International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG, Künzelsau (Germany) ETA-11/0528 ETA-13/0695 ETA-13/0791 ETA-15/0515 0761-CPD-0220 0761-CPD-0361 0761-CPD-0401 0761-CPR-0489 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 11-04-2016 2018-06-27 2018-06-27 2018-06-27 10-04-2021 0761-CPR-0471 0761-CPR-0472 2015-12-17 2015-12-17 2020-12-16 2020-12-16 2012-08-09 2014-09-24 2015-05-06 2015-05-06 2015-05-06 2015-05-06 2015-05-06 2020-05-05 2020-05-05 2020-05-05 2020-05-05 2020-05-05 AerNova srl, Fermo (FM) (Italy) EN 12101-7 EN 12101-7 Akzo Nobel Deco GmbH, Köln (Germany) ETA-11/0519 0761-CPD-0216 Alfred Eichelberger GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin (Germany) EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPR-0023 0761-CPR-0024 0761-CPR-0025 0761-CPR-0026 0761-CPR-0027 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Altenfelder Metallbau GmbH, Sonneberg (Germany) EN 12101-2 0761-CPR-0459 2015-07-29 2020-07-28 2012-09-03 2017-09-02 2009-08-20 - 2011-02-08 2013-07-09 2013-10-21 2018-07-09 2018-10-20 2012-08-28 2015-07-28 2016-09-30 2017-10-18 Alporit AG, Rothrist (Switzerland) EN 13967 0761-CPD-0253 ALUJET GmbH, Mammendorf (Germany) EN 13967 0761-CPD-0112 ALYOS technology SAS, Berrwiller (France) EN 14716 EN 14716 EN 14716 0761-CPD-0184 0761-CPR-0326 0761-CPR-0355 ARDEX GmbH, Witten (Germany) ETA-11/0282 ETA-12/0364 0761-CPD-0249 0761-CPR-0440 ARMACELL GmbH, Münster (Germany) International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate ETA-11/0454 ETA-11/0454 0761-CPD-0213 0761-CPR-0436 Date of issue End of validity 2012-02-27 2015-04-17 2016-12-20 2016-12-20 2011-01-24 2011-09-28 2011-01-24 2013-06-30 2013-06-30 2013-06-30 2014-11-11 2015-03-25 2018-11-21 2020-03-24 2013-01-30 2016-01-24 2014-01-28 2019-01-27 2015-02-06 2020-02-05 Bahrdorf Kies GmbH, Wolfenbüttel (Germany) EN 12620 EN 12620 EN 13139 0761-CPD-0018 0761-CPD-0207 0761-CPD-0183 Bartholomäus GmbH, Emerkingen (Germany) EN 15650 EN 15650 0761-CPR-0356 0761-CPR-0430 BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH, Illertissen (Germany) ETA-11/0113 0761-CPD-0268 BauProfi GmbH Das Baustoffsortiment, Hamburg (Germany) EN 13969 0761-CPR-0371 Bauprofil Koch GmbH, Isernhagen (Germany) EN 12101-2 0761-CPR-0425 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Befer GmbH, Halberstadt (Germany) EN 13225 EN 13747 EN 14843 EN 14991 EN 14992 EN 15050 EN 13693 0761-CPR-0311 0761-CPR-0312 0761-CPR-0313 0761-CPR-0314 0761-CPR-0315 0761-CPR-0316 0761-CPR-0330 2013-08-26 2013-08-26 2013-08-26 2013-08-26 2013-08-26 2013-08-26 2013-08-26 2018-08-25 2018-08-25 2018-08-25 2018-08-25 2018-08-25 2018-08-25 2018-08-25 20-05-2016 19-05-2021 BLH Bauelemente für Lüftungstechnik Hennen GmbH, Trier (Germany) EN 12101-7 0761-CPR-0513 Bohl Befestigungssysteme – klimatechnisches Zubehör GmbH, Freiberg a.N. (Germany) EN 12101-7 0761-CPR-0354 2013-10-28 2018-10-27 2015-12-06 2020-11-23 Bornit-Werk Aschenborn GmbH, Zwickau (Germany) EN 1504-2 0761-CPR-0464 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Bostik GmbH, Borgholzhausen (Germany) ETA-12/0271 EN 13969 0761-CPD-0275 0761-CPR-0363 2013-03-05 2013-12-06 2017-08-30 2018-12-01 2008-05-05 - 2014-11-04 2014-11-04 2014-11-04 2014-11-04 2014-11-04 2014-11-04 2014-11-04 2014-12-10 05-04-2016 2019-11-03 2019-11-03 2015-10-30 2019-11-03 2019-11-03 2019-11-03 2019-11-03 2019-12-09 04-04-2021 2010-04-27 - BPA-GmbH, Herrenberg-Gültstein (Germany) EN 13967 0761-CPD-0063 Brandchemie GmbH, Egelsbach (Germany) MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 ETA-15/0556 UAE-003/14 UAE-004/14 UAE-005/14 UAE-006/14 UAE-007/14 UAE-008/14 UAE-009/14 UAE-011/14 0761-CPR-0508 BSM Brandschutz-Manufaktur Deutschland GmbH, Leipzig (Germany) EN 12101-1 0761-CPD-0163 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 12101-1 0761-CPD-0228 Date of issue End of validity 2012-09-05 2017-09-04 2013-01-21 2016-01-24 2009-03-25 2012-08-01 2012-08-01 2015-07-29 2017-07-31 2017-07-31 2020-07-28 26-04-2016 12-04-2021 2011-05-05 - 2015-07-21 2020-07-20 bst Brandschutztechnik Döpfl GmbH, Vienna (Austria) ETA-10/0155 0761-CPD-0267 btf – Innovationen für den Bau, Kaufering (Germany) EN 13967 EN 13967 EN 13969 EN 13969 0761-CPD-0097 0761-CPD-0197 0761-CPD-0198 0761-CPR-0456 budo-Metallbau GmbH, Warburg (Germany) EN 14351-1 0761-CPR-0497 CaPlast Kunststoffverarbeitungs GmbH, Nordkirchen (Germany) EN 13967 0761-CPD-0195 CILING® Decken und Licht GmbH, Oftersheim (Germany) EN 14716 0761-CPR-0449 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Groupe Clestra Hauserman, Illkirch (France) MPA ZP 00 MPA-BS 6000/085/15 2015-06-10 2016-12-10 2014-03-10 2014-03-10 2014-08-21 2014-11-27 2014-11-27 2019-03-09 2019-03-09 2019-08-20 2019-11-26 2019-11-26 