SPAE Society for the Protection of Ascot & Environs Planning Observations 2006/2007 Sorted by road under each category KEY Road, Parish — House Application No Brief details of proposal by Applicant Summary of SPAE observations to relevant planning authority (or Inspector’s Decision for appeals) RESULT SPAE examines, in committee, every planning application in its area of interest (roughly SL5 postcodes). Where it takes an interest (usually about 30% of these), it makes written observations to the relevant borough (RBWM or BF). These can vary from strong disapproval to constructive suggestions for improvement; summaries are below. THIS IS WHAT WE DO! Here is our report to our 1,258 members on our year’s work. We examined all 577 local planning applications, commented on 136 (23%), and here report on associated decisions made over the last two years. If you see value in our comments, join us in better monitoring the local planning process. This web site is just another step forward. Pages 1-3 2005/06 Applications followup Pages 3-30 2006/07 Applications Pages 30-34 All Appeals (Search by your local road names) Previous Year Applications Follow-up (April 2005 to March 2006) Asher Drive, Winkfield — Goaters Hill Cottage 21 05/00 025 Change of use, with alterations, of part of stable block to form 1 no. 3 bedroom dwelling with associated garden area and car parking and turning area accessed from asher drive. breaking up of two areas of hardstanding lying to the west and laying of areas to grass. This is a new residence in Green Belt and therefore contrary to Green Belt policies of the Local Plan. APPROVED Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Merlin House 05/00 662 Construction of two detached five bedroom houses and detached garages following demolition of existing bungalow. Application does not include site plans so impact on amenity of neighbours and street scene cannot be assessed. REFUSED Coronation Road, Sunninghill — Errolston 05/00 327 Construction of first floor extension, creation of new main entrance porch and new pitched roof to existing entrance, all to north elevation. Development will need to comply with Green Belt planning guidelines. Any permission will need to be conditional upon use of dwellings restricted to school staff only. APPROVED Coworth Close, Sunningdale — 34 and Two Pines 04/00 666 Relaxation of condition 4 of consent 99/76039 to allow the dwelling to be used as two self contained residential units. (Relaxation) Letter sent drawing attention to an extension into Green Belt area, contrary to GB3 and GB4. APPROVED Earleydene, Sunningdale — Littlebrook House 05/00 398 Construction of a two storey front extension with open porch. Objecting; disproportionate addition in Green Belt. REFUSED 1 Earleydene, Sunningdale — Merrowdene 05/00 683 Construction of a five bedroom detached house following demolition of existing dwelling and new in/out access onto Earleydene. No objections, but usual Green Belt letter sent querying “material” redevelopment. APPROVED Fernbank Road, Winkfield — Ferndale Cottage 37 05/00 122 Outline application (including details of means of access) for the erection of three houses (2 no. accessed from Napper Close and one from Fernbank Road. (Outline) Overdevelopment of the site, which is itself backland. Will adversley affect character of present street scene. APPROVED Fernbank Road, Winkfield — The Clockhouse 46 05/00 188 Conversion of existing building from 3no. flats to a terrace of 3no. dwelling houses, involving increase in height of front and rear walls and new roof. addition of 3no. bay windows, porches and single storey rear extensions. (amendment to 00/01028/ful). Neighbours complain that the developer has not conformed to previous planning approvals. This application is also out of character primarily as a result of roof height. REFUSED Field House Close, Winkfield — The Coach House 1 05/00 262 Five bedroom detached house and detached double garage after demolition of existing garage. This application is cramped overdevelopment of the site - it is out of character with the street scene in the local area. REFUSED Fireball Hill, Sunningdale — Land to rear of Pine Lodge and Foresters 04/01 748 Building for maintenance of estate vehicles plus associated hardstanding and access (duplicate). Green Belt - letter sent re size of building and not obvious justification for its size and prospective use. REFUSED High Street, Ascot S/hill — The Courtyard 04/01 572 Construction of a second floor to rear office building to provide additional office accommodation. Concern at adequacy of off-street parking and 11m ridge height. . APPROVED High Street, Sunningdale — Land At 2 05/00 668 Construction of a three bedroom detached house with access from Kiln Lane. Objecting - too cramped; breaches many regulations. REFUSED High Street, Sunninghill — 25 05/00 638 Change of use from a dwellinghouse (class c3) to a mixed dwelling (suigeneris) use as a design consultation studio (retrospective). (Change of use) Commercial activity in a row of residential semi-detached dwellings inappropriate and harmful to amenity of neighbours. APPROVED High Street, Sunninghill — 33 04/85 508 Three storey apartment block consisting of 12 x 2 bedroom flats and an adjoining three storey social club following the demolition of no. 33 and existing social club. Not opposed in principle to a development of this sort, but concerned that parking provision would be inadequate and front balconies would overlook residential dwellings. REFUSED Hilltop Close, Ascot S/hill — 22 05/00 488 Construction of two storey side extension. Boundary clearance at first floor level does not appear to be 1 metre. REFUSED Hollybush Ride, Winkfield — Winklands 05/00 206 Detached house after demolition of existing dwelling with extensions and alterations to the existing garage and utility block. Interesting application in its content. Ask planning officer to ensure it is within Green Belt regulations. Refer to size increase. APPROVED Kings Ride, Winkfield — Land opposite Kings Ride 05/00 190 Submission of details of siting and appearance for the erection of 9.7m high telecommunications mast with 3no. antennae and 2no. associated equipment cabins. Proposal is in Green Belt. This application will result in an eyesore and is a traffic hazard. APPROVED Lady Margaret Road, Sunningdale — Land to The rear of Midway 05/00 345 Outline application for the construction of two detached dwellings and a new access on to Lady Margaret Road. (Outline) Objecting on adverse character, H11 and access inadequacy. WITHDRAWN 2 London Road, Ascot S/hill — 1 and 2 Ascot Lodge and Hunters Lodge 05/00 618 Construction of 10 dwellings comprising 2 x 3 bed and 4 x 4 bed semi-detached and 2 x 4 bed semi-detached and 2 x 4 bed and 2 x 5 bed detached houses and garages following demolition of existing properties. An alien and inappropriate form of development harmful to character of the area and street scene. Access from London Road threatens highway safety. REFUSED London Road, Ascot S/hill — Heatherwood Hospital 04/00 708 Construction of 20 x 3-bed terraced houses in 4 blocks (a), 12 x 1-bed and 6 x 2-bed flats in 2 blocks (b) and 108 keyworker bedsits in 6 blocks (c) plus associated access, parking and landscaping following demolition of 2 existing buildings and part Heatherwood House. Whilst SPAE is sympathetic to the need to provide for more on-site key-worker accommodation, this proposal is contrary to supplementary planning guidance for this Green Belt site by including dwellings not for use by hospital staff and failing to retain open space APPROVED London Road, Sunningdale — Holcombe House and South Lodge 05/00 265 Construction of sixteen 4-bedroom terrace houses in four blocks with parking and access drive following demolition of existing dwellings. Objecting. No tree survey and breach of H5 and H11. Conglomeration of similar developments creating monotony of appearance. REFUSED London Road, Sunningdale — Sunningdale Station Car Park 05/00 701 Kiosk style flower stall. Objecting to permanence suggesting any determination is temporary. APPROVED Lyndhurst Road, Sunninghill — Eric White Coachbuilder Ltd 04/01 526 Construction of a vehicle aftersales building comprising workshop MOT, parts store, reception at ground floor with staff facilities and parts store at part mezzanine level; single storey structure to north of site for jet wash and valeting; parking vehicle storage, display and revisions to access. Upgrading of site welcomed, but some concern at higher traffic levels. Screening vegetation along southern boundary necessary to protect amenity of residential dwellings. WITHDRAWN New Mile Road, Ascot S/hill — Land At Sunninghill Lodge 6 and 7 New Bungalow Spinney Cottage 05/00 553 1 and 2 Gardeners Cottages Construction of three storey apartment block comprising 6 three bedroom apartments with ancillary parking and 5 five bedroom houses with attached double garage following demolition of existing dwellings. Strongly opposed. Fails to meet Green Belt planning guidelines and the very special circumstances advanced to justify the development are spurious. Although only increases the number of dwellings by one, scale of proposed replacements and their c rtilages wo ld be harmf l to the openness of the Green Belt WITHDRAWN New Road, Winkfield — Land At 179 & 181 05/00 4no. two bedroomed terrace houses with associated parking accessed from new road net addition of 2no. houses to scheme contained in planning application 04/00929/FUL). Further backland development, to which we object. REFUSED Queens Hill Rise, Ascot S/hill — Hakoyanagi 05/00 Construction of 4 no. five bedroom houses with integral garages, access drives and landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling. Number and scale of proposed dwellings harmful to character of area and tree loss excessive. REFUSED St Marys Road, Sunninghill — Calleva Cottage 05/00 Outline application for the demolition of calleva and construction of 14 no. apartments with basement parking and alterations to access. (Outline) A wholly inappropriate form of development in this location, harmful to the character of the area, street scene and amenity of neighbours. Access does not meet highways standards. NOT DETERMINED Wells Lane, Ascot S/hill — St Georges School 05/00 Timber sports shelter/store building. Inappropriate development for this location in Green Belt (structure incorporates a kitchenette and 2 WCs). APPROVED Winkfield Road, Ascot S/hill — Ascot Farm 05/00 Subdivision of dwelling house to 2 no. semi-detached dwellings. Approval should be conditional on occupancy by staff of the Royal Ascot Golf Club. APPROVED 3 204 614 681 599 705 Winkfield Road, Ascot S/hill — Royal Ascot Golf Club 05/00 695 Construction of a detached shed for storage and maintenance of golf course maintenance equipment. Inappropriate and unsuitable design and elevation for this Green Belt location. Would affect character and appearance of existing farm house and stables. APPROVED Past Year Applications (April 2006 to March 2007) All Souls Road, Sunninghill — Land At 19 05/00 807 Construction of a five bedroom end terrace dwelling following demolition of existing conservatory at no. 19. Harm to appearance of terrace and proposed parking arrangements not satisfactory. WITHDRAWN Armitage Court, Sunninghill — 20 05/03 110 Two storey side and first floor side extensions and a rear bay window. Proposals have the potential to harm the amenity of No.21 Armitage Court because of its orientation. Concern that parking provision is insufficient. APPROVED Armitage Court, Sunninghill — 23 07/00 898 Single storey rear extension. AWAITED Audley Way, Winkfield — 32 06/00 681 Two storey side and single storey rear extension following demolition of existing garage. Ask planning officer to assess whether this will produce a terraced effect amongst this detached house area. APPROVED Bagshot Road, Sunningdale — Hurst Lodge School 05/03 029 Positioning of a storage container to house tractor and grass cutting equipment. Out of character in Green Belt - loss of amenity of residents of sheltered accommodation at Meridian Court. REFUSED Bagshot Road, Sunningdale — Hurst Lodge School 06/00 563 Installation of steel container to house tractor and grass cutting equipment. New position for container is outside envelope of school buildings and contrary to Green Belt policy even if hidden in shrubbery. APPROVED Bagshot Road, Sunningdale — Land At Broadlands 05/01 227 Change of use from agricultural to equestrian to include erection of a stable block with associated stores and tack room and formation of an access track. Letter sent re Green Belt, siting and size of stable block, also condition that there be no return to commercial use of complex of house and land. REFUSED Bagshot Road, Sunningdale — West Lodge 05/02 695 Five bedroom dwelling with triple garage following demolition. Inappropriate development in Green Belt . REFUSED Bagshot Road, Sunningdale — West Lodge 06/00 288 A five bedroom detached dwelling with three car detached garage following demolition of existing property. Letter of objection as still too large a replacement for a bungalow with accommodation in the roof within the Green Belt. REFUSED Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — 4 and 6 Bagshot Rd and 22 Fox Covert Close 05/00 802 Construction of 12 x 2 bedroom apartments with ancillary parking following demolition of the three existing dwellings. Overdevelopment of site with harm to street scene and character of area; inappropriate location for a further apartment development and density of 40 dph excessive for site. REFUSED Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — 4 and 6 Bagshot Road and 22 Fox Covert Close 06/02 254 12 X 2 bedroom apartments following demolition of three existing dwellings (amendment to consent 05/00802 allowed on appeal). Opposed to removal of screening vegetation and wall which would result from this amendment. REFUSED Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Berystede Hotal 06/02 429 Conversion of existing staff accommodation within the existing roof space with alterations and additional dormers to provide 12 additional guest bedrooms together with additional parking spaces. Concern at extent to which grounds of Hotel would be taken up with car parking (the additional spaces proposed are already used by visitors). WITHDRAWN Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Berystede Hotel 05/01 172 An external hydropool with seating area and adjacent to existing swimming pool hall. Only acceptable if subject to conditions to control noise and hours of use. WITHDRAWN 4 Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Berystede Hotel 05/02 778 Metal security fencing and gates to Bagshot Road boundary maximum height 2 metres with lighting lanterns on support posts. The inclusion of lights considered inappropriate for this semi-rural setting. APPROVED Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Berystede Hotel 06/00 135 Variation of conditions 14 and 16 of planning permission 02/82374 to permit the opening of the health and fitness centre between the hours of 06.00 and 23.00 on any day and to permit the use of the function room between the hours of 07.00 and 02.00 the following day on any day. (VARIATION) Proposed extension of use excessive and harmful to amenity of neighbours. REFUSED Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Berystede Hotel 06/00 480 An external hydro pool with associated seating area. Concern at impact of an external pool on neighbour amenity. APPROVED Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Berystede Hotel 06/01 072 Variation of condition 16 of planning permission 02/82374 to permit the opening of the function room from 08.00 until 00.00 Monday to Thursday, 08.00 until 02.00 Friday and Saturday and 08.00 until 00.00 Sundays. (Variation) Use by non-residents at these unsocial hours will impair amenity of local residents. REFUSED Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Berystede Hotel 06/01 073 Variation of condition 14 of planning permission 02/82374 to permit the opening of the health and fitness centre between the hours of 07.00 and 22.00 seven days per week (including Bank Holidays). (Variation) Use by non-residents at these unsocial hours will impair amenity of local residents. APPROVED Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Berystede Hotel 06/02 428 Additional floor over northern part of existing building to provide a further 18 guest bedrooms together with additional parking spaces. Concern at cumulative impact of additional car parking