.418, Issues 1–2, pp. 209-212 (July 20, 2006) DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2005.10.065, Published Online: January 4, 2006 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A10] 17. Synthesis of La2S3 Thin Films by Sulfurization of LaCl3 and CS(NH2)2 Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Hideyasu ASAHI (Muroran-IT), Toshiyuki NISHIMURA (NIMS), Yoichiro UEMURA (NIMS), Kazuyoshi SHIMAKAGE (Muroran-IT) Materials Transactions, Vol.47, No. 6, pp.1436–1439 (June 2006) DOI: 10.2320/matertrans.47.1436, Published Online: June 15, 2006 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A9] 2005 16. Phase Transformation and Microstructures of Ln2S3 (Ln: La and Sm) with Different Impurities Content of Oxygen and Carbon Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Zucia MA (Muroran-IT), Toshiyuki NISHIMURA (NIMS), Yoichiro UEMURA (NIMS), Kazuyoshi SHIMAKAGE (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 408–412, pp. 551–555 (February 9, 2006) DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2004.12.071, Published Online: June 15, 2005 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A8] 15. Phase Changes of Europium Sulfides and Ytterbium Sulfides Prepared by Pulse Electric Current Sintering Haibin YUAN (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Hideyasu ASAHI (Muroran-IT), Kazuyoshi SHIMAKAGE (Muroran-IT) Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology (International Academic Publishers, Beijing), pp.507–510 (November 9, 2005) [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P8] 14. Preparation of Silk-Hydroxyapatite Composite and the Evaluations Atushi KANEKO (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA 14 (Muroran-IT), Yasushi TAMADA (NIAS), Motohiro UO (Hokkaido Univ.), Takashi OHICHI (Hokkaido Univ.) Archives of BioCeramics Research (Hokkaido University, Sapporo), Vol.5, pp.294–297 (October 1, 2005) [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P7] 13. Thermoelectric Properties of Lanthanum Sesquisulfide with Ti Additive Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Hisanaga KATO (Muroran-IT), Toshiyuki NISHIMURA (NIMS), Yoichiro UEMURA (NIMS) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA Applied Physics Letters, Vol.87, No. 4, pp. 042106-1–042106-3 (July 25, 2005) DOI: 10.1063/1.1999845, Published Online: July 20, 2005 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A7] 12. Thermoelectric Properties and Phase Stability of La10S14O Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Hisanaga KATO (Muroran-IT), Hideyasu ASAHI (Muroran-IT) Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway), pp.193–196 (June 19–23, 2005) DOI: 10.1109/ICT.2005.1519917 [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P6] 2004 11. Preparation of Terbium Sesquisulfide and Holmium Sesquisulfide by Sulfurization of Their Oxide Using CS2 Gas Haibin YUAN (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Toshiyuki NISHIMURA (NIMS), Kazuyoshi SHIMAKAGE (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Haibin YUAN (Muroran-IT) Journal of Rare Earths, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 759–762 (December, 2004) URL: http://www.re-journal.com/en/guokanshow.asp?id=4404 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A6] 10. Thermoelectric Properties of Titanium-, Zirconium-, Hafnium-, and Alkali-metal-doped Lanthanum Sesquisulfides with Th3P4 Type Structure Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Toshiyuki NISHIMURA (NIMS), Yoichiro UEMURA (NIMS) Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Thermoelectrics (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway), #138 (4 pages) (July 25, 2004) [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P5] 9. ゾル‐ゲル法により合成した Li2ZrO3 の CO2 吸収・放出特性 [Japanese] 15 吉村恵範(室工大), 太田道広(室工大), 朝日秀定(室工大), 平井伸治(室工 大), 嶋影和宜(室工大) 2003 年傾斜機能材料論文集(社団法人未踏科学技術協会 傾斜機能材料研究会), pp.327–331 (July 15, 2004) 編集: 亘理文夫, 松浦清隆, 大参達也, 宇尾基弘, 赤坂 司 Absorption and Emission of CO2 Gas Using Li2ZrO3 Powder Prepared by Sol-Gel Process [Japanese] Yoshinori YOSHIMURA (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Hideyasu ASAHI (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Kazuyoshi SHIMAKAGE (Muroran-IT) Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials (Functionally Graded Materials Forum of Japan, The Society of Non-Traditional Technology), pp.305–310 (July 15, 2004) Edited by Fumio WATARI, Kiyotaka MATSUURA, Tatsuya OHMI, Motohiro UO, Tsukasa AKASAKA [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P4] 