Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica ENERGÍA EÓLICA 94 Resultados Datos actualizados a 03/07/2016 [22:38:00] Solicitudes de Patente publicadas en los últimos 15 días / Patent Applications published in the last 15 days METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MONITORING A WIND TURBINE Nº publicación DE102014225637A1 30/06/2016 BOSCH GMBH ROBERT [DE] Solicitantes The invention relates to a method for monitoring a wind turbine (100), Resumen said wind turbine (100) having a rotor (106) that drives a power train (112) and that comprises a first rotor blade (108a) and at least one second rotor blade (108b). The method comprises a step of determining imbalance information (126) representing an imbalance of the wind turbine (100) using a rotation signal (124), in order to monitor the wind turbine (100), the rotation signal (124) representing an angular velocity and/or a torque in the drive shaft (110). Alertas Tecnológicas - 1 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MONITORING A WIND TURBINE Nº publicación DE102014225638A1 30/06/2016 BOSCH GMBH ROBERT [DE] Solicitantes The invention relates to a method for monitoring a wind turbine (100), Resumen said wind turbine (100) having a rotor (106) that comprises at least one rotor blade (108) and that drives a power train (112). The method comprises at least one step of determining a characteristic of a frequency signal at at least one characteristic frequency, the frequency signal representing a progression (124) of an acceleration of one component of the wind turbine (100), which progression is transformed into a frequency domain, in addition to a step of calculating imbalance information (126) representing an imbalance of the wind turbine (100) using the characteristic of the frequency signal, in order to monitor the wind turbine (100). Korrosionsschutzmittelbehälter II Nº publicación DE102016202665A1 30/06/2016 ZAHNRADFABRIK FRIEDRICHSHAFEN [DE] Solicitantes ZF WIND POWER ANTWERPEN NV [BE] Die Erfindung betrifft einen Korrosionsschutzmittelbehälter (101) mit mindestens einer Kammer zur Aufnahme eines Resumen Korrosionsschutzmittels, mit mindestens einer gasdurchlässigen Wandung und mit mindestens einem Aussengewinde (105); wobei der Korrosionsschutzmittelbehälter (101) mit dem Aussengewinde (105) in ein Kernloch eines Getriebegehäuses einschraubbar ist; wobei die Wandung die Kammer von einem Inneren des Getriebegehäuses trennt, wenn der Korrosionsschutzmittelbehälter (101) in das Kernloch eingeschraubt ist. Der Korrosionsschutzmittelbehälter (101) weist mindestens ein Innengewinde (111) auf; wobei eine Verschlussschraube (201) in das das Innengewinde (111) einschraubbar ist; und wobei die Verschlussschraube (201) in das Kernloch einschraubbar ist, wenn der Korrosionsschutzmittelbehälter (101) nicht in das Kernloch eingeschraubt ist. Alertas Tecnológicas - 2 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica SYSTEM FOR GENERATING ELECTRICAL POWER IN SITU FOR SUBMARINE OR OVERHEAD CABLE Nº publicación EP3037659A1 29/06/2016 COMMISSARIAT ENERGIE ATOMIQUE [FR] Solicitantes Ce système de récupération d'énergie renouvelable pour générer Resumen localement de l'énergie électrique est notamment associé à un câble aérien ou sous-marin ou à une conduite aérienne ou sous-marine. Ce système comprend une turbine (1) d'enveloppe externe sensiblement cylindrique montée rotative sur le câble ou sur la conduite à l'aide d'organes de montage, et un alternateur relié cinématiquement ou intégré à ladite turbine (1). Les organes de montage et la turbine (1) sont constitués en deux parties (A, B) séparables, pourvues d'éléments d'assemblage (4) pour permettre leur assemblage une fois positionnées sur le câble ou sur la conduite. A WIND TURBINE, A WIND TURBINE BLADE, AND A METHOD OF REINFORCING A WIND TURBINE BLADE Nº publicación EP3036435A1 29/06/2016 BLADENA APS [DK] Solicitantes A wind turbine blade comprising a shell and at least a first girder Resumen wherein the first girder is connected to an upper part of the shell and a lower part of the shell, and where the wind turbine blade comprises at least one reinforcing member having a first end and a second opposite end. The reinforcing member comprises a first part with the first end and a second part with the second opposite end and that a length adjustment member is arranged between the first and the second part of the reinforcing member, and being adapted for mutually positioning and fixing the first and the second part in at least two different distances from each other. Alertas Tecnológicas - 3 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica WIND TURBINE OF LOW WIND SPEEDS Nº publicación EP3036434A2 29/06/2016 DERMITZAKIS EMMANUIL [GR] Solicitantes DERMITZAKIS ARISTEIDIS [GR] Horizontal axis W/T of low wind speeds of propeller type, bearing a Resumen main rotor of three blades (1), while in the space between two successive blades (1) and diametrically opposite to the third, an additional 4th blade (2) also of propeller type but of significantly longer length, is interposed. This additional blade (2) is not permanently coupled but selectively engaged in the system of the W/T at low wind speeds, contributing to the startup and enhancing the energy production. The blade (2) bears diametrically opposite a counterweight (15) to balance the forces developed, and rotates in a plane parallel to the main rotor. The coupling of the blade (2) is preferably made at the stand-by state or at low wind speed operation of the W/T, while the uncoupling will be performed during operating state and at the rated power.; The blade (2) after uncoupling, gets in vertical position and remains immobilized attached to the tower (3). Nº publicación CN105715457A 29/06/2016 ,,,,,,,,,,,;,490,,,,. Resumen Alertas Tecnológicas - 4 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Zweireihiges Pendelrollenlager Nº publicación CN105715671A 29/06/2016 Die vorliegende Offenbarung betrifft ein zweireihiges Resumen Pendelrollenlager (1) umfassend: einen Aussenring (2), der wenigstens eine radial innere sphärische Laufbahn (21) und eine radial äussere Umfangsfläche (22) aufweist; einen Innenring (3), der wenigstens eine radial äussere kurvenförmige Laufbahn (31) aufweist; Rollenelemente (4), die in zwei axial versetzten Rollenreihen (41, 42) angeordnet sind, und wobei die Rollen (4) zwischen der inneren Laufbahn (21) des Aussenrings (2) und der wenigstens einen äusseren Laufbahn (31) des Innenrings (3) angeordnet sind.; Die Rollenelemente (4) in jeder Rollenreihe (41, 42) weisen ausserdem eine nominelle Rollenposition (N0) im Lager (1) auf, wobei der Aussenring (2) eine erste Umfangsnut (23) auf der äusseren Umfangsfläche (22) aufweist und wobei die erste Umfangsnut (23) eine Breite X in der axialen Richtung der äusseren Umfangsfläche aufweist, die die folgende Beziehung erfüllt: L1 <= X <= L2,wobei gilt:; L2 erstreckt sich zwischen einem ersten und einem zweiten axialen Endpunkt auf der äusseren Umfangsfläche (22), wobei der erste Endpunkt als Schnittpunkt zwischen einem ersten Normalenvektor (n1) und der äusseren Umfangsfläche (22) definiert ist, wobei der erste Normalenvektor (n1) ein invertierter Normalenvektor der wenigstens einen inneren Laufbahn (21) ist und bei einer Position beginnt, die sich an der axial inneren Endfläche (411) einer in der ersten Rollenreihe (41) an ihrer nominellen Rollenposition (N0) befin SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR INCREASING WIND TURBINE POWER OUTPUT Nº publicación CN105715452A 29/06/2016 Systems and methods 300 for increasing the power output of wind Resumen turbines 100 in a wind farm 200 are disclosed. In particular, a wind farm 200 can include first and second doubly fed induction generator 120 wind turbine systems. The rotational rotor speed of the first wind turbine system 100 can be regulated at reduced wind speeds based at least in part on data indicative of rotor voltage to increase power output of a doubly fed induction generator 120. The rotor speed can be regulated such that the rotor voltage does not exceed a voltage threshold. The power output of the first wind turbine system 100 can be further increased by reducing its reactive power output. The reduced reactive power output of the first wind turbine system 100 can be compensated for by an increased reactive power output of the second wind turbine system 100. Alertas Tecnológicas - 5 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Rotor blade with vortex generators Nº publicación CN105715449A 29/06/2016 The invention relates to rotor blade (20) of a wind turbine (10) and to Resumen a wind turbine (10) comprising at least one of such rotor blades (20). The rotor blade (20) comprises a main vortex generator (30) being configured to generate a main vortex (301), and a secondary vortex generator (40) being configured to generate a second vortex (401). The height of the main vortex generator (30) is greater than the height of the secondary vortex generator (40). Furthermore, the main vortex generator (30) and the secondary vortex generator (40) are configured and arranged such with regard to each other that - for a boundary layer thickness (52) being smaller than the height of the secondary vortex generator (40), the secondary vortex generator (40) reduces, in particular neutralizes, the impact of the main vortex generator (30) on the lift of the rotor blade (20), and - for a boundary layer thickness (52) being larger than the height of the secondary vortex generator (40), the lift of the rotor blade (20) is substantially unaffected by the presence of the secondary vortex generator (40). APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING POWER INTERFACE Nº publicación EP3036812A1 29/06/2016 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IT CORP [US] Solicitantes Aspects and embodiments described herein are directed toward a Resumen power interface device including a first power interface configured to couple to an electric utility and a second power interface configured to couple to a microgrid comprising one or more power sources and one or more loads, the one or more power sources including a generator. The power interface device also includes a power conversion circuit coupled to the first power interface and the second power interface and a controller coupled to the power conversion circuit.; The controller is configured to allow interfacing between the electric utility operating at a first frequency and voltage and the microgrid operating at a second frequency and voltage by at least detecting an operating frequency of the generator and controlling a power flow between the electric utility and the microgrid based on the operating frequency of the generator. Alertas Tecnológicas - 6 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica CRUCIFORM TOWER Nº publicación EP3036436A1 29/06/2016 TINDALL CORP [US] Solicitantes A tower includes a plurality of stacked sections extending in a Resumen longitudinal direction from a base section to a top section, at least one of the stacked sections including a first block and a second block joined together, the first block and the second block having interlocking portions such that a first portion of the first block is located above a first portion of the second block in the longitudinal direction. COMPONENT CARRIER Nº publicación CN105715466A 29/06/2016 Die Erfindung betrifft einen Komponententräger (1) für Komponenten Resumen (29') in Gondeln (22) von Windenergieanlagen (20) umfassend ein Trägerelement (2) zur Befestigung der Komponenten daran und wenigstens ein biegeweiches Anbindungsblech (4) mit jeweils zwei Anbindungspunkten (6) zur Anbindung des Trägerelementes (2) an einer Tragstruktur (10) der Windenergieanlage (20). Das wenigstens eine Anbindungsblech (4) ist an seinem einen Anbindungspunkt (6) mit dem Trägerelement (2) und an seinem anderen Anbindungspunkt (6) mit der Tragstruktur (10) verbindbar. Die Länge (1) des Anbindungsbleches (4) zwischen den beiden Anbindungspunkten (6) ist dabei grösser als der Abstand (d) zwischen den beiden Anbindungspunkten (6). Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin eine Windenergieanlage (20) mit einer Tragstruktur (10) in der Gondel (22).; Die Windenergieanlage umfasst weiterhin einen erfindungsgemässen Komponententräger (1), dessen wenigstens eines Anbindungsblech (4) mit seinem einen Anbindungspunkt (6) mit dem Trägerelement (3) und mit seinem anderen Anbindungspunkt (6) mit der Tragstruktur (10) der Windenergieanlage (20) verbunden ist. Alertas Tecnológicas - 7 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Nº publicación CN105715450A 29/06/2016 ,,,,,,. Resumen ALL-DIRECTIONAL FLOW-GUIDE SHAFTLESS WIND-DRIVEN GENERATOR Nº publicación CN105715454A 29/06/2016 An all-directional flow-guide shaftless wind-driven generator Resumen comprises a swirling hollow shaftless vane (107), a group of swirling flow-guide plate assemblies (104) installed around the vane, a group of horizontal flow-isolation plate devices for supporting the flow-guide plate assemblies, an electricity generation unit (105) located above the hollow shaftless vane, an electricity generation unit (106) located below the hollow shaftless vane, an integrated calculator (109), and a plurality of wind-pervious safety grid devices (110). The apparatus can be installed in multiple combinations, can prevent foreign matters from entering, the electricity generation effect of the apparatus is not affected by adverse wind, and the apparatus can carry out secondary utilization of wind flows. WIND POWER COLLECTING, ELECTRICITY GENERATING DEVICE Nº publicación CN105723085A 29/06/2016 The present invention relates to a wind power collecting, electricity Resumen generating device and, more particularly, to a wind power collecting, electricity generating device comprising: wind power generation units comprising a plurality of central wind power units installed in the middle of a highway, along which transportation means travel on facing sides in opposite directions, along the traveling direction of the highway to be elongated in the vertical direction and a plurality of one-side ceiling wind power units installed to extend from upper ends of the central wind power units in at least one horizontal direction among the opposite directions; and a velocity increasing unit connected to a rotational shaft of one of the wind power generation units to increase the rotational velocity of the wind power generation units, wherein the central wind power units and the one-side ceiling wind power units are connected by predetermined connection means and are simultaneously configured to generate electricity by means of rotational force of blades, which are rotated such that the direction of movement of wind generated by the transportation means becomes the normal direction, thereby advantageously increasing electricity generation efficiency. Optimal wind farm operation Nº publicación EP3037657A1 29/06/2016 ABB TECHNOLOGY AG [CH] Solicitantes The present invention relates to a method of operating a wind farm comprising an upstream and a downstream turbine, wherein Resumen the upstream turbine is operated with current operation parameters under current wind conditions, wherein the method comprises the steps of: receiving future wind conditions for a time period for the wind farm, and evaluating required operation parameters for minimising wake effect of the downstream turbine under the future wind conditions, and determining a cost coefficient for changing the operation parameters to required operation parameters under consideration of fatigue effect of the wind turbine, calculating power productions P 0 and P c , in the predetermined time period, by the wind farm if operated with the current operation parameters under the current wind conditions and if operated with the required operation parameters under the future wind conditions, respectively, and operating the upstream turbine with the required operation parameters if the cost coefficient is lower than a cost that would be obtained by a power production increment P c - P 0 . Alertas Tecnológicas - 8 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Rotor blade with vortex generators Nº publicación EP3037656A1 29/06/2016 SIEMENS AG [DE] Solicitantes The invention relates to rotor blade (20) of a wind turbine (10) and to a wind turbine (10) comprising at least one of such rotor Resumen blades (20). The rotor blade (20) comprises a main vortex generator (30) being configured to generate a main vortex (301), and a secondary vortex generator (40) being configured to generate a second vortex (401). The height of the main vortex generator (30) is greater than the height of the secondary vortex generator (40). Furthermore, the main vortex generator (30) and the secondary vortex generator (40) are configured and arranged such with regard to each other that - for a boundary layer thickness (52) being smaller than the height of the secondary vortex generator (40), the secondary vortex generator (40) reduces, in particular neutralizes, the impact of the main vortex generator (30) on the lift of the rotor blade (20), and - for a boundary layer thickness (52) being larger than the height of the secondary vortex generator (40), the lift of the rotor blade (20) is substantially unaffected by the presence of the secondary vortex generator (40). Rotor blade extension Nº publicación EP3037655A1 29/06/2016 SIEMENS AG [DE] Solicitantes The invention describes a rotor blade extension (1) realized for mounting over a tip (20) of a wind turbine (3) rotor blade (2), Resumen comprising an airfoil extension portion (1_AF) realized to extend the length (L 2 ) of the rotor blade (2); a leading edge portion (1_LE) realized to cover a profile of the leading edge (LE) of the rotor blade (2); and a trailing edge portion (1_TE) realized to cover a profile of the trailing edge (TE) of the rotor blade (2). The invention further describes a wind turbine (3) comprising a number of rotor blades (2) and a rotor blade extension (1) according to the invention mounted to each rotor blade (2). TRANSPORT AND STACKING OF WIND TURBINE BLADES Nº publicación CN105722725A 29/06/2016 An aspect of the invention involves a method of transporting a blade Resumen for a wind turbine generator, the method comprising attaching a blade root support frame to a root flange of the blade and attaching a blade spanwise support frame to a spanwise portion of the blade as well as connecting a first wheel base to the spanwise support frame, and connecting a transport unit to the root support frame, where the transport unit includes a carrying structure and a second wheel base with at least one axle and two wheels, and where the transport unit before being connected to the root support frame, is moved into a position partly underneath the blade root, and where the second wheel base is underneath the blade and the carrying structure is underneath the root support frame. As the transport unit is moved into a position underneath the blade, such that the second wheel base is underneath the blade and the carrying structure is underneath the root support frame, the load from the root end of the blade is distributed between a truck or tractor, which is used for the transport, and the second wheel base, which lowers the axle pressure of the truck or tractor. Moreover, as the carrying structure is underneath the root support frame, only vertical load may be applied from the transport unit, such that forces and torque applied on the blade are substantially decreased compared to the known art. A second aspect involves that blades may be stacked by use of the support frames without use of fu Alertas Tecnológicas - 9 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica A TERRAIN COMPLIANT, ECO-FRIENDLY, MODULAR BALLAST SYSTEM WITH OPTIONAL INTEGRATED WIRE MANAGEMENT AND RACKING SYSTEM Nº publicación CN105723163A 29/06/2016 A modular ballast system (10) for supporting objects uses tubing (12) Resumen such as pipes of appropriate size for the (5) required ballast. Once in place, the empty pipes are filled with a watery mix (14) (slurry) of sand, silt, gravel, soil, cement or other generally available material to generate a majority of the ballast weight. A two piece clamping mechanism (16) provides fixed placement attachment points (18) suitable for attachment by supported structures. The lower piece (20) of the clamping mechanism (16) sits under the ballast tubing (12) and is designed to both support and disperse the anticipated weight of the objects with minimal impact on the surface beneath it. Nº publicación CN105711601A 29/06/2016 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,;,.,. Resumen Nº publicación CN105715456A 29/06/2016 ,;,;,;.,,.. Resumen Nº publicación CN105715451A 29/06/2016 ,,,,,,;,,;,. Resumen WIND TURBINE WITH A ROTOR POSITIONING SYSTEM Nº publicación EP3037658A1 29/06/2016 GAMESA INNOVATION & TECH SL [ES] Solicitantes The invention provides a wind turbine having a system for positioning the rotor in an azimuthal reference position Az ref and for Resumen maintaining it therein for a predetermined period of time, the wind turbine being arranged in test mode. Said rotor positioning system comprises a first controller (31) configured to generate a generator speed reference CR ref from the difference between the rotor azimuthal reference position Az ref and the rotor azimuthal measured position Az meas and a second controller (35) configured to generate a generator torque reference T ref from the difference between said generator speed reference CR ref and the generator speed measured CR meas . Alertas Tecnológicas - 10 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Method for determining defects in a wind turbine blade root attachment Nº publicación BR112013003163A2 28/06/2016 ALSTOM WIND SLU [ES] Solicitantes Reference bores (20) are selected in blade extender (200) and one or Resumen more reference plates (300; 310) are provided at a height (h1; h2) from extender flange (21). A