8:30-8:50 ASCO Presidential Lecture / ASCO 会長講演 PLR-1 WORKING WITH YOU TO IMPROVE CANCER CARE IN THE 21st CENTURY Daniel F. Hayes(University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, USA) Chair : Hironobu Minami(Department of Oncology / Hematology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) ASCO/JSMO Joint Symposium / ASCO/JSMO 合同シンポジウム AJ-1 From the clinic to the lab: Investigating immune responses to immune checkpoint therapies Padmanee Sharma(Immunotherapy Platform, Department of Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Department of Immunology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA) AJ-2 REGULATORY T CELLS IN CANCER Alexander Rudensky(Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Immunology Program, Ludwig Center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, USA) AJ-3 Development of personalized combination cancer immunotherapy Yutaka Kawakami(Division of Cellular Signaling, Institute for Advanced Medical Research, Keio University School of Medicine) AJ-4 Regulatory T cells as a target of cancer immunotherapy Hiroyoshi Nishikawa(Division of Cancer Immunology, Exploratory Oncology Research and Clinical Trial Center, National Cancer Center) Sponsored by Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund / 公益財団法人 高松宮妃癌研究基金後援 PD-5 メディカルスタッフ Immune Check Point Inhibito; Management of Immune Related Adverse Events 免疫チェックポイント阻害薬の副作用管理 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Chairs : Nobuyuki Yamamoto(Division of Pulmonary Medicine & Medical Oncology Wakayama Medical University) Makoto Nishio(The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR Department of Thoracic Medical Oncology) 司会: 山本 信之(和歌山県立医科大学 呼吸器内科・腫瘍内科) 西尾 誠人(がん研究会有明病院 呼吸器内科) PD-5-1 免疫チェックポイント阻害剤の副作用管理 腫瘍内科医の立場から Shigehisa Kitano(National Cancer Center Hospital) 北野 滋久(国立がん研究センター中央病院 先端医療科) PD-5-2 免疫チェックポイント阻害剤による免疫関連有害事象 Isamu Okamoto(Research Institute for Diseases of Chest, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University) 岡本 勇(九州大学病院呼吸器科) Poster Room Room 9 13:30-15:30 Panel Discussion 5 /パネルディスカッション 5 Room 8 Room 7 Room 6 Room 5 Room 4 Cancer Immunotherapy Chairs : Hironobu Minami(Department of Oncology / Hematology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) Daniel F. Hayes(University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, USA) Room 3 AJ Room 2 8:50-11:50 Room 1 Sponsored by Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund / 公益財団法人 高松宮妃癌研究基金後援 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 1(神戸国際展示場 2 号館 1F コンベンションホール南) 245 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) PD-5-3 当院の IO 副作用対策チームの取り組み Takako Nakajima(St.Marianna University School of Medicine, Department of Clinical Oncology) 中島 貴子(聖マリアンナ医科大学 臨床腫瘍学講座) PD-5-4 免疫チェックポイント阻害薬の副作用管理~看護師の立場から~ Erika Onuki(Department of Nursing, National Cancer Center) 小貫 恵理佳(国立がん研究センター中央病院 看護部) Room 1 PD-5-5 薬剤師の立場からの免疫チェックポイント阻害剤の副作用管理 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Room 9 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Poster Room 246 Kimiko Fujiwara(Kindai University Hospital) 藤原 季美子(近畿大学医学部附属病院 薬剤部) 8:30-10:00 WS-2 Workshop 2 /ワークショップ 2 Optimizing treatment in luminal breast cancer - Chemotherapy versus endocrine therapy for primary systemic therapy Clinical Debate -Luminal 乳癌の術前薬物療法は、内分泌療法か、殺細胞性抗癌剤か? - WS-2-1 The current status and future perspective of the primary systemic therapy for the ER-positive breast cancer patients Norikazu Masuda(NHO Osaka National Hospital, Surgery, Breast Oncology) Room 2 ER 陽性乳癌における術前薬物療法の現状と将来展望 増田 慎三(大阪医療センター 外科・乳腺外科) Room 3 WS-2-2 Preoperative therapy for luminal breast