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2017-05-16 2018-02-03 2004-09-16 2008-12-31 2013-09-25 2014-10-31 Colt International GmbH, Kleve (Germany) EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPR-0369 0761-CPR-0370 6093/882/14 6156/945-1/14 6156/945-2/14 Dämmstoff-Fabrik Klein GmbH, Bubenheim (Germany) ETA-12/0199 ETA-12/0566 0761-CPD-0346 0761-CPD-0347 Dansk Leca A/S, Randers (Denmark) EN 13055-1 0761-CPD-0001 DOBAS AG Signature Shop Design and Architecture, Willisau (Switzerland) MPA ZP 00 MPA-BS 6140/736/13 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity DOYMA GmbH & Co., Oyten (Germany) ETA-12/0200 ETA-11/0498 0761-CPD-0248 0761-CPD-0250 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2017-05-16 2017-02-09 2014-03-17 2014-03-17 2014-03-17 2019-03-16 2019-03-16 2019-03-16 2012-07-16 2017-07-15 2014-09-17 2014-09-16 2009-03-12 2009-03-12 - Durlum GmbH, Schopfheim (Germany) EN 13964 EN 13964 EN 13964 0761-CPR-0375 0761-CPR-0376 0761-CPR-0377 DYWIDAG-Systems International GmbH, Pasching/Linz (Austria) EN 13967 0761-CPD-0238 Ernst Kern GmbH, Großheirath (Germany) EN 12101-2 0761-CPR-0402 Essmann GmbH, Bad Salzuflen (Germany) EN 12101-1 EN 12101-1 0761-CPD-0087 0761-CPD-0088 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Expan GmbH, Eilsleben (Germany) EN 1520 0761-CPD-0005 2005-11-29 2009-07-31 2015-10-20 2020-10-19 MPA-BS 6116/245/10 MPA-BS 6165/583/14 MPA-BS 6151/757/13 MPA-BS 6000/088/15 2011-02-22 2014-10-24 2013-10-28 2015-08-07 2016-02-21 2018-02-04 2016-05-09 2017-08-06 MPA-BS 001/01/14 2014-03-10 2015-03-09 2014-01-13 2014-10-31 f-tronic GmbH, Saarbrücken (Germany) ETA-15/0598 0761-CPR-0463 Fermacell GmbH, Duisburg (Germany) EN 15283-2 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 Fibran SpA, Genova (Italy) EN 15283-2 Fibrolith Dämmstoffe GmbH, Kempenich (Germany) EN 13168 0761-CPR-0368 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Filigran Trägersysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Leese (Germany) ETA-13/0521 ETA-13/0521 0761-CPD-0303 0761-CPR-0480 2013-06-20 2015-12-14 2018-06-13 2018-06-13 29-04-2016 28-04-2021 2013-06-28 2013-05-13 2013-05-13 2018-05-12 2018-05-12 2018-05-12 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2015-02-04 2015-10-13 2015-12-21 2016-02-01 2016-07-11 2018-06-28 2018-06-27 2020-02-03 2020-10-12 2020-12-20 2021-01-31 Fischer & Heintz Lufttechnik GmbH, Neustrelitz (Germany) EN 12101-7 0761-CPR-0516 Fläkt Woods Oy, Turku (Finland) EN 12101-7 EN 12101-8 EN 12101-8 0761-CPD-0277 0761-CPD-0278 0761-CPD-0288 FLAMRO Brandschutzsysteme GmbH, Leiningen (Germany) ETA-13/0792 ETA-13/0922 ETA-13/0756 ETA-14/0307 ETA-15/0237 ETA-15/0677 ETA-15/0710 0761-CPD-0342 0761-CPD-0343 0761-CPD-0349 0761-CPR-0428 0761-CPR-0462 0761-CPR-0487 0761-CPR-0496 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate ETA-16/0056 ETA-15/0802 ETA-15/0816 ETA-16/0318 ETA-16/0320 0761-CPR-0500 0761-CPR-0501 0761-CPR-0507 0761-CPR-0519 0761-CPR-0523 Date of issue End of validity 29-02-2016 29-02-2016 22-03-2016 16-06-2016 16-06-2016 28-02-2021 28-02-2021 21-03-2021 15-06-2021 15-06-2021 2013-06-28 2018-04-23 09-05-2016 20-04-2021 Franken Plastik GmbH, Fürth (Germany) ETA-13/0191 0761-CPD-0310 Gebrüder Jaeger GmbH, Wuppertal (Germany) EN 13967 0761-CPR-0514 Georg Börner Chemisches Werk für Dach- und Bautenschutz GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Hersfeld (Germany) EN 13956 0761-CPR-0504 16-03-2016 15-04-2020 2014-06-10 2019-06-09 2013-11-22 2018-11-21 Georg + Otto Friedrich KG, Groß-Zimmern (Germany) EN 14716 0761-CPR-0395 Gerhard Gennett Handelsvertretung, Pasewalk (Germany) EN 13969 0761-CPR-0364 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Grouttech, Nunspeet (The Netherlands) EN 1504-5 0761-CPD-0162 2010-04-08 - 05-02-2016 04-02-2021 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2018-05-23 2015-04-12 2009-11-05 - 2014-03-18 2015-07-14 2019-03-17 2020-07-13 07-04-2016 30-01-2018 GSP Lüftungstechnik, Barchfeld-Immelborn (Germany) EN 12101-7 0761-CPR-0419 G+H Isolierung GmbH, Ludwigshafen (Germany) ETA-13/0496 ETA-10/0013 0761-CPD-0322 0761-CPD-0323 Heyen Bauchemie GmbH, Wiesmoor (Germany) EN 13969 0761-CPD-0106 Heytex Bramsche GmbH, Bramsche (Germany) EN 14716 EN 14716 0761-CPR-0386 0761-CPR-0452 Hilti AG, Schaan (Liechtenstein) ETA-10/0292 0761-CPD-0174 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate ETA-10/0291 ETA-10/0389 ETA-10/0406 ETA-11/0238 ETA-12/0101 ETA-13/0099 ETA-13/0125 ETA-14/0088 0761-CPD-0177 0761-CPD-0178 0761-CPD-0173 0761-CPD-0189 0761-CPD-0210 0761-CPD-0270 0761-CPD-0271 0761-CPR-0381 Date of issue End of validity 07-04-2016 15-02-2016 15-02-2016 2012-08-09 2012-07-04 2013-06-25 2013-06-25 2014-05-28 30-01-2018 27-06-2018 27-06-2018 2016-01-24 