reference laser device (400, 410) is provided within reference bores (20) which beam (400', 410') impinging on reference plates (300, 310) is in line with bore axis (20'). A blade root bore (10) is selected and a laser device (500) is fitted therein such that a measuring laser beam (500') impinging on plates (300, 310) is in line with axis of blade root bore (10'). The measuring laser beam (500') can be then assessed. A measuring tool (700) is used having a first end (715) to which laser devices (400, 410, 500) can be attached or other devices such as a comparator (600), and a movable second end (720) for being inserted within the corresponding bores (10, 20) with a tight fit. WIND ENERGY INSTALLATION WORKING GANTRY AND WIND ENERGY INSTALLATION Nº publicación BR112013003136A2 28/06/2016 WOBBEN PROPERTIES GMBH [DE] Solicitantes The invention relates to a wind energy installation working gantry Resumen having a working platform and railings arranged on the working platform, wherein the railings can be blocked off by means of a blocking element and the blocking element is be arranged in a transition region to an elevator. The invention relates in particular to a wind energy installation having a locking device comprising a locking mechanism for receiving a first locking element and a second locking element, wherein the first locking element is connected to the elevator and the second locking element is connected to the blocking element, and the locking mechanism is designed to release one of the two locking elements by locking the respective other locking element relative to the locking device. The invention further relates to a locking device, to an elevator and to a wind energy installation. Alertas Tecnológicas - 11 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica WIND TURBINE UTILIZING WIND DIRECTING SLATS Nº publicación BR112012026142A2 28/06/2016 SEVEN INTERNAT GROUP INC [US] Solicitantes Various embodiments of a wind turbine are disclosed having a Resumen plurality of pivotable slats disposed about a rotor coupled to one or more blades. Each of the plurality of slats can be pivoted such that the open slats on a windward side redirect the wind to cause rotation of the rotor and the closed slats on a leeward side retain at least a substantial portion of the wind within the interior. turbomáquina de eixo horizontal com pá lozangular espiral, projeto e construção Nº publicación BR102014018476A2 28/06/2016 ANDRADE JONES DOS REIS [BR] Solicitantes resumo tehple - projeto e construção a tehple (turbomáquina de eixo horizontal com pá lozangular espiral) é um rotor do tipo eixo Resumen horizontal com objetivo de converter energia cinética dos ventos e das correntes marinhas em energia elétrica através de um gerador acoplado no centro do rotor, pode ser projetada com três ou mais pás e sua principal característica é a ple (pá lozangular espiral), pá com formato lozangular espiral, pode ser construída com a tecnologia de materiais e de processos produtivos existentes no mercado como: fibra de carbono, metais, plásticos, madeira, entre outros e com equipamentos modernos de processos produtivos em 3d, respeitando a trilogia maior resistência, menor espessura e menor peso possível para melhor rendimento em cada aplicação. 1/1 Alertas Tecnológicas - 12 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica BLADE-HANDLING TOOL Nº publicación BR112012021496A2 28/06/2016 GAMESA INNOVATION & TECH SL [ES] Solicitantes Summary . This handling tool for blades (11) comprises two Resumen semi-covers (1) hinged (2) on the leading edge, with enclosures on the trailing edge and double internal wall. A part (10) of the double wall is shifted towards the inside of the existing gap, reducing its volume and, with its movement, trapping the blade (11) without damaging it. The external part of each semi-cover (1) has several shafts (6) incorporating a retaining system that permits blade rotation (11) securely and at a controlled speed. The cited rotation control mechanism (8) is fit onto several ends that are supplemented with several cables (4) that raise and lower the blade (11) as necessary. METHOD FOR ASSEMBLING DIMINISHING SECTION CONCRETE TOWERS FOR WIND TURBINES AND ASSOCIATED WIND TURBINE Nº publicación BR102015017595A2 28/06/2016 ACCIONA WINDPOWER SA [ES] Solicitantes The present invention relates to a method for assembling concrete Resumen towers with a decreasing secton for wind turbines which comprises a phase of pre-assembly of concrete tower sections (2,3,2') which allows to reduce the space required during the stage of pre-assembly of the different tower section prior to lifting and the civil work associated to set said space up wherein, during the pre-assembly phase, a first annular section (2) is confined at least partially within the inner space defined by a second annular section (3), the invention also relating to the wind turbine associated to said method of assembly. Alertas Tecnológicas - 13 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica WIND TURBINE ROTOR AND WIND TURBINE Nº publicación BR112012025887A2 28/06/2016 SWAY TURBINE AS [NO] Solicitantes A wind turbine comprising: a shaft (2); a plurality of blade Resumen arrangements (8), each of which is rotatable around the shaft and has a blade (7), said blade arrangements and blades forming a blade rotor which is rotatable around the shaft; at least first and second bearing arrangements (6) spaced axially along the shaft, said blade rotor being connected to said first and second bearing arrangements; and a direct drive generator comprising a stator (10), which is rotationally fixed to the shaft, and a generator rotor (9) having a rim;; wherein the first and second bearing arrangements each transmit radial forces from the blade rotor to the shaft, and at least one of the first and second bearing arrangements transmits bending moments to the shaft, each of the blade arrangements being connected to a point at or adjacent the rim of the generator rotor so as to transmit torque generated by the blade arrangement directly thereto, and wherein the generator rotor (9) is within the blade rotor. TURBINE A VENT ET GAZ COMPRIME Nº publicación FR3030642A1 24/06/2016 SAUVAL CLAUDE RENE [FR] Solicitantes L'invention, objet de ce brevet, consiste en un carénage (1,2 et 3) destiné à optimiser l'utilisation de l'effet Venturi pour Resumen l'alimentation en air accéléré d'une turbine éolienne (17 et 32). Une source secondaire d'énergie est utilisée pour produire un gaz comprimé qui est injecté par des buses (143, 217 et 316) le long des parois d'un Venturi mono ou multi flux. Les veines de gaz comprimé à haute vitesse orientent favorablement l'air incident en réduisant la surpression d'entrée du convergent ; l'ensemble buses parois du convergent fonctionne comme un éjecteur qui aspire le vent extérieur et le guide vers le col de Venturi (54) en augmentant fortement son rendement réel pour une installation à l'air libre. Un éjecteur à gaz comprimé (318) est aussi utilisé autour du divergent pour aspirer et guider le flux sortant.; Le gaz, GPL ou air comprimé peut être stocké partiellement dans le carénage ou fabriqué à partir d'énergie fossile, électrique, photovoltaïque ou encore par un compresseur (15) entraîné par l'éolienne. Alertas Tecnológicas - 14 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica SYSTEM FOR GENERATING ELECTRICAL POWER IN SITU FOR SUBMARINE OR OVERHEAD CABLE Nº publicación FR3030643A1 24/06/2016 COMMISSARIAT ENERGIE ATOMIQUE [FR] Solicitantes Ce système de récupération d'énergie renouvelable pour générer Resumen localement de l'énergie électrique est notamment associé à un câble aérien ou sous-marin ou à une conduite aérienne ou sous-marine. Ce système comprend une turbine (1) d'enveloppe externe sensiblement cylindrique montée rotative sur le câble ou sur la conduite à l'aide d'organes de montage, et un alternateur relié cinématiquement ou intégré à ladite turbine (1). Les organes de montage et la turbine (1) sont constitués en deux parties (A, B) séparables, pourvues d'éléments d'assemblage (4) pour permettre leur assemblage une fois positionnées sur le câble ou sur la conduite. WIND FARM WITH DC VOLTAGE NETWORK Nº publicación NZ705010A 24/06/2016 WOBBEN PROPERTIES GMBH Solicitantes The invention relates to a wind farm for generating electrical energy Resumen from wind, comprising at least two wind turbines for generating the electrical energy and a common infeed device for feeding the generated electrical energy, or part thereof, into an electrical supply grid, wherein the wind turbines are connected to the infeed device via an electrical DC voltage network in order for electrical energy generated by the respective wind turbine to be conducted to the infeed device by means of electrical direct current. Alertas Tecnológicas - 15 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica METHOD AND CONTROL DEVICE FOR A WIND TURBINE, AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT, DIGITAL STORAGE MEDIUM AND WIND TURBINE Nº publicación NZ705430A 24/06/2016 WOBBEN PROPERTIES GMBH Solicitantes The invention relates to a method for operating a wind turbine (1000), Resumen in which method the rotor (3) is brought to a standstill and locked, having the steps: braking the rotor (3); positioning the rotor (3) in a standstill position; immobilizing the rotor (3) in the standstill position (P1, P2). It is provided according to the invention that a final position is predefined (S2), the rotor (3) is braked (S-I) in controlled fashion to a standstill position assigned to the final position, and for the positioning (S-II) for the predefined final position, the rotor is automatically braked until it comes to a standstill in the standstill position, and for the immobilization (S-III) in the standstill position, a mechanical immobilizing device is engaged, in particular automatically. METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FEEDING ELECTRIC ENERGY INTO AN ELECTRIC SUPPLY NETWORK Nº publicación NZ703787A 24/06/2016 WOBBEN PROPERTIES GMBH Solicitantes The invention relates to a method for controlling a generator (1) of Resumen electric energy which is connected to an electric supply network (4) in a network connection point (2), said method comprising the steps of detecting at least one network property of the electric supply network (4) related to the network connection point (2), and controlling the generator (1) such that it feeds power into the electric supply network (4) depending on the detected network property. Alertas Tecnológicas - 16 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica WIND TURBINE WITH A ROTOR POSITIONING SYSTEM Nº publicación ES2575101A1 24/06/2016 GAMESA INNOVATION & TECH S L [ES] Solicitantes The invention provides a wind turbine having a system for positioning Resumen the rotor in an azimuthal reference position Az ref and for maintaining it therein for a predetermined period of time, the wind turbine being arranged in test mode. Said rotor positioning system comprises