Term 2, Week 9, 2016 Juunishi Times こんにちは! Konnichiwa! Term 2 has really flown by very quickly and students are coming to the end of their learning about families and sports in Japanese. This term students in Reception to Year 2 have continued to learn vocabulary for families and have created a family tree in Japanese. You might see some of these come home soon. Please see some examples of these further in the newsletter. Year 3-6 students have been continuing to learn their sports, with a particular focus on reading and speaking related vocabulary and grammar in Japanese. Year 7 students have been working on a video project. Students have begun to plan and create a video language resource to share with students and staff across the site. Some students have even begun filming. It has been a great experience from my perspective to see the students target particular vocabulary/grammar and really become experts in it. We are looking forward to sharing these in Term 3. This year yr 5/6, yr 6 and yr 7 classes will be visiting Parafield Gardens High School (PGHS) as part of the High School Transition Program. With support from Salisbury Council, students from Mawson Lakes will be teaming with students from PGHS to make 4 Tori gates to use for the Matsuri on Mobara Festival in October this year. It is a very exciting project and one that we will be very proud to show case at the festival. Please feel free to contact me via the school or email: [email protected] Hope you have a happy and safe holiday! Kind Regards, Erin Sensei こんにち は。 Konnichiwa from Maria. We have had successful participation from all students in their 日本語にほんご nihongo (Japanese) classes. After a term of learning various grammar and vocabulary relating to the allocated topics (ie. Sports and Family), we are collecting data on the learnt outcomes. We have also spent time reflecting on our learning and what learning students would like to continue with, which will shape our learning curriculum for the second part of the year. Hope you have a great and safe holiday and see you all in Term 3. よろしく おねがいします。 (yoroshiku onegaishimasu) Kind Regards, Maria Sensei Please feel free to contact me via the school or email: [email protected] Page 1 of 5 Term 2, Week 9, 2016 Reflections – Term 2 Japanese with Maria I learned about discipline….most Japanese sports require discipline to be qualified. ….Ysabelle TR9 Learning the sentences made me think hard – now I know about ‘shi’ and ‘mi’…..Preet TR9 I can’t believe I improved this much…..Sandra TR9 Japanese is really fun and helpful when I learn Japanese in High School….Kelly TR9 The new learning I have done is new sentences and history about sport…..Alex TR9 I like how you read Japanese….Daniel TR9 The sentences in Japanese that use ‘wo’ and ‘shi’ and mi’……Louis TR9 I’ve enjoyed learning about the different traditional sports like sumo and kyudo….Harry W31 This term has been really fun and it has been a fun experience to get taught by two teachers….Zainab W31 Japanese is interesting and Japanese is my third language, it’s really hard learning a new language but it’s fun….Dan W31 Japanese is tricky but it’s also a great thing to do…..Harry F W31 I would like to learn more language, so if I go to Japan I can speak fluently…..Razel W31 Japanese is a great subject even though it can be really challenging at times…..Sharro W31 I quite enjoy doing Japanese and I’m learning a lot……Chelsea W31 I have enjoyed learning to speak Japanese and would like to continue with doing plays…..Louisa W43 It’s nice expanding my language and I can speak it at home…Jasmine D W43 Japanese is good for people to learn new words……Umut W43 I learnt more about Japanese facts……Jiji W43 Getting one of the best play grades and even asked to say it to the Principal…..Anesti W43 It’s fun to learn Japanese because I like their culture….Hudson W43 I like Japanese because it’s different…Armani W11 New learning has been romaji and number cards……Alyssa W11 I hope someday I will be able to speak fluently in Japanese….Akot W11 I like the sports and the writing……Armand W11 It’s good to learn how to speak in Japanese…..Alex W11 I have done sports, my cover, my About Japan and the Sports booklet……Erin W11 Page 2 of 5 Term 2, Week 9, 2016 Reception to Year 2 Vocabulary: おかあさん okaasan おとうさん otousan おにいさん oniisan おねえさん oneesan おとうとさん otoutosan いもうとさん imoutosan おじいさん ojiisan おばあさん obaasan Family Tree’s from TR2: Halle Jordan Hayley Matilda and Amelia from E31 Page 3 of 5 Term 2, Week 9, 2016 Year 3 to Year 7 Vocabulary: すもう su mō からて ka ra te バスケットボール basukettobo―ru けんどう ke n dō じゅうどう jū dō フットボール futtobo―ru きゅうどう kyū dō やきゅう ya kyū バレーボール bare―booru すいえい su i e i テニス tenisu ピンポン pinpon スケートボード Sukeetobo―do サーフイン Sa―fin サッカー sakka ジョギング joggingu Useful websites: Puni Puni – Let’s Learn Japanese http://www.punipunijapan.com/ Kid’s Web Japan http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/ Page 4 of 5 Term 2, Week 9, 2016 Year 3 to Year 7 Grammar: どんなスポーツがすきですか。 donna supōtsu ga sukidesuka ____ が すきです。 ga sukidesu ____ が すきじゃないです。 ga sukijanaidesu ____ が だいすきです。 ga daisukidesu なに を しますか。 nani wo shimasuka ____ を します。 wo shimasu なに を みますか。 nani wo mimasuka ____ を みます。 wo mimasu ____ を しますか。 wo shimasuka はい____ を します。 hai wo shimasu いいえ____ を しません。 iie wo shimasen ____ を みますか。 wo mimasuka はい____ を みます。 hai wo mimasu いいえ____ を みません。 iie wo mimasen どんな スポーツ が できますか。 donna supōtsu ga dekimasuka ____ が できます。 ga dekimasu ____ が じょう ずです。 ga jōzu desu ____ が へた です。 ga heta desu _____ を ____ ましょうか。 wo mashōka _____ を ____ ましょう。 wo mashō Page 5 of 5 Which sports do you like? I like ________________. I don’t like ___________. I really like __________. What do you do? I do ____________. What do you watch? I watch _________. Do you do ________________? Yes, I do _________________. No, I don’t _______________. Do you watch _____________? Yes, I watch ______________. No, I don’t watch ___________. Which sports can you do? I can do _____________. I’m good at __________. I’m not good at ________. Shall we _________ __________? Let’s ___________ ___________.
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