when taken with applications 06/02429-30 and loss of amenity to Regents Walk from their location. WITHDRAWN Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Berystede Hotel 06/02 430 Conversion of existing low level car park to provide 13 further guest bedrooms plus additional parking spaces. Concern at cumulative impact of car parking when taken with applications 06/02428-29 and loss of amenity to Berystede Cottage from their location. WITHDRAWN Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Cedar Lodge 05/02 736 Outline application for the construction of 7 X 2 bedroom apartments following demolition of existing dwelling with access onto Bagshot Road. (Outline) Could harm amenity of neighbours and potentially harmful to AMSPA. REFUSED Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Lowood House 05/03 001 Retrospective application to retain front/side extension comprising three car garage with games room over and covered swimming pool plus screen walling, access and landscaping. Planning permission for this work was refused under application 03/83320 because of its threat to protected trees. This should dictate how this retrospective application should be treated. APPROVED Bagshot Road, Winkfield — Berkshire Cottage 07/00 099 Two storey side/rear extension following demolition of existing single storey extension. Comment - ensure that it is within Green Belt regulations. REFUSED Bedford Lane, Sunningdale — High Trees 05/02 800 Two storey rear/side, part single storey side extension. Needs to conform to Green Belt guidelines. . APPROVED Bedford Lane, Sunningdale — Stepping Stones 06/01 697 First floor side extension with alterations to roof over and an open porch to side. Need to comply with Green Belt regulations. APPROVED Bedford Lane, Sunningdale — Two Pines 06/01 798 Side conservatory. Needs to comply with Green Belt regulations. APPROVED 5 Beech Hill Road, Sunningdale — 11 06/00 184 Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether the existing rear conservatory and detached garage/workshop are lawful. (Lawful use) APPROVED Beech Hill Road, Sunningdale — 3 05/01 787 Rear dormer (retrospective). Object - setting precedent. Enforcement Officer to view. REFUSED Beechcroft Close, Sunninghill — 1 - 6 05/02 244 21 dwellings incorporating 2,3, 4 and 5 bedroom detached, semi-detached and terrace houses and 8 X 1 and 2 bedroom flats with car parking and landscaping and re-use existing access following demolition of 6 no. dwellings. Concern over adequacy of on-site car parking and impact on highway safety of busy Sunninghill Road (traffic impact assessment needed). Concern over adequacy of local infrastructure in view of density of development. WITHDRAWN Beechcroft Close, Sunninghill — 1 - 6 06/01 865 10 X 2 bed flats (3 storey) with basement parking (block 1) 4 X 1 bed and 8 X 2 bed flats (3 storey) with basement parking (block 2). A pair of three bed 3 storey semi detached houses with integral garage. 13 X 4 bed 3 storey terraced houses with accommodation in roof space with integral garage (in 2 blocks) following demolition of existing dwellings. Concern at impact on street scene. Essential that developer contributions are used to mitigate impact of development upon local infrastructure. Potential harm to SPA requires appropriate investigation. NOT DETERMINED Birch Lane, Winkfield — Sunrise 05/00 661 Erection of 4 bedroom dwelling and detached double garage following demolition of existing bungalow. (No SPAE interest.) REFUSED Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — 1 05/01 770 Relaxation of condition 5 of approval 46138 to allow a parking space to be changed to additional storage area. (Relaxation) Insufficient information provided about existing parking needs to allow a judgement to be made about impact of the relaxation upon street parking. APPROVED Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — 24-28 05/02 291 Consent to display a 2 metre high site hoarding with a total length of approximately 37.5 metres. (Advertisement) Harmful to street scene and highway safety. APPROVED Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — Brockenhurst House and Birch Common 05/02 195 12 X 2 bedroom and 4 X 3 bedroom apartments with basement car parking and landscaping following demolition of existing houses. Proposed footprint would harm the amenity of Great Oaks to the south. Concern over impact on highway safety. REFUSED Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — Brockenhurst House and Birch Common 05/02 688 Outline application for the erection of 16 apartments following demolition of existing properties. (Outline) Footprint too close to boundary with Great Daks whose amenity would be harmed. REFUSED Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — Glebelands 05/00 768 Consent to fell a scots pine. (Trees) Grounds for removal of protected tree do not appear adequate. APPROVED Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — Guardswell House 05/02 728 3 X 6 bedroom houses with garages (2 with access onto Brockenhurst Road and 1 with access onto Friary Road) following demolition of existing dwelling. Size of development excessive for proposed curtilages and potentially harmful to neighbour amenity. Also potentially harmful to an SPA. WITHDRAWN Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — Haining Cottage 05/02 378 2 X 5 bedroom detached houses and garages following demolition of existing dwelling (amendment to consent 04/00668). Concern that ridge heights may have been raised. APPROVED Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — Land At St Cloud and Glebelands 05/02 417 5 X 5 bedroom detached dwellings with bonus room in loft and integral garages following demolition of existing dwellings with revised access onto Brockenhurst Road. Cramped overdevelopment leading to a terracing effect out of character with spacious appearance of area. Significant tree loss. SPA mitigation measures needed. WITHDRAWN 6 Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — Oldfields 07/00 985 Consent to fell 7 Conifers, a Robinia, 2 Thuja Plicata, 3 Silver Birch and an Oak and undertake various works to 11 other trees. (Trees) AWAITED Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — South Ascot Post Office 14 05/02 987 Change of Use of retail (A1) part of ground floor (rear) to taxi/private car hire office (retrospective). Concern over on-street parking, harm to neighbour amenity and whether loss of retail unit can be prevented in the longer term. APPROVED Broomfield Park, Sunningdale — Broom Cottage 05/02 448 1 X 4 bedroom and 1 X 5 bedroom detached houses following demolition of existing dwelling. Within Zone of no increase of development, as closer than 400 metres to Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Broomfield Park, Sunningdale — Casa Serena 05/02 178 Part first floor part single storey side and single storey rear extensions, open front porch and rear chimney. WITHDRAWN Broomfield Park, Sunningdale — Craigownie 05/01 830 Rear conservatory. APPROVED Broomfield Park, Sunningdale — Salamander 07/00 106 Five bedroom detached house with integral garage following demolition of existing dwelling. Too high for street scene and possibly overlooking neighbouring properties. APPROVED Buckhurst Road, Sunninghill — Buckhurst Park Cottage 06/01 834 Part two/part single storey rear extensions. Replace existing flat roof with pitched to front elevation. Replacement detached garage with accommodation in loft space. Because of increased size footprint of replacement garage, it should be moved some distance from boundary with neighbour to prevent harm to amenity. APPROVED Buckhurst Road, Sunninghill — Herons Brook Farm 06/02 126 Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether the existing division of the property into three dwelling units is lawful. (Lawful use) Existence of three separate dwellings does not appear justified as they are not self-contained. APPROVED Burleigh Lane, Ascot S/hill — Derryville 05/02 672 8 X 2 bedroom flats with basement and surface parking following demolition of existing dwelling. Development would harm protected species and cause concerns over access arrangements. Potentially harmful to an SPA. REFUSED Burleigh Lane, Ascot S/hill — Owl Wood 05/00 880 Consent to fell an oak tree. (No SPAE interest.) REFUSED Burleigh Lane, Ascot S/hill — Wetherby and Queenswood 05/02 498 13 no. dwellings comprising 5 X 2 bedroom flats and 8 X 4 bedroom houses (in two blocks of four). Over development of site, the estate type layout being out of character. Excessive tree loss and potential harm to protected species. REFUSED Burleigh Lane, Ascot S/hill — Wetherby and Queenswood 05/02 708 Outline application for the construction of 16 X 2 bedroom flats following demolition of existing dwellings with access onto Burleigh Lane . (Outline) Concern that satisfactory access arrangements cannot be made. Potentially harmful to an SPA. REFUSED Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — April Cottage 07/00 229 Six bedroom detached house following demolition of existing dwelling. Size of replacement excessive for site and location and harmful to street scene and neighbour amenity. APPROVED Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — Fieldfare 06/02 043 Replacement 5 bedroom detached dwelling with accommodation in roof space and integral double garage. Bulk and scale still excessive for location. APPROVED Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — Former Kennel Green Nursery Site 05/00 842 Construction of a five bedroom detached house with detached 3 car garage with annex over (revised house at Plot 23). Acceptable providing remains in single family occupancy. APPROVED 7 Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — Former Kennel Green Nursery Site 06/00 121 Five bedroom detached dwelling with additional loft accommodation, attached double garage with additional accommodation over, 1.8m high front boundary fence and 2.2m entrance gates (Plot 63). Harmful to street scene and amenity of neighbours. Room over garage apparently for commercial use, which is inappropriate in this location. REFUSED Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — Rivendell 05/01 762 Six bedroom detached house following demolition of existing dwelling. The advice of English Nature will need to be sought as a protected species uses the site. REFUSED Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — Rosewood 05/01 437 Fifteen 2 - bedroom flats on 4 floors plus basement parking following demolition of existing building. Harmful to street scene, out of character, density too high for a marginally sustainable site, loss of low cost housing. REFUSED Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — Rosewood 05/02 410 14 X 2 bedroom and 1 X 1 bedroom apartments with basement parking following demolition of existing dwelling. Harm to street scene, poor external and internal design, threat to protected trees, SPA mitigation measures needed. REFUSED Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — Rosewood 05/02 635 14 X 2-bedroom and one X 1-bedroom apartments with bin and cycle stores, carports and parking following demolition of existing dwelling. Harmful to street scene and character of the area. Extent of hard surfacing excessive for plot size. Not shown that harm to an SPA could be avoided. REFUSED Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — Springhill 05/01 487 2 no. 5 bedroom houses with new access onto Burleigh Lane following demolition of existing building. Scale of proposed dwellings in relation to curtilages will give cramped and overdeveloped appearance. Protected species uses site. APPROVED Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — Woodchurch 05/01 500 Five bedroom detached house with integral garage following demolition of existing dwelling. Mitigation measures needed to prevent harm to a protected species. APPROVED Buttersteep Rise, Winkfield — Buttersteep House 05/00 866 Extension forming indoor swimming pool. Highlight to planning officer that this site is in Green Belt, has already been redeveloped, and extension should be subject to 40% limit on original house. APPROVED Carbery Lane, Ascot S/hill — Briar Cottage 05/02 330 Two storey side extension and raising of roof to provide loft accommodation including raising of front and rear gables and one dormer window to rear and front. 1st floor extension not 1m from boundary and extension design should be made more sympathetic to dwelling’s Victorian character. APPROVED Carbery Lane, Ascot S/hill — Briar Cottage 6 07/00 139 Two storey and single storey side extensions and open side porch plus loft conversion including raising of roof and additional rear gable (amendment to consent 06/01685). APPROVED Chanctonbury Drive, Sunningdale — 3 07/00 277 part single storey rear/part three storey rear and side extensions. Loft conversion incorporating front and rear dormer windows. Overdevelopment - ugly roofscape of loft conversion - encroachment on neighbours amenity. AWAITED Charters Road, Sunningdale — Charters 05/02 373 Demolition of extension to Charters and outbuildings and conversion and extension of Charters to form 7 X 2 bed apartments(amendments to consent 04/85499). (Listed building) Suggesting that building consent not be varied. APPROVED Charters Road, Sunningdale — Charters 06/00 193 Spreading of excavated soil(in conjunction with planning application 04/85498) to be deposited over 5 acre field to south of Charters . Letter of objection as field is Public Open Space obligation on the part of the developers. WITHDRAWN Charters Road, Sunningdale — Charters 06/02 442 Variation of condition 16 of planning approval 04/85498 (restricted access to site) to allow residents to use the Hancocks Mount access and also to allow staff and service vehicles to access the site via Kings Road. (Variation) Objection - loss of amenity in Hancocks Mount. Issues of road safety at Kings Road REFUSED 8 Charters Road, Sunningdale — Charters 06/02 582 15 metre high lattice mast with 3.4 metre TV aerial at top and 2 No. 1 metre diameter satellite dishes at base. Concern over position within view from residents of Cavendish Meads - perhaps alternative site near to non-listed buildings. REFUSED Charters Road, Sunningdale — Charters 07/00 310 Four bedroom detached house following demolition of existing lodge and erection of lodge gates and piers. Out of keeping with nearby properties; overlooking neighbour amenity; new emergency entrance too obtrusive in Green Belt. AWAITED Charters Road, Sunningdale — Land At Playing Field North of Charters School 06/02 809 Car park for 63 cars together with new access from Charters Road. Green Belt use limited to school hours; concern that traffic must be so arranged that parking on Charters Road is enforceably eliminated and traffic flow improved, not impaired. NOT DETERMINED Charters Road, Sunningdale — Little Orchard 05/01 827 Construction of two detached four bedroom houses and garage building following demolition of existing dwelling. (No SPAE interest.) REFUSED Charters Road, Sunningdale — Summerwood and Pucksfield 05/01 395 14 no. dwellings comprising 2 X 4 bedroom houses, 4 X 5 bedroom houses with room in roof space, 4 X 5 bedroom houses and 4 X 2 bedroom flats with garages and parking and landscaping with access on to Charters Road following demolition of existing. Objection; density and detraction from character and street scene. WITHDRAWN Charters Road, Sunningdale — Summerwood and Pucksfield 05/01 396 21 dwellings comprising 3 X 4 bedroom houses with additional room in roofspace, 8 X 3 bedroom houses, 2 X 2 bedroom houses and 8 X 2 bedroom flats(including 6 no. affordable) with parking and garages, landscaping and access on to Charters Road following demolition of existing. Objection; density and detraction from character and street scene. WITHDRAWN Charters Road, Sunningdale — Summerwood and Pucksfield 05/01 988 21 no. dwellings comprising 3 X 4 bedroom with additional room in roof space, 8 X 3 bedroom, 2 X 2 bedroom and 8 X 2 bedroom flats (including 7 no. affordable) with cycle and bin stores, double and single garages, access onto Charters Road following demolition of existing. Objection. As before; current housing requirement already satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Charters Road, Sunningdale — Summerwood and Pucksfield 05/01 989 14 no. dwellings comprising 4 X 5 bedroom, 4 X 5 bedroom and 1 X 4 bedroom with room in roof space, 1 X 4 bedroom and 4 X 2 bedroom flats (affordable) with cycle and bin stores and access onto Charters Road following demolition of existing. Objection. As before; current