8. Eu および Yb 硫化物の合成とその熱電特性 [Japanese] 袁海濱(室工大), 太田道広(室工大), 平井伸治(室工大), 朝日秀定(室工大), 嶋影和宜(室工大) 2003 年傾斜機能材料論文集(社団法人未踏科学技術協会 傾斜機能材料研究会), pp.305–310 (July 15, 2004) 編集: 亘理文夫, 松浦清隆, 大参達也, 宇尾基弘, 赤坂 司 Preparation of Eu and Yb Sulfides and Their Thermoelectric Properties [Japanese] Haibin YUAN (Muroran-IT), Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Hideyasu ASAHI (Muroran-IT), Kazuyoshi SHIMAKAGE (Muroran-IT) Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials (Functionally Graded Materials Forum of Japan, The Society of Non-Traditional Technology), pp.305–310 (July 15, 2004) Edited by F WATARI, K. MATSUURA, T. OHMI, M. UO, T. AKASAKA [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P3] 7. Ti, Hf, Zr, そして LaH3 を添加したランタン三二硫化物の相変化と熱電変換特性 [Japanese] 太田道広(室工大), 平井伸治(室工大), 森田成紀(物材機構), 西村聡之(物 材機構), 上村揚一郎(物材機構), 嶋影 和宜(室工大) 2003 年傾斜機能材料論文集(社団法人未踏科学技術協会 傾斜機能材料研究会), 16 pp.242–247 (July 15, 2004) 編集: 亘理文夫, 松浦清隆, 大参達也, 宇尾基弘, 赤坂 司 Phase Change and Thermoelectric Properties of Lanthanum Sesquisulfide with Ti, Hf, Zr, and LaH3 Additives [Japanese] Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Shigenori MORITA (NIMS), Toshiyuki NISHIMURA (NIMS), Yoichiro UEMURA (NIMS), Kazuyoshi SHIMAKAGE (Muroran-IT) Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials (Functionally Graded Materials Forum of Japan, The Society of Non-Traditional Technology), pp.242–247 (July 15, 2004) Edited by Fumio WATARI, Kiyotaka MATSUURA, Tatsuya OHMI, Motohiro UO, Tsukasa AKASAKA [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P2] 6. Phase Transformation from Tetragonal Phase to Cubic Phase Due to Addition of Titanium in Lanthanum Sesquisulfide Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Shigenori MORITA (NIMS), Toshiyuki NISHIMURA (NIMS), Yoichiro UEMURA (NIMS) Corresponding Author: Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 374, Issues 1–2, pp. 116–119 (July 14, 2004) DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2003.11.082, Published Online: January 25, 2004 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A5] 5. Preparation of R2S3 (R: La, Pr, Nd, Sm) Powders by Sulfurization of Oxide Powders Using CS2 Gas Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Haibin YUAN (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Yoichiro UEMURA (NIMS), Kazuyoshi SHIMAKAGE (Muroran-IT) Corresponding Author: Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 374, Issues 1–2, pp. 112–115 (July 14, 2004) DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2003.11.081, Published Online: January 26, 2004 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A4] 2003–2001 4. Influence of Phase on Thermoelectric Properties in Lanthanum Sesquisulfide Doped with Titanium Michihiro OHTA (Muroran-IT), Shinji HIRAI (Muroran-IT), Shigenori MORITA (NIMS), Toshiyuki NISHIMURA (NIMS), Yoichiro UEMURA (NIMS) Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics (Institute of 17 Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway), pp.316–319 (August 17-21, 2003) DOI: 10.1109/ICT.2003.1287513 [Proceedings Paper, Peer-Reviewed, P1] 3. Influence of Dopant Ion on Localized Relaxation of an Oxygen Vacancy in Stabilized Zirconia Michihiro OHTA (Kyutech), J. Keith WIGMORE (Lancaster Univ.), Kouji NOBUGAI (Osaka Univ.), Tatsuro MIYASATO (Kyutech) Physical Review B, Vol.65, Issue 17, pp.174108-1–174108-8 (April 23, 2002) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.65.174108 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A3] 2. Localized Relaxation in Stabilized Zirconia Michihiro OHTA (Kyutech), Kenta KIRIMOTO (Kyutech), Kouji NOBUGAI (Osaka Univ.), J. Keith WIGMORE (Lancaster Univ.), Tatsuro MIYASATO (Kyutech) Corresponding Author: Michihiro OHTA (Kyutech) Physica B, Vol.316-317, pp.427–429 (May 2002) DOI: 10.1016/S0921-4526(02)00534-3, Published Online: February 1, 2002 Erratum: Vol.324, Issues1–4, pp.431 (November-December 2002) DOI: 10.1016/S0921-4526(02)01534-X, Published Online: October 31, 2002 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A2] 1. Internal Friction Due to Localized Relaxation around Y-ions in Single Crystal Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Michihiro OHTA (Kyutech), Kenta KIROMOTO (Kyutech), Kouji NOBUGAI (Osaka Univ.), J. Keith WIGMORE (Lancaster Univ.), Tatsuro MIYASATO (Kyutech) Japan Journal of Applied Physicals, Part 1, Vol.40, No.9A, pp.5377–5381 (September 2001) DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.40.5377 [Full Paper, Peer-Reviewed, A1] 18
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