cancer-chemotherapy Yoichi Naito(Department of Developmental Therapeutics/Breast and Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East) Luminal 乳がんの術前薬物療法 - 化学療法 Room 4 内藤 陽一(国立がん研究センター東病院 先端医療科 / 乳腺・腫瘍内科) Room 5 WS-2-3 From the viewpoint of Endocrine therapy Naoki Niikura(Tokai University School of Medicine) 閉経後の内分泌療法の立場から 新倉 直樹(東海大学 医学部 外科学系 乳腺・内分泌外科学) for postmenopausal luminal breast cancer Hiroshi Ishiguro(Department of Target Therapy Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto University) 内分泌療法 or 殺細胞性抗がん剤治療? - 閉経後 Luminal B 乳癌症例における術前薬物 療法を新規抗がん薬臨床開発の観点から考える 石黒 洋(京都大学大学院医学研究科 標的治療腫瘍学講座) Room 9 10:10-11:40 International Symposium 26 /インターナショナルシンポジウム 26 Chair : Koji Matsumoto(Hyogo Cancer Center) ISY-26-1 TC+BEV from GOG218 Robert L. Coleman(University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA) ISY-26-2 Dose-dense TC for ovarian cancer Noriyuki Katsumata(Department of Medical Oncology, Nippon Medical School Musashikosugi Hospital) Sponsored by Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund / 公益財団法人 高松宮妃癌研究基金後援 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 ISY-26 Clinical Debate; TC+BEV or dose dense TC? Room 8 Room 7 WS-2-4 Primary endocrine therapy or cytotoxic chemotherapy New treatment strategy Room 6 Room 1 Chairs : Hiroji Iwata(Aichi Cancer Center Hospital, Breast Oncology) Chikako Shimizu(National Cancer Center Hospital) 司会: 岩田 広治(愛知県がんセンター中央病院 乳腺科) 清水 千佳子(国立がん研究センター中央病院) Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 2(神戸国際展示場 2 号館 1F コンベンションホール北 1) Poster Room 247 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) 13:30-15:30 Symposium 15 JBCS/JSMO Joint Symposium /シンポジウム 15 日本乳癌学会・日本臨床腫瘍学会 合同シンポジウム SY-15 Futuristic medical therapy for breast cancer 乳がん薬物療法の近未来 Chairs : Yoshinori Ito(Breast Medical Oncology, Cancer Institute Hospital) Junichi Kurebayashi(Department of Breast and Thyroid Surgery, Kawasaki Medical School) 司会: 伊藤 良則(がん研有明病院 乳腺内科) 紅林 淳一(川崎医科大学 乳腺甲状腺外科) SY-15-1 Current Primary Systemic Therapy and Future Perspectives in patients with Room 1 Room 2 HER2-positive Breast Cancer Masataka Sawaki(Aichi Cancer Center, Breast Oncology) HER2 陽性乳がん初期治療における進歩と今後の課題 澤木 正孝(愛知県がんセンター中央病院 乳腺科) SY-15-2 Personalized medicine for HER2 positive breast cancer Room 3 Kenji Tamura(Department of Breast and Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital) HER2 陽性乳がんの個別化治療 Room 4 田村 研治(国立がん研究センター中央病院 乳腺・腫瘍内科) SY-15-3 Treatment strategy for metastatic breast cancers Room 5 Hirofumi Mukai(Breast and Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East) HER2 陰性進行再発乳がんの治療戦略 向井 博文(国立がん研究センター東病院 乳腺・腫瘍内科) Room 6 SY-15-4 Precision medicine for HER2 negative metastatic breast cancer Room 7 Fumikata Hara(Shikoku Cancer Center, Department of Breast Oncology) HER2 陰性進行再発乳がんにおける個別化治療 Room 8 Room 9 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Poster Room 248 原 文堅(四国がんセンター 乳腺科・化学療法科) 8:30-10:00 WS-3 Workshop 3 /ワークショップ 3 International Session Is Inducution chemotherapy for Head and neck cancer the standard of care? (Pros and Cons session) Chairs : Jan B. Vermorken(Department of Medical Oncology, Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem, Belgium) Sadamoto Zenda(Department of Radiation Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East) Cancer (HNSCC) WS-3-2 Induction chemotherapy for organ preservation strategy (Pros) Makoto Tahara(Department of Head and Neck Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East) WS-3-3 Chemoradiotherapy the gold standard Sadamoto Zenda(National Cancer Center Hospital East, Department of Radiation Oncology) WS-3-4 Upfront surgery is gold standard for locally advenced head and