MAXI STATUS 全天X線監視装置 M.Matsuoka NASDA-SURP 松岡 勝 2002.7.17 Introduction • X-ray ASM: one of the most important fields in the space astronomy. • MAXI mission: to scan the entire sky every 90 minutes with X-ray slit cameras in order to record patterns of X-ray emission from thousands of astronomical objects. • MAXI sensitivity: the best of so far realized X-ray ASM. • MAXI enables us to monitor a short-term and longterm activities of weak extra-galactic objects as well as Galactic objects accompanying BH & NS. History of X-ray All Sky Monitor -- ASM progress every Decade -• Vela 5 a&b (USA) late 1960 era g-ray bursts, X-ray novae > 100 mC • Ariel 5 (UK) late 1970 era Systematic obs. of X-ray novae > 50 mC • Ginga (Japan) late 1980 era Spectral obs. of X-ray novae > 30 mC • RXTE (USA) late 1990 and now Systematic obs. of Galactic X-ray targets > 10 mC • MAXI (Japan) ~ 2006 AGN • Lobster-ISS (UK &) ~ 2010 Syst. AGN > 1 mC ~ 0.1 mC X-ray Nova Light Curves Flux (Crab unit) X-ray spectra are detectable every day One Crab Detectable in one day Detectable in one week Time (days after outburst) Tanaka & Shibazaki, Annu. Rev.Astron. Astrophys. 34 (1996), 607 One m Crab Discovery of γ-ray Bursts • Gamma-ray Bursts were discovered with ASM/Burst (Atomic Bomb) Monitor on Vela a&b of LANL (USA) in 1967. Field of View of MAXI NASDA RIKEN MAXI は 1.5x160度の二つの細長い視野を持つ。 視野方向はそれぞれ、 ISS (International Space Station) の進行方向と天頂方向である(左図の赤線)。 ISS が90分で軌道を一周するのに伴い 全天をスキャンする。 天頂方向 天頂方向の視野 X線入射スリット 野 視 スキ ャン 方 ISS の進行方向 向 スキャン方向 検 ISS進行方向の視野 X線 感 置 地球方向 元 次 一 位 型 応 器 出 Overview of MAXI Grapple Fixture for a robot arm Radiator for X-ray CCDs Electronics Optical Star Sensor ATCS 180cm Gas Slit Cameras (GSC) : X-ray gas proportional counter 100cm 80cm Solid-state Slit Cameras (SSC) : X-ray CCD Total weight: 490 kg One dimensional Proportional counter X-ray CCD 358 mm 12 units for flight 32 pieces for flight Radiation Damage of CCD CTI/transfer CTI=Charge Transfer In-efficiency Protons particls/cm2 No damage Electrons Loop Heat Pipe & Radiator System CCD Peltier Power Out X-ray Nova Light Curves and MAXI Detectability Flux (Crab unit) X-ray spectra are detectable every day One Crab Detectable in one day Detectable in one week Time (days after outburst) Tanaka & Shibazaki, Annu. Rev.Astron. Astrophys. 34 (1996), 607 One m Crab Detectability of MAXI NASDA RIKEN MAXI は1mCrab 以上 の強度をもつX線源 (約1000個もの銀河 系内および系外天 体) を監視する。 1軌道周期 (30 sources) 1日 (100 sources) 1週間 (1000 sources) Simulation of MAXI Observation One Orbit 5-month MAXI Data Communication System ISS-JEM MAXI DRTS Ethernet/Command NASDA NASA Alart data Stored data MAXI Science team Concept of Lobster-ISS (ESA) Field of View 6 units Image Detector Launch: 2009 or later ! Micro channel mirror MAXI Schedule 1997 H 9 採択 10 1999 11 開発確認審査 12 2001 13 2003 15 14 PDR/SR-1 CDR/SR-2 NASA/SR1 NASA/SR2 概念設計 基本設計 詳細設計 部分試作 部分試験 TMM試験 16 SR-3 NASA/SR3 2005 17 18 打上 運用 ? 設計維持 FM製作 各部試験 一部のEM 総合試験 射場試験 ? PFM物品の調達 Now under TMM test! 待機 ? 19 Summary(日) • 全天X線監視(ASM)は宇宙観測の重要な分野。 • MAXI は90分で太陽避けない場合98%, 太陽避けて も90%の宇宙を走査可能。 一時には、 Chandra/HST では 5/10000% の宇宙のみを観測。 • ASMで予想外の発見がなされてきた。例えば、 HSTやChandraよりも遠い天体を捉える可能性あり。 • ISS は全天走査観測に最も適している。 • X線ASMは1960年代からなされほぼ10年毎に機器 及びサイエンスが発展。 • JEM-MAXIそして ESA-Lobster-ISSは21世紀初頭の ASM の役割を果たし、宇宙物理学に貢献可能 。 Summary(E) • X-ray ASM: one of the most important fields in the space astronomy. • MAXI mission: to scan the entire sky every 90 minutes with X-ray slit cameras in order to record patterns of X-ray emission from thousands of astronomical objects. • MAXI sensitivity: the best of so far realized X-ray ASM. • MAXI enables us to monitor a short-term and longterm activities of weak extra-galactic objects as well as Galactic objects accompanying BH & NS. Appendix A ASM and Narrow Field Telescope ASM • Observe many targets together • Bursting objects • Discovery, then inform to general observatories • Long-term variability of many targets • Wide field sky population of X-ray sources • Redshift: l/l0 ~ 10 ? Narrow Field Teles. • Observe only one target precisely for a certain time • A scheduled target • Follow up observations after ASM informations • Short-term variability of some scheduled targets • Detailed obs. of spectra and structure in narrow fov. • Redshift: l/l0 ~ 7 Appendix B Why is the X-ray band favorable for ASM? • Flux in X-ray band is variable for most targets. • Variety of targets: X-ray binaries, X-ray novae, AGN, Transients(BH, NS), Pulsars, g-ray bursts. • Multi-colour observations stimulated by ASM discovery, they open new field of astronomy. • Space detectors enable a whole sky obs. • Now ASM astronomy is established, started from parasite instrument on main observatory.
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