Thursday, July 14 Soup Assorted Salads Fried Fish Fillets Goulash Spätzle/Rice Pilaf Vegetable Dessert Thursday, July 21 Soup Assorted Salads Rouladen Sausage & Peppers Mashed Potatoes/ Buttered Noodles Vegetable/Red Cabbage Dessert Thursday, July 28 Soup Assorted Salads Frikadellen Cabbage rolls Mashed Potatoes Vegetable Dessert Thursday, August 4 Soup Assorted Salads Königsberger Klopse Perogies Mashed Potatoes Vegetable Dessert “Show Your Valid Membership Card” Is strictly enforced. Staff will not be able to give you the 10% discount unless they are given proof of current membership. Vouchers may only be used by Members! Adults: $15.99(Coffee included) Children under 12: $7.50 (Milk/Juice included) Soup and Salad: $7.50 / Soup or Salad only: $4.00 Dessert: $2.50 (plus applicable taxes) We reserve the right to substitute or change Items on the Menu 12 Juli/August 2016 Thursday, July 7 Soup Assorted Salads Bratwurst/Sauerkraut German Meatloaf Mashed Potatoes Vegetable Dessert Büro/Office: 121 Charles Street. Wpg. MB R2W 4A6 Ph. 589-7724 OFFICE Klubhaus/Club: 121 Charles St., Wpg. MB R2W 4A6 Ph. 582-8385 PUB Bürostunden/Office Hours: Mon & Tue 9 am to 4 pm, Wed 9 am to 12 noon, Thu 11 am to 7 pm, (Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Holidays CLOSED) OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY SECOND LAST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Email: [email protected] ▪ Website: Summer Office Hours - July/August OFFICE CLOSED ON FOLLOWING DATES: • • • JULY 4, 2016 DURING FOLKLORAMA, AUGUST 7 - 13, 2016 AUGUST 22 - SEPTEMBER 5, 2016 (regular office hours resuming Sep. 6th) Liebe Mitglieder, Freunde und Förderer! Mitteilungen / News Pub Smorg Menu for July & August 2016 Die Europameisterschaft 2016 Spiele wurden im Club gut besucht, wenn Deutschland gespielt hat. Lassen sie uns weiter ‘Die Mannschaft’ unterstützen in ihrem Streben die beste Fußballmannschaft Europas während dieser Meisterschaft zu werden. Sollten Sie während der zweiten Augustwoche in der Stadt sein, bitte kommen Sie und besuchen den Deutschen Pavillon bei Folklorama. Das Thema in diesem Jahr ist ‘Eine Tour durch Deutschland’ und wird Lieder und Tänze aus verschiedenen Regionen des Landes haben. Vielen Dank. Gary R. Rossol, CPA, CMA DVW Präsident (English Page 3) Monthly Membership Meeting Monday, September 12th, 2016 1 Vereinsnachrichten / Club News Die DVW Monatsversammlung findet am Montag, den 12. September 2016 um 19:00 Uhr im Schanklokal statt. Die nächste DVW Monatsversammlung findet am Montag, den 3. Oktober 2016 um 19:00 Uhr im Schanklokal statt. Liebe Senioren! The GSW Monthly Meeting will be held on Monday, September 12, 2016 The next GSW Monthly Meeting will be held on Monday, October 3, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the PUB. Ende Juli können wir auch bestimmen, wann und wie oft wir uns im August treffen. Vorstandssitzung / Board Meeting: Mittwoch, den 20. Juli, 2016 um 18:30 Uhr Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Untergruppensitzung / Undergroup Meeting: Mittwoch, den 26. Oktober 2016 um 19:00 Uhr Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. Vorstandsmitglieder - Members of the Board President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Building Superintendent Entertainment Chairperson Licensed Premises Chairperson Cultural Affairs Chairperson Camp Chairperson Membership Chair Past President 2 Seniorengruppe Gary Rossol Karen Kolbe Melissa Kryschuk Angela McCulloch Sigfried Kunzler Esther Lenz Madeleine Kunzler Anneliese Hartfiel Mike Jackman Denise Toifl Heinz Petsch Undergroup President * Brass Band * Heidschnucken * Bundesliga F.C. * Chess Club * German Choir * Karneval Grp * St. Hubertus * Senior’s Group * Skat Club * Theatre Group Neil Allison Alycia Magnusson Michael Kasimow Manfred Thaller Reinhold Pauls Rosy Kowalenko Paul Dittberner Helga Stanik Dinah Kunst Vacant Wir treffen uns nur zwei Mal zum Kaffeekränzchen im Juli nämlich, am Mittwoch, den 13. und 27. im Schanklokal um 13 Uhr. Da können wir uns auch über Folklorama unterhalten. Helga Stanik - Präsidentin The Winnipeg Skat Club A year went by so quickly, and here we are again, holding our annual skat tournament - but with a twist: For the first time we will be hosting our tournament one week after the long July weekend namely, on Saturday the 9. and Sunday the 10. July at the Schanklokal of our Society. There will be two warm-up periods on Friday (8. July), starting at 7 p.m. And, of course, we would like to see as many of you as possible. Gut