neck cancer Sponsored by Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund / 公益財団法人 高松宮妃癌研究基金後援 SY-16 Room 6 10:10-11:40 Symposium 16 /シンポジウム 16 Oral management as a supportive care in cancer: Future perspective 本邦における口腔支持療法のこれから Yasutsuna Sasaki(Division of Medical Oncology, Showa University) 本邦における口腔支持療法 : 現状と課題 佐々木 康綱(昭和大学 医学部内科学講座腫瘍内科部門) SY-16-2 What is a "real collaboration" between medical and dental professionals in cancer treatment ? Tadaaki Kirita(Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nara Medical University) がん治療における真の医科歯科連携とは 桐田 忠昭(奈良県立医科大学 口腔外科学講座) SY-16-3 Ideal collaboration for the medical services by multi kinds of proffessionals, especially medical doctors and dentists Hideki Tanzawa(Department of Dentistry and Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery, Chiba University Hospital) 真の医科・歯科連携、多職種連携を考える Poster Room Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Room 9 where we will go Room 8 SY-16-1 Oral and dental management in cancer treatment in Japan, where we are and Room 7 Chairs : Yoshiyuki Kizawa(Department of Palliative Medicine Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) Kakuhiro Fukai(Fukai Dental Clinic / Fukai Institute of Health Science) 司会: 木澤 義之(神戸大学大学院医学研究科 内科系講座 先端緩和医療学分野) 深井 穫博(深井歯科医院 / 深井保健科学研究所) Room 5 Takenori Ogawa(Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine) Room 4 Room 3 Room 2 Jan B. Vermorken(Department of Medical Oncology, Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem, Belgium) Room 1 WS-3-1 Induction Chemotherapy in Unresectable Head and Neck Squamous Cell Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 3(神戸国際展示場 2 号館 2F 2A 会議室) 丹沢 秀樹(千葉大学医学部附属病院 歯科・顎・口腔外科) 249 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) SY-16-4 Current issues of the oral supportive care and guidelines in Japan Yoko Kawase-Koga(Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tokyo Medical University) 本邦における口腔支持療法の現状とガイドラインについて 古賀 陽子(東京医科大学 口腔外科学分野) SY-16-5 Summary of the "MASCC/ISOO Evidence Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Room 1 Room 2 Mucositis Secondary to Cancer Therapy" Yoshihiko Soga(Division of Hospital Dentistry, Okayama University Hospital) 「MASCC/ISOO がん治療に伴う粘膜障害に対するエビデンスに基づいた臨床診療ガイ ドライン」の策定過程と概要 曽我 賢彦(岡山大学病院 医療支援歯科治療部) SY-16-6 Oral mucositis : The actual management and topics in Japan Room 3 Takao Ueno(National Cancer Center Hospital) 本邦のがん診療の現場での口腔粘膜炎:管理の現状とトピック Room 4 上野 尚雄(国立がん研究センター中央病院 総合内科・歯科・がん救急科) 13:30-15:30 International Symposium 27 /インターナショナルシンポジウム 27 Room 5 ISY-27 Adolescent and young adult (AYA) oncology: current management and future collaborative approaches Room 6 Chairs : Winette van der Graaf(The Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK) Makoto Kodaira(KODAIRA HOSPITAL) ISY-27-1 Molecular target therapy of AYA-generation lung cancer based on druggable Room 7 gene alterations Takashi Kohno(Division of Genome Biology, National Cancer Center Research Institute / Division of TR, EPOC, National Cancer Center) Room 8 ISY-27-2 Treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adolescent and young adult by pediatric protocols Fumihiko Hayakawa(Nagoya University Hospital) Room 9 ISY-27-3 Starting a multidisciplinary team for Adolescents and Young Adults with cancer in National Cancer Center Hospital Seiko Bun(Department of Pharmacy, National Cancer Center Hospital) Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 ISY-27-4 AYA ONCOLOGY IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Winette van der Graaf(The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK / The Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK) Sponsored by Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund / 公益財団法人 高松宮妃癌研究基金後援 Poster Room 250 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 4(神戸国際展示場 2 号館 3F 3A 会議室) 8:30-9:50 MiniSY-4 Mini-symposium 4 /ミニシンポジウム 4 Treatment of primary unknown cancers in 2016-current standard and future directions2016 年における原発不明がん診療 - 現状と今後の方向性 - Room 1 Chairs : Yoshihiro Torimoto(Asahikawa Medical University Hospital, Oncology Center) Hiroyuki Shibata(Department of Clinical Oncology, Akita University) 司会: 鳥本 悦宏(旭川医科大学病院 腫瘍センター) 柴田 浩行(秋田大学大学院医学系研究科 臨床腫瘍学分野) MiniSY-4-1Appropriate clinical practice based on the Japanese guideline for unknown primary carcinoma Hirofumi Mukai(Breast and Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East) ガイドラインに基づいた原発不明がん診療 Room 2 向井 博文(国立がん研究センター東病院 乳腺・腫瘍内科) Room 3 Shigemi Matsumoto(Department of Clinical Oncology, Kyoto University Hospital) 原発不明がん患者に対するクリニカルシーケンス(OncoPrimeTM)を用いた precision medicine Room 4 MiniSY-4-3A randomized phase II study to evaluate the significance of predicting primary Room 5 MiniSY-4-2Precision medicine for a patient with cancer of unknown primary site 松本 繁巳(京都大学医学部附属病院 がん薬物治療科) site by using gene microarray Takayasu Kurata(Kansai Medical University Hospital, Department of Thoracic Oncology) 未治療原発不明癌に対する DNA チップを用いた原発巣推定に基づく治療効果の意義を 問う無作為化第 II 相試験 倉田 宝保(関西医科大学附属病院 呼吸器腫瘍内科) Room 7 MiniSY-4-4Gene expression and mutation profiling to determine the site of origin in carcinoma of unknown primary site using NGS Hidetoshi Hayashi(Departmen of Medical Oncology, Kindai University, Faculty of Medicine) 次世代シーケンサーを用いた原発巣推定 10:00-12:00 Symposium 17 /シンポジウム 17 SY-17 メディカルスタッフ Multidisciplinary approaches to support study patients; current issues of care for patients in cancer clinical trials and multidisciplinary collaboration 臨床試験として治療を受ける患者を支えるチーム医療 - がん臨床試験における患者ケアの課題と多職種協働 - Chairs : Izumi Kohara(Jichi Medical University, School of Nursing) Toru Mukohara(Cancer Center and Medical Oncology / Hematology, Kobe University Hospital) 司会: 小原 泉(自治医科大学 看護学部 臨床研究支援センター) 向原 徹(神戸大学医学部附属病院 腫瘍センター) SY-17-1 がん臨床試験における患者ケアの課題と多職種協働:腫瘍内科医の役割 Kiyotaka Yoh(National Cancer Center Hospital East) 葉 清隆(国立がん研究センター東病院 呼吸器内科) SY-17-2 The role of the Clinical Research Nurse as a research team member Poster Room Noriko Fijiwara(University of California San Diego Extension Project Management Certificate Program) Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Room 9 林 秀敏(近畿大学医学部 内科学腫瘍内科) Room 8 Room 6 251 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) 臨床試験にかかわる看護師の役割 藤原 紀子(University of California San Diego Extension Project Management Certificate Program) SY-17-3 臨床研究コーディネーターの役割 Naoko Sou(Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research Cancer Institute Hospital, Clinical Research Department) 宋 菜緒子(がん研究会有明病院 / 臨床試験部) Room 1 SY-17-4 がん専門相談員の役割 Kayoko Miyata(National Cancer Center) 宮田 佳代子(国立がん研究センター中央病院) Room 2 SY-17-5 臨床心理士の役割 Momoyo Ohki(Bunkyo University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology) 大木 桃代(文教大学 人間科学部心理学科) Room 3 13:30-15:30 Symposium 18 /シンポジウム 18 Room 4 SY-18 メディカルスタッフ Evidence of cancer rehabilitation がんリハビリテーションのエビデンス Room 5 Chairs : Tetsuya Tsuji(Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine) Yoshitada Sakai(Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) 司会: 辻 哲也(慶應義塾大学 医学部 リハビリテーション医学教室) 酒井 良忠(神戸大学大学院医学研究科 リハビリテーション機能回復学) Room 6 SY-18-1 Rehabilitation in cancer patients during and after chemotherapy 化学療法中・後の患者に対するリハビリテーションとそのエビデンス Room 8 Akira Tanuma(Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shizuoka Cancer Center) Room 7 田沼 明(静岡がんセンター リハビリテーション科) SY-18-2 Clinical practice