2017-04-29 2018-04-14 2018-04-14 2019-05-27 2009-07-09 2012-05-25 2017-05-24 2015-11-26 2012-10-02 2010-12-13 2014-08-22 2015-11-26 2020-11-25 2017-10-01 2015-12-12 2019-08-21 2020-11-25 Holland Conditioning Parkeersystemen B.V., Waalwijk (The Netherlands) EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPD-0109 0761-CPD-0231 Hungaro-Ventilatór Kft., Sopronkövesed (Hungary) EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPR-0181 0761-CPD-0252 0761-CPD-0260 0761-CPR-0400 0761-CPR-0473 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity International Paints Ltd, Gateshead (United Kingdom) ETA-09/0259 ETA-10/0086 ETA-10/0470 ETA-14/0043 0761-CPR-0115 0761-CPR-0180 0761-CPR-0185 0761-CPR-0398 2015-01-20 23-02-2016 23-02-2016 2014-07-22 2020-01-19 06-06-2018 06-06-2018 2019-07-21 2014-01-16 2018-06-30 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2018-06-27 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2017-04-19 2011-09-20 2013-06-20 2016-06-22 2018-04-23 Irathane Futura, Rushden (United Kingdom) EN 1504-3 0761-CPR-0378 J. van Walraven Holding B.V., Mijdrecht (The Netherlands) ETA-13/0793 ETA-13/0906 0761-CPD-0340 0761-CPD-0341 Jürgen Albers GmbH, Löhnberg (Germany) ETA-11/0393 0761-CPD-0327 Kaiser GmbH & Co. KG, Schalksmühle (Germany) ETA-11/0188 ETA-13/0128 0761-CPD-0205 0761-CPD-0304 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate ETA-14/0159 0761-CPR-0407 Date of issue End of validity 2014-11-10 2019-11-09 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2012-11-26 2012-11-26 2012-11-26 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2018-06-24 2018-06-24 2018-06-27 2017-07-08 2017-07-08 2017-07-08 2018-06-27 2018-06-27 2018-06-27 2015-06-23 2020-06-22 28-04-2016 28-04-2016 28-04-2016 2013-06-24 27-04-2021 27-04-2021 27-04-2021 2018-06-23 Karl Zimmermann GmbH, Köln (Germany) ETA-10/0419 ETA-10/0431 ETA-10/0206 ETA-12/0119 ETA-12/0118 ETA-12/0088 ETA-13/0093 ETA-13/0117 ETA-13/0123 0761-CPD-0176 0761-CPD-0187 0761-CPD-0208 0761-CPD-0264 0761-CPD-0265 0761-CPD-0266 0761-CPD-0300 0761-CPD-0301 0761-CPD-0302 Kingspan Gefinex GmbH, Pritzwalk (Germany) EN 13967 0761-CPR-0196 Klebl GmbH, Gröbzig (Germany) EN 13224 EN 13225 EN 14992 EN 14843 0761-CPR-0152 0761-CPR-0153 0761-CPR-0154 0761-CPD-0295 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity EN 14991 0761-CPD-0296 2013-06-24 2018-06-23 0761-CPR-0155 0761-CPR-0156 0761-CPR-0157 0761-CPD-0297 0761-CPD-0298 28-04-2016 28-04-2016 28-04-2016 2013-06-24 2013-06-24 27-04-2021 27-04-2021 27-04-2021 2018-06-23 2018-06-23 2013-05-06 2018-01-20 2012-10-09 2013-05-13 2015-04-16 2015-04-23 2015-04-16 2017-10-08 2018-05-12 2020-04-15 2020-04-15 2020-04-15 2009-03-23 - Klebl GmbH, Nuthe (Germany) EN 13224 EN 13225 EN 14992 EN 14843 EN 14991 Kolektor Missel Insulations GmbH, Fellbach (Germany) ETA-12/0565 0761-CPD-0276 Köster Bauchemie AG, Aurich (Germany) EN 1504-5 EN 1504-2 EN 13956 EN 13967 EN 13969 0761-CPD-0071 0761-CPD-0289 0761-CPR-0422 0761-CPR-0423 0761-CPR-0424 KrampeHarex GmbH & Co. KG, Hamm (Germany) EN 14889-1 0761-CPD-0072 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 14889-1 EN 14889-1 EN 14889-1 EN 14889-2 0761-CPD-0085 0761-CPD-0090 0761-CPD-0175 0761-CPD-0199 Date of issue End of validity 2010-08-04 2009-03-23 2010-08-04 2011-07-21 - 05-02-2016 05-02-2016 04-02-2021 04-02-2021 2013-06-29 2018-06-29 2006-05-22 2015-12-14 2020-12-13 2015-07-22 2020-07-21 Lindab GmbH, Bargteheide (Germany) EN 12101-7 EN 12101-7 0761-CPR-0359 0761-CPR-0360 LIP Bygningsartikler A/S, Nørre Aaby (Denmark) ETA-13/0641 0761-CPD-0317 Lugato GmbH, Hamburg (Germany) EN 998-2 EN 998-2 0761-CPD-0036 0761-CPR-0487 M+S Abdichtungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Dortmund (Germany) EN 13969 0761-CPR-0455 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Mapei Ges.m.b.H., Nußdorf ob der Traisen (Austria) EN 13969 0761-CPD-0086 2008-12-11 - 2014-01-21 2019-01-20 2008-01-12 2008-01-12 2008-01-12 2010-01-12 2010-03-15 2012-03-12 2013-04-24 2018-04-23 2008-07-31 - Mapei GmbH., Erlenbach (Germany) EN 13969 0761-CPR-0362 Max Bögl Fertigteilwerke GmbH & Co. KG, Gera (Germany) EN 13224 EN 13225 EN 13747 EN 14992 EN 14843 EN 14991 EN 15050 0761-CPD-0094 0761-CPD-0095 0761-CPD-0096 0761-CPD-0124 0761-CPD-0161 0761-CPD-0219 0761-CPD-0286 Max Frank GmbH & Co. KG, Leiblfing (Germany) EN 1504-5 0761-CPD-0078 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Metallbau Berens GmbH, Hövelhof (Germany) EN 14351-1 0761-CPR-0439 2016-05-09 2020-05-06 2015-12-16 2020-12-15 2014-10-20 2019-10-19 2013-12-02 2018-12-01 2013-04-15 2013-04-15 2013-04-14 2013-04-14 2014-07-03 2014-07-03 2019-07-02 2019-07-02 Metallbau Fischer GmbH, Stemwede-Levern (Germany) EN 12101-2 0761-CPR-0465 Metallbau Lamprecht