Eigo A1 Exercises in English (Reading) Extensive Reading Speed Reading 多読 英語A1 A205 Ben Shearon 高教センタープレハブ30号室 [email protected] Online study = 780 yen Books = 0 yen Notebook = 100 yen What do you think you should do in a reading class? 1.Improve reading skill 2.Increase reading speed 3.Learn new words/phrases 4.Improve general English skill 5.Enjoy reading a variety of books Two Types of Reading 1. Intensive Reading Linguistic Focus Intensive Reading Analysis of the language Difficulty Amount Selection Usually difficult Little Teacher selects All student study the same material . Where In the classroom Checked by specific Comprehension questions What Material Two Types of Reading 2. Extensive Reading 多読 Linguistic Focus Difficulty Amount Selection What Material Where Comprehension Extensive Reading Fluency, skill forming Very easy A lot Student selects All students read different things Mostly at home Checked by reports / summaries Intensive Reading Extensive Reading Linguistic Focus Analysis of the language Fluency, skill forming Difficulty Usually difficult Very easy Amount Little A lot Selection Teacher selects Student selects What Material All students study the same material All students read different things Where In class Mostly at home Comprehension Checked by specific questions Checked by reports / summaries … in order to learn a word, students must encounter it 20-50 times, in context WORDS 語彙力 500 → 1,000 → 2,000 → 5,000 → 10,000 → NECESSARY INPUT 80,000-201,000 170,000-426,000 462,000-1,156,000 2.6m-6.6m 12.6m-31.6m 100,000 300,000 3,000,000 Graded Readers Each graded reader has a colored sticker to help you identify its level. Very Easy Easy Medium R O Y G B Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Challenging 30000 (30,000) 70,000 (100,000) 100,000 (200,000) 200,000 (400,000) 300,000 (700,000) Weekly Word Counts Extensive reading is effective when reading becomes a normal activity in your daily life. You should try to read a lot every week. High word counts each week are required to receive a high evaluation. Weekly Reading Amount Guideline Grade AA range: Grade A range: Grade B range: Grade C: 25,000 words 15,000 words 10,000 words 5,000 words Guidelines for each level Red Orange Yellow Green Blue 30,000 words Required to Pass 70,000 words Grade C 100,000 words (Grade B/A range) 200,000 words (Grade A/AA range) 300,000 words (Grade AA range) 30000 (30,000) 70,000 (100,000) 100,000 (200,000) 200,000 (400,000) 300,000 (700,000) Reading Procedure Choose a book, start reading If you like it, continue reading [if you don’t like it, change the book] When you finish, fill in the reading record Choose a new book The Book Borrowing Limit from instructor for each level is: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue ( ( ( ( ( 0 2 2 1 1 ) ) ) ) ) Class Format 1. Turn in Graded Reading Record sheets to Mr. Shearon 2. Divide into groups to introduce books (10 minutes) 3. Silent Reading time (45 minutes) May freely leave your seat to return and select books. May freely go to the restroom, or step out of the classroom to get some fresh air. May not talk in the classroom or in the hallway outside of the classroom. May not use your cell phone. 4. In-class activity (approximately 30 minutes) Assessment of Your Performance • Reading Total Word Count • Reading Weekly Word Count • Reading Record (Yellow-Green-Blue) • Attendance • In-class Activities • Online study Notebooks should have your name in romaji and Japanese and your student number written on the front cover Please write a weekly report each week in your notebook in English. This should not take more than 10-15 minutes. Write about the books you read. What parts did you like? What did you think of the story? Have you read the book before, in Japanese? Have you read any similar books before? Is there a movie version of the book? Is the story the same or different? Was it easy to read? Did you enjoy it? You can also ask questions in your weekly report. I will try to answer them. Your weekly report should be about 0.5-1 page of a normal-sized notebook (if your notebook is very small you should write more). 6 absences = fail late = ½ absence 45+ minutes late = absent Active participation English environment Bring a drink No mobile phones Classwork Talking Reading Speed Reading Listening Reading Reading diary Log sheets Online study Read as many books as possible. Read books every week. Enjoy reading. Make your plan. Read everyday little by little. You should read every day. It is hard to read much in a day. Reading is good for skill up your English. So try hard. You should start reading from books of the lowest level. If you do that, probably you will many (20?) books in one semester. Reading is very fun. Students who like reading books can enjoy this class. By your effort your English skill will change. Do your best. You must read a book that you are interested in. If you read boring book, you won't want to read more English book. If you try to read quicker and to read many books, this class will be very useful for your English skill. In this class, you'll have opportunity to read books in English. I had nice time in this class. I hardly read books in English till the class. I recommend that you should books in English not only to go up your grade, but also to improve your English skill. Read 3 books every week. 2 books are easy to read. 1 book is the book you really read or are interested even if the book is difficult. Reading books is very useful to your life, it is leisure and learning. You should read a book you think is interesting. Choice the books you are interested in. If you find the books you have read before in Japanese, you should read it. Good luck. This class is very fun. You can enjoy the class. Read for fun. Read books that correspond to your English skill. I think this class is very useful because my speed for reading is faster. I think it's good to read very easy book at first. It's very important how many books you can read than how difficult the book is at first. Read more books than more difficult books. Read books which fit you. Read as many books as you can during first half of a semester. Then you can read easier than ever and enjoy reading. Read the books you are interested in, and the books you aren't interested in both. Reading English books interesting. As we read it, we are involved in it and forget that time goes by. "National Geographic Series" are interesting. Read these books. No read, no 単位. とにかくたくさん読みましょう。テスト期間はきついから早めに。 英語の本を読むのは最初は大変かもしれませんが、慣れれば楽しくなるし、何より自分のため になるのでぜひ頑張って下さい。 最初から難しい本を読もうとすると挫折します。順を追って読んでいきましょう。 ちゃんと授業を受ければ英語の力は伸びると思うので、頑張ってほしいです。 一度に大量に読もうとせず、毎週一冊をめどに継続して読んで欲しい。 自分の忙しさに影響を受ける授業。忙しい人は要注意。 最初は異質なイメージを受け、しかも本を何冊以上読めとか言われて、このクラスを選ぶのを ためらうかもしれないが、やってみると案外楽しいと思えるようになってくるよ。 英語の本を読むことに抵抗があるかもしれないが、1度読み始めたら日本語の本を読むように 楽しめます。英語独特の言い回しもあるのでおもしろいと思います。 楽しく英語力アップができます。 落ち着いた気持ちで読書するととてもいいと思います。速く読むことではしっかり意識して読む ことを心がけるべき。 レベルの低い本だと短すぎて内容があまりなくてつまらないからある程度のものを読んだほう がいい。 読書を作業だと思わず楽しむようにしたほうが良い。 読むときは集中して一気に読むこと。怠けると一週間たっても一冊も読んでいない状況になり ますよ。 英語の本をこんなに読める機会はめったにないので、是非受講して欲しいです。 易しい本ばかりでなく難しい本を読むことも必要。 日頃から少しずつでも読んでおいた方がいいです。週2冊くらいがペー スとしては無難だと思います。
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