and evidence on rehabilitation for patients undergoing Room 9 hematopoietic cell transplantation Junichiro Inoue(Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kobe University Hospital) 造血細胞移植に対するリハビリテーションとそのエビデンス 井上 順一朗(神戸大学医学部附属病院 リハビリテーション部) SY-18-3 Rehabilitation approaches for patients with breast cancer and lymphedema Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Kaori Muraoka(Keio University, School of Medicine, Department of Rehabilitation) 乳がんとリンパ浮腫に対するリハビリテーションとそのエビデンス 村岡 香織(慶應義塾大学 医学部 リハビリテーション医学教室) SY-18-4 Rehabilitation for patients with cancer at Wakayama Medical University Hospital Yukihide Nishimura(Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Wakayama Medical University) 当院におけるがんリハビリテーション 西村 行秀(和歌山県立医科大学 リハビリテーション医学) SY-18-5 Rehabilitation of bone metastases Poster Room Eiji Nakata(Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shikoku cancer center) 当院における骨転移のリハビリの取り組み 252 中田 英二(四国がんセンター 整形外科・リハビリテーション科) 8:30-10:00 PD-6 Panel Discussion 6 /パネルディスカッション 6 メディカルスタッフ Practical Management of Febrile Neutropenia on Outpatient Clinic 外来化学療法における発熱性好中球減少症の管理と工夫 Room 1 Chairs : Kiyohiko Hatake(Department of Hematology Oncology, Cancer Institute Hospital) Yasushi Takamatsu(Division of Medical Oncology, Hematology and Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Fukuoka University) 司会: 畠 清彦(がん研究会有明病院 血液腫瘍内科) 髙松 泰(福岡大学医学部 腫瘍・血液・感染症内科) PD-6-1 Management of patients with low-risk febrile neutropenia in outpatient Yasushi Takamatsu(Division of Medical Oncology, Hematology and Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Fukuoka University) エビデンスに基づく発熱性好中球減少症のマネージメント Room 3 treatment Room 2 髙松 泰(福岡大学医学部 腫瘍・血液・感染症内科) Room 4 PD-6-2 外来化学療法における発熱性好中球減少症:看護師による取り組み Chisato Ichikawa(Department of Nursing, National Cancer Center Hospital East) 市川 智里(国立がん研究センター東病院 看護部) febrile neutropenia Keiko Kondo(Nursing Department, Kitakyusyu Municipal Medical Center) Room 6 Room 5 PD-6-3 Outpatient chemotherapy center's measures for prevention of seriousness 発熱性好中球減少症の重症化予防のための外来化学療法センターの取組み 近藤 佳子(北九州市立医療センター 看護部) 10:10-11:40 Panel Discussion 7 /パネルディスカッション 7 PD-7 Early Detection and Treatment of Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression: Intensive Approach to Improve ADL and QoL 早期発見、迅速対応で防ぐ脊髄圧迫の ADL QOL 向上 PD-7-1 Strategy for Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression: High Volume Center Experience Kazuya Oshima(Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases) 脊髄圧迫症例への手術適応とその治療結果:High volume center experience 大島 和也(大阪府立成人病センター 整形外科 骨軟部腫瘍科) PD-7-2 Prevention of Paraplegia by a Novel Therapeutic Strategy of Bone Metastases Eiji Nakata(Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shikoku Cancer Center) 脊椎転移による麻痺予防の取り組み Poster Room Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Chairs : Yutaka Fujiwara(Department of Experimental Therapentics, National Cancer Center Hospital) Nobuaki Matsubara(National Cancer Center Hospital East, Breast and Medical Oncology) 司会: 藤原 豊(国立がん研究センター中央病院 先端医療科) 松原 伸晃(国立がん研究センター東病院 乳腺・腫瘍内科) Room 9 Room 8 Takashi Yokokawa(Department of Pharmacy, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research) 横川 貴志(がん研有明病院 薬剤部) Room 7 PD-6-4 発熱性好中球減少症による外来化学療法の減量・中止を回避するための薬剤師の役割 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 5(神戸国際展示場 1 号館 2F 展示室 A) 中田 英二(四国がんセンター 整形外科・リハビリテーション科) 253 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) PD-7-3 Clinical Significance of Prophylactic Radiotherapy for Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression Naoki Nakamura(National Cancer Center Hospital East) 転移性脊髄圧迫に対する予防的放射線治療の臨床的意義 中村 直樹(国立がん研究センター東病院 放射線治療科) PD-7-4 Cross-specialty