GmbH, Datteln (Germany) EN 12101-2 0761-CPR-0405 Metallbau Werner Rode GmbH & Co. KG, Heideblick (Germany) EN 12101-2 0761-CPR-0353 Metalproducts B.V., Horst (The Netherlands) EN 14889-1 EN 14889-1 0761-CPD-0284 0761-CPD-0285 MF Fassadentechnik, Bautzen (Germany) EN 12101-2 EN 12101-2 0761-CPR-0382 0761-CPR-0397 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Miroton GmbH, Ahlen/Westfalen (Germany) EN 13969 0761-CPR-0383 2014-03-24 2019-03-23 2014-11-10 2019-11-09 2014-09-05 2019-09-04 2013-06-28 2018-04-16 MPA-BS 6176/782/13 2013-12-11 2014-10-30 0761-CPD-0028 0761-CPD-0029 0761-CPD-0030 2006-04-03 2006-04-03 2012-06-05 2009-03-27 2008-10-30 2017-06-04 National Paints Factories Co Ltd., Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) MPA ZP 00 UAE-010/14 Nögel Montagetechnik Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Twist (Germany) EN 13969 0761-CPR-0403 Nordland Import Export AB, Örebro (Sweden) ETA-13/0215 0761-CPD-0309 Novelis Deutschland GmbH, Göttingen (Germany) MPA ZP 00 Novenco, Naestved (Denmark) EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 MPA-BS 003/3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPD-0031 0761-CPD-0038 0761-CPD-0079 0761-CPD-0080 0761-CPD-0101 0761-CPD-0102 0761-CPD-0103 0761-CPD-0104 01/003/14 0761-CPD-0116 0761-CPD-0121 0761-CPD-0122 0761-CPD-0125 0761-CPD-0126 0761-CPR-0127 0761-CPD-0128 0761-CPR-0129 0761-CPD-0130 0761-CPR-0131 0761-CPD-0132 0761-CPD-0133 0761-CPD-0134 Date of issue 2006-04-03 2006-10-04 2008-10-30 2008-10-30 2008-03-27 2008-03-27 2008-03-27 2008-03-27 2014-12-17 2010-02-01 2012-06-05 2012-06-05 2010-02-08 2010-02-01 2014-12-17 2010-02-01 2014-12-17 2010-02-01 2014-12-17 2010-02-01 2010-02-08 2010-02-08 End of validity 2009-03-27 2019-12-16 2017-06-04 2017-06-04 2019-12-16 2019-12-16 2019-12-16 - International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPD-0135 0761-CPD-0136 0761-CPD-0137 0761-CPD-0138 0761-CPD-0139 0761-CPD-0140 0761-CPD-0141 0761-CPD-0142 0761-CPD-0143 0761-CPD-0144 0761-CPD-0145 0761-CPD-0146 0761-CPD-0147 0761-CPD-0148 0761-CPD-0149 0761-CPD-0150 0761-CPD-0151 0761-CPD-0212 0761-CPD-0234 0761-CPD-0235 0761-CPR-0412 0761-CPR-0413 Date of issue 2010-02-08 2010-02-01 2010-02-08 2010-02-08 2010-02-01 2010-02-08 2010-02-08 2010-02-02 2010-02-01 2010-02-08 2010-02-08 2010-02-08 2010-02-08 2010-02-01 2010-02-01 2010-02-08 2010-02-08 2012-05-25 2012-06-08 2012-06-08 2014-12-17 2014-12-17 End of validity 2017-05-24 2017-06-07 2017-06-07 2019-12-16 2019-12-16 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPR-0414 0761-CPR-0477 0761-CPR-0478 0761-CPR-0479 Date of issue End of validity 2014-12-17 2015-12-06 2015-12-06 2015-12-06 2019-12-16 2020-12-05 2020-12-05 2020-12-05 2011-07-21 2013-06-28 2012-09-03 2012-10-15 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2015-06-30 2015-06-30 2015-06-30 2015-06-30 2015-07-01 16-03-2016 16-03-2016 2016-01-24 2018-06-27 2017-04-24 2016-11-07 2018-06-28 2013-04-23 2020-06-29 2020-06-29 2020-06-29 2020-06-29 2017-06-30 15-03-2021 15-03-2021 2014-03-10 2019-02-23 OBO Bettermann GmbH & Co. KG, Menden (Germany) ETA-11/0237 ETA-11/0527 ETA-12/0182 ETA-12/0207 ETA-13/0904 ETA-13/0158 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 ETA-15/0701 ETA-15/0803 0761-CPD-0188 0761-CPD-0211 0761-CPD-0221 0761-CPD-0223 0761-CPD-0328 0761-CPD-0329 UAE-034/15 UAE-036/15 UAE-038/15 UAE-040/15 MPA-BS 6000/079-1/15 0761-CPR-0502 0761-CPR-0503 Officine Maccaferri S.p.A., Zola Predosa [Bologna] (Italy) EN 14889-1 0761-CPR-0380 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Poloplast GmbH & Co KG, Leonding (Austria) ETA-15/0686 0761-CPR-0515 13-04-2016 12-04-2021 2013-01-14 2017-08-23 2011-05-23 2011-12-14 2013-07-01 2013-08-19 2016-01-20 2018-06-30 2018-08-18 2021-01-19 2015-07-21 2020-07-20 2009-09-28 2009-09-28 - Polymerics GmbH, Berlin (Germany) ETA-12/0279 0761-CPD-0269 Pongs Technical Textiles GmbH, Mühltroff (Germany) EN 14716 EN 14716 EN 14716 EN 14716 EN 14716 0761-CPD-0182 0761-CPD-0209 0761-CPR-0318 0761-CPR-0344 0761-CPR-0490 Portas Deutschland Folien GmbH & Co. KG, Dietzenbach (Germany) EN 14716 0761-CPR-0450 PRAEFA GmbH, Neubrandenburg (Germany) EN 1520 EN 13747 0761-CPD-0113 0761-CPD-0114 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 14992 EN 13225 EN 14991 0761-CPD-0123 0761-CPD-0237 0761-CPD-0279 Date of issue End of validity 2011-01-24 2012-07-12 2013-05-27 2017-07-11 2018-05-26 0761-CPD-0166 0761-CPD-0170 0761-CPD-0171 0761-CPD-0172 0761-CPD-0236 0761-CPD-0274 2010-06-18 2010-06-18 2010-06-18 2010-06-18 2013-02-19 2013-03-18 2017-07-11 2018-03-17 0761-CPD-0337 0761-CPD-0339 0761-CPR-0399 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2014-07-29 2018-04-14 2018-06-26 2019-07-28 2015-07-21 2015-07-21 2015-07-21 2018-06-28 