Complexity of Gender on the Net : ICT is New Measure of the Gender Liberation? Ryoko Asai the Centre for Business Information Ethics Meiji University MEIJI UNIVERSITY Introduction1: Trigger for This Study Gender/Gender Roles Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Gender disparities in ICT use ICT’s contribution to the empowerment of women Many studies has focused on women How about Men? MEIJI UNIVERSITY 2 Introduction2: Purpose of This Study Purpose of this study is.... To examines the effects of ICT on men in Japan from the viewpoint of gender / linguistic gender features That’s because .... Emergence of “Nekama” in Japan Japanese men who present themselves as women in cyberspace The point is .... Introduction of “Nekama” phenomenon Examination of Cultural influence on Japanese men MEIJI UNIVERSITY by using or participating online communications 3 Introduction3: Outline of This Study ① The general contours of online communication in Japan ② Japanese language gender system :“Japanese women’s language” The background of generating Nekama in Japan ③ Characteristics of Nekama by categorizing them into two types ④ Case study of Nekama How does behavior constructed by gender images affects the communication pattern on the Net? ⑤ Conclusion The pluralistic nature of gender identity made possible by the use of ICT MEIJI UNIVERSITY 4 In contemporary Japan , A large number of people join in online games or SNSs The total population of Internet users approximately 85.29 million * 7.16 million * 8.68 million * Social network service (SNS) members Bloggers Online game members Of these gamers, members of fee-based game sites 28 million 1.75 million MEIJI UNIVERSITY *Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, 2006 **ECR Report, 2006; Online Game Forum, 2006 ** 5 Two types of online communication “Transient Communication" and "“Database” Communication" Online communication can be classified broadly into two types " Transient communication" :defined as communication that occurs only once or a few times e.g. one-time using bulletin board systems (BBSs) " Continuing communication" :define as a relatively long-term relationship among certain people e.g. online games, SNSs (pre-registration required) These types differ in their spatial and temporal contexts. MEIJI UNIVERSITY 6 Invisibility and anonymity can bring about two broad types of behavior in online communication Online Communication Invisibility Type A The communicator disrespects others by misusing a trait of online communications having difficulty facing each other directly in the real world “Transient communication" MEIJI UNIVERSITY Anonymity Type B The communicator assume comparatively long-term communication in particular online communities. the possibility of meeting face-toface in off-line situations “Continuing communication" 7 Changing in a trait of communication in Japanese society Retaining and Reinforcing Closed Relationships → More Open Relationships Up to now Japanese society attaches importance to effective social and economic management through establishing mutual cooperative ties * these ties grant comfort within close relationships of high cohesiveness At present Relationships that are more open to the outside world have increasing benefits, versus retaining and reinforcing closed relationships. Many online communities may help foster a sense of belonging especially… participants in online games and SNSs can easily gain a sense of commonality or belongingness MEIJI UNIVERSITY *Yamagishi [1999] 8 Emergence of Nekama: Men acting as women Male player: Online game players 91.0% Female player: 9.0% * more than half of the players pose as female characters + presenting themselves as women using feminine forms of expression choosing conversation subjects dressing their characters or "avatars" in women's clothing MEIJI UNIVERSITY *BB Serve, 2005 9 Nekama = Net + “Okama” Okama: refers to a gay man or male cross -dresser Nekama Okama living on the Net However… They does not necessarily correspond to a man's sexuality. Characteristic of Nekama represent themselves as female on the Net almost all heterosexual MEIJI UNIVERSITY go about their normal daily life as person of male gender 10 Japanese Women’s Language: Cultural context that breeds Nekama “Japanese women’s language” means • the phrase referring to the empirical speech patterns of women •an obligatory cultural category and unavoidable part of practical social knowledge for both women and men Speech Forms / the Management of Conversation Linguistic-Features Phonology Speech Act MEIJI UNIVERSITY Syntax etc... Extra-Linguistic-Features Pitch of Voice Social Roles Female-Specific Attributes etc... 11 Japanese Women’s Language: Gender Markers