cooperation for the treatment of cancer patients with spinal Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Room 9 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Poster Room 254 bone metastasis in Japan Yoshitada Sakai(Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) 本邦における脊椎転移患者の治療にかかる院内連携の現状の検討 - 骨転移キャンサー ボードが与える影響について 酒井 良忠(神戸大学大学院医学研究科 リハビリテーション機能回復学) 8:30-10:00 MiniSY-5 Mini-Symposium 5 /ミニシンポジウム 5 Upcoming Clinical Applications of MicroRNAs in Oncology マイクロ RNA を活用した近未来がん診療 MiniSY-5-1Nucleic Acid Therapeutics targeting microRNAs Hidetoshi Tahara(Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hiroshima University Institute of Biomedical & Health Sciences) マイクロRNAを標的とした核酸医薬 田原 栄俊(広島大学大学院 医歯薬保健学研究院) Room 3 Room 2 MiniSY-5-2Upregulation of Oncogenic miR-221 in Human Colon Cancer Stem Cells MiniSY-5-3microRNA contributed to the cancer metastasis in CRC cases through the Koshi Mimori(Kyushu University Beppu Hospital) 大腸癌症例の宿主側細胞を介した転移機構に寄与する microRNA 三森 功士(九州大学病院 別府病院 外科) Room 7 Room 6 differentiation of macrophages MiniSY-5-4A novel combination of serum microRNAs for detecting breast cancer and 血清 miRNA を用いた新規乳がん診断および治療効果予測マーカーの開発 MiniSY-5-5Circulating microRNA as a novel liquid biopsy Takahiro Ochiya(Division of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, National Cancer Center Research Institute) マイクロRNAによるがん診断 落谷 孝広(国立がん研究センター研究所 分子細胞治療研究分野) Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 下村 昭彦(国立がん研究センター中央病院 乳腺・腫瘍内科 / 熊本大学大学院 医学教育部 腫瘍 治療・トランスレーショナル学分野) Room 9 Akihiko Shimomura(Department of Breast and Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital / Department of Medical Oncology and Translational Research, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University) Room 8 predicting efficacy of treatment Room 5 Junko Mukohyama(Division of Gastro-intestinal Surgery, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine / Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) 向山 順子(神戸大学大学院医学研究科 食道胃腸外科学分野 / 神戸大学大学院医学研究科 分子 細胞生物学分野) Room 4 Room 1 Chairs : Hidetoshi Sumimoto(Department of Medical Oncology, Shiga University of Medical Science) Natsuko Chiba(Department of Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University) 司会: 住本 秀敏(滋賀医科大学医学部附属病院 腫瘍内科) 千葉 奈津子(東北大学加齢医学研究所 腫瘍生物学分野) Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 6(神戸国際展示場 1 号館 2F 展示室 B) Poster Room 255 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) 10:10-12:10 International Symposium 28 /インターナショナルシンポジウム 28 ISY-28 Emerging new effective treatments of B-cell malignancies Chairs : Nathan Fowler(Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA) Kensei Tobinai(Department of Hematology, National Cancer Center Hospital) ISY-28-1 Cereblon; a direct target of immunomodulatory agents Room 1 Hiroshi Handa(Department of Nanoparticle Translational Research, Tokyo Medical University) ISY-28-2 Lenalidomide and Rituximab: A Novel Biologic Regimen for Indolent Lymphoma Room 2 Nathan Fowler(Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA) ISY-28-3 Selective Btk inhibitor, ONO/GS-4059: Preclinical evidence supporting the Room 3 combination with Idelalisib and obinutuzumab Toshio Yoshizawa(Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Oncology Research Laboratories 1) Room 4 ISY-28-4 Clinical development of BTK inhibitors in Japan Kensei Tobinai(Department of Hematology, National Cancer Center Hospital) ISY-28-5 Emerging Treatment Approaches in Relapsed/Refractory Mantle Cell Room 5 Lymphoma – Targeting Bruton Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) Luhua (Michael) Wang(Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Huston, TX, USA) Room 