2018-06-26 2018-04-14 PRAEFA Spolka z.o.o., Miedzyrzecz (Poland) EN 14992 EN 1520 EN 13747 EN 14843 EN 13225 EN 14991 Promat GmbH, Linz (Austria) ETA-12/0224 ETA-13/0383 ETA-14/0089 Promat International NV, Tisselt (Belgium) ETA-13/0286 ETA-13/0287 ETA-12/0590 0761-CPR-0331 0761-CPR-0332 0761-CPR-0333 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate ETA-13/0279 ETA-13/0278 ETA-13/0589 ETA-13/0356 ETA-12/0265 ETA-13/0381 ETA-13/0356 ETA-14/0446 ETA-14/0456 ETA-14/0107 ETA-14/0108 ETA-14/0455 ETA-15/0242 ETA-15/0243 0761-CPR-0334 0761-CPR-0335 0761-CPR-0336 0761-CPD-0338 0761-CPD-0366 0761-CPD-0367 0761-CPR-0418 0761-CPR-0433 0761-CPR-0434 0761-CPR-0441 0761-CPR-0442 0761-CPR-0453 0761-CPR-0511 0761-CPR-0512 Date of issue End of validity 2015-07-21 2015-07-21 2015-07-21 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2015-01-15 2015-04-14 2015-04-14 2015-07-08 2015-07-08 2015-07-14 07-04-2016 07-04-2016 2018-06-06 2018-06-06 2018-04-14 2018-05-06 2018-04-14 2018-06-26 2020-01-14 2020-04-13 2020-04-13 2020-07-07 2020-07-07 2020-07-13 06-04-2021 06-04-2021 2014-04-28 2013-11-11 2019-04-27 2018-11-10 2015-07-27 2015-07-27 2020-07-26 2020-07-26 Rasco Bitumentechnik GmbH, Augustdorf (Germany) EN 13969 EN 13969 0761-CPR-0075 0761-CPR-0365 Remmers Baustofftechnik GmbH, Löningen (Germany) EN 1504-5 EN 1504-5 0761-CPR-0457 0761-CPR-0458 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 1504-5 0761-CPR-0461 Date of issue End of validity 2015-10-13 2020-10-12 18-05-2016 17-05-2021 Renolit SE, Frankenthal (Germany) MPA ZP 00 MPA-BS 6001/081/16 RENTEX Wand- und Deckensysteme GmbH, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany) EN 14716 0761-CPR-0451 2015-07-21 2020-07-20 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2015-01-09 2018-04-09 2018-04-09 2018-03-18 2020-01-08 2015-07-08 2020-07-07 2015-07-20 2012-04-17 2020-07-19 2016-06-22 Rex Industrie-Produkte Graf von Rex GmbH, Vellberg (Germany) ETA-13/0269 ETA-13/0270 ETA-13/0217 ETA 14/0059 0761-CPD-0324 0761-CPD-0325 0761-CPD-0345 0761-CPR-0408 Rieder Faserbeton-Elemente GmbH, Kolbermoor (Germany) EN 12467 UAE-042/15 Rolf Kuhn GmbH, Erndtebrück (Germany) ETA-10/0117 ETA-11/0208 0761-CPR-0169 0761-CPD-0200 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate ETA-11/0372 ETA-12/0152 ETA-13/0109 ETA-13/0116 ETA-13/0237 ETA-13/0666 ETA-13/0665 ETA-13/0640 ETA-15/0014 ETA-15/0907 ETA-15/0869 0761-CPD-0222 0761-CPD-0259 0761-CPD-0291 0761-CPD-0292 0761-CPD-0258 0761-CPD-0319 0761-CPD-0320 0761-CPD-0321 0761-CPR-0435 0761-CPR-0498 0761-CPR-0499 Date of issue End of validity 2012-04-17 2013-02-19 2013-05-21 2013-05-21 2013-06-17 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2015-06-10 11-02-2016 11-02-2016 2016-11-07 2017-05-16 2018-03-15 2018-04-02 2018-05-22 2018-06-17 2018-06-12 2018-06-27 2020-06-09 10-02-2021 10-02-2021 2007-08-22 2008-12-01 2008-12-01 2015-07-06 11-02-2016 2014-06-18 2020-07-05 10-02-2021 2011-09-19 - Rosenberg Ventilatoren GmbH, Künzelsau-Gaisbach (Germany) EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPD-0057 0761-CPD-0098 0761-CPD-0099 UAE-032/15 UAE-047/15 rtr Aluminiumbau GmbH, Leuna (Germany) EN 12101-2 0761-CPD-0194 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Ruskin Air Management Ltd., Whitstable (United Kingdom) EN 12101-8 0761-CPR-0437 2015-07-06 2020-04-23 2012-09-06 2013-05-27 2013-05-29 09-05-2016 09-05-2016 2016-06-22 2018-03-14 2017-08-17 08-05-2021 08-05-2021 2012-04-25 2016-11-16 2014-03-17 2019-03-16 20-06-2016 19-06-2021 Rudolf Hensel GmbH, Börnsen (Germany) ETA-11/0209 ETA-13/0092 ETA-12/0214 ETA-15/0294 ETA-15/0294 0761-CPD-0254 0761-CPD-0293 0761-CPD-0280 0761-CPR-0509 0761-CPR-0510 Rütgers Organics GmbH, Mannheim (Germany) ETA-11/0430 0761-CPD-0224 Saint-Gobain Weber GmbH, Datteln (Germany) EN 13969 0761-CPR-0384 Salzgitter Bauelemente GmbH, Salzgitter (Germany) EN 14509 0761-CPR-0454 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Schako Klima-Luft Ferdinand Schad KG, Meßkirch (Germany) EN 15650 EN 15650 EN 15650 EN 15650 EN 15650 EN 15650 EN 15650 EN 12101-8 0761-CPD-0244 0761-CPD-0245 0761-CPD-0246 0761-CPD-0247 0761-CPD-0262 0761-CPD-0263 0761-CPR-0350 0761-CPR-0506 2012-08-09 2012-08-09 2012-08-09 2012-08-09 2013-02-21 2013-02-21 2013-10-29 13-06-2016 2017-08-08 2017-08-08 2017-08-08 2017-08-08 2018-02-20 2018-02-20 2018-10-28 12-06-2021 16-06-2016 16-06-2016 04-02-2021 04-02-2021 2015-01-20 2012-03-08 2013-04-23 2020-01-19 2015-09-30 2017-09-07 Schmidlin AG, Affoltern a.A. (Schwitzerland) EN 12101-7 EN 12101-7 0761-CPR-0415 0761-CPR-0416 Schönox GmbH, Rosendahl (Germany) ETA-09/0247 ETA-10/0304 ETA-12/0027 0761-CPR-0108 0761-CPD-0217 0761-CPD-0227 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Sika Deutschland GmbH, Stuttgart (Germany) EN 1504-5 ETA-11/0430 ETA-11/0014 ETA-11/0014 ETA-11/0324 ETA-11/0159 ETA 14/0310 ETA 14/0393 0761-CPD-0089 0761-CPD-0387 0761-CPD-0388 0761-CPD-0389 0761-CPD-0390 0761-CPD-0391 0761-CPR-0404 0761-CPR-0409 2009-07-27 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2014-09-19 2014-12-03 2016-11-16 2016-09-07 2016-09-07 2017-04-01 2018-04-13 2019-09-18 2019-12-02 2015-01-20 2020-01-19 2008-01-21 2014-04-17 2019-04-16 2015-01-20 2020-01-19 Sika Estonia OÜ, Tallinn (Estonia) ETA-11/0517 0761-CPR-0215 Sika Services AG, Zürich (Switzerland) EN 1504-5 EN 1504-5 0761-CPD-0062 0761-CPR-0392 Sika Sverige AB, Spånga (Sweden) ETA-11/0518 0761-CPR-0214 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Silicone Trading, Kungsbacka (Sweden) ETA-15/0682 ETA-15/0689 ETA-15/0690 ETA-15/0688 ETA-15/0687 ETA-16/0245 0761-CPR-0482 0761-CPR-0483 0761-CPR-0484 0761-CPR-0485 0761-CPR-0486 0761-CPR-0518 2015-12-23 2015-12-23 2015-12-23 2015-12-23 2015-12-23 17-05-2016 2020-12-22 2020-12-22 2020-12-22 2020-12-22 2020-12-22 16-05-2021 2011-08-03 2011-12-06 2015-04-20 2013-09-09 2016-04-30 Simon RWA Systeme GmbH, Passau (Germany) MPA-BS 003/1 EN 12101-1 MPA-BS 003 MPA-BS 01/003/11 0761-CPD-0206 MPA-BS 6000/061/15 Sommer Fassadensysteme – Stahlbau- Sicherheitstechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Döhlau (Germany) EN 16034 EN 16034 EN 16034 MPA BS-Z-044/15 MPA BS-Z-045/15 MPA BS-Z-046/15 2015-11-27 2015-11-27 2015-11-27 2020-11-26 2020-11-26 2020-11-26 2009-08-05 - Sopro Bauchemie GmbH, Wiesbaden (Germany) EN 13969 0761-CPD-0105 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Spalek Beschlagtechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Heiligenhaus (Germany) EN 14716 0761-CPR-0427 2015-03-13 2020-03-12 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 - 2013-09-27 2018-09-26 2010-03-25 2008-07-29 2008-08-05 2010-09-16 2011-03-31 2012-09-05 2013-04-15 2013-10-24 2014-03-17 2017-09-04 2018-04-14 2018-08-05 2019-03-16 Stefan Schmidt KG, Langendernbach (Germany) EN 12620 EN 13139 0761-CPD-0016 0761-CPD-0017 StekoX GmbH Abdichtungstechnik, Magstadt (Germany) EN 13967 0761-CPR-0352 Stöbich Brandschutz GmbH & Co. KG, Goslar (Germany) EN 12101-1 EN 12101-1 EN 12101-1 EN 12101-1 EN 12101-1 EN 12101-1 EN 12101-1 MPA ZP 00 EN 12101-1 0761-CPD-0060 0761-CPD-0076 0761-CPD-0077 0761-CPD-0179 0761-CPD-0191 0761-CPD-0229 0761-CPD-0261 MPS-BS 6148/754/13 0761-CPR-0385 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Strulik GmbH, Hünfelden-Dauborn (Germany) EN 12101-7 EN 12101-7 EN 12101-7 EN 12101-7 EN 12101-7 EN 12101-7 EN 12101-8 EN 12101-8 EN 12101-8 0761-CPR-0357 0761-CPR-0358 0761-CPR-0420 0761-CPR-0421 0761-CPR-0469 0761-CPR-0470 0761-CPR-0406 0761-CPR-0410 0761-CPR-0411 05-02-2016 05-02-2016 05-02-2016 05-02-2016 05-02-2016 05-02-2016 2014-04-24 26-05-2016 2015-02-09 04-02-2021 04-02-2021 04-02-2021 04-02-2021 04-02-2021 04-02-2021 2019-11-04 08-02.2020 2020-02-09 svt Brandschutz Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH International, Seevetal (Germany) ETA-13/0100 ETA-13/0821 ETA-13/0543 ETA-13/0903 0761-CPD-0287 0761-CPD-0294 0761-CPD-0351 0761-CPD-0372 2013-05-06 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2013-06-28 2018-03-15 2018-06-28 2018-06-06 2018-06-28 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate ETA-14/0418 ETA-16/0016 0761-CPR-00426 0761-CPR-00426 Date of issue End of validity 2015-07-27 2016-02-03 2020-07-26 2021-02-02 0761-CPD-0290 2013-06-28 2018-01-30 0761-CPR-0520 0761-CPR-0521 13-06-2016 13-06-2016 12-06-2021 12-06-2021 2007-12-20 2013-06-25 2013-06-25 2013-06-25 2013-06-25 2018-06-24 2018-06-24 2018-06-24 2018-06-24 2012-06-20 2012-06-20 2017-06-19 2017-06-19 TECE GmbH, Emsdetten (Germany) ETA-11/0437 Thrakon S.A., Athen (Greece) EN 1504-3 EN 1504-6 Tinglev Elementfabrik GmbH, Berlin (Germany) EN 1520 EN13225 EN13747 EN14991 EN14992 0761-CPD-0061 0761-CPD-0305 0761-CPD-0306 0761-CPD-0307 0761-CPD-0308 triple A logistix, Vienna (Austria) EN 12620 EN 13139 0761-CPD-0232 0761-CPD-0233 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity TROX GmbH, Neukirchen-Vluyn (Germany) MPA ZP 00 EN 15650 MPA-BS 6000/043/15 UAE-33/15 2015-03-25 2015-06-23 2017-03-24 2020-06-23 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2013-11-22 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2018-11-21 - TROX TLT GmbH, Bad Hersfeld (Germany) EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPD-0006 0761-CPD-0007 0761-CPR-0008 0761-CPD-0009 0761-CPD-0010 0761-CPD-0011 0761-CPD-0012 0761-CPD-0013 0761-CPD-0014 0761-CPD-0015 0761-CPD-0019 0761-CPD-0034 0761-CPD-0037 0761-CPD-0067 0761-CPD-0068 0761-CPD-0070 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPD-0073 0761-CPD-0117 0761-CPD-0122 0761-CPD-0164 