L2 A Letter to Australia

L2 A Letter to Australia
Dear Mom and Dad
親 愛なるお母さんとお父さんへ
How are you?// I am very happy!// Now,/ I am writing/ this letter/ in the school
元気 ですか?//
私 はとても幸せです!//
私は書いています/ この手 紙を/
学 校の図 書 館 で//
library.// I made/ a lot of new friends/ at school.// They are very friendly and kind.//
私は~を作りました/ たくさんの新しい友 達を/
学 校で//
On the first day/ of school,/ some students were playing/ the wadaiko.// It i s a
最初 の日/
学 校の/
一 部の生 徒 が~を演奏していました/
和 太 鼓を//
Traditional Japanese drum.// I was very excited/ and/ joined the wadaiko club.//
伝 統 的な日本 の太 鼓です//
そして/ 和 太 鼓 部に参 加しました//
In Australia,/ I played the drums,/ and/ now/ I enjoy the wadaiko.// The two drums
私はドラムを演奏 し/
私は和 太 鼓を楽しんでいます//
2 つの太 鼓は違 ったように
look different/ and/ their sounds are different,/ too.// But/ I play the wadaiko/ with
そして/ それらの音は違います/
でも/ 私は和 太 鼓を演 奏します/
the same passion.// Music is wonderful!// It is a universal language.//
同じ情 熱をこめて//
Write soon//
手 紙をください//
音 楽は素 晴らしい!//
世 界 的な言 語です//
L2 A Letter to Australia
Dear Mom and Dad
How are you?// I am very happy!// Now,/ I am writing/ this letter/ in the school
library.// I made/ a lot of new friends/ at school.// They are very friendly and kind.//
On the first day/ of school,/ some students were playing/ the wadaiko.// It is a
Traditional Japanese drum.// I was very excited/ and/ joined the wadaiko club.//
In Australia,/ I played the drums,/ and/ now/ I enjoy the wadaiko.// The two drums
look different/ and/ their sounds are different,/ too.// But/ I play the wadaiko/ with
the same passion.// Music is wonderful!// It is a universal language.//
Write soon//