6 Sponsored by Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund / 公益財団法人 高松宮妃癌研究基金後援 13:30-16:00 International Symposium 29 JSH/JSMO Joint Symposium /インターナショナルシンポジウム 29 日本血液学会・日本臨床腫瘍学会 合同シンポジウム Room 7 ISY-29 New era of new drugs for multiple myeloma Room 8 Chairs : Masahiro Kizaki(Department of Hematology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University) Shinsuke Iida(Department of Hematology and Oncology, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences) Room 9 ISY-29-1 Scientific basis of new targeted therapies for myeloma Masahiro Abe(Department of Hematology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Tokushima University Graduate School) Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 ISY-29-2 NOVEL PROTEASOME INHIBITORS A. Keith Stewart(Mayo Clinic, USA) ISY-29-3 Immunomodulatory Drugs and Monoclonal Antibodies: Emerging New Effective Treatments for Multiple Myeloma Meletios A. Dimopoulos(Department of Clinical Therapeutics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Medicine, Athens, Greece) ISY-29-4 Histone deacetylases as novel therapeutic targets for refractory and relapsed Poster Room 256 multiple myeloma Yusuke Furukawa(Division of Stem Cell Regulation, Center for Molecular Medicine, Jichi Medical University) multiple myeloma in Japan Shinsuke Iida(Department of Hematology and Oncology, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences) Sponsored by Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund / 公益財団法人 高松宮妃癌研究基金後援 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) ISY-29-5 New era with various therapeutic drugs: How to optimize the treatment for Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Room 9 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Poster Room 257 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 7(神戸国際展示場 3 号館 1F 特設会場) 8:30-9:00 Educational Lecture 23 /教育講演 23 Room 1 EL-23 Encouragement of Hematology / Oncology Hematology / Oncology ノススメ Hikaru Nakajima(St Luke's University Hospital Department of Hematology / Medical Oncology) 中島 光(St Luke's University Hospital 血液、腫瘍内科) Chair : Toru Mukohara(Cancer Center and Medical Oncology / Hematology Kobe University Hospital) 司会: 向原 徹(神戸大学医学部附属病院 腫瘍センター) Room 2 9:10-10:30 Room 3 PD-8 Panel Discussion 8 /パネルディスカッション 8 Career Path of Diplomate, Subspeciality Board of Medical Oncology, JSMO がん薬物療法専門医のキャリアパス ヤル気と誇り Room 4 Chairs : Yasuhito Fujisaka(Osaka Medical College Hospital Cancer Center) Hiroyasu Kaneda(Kishiwada City Hospital) 司会: 藤阪 保仁(大阪医科大学附属病院 がんセンター) 金田 裕靖(市立岸和田市民病院 腫瘍内科) PD-8-1 Learn more, Go further at the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 (PMDA) PD-8-2 Working for pharmaceutical company as an oncologist Tomohiro Yamaguchi(Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Office of New Drug V/ National Cancer Center Hospital, Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology) 山口 智宏(医薬品医療機器総合機構 新薬審査第五部 / 国立がん研究センター中央病院 肝胆膵 内科) Room 8 Yoshinobu Namba(Ono Pharmaceutical Co.,ltd) がん薬物療法専門医として企業に勤務する 灘波 良信(小野薬品工業株式会社 開発本部) PD-8-3 The role and career-path of medical oncologist in a municipal hospital Room 9 Satoshi Hara(Itami City Hospital) 市民病院での「がん薬物療法専門医」の役割とキャリアパス Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 原 聡志(市立伊丹病院 内科) PD-8-4 がん薬物療法専門医のキャリアパスとワークライフバランスを考える Poster Room 258 Naoko Chayahara(Department of Medical Oncology/Hematology, Kobe University Hospital) 茶屋原 菜穂子(神戸大学医学部附属病院 腫瘍・血液内科) PD-9 メディカルスタッフ Cancer Education in Schools 今、求められている学校でのがん教育 Chairs : Katsuyuki Hotta(Division of Clinical Research, Center for Innovative Clinical Medicine, Okayama Uninersity Hospital) Hisakazu