0761-CPD-0165 0761-CPR-0168 0761-CPD-0201 0761-CPD-0225 0761-CPD-0226 0761-CPD-0239 0761-CPR-0392 MPA-BS 003/01/14 0761-CPR-0429 0761-CPR-0431 0761-CPR-0432 0761-CPR-0438 0761-CPR-0491 0761-CPR-0492 0761-CPR-0494 Date of issue End of validity 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2015-01-27 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-11-19 2012-03-27 2014-04-02 2014-09-15 2015-04-02 2015-04-02 2015-04-02 12-04-2016 05-02-2016 05-02-2016 25-05-2016 2020-06-15 2017-07-03 2017-07-03 2017-10-10 2019-04-01 2017-09-14 2020-03-23 2020-03-23 2020-03-23 26-05-2020 04-02-2021 04-02-2021 17-05-2021 2012-05-15 2017-05-14 Uponor GmbH, Hamburg (Germany) EN 13967 0761-CPD-0218 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity Vandex Isoliermittel-Gesellschaft mbH, Schwarzenbek (Germany) EN 1504-2 EN 1504-3 EN 1504-6 EN 1504-7 0761-CPR-0110 0761-CPR-0111 0761-CPR-0281 0761-CPR-0282 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 2018-06-30 2018-06-30 2018-06-30 2018-06-30 2010-12-15 2015-12-15 UAE-014/15 UAE-028/15 UAE-029/15 2015-05-06 2015-05-06 2015-05-06 2020-05-05 2020-05-05 2020-05-05 0761-CPD-0251 2012-11-19 2017-02-09 2007-10-01 - VG-Orth, Stadtoldendorf (Germany) EN 12859 MPA-BS 6080/209/10 voestalpine Krems GmbH, Krems (Austria) EN 16034 EN 16034 EN 16034 Wavin GmbH, Twist (Germany) ETA-11/0498 WEBAC-Chemie GmbH, Barsbüttel (Germany) EN 1504-5 0761-CPD-0059 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate Date of issue End of validity WeGo Systembaustoffe GmbH, Hanau (Germany) EN 13967 0761-CPD-0120 2009-12-08 - 2011-02-01 2011-02-01 2012-11-26 2017-11-25 20-06-2016 18-05-2016 18-05-2016 2012-08-09 17-05-2021 17-05-2021 17-05-2021 2017-08-08 2008-06-04 2008-06-04 2009-03-23 2006-01-25 2006-01-25 - Wika Isolier- und Dämmtechnik GmbH, Ingolstadt (Germany) EN 13967 EN 13967 EN 13967 0761-CPD-0167 0761-CPD-0186 0761-CPD-0255 Wildeboer Bauteile GmbH, Weener (Germany) EN 15650 EN 15650 EN 15650 EN 15650 0761-CPR-0240 0761-CPR-0241 0761-CPR-0242 0761-CPD-0243 Witt & Sohn AG, Pinneberg (Germany) EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPD-0002 0761-CPD-0003 0761-CPD-0004 0761-CPD-0020 0761-CPD-0021 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPD-0022 0761-CPD-0032 0761-CPD-0033 0761-CPD-0035 0761-CPD-0039 0761-CPD-0041 0761-CPD-0042 0761-CPD-0043 0761-CPD-0044 0761-CPD-0045 0761-CPD-0046 0761-CPD-0047 0761-CPD-0054 0761-CPD-0055 0761-CPD-0056 0761-CPD-0064 0761-CPD-0065 0761-CPD-0066 0761-CPD-0081 0761-CPD-0082 0761-CPD-0083 0761-CPD-0084 Date of issue 2009-03-23 200604-07 200604-07 2006-04-26 2010-10-19 2010-10-19 2009-09-28 2009-09-28 2006-09-29 2006-10-17 2006-08-30 2006-09-06 2007-04-12 2007-04-12 2007-04-12 2008-03-31 2008-03-31 2008-03-31 2008-11-17 2008-11-17 2008-11-17 2008-11-17 End of validity - International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 MPA-BS 003/3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPD-0091 0761-CPD-0092 0761-CPD-0093 0761-CPD-0118 0761-CPD-0119 003/001/16 0761-CPD-0158 0761-CPD-0159 0761-CPD-0160 0761-CPD-0190 0761-CPD-0192 0761-CPD-0193 0761-CPD-0202 0761-CPD-0203 0761-CPD-0204 0761-CPD-0256 0761-CPD-0257 0761-CPR-0272 0761-CPR-0273 0761-CPD-0283 0761-CPD-0299 0761-CPR-0443 Date of issue 2008-11-17 2008-11-17 2008-11-17 2009-09-28 2009-09-28 17-05-2016 2010-03-09 2010-03-09 2010-03-09 2011-08-17 2011-08-17 2011-08-17 2011-08-17 2011-08-17 2011-08-17 2012-10-09 2012-10-09 25-02-2016 25-02-2016 2013-06-04 2013-06-04 2015-07-09 End of validity 2018-06-04 2017-10-08 2017-10-08 24-02-2021 24-02-2021 2018-06-03 2018-06-03 2020-07-08 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPR-0444 0761-CPR-0445 0761-CPR-0446 0761-CPR-0447 0761-CPR-0448 0761-CPR-0466 0761-CPR-0467 0761-CPR-0468 0761-CPR-0474 0761-CPR-0475 0761-CPR-0476 Date of issue End of validity 2015-07-09 2015-07-09 2015-07-09 2015-07-09 2015-07-09 2015-11-30 2015-11-30 2015-11-30 2015-11-30 2015-11-30 2015-11-30 2020-07-08 2020-07-08 2020-07-08 2020-07-08 2020-07-08 2020-11-29 2020-11-29 2020-11-29 2020-11-29 2020-11-29 2020-11-29 2006-08-01 2014-07-29 2008-04-24 2008-12-01 2012-05-28 2014-03-12 2014-03-12 2014-06-10 2015-02-02 2019-07-28 2017-05-28 2016-03-11 2016-03-11 2019-06-09 2020-02-02 Wolter GmbH Maschinen- und Apparatebau KG, Malsch (Germany) EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPD-0040 0761-CPR-0053 0761-CPD-0069 0761-CPD-0100 0761-CPD-0230 UAE-001/14 UAE-002/14 0761-CPR-0394 0761-CPR-0417 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 UAE-013/15 UAE-017/15 UAE-018/15 MPA-BS-Z-048/16 0761-CPR-0517 Date of issue End of validity 2015-02-02 2015-02-02 2015-02-02 09-05-2016 17-05-2016 2020-02-02 2020-02-02 2020-02-02 08-05-2021 16-05-2021 21-03-2016 07-11-2016 2006-10-30 2006-10-30 2006-10-30 