housing requirement already satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Charters Road, Sunningdale — Weatherby 05/00 910 Construction of a pair of 4-bedroom semi-detached houses with integral garages, parking and alterations to access following demolition of existing dwelling. Objection; overdevelopment and problem with stream. REFUSED Charters Road, Sunningdale — Weatherby 05/01 774 A pair of 3-bedroom semi-detached houses with further accommodation in roof space, integral garages, parking and access following demolition of existing dwelling. Objection. Overdevelopment. Too close to boundary and concern as to Ballencrieff building line. REFUSED Cheapside Road, Ascot S/hill — 67 05/01 003 Construction of rear conservatory. (No SPAE interest.) REFUSED Cheapside Road, Ascot S/hill — Land At Jacaranda Queens Hill Rise and Tradewinds 05/02 097 8 X 4 bedroom dwellings in 3 no. blocks with garages, parking and landscaping and access drive following demolition of Tradewinds. Opposed to alien “estate type” development on this location which results in overdevelopment of site and backland development. Harmful to street scene. REFUSED 9 Cheapside Road, Ascot S/hill — Little Barberry 1 06/01 392 Raising of part of garage/outbuilding to provide first floor accommodation with two no. side dormers. If allowed, the new building would have the appearance of an additional house within the Green Belt, contrary to GB planning guidelines. REFUSED Chobham Road, Sunningdale — 66 05/03 126 Loft conversion with rear dormer. Concern over parking arrangements. REFUSED Chobham Road, Sunningdale — Land adj 142 05/01 288 Outline application for the construction of nine apartments with access onto Richmond Wood. (Outline) Objection as buffer to adjacent Green Belt; out of character. REFUSED Chobham Road, Sunningdale — Land adj 142 05/02 462 Outline application for the construction of a residential development with access onto Chobham Road. (Outline) Within Zone of no increase of development, as closer than 400 metres to Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Chobham Road, Sunningdale — Land At 114 05/02 387 Pair of semi-detached 4-bedroom dwellings with detached single garages and access on to Bridge View and construction of detached double garage with ancillary accommodation in roof space to serve existing dwelling. Overdevelopment and nonconforming Highway Standard access. Within Zone of no increase of development as closer than 400 metres to Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Chobham Road, Sunningdale — North Cottage 220 06/01 629 Single storey rear extension and alterations to bathroom at rear first floor level. APPROVED Church Road, Ascot S/hill — 18 05/00 739 Installation of a front dormer window. Front dormer not in keeping with character of rest of terrace. APPROVED Church Road, Ascot S/hill — Scout Headquarters 05/01 302 Outline application for the construction of 4 X 3 bedroom dwellings with access on to Church Road following demolition of existing scout headquarters. (Outline) Concern at practicality of vehicle access and 9m ridge height. WITHDRAWN Church Road, Ascot S/hill — Scout Headquarters 05/02 488 Outline application for the construction of 4 X 3-bedroom dwellings with access on to Church Road following demolition of existing Scout Headquarters. (Outline) Concern at 10m ridge height. WITHDRAWN Church Road, Ascot S/hill — South Ascot Village Hall 05/01 307 Part two part single storey extension to Village Hall to form new scout HQ. Approval should be subject to condition restricting use of extension to existing scouting activities. APPROVED Church Road, Sunningdale — The Firs 06/02 863 Notification to reduce canopy of an oak and reduce a holly back to previous pollard heads. (Trees) APPROVED Coombe Lane, Sunninghill — Brook House 05/01 200 Single storey rear extension. No objection in principle to rear extension but concern that application does not make it clear if permission is also being sought for a replacement garage in this Green Belt location. APPROVED Coombe Lane, Sunninghill — Brook House 05/01 203 Consent to construct a single storey rear extension following demolition of lean-to. Replacement of various windows, form openings in internal walls, removal of partition walls and replacement of kitchen. (Listed building) No objection in principle to rear extension but concern that application does not make it clear if permission is also being sought for a replacement garage in this Green Belt location. APPROVED Coronation Road, Sunninghill — Peters Garth 06/02 520 Consent to fell 19 trees and a possible 7 further trees and undertake works to various other trees. (Trees) Trees should be felled only if there are sound arboricultural reasons. APPROVED 10 Coronation Road, Sunninghill — Ravens Corner 05/01 145 Rear conservatory. Concern that conservatory could intrude into the Green Belt and unsafe to approve this application without amendment to curtilage on site plans. APPROVED Coronation Road, Winkfield — Swinley Edge 05/00 397 Outline application (including details of siting and means of access) for erection of detached house and detached garage accessed from coronation road. (Outline) Objecting for several reasons:- 1) Impinges on open and rural aspect of Green Belt. 2) Loss of amenity to immediately adjacent properties. 3) Out of character with area. 4) Backland development. REFUSED Coronation Road, Winkfield — Swinley Edge 05/01 042 Outline application (including siting and means of access) for the erection of detached house and garage accessed from Coronation Road. (Outline) Same objections as previous identical application, viz. Out of character development; adverse impact on Green Belt and loss of neighbour amenity. REFUSED Coronation Road, Winkfield — The Granary 3 Earlywood Pines 06/01 004 Single storey rear extension forming conservatory. APPROVED Course Road, Ascot S/hill — Myrtle Cottage 2 06/01 416 Display of five non-illuminated signs. (Advertisement) Concern that proposals fail to respect character of the dwelling. APPROVED Cross Road, Sunningdale — Coval Court 05/02 620 Outline application for the construction of 10 flats in two blocks with basement parking following demolition of existing dwelling. This type of development would reduce openness of Green Belt. Current housing requirement satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Cross Road, Sunningdale — Dorchester Mansions 06/00 251 Consent to display one non-illuminated double sided “V” board located adjacent the junction of Cross Road and London Road. (Advertisement) Objecting to illegality of size. WITHDRAWN Cross Road, Sunningdale — Dorchester Mansions 06/00 571 14 X 2 bedroom apartments with basement parking following demolition of existing dwelling (amendment to consent 03/84153). Objection - building should be altered so as to conform to plans previously approved. APPROVED Cross Road, Sunningdale — Dorchester Mansions 06/01 710 Boundary wall with railings, pair of entrance gates, maximum height of 2.605m to Cross Road elevation. Strong letter of objection, as this is virtually a retrospective request; most of the wall is already built. APPROVED Cross Road, Sunningdale — Fairways 06/00 906 Detached four bedroom house with staff accommodation above an attached double garage and revisions to existing access following demolition of existing dwelling. Concern over proposal to have front wall on boundary without 1 metre offset at first floor level REFUSED Cross Road, Sunningdale — Land At Coval Court 05/02 699 Outline application for the construction of a detached dwelling. (Outline) Doubt regarding access for this type of development. Also it would reduce openness of Green Belt. Current housing requirement already satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Cross Road, Sunningdale — Queenswood 06/02 545 Metal railings above dwarf brick walling with piers and entrance gates to front boundary. Concern over change of access from Cross Road to track in Green Belt with “in” and “out” entrances exposing golf course to noise and pollution from multiple car movements. APPROVED Cross Road, Sunningdale — Queenswood and Fairways 05/02 282 Outline application for the construction of 14 houses and garages comprising one X 2-bed, eight X 3-bed and five X 4-bed dwellings with access drive onto Cross Road following demolition of existing properties. (Outline) Repeat objections to earlier refused application. REFUSED 11 Cross Road, Sunningdale — Queenswood and Fairways 05/02 705 Outline application for the construction of three detached houses and garages with new access’s onto Cross Road following demolition of Fairways together with demolition of garages to Queenswood and construction of double garage. (Outline) This type of development would reduce openness of Green Belt. Current housing requirement satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Devenish Road, Sunningdale — Dene House 05/01 996 An apartment block comprising 12 X 2 bed and 2 X 1 bed flats with basement parking following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings, new block comprising 4 X 3 bed with parking, carports, bin and cycle stores, landscaping and widened access onto Devenish Road. Concern over further provision of flats. Current housing requirement satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Devenish Road, Sunningdale — Fircroft 05/02 663 Outline application for the construction of 14 X 2 bedroom apartments with basement and surface parking plus detached house with garage following demolition of existing dwelling (amendment to consent 04/01530). Amendment to be tested against current housing requirement already satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Devenish Road, Sunningdale — Fircroft 07/00 276 14 X 2 bedroom apartments with underground and surface parking with access onto Devenish Road. Amendment to outline approval 04/01530. Objections to increase in height and extra windows and balconies to SE and NW. AWAITED Devenish Road, Sunningdale — Fircroft 07/00 368 Outline application for the construction of 14 apartments with basement and surface parking plus a detached house following demolition of existing dwelling. (Outline) Objection as on 07/00276(increase in height and extra windows and balconies to SE and NW) plus new application subject to housing moratorium and cumulative effect on Special Protection Area. WITHDRAWN Devenish Road, Sunningdale — Heathermount School 06/00 605 Outline application for the erection of a new main school building and a 20 bed space student residential building, extension of existing classroom block and demolition of redundant buildings. (Outline) New buildings will exceed permitted extensions within the Green Belt, but as School is for pupils with learning difficulties and is a large mainly secluded location special provisions may be appropriate. Concern over proposed change of access from Devenish Road to Charters Road WITHDRAWN Devenish Road, Sunningdale — Heathermount School 06/00 606 Single storey temporary classroom block. Plans suggest temporary use as classrooms and then permanent use for residency, which is outside Green Belt provisions, but as School is for pupils with learning difficulties and is a large mainly secluded location special provisions may be appropriate. WITHDRAWN Devenish Road, Sunninghill — Kenmore 06/00 452 Replacement double detached garage with games room over and erection of metal entrance gates with brick piers. Harmful to street scene in view of proposed height and proximity to Devenish Road. APPROVED Dry Arch Road, Sunningdale — Marys Cottage Sunningdale School 06/01 545 Three bedroom detached house for staff accommodation following demolition of existing bungalow. Has to comply with Green Belt regulations. WITHDRAWN Dry Arch Road, Sunningdale — Sunningdale School 05/01 113 Wooden log cabin to be used as staff accommodation. Objecting as in Green Belt. WITHDRAWN Dry Arch Road, Sunningdale — Wilbury Lodge and Greenway 05/00 788 Relaxation of condition 9 of approval 03/84429 (granted on appeal) to allow the roof areas to be used as a balcony, roof garden or similar amenity area, to plots 13 and 15 only. (Relaxation) Objection; loss of privacy to neighbourhood rear gardens and reasons for imposition still valid. APPROVED Earleydene, Sunningdale — May Cottage 05/01 816 Two storey side extension and attached single storey double garage. Possibly more than permitted as extensions in the Green Belt. APPROVED 12 Earleydene, Sunningdale — Millbank Cottage 06/01 848 5-bedroom detached dwelling with double garage plus store above following demolition of existing. Necessity to conform to Green Belt regulations. WITHDRAWN Earleydene, Sunningdale — Tamerisk 05/01 116 5 bedroom detached dwelling with basement parking following demolition of existing dwelling. To conform to Green Belt guidelines. WITHDRAWN Farm Close, Ascot S/hill — 3 05/01 399 Single storey side extension. Concern at potential harm to amenity of neighbour. WITHDRAWN Fernbank Road, Winkfield — 121-125 07/00 209 Outline application for the erection of 12no. two bedroom flats and 2no. one bedroom flats with associated parking, including details of access on to Fernbank Road and demolition of 121, 123 and 125 Fernbank Road. (Outline) Property is within 5kms of the Look Out SPA. Application is without compensating open space as required. AWAITED Fernbank Road, Winkfield — 27 - 31 06/00 737 Outline application (including details of siting and means of access) for the erection of 12 no. flats with associated car parking, accessed from school access road, following demolition of existing houses. (Outline) Within 5 km of Thames Basin SPA. No additional open space offered. If allowed should be restricted to Licensed Victualler employees. WITHDRAWN Fernbank Road, Winkfield — Ferndale Cottage 37 05/00 122 Outline application (including details of means of access) for the erection of three houses (2 no. accessed from Napper Close and one from Fernbank Road. (Outline) Overdevelopment of the site, which is itself backland. Will adversley affect character of present street scene. APPROVED Fernbank Road, Winkfield — Land At 127a, 129 + 131 05/01 077 Block comprising 11no. two bedroom and 2no. one bedroom flats with associated parking and bin stores following demolition of existing dwelling. Similar objections to previous application 05/01077; High density development out of character with surrounding bungalows. REFUSED Fernbank Road, Winkfield — The Clockhouse 46 05/00 188 Conversion of existing building from 3no. flats to a terrace of 3no. dwelling houses, involving increase in height of front and rear walls and new roof. addition of 3no. bay windows, porches and single storey rear extensions. (amendment to 00/01028/ful). Neighbours complain that the developer has not conformed to previous planning approvals. This application is also out of character primarily as a result of roof height. REFUSED Field House Close, Winkfield — The Coach House 1 05/00 262 Five bedroom detached house and detached double garage after demolition of existing garage. This application is cramped overdevelopment of the site - it is out of character with the street scene in the local area. REFUSED Forest Road, Winkfield — Ascot Place 06/00 809 Application for Listed Building Consent to waterproof the external walls and floor of the basement to allow moisture to drain away. (Listed building) APPROVED Fox Covert Close, Sunninghill — 9 06/02 132 Two storey side extension, new side dormer at rear and raising of the side boundary wall. Overdevelopment of site with first floor level on boundary; loss of amenity for neighbour and terracing effect. WITHDRAWN Fox Covert Close, Sunninghill — 9 07/00 362 Two storey side extension with rear dormer and new side dormer. Extension is of poor design and by being of two storeys right up to the boundary with No.10 is overbearing and results in loss of amenity and privacy. APPROVED Friary Road, Sunninghill — Friary Court 06/00 136 Formation of private separate driveway to plot 1 with access onto Friary Road (amendment to approval 03/83251). Separate drives would be more harmful to street scene and potentially to road safety. APPROVED Friary Road, Sunninghill — Friary Court 06/00 165 2 X 6 bedroom dwellings with bonus room in loft with integral triple garages with habitable accommodation in loft, formation of separate driveway to plot 2 with access onto Friary Road, 1.8m high boundary fence. Amendment to approval 03/83251. Concern at impact of a second driveway upon highway safety and street scene. REFUSED 13 Friary Road, Sunninghill — Springdale 05/00 953 Outline