Blatt! Egon Stanik - Vice President Der Treue Husar Hello Members, We have been very busy planning for our conference in January 2017. We are selling honey from the John Russell Honey Company for $6 per 375 gram jar. So many flavors you won't find at your local store. Orders have to be in by July 17th 2016. We are also accepting ads to be placed in our conference program. If you are interested in placing an ad please contact Madeleine or myself. We are also accepting donations towards the conference. We would like to thank Christa Neuendorff for her generous donation. Keep looking for updates. Rosemary Kowalenko Western Canada Mardi Gras President 11 Obituaries/Todesanzeige Wir nehmen Abschied von unserem Mitglied Horst Lang Der Vorstand und die Mitglieder der Deutschen Vereinigung von Winnipeg möchten der Familie und den Trauernden ihr tief empfundenes Beileid ausdrücken. We announce the passing of our member of the Society Horst Lang The Executive and Members of the German Society of Winnipeg extend their deepest sympathy to his family and friends. Passed away: May 21, 2016 President’s Message Dear members, friends and sponsors, The Euro Cup 2016 games have been well attended at the club when Germany has played. Let's continue to support 'Die Mannschaft' as they continue their quest to be Europe's best soccer team during this sporting event. If you're in town during the second week of August, please come and attend the German Pavilion during Folklorama. The theme this year is 'A Tour Of Germany', and will have songs and dances from different regions of the country. Wir nehmen Abschied von Frank Rauch Der Vorstand und die Mitglieder der Deutschen Vereinigung von Winnipeg möchten der Familie und den Trauernden ihr tief empfundenes Beileid ausdrücken. We announce the passing of Thank you, Gary R. Rossol, CPA, CMA GSW President Frank Rauch The Executive and Members of the German Society of Winnipeg extend their deepest sympathy to his family and friends. Born: June 10, 1935 Passed Away: May 30, 2016 The following have made a formal application for Active Membership in the German Society of Winnipeg Applicant (Laurel) Ann M’Eachern 10 Sponsor 1 Emil Teichman Sponsor 2 Manfred Meissner 3 Pub / Schanklokal Dear Members and Friends, Summer is in full swing and things are slower in the Pub. We hope you enjoy the weather and activities that you enjoy, but do not forget to drop by now and then to support the Pub/Club. Please check the calendar for times we will be open/closed during July and August. Of course we will be open to meet your Soccer viewing needs. As we are not sure of dates and times of games you may want to see, be sure to check out the website and/or contact Michael Kasimow to find out how Germany is doing and when you will be able to drop in for a game. You will notice in the July/August Calendar that we will be closed for a large part of the month of August. Summertime is a slow time and we would like to take the time to clean up after Folklorama (always a big task) and possibly do some much needed small renovations. We have a summer student to help out, but any help that you can give would be very much appreciated. Keep an eye on the schedule and call the Pub to leave a message for us. We will return your call as soon as we are able. The office will also be closed for much of this time as well. We will then be open again for Schnitzel Friday on August the 26th. Do not forget to make reservations. During the last Schnitzel Friday we had 2 patrons who needed Gluten Free options. We were able to accommodate them, so feel free to let us know ahead of time so that we may be able to accommodate your special dietary needs if at all possible. The Skat Group and Seniors will resume their weekly meetings on August 31st. Enjoy your summer holidays and see you when you are able to make it in for a meal or a drink and hope you can make it to Folklorama. Madeleine Kunzler– Pub Chair Our new GSW Family Favourites Cook Book will be available for purchase at Folklarama for $14.00 each. Thanks to all for your recipes. I greatly appreciate the effort done for this project. Coming up in November is our Christmas Craft Sale, so get your crafts ready! It should be fun and exciting and something new for the club. Have a great safe summer! Denise Toifl—Membership Chair 4 August 7 to August 13 Theme: A Tour of Germany Upper Hall: Show Times: Sunday 5:00, 6:45, 8:15, 9:45 Monday 6:45, 8:15, 9:45 Tuesday 6:45, 8:15, 9:45 Wednesday 6:45, 8:15, 9:45 Thursday 6:45, 8:15, 9:45 Friday 6:45, 8:15, 9:45 Saturday 