2006-10-30 2006-10-30 - 2015-06-30 2015-06-30 2015-06-30 2015-06-30 2020-06-29 2020-06-29 2020-06-29 2020-06-29 Würth HandelsgesmbH, Böheimkirchen (Austria) ETA-13/1017 0761-CPD-0505 York Denmark ApS, Naestved (Denmark) EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 EN 12101-3 0761-CPD-0048 0761-CPD-0049 0761-CPD-0050 0761-CPD-0051 0761-CPD-0052 Zapp-Zimmermann GmbH, Marconistr- 7-9, 50769 Köln (Deutschland) MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 MPA ZP 00 UAE-035/15 UAE-037/15 UAE-039/15 UAE-041/15 International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 Basis of certification Number of certificate MPA ZP 00 MPA-BS 6000/079-2/15 Date of issue End of validity 2015-07-01 2017-06-30 2014-02-06 2019-02-05 2007-07-30 - ZITRON Nederland BV, Hengelo (The Netherlands) EN 12101-3 0761-CPR-0379 3|S Selbstbau Werner Schubert GmbH & Co., Göttingen (Germany) EN 13225 0761-CPD-0058 Explanations for the certification programs: EN 998-2 Specification for mortar for masonry - Part 2: Masonry mortar EN 1504-2 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Part 2: Surface protection systems for concrete EN 1504-3 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Part 3: Structural and non-structural repair EN 1504-4 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Part 4: Structural bonding EN 1504-5 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Part 5: Concrete injection EN 1520 Prefabricated reinforced components of lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure EN 12101-1 Smoke and heat control systems - Part 1: Specification for smoke barriers International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 EN 12101-2 Smoke and heat control systems - Part 2: Specification for natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators EN 12101-3 Smoke and heat control systems - Part 3: Specification for powered smoke and heat control ventilators EN 12101-7 Smoke and heat control systems - Part 7: Smoke duct sections EN 12101-8 Smoke and heat control systems - Part 8: Smoke control dampers EN 12467 Fibre-cement flat sheets - Product specification and test methods EN 12620 Aggregates for concrete EN 12859 Gypsum blocks - Definitions, requirements and test methods EN 13055-1 Lightweight aggregates - Part 1: Lightweight aggregates for concrete, mortar and grout EN 13139 Aggregates for mortar EN 13168 Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made wood wool (WW) products EN 13224 Precast concrete products - Ribbed floor elements EN 13225 Precast concrete products - Linear structural elements EN 13693 Precast concrete products – Special roof elements EN 13747 Precast concrete products - Floor plates for floor systems EN 13956 Flexible sheets for waterproofing of roofs EN 13964 Suspended ceilings International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 EN 13967 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Plastic and rubber damp proof sheets including plastic and rubber basement tanking sheet EN 13969 Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Bitumen damp proof sheets including bitumen basement tanking sheets EN 14351-1 Windows and external pedestrian doorsets without resistance to fire and/or smoke leakage characteristics EN 14509 Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating panels - Factory made products EN 14716 Stretched ceilings EN 14843 Precast concrete products - Stairs EN 14889-1 Fibres for concrete - Part 1: Steel fibres EN 14889-2 Fibres for concrete - Part 2: Polymer fibres EN 14991 Precast concrete products - Foundation elements EN 14992 Precast concrete products - Wall elements EN 15050 Precast concrete products – Bridge elements EN 15283-2 Gypsum boards with fibrous reinforcement - Gypsum fibre boards EN 15650 Ventilation for buildings - Fire dampers EN 16034 Pedestrian doorsets, industrial, commercial, garage doors and openable windows - Fire resistance and/or smoke control characteristics ETA European Technical Approval on Guideline 013: Post-tensioning kits for prestressing of structures International certificates issued by MPA Braunschweig Status: 20-06-2016 ETA European Technical Approval on Guideline 018: Fire protective products ETA European Technical Approval on Guideline 022: Watertight covering kid for wet-room floors and walls ETA European Technical Approval on Guideline 026: Fire Stopping and Fire Sealing Products MPA-BS 003/1 Certification program ‘Products for fire and smoke protection’, smoke barriers MPA-BS 003/3 Certification program ‘Products for fire and smoke protection’, powered smoke and heat control ventilators MPA ZP 00 General Requirements for Certification of Fire Protection Products
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