application for the construction of 3 detached houses with garages following demolition of existing dwelling. (Outline) Footprint of easterly house excessive for size of curtilage. APPROVED Friary Road, Sunninghill — Springdale 06/00 068 Two detached 5 bedroom houses with garages plus minor alterations and insertion of a rear dormer to existing dwelling; formation of a new access and alterations to existing access. Would result in overdevelopment and cramped appearance; harmful to street scene and amenity of Springdale Cottage. REFUSED Friary Road, Sunninghill — Springdale 06/01 813 Two detached five bedroom houses with garages plus accommodation in loft space. Rear dormer to existing dwelling. Formation of a new access and alterations to existing access. Overdevelopment resulting in a cramped appearance, harmful to character of area and neighbour amenity. Access opposite a traffic calming measure. APPROVED Friary Road, Sunninghill — Stonecroft 1 06/02 586 First floor extension above existing garages including front dormer windows (amendment to approval 02/82746). Should be conditional on single family occupancy. APPROVED Galton Road, Sunningdale — 4 07/00 873 Part two storey/part single storey side/rear extension. (Wrongly listed as Sunninghill) AWAITED Goaters Road, Winkfield — 14 05/00 107 Part single storey, part two rear and side extension. Inappropriately large. Probable neighbourly intrusion. APPROVED Greenways Drive, Sunningdale — 1 and 2 and 3 05/02 114 Outline application for the construction of eight detached houses following demolition of three houses with new access from Devenish Road and alterations to access on Greenways Drive. (Outline) Objecting - H5, danger of setting a precedent for subdivision locally. As before; current housing requirement already satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. WITHDRAWN Greenways Drive, Sunningdale — 10 05/01 063 Outline application for construction of 2 detached dwellings and garages following demolition of existing dwelling with access to greenways drive. (Outline) Letter re height problems in previous applications in Greenways Drive - site is on rising ground. WITHDRAWN Greenways Drive, Sunningdale — 10 05/01 652 Outline application for consideration of two detached dwellings and garages following demolition of existing dwelling. (Outline) Objecting to terracing effect and closeness to boundary. REFUSED Greenways Drive, Sunningdale — 10 06/02 275 Two storey side extensions, rear conservatory and new entrance gates. Very dominant in present application position - suggest drop back to clear boundary trees. WITHDRAWN Greenways Drive, Sunningdale — 14 05/01 539 Two storey part single storey side extension with roof terrace to rear, new entrance porch, new chimney stack and a single storey side extension with roof terrace over. Objection-no site plan to show relationship to boundaries and 200 year old yew hedge. APPROVED Greenways Drive, Sunningdale — 2 and 3 05/02 563 Outline application for the construction of 6 X 2 bedroom apartments and 7 X 4 and 5-bedroom dwellings with access onto Devenish Road. (Outline) Strong objection, as over development and precedent for similar action on Pinecote & Hamilton Drive, Grant Walk and Chanctonbury Drive. REFUSED Greenways Drive, Sunningdale — 4 05/00 812 Construction of detached three car garage with loft room. Objection; garage block too high, triple and not double; any development to be restricted to use with house. REFUSED 14 Greenways Drive, Sunningdale — 4 05/02 704 2 X 5 bedroom houses with garaging and access’s onto Greenways Drive following demolition of existing dwelling. Sub division of plot out of keeping with amenity of area. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. Current housing requirement satisfied. REFUSED Greenways Drive, Sunningdale — 6 06/01 084 Four-bedroom house with detached double garage following demolition of existing dwelling. Concern over 2.5 times increase of size over existing and siting of garage with room and dormers over. Out of character with street scene, amenity and character of relatively unchanged estate. REFUSED Greyfriars Drive, Sunninghill — Friars End 06/02 547 Five bedroom detached dwelling with habitable accommodation in loft space with front and rear dormers, detached triple garage. Opposed to replacement dwelling of this bulk and height and concern at potential tree loss. WITHDRAWN Guards Court, Sunningdale — 11 06/00 593 Conversion of existing garage. Concern over parking. APPROVED Guards Court, Sunningdale — 15 06/02 479 Rear conservatory. APPROVED Halfpenny Lane, Sunningdale — 2 and 4 06/02 615 Two detached houses linked by garages following demolition of existing dwellings. Concern over cramped parking arrangements for two 4 bedroomed dwellings off narrow lane. WITHDRAWN Halfpenny Lane, Sunningdale — 2 and 4 07/00 008 Two detached houses linked by garages following demolition of existing dwellings. . Concern over cramped parking arrangements. APPROVED Halley Drive, Ascot S/hill — Land adj 9 06/00 642 Outline application for a detached dwelling. (Outline) Access to permit all vehicles to turn and exit Halley Drive in forward gear should be retained. REFUSED Hamilton Drive, Sunningdale — 15 06/00 061 Two storey side and single storey rear extensions and detached double garage. Suggest condition to keep the almost self-contained extension under same ownership as rest of 15 Hamilton Drive. WITHDRAWN Hamilton Drive, Sunningdale — 5 05/02 649 Consent to fell 3 oak trees, 5 silver birch trees and 2 pine trees. (Trees) Note to check with adjacent plot at No 6 Hamilton Drive also wishing to fell protected trees. APPROVED Hamilton Drive, Sunningdale — 6 05/02 756 Consent to fell an oak and a scots pine. (Trees) Note to check with adjacent plot at No. 5 also wishing to fell protected trees. PART APPROVED Hancocks Mount, Sunninghill — 2 Alpine Close 06/01 665 Retrospective application for raising ground levels to rear of property with retaining wall and 1.2 m high chain link fence. Concern at potential harm to protected trees. REFUSED Hancocks Mount, Sunninghill — Sandori 07/00 266 Consent to fell a Sweet Chestnut. (Trees) Felling should be permitted only for sound arboricultural reasons. APPROVED Heather Drive, Sunningdale — Tenby 05/01 014 Construction of two storey side extension to west elevation following demolition of western part of existing dwelling plus erection of detached double garage, single storey side extension to east elevation, and construction of a ground floor bay window and canopy to south elevation following demolition of existing front porch. Objection; overdevelopment and loss of privacy. APPROVED 15 Heather Drive, Sunningdale — Willow Cottage 06/00 435 Two storey side and rear and part single part two storey side extensions plus alterations and raising of roof to provide loft accommodation with front and rear dormer windows. Objection - part two storey side extension, upper part on boundary; raised roof and loft accommodation out of character. WITHDRAWN Heather Drive, Sunningdale — Willow Cottage 06/01 517 Two storey part single storey rear and two storey side extension plus. Strong objection as out of character, too wide, too high and too deep. REFUSED Heathfield Avenue, Sunninghill — Larchwood 05/02 668 Outline application for the construction of four detached dwellings following demolition of existing with access onto Heathfield Avenue. (Outline) A cul-de-sac estate type development is inappropriate in this location and would be harmful to the character of the area and amenity of neighbours. Potentially harmful to an SPA. REFUSED High Street, Ascot S/hill — 29 05/00 936 Change of use from A1 (retail) to A2 (betting office) and construction of new shopfront. (Change of use) Change from retail not permitted under local plan. APPROVED High Street, Ascot S/hill — The Hermitage 05/01 759 Change of use of premises from A1 (retail) to A3 (Cafe) together with alterations to shopfront and addition of wall mounted air conditioning condensers and kitchen extractor flue. There are already a number of A3 outlets whose viability this large scale cafe could threaten, resulting in an adverse impact upon the general viability of this district centre. With a staff of 15 and a seating capacity of 68, parking problems would also occur. APPROVED High Street, Sunningdale — 40 05/01 776 Relaxation of condition 4 of approval 96/75085 to allow the use class to be varied from B1(c) to B1 (office). (Relaxation) Observation re present lack of parking space and change of use’s parking requirements. SSS1 at Green Belt opposite side of road. APPROVED High Street, Sunningdale — 57 06/02 999 Consent to display 1 externally illuminated fascia logo sign and 1 externally illuminated double sided projecting sign. (Advertisement) APPROVED High Street, Sunningdale — 57 06/03 000 New shopfront. APPROVED High Street, Sunningdale — Toby Cottage, 19 06/02 879 Five bedroom detached house with integral garage following demolition of existing bungalow . Concern over size, particularly height, of replacement house so close to conservation area. Also possible damage to large Oak Tree in front garden and boundary wall. APPROVED High Street, Sunninghill — 25 06/02 462 Variation of conditions 1 and 2 of planning permission 05/00638 to allow the use of the ground floor as a design studio and the first floor as a self contained dwelling unit. (VARIATION) Opposed to the variation proposed as this would create a permanent shop premises on ground floor. APPROVED High Street, Sunninghill — 27 06/00 289 Change of use of ground floor from C3 (dwelling house) to D1 (veterinary surgery). Concern regarding safety of access. APPROVED Hilltop Close, Ascot S/hill — 22 06/02 438 Detached double garage with store. Proposed access on to Cheapside Road inappropriate and unsafe. Cumulative increase in size needs to meet Green Belt guidelines. REFUSED Hodge Lane, Ascot S/hill — Windsor Forest Farm 05/00 942 Extension to existing barn to provide three additional stables, plus the formation of an opened fenced menage. Exceeds number of private stables permitted in Green Belt (4). REFUSED Hollybush Ride, Winkfield — Winklands 05/00 206 Detached house after demolition of existing dwelling with extensions and alterations to the existing garage and utility block. Interesting application in its content. Ask planning officer to ensure it is within Green Belt regulations. Refer to size increase. APPROVED 16 Holmes Close, Sunninghill — The Laurels 9 06/00 880 2.6m high fence (reflective sound barrier) facing Devenish Road. Increase in height over existing fence considered harmful to street scene and inappropriate in this semi-rural section of Devenish Road WITHDRAWN Holmes Close, Sunninghill — The Laurels 9 06/02 546 Reflective sound barrier fence to Devenish Road boundary. Concern at harmful impact on street scene if allowed to exceed 2m in height. APPROVED Kennel Ride, Ascot S/hill — 100a 05/02 741 Change of Use from C2 (Childrens Home) to 6 X 1 bed dwelling together with construction of a two storey rear extension. Would harm neighbour amenity and potentially harmful to an SPA. REFUSED Kennel Ride, Ascot S/hill — 100a 06/02 327 Change of Use from C2 (Childrens Home) to 5 X 1 bedroom dwellings together with a two storey rear extension. Concern about parking provision and appropriateness of the density in this location. REFUSED Kennel Ride, Ascot S/hill — 76 05/03 003 Part single storey part two storey side extension. Proposal would cause harm to street scene and character of the dwelling, would create a terracing effect, harm neighbour amenity and result in on-street parking. APPROVED Kennel Ride, Ascot S/hill — Grass verge 17 Metres East of junction of Kennel Ride and Kennel 05/02 062 Avenue Application to determine if prior approval is required to erect an 8 metre high simulated telegraph pole communications mast with 3 antennas and 2 equipment cabinets and ancillary development. (Telecom) Consider approval required. WITHDRAWN Kier Park, Ascot S/hill — 16 06/02 025 Front boundary railings with entrance gates and piers. WITHDRAWN Kier Park, Ascot S/hill — Carmikli House 1 06/00 169 Timber boundary fencing part approximately 2.12 metres high and part approximately 1.3 metres high (retrospective). Harmful to street scene. APPROVED Kier Park, Ascot S/hill — Kier Park House 05/02 285 5 bedroom detached house with accommodation in roof space plus a detached double garage following demolition of existing dwelling (Amendment to consent 05/01126). Concern at inclusion of front dormers which not characteristic of area. APPROVED Kier Park, Ascot S/hill — Land At Owlswood 05/02 365 5 bedroomed detached dwelling with integral garage . Proximity to Owlswood (2.4m) would erode spacious quality of area and harm its character. Design alien in character and has overlooking 1st floor flank windows. REFUSED King Edwards Rise, Winkfield — Avalon 8 05/00 515 Erection of two storey side extension and enlargement of existing roof including formation of front facing gable following demolition of existing garage. (No SPAE interest.) REFUSED Kings Ride, Ascot S/hill — Amorseto 07/00 545 Four bedroom detached house. Permission should not be granted until 2m roadside fence erected without planning consent is removed. AWAITED Kings Ride, Ascot S/hill — Englemere and White House 05/03 229 Change of Use of site to include all associated buildings and outbuildings to B1 (offices). Intensity of use may make overall parking exceed provision. WITHDRAWN Kings Ride, Winkfield — 2 and 4 Kings Ride Park 05/00 838 Section 73 application to increase the maximum number of employees from 53 to 63 people in units 2 and 4 without compliance with condition 03 of planning consent 03/00855/FUL. Condition 3 of original consent limits personnel because the site is in Green Belt and close to residential development. As this is still relevant, we object to this application which will only intensify activity. WITHDRAWN 17 Kings Ride, Winkfield — 2 and 4 Kings Ride Park 05/01 196 Section 73 application to increase the maximum number of employees from 53 to 63 people in units 2 and 4 without compliance with condition 3 of planning consent 03/00855/FUL. Condition 3 of original consent limits personnel because the site is in Green Belt and close to residential development. As this is still relevant we object to this application, which will only intensify activity. APPROVED Kings Ride, Winkfield — Land At Entrance to Kingswood 06/01 044 Display of 2no. free standing externally illuminated signs at entrance to Kingswood Business Complex. (Advertisement) Out of character with the rural aspect of local street scene. In Green Belt. Contrary to EN 20 of the local plan. REFUSED Kings Ride, Winkfield — Land opposite Kings Ride 05/00 190 Submission of details of siting and appearance for the erection of 9.7m high telecommunications mast with 3no. antennae and 2no. associated equipment cabins. Proposal is in Green Belt. This application will result in an eyesore and is a traffic hazard. APPROVED Kings Road, Sunninghill — Royal Mail Ascot Delivery Office 05/01 238 Loading dock enclosure to rear and a covered walkway to rear and side plus alterations to main access onto Highclere. Concern at potentially harmful impact upon adjacent residents’ amenity and upon highway safety if on-street parking increases. APPROVED Kingswick Drive, Ascot S/hill — 2 06/02 449 Replacement of existing 1.2 metre high fence with 2.15 metre high fence to boundary with Sunninghill Road (Retrospective). Concern at excessive height. APPROVED Kinross Avenue, Ascot S/hill — 28 06/02 196 Replacement of garage with single storey front extension and bay window. Fails to meet guidance on good design for extensions. APPROVED Lady Margaret Road, Sunningdale — Birchwood 05/01 067 Consent to erect 1.5 high x 15.5m long hoarding and one single sided non-illuminated freestanding sales board (fronting lady margaret road) and one non-illuminated freestanding ‘v’ board (facing A30 London Road). (Advertisement) Letter sent re backland/hoardings. REFUSED Lady Margaret Road, Sunningdale — Birchwood 05/01 556 Consent to erect a stack board and a sales stack board with 2 flagpoles fronting Lady Margaret Road and a sale board with 2 flagpoles facing A30 London Road (all post mounted and non-illuminated). (Advertisement) Objection as to effect on fast-moving A30 traffic. APPROVED Lady Margaret Road, Sunningdale — Broadwood House 07/00 901 Single storey extension to existing pool house. AWAITED Lady Margaret Road, Sunningdale — Laggan House 05/01 449 14 apartments on 3 floors with basement parking following demolition of