先生の対応に納得いかない Dissatisfied with the teacher’s decision Naomi Ohigashi ~発達障害とは~ Developmental disability 発達障害とは、生まれながらの脳の機能障害といわれ、個人によってその特性 が違います。 Developmental disability is said to be born dysfunction of the brain, and the characteristics vary from individual to individual.. 発達障害には自閉症、アスペルガー症候群その他の広汎性発達障害、学習障害、 注意欠陥多動性障害等があり、その症状は通常低年齢において発現します。 Developmental disabilities include autism, Asperger's syndrome and other pervasive developmental disorder, learning disability, attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder and others. The symptom usually develops in low age. 特性として、コミュニケーションや対人関係を作るのが苦手であったり、言葉の発 達の遅れ、パターン化した行動やこだわりがあります。 It is hard to establish communication and personal relationships as a property, and there appears a delay in the development of words and patternized actions or persistency. 生きにくさを抱えた子ども達を児童発達支援事業と 放課後等デイサービス事業で支援しています。 Our facility is doing operations in supporting children with difficulty in life under two schemes, (1) Child Development Support Service and (2) After-school-hour Day Service for Pupils. . 児童発達支援事業とは Child Development Support Service 0歳から就学前の心身の発達に心配のあるお子さん が事業所に通ってきて、運動面、精神面の発達を促し、 生活する力が身につくように援助する事業です Child Development Support Service is a care service to help children of 0 year-old to preschool-age who have worry in mental development so that they can develop/gain physical and mental capability in daily life. 放課後等デイサービス事業とは After-school-hour Day Service for Children with mental disorder 障がいをもった小学校から高校卒業までの子供たちが事業所に通ってき て、日常生活に必要な動作や集団生活でのコミュニケーションの取り方 などを遊びを通して学び、大人になった時、自然に社会に溶け込めるよう に支援を行う事業です。 After-school-hour Day Service for Children with mental disorder is a care service to help children (from elementary school kids to high school student) learn daily life activities and communication skills in the facility. It is intended that they can be naturally accepted in the society when they become adults. 問題点 Problems 小学校低学年のB君は、発達障害ではあるが、知能にはそんなに遅れが無いので、現学級学習している。 Boy B of the elementary school lower grades is a developmental disability, but he is currently learning in the normal class since he is not much delayed in intellectual power. 今の所、特に問題なく学習している。友達関係も良好。ただ広汎性発達障害の特徴である人とのかかわりがにがて、コミュニ ケーションがうまく取れない、こだわり行動がある等の症状があるので、周りの状況を把握したり場を読めず時々勝手な行動 をしてしまう傾向がある。 He is learning without a problem in particular for the moment, and the friend relations are good, too. However, he sometimes tends to take selfish actions without understanding the circumstances because he shows typical symptoms of pervasive developmental disorder such as not good at personal relation, communication, persistency behavior and so on. ある日いつもの国語の時間に先生の問題に対して担任の先生が指名していないのに勝手に答えを言ってしまった。先生は指 名していないので答えない様に注意をしたが聞かず言い続ける。支援学級の先生は他の生徒の授業に支障が出ると思い教 室から連れだした。 One day in Japanese language class he made an answer to the teacher’s question before appointed, and he continued talking in disregard of the standstill by the teacher. The support class teacher in charge took him out from the classroom because the teacher thought he might cause troubles to other pupils in the class. 本人はそのまま現学級で授業を受け続けたいのになぜ連れ出されたのか解らず、暴れだし泣き叫ぶ!そのことを聞いた親御 さんは納得いかず教師と対立してしまう。 He began to act violently and cried out because he could not understand why he was taken out from the classroom in despite of his desire to continue taking the current normal class. His parents heard of it and didn’t get there, and became opposed to the teachers. クラウド Cloud ・現学級は予定したカリキュラムをこ なさにといけない * Planned curriculum must be finished in normal class. A: 共通目的 GOAL 本人もみんなも充実 した学校生活を過ご す He and the normal class pupils live fulfilling school life. ・本人は現学級の友達や先生が好きで、現学級に いる時の方が楽しい ・現学級の友達の方が色々な事を教えてくれる。 ・現学級の方が学ぶ事が多い *He likes the friends and the teacher of the normal class, and he is happier in the normal class.. *The friends of the normal class share various things. * He feels that he can learn more in the normal class. B: 要望 Requirement ・現学級のお友達の時間を奪っている ・本人の指導に先生の手がとられている * Absorb the time of the friend of the normal class. * The time of the teachers is spent for instructing him. D: 手段 Prerequisite 現学級を落ち着いた環境 の中で授業をする 現学級の教室から本人を 連れ出す Teach the normal class in calm environment Take him out from the classroom of the normal class. C: 要望 Requirement D’: 手段 Prerequisite 対立 Conflict 現学級の友達と一緒に授 業を受ける 現学級の教室から本人を連 れださない Take a class together with the friends of the normal class. Don't take him out from the classroom of the normal class. ・支援学級より現学級の方が本人が気に入っている ・現学級の友達と一緒に学習させたい。授業にはついていっている ・現学級で学ぶ権利が保障されている *He prefers the existing class than the support class. *We want to let him learn with the friends of the normal class, and he keeps up with the class * Right to learn in the normal class is guaranteed 結果(どう解決したか) Result (how it was settled) 母親と担任の先生と支援学級の先生と話し合いを持ってもらう。話し合いの結果、本人の意思を確認しないで今回連れ 出したことの非を支援学級の先生が認め今後このような事が無いよう配慮することを約束してもらった. As the result of meeting between the mother, the teacher in charge and the support class teacher, the support class teacher admitted the fault of taking him out without confirming his will, and promised that the teachers will consider so that such things wouldn’t happen again in the future. 本人の障害の特性を再度しっかり把握してもらう.と同時に今回の様に支援学級の先生が現学級に来て本人の支援を するときは前もって本人に伝える。先生同士連携を取っておく。 Have the teachers grasp the characteristics of disability of him well again. At the same time, have him informed when the support teacher joins the normal class for support in advance. The teachers will keep cooperation with each other. これからも学習面に問題がなければ基本的には現学級で学ぶ。行動等に問題が出たときは、なぜ問題行動が出たのか 現象だけで判断しないで,原因を確認した上で対応を決めるようにする。 Let him learn in the normal class if there is no problem in learning aspect. When he has any problem in behavior, we will decide how to deal with him not by judging from outward effect but by confirming the true cause of the behavior first. 支援学級にも本人が在籍しているので本人が支援学級の先生やお友達と過ごす事も楽しいと思える様積極的に支援学 級の行事に参加する様母親に協力してもらう。 Ask the mother to participate in the events of the support class positively so that he thinks it fun to spend with the teachers and friends of the support class where he is also registered. それをやることのメリット(どんな学びや成長があったか) Benefit of doing it (What kind of learnings and growth did you have?) 母親も本人も妥協せず、お互い納得ができる解決策がみつかり、本人も学校生活を楽しく過ごせるように なった。 We could find a solution that both mother and he were convinced without compromise, and he became able to spend school life with fun. 現学級の先生と支援学級の先生との交流が密になり、本人の問題を共有することによって、より良い支援 が出来る様になった。 The normal class teacher and support class teacher have become closely communicated and been sharing the problems of him, which has turned out better support. 母親の先生に対する不信感がなくなり先生との信頼関係が出来、本人の障害特性や普段の学校での様子 等について話し合う機会が多くなり、安心して先生に子供を託す事が出来る様になった。 The distrust of mother to teachers has disappeared, and mutual trust has been established between them. Now that they have more opportunities to talk about the characteristics of disability and the behavior of daily school life, mother has come to be able to entrust the teacher with the child in relief. 最後に Finally 障がい者、健常者も分け隔てなく共に学び、共に遊び、共 に働き、共に生きる、それが私たちの願いでもあり、こうい う事が当たり前になる社会になる事を目指して今後ともこ の事業を続けていきたいと思います。 It is our wish that both healthy persons and persons with disability learn together, play together, work together and live together. We will continue this service aiming for the society where such things become common.
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