Indexing Femininity and Masculinity “Japanese women’s language” is understood as a set of linguistic forms and functions of language statistically used by women elements of certain feminine demeanors, roles, and attributes Ex) soft-spoken, polite, hesitant, empathetic, gentle, nonassertive “Japanese women’s language” MEIJI UNIVERSITY a self conscious parameter of social change and civil order notions of culture, gender images 12 Nekama: Men handling women’s language skillfully on the Net Online communication Literal information important element for many participants By handling Japanese women’s language skillfully, Nekama survive on the Net MEIJI UNIVERSITY 13 Why men become Nekama? Two main reasons to turn on a man who wants girlfriend on the Net and humiliate him in front of other users the enjoyment or sense of release obtained from acting as a female But... Although many nekama are known to exist, little is known about them. What is the reality of Nekama? MEIJI UNIVERSITY 14 “Nekama”: Case of a Nekama Participating in an Online Game In the real world He likes his job. At the online game By being Nekama... He has pride in his job. He can relieve the weight of gender. He enjoys his daily life. He reveals a “feminine” side or a different disposition to an online game buddy. But sometimes... He feels uncomfortable. He wants others to recognize that he has something of “feminine” in his character . He can just be himself MEIJI UNIVERSITY 15 “Nekama”: Case of a Nekama Participating in a SNS In the real world Being Nekama He loves to see Kabuki. He can relieve the weight of gender. He likes to talk about Kabuki. He enjoys his daily life. He reveals a “feminine” side or a different disposition to an online game buddy. In a Kabuki fan community He is minority of Kabuki fans community. He wants to talk with others about Kabuki, without any uncomfortable feeling and regardless of gender/sex differences. MEIJI UNIVERSITY Being nekama serves to facilitate his communication on the Net. 16 Kabuki: The traditional Japanese theater form Being Nekama = an effective measure for ameliorating gender problems The first case of Nekama Being Nekama gender problem in the real world. To extend possibilities for expressing his pluralistic gender identity. The Second case of Nekama Being Nekama MEIJI UNIVERSITY gender problem in cyberspace. To be an important factor in building human relationships and communicating with others 17 Nekama consists of personal options in cyberspace Whether or not to belong to a community. inc. gender role Whether or not to follow traditional roles, etc... Nekama = as a consequence of personal choices need to communicate with others need to exist in cyberspace as “me who others know” lack of strong solidarity than conventional community in the real world fluid situation MEIJI UNIVERSITY Nekama much possibility to change oneself depending on contexts 18 Conclusion Nekama trying to resolve their own gender difficulties by using the invisibility and anonymity of the Internet Our communication on the Net is influenced by gender/sex as well as communication in the real world. ICT provides people with effective alternatives to the gender roles required in the real world. Gender situations on the Net has much possibility to change in response to ones in the real world, and vice versa. Nekama phenomenon could raise debates about individualization MEIJI UNIVERSITY 19 Thank you for your kind attention MEIJI UNIVERSITY 20 UN positions "ICT as an instrument for the empowerment of women and girls" 21 NEKAMA: Living with Another Gender on the Net Ryoko Asai Doctoral Program of Political Science and Economics Meiji University MEIJI UNIVERSITY プレゼンのアウトライン • ネットの世界においてジェンダーがどのように作用し ているのか? • 男性にとってとりわけどのような影響をもつのか • 事例⇒ネカマ • 現実世界におけるジェンダーに対する意識がネット におけるコミュニケーションの前提として大きな役割 を果たしている。 • ICTは男性のもつ現実世界で制限される女性らしい 側面を自由に表現し解放するツールとして機能する MEIJI UNIVERSITY 23 • • • • Informative 話の概略から開始する 主たるメッセージは何ですか? 聞き手に理解し、覚えておいてもらいたいこと は何ですか? • 聞き手に対しては情報を理解し使ってもらい たい MEIJI UNIVERSITY 24 • キーポイント3つ(平易→難解) • キーポイントをサポートするサブポイントの準 備→キーポイントとの重要性を具体例を提示 して補足説明→最低2つ以上のサポートデー タを盛り込む MEIJI UNIVERSITY 25 ICTとジェンダーとの密接な関係 共同性志向型コミュニケーション ←データベース的対人関係 場面、状況に応じて表出する自己←知られる私の集合=私 ネット空間においてはあらゆることが個人にとっての選択の対象となる →あらゆること:「共同体に帰属するかどうか」「伝統に従うかどうか」* 共同体や伝統や組織といったものもその前提となるソリッドな基盤を欠いているため、 流動的で、その場面場面に応じて形を変えうる。*バウマン →アドホックな個人的な選択の帰結=共同性=つながりうることの重要性 ←脱‐社会化の議論に対応する MEIJI UNIVERSITY 26 Characteristics of Online Users in Japan • Users of on-line communityは大半が男性 MEIJI UNIVERSITY 27 Reflection of / Release from gender role in the real world • 現実世界におけるgender roleの反映とそれ からの逸脱 MEIJI UNIVERSITY 28 従来のジェンダーとICTに関する 研究 • 情報社会におけるジェンダー格差やジェン ダー不平等への指摘 MEIJI UNIVERSITY 29
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