ブルゴーニュ数学研究所 CNRS Dr.Adrien Dubouloz

理学部数学科主催/ HiSEP共催
Exotic complex algebraic structures on even dimensional Euclidean spaces,which first arose as a byproduct
of a topological characterization of the complex algebraic affine plane due to Ramanujam, have been
ubiquitous in affine geometry during the last two decades.
After surveying classical instances of “exoticity” in various categories ranging from differentiable real
manifolds to complex algebraic varieties, we will consider the existence of exotic algebraic structures on
another class of familiar algebraic objects: complex affine spheres, that is, smooth affine quadrics in in the
usual complex affine space.
We will discuss more particularly certain exotic structures on the affine 3-sphere which arise from principal
bundles over the punctured affine plane and show that some of them are analytically isomorphic and
stably algebraically isomorphic to the standard one.
平成25年11月20日(水) 16:30~18:00
埼玉大学 理工学研究科棟5F 数学研究室Ⅰ
主催 埼玉大学理学部数学科
共催 HiSEP実行委員会
お問い合わせ 理学部数学科 岸本崇
E-mail [email protected]
HiSEPホームページ http://hisep.saitama-u.ac.jp