Migration and Co-Existence 2(人の移動と共生)

上智大学2016年度秋学期 全学共通科目【水曜日5限】
Sophia University
Autumn General Studies: Wed. at 5-6:30 pm (Fifth period)
Migration and Co-Exsisitance 2:
Migration and Development」
Sophia will open this course for the Non-matriculated undergraduate students!
この科目では、人の移動と共生Migration and Co-Exsisitanceをテーマに、複雑に絡み合うグ
The human migration is critical global issues that affect people. How could labour
migration be effectively managed for further development of the world economy? What
regulatory framework should be developed in order to protect them from abuse? How
could the social protection measures be extended for those migrant labourers? ・ ・ ・
Throughout the course inequality, social justice and protection of individual citizens will
be the crosscutting themes.
■登録コード Registration code:GSE71940
■募集人数 Number of :20名程度
■使用言語 Language:英語 English
■主担当教員 Main Instructor:浦元 義照 URAMOTO, Yoshiteru
グローバル教育センター特任教授 Distinguished Professor, Center for Global Discovery
(元 国際労働機関(ILO)事務局長補 アジア太平洋地域総局長)
(Former ILO Assistant Director General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific)
■履修申込方法 How to apply
申込期間 Application period: 8月23日(火)~29日(月) August 23 to 29
結果通知/手続き書類発送日 Notification of results:
9月23日(金)September 23
手続期間 Registration period: 9月26日(月)~10月5日(水)
September 26 to October 5
※Registration procedure needed after the notification of results.
申込前に必ずシラバスをご確認ください。Please check the syllabus before applying.