a first controller (31) configured to generate a generator speed reference CR ref from the difference between the rotor azimuthal reference position Az ref and the rotor azimuthal measured position Az meas and a second controller (35) configured to generate a generator torque reference T ref from the difference between said generator speed reference CR ref and the generator speed measured CR meas . METHOD FOR CONFIGURING A WIND ENERGY INSTALLATION, AND WIND ENERGY INSTALLATION Nº publicación NZ628558A 24/06/2016 WOBBEN PROPERTIES GMBH Solicitantes The invention relates to a method for configuring a wind energy Resumen installation (100), comprising the steps of selecting predetermined parameters associated with the wind energy installation (100) from a control database (6) for configuring the wind energy installation (100), storing the selected parameters on a mobile data storage medium (8), transmitting the selected parameters from the mobile data storage medium (8) to the wind energy installation (100), implementing the selected parameters in the wind energy installation (100), reading the parameters implemented in the wind energy installation (100) from a monitoring device (11) networked to the wind energy installation (100) and to the control database (6), and comparing the parameters which have been read with the predetermined parameters associated with the wind energy installation (100) and stored in the control database (6). Alertas Tecnológicas - 17 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica ROTOR BLADE AND CONNECTING DEVICE Nº publicación NZ627112A 24/06/2016 WOBBEN PROPERTIES GMBH Solicitantes The invention relates to a rotor blade of a wind turbine for fixing to a Resumen rotor hub, said rotor blade having a rotor blade longitudinal axis, comprising a rotor blade inner part (2) near the rotor hub and a rotor blade outer part (4) further away from the rotor hub. The rotor blade inner part (2) and the rotor blade outer part (4) are connected to each other by means of at least one connecting device, and the connecting device comprises at least one anchoring element (34) which is anchored in the rotor blade outer part (4), at least one counter element (20) which is anchored in the rotor blade inner part (2), and at least one connecting bolt (28) which passes through the counter element (20) and is fixed in the anchoring element (34). METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MOUNTING A ROTOR HUB ON A WIND TURBINE Nº publicación NZ626594A 24/06/2016 WOBBEN PROPERTIES GMBH Solicitantes A rotor hub (1) on a wind turbine, having a handling device for lifting Resumen the rotor hub (1) by means of a crane for mounting the rotor hub (1) on a nacelle (104) arranged on a wind turbine tower (102), wherein the handling device is prepared in such a way that when being lifted on a fastening segment (14) of the handling device the rotor hub (1) turns from a vertical alignment with a substantially vertical hub axis (28) to a horizontal alignment with a substantially horizontal hub axis (28). Alertas Tecnológicas - 18 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica FOUNDATION FOR A WIND TURBINE Nº publicación NZ624309A 24/06/2016 WOBBEN PROPERTIES GMBH Solicitantes The invention relates to a tower base section (1) for arrangement and Resumen fixation on a foundation (18) and for erecting a tower for a wind turbine (100) thereon, comprising an exterior lower annular flange (6) for placement on the foundation (18) and for fixation to the foundation (8), an inner, upper annular flange (8) for placement and fixation of a tower segment (32) with a corresponding lower tower flange (30) thereon, an inner, lower support flange (10) for placement on the foundation (18), and inner support elements (22), in particular support braces (22) for supporting the upper annular flange (8) on the lower support flange (10). METHOD FOR OPERATING A COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT, AND COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT Nº publicación NZ628836A 24/06/2016 WOBBEN PROPERTIES GMBH Solicitantes The invention relates to a method for operating a power-to-gas device, Resumen in other words a device that produces a gas such as hydrogen and/or methane and/or the like from electrical energy, wherein in order to produce the gas, the power-to-gas unit draws electrical energy from an electrical network, to which the power-to-gas unit is connected, wherein the network has a predetermined target frequency or a target frequency range, wherein the power-to-gas unit reduces the draw of electrical power by a predetermined value or draws no electrical power if the network frequency of the electrical network lies below the desired target frequency of the network by a predetermined frequency value and/or if the network frequency falls with a frequency gradient, namely with a change per time (Deltaf/Deltat), the magnitude of which exceeds a predetermined change magnitude. Alertas Tecnológicas - 19 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Steuern des Betriebs von Windenergieanlagen Nº publicación DE102014226979A1 23/06/2016 EE-TECHSERVICE UG (HAFTUNGSBESCHR\u00C4NKT) [DE] Solicitantes Ein Verfahren zum Steuern einer Mehrzahl von Windenergieanlagen (WEA1, WEA2, ... WEAn) in einem Windpark (WP) erfolgt Resumen mittels einer Steuereinheit (1). Die Steuereinheit führt die folgenden Schritte durch: Einlesen der aktuellen Uhrzeit, der aktuellen Niederschlagsmenge in bzw. in der nahen Umgebung des Windparks und der aktuellen Umgebungstemperatur und Windgeschwindigkeit an jeder Windenergieanlage, Berechnen eines Gesamtwertes der aktuellen Umgebungstemperatur aus den an jeder Windenergieanlage erfassten Einzelwerten der aktuellen Umgebungstemperatur und eines Gesamtwertes der aktuellen Windgeschwindigkeit aus den an jeder Windenergieanlage erfassten Einzelwerten der aktuellen Windgeschwindigkeit, Abfragen, ob die aktuelle Uhrzeit in einem vorbestimmten Zeitfenster liegt, Abfragen, ob die aktuelle Niederschlagsmenge einen vorbestimmten Grenzwert unterschreitet, Abfragen,; ob der berechnete Gesamtwert der aktuellen Umgebungstemperatur einen vorbestimmten Grenzwert überschreitet, und Abfragen, ob der berechnete Gesamtwert der aktuellen Windgeschwindigkeit einen vorbestimmten Grenzwert unterschreitet. Wenn alle abgefragten Bedingungen erfüllt sind, werden oder bleiben alle Windenergieanlagen in dem Windpark abgeschaltet. Wenn mindestens eine der abgefragten Bedingungen nicht erfüllt ist, werden oder bleiben alle Windenergieanlagen in dem Windpark eingeschaltet. Reciprocating Motion Energy Conversion Apparatus Nº publicación US2016177912A1 23/06/2016 GERAMI CYRUS H [US] Solicitantes A reciprocating motion energy conversion apparatus is adapted to capture kinetic energy of wind, waves, or other reciprocating or Resumen turbulent motion in order to generate electricity. A rolling shaft rests on a shaft guide frame, with the rolling shaft being coupled to the input shaft of at least one electric generator. As the shaft guide frame tilts or rocks, the rolling shaft rolls on the shaft guide frame, turning the input shaft of the generator and producing electricity. In a Wave rocker embodiment, the shaft guide surface is secured within a buoyant, waterproof enclosure, which is placed in a body of water to convert energy from wave motions. In a Wind board embodiment, the shaft guide frame is suspended from two swing panels, which are put into swinging motion by turbulent winds, causing the rolling shaft to roll and turn the input shaft of each pair of electric generators. Zweireihiges Pendelrollenlager, Herstellungsverfahren und Windturbinenlageranordnung Nº publicación DE102015225678A1 23/06/2016 AB SKF [SE] Solicitantes Die vorliegende Offenbarung betrifft ein zweireihiges Pendelrollenlager (1), das einen Aussenring (2), der auf einer radial inneren Resumen Umfangsfläche eine erste und eine zweite kugelförmige Laufbahn (21, 22) aufweist, und einen Innenring (3), der eine erste und eine zweite äussere kurvenförmige Laufbahn (31, 32) aufweist, umfasst. Ferner sind Rollenelemente (4) in einer ersten und einer zweiten Rollenreihe (41, 42) angeordnet, die axial zueinander versetzt sind und zwischen der entsprechenden ersten und zweiten Laufbahn (21, 22) des Aussenrings (2) und der ersten und zweiten Laufbahn (31, 32) des Innenrings (3) angeordnet sind.; Der Aussenring (2) weist auf der radial inneren Umfangsfläche ferner eine erste Nut (23) auf, die zwischen der ersten und der zweiten Laufbahn (21, 22) liegt und sich radial auswärts und in der Umfangsrichtung des Rings (2) erstreckt, worin die erste und die zweite innere Laufbahn (21, 22) hartgedrehte Oberflächen aufweisen und worin die erste Nut (23) eine gehärtete Oberfläche aufweist, die nach dem Härten keinem Bearbeitungsvorgang unterzogen wurde. Gemäss einem zweiten Aspekt ist ein Verfahren offenbart. Gemäss einem dritten Aspekt ist eine Windturbinenlageranordnung (10) offenbart. Zweireihiges Pendelrollenlager Nº publicación DE102015225677A1 23/06/2016 AB SKF [SE] Solicitantes Die vorliegende Offenbarung betrifft ein zweireihiges Pendelrollenlager (1) umfassend: einen Aussenring (2), der wenigstens eine Resumen radial innere sphärische Laufbahn (21) und eine radial äussere Umfangsfläche (22) aufweist; einen Innenring (3), der wenigstens eine radial äussere kurvenförmige Laufbahn (31) aufweist; Rollenelemente (4), die in zwei axial versetzten Rollenreihen (41, 42) angeordnet sind, und wobei die Rollen (4) zwischen der inneren Laufbahn (21) des Aussenrings (2) und der wenigstens einen äusseren Laufbahn (31) des Innenrings (3) angeordnet sind.; Die Rollenelemente (4) in jeder Rollenreihe (41, 42) weisen ausserdem eine nominelle Rollenposition (N0) im Lager (1) auf, wobei der Aussenring (2) eine erste Umfangsnut (23) auf der äusseren Umfangsfläche (22) aufweist und wobei die erste Umfangsnut (23) eine Breite X in der axialen Richtung der äusseren Umfangsfläche aufweist, die die folgende Beziehung erfüllt: L1 <= X <= L2,wobei gilt:; L2 erstreckt sich zwischen einem ersten und einem zweiten axialen Endpunkt auf der äusseren Umfangsfläche (22), wobei der erste Endpunkt als Schnittpunkt zwischen einem ersten Normalenvektor (n1) und der äusseren Umfangsfläche (22) definiert ist, wobei der erste Normalenvektor (n1) ein invertierter Normalenvektor der wenigstens einen inneren Laufbahn (21) ist und bei einer Position beginnt, die sich an der axial inneren Endfläche (411) einer in der ersten Rollenreihe (41) an ihrer nominellen Rollenposition (N0) befin Alertas Tecnológicas - 20 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Windenergieanlage, insbesondere Windenergieanlage mit Direktantrieb Nº publicación DE102014226680A1 23/06/2016 SIEMENS AG [DE] Solicitantes Windenergieanlage (1), insbesondere Windenergieanlage mit Direktantrieb, mit: - einer Rotornabe (2), die eine Anzahl von Resumen Rotorblättern (3) umfasst, die an relativ zueinander definierten Umfangspositionen an ihr befestigt sind, - einem elektrischen Generator (4), der einen Rotor (5) und einen Stator (6) umfasst, wobei der Rotor (5) einen zylindrischen Rotorgrundkörper (8) umfasst, wobei der Rotorgrundkörper (8) mit der Rotornabe (2) an einem Antriebsende des Rotors (5) verbunden ist, und wobei der Stator (6) einen zylindrischen Statorgrundkörper (10) umfasst, wobei ein definierter Luftspalt (7) zwischen dem Rotorgrundkörper (8) und dem Statorgrundkörper (10) vorgesehen ist, und - einer Turmkonstruktion (14), die eine Abstützungsstelle für die Rotornabe (2) und den elektrischen Generator (4) bereitstellt, wobei der Rotorgrundkörper (6); mit wenigstens einem Merkmal zur Verringerung von Änderungen des Luftspalts (7) infolge von durch mechanische Belastung hervorgerufenen geometrischen Verformungen des Rotorgrundkörpers (8), die ihre Ursache in der Vorbeibewegung von Rotorblättern (3) an der Turmkonstruktion (14) während des Betriebs der Windenergieanlage (1) haben, versehen ist. SEGMENTED MAST OR SUPPORT Nº publicación DE102014119610A1 23/06/2016 REICHARTZ PAUL [DE] Solicitantes Einen Mast (1) mit mindestens einem Längsabschnitt, wobei der Resumen Längsabschnitt mit mindestens zwei in Umfangsrichtung aneinander anliegenden, einen Hohlkörper bildenden Segmenten (2) gebildet ist, die fest miteinander verbunden oder zusammengehalten sind. Die Aufgabe, einen solchen Mastes oder eine Stütze bereitzustellen, der bzw. die für möglichst hohe Traglasten geeignet und dennoch vergleichsweise einfach in der Herstellung ist, wird gelöst durch Mittel (26-29) zum Erzeugen eines in Umfangsrichtung wirkenden Anpressdrucks von benachbarten Segmenten (2) gegeneinander und durch Mittel (11, 12), die einem Verschieben der Segmente gegeneinander entgegenwirken. Alertas Tecnológicas - 21 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR INCREASING WIND TURBINE POWER OUTPUT Nº publicación US2016177923A1 23/06/2016 GEN ELECTRIC [US] Solicitantes Systems and methods 300 for increasing the power output of wind Resumen turbines 100 in a wind farm 200 are disclosed. In particular, a wind farm 200 can include first and second doubly fed induction generator 120 wind turbine systems. The rotational rotor speed of the first wind turbine system 100 can be regulated at reduced wind speeds based at least in part on data indicative of rotor voltage to increase power output of a doubly fed induction generator 120. The rotor speed can be regulated such that the rotor voltage does not exceed a voltage threshold. The power output of the first wind turbine system 100 can be further increased by reducing its reactive power output. The reduced reactive power output of the first wind turbine system 100 can be compensated for by an increased reactive power output of the second wind turbine system 100. SEALING MEANS FOR BEARING OF AERO-GENERATOR Nº publicación WO2016097446A1 23/06/2016 LAULAGUN BEARINGS S A [ES] Solicitantes The invention relates to sealing means for blade bearings or roller Resumen bearings of aero-generators, characterised in that it is an element that combines radial sealing, which is most known in the prior art, with axial sealing, which is novel and achieved using a characteristic shaft (12) in combination with axial lips. Said sealing means is used in the space (4) formed between the rings (2, 3) of ball or roller bearings of a large size, and is subjected to strong movements and friction wear. The sealing means is anchored using a cover (9) in contact with the body of the sealing means, and using a securing element (8) screwed to the external ring (3). The sealing means has two V-shaped radial lips (10, 11) in contact with the internal ring (2). From the bisector of said lips (10, 11) extends a guide system having a shaft (12) which is either combined with protrusions (15, 16) on the surface thereof, or with a hole (20) in the centre and a narrowing, and which ends in an arrow-shaped point having at least two lips with axial pre-loading (13, 14), which can be a number of lips (17, 18, 19). The end part of the shaft (12) and the arrow-shaped point are introduced into a rectangular groove (7) formed in the internal ring (2). Alertas Tecnológicas - 22 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica A LIGHTNING CURRENT TRANSFER UNIT FOR A WIND TURBINE Nº publicación WO2016095932A1 23/06/2016 VESTAS WIND SYS AS [DK] Solicitantes A lightning current transfer unit for a wind turbine, the wind turbine comprising a first part and a second part being rotatable Resumen relative to each other, wherein the lightning current transfer unit is arranged to provide electrical contact between the first and second parts, the lightning current transfer unit comprising: a first current transfer portion comprising a first slider and configured to be electrically coupled to a first electrically conducting slideway of the first part of the wind turbine, the first slider being rotatable relative to the first slideway; a second current transfer portion configured to be electrically coupled to an electrically conducting portion of the second part of the wind turbine; a first main spring biasing the first slider towards the first slideway; wherein the first slider comprises: a primary contact biased towards the first slideway by the first main spring; a secondary contact arranged to move relative to the primary contact; and a secondary spring arranged between the first main spring and the secondary contact such that the secondary spring biases the primary contact away from the first slideway and biases the secondary contact towards the first slideway. Fretting corrosion and methods of operating a wind turbine Nº publicación WO2016097225A1 23/06/2016 ALSTOM RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES [NL] Solicitantes Methods of operating a wind turbine including one or more geared Resumen pitch systems. The method comprises a sub-nominal zone of operation for wind speeds below nominal and a supra-nominal zone of operation for wind speeds equal to or above the nominal. The sub-nominal zone of operation comprises a first operational range extending from a cut-in wind speed to a first wind speed and a second operational range extending from the first wind speed to a second wind speed, and the first operational range comprises two or more sub-ranges, wherein a different constant pitch position is defined for each of the sub-ranges. The method further comprises in the first operational range, using the geared pitch systems for setting the blades in the pitch position defined for each sub-range as a function of the current wind speed. IMPROVEMENTS RELATING TO WIND TURBINES Nº publicación WO2016095926A1 23/06/2016 VESTAS WIND SYS AS [DK] Solicitantes A method of determining a twist angle of a wind turbine blade, the method comprising providing first and second transmitters on Resumen the wind turbine blade, the first transmitter being spaced apart from a receiver by a first distance, and the second transmitter being spaced 5 apart from the receiver by a second distance, the transmitters being arranged such that twisting of the blade causes an increase in one of the first or second distances and a decrease in the other of the first or second distances; transmitting a blinking signal from each of the first and second transmitters towards the receiver, the blinking signals having a blinking frequency; varying the blinking frequency of the blinking signals; monitoring the 10 amplitude of the blinking signal received by the receiver as the blinking frequency is varied; determining a particular blinking frequency that results in an increased amplitude of the blinking signal received by the receiver; and using the determined particular blinking frequency to calculate the blade twist angle. IMPROVEMENTS RELATING TO WIND TURBINES Nº publicación WO2016095925A1 23/06/2016 VESTAS WIND SYS AS [DK] Solicitantes A method of determining the shape of at least part of a wind turbine blade during operation of the wind turbine, the method Resumen comprising measuring first and second values of acceleration at one or more locations on the blade, the first and second values of acceleration being in substantially mutually perpendicular directions, and determining a shape parameter of the blade based upon the relative magnitudes of the measured first and second values of acceleration at the one or more locations. Alertas Tecnológicas - 23 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica A SYSTEM WITH ORBITING SHAFT FOR CONVERTING ENERGY Nº publicación WO2016097944A1 23/06/2016 BERNARDI UBALDO [IT] Solicitantes System (100; 200; 300; 400) with orbiting shaft for converting energy from a fluid comprising: At least one blade (105; 205; 305; Resumen 405) configured to exchange energy with the fluid; At least one group (103; 203; 303; 403) for synchronization and transmission of the rotation-oscillation movement to the at least one blade (105; 205; 305; 405) comprising at least an inner transmission shaft (101, 102; 202; 302; 402) having an axis around which the at least one blade (105; 205; 305; 405) is configured to rotate, and at least an output transmission shaft (104; 204; 304; 404). The at least one blade (105; 205; 305; 405) is a sectoral blade connected to the at least one inner transmission shaft (101, 102; 202; 302; 402) by means of at least one support element (106; 206; 306; 406) pivotable such that the at least one blade (105; 205; 305; 405) is configured to perform the rotation-oscillation movement. Bolted attachment for attaching wind turbine parts Nº publicación WO2016096854A1 23/06/2016 ALSTOM RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES [NL] Solicitantes It comprises at least one bolt having opposite threaded sections between which a shank is provided having at least two shank Resumen sections with different diameter located at a length from the threaded section of at least three times the difference between a diameter of a threaded section and a minimum diameter of the shank. At least one conical transition is formed between two adjacent shank sections where the ratio of its length to a difference between a diameter at one end of the transition and a diameter at the opposite end of the transition is of at least 0.85. Nº publicación JP2016116305A 23/06/2016 (),LVRT.(),,4,4,2,2;,,7.()1 Resumen GENERATOR SYSTEM AND WIND POWER GENERATION SYSTEM USING THE SAME Nº publicación JP2016116304A 23/06/2016 A generator system or a wind power generation system facilitating electric power converter component replacement during Resumen maintenance is provided. In order to achieve the above-described object, a generator system includes a generator 2 having a stator having a stator winding 7 and a rotor 6 having a rotor winding 8 and arranged via a predetermined gap on a bore diameter side of the stator 5, an electric power converter 4 electrically connected to the rotor winding 7 and stored in the rotor 6, a base 18 arranged on a bore diameter side of the rotor 6 and has at least a part of the electric power converter 4 fixed thereto, and a supporting member 20 supporting the base 18 and fixed inside the rotor 6. Nº publicación JP2016114057A 23/06/2016 (),,,.