Test beam strategy Tomohiro Yamazaki 3rd Jul. 2015 Test Beam at CERN 日程 GIF++ 19th Aug - 1st Sep (14 days) H8 26th Aug - 14th Sep (19 days) 参加者 from Japan 越智(8/28-9/15),片岡,増渕,齋藤,川本 山根(-9/13),山内(-9/4),長坂(-9/15),長谷川(-9/4),斉藤 (9/15?): 8/17山崎,山谷 : 8/11 – 9/15 木村,清野 : 8/4 – 8/27 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 2 Chambers alpha J11 J12 J13 J14 J15 J16 J17 J18 EN EN EN HN HN HN EN HN Kobe Kobe ICEPP ICEPP ICEPP Kobe X-ray neutron GIF++ H8 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ alpha, X-ray を当てたchamberのパフォーマンスをH8 or GIFでみたい Resolution 出すのに,Tmm をテレスコープとして使う? 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 3 Background Simulation (Flux) Background task force http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/RADIATION/gen-2005-001-feb05.pdf Gamma flux 25 kHz/cm2 L = 1×1034 cm-2s-1 HL-LHC: 125 kHz/cm2 The n and γ fluences are in units of kHz/cm2 and the μ and p fluences in Hz/cm2 . 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 4 Previous Study at Saclay (2011) Gamma irradiation (R17a chamber) arXiv:1301.7648 60Co (1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV) 268 GBq 50 cm from source → Flux : 1.7×107 Hz/cm2 Integrated photon flux : 3×1013 photons/cm2 ( Total integrated charge : 15 mC/cm2 ) → Integrated photon flux corresponds to HL-LHC 10 years with security factor 3 Gain 480 hours irradiation 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 5 Previous Study at Saclay (2011) Performance after irradiation SPS H6 beam line R17a chamber : exposed ( X-ray, neutron, gamma, alpha) R17b chamber : unexposed Tmm chambers for tracking Resolution Efficiency Error-bars represent the standard deviation of the different scans 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 6 GIF++ GIF++ seminar : https://indico.cern.ch/event/387753/ 137Cs (662 keV) 14 TBq Expected current (10×10 cm2) 5.6 μA (1m), 1.4 μA (2m), 0.62 μA (3m) Gamma Flux 130 MHz/cm2 (1m) = ATLAS × 1000 ATLAS environment : 3m w/ filter(100) 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 7 Rate Gamma flux (1m) Total gamma flux (10 years HL-LHC) : 125 kHz/cm2 × 6×106 sec/year ×10 years = 7.5×1012 photons/cm2 300 fb-1/year, L= 5×1034 cm-2s-1 16 hours irradiation corresponds to 10 years Integrated charge HL-LHC 10 years : 48 mC/cm2 ( 10 kHz/cm2, G=10000) 260 hours at 1m from the source Hit rate work in progress (Geant4 Simulation) Hit rate = flux × sensitivity Sensitivity of muon chambers ~ 4×10-3 → Max hit rate in ATLAS ~ 1kHz/cm2 Sensitivity of test chambers for 662 keV gamma > 5×10-4, dE ~ a few keV a few days – week ? 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 8 Summary • ESL chamberを使える状態にするのが最優先事項 • テレスコープとしてTmm chamber などを使いたい • Hit rate のsimulationなどを今後つめていく • 時間がないのでalpha, X-ray, neutronも計画的に • 学会まで時間がないので,解析も大変 日本から人はいっぱい来たけど,,,とならないようにがんばります 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 9 Back up 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 10 Background Simulation (Hit rate) ATLAS NOTE, Expected Muon Spectrometer Background in Run 2 https://cds.cern.ch/record/1707800 Assuming micromegas has same sensitivity as CSC ( 4×10-3 for 1 MeV gamma) Photon Hit rate ( local max, HL-LHC ) Max photon Hit rate is about 1 kHz/cm2 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 11 Operation time of LHC Luminosity = 5×1034 cm-2s-1 = 5×10-5 fb-1s-1 (300 fb-1/year) / (5× 10-5 fb-1s-1) = 6×106 sec/year 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 12 Resolution during the full test beam period 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 13 Background Simulation (flux) Background task force, ATL-GEN-2005-001 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 14 Photon Sensitivity ATLAS NOTE Expected Muon Spectrometer Background in Run 2 https://cds.cern.ch/record/1707800 @ 1MeV 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy CSC 4×10-3 MDT 8×10-3 RPC 4×10-3 TGC 4×10-3 15 Photon Energy Spectrum @ATLAS 2.3<η <2.7 1.4<η <2.3 η <1.4 03/07/2015 ATLAS muon spectrometer TDR (1997) Test beam strategy 20 Neutron Sensitivity 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 17 Neutron Energy Spectrum @ATLAS 2.3<η <2.7 1.4<η <2.3 η <1.4 ATLAS muon spectrometer TDR (1997) test beam region 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 17 Irradiator 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 19 Irradiation area 03/07/2015 Test beam strategy 20
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