ローマ法王庁外務長官 ポール・リチャード・ギャラガー大司教 特別講演会 ローマ法王庁外務長官 ポール・リチャード・ギャラガー大司教 Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher 日時 年 1954年 リバプール(英国)生まれ 1977年 リバプールの大司教区にて司祭に叙階 1984年 教会法博士号を取得 1984-2000年 ローマ法王庁外務省勤務、 タンザニア、ウルグアイ、フィリピンの大 使館勤務 2000年 ストラスブルグにて、欧州議会特使 及び常任オブザーバーに就任 2004年 駐ブルンジ共和国教皇大使に就任 2004年 司教に叙階 2009年 駐グアテマラ教皇大使 2012年 駐オーストラリア教皇大使 2014年より現職 木 月 日 ※日英同時通訳あり 会場 上智大学四谷キャンパス 2号館17階 国際会議場 JR・地下鉄各線「四ッ谷」駅 徒歩5分 共催 駐日ローマ法王庁大使館 上智大学 (お問合せ)上智学院総務グループ 参加申込みはこちらからどうぞ https://eipo.jp/sophia/seminars/ 入場無料 ・ 要参加申込 Tel: 03-3238-3172 E-mail: [email protected] Special lecture by Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See ., , a.m. a.m Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher Titular Archbishop of Hodelm Secretary for Relations with States -Born in Liverpool (Great Britain) on 23 January 1954. -Ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Liverpool on 31 July 1977. -Having gained a doctorate in Canon Law, he entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See on 1 May 1984, serving in the Apostolic Nunciatures in Tanzania (1984-1988), Uruguay (19881991), the Philippines (1991-1995) and subsequently as an official of the Section for Relations with States of the Secretariat of State (1995-2000). On the 15 July 2000, he was appointed Special Envoy and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the Council of Europe at Strasburg. -On 22 January 2004, he was appointed titular Archbishop of Hodelm and Apostolic Nuncio to Burundi, succeeding Archbishop Michael Aidan Courtney, who had been assassinated in an ambush on the 29 December 2003. -On 13 March 2004, he was ordained a bishop. -After 5 years of service as Apostolic Nuncio in Burundi, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Guatemala on 19 February 2009. -On 11 December 2012, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Australia. -He was appointed to the post of Secretary for Relations with States on 8 November 2014. Co-Hosted by:Apostolic Nunciature in Japan Sophia University * Language: English <Simultaneous interpretation (English-Japanese) provided> * Participation is free of charge. * Advance registration required. Please register at: https://eipo.jp/sophia/ <Inquiries> Sophia University Bureau of General Affairs E-mail [email protected] TEL 03-3238-3172
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