()14,,131,;3114074a74b,74b15.()1 Resumen Alertas Tecnológicas - 24 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica WIND POWER GENERATION SYSTEM Nº publicación JP2016113996A 23/06/2016 A wind power generation system comprising: a wind power Resumen generation equipment having a rotor which is operative to convert energy of received wind to rotational energy, a nacelle 3 which supports the rotor rotatably, a tower which supports the nacelle 3 rotatably, a floating body 5 which supports the tower 4 and at least a part of itself is positioned above the surface of the sea, a fixing member 7 which is installed or fixed on the sea bed, a mooring member 6, 21, 22 which couples the floating body and the fixing member 7, characterized in that the mooring member is coupled to the floating body at place upward of the center of gravity of the floating body 5 and the wind power generation equipment, and the floating body is practically supported by one fixing member 7. Nº publicación JP2016114063A 23/06/2016 (),,,.,,;.(),,,,,;,,,.()6 Resumen Multi-Source, Multi-Load Systems with a Power Extractor Nº publicación US2016181808A1 23/06/2016 BESSER DAVID A [US] Solicitantes MATAN JR STEFAN [US] BULLEN MELVIN JAMES [US] Apparatuses and systems enable power transfer from one or more energy sources to one or more loads. The input power from the Resumen energy sources may be unregulated, and the output power to the loads is managed. The power transfer is based on a dynamic implementation of Jacobi's Law (also known as the Maximum Power Theorem). In some embodiments, the energy sources are selectively coupled and decoupled from the power transfer circuitry. In some embodiments, the loads are selectively coupled and decoupled from the power transfer circuitry. Power transfer to the loads is dynamically controlled. Alertas Tecnológicas - 25 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica WIND POWER GENERATION SYSTEM Nº publicación US2016177927A1 23/06/2016 HITACHI LTD [JP] Solicitantes A wind power generation system comprising: a wind power Resumen generation equipment having a rotor which is operative to convert energy of received wind to rotational energy, a nacelle 3 which supports the rotor rotatably, a tower which supports the nacelle 3 rotatably, a floating body 5 which supports the tower 4 and at least a part of itself is positioned above the surface of the sea, a fixing member 7 which is installed or fixed on the sea bed, a mooring member 6, 21, 22 which couples the floating body and the fixing member 7, characterized in that the mooring member is coupled to the floating body at place upward of the center of gravity of the floating body 5 and the wind power generation equipment, and the floating body is practically supported by one fixing member 7. SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SECURING A CONDUCTIVE CABLE WITHIN A WIND TURBINE ROTOR BLADE Nº publicación US2016177926A1 23/06/2016 GEN ELECTRIC [US] Solicitantes The present disclosure is directed to a system and method for securing a lightning protection cable (e.g. a conductor) of a Resumen lightning protection system within a wind turbine rotor blade. The lightning protection system includes a plurality of lightning receptors configured along either or both of the pressure or suction sides of the rotor blade. The lightning receptors are connected via the conductor so as to form a conductive circuit. Further, a cover assembly defining a passageway therethrough is configured to receive at least a portion of the conductor along a length thereof. Thus, the cover assembly can be secured to an inner surface of the internal cavity so as to maintain a location of the conductor. Accordingly, the conductor is free to move within the cover assembly since the wire is not directly attached to the rotor blade. WIND POWER GENERATION CONTROL DEVICE AND WIND POWER GENERATION SYSTEM HAVING THE SAME Nº publicación US2016177924A1 23/06/2016 DELTA ELECTRONICS INC [CN] Solicitantes The present disclosure discloses a wind power generation control device and a wind power generation system, the wind power Resumen generation control device is coupled between a wind power generator and a power grid, including: a converter unit including a generator-side converter, a DC bus capacitor and a grid-side converter, an AC-side of the generator-side converter is coupled to a rotor-side of the wind power generator, a DC-side of the generator-side converter is coupled to the DC bus capacitor, a DC-side of the grid-side converter is coupled to the DC bus capacitor, and an AC-side of the grid-side converter is coupled to the power grid; and a switching unit for switching the wind power generation control device between the doubly-fed power generation operating mode and the full-power operating mode according to a wind speed. TRAILING EDGE JETS ON WIND TURBINE BLADE FOR NOISE REDUCTION Nº publicación US2016177922A1 23/06/2016 SIEMENS AG [DE] Solicitantes One or more air nozzles (31) create respective air jets (34) angled radially from a blunt trailing edge (22) of a wind turbine blade Resumen (20A-G). The jets create and maintain a radially flowing airstream (36) along the trailing edge that extinguishes vortex shedding (28). This reduces drag and noise, thus allowing blades to have an extensive blunt trailing edge, which increases resistance to buckling, thus enabling longer blades. The jets may be supplied by airflow from an air intake in a blade chamber (44), or a ram air intake (40), or a compressor (54). Each nozzle may be individually metered (60) and/or individually or group valved (58) to provide a particular airflow to each nozzle relative to the other nozzles. Overall airflow to the nozzles may be modulated responsive to ambient conditions, and may be further cyclically modulated responsive to an azimuth of the blade Alertas Tecnológicas - 26 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica WIND TURBINE ROTOR BLADES WITH SUPPORT FLANGES Nº publicación US2016177918A1 23/06/2016 GEN ELECTRIC [US] Solicitantes Rotor blades for wind turbines include a structural support member disposed internal the rotor blade that extends for at least a Resumen portion of a rotor blade span length, an airfoil structure supported by the structural support member, and a support flange connecting the airfoil structure to the structural support member. The support flange includes a first wall connected to the structural support member, a second wall connected to the airfoil structure, and a connection wall that extends between the first wall and the second wall. WIND TURBINE ROTOR BLADES WITH LOAD-TRANSFERRING EXTERIOR PANELS Nº publicación US2016177917A1 23/06/2016 GEN ELECTRIC [US] Solicitantes Rotor blades for a wind turbines include a structural support member disposed internal the rotor blade that extends for at least a Resumen portion of a rotor blade span length and an airfoil structure supported by the structural support member, the airfoil structure comprising a shell portion and at least one load-transferring exterior panel. The shell portion and the at least one load-transferring exterior panel combine to form an aerodynamic profile comprising a leading edge opposite a trailing edge and a pressure side opposite a suction side. Moreover, the shell portion and the at least one load-transferring exterior panel are independently connected to the structural support member. COMPONENT CARRIER Nº publicación DE102014226651A1 23/06/2016 SENVION GMBH [DE] Solicitantes Die Erfindung betrifft einen Komponententräger (1) für Komponenten Resumen (29') in Gondeln (22) von Windenergieanlagen (20) umfassend ein Trägerelement (2) zur Befestigung der Komponenten daran und wenigstens ein biegeweiches Anbindungsblech (4) mit jeweils zwei Anbindungspunkten (6) zur Anbindung des Trägerelementes (2) an einer Tragstruktur (10) der Windenergieanlage (20). Das wenigstens eine Anbindungsblech (4) ist an seinem einen Anbindungspunkt (6) mit dem Trägerelement (2) und an seinem anderen Anbindungspunkt (6) mit der Tragstruktur (10) verbindbar. Die Länge (1) des Anbindungsbleches (4) zwischen den beiden Anbindungspunkten (6) ist dabei grösser als der Abstand (d) zwischen den beiden Anbindungspunkten (6). Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin eine Windenergieanlage (20) mit einer Tragstruktur (10) in der Gondel (22).; Die Windenergieanlage umfasst weiterhin einen erfindungsgemässen Komponententräger (1), dessen wenigstens eines Anbindungsblech (4) mit seinem einen Anbindungspunkt (6) mit dem Trägerelement (3) und mit seinem anderen Anbindungspunkt (6) mit der Tragstruktur (10) der Windenergieanlage (20) verbunden ist. WIND POWER GENERATION SYSTEM Nº publicación EP3034388A1 22/06/2016 HITACHI LTD [JP] Solicitantes A wind power generation system comprising: a wind power generation equipment having a rotor which is operative to convert Resumen energy of received wind to rotational energy, a nacelle 3 which supports the rotor rotatably, a tower which supports the nacelle 3 rotatably, a floating body 5 which supports the tower 4 and at least a part of itself is positioned above the surface of the sea, a fixing member 7 which is installed or fixed on the sea bed, a mooring member 6, 21, 22 which couples the floating body and the fixing member 7, characterized in that the mooring member is coupled to the floating body at place upward of the center of gravity of the floating body 5 and the wind power generation equipment, and the floating body is practically supported by one fixing member 7. Alertas Tecnológicas - 27 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica TOOL ASSEMBLY AND METHOD FOR LIFTING WIND TURBINE PARTS Nº publicación EP3034860A1 22/06/2016 ALSTOM RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES [FR] Solicitantes The assembly comprises a tool with a stem having a first end having a projecting portion such as a ring, and a second end adapted Resumen to be engaged by a lifting equipment. The assembly also comprises a stem receiving portion formed in a wind turbine part to be lifted. The stem of the tool is adapted to be freely passed through the stem receiving portion until the first end of the stem is locked to the stem receiving portion preventing the stem from getting out of the stem receiving portion when lifting the wind turbine part. GENERATOR SYSTEM AND WIND POWER GENERATION SYSTEM USING THE SAME Nº publicación EP3035507A1 22/06/2016 HITACHI LTD [JP] Solicitantes A generator system or a wind power generation system facilitating electric power converter component replacement during Resumen maintenance is provided. In order to achieve the above-described object, a generator system includes a generator 2 having a stator having a stator winding 7 and a rotor 6 having a rotor winding 8 and arranged via a predetermined gap on a bore diameter side of the stator 5, an electric power converter 4 electrically connected to the rotor winding 7 and stored in the