existing dwellings. Development comprises eight 2-bedroom and six 3-bedroom flats. Objection; flatted development and underground parking disturbance to water level. WITHDRAWN Lady Margaret Road, Sunningdale — Laggan House 05/02 505 8 X 2 bed and 6 X 3 bed apartments with basement parking following demolition of existing dwelling and revised access onto Lady Margaret Road. Objection repeated. Current housing requirement already satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Lady Margaret Road, Sunningdale — Land to The rear of Midway 06/02 102 Outline application for the construction of one detached dwelling with access onto Lady Margaret Road. Objection based on fact that it is within 5km of SPA. Contrary to Berkshire & Local Plan current housing requirement already satisfied. Land subject to flooding making site unsuitable for residential use. REFUSED Lady Margaret Road, Sunningdale — Oak Knoll 05/02 226 Relaxation of condition 12 (details and siting of walls and fences) of permission 03/83747 to allow walls and fences to be erected before last occupation of the development. (Relaxation) Condition should still apply. WITHDRAWN 18 Larch Avenue, Sunninghill — Birdsong 07/00 381 Consent to fell two Silver Birch and reduce and reshape or fell a Sweet Chestnut, a Copper Beech, a Chamaluy Paris, a Beech and an Oak, deadwood a Pine and reduce a Leylandi hedge. (Trees) No reasons have been given for the proposed felling/reduction of these trees which have amenity value. Planning permission was subject to no further tree loss. APPROVED Larch Avenue, Sunninghill — House In The Wood 06/02 812 Installation of an air cooled chiller unit. Concern at potential for harm to neighbour amenity and to wildlife. APPROVED Llanvair Close, Sunninghill — 23 06/01 940 Five bedroom detached house with detached double garage following demolition of existing dwelling. Bulk and scale out of character. Installation of gates on an open plan estate harmful to street scene. WITHDRAWN Llanvair Close, Sunninghill — 23 06/02 542 Five bedroom detached house with detached double garage following demolition of existing dwelling. Approval needs to be conditional on removal of permitted development rights. APPROVED Llanvair Close, Sunninghill — 23 07/00 233 Front entrance gates and piers. Gates harmful to street scene in this open plan location. WITHDRAWN Llanvair Drive, Sunninghill — 10 05/01 730 Two-storey side extension, alterations to existing garage to create double car port and construction of rear conservatory. Access arrangements unclear and plans do not show location of trees affected by the development. APPROVED Llanvair Drive, Sunninghill — 17 05/02 895 2.1m electric sliding gate, 1.85m high wall with 2.2m high piers with lanterns fronting Llanvair Drive and alterations to existing vehicular access. Gates and walls wholly inappropriate in this open plan location and harmful to street scene. REFUSED Llanvair Drive, Sunninghill — Tangles 17 06/02 664 2.0m electric gates with 2.2m high piers fronting Llanvair Drive and alterations to existing vehicular access. Opposed to gates as harmful to street scene on an open plan estate(closely similar application is currently at appeal). REFUSED Locks Ride, Winkfield — The Chestnuts 56 07/00 305 Single storey side/rear extension and erection of detached double garage to front of property. . AWAITED Lockton Chase, Ascot S/hill — 18 06/02 569 An external stair to side. Appears to create a separate flat so approval should be conditional on single family occupancy. APPROVED London Road, Ascot S/hill — 15 05/02 997 Change of use from vacant site to a carpark including new tarmac surface with new vehicular access. Concern that if approved, this would result in a change of use from residential to commercial. REFUSED London Road, Ascot S/hill — 15 06/00 364 Temporary change of use from vacant site to car park including new tarmac surface with new vehicular access. Would result in a loss of a residential dwelling and harm to street scene. Permission should be limited to one year only. REFUSED London Road, Ascot S/hill — Cary Cottage 06/00 669 Detached garage. Appears to breach Green Belt limit on cumulative size of extensions. APPROVED London Road, Ascot S/hill — Meadow Cottage, Titness Park 05/02 820 First floor extension on north-west elevation. Extension disproportionate for a Green Belt location when taken with previous extensions. Also harmful to character of area. WITHDRAWN London Road, Ascot S/hill — Netherwells 06/02 707 Side and first floor extensions to convert existing bungalow into a four bedroom house plus entrance porch and chimneys. Development would result in a disproportionate increase in size for a dwelling in the Green Belt and harm to the openness of the Green Belt. WITHDRAWN 19 London Road, Ascot S/hill — South Lodge 05/01 911 Two 4-bedroom detached houses following demolition of existing dwelling. Proposal would result in a cramped backland appearance but permission should not be given for any development unless 02/82305 for replacement of South Lodge and Manor Steps with a block of 16 flats is withdrawn first. REFUSED London Road, Ascot S/hill — South Lodge 05/02 652 Outline application of the construction of two detached houses and garages following demolition of existing dwelling. (Outline) Permission should not be granted while permission exists for the joint development of both Manor Steps and South Lodge. Proposed development appears cramped. REFUSED London Road, Ascot S/hill — South Lodge 05/02 653 Outline application for the construction of 5 X 2 bedroom flats following demolition of existing dwelling. (Outline) Permission should not be granted while permission exists for the joint development of Manor Steps and South Lodge. REFUSED London Road, Ascot S/hill — South Lodge and Manor Steps 06/01 703 13 x 2 bed and 3 x 3 bed flats following demolition of existing, with landscaping, basement and surface [parking (pursuant to outline application 02/82305). (Reserved matters) The curtilage shown for this development includes that of South Lodge for which there is already a separate planning application currently at appeal and which this new application would overlap; also site is within 5 km of an SPA and there is at present an embargo on this type of development APPROVED London Road, Ascot S/hill — The Marrakesh 05/02 159 Retrospective application to erect a timber storage shed. (No SPAE interest.) REFUSED London Road, Ascot S/hill — Winchmore Chase 06/00 395 Detached double garage and store. Agreement needed to ensure single family occupancy. WITHDRAWN London Road, Sunningdale — 2 Broomhall Buildings 05/03 196 Change of use of premises from A1 (retail) to A2 (Financial and Professional Services). May adversely affect standard of local retail units and amenities of neighbouring residents. Also parking concern. APPROVED London Road, Sunningdale — 2 Broomhall Buildings 06/00 858 Replacement shopfront incorporating ramped access, installation of one roof mounted condenser unit and one 90cm satellite dish and single storey rear extension. Concern over size of fascia lettering and jutting out sign APPROVED London Road, Sunningdale — Beech House 05/02 079 First floor front, side and rear extension, rear conservatory and extension of existing porch canopy to full width of dwelling with new support columns. Objection as too close to neighbour at 1st floor level. APPROVED London Road, Sunningdale — Bluebells Restaurant 06/01 731 Display of a 3 m high double sided monolith sign with four uplighters. (Advertisement) Needs to comply with Green Belt regulations for advertisements. REFUSED London Road, Sunningdale — Brackenber Lodge 06/02 427 Demolition of an existing building and erection of a three bedroom detached two storey dwelling to provide ancillary accommodation. Conform to Green Belt regulations. REFUSED London Road, Sunningdale — Coworth Park House 06/01 919 Change of use of main building from office to form 37-room hotel with function, leisure and health facilities, erection of replacement extensions, change of use of stables A to G to form 20 guest suites and stable H to restaurant with mezzanine level. . Proposals involve inappropriate development within the Green Belt for which there are no special circumstances in justification. APPROVED London Road, Sunningdale — Coworth Park Polo Centre Ahmibah Farm Estate 06/00 012 Consent to crown lift to 4m a lime and a horse chestnut and reduce height of 2 scaffold branches of an oak by between 15% to 20%. (Trees) APPROVED 20 London Road, Sunningdale — Fairfield House 05/01 860 Fifteen 2 bedroom flats with ancillary parking following demolition of existing dwelling. Objection. Overdevelopment, and against many other local considerations. REFUSED London Road, Sunningdale — Fairfield House 05/02 528 15 X 2-bed flats with parking provision and revised access on to London Road following demolition of existing dwelling. Objection repeated. Current housing requirement already satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED London Road, Sunningdale — Greystones 06/01 607 Two storey apartment block with accommodation in roof space and basement parking with leisure facilities, comprising 15 X 2 bed flats, surface parking, bin stores, landscaping and 1.8m high boundary wall with 2.2m high electrically operated entrance gates, modifications to existing access following demolition of existing dwelling. Objection, as proposal is at least a third longer than approved building. REFUSED London Road, Sunningdale — Holcombe House and South Lodge 05/01 975 One block of 6 no. flats comprising 2 X 3 bedroom and 4 X 2 bedroom apartments and one terrace of 10 town houses comprising 5 X 3 bedroom, 2 X 4 bedroom and 3 X 5 bedroom with parking and access via private drive onto London Road. Overdevelopment and overprovision of this type of dwelling locally. Current housing requirement already satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED London Road, Sunningdale — Holcombe House and South Lodge 05/02 693 2 X 4 bed detached dwellings with integral garages, 2 X 3 bed and 1 X 4 bed town houses with integral garages, 2 X 5 bed and 2 X 3 bed terraced dwellings, 4 X 3 bed and 1 X 2 bed and 1 X 1 bed apartments, landscaping, garages and parking following demolition of existing dwellings with access via private drive onto London Road. Overdevelopment, too urban in appearance. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. Current housing requirement satisfied. REFUSED London Road, Sunningdale — Junction of A30 London Road, B383 Broomhall Lane and B383 05/02 775 Chobham Road Upgrading of existing priority junction to a staggered signal junction. Letter to check on integration with level crossing gates timing. APPROVED London Road, Sunningdale — Land R/o Majestic Wine Warehouse 07/00 553 Outline application for the construction of 3 X 1 bed flats with covered parking following demolition of existing garage/stores. (Outline) Should only be permitted as affordable housing. AWAITED London Road, Sunningdale — Rustlings 06/01 880 Consent to fell a eucalyptus and two cypress, crown reduce a holly and remove 1 branch of an oak. (Trees) APPROVED London Road, Sunningdale — Sunningdale Station Car Park 06/02 779 Kiosk style coffee bar and taxi office. Needs to apply for change of use; concern over security, and possible litter and nuisance. REFUSED London Road, Sunningdale — Sunningdale Station Car Park 07/00 335 Kiosk style coffee bar and taxi office. Concern over possible nuisance, security and litter. APPROVED London Road, Sunningdale — The Big Cedar 05/00 979 Consent to fell five common lime, one cherry and one english oak trees and crown lift, crown clean and crown reduce various other trees. (Trees) Queried necessity for such comprehensive works. APPROVED London Road, Sunningdale — White Lodge 05/02 945 Two storey side and two storey part single storey rear extensions plus alterations to front dormers and additions of skylight. Needs to conform to Green Belt regulations. WITHDRAWN London Road, Sunninghill — Meridian House 05/02 186 Metal entrance gates with brick walling and piers together with 1.8 metre high close board fencing to front boundary. Harmful to the openness of the Green Belt. WITHDRAWN 21 London Road, Winkfield — Cranbrook 06/00 261 Outline application (including siting and means of access) for the erection of 6no. flats. (Outline) Size and bulk of this application will result in amenity loss for the neighbours at side and rear. The impact on Thames Valley Special Protection Sites is unknown. REFUSED London Road, Winkfield — Dolyhir 05/00 392 3no. three bedroom terraced houses with associated parking on land to the rear of Dolyhir following demolition of detached garage. This is backland development and as such is undesirable in this location. REFUSED London Road, Winkfield — Land At Pear Tree House and 6 06/00 159 5 no. dwellings comprising 3 no. 3 bed terraced houses and 2 no. 2 bed apartments in two blocks with associated parking and access. (revised proposal to application 04/00775/FUL allowed under appeal). Overdevelopment and out of character with surrounding properties. APPROVED Lower Village Road, Sunninghill — 109 05/01 381 First floor extension to convert existing bungalow into a five bedroom house. Proposed scale out of character and harmful to street scene. WITHDRAWN Lower Village Road, Sunninghill — 91 05/01 299 Two detached three bed dwellings and attached garage with new access onto Farm Close following demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed development cramped and harmful to street scene and likely to harm amenity of neighbours. Proposed access from Farm Close unacceptable (private road) and impractical (road used for residents parking). REFUSED Lower Village Road, Sunninghill — 91 05/01 844 One 4 bedroom detached dwelling and detached double garage following demolition of existing dwelling. Concern at corner access using part of Farm Close private road and that close boarded fencing along Lower Village Road would harm street scene. APPROVED Lower Village Road, Sunninghill — 91 06/00 667 Three bedroom detached chalet style house with double carport following demolition of existing dwelling. Concern that a Huf Hus design might appear incongruous in this location. APPROVED Lower Village Road, Sunninghill — Land North of Lower Village Road 06/02 109 Consent to crown clean and reduce and remove dead, dying, diseased and cross branches end epicormic growth of an Oak and tip reduce an Hornbeam. (Trees) This lies outside curtilage which has been extended into Green Belt without planning permission. Any consent needs to take this into account. APPROVED Lyndhurst Road, Sunninghill — Eric White (coachbuilder) Ltd 05/01 780 Vehicle after sales building comprising workshop MOT, parts store, reception at ground floor with staff facilities and parts store at part mezzanine level. Single storey structure to north of site for jet wash and valeting. Parking vehicle storage and revisions to access. Proposals for treatment of southern boundary not sufficiently clear to determine if harm will occur to amenity of houses in Bouldish Farm Road. Replacement of fence will destroy existing screening. Conditions needed to control discharge and noise after development APPROVED Lyndhurst Road, Sunninghill — William Jacks Bmw-mini 05/02 757 Consent to display one background lit dealer name sign and two back-lit brand signs to front elevation, one spot-lit from below freestanding double-sided service sign to site entrance and two spot-lit from below 8.1m high flagpoles at junction of Lyndhurst and All Souls Road. (Advertisement) Flagpoles at junction with All Souls Road harmful to residential amenity. APPROVED Lyndhurst Road, Sunninghill — William Jacks Bmw-mini 06/00 879 Electrical sub-station. Location close to residential dwellings has potential to harm their amenity REFUSED Mill Ride, Winkfield — The Millstone 53 06/00 089 Two storey side extension following demolition of existing garage. APPROVED Monks Walk, Sunninghill — Abbots Lodge 06/01 654 Detached shed and alterations to windows at first floor level at each end of garage and three new velux to rear of garage roof. Permission has already been refused earlier for use of first floor of garage for habitable accommodation. APPROVED 22 Monks Walk, Sunninghill — Huckle House 2.7m (maximum height) front boundary wall with 3.3m high piers for electrically operated entrance gates. Concern at impact upon street scene. REFUSED Monks Walk, Sunninghill — Huckle House Front boundary fence comprising 2.2 metres brick piers with oak infill panels and 2.5 metre high metal entrance gates. Concern