Inventory Analysis of particleboard (PB) made by Japanese Mills Nobuaki HATTORI*1), Satoshi TERASHIMA1), Keisuke ANDO1), Tomiyuki HIMENO2) 1)Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 2)Japan Fiberboard and Particleboard Manufacturers Association *[email protected] 1 Background ◎Japan Fiberboard and Particleboard Manufacturers Association (JFPMA) Manufacturers association of boards consists of 19 companies ◎Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Hattori Laboratory (TUAT) One of Japanese research group about LCA for wooden materials and houses JFPMA wishes to know about environmental loads for boards produced by the members of JFPMA and enforce that wooden boards are environmental friendly materials compared to other materials. 2 Usage of PB in Japan 0.2% 3.1% 0.5% 35.4% 60.8% Building Electrical goods Others Furniture, joiner Musical instruments Building:base for flooring, subfloor, wall, structural wall, roofboard Furniture, joiner:kitchen furniture, desk, storage 3 Courtesy:JFPMA furniture Goal and scope for PB Quantitative calculation of PB from cradle to production and know the average environmental load produced in Japan which leads to the basic unit. To know environmental loads and show the estimated damage according to the impact assessment conducted on Life cycle Impact assessment Method based on Endpoint modeling (LIME) 4 Goal and scope for PB 【Functional unit】 1 ton of U and M type particleboard production 【Foreground data】 Interview investigation to six mills of four companies from Hokkaido, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Osaka, Fukui and Yamaguchi (Domestic production share 39.6 %) 【Data quality】 April, 2005 ~ March, 2006 (one year) 【Background data】 JEMAI-LCA Pro Ver.2.1.1, Sawada, Ando, Hattori, Tamura, Mokuzai gakkaishi, 52(4), 235-240 (2006) 【Impact assessment】 LIME 5 Goal and scope for PB 【Environmental load analyzed】 Resource consumption : LNG, crude oil, coal Emission to air:CO2 from fossil fuel (f-CO2), CO2 from biomass (b-CO2), dust, dust (moving source), hydro carbon, NMHC, SOx, NOx, NOx(moving source), N2O, CH4 Waste:ash 【Impact category analyzed】 Global warming, acidification, ozone depletion, air pollution, photochemical oxidant, resource consumption and waste 6 Inventory of PB Input and output table for 1 ton of PB production Category Utility Item Input Purchased power Private power Diesel oil Fuel for boiler Heavy oil Woodwaste Urban gas Raw material Woodchip Adhesive UF MF PF MDI Commodity PE PP Polyester belt Transportation 4t truck 10t truck Output Product PB Waste Incinerated ash Unit kWh kWh L L t m3 t kg kg kg kg kg kg kg km km t kg Amount 2.22E+02 4.19E+01 1.11E+00 1.76E+01 1.07E-01 1.85E+01 9.52E-01 4.75E+01 2.73E+01 1.48E+01 1.54E+01 1.47E-02 1.99E-02 1.79E-03 2.34E-02 1.18E+01 1.00E+00 3.17E+00 Domestic production share was 39.6 % 7 Inventory of PB Environmental loads for 1 ton of PB production Category Resources Air Industrial Environmental item Water for hydro power $COG LNG Crude oil Coal U (Resource) f-CO2 N2O NOx (Moving source) NOx (Point source) SO2 SOx CH4 NMHC Hydrocarbon Dust (Moving source) Dust (Point source) Low-level waste b-CO2 Unit kg 3 m kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg Amount 1.18E+04 3.14E+00 2.59E+01 8.52E+01 3.64E+01 1.94E-03 2.69E+02 1.34E-02 5.10E-02 5.20E-01 2.29E-02 2.07E-01 9.05E-03 4.44E-03 8.35E-03 3.74E-03 1.46E-01 1.36E-03 2.06E+02 8 x (M fCO 2 N O ovi x ng N 2O (P so oin ur t s ce) ou rc e) SO 2 SO x CH Du 4 st H y N M (M dr H C D u ovi oca st ng rbo (P so n oin ur Lo t s ce w - ou ) lev rc el e) wa st b- e CO 2 NO Em ission (kg/t) 200 (M N O ov x ing N 2 (P s O oi ou nt rc so e) ur ce ) SO 2 SO x C Du st H N H 4 (M yd M D u ov roc H C st ing arb (P so on Lo oint urc w - s e) le our ve ce lw ) as te x 100 NO Inventory of PB Environmental loads for 1 ton of PB production 0.6 0.4 0.2 300 0.0 0 9 Impact assessment of PB 1,600 Waste Photochemical oxidant Urban air pollution Acidification Global warming Resource consumption 1,200 800 400 tio n Tr a ns po rt a od ity om e, c uc tio n Ad he siv pr od PB pr od uc tio n 0 Ch ip Estimated damage (yen/t) Estimated damage of major process for 1 ton of PB production 10 Impact assessment of PB Estimated damage for 1 ton of PB production 1,800 Estim ated dam age (Yen/t) 1,500 1,200 900 600 300 0 W aste Low levelw aste P hotochem icaloxidant H ydrocarbon P hotochem icaloxidant N M H C U rban air pollution D ust( M oving source) U rban air pollution D ust(P oint source) U rban air pollution SO x U rban air pollution SO 2 U rban air pollution N O x(M oving source) U rban air pollution N O x(P oint source) A cidification SO x A cidification SO 2 A cidification N O x G lobalw arm ing N 2O G lobalw arm ing C H 4 G lobalw arm ing b-C O 2 G lobalw arm ing f-C O 2 R esource cunsum ption U ranium R esource cunsum ption C oal R esource cunsum ption C rude oil R esource cunsum ption LN G 11 Conclusions f-CO2, dust and SOx contributed much to the estimated damage among all environmental loads. f-CO2 decreases much when wood waste is used as fuel for boiler. However, dust is released more into the atmosphere which may increase the estimated damage. The percentage of b-CO2 was high in PB production which will be deducted to zero by the concept of carbon neutral. The estimated damages for 1t of U and M type PB production were 1,552 yen and 1,585 yen, respectively. 12 Next targets Inventory analysis and impact assessment for insulation fiberboard (IB), medium density fiberboard (MDF) and hardboard (HB). Creation of their basic units by the inventory. 13 Acknowledgement We appreciate six mills owned by four companies for cooperation of inventory analysis. 14 Thank you for your attention! 15
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