rotor 6, a base 18 arranged on a bore diameter side of the rotor 6 and has at least a part of the electric power converter 4 fixed thereto, and a supporting member 20 supporting the base 18 and fixed inside the rotor 6. WIND POWER PLANT Nº publicación EP3034866A1 22/06/2016 ROHNER INGO [DE] Solicitantes Die Erfindung betrifft eine Windkraftanlage, aufweisend einen Resumen lotrecht verlaufenden Mast (1) mit einer drehbar daran angeordneten Tragfläche (2), wobei der Mast (1) an einer Position in seinem unteren Bereich um eine horizontale Drehachse (6) drehbar gelagert ist, ein Mastfussgestänge (3), das an seinem ersten Endbereich drehbar mit dem Mast (1) an einer Position unterhalb der Drehachse (6) verbunden ist und an seinem zweiten Endbereich in der Art mit einer im Wesentlichen waagrecht ausgerichteten Übertragungswelle (4) verbunden ist, dass eine translatorische Hin- und Herbewegung des Mastfussgestänges (3) in eine Drehbewegung der Übertragungswelle (4) um ihre Längsachse transformierbar ist, ein Schotgestänge (5), das an seinem ersten Endbereich drehbar mit der Tragfläche (2) in einem Bereich an der der ersten Längsseite gegenüberliegenden zweiten Längsseite der Tragfläche (2); und an seinem zweiten Endbereich in der Art mit der Übertragungswelle (4) verbunden ist, dass eine Drehbewegung der Übertragungswelle (4) um ihre Längsachse in eine translatorische Hin- und Herbewegung des Schotgestänges (5) transformierbar ist, wobei das Schotgestänge (5) und das Mastfussgestänge (3) in der Art mit der Übertragungswelle (4) verbunden sind, dass die jeweiligen translatorischen Hin- und Herbewegungen um einen vorgegebenen Phasenwinkel phasenversetzt sind. Alertas Tecnológicas - 28 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica ASSEMBLY OF PULTRUDED RODS Nº publicación EP3034865A1 22/06/2016 SENVION GMBH [DE] Solicitantes Die Erfindung betrifft eine Anordnung (2) pultrudierter Stäbe (4) aus Resumen einem faserverstärkten Material für einen Rotorblattgurt (6), einen Rotorblattgurt (6) eines Rotorblatts (8) sowie ein Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Rotorblattgurtes (6). Die pultrudierten Stäbe (4) erstrecken sich in einer Längsrichtung (L), wobei die Stäbe (4) der Anordnung (2) in einer Querrichtung (R) quer zu der Längsrichtung (L) nebeneinander angeordnet sind. Die Anordnung (2) umfasst ein aus einem Fasermaterial hergestelltes flexibles Haltemittel (10, 10a, 10b, 10c), welches unmittelbar nebeneinander angeordnete Stäbe (4) derart miteinander verbindet, dass eine relative Verschiebung der benachbarten Stäbe (4) zueinander in einer Querrichtung (R) begrenzt ist.; Das flexible Haltemittel (10a, 10b, 10c) ist ferner derart eingerichtet, so dass die unmittelbar benachbarten Stäbe (4) in Längsrichtung (L) gegeneinander abgleiten können. ROTOR HUB FOR A ROTOR OF A WIND POWER STATION WITH A ROTOR AXIS Nº publicación EP3034864A1 22/06/2016 SENVION GMBH [DE] Solicitantes Die Rotornabe (18) für einen eine Rotorachse (40) aufweisenden Resumen Rotor (16) einer Windenergieanlage (10) ist versehen mit einem eine Innenseite (48) aufweisenden Hohlkörper (26) der einen Anbringungsanschlussabschnitt (30) zur Anbringung des Hohlkörpers (26) an einer Welle (24) oder an einem Rotorlager (62) eines Bauteil und mindestens zwei Blattanschlussabschnitte (28) zur Anbringung von Rotorblattachsen (22) definierenden Rotorblattanordnungen aufweist. Der Hohlkörper (26) ist um die Rotorachse drehbar positionierbar und mit einem Versteifungselement (44) versehen, das von der Innenseite (48) des Hohlkörpers (26) in diesen nach innen hinein in Richtung auf die Rotorachse absteht.; Das Versteifungselement (44) ist innerhalb desjenigen Bereichs (d) angeordnet, der sich zwischen dem Anbringungsanschlussabschnitt (30) und dem Schnittpunkt (60) der Rotorachse (40) mit der Verlängerung einer der Rotorblattachsen (22) erstreckt. Alertas Tecnológicas - 29 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR INCREASING WIND TURBINE POWER OUTPUT Nº publicación EP3034868A1 22/06/2016 GEN ELECTRIC [US] Solicitantes Systems and methods 300 for increasing the power output of wind turbines 100 in a wind farm 200 are disclosed. In particular, a Resumen wind farm 200 can include first and second doubly fed induction generator 120 wind turbine systems. The rotational rotor speed of the first wind turbine system 100 can be regulated at reduced wind speeds based at least in part on data indicative of rotor voltage to increase power output of a doubly fed induction generator 120. The rotor speed can be regulated such that the rotor voltage does not exceed a voltage threshold. The power output of the first wind turbine system 100 can be further increased by reducing its reactive power output. The reduced reactive power output of the first wind turbine system 100 can be compensated for by an increased reactive power output of the second wind turbine system 100. PERMANENT MAGNET MOTOR, REFRIGERATION COMPRESSOR, AND AIR CONDITIONING UNIT Nº publicación EP3035494A1 22/06/2016 GREE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES INC [CN] Solicitantes A permanent magnet motor, a refrigeration compressor, and an air Resumen conditioning unit. A stator (20) and a rotor (30) are mounted in a housing (10) of the permanent magnet motor. An inner cavity of the housing (10) is partitioned to form a first inner cavity (10a) and a second inner cavity (10b). An air gap (10c) is formed between a surface of an inner circle of the stator (20) and a surface of an outer circle of the rotor (30). An axial ventilation hole (213) communicated with the first inner cavity (10a) and the second inner cavity (10b) is disposed on a tooth portion (212) of a stator core (21). The rotor (30) comprises a rotor core (31) and rotor clamping rings (32) disposed at two sides in an axial direction of the rotor core (31). A baffle plate (33) is disposed between at least one of the rotor clamping rings (32) and the rotor core (31). An outer edge of the baffle plate (33) extends into the air gap (10c), to enhance the gas blocking effect and facilitate prevention of more heat transfer fluids from entering the air gap (10c), so that the axial ventilation hole (213) becomes a unique channel in an entire loop, thereby reducing the quantity of heat transfer fluids and reaching a higher cooling ratio. ROTATION TRANSMISSION DEVICE AND WIND POWER GENERATION APPARATUS PROVIDED THEREWITH Nº publicación EP3034872A1 22/06/2016 JTEKT CORP [JP] Solicitantes A rotation transmission device is provided with a one-way clutch Resumen which is provided between an output shaft of a speed-increasing gear and an input shaft of a power generator, integrally and rotatably connects the output shaft and the input shaft while the rotation speed of the output shaft is higher than the rotation speed of the input shaft, and cuts off the connection between the output shaft and the input shaft while the rotation speed of the output shaft is lower than the rotation speed of the input shaft. The rotation transmission device is further provided with a measurement unit which measures the state of the one-way clutch, the state changing according to the magnitude of a load applied to the one-way clutch, and an acquisition unit which acquires the load applied to the one-way clutch on the basis of the result of the measurement by the measurement unit. Alertas Tecnológicas - 30 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica BLADE FOR A WIND TURBINE AND WIND TURBINE COMPRISING SAID BLADE Nº publicación EP3034863A1 22/06/2016 ACCIONA WINDPOWER SA [ES] Solicitantes The present invention relates to a blade for a wind turbine comprising at least a longitudinal component comprising at least two Resumen longitudinal stretches with fibers at different orientations depending on the location of these stretches along the blade, where the orientation of the fibers in the stretches of the blade is adapted to the prevailing load states in each of the stretches. Fretting corrosion and methods of operating a wind turbine Nº publicación EP3034867A1 22/06/2016 ALSTOM RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES [FR] Solicitantes Methods of operating a wind turbine including one or more geared Resumen pitch systems. The method comprises a sub-nominal zone of operation for wind speeds below nominal and a supra-nominal zone of operation for wind speeds equal to or above the nominal. The sub-nominal zone of operation comprises a first operational range extending from a cut-in wind speed to a first wind speed and a second operational range extending from the first wind speed to a second wind speed, and the first operational range comprises two or more sub-ranges, wherein a different constant pitch position is defined for each of the sub-ranges. The method further comprises in the first operational range, using the geared pitch systems for setting the blades in the pitch position defined for each sub-range as a function of the current wind speed. Balancing method of wind turbine rotors Nº publicación EP3034861A1 22/06/2016 ACCIONA WINDPOWER SA [ES] Solicitantes The present invention relates to a wind turbine rotor balancing method which makes it possible to reduce the material and the Resumen time used to achieve that each one of the blades which form the rotor fulfil the specifications of mass and maximum permitted mass difference between them, increasing the possibility of grouping the blades in duos, in the case of two-bladed rotors, and in trios, for three-bladed rotors, with similar values of at least one parameter related to the mass of the blade which is one or several of among the following: the nominal mass of the blade, the centre of gravity of the blade, and the static moment of the blade. Alertas Tecnológicas - 31 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Bolted attachment for attaching wind turbine parts Nº publicación EP3034862A1 22/06/2016 ALSTOM RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES [FR] Solicitantes It comprises at least one bolt having opposite threaded sections Resumen between which a shank is provided having at least two shank sections with different diameter located at a length from the threaded section of at least three times the difference between a diameter of a threaded section and a minimum diameter of the shank. At least one conical transition is formed between two adjacent shank sections where the ratio of its length to a difference between a diameter at one end of the transition and a diameter at the opposite end of the transition is of at least 0.85. Rotor blade with an opening at the tip section Nº publicación EP3034871A1 22/06/2016 SIEMENS AG [DE] Solicitantes The invention relates to rotor blade (20) for a wind turbine (10), wherein the rotor blade (20) comprises a shell (31) which defines Resumen the outer shape of the rotor blade (20), and a cavity (32) which is encompassed by the shell (31), and a longitudinal axis (26) which extends from the root section (21) of the rotor blade (20) to the tip section (22) of the rotor blade (20). Furthermore, the tip section (22) comprises an opening (40) for emitting air from the cavity (32) to the outside. The opening (40) is configured such that the emitted air (43) flows out in an angle (44) which deviates less than sixty degrees from the longitudinal axis (26) of the rotor blade (20). Thus, a tip vortex, which is typically present at the tip section (22) of the rotor blade (20), is displaced from the tip section (22). Note that the air is not actively, but passively driven out of the cavity (32) into the outside through the opening (40) at the tip section (22) of the rotor blade (20). This mechanism can also be described as a "passive pumping" mechanism. WIND TURBINE WITH CONCRETE TOWER AND ASSEMBLY PROCESS OF WIND TURBINE WITH CONCRETE TOWER Nº publicación EP3034870A1 22/06/2016 ACCIONA WINDPOWER SA [ES] Solicitantes The present invention relates to a wind turbine with a concrete tower wherein the tower comprises a plurality of sections formed Resumen by segments a platform system comprising a plurality of platforms, wherein the platform system is configured to allow access to junction areas between sections wherefrom optionally, the execution of joints between adjacent sections may be carried out, the platforms situated inside the tower once erected being detachable, stackable and transportable. A WIND TURBINE PLANT OR CLUSTER WITH VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINES Nº publicación EP3034859A1 22/06/2016 SMART WIND INTEGRATED RENEWABLES LETZEBUERG SOCI\u00C9T\u00C9 EN COMMANDITE SIMPLE [LU] Solicitantes A wind turbine plant comprises a common turbine support platform (14) supporting at least two vertical axis wind turbines (12 i ) Resumen horizontally spaced apart from one another. A swivel device (24) supports the common turbine support platform (14), so that the latter is swivellable about a substantially vertical swivel axis (18). Each of the turbines (12 i ) includes a substantially vertical shaft (44 i ) and at least three wing-shaped turbine blades circumferentially distributed around the vertical shaft (44 i ). The wing-shaped turbine blades of both turbines (12i) are exposed to the wind in the space between the vertical shafts (44i) of the two neighbouring turbines (12i). The rotation diameters of the two neighbouring turbines (12i) are separated by a horizontal distance s that is between 0.2*dmax and 1.5*dmax, where dmax is the largest rotation diameter of the two vertical axis wind turbines (12). Two neighbouring vertical axis wind turbines (12 i ) are designed for having opposite directions of rotation. Alertas Tecnológicas - 32 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica Cooling System in a Rotating Reference Frame Nº publicación BRPI0906161A2 21/06/2016 AMERICAN SUPERCONDUCTOR CORP [US] Solicitantes A cryogenic cooling system for cooling a thermal load disposed in a Resumen rotating reference frame. The cryogenic cooling system includes a cryocooler disposed in the rotating reference frame, the cryocooler including a cold head for cooling the thermal load, and a circulator disposed in the rotating reference frame and connected to the cryocooler, the circulator circulating a coolant to and from the thermal load. CONTROLLING AN ELECTRICAL ENERGY SUPPLY NETWORK Nº publicación BR112013008629A2 21/06/2016 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLCHAFT [DE] Solicitantes The invention relates to a method for controlling an energy supply Resumen network (10), from which final electrical loads (13a-d) are supplied and into which decentralized energy generators (12a-c) feed, the produced energy amount of which depends on a current weather situation in the region of the particular decentralized energy generator (12a-c). In order, in particular, to increase the stability of the voltage in individual sections (17a, 17b) of the energy supply network (10), a mathematical network model is provided in a control device (15) of an automation system of the energy supply network (10), wherein said mathematical network model specifies a relationship between a current weather situation in the local region of the particular energy generator (12a-c) and the respective electrical energy fed into individual sections (17a, 17b). Weather prediction data specifying an expected future weather situation in the region of the particular energy generator (12a-c) are determined from weather data specifying a current weather situation in the local region of the particular energy generator (12a-c), and an expected future feed-in of electrical energy by the particular energy generator (12a-c) is determined by means of the network model. Control signals are generated by means of the control device (15), wherein said control signals are used to stabilize a voltage level in network sections (17a, 17b) in which an expected future feed-in has been determined that will lead to a signific Alertas Tecnológicas - 33 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica CPOCOB I UCTPOICTVO DLYA BICPIPIBOINOI VYPABOTKI ELIKTPOENIPGII NA VITPOELIKTPOCTANTSII Nº publicación RU2014147814A 20/06/2016 1. Cpocob obecpehehiya ha VEC c pheBmatiheckoi pepedahei ctabilbhoi i becpepeboihoi Gehepatsii elektpoehepGii, hezaBicimo Resumen ot xapaktepa i ckopocti Betpa, BozdeictByyushcheGo ha Betpokoleco, a takzhe icklyuhehiya icpolbzoBahiya dyblipyyushchix moshchhoctei, otlihayushchiicya tem, hto ppoizBodctBo elektpoehepGii, hezaBicimo ot pezhima paboty Betpokoleca, ocyshchectBlyaetcya odhim i tem zhe Gehepatopom, ppiBodimym B deictBie Bozdyshhoi typbihoi, heobxodimye ycloBiya dlya paboty kotopoi (pepepad daBlehii) cozdayutcya libo B pezylbtate paboty komppeccopa, ppiBodimoGo B deictBie Betpokolecom, libo B pezylbtate fyhktsiohipoBahiya aGpeGata dlya czhiGahiya Bodopoda, libo B pezylbtate odhoBpemehhoi paboty komppeccopa i aGpeGata dlya czhiGahiya Bodopoda, podklyuhehhyx k odhoi i toi zhe pheBmomaGictpali, B hahale kotopoi yctahoBleha Bozdyshhaya typbiha-ppiBod Gehepatopa.2.; UctpoictBo dlya obecpehehiya ctabilbhoi i becpepeboihoi Gehepatsii elektpoehepGii, icklyuhayushchee icpolbzoBahie dyblipyyushchix moshchhoctei, imeyushchee B cBoem coctaBe aGpeGaty cictemy BetpoyctahoBki c pheBmatiheckoi pepedahei moshchhocti, a takzhe aGpeGaty cictemy ppoizBodctBa i czhiGahiya Bodopoda, otlihayushcheecya tem, hto ykazahhye cictemy coctaBlyayut edihyi komplekc, blaGodapya ix podklyuhehiyu k edihoi pheBmomaGictpali, i cpocobhy ppi camoctoyatelbhoi ili coBmecthoi pabote cozdatb, hezaBicimo ot xapaktepa i ckopocti Betpa, BozdeictByyushcheGo ha Betpokoleco, heobxodimye ycloBiya (pepepad daBlehii) dlya ctab Aerogenerador creador de corriente doble Nº publicación ES1159083U 20/06/2016 LASHERAS ECHEGARAY MIREN IOSUNE [ES] Solicitantes Wind propelled heat generator Nº publicación PL410526A1 20/06/2016 RUDZINSKI ERNEST B INZYNIERSKIE 3DHVAC [PL] Solicitantes Generator ciepla (1) zlozony jest z dwóch zespolów cylindrów (2 i 3), z których jeden zespól (2) jest polaczony z nieruchoma Resumen tarcza (4) oparta na podstawie generatora (5), zas drugi zespól (3) jest zamocowany do tarczy (6) wirnika (8) osadzonego na lozyskach (9) na zewnetrznej powierzchni podstawy generatora (5). Cylindry nieruchome (2) oddzielone sa od siebie cylindrami ruchomymi (3). Osiowo prostopadle do powierzchni tarczy obrotowej (6) umocowany jest wal (10) napedowy pompy (11) cieczy roboczej. Pompa (11) usytuowana jest w przestrzeni gromadzenia cieczy roboczej (12), ponizej tarczy (4) stalych cylindrów (2). Wirnik (8) generatora (1) polaczony jest z pednikiem wiatrowym.; Wewnatrz wydrazonej podstawy generatora (5) umieszczony jest przewód powrotny cieczy (14), który polaczony jest z wlewem (15) umieszczonym powyzej tarczy (6) ruchomych cylindrów (3), doprowadzajacym ciecz robocza do przestrzeni ograniczonej skrajnymi cylindrami zewnetrznym i wewnetrznym. Wind turbine with self-aligning diffuser and method for controlling it Nº publicación PL411513A1 20/06/2016 TERLIKOWSKI TADEUSZ [PL] Solicitantes Wynalazek dotyczy turbin wiatrowych o pionowej osi obrotu, posiadajacych samonastawny zespól ulozyskowany na wale (2), Resumen skladajacy sie z dyfuzora (3) oraz kierownicy (4) na wlocie wiatru oraz steru (6) kierunku na stronie zawietrznej, co umozliwia utrzymanie kierunku wlotu wiatru do turbiny zawsze pod wiatr. Wymuszony zwiekszony przeplyw wiatru pozwala na zastosowanie wydluzonych lopatek (8) o profilu powiekszajacym moment obrotowy. Srednica zewnetrzna turbiny dostosowana jest do powiekszajacej sie predkosci wiatru, rosnacej w miare wysokosci od terenu, przez co odbierana jest równomiernie energia wiatru na calej wysokosci. PORTABLE ELECTRIC BRAKING SYSTEM FOR WIND TURBINES WITH INDUCTION GENERATORS Nº publicación CA2875840A1 19/06/2016 ENDURANCE WIND POWER INC [CA] Solicitantes Systems and processes for stopping a wind turbine having an induction generator are provided. An example process includes Resumen connecting outputs of a portable voltage sourced converter to the generator stator leads, applying a probing waveform from the portable voltage sourced converter, the probing waveform having a first amplitude and a probing frequency configured to induce a rotating magnetic field at a probing rotational velocity, measuring current and voltage on the generator leads to determine a back EMF, adjusting the probing frequency until the back EMF is substantially zero to determine an initial generator rotor rotational velocity, applying a braking waveform having a second amplitude higher than the first amplitude and having a braking frequency configured to induce a rotating magnetic field that rotates slightly slower than the generator rotor velocity, and, adjusting the braking waveform to ramp down the braking rotational velocity to a target rotational velocity. Alertas Tecnológicas - 34 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA Departamento de Patentes e Información Tecnológica Unidad de Información Tecnológica SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR INCREASING WIND TURBINE POWER OUTPUT Nº publicación CA2914293A1 18/06/2016 GEN ELECTRIC [US] Solicitantes Systems and methods 300 for increasing the power output of wind Resumen turbines 100 in a wind farm 200 are disclosed. In particular, a wind farm 200 can include first and second doubly fed induction generator 120 wind turbine systems. The rotational rotor speed of the first wind turbine system 100 can be regulated at reduced wind speeds based at least in part on data indicative of rotor voltage to increase power output of a doubly fed induction generator 120. The rotor speed can be regulated such that the rotor voltage does not exceed a voltage threshold. The power output of the first wind turbine system 100 can be further increased by reducing its reactive power output. The reduced reactive power output of the first wind turbine system 100 can be compensated for by an increased reactive power output of the second wind turbine system 100. Alertas Tecnológicas - 35 de 35 - ENERGÍA EÓLICA
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