at impact upon street scene. APPROVED Monks Walk, Sunninghill — Monks House Detached 6 bedroom house following demolition of existing dwelling. Threat to protected trees and harm to neighbour amenity. No garage provision could harm street scene. AWAITED Monks Walk, Sunninghill — Tansyknowle (hist) Monks House Detached six bed dwelling following demolition of Monks House. Objection to footprint of new dwelling which is unbalanced within the plot and harmful to neighbour amenity. WITHDRAWN Murray Court, Sunninghill — 20 First floor side and single storey front extension. AWAITED New Mile Road, Ascot S/hill — Land At Sunninghill Lodge 6 and 7 New Bungalow Spinney Cottage 1 and 2 Gardeners 05/02 425 06/00 071 07/00 595 06/02 931 07/00 857 06/01 426 5 X 3 bedroom apartments 3 no. 3-bedroom and 2 no. 2 bedroom detached bungalows and garages following demolition of existing dwellings. The development would harm the open appearance of the Green Belt and fails to make provision for affordable housing in view of the size of the site. REFUSED New Mile Road, Ascot S/hill — Land At Sunninghill Lodge 6 and 7 New Bungalow Spinney Lodge 1 07/00 546 and 2 Gardeners 2/3 storey apartment block comprising 5 X 3 bedroom apartments and 5 bungalows (2 X 3 bed, 2 X 2 bed and 1 X 4 bed) with garages following demolition of existing dwellings. Implementation of mitigation plans for protected species needs to be a condition of planning permission. AWAITED New Road, Sunninghill — 149 07/00 919 Single storey rear extension. AWAITED New Road, Sunninghill — 161 05/01 391 Detached outbuilding and formation of a new access with sliding gate and brick piers. Unsafe to permit this development without knowing use to which the building is to be put. Proposed access appears harmful to highway safety. APPROVED New Road, Sunninghill — 35 07/00 860 Replacement rear conservatory. AWAITED New Road, Sunninghill — Haverleigh House 07/00 025 Single storey rear extension and detached outbuilding. Opposed to location of detached outbuilding which is harmful to neighbour amenity. WITHDRAWN New Road, Winkfield — 188a 06/00 786 Single storey front extension and installation of forward facing dormer. APPROVED New Road, Winkfield — Land At 179 & 181 05/00 204 4no. two bedroomed terrace houses with associated parking accessed from new road net addition of 2no. houses to scheme contained in planning application 04/00929/FUL). Further backland development, to which we object. REFUSED North Road, Winkfield — Holly Cottage 25 07/00 299 First floor rear extension. AWAITED Oaklands Close, Ascot S/hill — 9 07/00 899 Consent to fell 3 Scots Pine. (Trees) AWAITED 23 Oaklands Drive, Ascot S/hill — 13 06/00 890 Part two storey part first floor side extension, replacement open porch, chimney, pitched roof over existing front dormer and replacement of flat roof over existing single storey rear extension. Side extension less than 1 metre from boundary at first floor level APPROVED Oliver Road, Ascot S/hill — 23 06/00 986 Two storey front and side extensions. Side extension not 1 metre from boundary at first floor level WITHDRAWN Oliver Road, Ascot S/hill — 35 06/02 703 Two storey side extension and loft conversion with rear dormer. Concern at impact on street scene and loss of neighbour amenity. WITHDRAWN Onslow Road, Sunningdale — Marcroft 06/02 815 Single storey rear and first floor side extensions, new porch canopy. APPROVED Oriental Road, Sunninghill — 16 05/03 150 Alterations to roof to provide additional first floor accommodation together with insertion of front and rear dormer windows. Two front dormers harmful to street scene. Concern about adequacy of parking. APPROVED Oriental Road, Sunninghill — 29 05/01 604 First floor side extension. Concern remains that design of proposed extension will not harmonise with present style of building which makes an important contribution to the street scene. REFUSED Oriental Road, Sunninghill — 6 05/01 580 Pair of three bedroom semi detached houses with parking following demolition of existing bungalow. A two storey building in a row of bungalows would be out of character and harmful both to the street scene and the amenity of neighbours. Conversion of front gardens into car parks harmful to street scene. REFUSED Oriental Road, Sunninghill — 6 06/01 100 Insertion of front and rear dormers and erection of single detached garage. Front dormers out of character and design cramped. REFUSED Park Drive, Sunningdale — 65 06/02 859 Three bedroom end of terrace house. Possible affordable housing; extra house needs to satisfy special circumstances to overcome housing moratorium and Special Protection Area concerns;cramped parking. REFUSED Parkside Road, Sunningdale — 29 07/00 202 Two storey side and single storey rear extension plus open front porch. Concern regarding parking as three double bedrooms en suite proposed. APPROVED Pinecote Drive, Sunningdale — 8 06/02 987 Two storey front and rear extensions and formation of new vehicle entrance. Concern over terracing effect and closeness to large Beech Tree in front garden. AWAITED Prince Albert Drive, Winkfield — 1 Kings Yard 05/00 274 Single storey rear extension. WITHDRAWN Prince Albert Drive, Winkfield — 1 Kings Yard 05/00 580 Single storey rear extension. Does this impinge on Green Belt regulations? Ref. 40% increase in size. REFUSED Prince Albert Drive, Winkfield — Bewes Stud 06/00 169 1 no. detached dwelling to provide workers accommodation in connection with the existing stud farm and horse rehabilitation use (replacement of existing temporary mobile home). This is in Green Belt. The justification is based upon the sustainability of an equine business on site. We believe the business is not sustainable and the application should not be allowed. WITHDRAWN 24 Prince Albert Drive, Winkfield — Bewes Stud 06/00 723 One detached dwelling to provide workers accommodation in connection with the existing stud farm and horse rehabilitation use (replacement of existing temporary mobile home). Object on this application in Green Belt. The applicant does not show the enterprise to be sustainable and hence not allowable under exceptional circumstances to GB1 of Bracknell Plan APPROVED Prince Albert Drive, Winkfield — Bewes Stud 06/01 119 Retention of mobile home for a period of two years. (Temporary) Object to this application as it is the fourth for temporary permission. Not justified as last application for permanent dwelling showed the conditions for sustainable activity were not met. REFUSED Prince Andrew Way, Winkfield — 2 06/00 700 Two storey side extension and relocation of the north fence. APPROVED Prince Andrew Way, Winkfield — 46 05/00 619 Change of use of amenity land to enclosure to private garden and erection of 2 metre high timber fence adjacent to the highway. Will detract from the street scene contrary to EN 20 of the Local Plan. REFUSED Prince Consort Drive, Winkfield — 23 07/00 171 Front and rear two storey extensions, single storey front extension and detached double garage following demolition of existing conservatory. The garage will intrude into the open and rural aspect of this road as it is a new building in the front garden. AWAITED Prince Consort Drive, Winkfield — Foresters 31 06/00 975 1no. 5 bedroom dwelling and detached triple garage following the demolition of existing dwelling. IConcern regarding size and bulk in view proximity to neighbouring properties. WITHDRAWN Prince Consort Drive, Winkfield — Mimizan 11 06/00 543 Two storey front extension. Concern over the closeness to road that this extension will result in. Will be detrimental to the street scene of this very attractive road. REFUSED Priory Road, Sunningdale — Land At Mallow 05/02 487 Two 5-bedroom detached dwellings with detached double garages with access on to Priory Road. Within Zone of no increase of development, as closer than 400 metres to Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. WITHDRAWN Priory Road, Sunningdale — Mallow 05/02 658 Two 5 bedroom detached houses and detached double garages with access onto Priory Road. Within zone of no increase of development, as closer than 400m to Chobham common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Priory Road, Winkfield — 6 Scotts Mews 07/00 308 Section 73 application to allow single storey rear extension forming conservatory without compliance with condition 16 of full planning permission 00/00196/FUL (under this condition, planning permission is needed for any extensions to the property). . (Relaxation) AWAITED Priory Road, Winkfield — Land At rear of Kates Cottage 06/00 867 1no. two bedroom dwelling. Not compatible with existing street scene contrary to EN20 of local plan. S.P.A. also relevant. REFUSED Priory Road, Winkfield — St Annes Cottage 05/00 869 Two storey extension to side and rear. Is in Green Belt , and therefore subject to conditions of GB1 of local plan. APPROVED Queens Hill Rise, Ascot S/hill — Fauns Green 05/01 993 5 No. detached dwellings (plots 1,2 and 5 with integral garages and plots 3 and 4 with conservatories). An estate type development is inappropriate in this location, would harm the character of the area and constitute overdevelopment of the site. There is no current access to Kier Park and there would be some loss of amenity. REFUSED Queens Hill Rise, Ascot S/hill — Fauns Green 05/02 694 Outline application for the construction of four detached houses following demolition of existing with access on to Kier Park. (Outline) An estate type development would be inappropriate in this location and harmful to character of area and street scene. Potentially harmful to an SPA. REFUSED 25 Queens Hill Rise, Ascot S/hill — Hakoyanagi 05/02 319 Construction of 3 X 5 bedroom houses with integral garage, access drives and landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling. (No SPAE interest.) REFUSED Queens Hill Rise, Ascot S/hill — Hakoyanagi 06/00 421 4 No 5 bedroomed houses with integral garages, access drives and landscaping following demolition of existing house with associated junction improvements (at Cheapside Road). It has not been shown that harm to the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area would not occur and no mitigation for this is provided. Also there are no special circumstances to justify a relaxation of the Borough’s one year moratorium on additional housing. REFUSED Queens Place, Ascot S/hill — 8 05/01 803 Four 3-bedroom houses following demolition of existing painting works and offices. Access does still not appear to meet highway standards and design of elevations out of character with Queens Place. REFUSED Queens Road, Sunninghill — 2 05/01 319 Change of use from A1 retail and B1 light industrial to A5 takeaway fish and chips including new extractor ducting on rear elevation. (Change of use) Concern at harm to neighbour amenity in this partly residential area from proposed change of use. Parking not provided for. REFUSED Ravensdale Road, Sunninghill — Land At Hylands 06/01 516 Five bedroom detached house with detached double garage plus demolition of existing garage. Increase in scale now proposed exceeds that approved at outline stage and dwelling will appear cramped. APPROVED Ridgemount Road, Sunningdale — Dormy House 05/01 019 Outline application for the construction of a replacement two storey extensions the rear (north) elevation. (Outline) Letter supporting upgrading of residential home for the aged and pointing out application 05/01021 and application 05/01020 will be visible from Green Belt and need to conform to PPG 2 (not to harm visual amenity as viewed from Green Belt). WITHDRAWN Ridgemount Road, Sunningdale — Dormy House 05/01 020 Outline application for the construction of a two storey care wing with conservatory linking new wing to main entrance to side (east) elevation and new conservatory to front (south) elevation. (Outline) Letter supporting upgrading of residential home for the aged and pointing out application 05/01021 and application 05/01020 will be visible from Green Belt and need to conform to PPG 2 (not to harm visual amenity as viewed from Green Belt). WITHDRAWN Ridgemount Road, Sunningdale — Dormy House 05/01 021 Outline application for the construction of a two storey side extension (west) elevation following demolition of existing single storey extension. (Outline) Letter supporting upgrading of residential home for the aged and pointing out application 05/01021 and application 05/01020 will be visible from Green Belt and need to conform to PPG 2 (not to harm visual amenity as viewed from Green Belt). WITHDRAWN Rise Road, Sunningdale — 17 06/00 570 First floor side extension, conversion of loft and formation of front access. Concern over parking. APPROVED Royal Victoria Gardens, Ascot S/hill — 8 05/00 966 Consent to fell 1 horse chestnut. (Trees) Grounds for removal of tree do not appear adequate. REFUSED Ruston Way, Ascot S/hill — 9 06/00 835 Two storey and first floor extensions to front and rear. Car parking arrangements unclear and front first floor extension not 1metre from boundary REFUSED Sandy Lane, Sunningdale — Sycamore Cottage 05/02 595 Two X 4 bedroom houses with integral garages and loft accommodation and parking following demolition of existing dwelling (reserved matters for 03/84364/OUT). (Reserved matters) Note that present plans have increased each footprint from approved outline permission. WITHDRAWN Sandy Lane, Sunningdale — Sycamore Cottage 06/00 103 Two X 4 bedroom detached houses with integral garages following demolition of existing dwelling. Footprints now larger than on outline approved plans (Reserved Matters). APPROVED 26 Shrubbs Hill Lane, Sunningdale — Mulberry 05/02 144 A detached six bedroom house with detached garage and new entrance gates and piers following demolition of existing dwelling. Corner nearest Green Belt is only 1.8m from 3.5m high shrubbery screen. WITHDRAWN Shrubbs Hill Lane, Sunningdale — Mulberry 06/02 436 Detached garage with first floor accommodation . Dominant larger garage - keep in same ownership as condition. WITHDRAWN Shrubbs Hill Lane, Sunningdale — Mulberry 07/00 525 Detached garage with first floor accommodation. APPROVED Shrubbs Hill Lane, Sunningdale — Pine Hurst 06/00 075 Six bedroom detached house with 3 garage and ancillary staff accommodation following demolition of existing dwelling. Suggest condition to keep garage with accommodation under same ownership as Pinehurst. APPROVED Sidbury Close, Sunningdale — 10 07/00 365 Single storey side/rear extension, open front porch and boundary wall with railings to front. Concern regarding gates and wall, and cramped car parking. APPROVED Sidbury Close, Sunningdale — 6 06/01 006 Variation of condition 2 (garage condition) of planning permission 05/01213 to allow part of garage to be used as habitable room. Concern over variation and loss of parking space REFUSED Silwood Close, Sunninghill — 4 05/01 156 Five bedroom detached house with new entrance gates and front boundary wall and railings following demolition of existing house. Increase in size of footprint already significant for a Green Belt location and concern that, as no garage is shown on plans, further extensions might be applied for. APPROVED Silwood Close, Sunninghill — 4 07/00 947 5 bedroom detached dwelling following demolition of existing, front boundary wall and gates. Amendment to approval 06/00164. AWAITED Silwood Close, Sunninghill — 8 05/01 392 Front boundary wall with metal railings, gates and piers to 3.8 metres high plus pitched roof to replace flat roof on existing rear extension. Scale inappropriate in this Green Belt location and harmful to openness of the Green Belt. REFUSED Spring Gardens, Winkfield — 6 06/00 375 Part first floor, part two storey side extension. APPROVED St Georges Lane, Ascot S/hill — Alderbourne 05/02 377 9 X 2 bedroom and 1 X 1 bedroom apartments with associated parking, landscaping, bin store and access following demolition of existing dwelling. Bulk and scale not sufficiently different to that dismissed on appeal. Would still harm character of area in view of proximity to New Wilderness. SPA mitigation measures needed. REFUSED St Georges Lane, Ascot S/hill — Alderbourne 05/02 627 9 X 2 bedroom and 1 X 1 bedroom apartments with associated parking, landscaping, bin store and access following demolition of existing dwelling (Duplicate of 05/02377). Bulk and scale not sufficiently different to that already dismissed at appeal. Would still harm character of area and street scene. Has not shown that harm to an SPA (Chobham Common) could be avoided. REFUSED St Georges Lane, Ascot S/hill — Red Gables 05/00 806 Construction of 12 no. 2 bedroom