本田利器 教授 - 国際協力学専攻

本田利器研究室 国際協力学修士/博士ゼミナール シラバス Team HONDA (Supervisor: Prof. Riki Honda)
目標 Objectives
The main objective of these seminars is to acquire basic research skills for completing
Master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, learning the wide spectrum of research fields
through cooperation and communication, by sharing information, discussing issues, and
developing innovative ideas, among members.
活動内容 Activity
毎週 1 回程度開催し,各自の研究についての報告と議論,その他関係する事項に関する輪
We have a weekly meeting, in which all students are supposed to report their progress,
followed by presentation by a few members and discussions about their research and
other related topics.
Evaluation 成績評価
Your score will be evaluated based on your performance including attendance,
presentation quality and contribution to the discussion in our weekly meeting.
Available Terms
ゼミの単位は,原則として,S1,S2,A1,A2 に行うゼミに対して与えられる.W タームで単
Credits of the seminars will be provided on S1,S2,A1 and A2 terms. If you want to
register credits for W term, let me know before the term starts.