5:00, 6:45, 8:15, 9:45 Late Night Parties: Thursday 10:30 to 1 AM Friday 10:30 to 2 AM Rehearsal for Upper Hall Show: August 44h at 6:00 Tent Setup: Thursday during the day, depending on the weather condition. The parking lot beside the clubhouse will be closed. Volunteer Clean-Up Party: There will be a ‘clean-up party’ this year on Sunday, August 14th from 10:30 AM to 4 PM. Volunteers who assist with the clean up will be provided food and soft drinks. Volunteer Bartenders: We are looking for a person that would like to organize a group of 4 volunteers to lead and operate the upper hall bar and the balcony bar for the week of Folklorama. Contact Anneliese or Esther re other Bartender positions (eg. Beer Tent) if you can help out. Volunteers in General: Special thanks to those who have already forwarded their names to participate in the years’ Folklorama! If you are interested in volunteering for any position contact Anneliese. We also need volunteers to help with set up on Aug 4,5 and/or 6. All your help is appreciated. Rouladen Preparation: As in previous years we will need volunteers to help roll the Rouladen for Folklorama. Please sign up for Wednesday, July 20th at 1:00 pm in the Pub. Thanks, Esther Lenz 9 German Society of Winnipeg Advance Notice of Special Events scheduled for the next 6 months 2016 For all other regular activities and meetings refer to Monthly Newsletter (UH): Upper Hall July 2016 (LH): Lower Hall August 2016 July 1 September 2016 (SL):Schanklokal/Pub November 2016 Decemberr 2016 Sept. 4, 2016 Nov. 5, 2016 Dec. 4, 2016 Wedding/Social Rental 65th Birthday Party GSW Christmas Party UH SL UH Aug. 7-13, 2016 October 2016 (DR): Dining Room October 8,2016 Nov. 6, 2016 EURO 2016 The big screen will be set up in the Upper Hall. Food and drinks available. If you have a group of soccer fans that want to watch a game other than Germany please make plans in the Pub to arrange for us to accommodate you. We have purchased some souvenirs to commemorate this event, as well as items you can purchase to show your pride in your German Heritage. For further enquiries please contact Mike Kasimow at 204-947-9863 a,er 6:00 pm. Oktoberfest UH July 9-10, 2016 October 10, 2016 Nov. 12, 2016 Kick-Off to Karneval Skat Tournament Thanksgiving July 29, 2016 August 26, 2016 Sept. 30, 2016 Schnitzel Friday 5:00 to 8:00 Schnitzel Friday 5:00 to 8:00 SL SL Schnitzel Friday 5:00 to 8:00 SL SL Hausvater/Building Superintendent Hello Members, I would greatly appreciate more volunteers to give a hand with all the work that needs to be done in and around the Clubhouse, we have a membership of 300 plus (500 plus, taking into account the spouses of members) and only one person who regularly gives a hand in all the work that needs to be done; thanks again Karl for all the help! I hear many complaints from Members about various issues such as Pub pricing being too high (this is not my area), it is too hot or too cold, too loud or not loud enough, this or that is broken. I do need to know if things are out of order, however, a helping hand in some of the repair work would be much appreciated. There have been some technical issues with showing the Euro Cup Games in the pub, especially with the sound, we have been working on fixing them. We also changed the location of our Projector to get a better picture; it is better but still needs more tinkering. These are some of the reasons I keep asking for help, so I can work on other projects, of which there are plenty. Siegfried Kunzler 8 5 July 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Canada Day 3 4 Closed Closed 10 0900 11 Skat Tourney Closed 5 Closed 12 Closed 7 Skat Smorg ? UEFA ? UEFA 13 14 Skat Smorg Final 18 19 20 Skat 21 Smorg Closed Closed Closed Volunteer Rouladen Making at 13:00 24 25 26 27 28 Skat Smorg Closed Closed Closed Senior Group Sat 9 Warm-up Session Skat tournament Breakfast 7:00 pm 15 Sun 2 UEFA Game 2pm 8 7 0830 Skat Tournament. 14 23 Breakfast 0900 29 30 Schnitzel Closed Friday Closed 22 Closed Mon Tue Wed 3 Thu 1 Civic Holiday 2 Closed Skat Smorg 8 9 10 11 Folklorama 16 Breakfast 0900 Seniors Group UEFA 17 6 August 2016 4 Folklorama Fri Sat 5 6 Closed for Folklorama set-up Closed for Folklorama set-up 12 13 Folklorama 15 16 17 18 19 20 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 21 22 23 24 25 27 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 26 Schnitzel Friday 28 29 30 31 Closed Closed Closed Folklorama Cleanup Breakfast 0900 Skat Senior Group 31 Closed 6 7
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