apartments with car parking following demolition of existing dwelling. Harmful to street scene and character of area; St Georges Lane not up to highways standard; overdevelopment, about 60 dph not justified. REFUSED St Georges Lane, Ascot S/hill — Red Gables 05/01 874 12 X 2 bedroom apartments with basement parking and revised access following demolition of existing dwelling. Number of apartments excessive for this location (60 dph) resulting in overdevelopment of site and a scale of building out of character with the area. Concern at impact of additional traffic on highway safety. REFUSED 27 St Georges Lane, Ascot S/hill — Red Gables 05/02 690 12 X 2 bedroom apartments with basement parking and revisions to access following demolition of existing dwelling. Harmful to character of area and overdevelopment of site. Potentially harmful to an SPA. REFUSED St Georges Lane, Ascot S/hill — Street Blpu 05/01 105 Improvements to footway to side of the vehicular carriageway and other associated works to a section of private way approximately 120 metres long running south from London Road. SPAE is opposed to the changes that have been made to the footway on the grounds that these would not improve pedestrian safety. . WITHDRAWN St Georges Lane, Ascot S/hill — Street Bridle Path 05/01 015 Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether the proposed improvements of a footway to the side of the vehicular carriage way and other associated works to a section of private way approximately 120m long running south from London Road is lawful. (Lawful use) SPAE opposed to the inadequate footpath which has already been constructed but application not made available to SPAEfor comment. APPROVED St Marys Road, Sunninghill — Calleva Cottage 06/00 333 Outline application for the construction of 14 residential apartments with basement parking and revised access following demolition of existing dwelling. (Outline) It has not been shown that harm to the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area would not occur, and no mitigation for this is provided. Also there are no special circumstances to justify a relaxation of the Borough’s one year moratorium on additional housing. REFUSED St Marys Road, Sunninghill — Woodbery Down 05/02 647 Outline application for the construction of 15 apartments with basement parking following demolition of existing dwelling. (Outline) Harmful to character of area and access to site appears unsatisfactory. Not shown that harm to an SPA could be avoided. REFUSED Station Hill, Ascot S/hill — Jagz Limited 05/01 646 Consent to display one single sided totom sign with illuminated face panel and illuminated display case and non-illuminated vinyl lettering. (Advertisement) Concern at impact of these signs in this Green Belt location. REFUSED Station Road, Sunningdale — Ash Lodge 37 05/01 081 4 no. X 3 bedroom town houses with detached garages and revised access position on to Station Road following demolition of existing dwelling. Letter sent re overdevelopment and excessive height - cramped parking. Potential risk to mature copper tree. REFUSED Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — 12 05/02 288 Outline application for the erection of two detached dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling. (Outline) (No SPAE interest.) REFUSED Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — 12 05/02 407 2 X 5 bedroom detached dwelling with two bonus rooms in loft space and double garage with ancillary accommodation in roof space following demolition of existing. Bonus space in roof too high. Keep double garage with access in curtilage. WITHDRAWN Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — 12 05/02 684 2 X 5 bedroomed detached dwellings with 2 bonus rooms in loft space and double garage with ancillary accommodation in roof space, parking and widening of existing access following demolition of existing . Current housing requirement satisfied. Would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. Keep garage with accommodation in same curtilage. Out of keeping locally. REFUSED Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — 12 06/01 874 Five bedroom detached house following demolition of existing dwelling. Concern over siting of new property as if backland development. APPROVED Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — 2 05/01 402 Semi-circular block of 13 X 2 bedroom flats with basement parking and 2 X 3 bedroom houses, access on to Sunning Avenue following demolition of existing. Objection-overdevelopment and out of character and road safety. WITHDRAWN 28 Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — 2 05/02 438 Semi-circular block of 13 X 2 bedroom flats (with basement parking) and 2 X 3 bedroom houses, landscaping and access onto Sunning Avenue following demolition of existing dwelling. Overdevelopment out of keeping with the Avenue, overbearing, dangerous road junction, and would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — Ashis Nivas 05/01 401 A semi-circular block of 15 X 2 bedroom flats incorporating basement parking, following demolition of existing and access on to Sunning Avenue. Objection-overdevelopment and out of character and road safety. WITHDRAWN Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — Ashis Nivas 05/02 439 Semi-circular block of 15 X 2 bedroom flats with basement parking, landscaping and access onto Sunning Avenue. Strong objection for various reasons. Overdevelopment out of keeping with the Avenue, overbearing, dangerous road junction, and would be adding to adverse impact on Chobham Common Site of Special Scientific Interest. REFUSED Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — Wildwood 05/03 212 Consent to fell a horse chestnut tree. (Trees) APPROVED Sutherland Chase, Ascot S/hill — 75 06/00 016 Two storey side extension with rear conservatory. Concern that sufficient parking and access may not be provided. APPROVED Sutherland Chase, Ascot S/hill — Grass Verge opposite Sub Station On Southern Side of 06/00 960 Sutherland Chase Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the siting and design of a freestanding telecommunications column max 10 metres high supporting 3 No. antennas and associated equipment cabinet. (Telecom) Location on this highly visible and much used public open space is inappropriate. Reasons why agreement with owners of other sites could not be reached should be given REFUSED Swinley Road, Winkfield — Telecommunications Mast 05/00 610 Submission of details of siting and appearance for the erection of a 10m high telegraph pole telecommunications mast with 2 no. associated equipment cabins. (Telecom) Object - further intrusion in Green Belt. It is also very close to one approved in Kings Ride. Is duplication necessary?. REFUSED Swinley Road, Winkfield — Tower Court 05/00 695 Detached house, and accompanying dwelling and ancillary outbuildings, and landscaping following demolition of existing house and cottage. Check if phrase ‘accompanying dwelling’ allows this to be a separate dwelling. REFUSED The Burlings, Ascot S/hill — 32 05/02 738 Single storey and first floor front and two storey rear extensions plus side garage extension with loft accommodation. Could harm neighbour amenity. APPROVED The Close, Winkfield — 6 07/00 128 Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Comment - will this substantial extension change the existing street scene adversely. REFUSED The Close, Winkfield — Land rear of 2 05/01 082 1no. four bedroomed detached house with access onto Fernbank Road. Will adversely impact amenity of neighbours in The Close. Therefore out of character. WITHDRAWN The Covert, Sunningdale — Greenwood 06/01 589 Consent to fell a holly, a Robinia and a yew. (Trees) APPROVED The Covert, Sunningdale — Land R/o Greenwood 06/02 189 Certificate of Lawfulness to determine whether the existing use of the land as residential is lawful. (Lawful use) Land is in the Green Belt and already in use as garden annexed and registered from boundary woodland. APPROVED The Poplars, Sunninghill — 11 06/01 397 Two storey side extension with single storey link to main house and rear conservatory. Alien design harmful to street scene and character of the area. WITHDRAWN 29 The Poplars, Sunninghill — 11 06/01 958 2 storey side extension and rear conservatory. Extension is of unsympathetic design. Agreement to single family occupancy needs to be secured. APPROVED The Spinney, Sunningdale — Augusta House 06/00 586 Consent to fell 3 beech, 4 oaks a sweet chestnut and 2 thuyas and crown clean and remove 3 lowest branches of an oak. (Trees) Objection as builder and purchaser both knew the conditions of tree preservation in original consent. APPROVED Upper Village Road, Sunninghill — 52 05/00 830 Change of use of premises (Office, Hairdressers and flat) to form 1 no. 2 bedroom and 2 no. 1 bedroom self contained flats with parking. Parking arrangements not satisfactory and potential for loss of amenity. APPROVED Upper Village Road, Sunninghill — 79 07/00 592 Two storey side and single storey rear extensions. Off-street parking provision does not appear adequate. AWAITED Upper Village Road, Sunninghill — High Pine Cottage 05/01 206 Consent to fell 2 Scots Pine and remove epicormic growth from an Oak. (Trees) Concern that these 2 Scots Pines may be those subject to a dismissed appeal in 1997. Sound reasons for felling needed if so. APPROVED Watersplash Lane, Ascot S/hill — Holly Cottage 06/01 816 Single storey rear extension, part single/part two storey front extension, raising and alterations to roof to form habitable accommodation including one front and rear dormer . Concern that scale of extensions is disproportionate for this Green Belt site. REFUSED Watersplash Lane, Ascot S/hill — Oaktree Corttage 07/00 499 Front and rear extensions and first floor extension to convert existing bungalow into 3 bedroom detached house, plus open front entrance porch and detached single garage. Concern that may exceed Green Belt guidelines. Similar application already at appeal. REFUSED Watersplash Lane, Ascot S/hill — Oaktree Cottage 06/01 686 Front and rear extensions and raising of main roof to create a two storey house with open front porch, chimney to side and a detached single garage. Concern that size of extensions is disproportionate for this Green Belt location. WITHDRAWN Watersplash Lane, Ascot S/hill — Oaktree Cottage 06/02 352 Front and rear extensions and raising of main roof to create a two storey house with open front porch, side chimney and a detached single garage. Concern that size of increase may exceed Green Belt guidelines. REFUSED Watersplash Lane, Ascot S/hill — Park Stables, Sunninghill Park 05/01 990 Conversion of existing stables to residential use, comprising (block 1) 1 X 2 bedroom, 1 X 1 bedroom and 1 X 2 bedroom with accommodation in roof space (block2) 1 X 1 bedroom with new porch and (block3) 1 X 3 bedroom. (Circular 18/84) No objection to change of use to Residential and conversion as proposed providing following conditions are met: 1. Biodiversity and wildlife protected 2 Development t's design respects the locationof this site which lies within an area of special landscape importance AWAITED Wells Lane, Ascot S/hill — Coach House 05/03 070 Five bedroom dwelling with additional accommodation in the roof space with integral double garage. Would harm character of area and street scene and protected trees. Plans do not indicate an access; potentially a landlocked site, due to legal proceedings over the private access drive which belongs to Karina. REFUSED Wells Lane, Ascot S/hill — St Georges School 05/02 807 Retention of temporary construction access road to provide vehicular access to multi purpose hall. Special circumstances for allowing this development in the Green Belt not sufficiently detailed. APPROVED Whitmore Lane, Sunningdale — 29 05/02 348 First floor front and single storey rear extension. Objection, as impacts symmetry and architectural balance of 1888 seem in or near conservation area. REFUSED 30 Whitmore Lane, Sunningdale — East Flat Church Lodge 06/01 433 Single storey rear/side extension incorporating double garage, part basement and roof terrace. Concern as to whether property still has permitted development rights, and that size of extensions fall within Green Belt guidelines. WITHDRAWN Windsor Road, Ascot S/hill — Kenilworth 05/01 958 12 X 3 bedroom and 2 X 2 bedroom flats with ancillary parking following demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed scale of development is excessive for the area and for this curtilage. Number of apartments should be reduced to provide more parking space and to reduce the 30m depth of the building. REFUSED Windsor Road, Ascot S/hill — Springmead Lodge 07/00 882 Three bedroom detached dwelling with accommodation in roof space. AWAITED Winkfield Road, Ascot S/hill — Ascot Motor Works and Moss Hill House 05/02 632 Outline application for the construction of 14 no. 2 bedroom apartments together with a single storey residents communal building following demolition of garage showroom and dwelling. (Outline) Restrictions needed on eventual ridge height and roofscape, and on use of communal building and location of car parking. Has not shown that harm to an SPA could be avoided. REFUSED Winkfield Road, Ascot S/hill — Old Brookside House 05/02 517 Outline application for the construction of two detached 3 bedroom dwellings following demolition of existing two storey annexe, car port and garage. Revised access onto Hatchet Lane. (Outline) Siting still has appearance of overdevelopment which could result in a cramped appearance. APPROVED Winkfield Road, Ascot S/hill — Regnal Cottage 05/01 120 Remodelling of dwelling including 2 storey side extension and 2 storey rear extension. Size of extension exceeds Green Belt planning guidelines and no compelling special circumstances. Proposals will have adverse impact upon amenity of neighbour. WITHDRAWN Winkfield Road, Ascot S/hill — Royal Ascot Golf Club 06/01 000 Consent to display 5 post mounted free-standing signs (one entrance, 3 road safety and one course information and 2 No flag poles (all non-illuminated) retrospective. (Advertisement) In determining this application account needs to be taken of the site’s location in the Green Belt and in an area of landscape importance APPROVED Winkfield Road, Ascot S/hill — Stable House 06/00 877 Amendment to roof of attached garage. Concern that location of the two new garages would harm the openness of the Green Belt APPROVED Woodby Drive, Sunningdale — 7 05/01 570 Part two storey part single storey side extension with rear balcony and a detached double garage. Objection as should be considered in conjunction with Summerwood and Pucksfield applications 05/01395 and 05/01396. WITHDRAWN Woodend Drive, Sunninghill — 3 06/00 513 Insertion of a pair of doors at first floor level to replace existing window with 0.7m high safety railing with gable roof end over (amendment to approval 470654). Concern at impact of a first floor balcony on neighbour amenity. APPROVED Woodlands Ride, Sunninghill — 16 and 18 and rear of 14 05/02 729 Outline application for the erection of 6 X 5 bedroom detached houses with garages and access drive following demolition of 16 and 18 Woodlands Ride. A development of this nature and density would cause harm to the street scene, character of area and amenity of neighbours. Potentially harmful to an SPA. REFUSED Woodlands Ride, Sunninghill — 17 05/01 690 5 bedroom detached dwelling with additional accommodation in roof space with detached garage. Amendment to approval 04/01433. Proposal out of character with other dwellings in the area and harmful to the amenity of Nos.2 and 4 LLanvair Drive. REFUSED Woodlands Ride, Sunninghill — 3 05/00 946 Construction of part single/ part two storey side/ rear extension. Harmful to street scene by bringing house close to road. APPROVED 31 Woodside Road, Ascot S/hill — 11 06/00 152 Alterations to roof to provide additional accommodation at first floor level with front and rear dormers, rear conservatory, new front porch and 1.5m front boundary wall. Harmful to street scene and inappropriate in view of Green Belt location. WITHDRAWN Woodside Road, Ascot S/hill — 11 06/00 919 Single storey front and rear extensions, new front porch and 1.5m high front boundary wall. Development considered harmful to street scene and to neighbour amenity on grounds of scale, rendering and appearance APPROVED Woodside Road, Ascot S/hill — 21 05/03 202 First floor extension including raising of roof to convert existing bungalow into a chalet style house. Concern over impact on street scene, and impact upon openness of Green Belt area due to roof height. WITHDRAWN Woodside Road, Winkfield — 1, Lovel Cottages 06/01 105 Outline application for the layout and access for the erection of one detached house following the demolition of existing garage, stores and conservatory. (Outline) Property is in Green Belt village. Ask planning officer to verify that this application does not infringe regulations relating to new build in Green Belt villages. REFUSED Previous Year Appeals Follow-up (April 2005 to March 2006) Burleigh Lane, Ascot S/hill — Derryville 04/84 921 8 x 2 bed flats following demolition of detached dwelling. DISMISSED Charters Road, Sunningdale — The Coach House 04/00 532 Construction of 12 x 2 bedroom flats and a pair of 4 bedroom semi detached dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Whilst neither proposal (04/00532 or 04/01615) would harm road safety and both would create satisfactory living conditions, both would cause unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of the area and to the visual amenities of the Green Belt DISMISSED Charters Road, Sunningdale — The Coach House 04/01 615 Construction of 12 x 2 bedroom flats and a pair of 4 bedroom semi detached houses following demolition of existing dwelling. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Whilst neither proposal (04/00532 or 04/01615) would harm road safety and both would create satisfactory living conditions, both would cause unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of the area and to the visual amenities of the Green Belt DISMISSED Earleydene, Sunningdale — Littlebrook House 04/01 427 Construction of two storey front extension and single storey side extension. DISMISSED St Marys Road, Sunninghill — Calleva Cottage 04/85 287 2 three-bedroom, 8 two-bedroom and 2 one-bedroom flats with underground parking following demolition of existing five-bedroom detached dwelling. WITHDRAWN The Avenue, Ascot S/hill — Lyndrick 04/00 952 Construction of a single and two storey rear extensions and alterations to roof to form rear dormer and conversion of existing dwelling into 3 no. 2 bed and 2 no. 1 bed flats with ancillary parking. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Unacceptable harm would result to the character and appearance of the locality including by way of risk to trees and there would be an erosion of neighbour amenity and conflict with highway safety. DISMISSED Past Year Appeals (April 2006 to March 2007) Bagshot Road, Sunningdale — West Lodge 05/02 695 Five bedroom dwelling with triple garage following demolition. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Harm to openness of Green Belt, no special circumstances shown. DISMISSED Bagshot Road, Sunningdale — West Lodge 06/00 288 A five bedroom detached dwelling with three car detached garage following demolition of existing property. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Potential harm to TPO beech tree and others; conflict with Policies N5 and N6. DISMISSED Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — 4 and 6 Bagshot Road and 22 Fox Covert Close 06/02 254 12 X 2 bedroom apartments following demolition of three existing dwellings (amendment to consent 05/00802 allowed on appeal). AWAITED 32 Bagshot Road, Sunninghill — Cedar Lodge 05/02 736 Outline application for the construction of 7 X 2 bedroom apartments following demolition of existing dwelling with access onto Bagshot Road. (Outline) DISMISSED Beech Hill Road, Sunningdale — 3 05/01 787 Rear dormer (retrospective). INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Appears top heavy and fails to respect character of building. DISMISSED Beechcroft Close, Sunninghill — 1 - 6 06/01 865 10 X 2 bed flats (3 storey) with basement parking (block 1) 4 X 1 bed and 8 X 2 bed flats (3 storey) with basement parking (block 2). A pair of three bed 3 storey semi detached houses with integral garage. 13 X 4 bed 3 storey terraced houses with accommodation in roof space with integral garage (in 2 blocks) following demolition of existing dwellings. AWAITED Birch Lane, Winkfield — Sunrise 05/00 661 Erection of 4 bedroom dwelling and detached double garage following demolition of existing bungalow. DISMISSED Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — Brockenhurst House and Birch Common 05/02 195 12 X 2 bedroom and 4 X 3 bedroom apartments with basement car parking and landscaping following demolition of existing houses. AWAITED Brockenhurst Road, Sunninghill — Brockenhurst House and Birch Common 05/02 688 Outline application for the erection of 16 apartments following demolition of existing properties. (Outline) AWAITED Burleigh Lane, Ascot S/hill — Owl Wood 05/00 880 Consent to fell an oak tree. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: The Inspector considered the appeal tree was not unstable or dangerous and there were no arboricultural reasons for felling it. DISMISSED Burleigh Lane, Ascot S/hill — Wetherby and Queenswood 05/02 498 13 no. dwellings comprising 5 X 2 bedroom flats and 8 X 4 bedroom houses (in two blocks of four). AWAITED Burleigh Lane, Ascot S/hill — Wetherby and Queenswood 05/02 708 Outline application for the construction of 16 X 2 bedroom flats following demolition of existing dwellings with access onto Burleigh Lane . (Outline) AWAITED Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — Rosewood 05/01 437 Fifteen 2 - bedroom flats on 4 floors plus basement parking following demolition of existing building. WITHDRAWN Burleigh Road, Ascot S/hill — Rosewood 05/02 635 14 X 2-bedroom and one X 1-bedroom apartments with bin and cycle stores, carports and parking following demolition of existing dwelling. DISMISSED Charters Road, Sunningdale — Little Orchard 05/01 827 Construction of two detached four bedroom houses and garage building following demolition of existing dwelling. WITHDRAWN Cheapside Road, Ascot S/hill — 67 05/01 003 Construction of rear conservatory. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Proposed extensions would result in a disproportionate addition to this dwelling in the Green Belt and also harm neighbour amenity. DISMISSED Cheapside Road, Ascot S/hill — Land At Jacaranda Queens Hill Rise and Tradewinds 05/02 097 8 X 4 bedroom dwellings in 3 no. blocks with garages, parking and landscaping and access drive following demolition of Tradewinds. DISMISSED Chobham Road, Sunningdale — Land adj 142 05/01 288 Outline application for the construction of nine apartments with access onto Richmond Wood. (Outline) AWAITED Coronation Road, Winkfield — Swinley Edge 05/01 042 Outline application (including siting and means of access) for the erection of detached house and garage accessed from Coronation Road. (Outline) DISMISSED Devenish Road, Sunningdale — Dene House 05/01 996 An apartment block comprising 12 X 2 bed and 2 X 1 bed flats with basement parking following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings, new block comprising 4 X 3 bed with parking, carports, bin and cycle stores, landscaping and widened access onto Devenish Road. WITHDRAWN 33 Devenish Road, Sunningdale — Fircroft 05/02 663 Outline application for the construction of 14 X 2 bedroom apartments with basement and surface parking plus detached house with garage following demolition of existing dwelling (amendment to consent 04/01530). DISMISSED Earleydene, Sunningdale — Littlebrook House 05/00 398 Construction of a two storey front extension with open porch. DISMISSED Fernbank Road, Winkfield — Land At 127a, 129 + 131 05/01 077 Block comprising 11no. two bedroom and 2no. one bedroom flats with associated parking and bin stores following demolition of existing dwelling. DISMISSED Greenways Drive, Sunningdale — 4 05/00 812 Construction of detached three car garage with loft room. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Height of garage would not differ significantly from that of proposed new garage already approved for adjoining property; the garage would generally match the features of the replacement house and would not be unduly obtrusive; however conditions on roof levels and parking are necessary ALLOWED Halley Drive, Ascot S/hill — Land adj 9 06/00 642 Outline application for a detached dwelling. (Outline) DISMISSED Heathfield Avenue, Sunninghill — Larchwood 05/02 668 Outline application for the construction of four detached dwellings following demolition of existing with access onto Heathfield Avenue. (Outline) DISMISSED Kennel Ride, Ascot S/hill — 100a 06/02 327 Change of Use from C2 (Childrens Home) to 5 X 1 bedroom dwellings together with a two storey rear extension. AWAITED King Edwards Rise, Winkfield — Avalon 8 05/00 515 Erection of two storey side extension and enlargement of existing roof including formation of front facing gable following demolition of existing garage. DISMISSED Lady Margaret Road, Sunningdale — Laggan House 05/01 449 14 apartments on 3 floors with basement parking following demolition of existing dwellings. Development comprises eight 2-bedroom and six 3-bedroom flats. AWAITED Lady Margaret Road, Sunningdale — Laggan House 05/02 505 8 X 2 bed and 6 X 3 bed apartments with basement parking following demolition of existing dwelling and revised access onto Lady Margaret Road. WITHDRAWN Llanvair Drive, Sunninghill — 17 05/02 895 2.1m electric sliding gate, 1.85m high wall with 2.2m high piers with lanterns fronting Llanvair Drive and alterations to existing vehicular access. DISMISSED London Road, Ascot S/hill — 15 06/00 364 Temporary change of use from vacant site to car park including new tarmac surface with new vehicular access. ALLOWED London Road, Ascot S/hill — The Marrakesh 05/02 159 Retrospective application to erect a timber storage shed. DISMISSED London Road, Sunningdale — Fairfield House 05/02 528 15 X 2-bed flats with parking provision and revised access on to London Road following demolition of existing dwelling. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Harm to Special Protected Area; Inspectpr sees no point in preempting Natural England Delivery Plans with regard to mitigation mweasures (suitable alternative natural green spaces). DISMISSED London Road, Sunningdale — Holcombe House and South Lodge 05/00 265 Construction of sixteen 4-bedroom terrace houses in four blocks with parking and access drive following demolition of existing dwellings. WITHDRAWN London Road, Sunningdale — Holcombe House and South Lodge 05/01 975 One block of 6 no. flats comprising 2 X 3 bedroom and 4 X 2 bedroom apartments and one terrace of 10 town houses comprising 5 X 3 bedroom, 2 X 4 bedroom and 3 X 5 bedroom with parking and access via private drive onto London Road. WITHDRAWN 34 London Road, Sunningdale — Holcombe House and South Lodge 05/02 693 2 X 4 bed detached dwellings with integral garages, 2 X 3 bed and 1 X 4 bed town houses with integral garages, 2 X 5 bed and 2 X 3 bed terraced dwellings, 4 X 3 bed and 1 X 2 bed and 1 X 1 bed apartments, landscaping, garages and parking following demolition of existing dwellings with access via private drive onto London Road. WITHDRAWN Oriental Road, Sunninghill — 6 06/01 100 Insertion of front and rear dormers and erection of single detached garage. DISMISSED Priory Road, Sunningdale — Mallow 05/02 658 Two 5 bedroom detached houses and detached double garages with access onto Priory Road. AWAITED Queens Hill Rise, Ascot S/hill — Fauns Green 05/01 993 5 No. detached dwellings (plots 1,2 and 5 with integral garages and plots 3 and 4 with conservatories). DISMISSED Queens Hill Rise, Ascot S/hill — Fauns Green 05/02 694 Outline application for the construction of four detached houses following demolition of existing with access on to Kier Park. (Outline) DISMISSED Queens Hill Rise, Ascot S/hill — Hakoyanagi 05/00 614 Construction of 4 no. five bedroom houses with integral garages, access drives and landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Proposal would harmfully affect highway safety at the junction of Queens Hill Rise and Cheapside Road. DISMISSED Queens Hill Rise, Ascot S/hill — Hakoyanagi 05/02 319 Construction of 3 X 5 bedroom houses with integral garage, access drives and landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling. AWAITED Queens Hill Rise, Ascot S/hill — Hakoyanagi 06/00 421 4 No 5 bedroomed houses with integral garages, access drives and landscaping following demolition of existing house with associated junction improvements (at Cheapside Road). AWAITED Royal Victoria Gardens, Ascot S/hill — 8 05/00 966 Consent to fell 1 horse chestnut. (Trees) DISMISSED Sidbury Close, Sunningdale — 6 06/01 006 Variation of condition 2 (garage condition) of planning permission 05/01213 to allow part of garage to be used as habitable room. ALLOWED St Georges Lane, Ascot S/hill — Alderbourne 05/02 627 9 X 2 bedroom and 1 X 1 bedroom apartments with associated parking, landscaping, bin store and access following demolition of existing dwelling (Duplicate of 05/02377). ALLOWED St Georges Lane, Ascot S/hill — Red Gables 05/00 806 Construction of 12 no. 2 bedroom apartments with car parking following demolition of existing dwelling. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: The Inspector considered the design of the building was unsatisfactory and would have a harmful effect on the character and appearance of the surrounding area. DISMISSED St Georges Lane, Ascot S/hill — Red Gables 05/01 874 12 X 2 bedroom apartments with basement parking and revised access following demolition of existing dwelling. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: The Inspector was not satisfied that the development would not adversely affect a Special Protection Area in combination with other proposed developments in the SPA’s protection zone. DISMISSED St Georges Lane, Ascot S/hill — Red Gables 05/02 690 12 X 2 bedroom apartments with basement parking and revisions to access following demolition of existing dwelling. AWAITED St Marys Road, Sunninghill — Calleva Cottage 05/00 681 Outline application for the demolition of calleva and construction of 14 no. apartments with basement parking and alterations to access. (Outline) INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Inspector could not be certain that the development would not have a significant adverse effect on the integrity of a Special Protection Area. DISMISSED St Marys Road, Sunninghill — Calleva Cottage 06/00 333 Outline application for the construction of 14 residential apartments with basement parking and revised access following demolition of existing dwelling. (Outline) AWAITED 35 Station Road, Sunningdale — Ash Lodge 37 05/01 081 4 no. X 3 bedroom town houses with detached garages and revised access position on to Station Road following demolition of existing dwelling. WITHDRAWN Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — 12 05/02 288 Outline application for the erection of two detached dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling. (Outline) DISMISSED Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — 12 05/02 684 2 X 5 bedroomed detached dwellings with 2 bonus rooms in loft space and double garage with ancillary accommodation in roof space, parking and widening of existing access following demolition of existing . INSPECTOR'S DECISION: SPA in combination effect of potential damage to ground nesting birds on Chobham Common. DISMISSED Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — 2 05/02 438 Semi-circular block of 13 X 2 bedroom flats (with basement parking) and 2 X 3 bedroom houses, landscaping and access onto Sunning Avenue following demolition of existing dwelling. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Overdevelopment, out of keeping with the street scene, too bulky, likely to afffect the amenity of neighbouring properties. DISMISSED Sunning Avenue, Sunningdale — Ashis Nivas 05/02 439 Semi-circular block of 15 X 2 bedroom flats with basement parking, landscaping and access onto Sunning Avenue. INSPECTOR'S DECISION: Overdevelopment, out of keeping with the street scene, too bulky, likely to afffect the amenity of neighbouring properties. DISMISSED Watersplash Lane, Ascot S/hill — Oaktree Cottage 06/02 352 Front and rear extensions and raising of main roof to create a two storey house with open front porch, side chimney and a detached single garage. AWAITED Winkfield Road, Ascot S/hill — Ascot Motor Works and Moss Hill House 05/02 632 Outline application for the construction of 14 no. 2 bedroom apartments together with a single storey residents communal building following demolition of garage showroom and dwelling. (Outline) AWAITED 36
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