Nishimori(Department of Hematology and Oncology, Okayama University Hospital) 司会: 堀田 勝幸(岡山大学病院 新医療研究開発センター) 西森 久和(岡山大学病院 血液・腫瘍内科) Room 1 PD-9-1 大阪府におけるがん教育の取組みについて Takeshi Nakatani(Health Promotion Division, Osaka Prefectural Government) 中谷 健志(大阪府健康医療部保健医療室 健康づくり課) そして子供を持つ親として − Room 3 Kazuhiro Sase(Juntendo University) 佐瀬 一洋(順天堂大学大学院医学研究科) PD-9-3 がん教育に向けた神戸市の取組 Ikuo Goishi(Health Education Section, Board of Education Secretariat, Kobe City) 碁石 郁夫(神戸市教育委員会事務局 指導部 健康教育課) Room 4 PD-9-4 「学校でのがん教育」に取り組んで明確になった重要性・素晴らしさと今後の課題 Hisakazu Nishimori(Department of Hematology and Oncology, Okayama University Hospital / Mid-West Japan Cancer Professional Education Consortium) 西森 久和(岡山大学病院 血液・腫瘍内科 / 中国・四国高度がんプロ養成基盤プログラム) SY-19 Roles of healthcare professionals in cancer therapy ~Differences between Japan and the United States, and future directions~ がん治療におけるメディカルスタッフの役割~日米間の異同と今後の方向性~ SY-19-1 DIFFERENCES IN CANCER TREATMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND JAPAN Naoto T. Ueno(The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA) 医師の立場から- Toshio Shimizu(Department of Experimental Therapeutics, National Cancer Center Hospital) 清水 俊雄(国立がん研究センター中央病院 先端医療科) SY-19-3 米国におけるオンコロジー領域の看護師の職務と役割 Miho Suzuki(Cancer Institute Hospital of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, Department of Nursing) 鈴木 美穂(がん研究会有明病院 看護部) SY-19-4 Overseas training for oncology pharmacists in 2015 Eiseki Usami(Department of Pharmacy, Ogaki Municipal Hospital) 2015年度がん専門薬剤師海外研修事業に参加して 宇佐美 英績(大垣市民病院 薬剤部) Poster Room Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 SY-19-2 医師からみた日米におけるメディカルスタッフの役割の違い -治験・臨床試験に携わる Room 9 Room 8 Chairs : Shizue Suzuki(Kobe City College of Nursing) Tomohiro Terada(Department of Pharmacy, Shiga University of Medical Science Hospital) 司会: 鈴木 志津枝(神戸市看護大学) 寺田 智祐(滋賀医科大学医学部附属病院 薬剤部) Room 7 メディカルスタッフ Room 6 13:30-15:30 Symposium 19 /シンポジウム 19 Room 5 Room 2 PD-9-2 モデル授業の実践から得られた「がん教育」への感謝と期待 − 医師として、 患者として、 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) 10:40-12:00 Panel Discussion 9 /パネルディスカッション 9 259 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 8(神戸国際会議場 1F メインホール) 8:30-9:00 Educational Lecture 24 /教育講演 24 Room 1 EL-24 Therapeutic strategy for multiple myeloma -recent progress多発性骨髄種に対する薬物療法 - 最近の知見 - Takaaki Chou(Niigata Cancer Center Hospital) 張 高明(新潟県立がんセンター新潟病院 内科) Chair : Yukio Kobayashi(National Cancer Center Hospital, Hematology Division) 司会: 小林 幸夫(国立がん研究センター中央病院 血液腫瘍科) 9:00-9:30 Educational Lecture 25 /教育講演 25 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 EL-25 Therapeutic strategy for adult acute leukemia 成人急性白血病に対する治療戦略 Hitoshi Kiyoi(Department of Hematology and Oncology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine) 清井 仁(名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 血液・腫瘍内科学) Chair : Kinuko Mitani(Department of Hematology and Oncology Dokkyo Medical University) 司会: 三谷 絹子(獨協医科大学 内科学) 9:30-10:00 Educational Lecture 26 /教育講演 26 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 EL-26 Minimum requirements in biostatistics and clinical trial design 臨床試験の立案に際して必要となる生物統計学的最小要件 Kenichi Yoshimura(Kanazawa University Hospital) 吉村 健一(金沢大学附属病院 先端医療開発センター) Chair : Hiromu Kutsumi(Shiga University of Medical Science, Center for Clinical Reseach and Advanced Medicine) 司会: 久津見 弘(滋賀医科大学医学部附属病院 臨床研究開発センター) 10:00-10:30 Educational Lecture 27 /教育講演 27 Room 8 Room 9 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 EL-27 Application of Bayesian Approach to Clinical Research ベイズ流アプローチの臨床研究への応用 Yasuo Ohashi(Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Society, Chuo University) 大橋 靖雄(中央大学 理工学部) Chair : Kenichi Yoshimura(Kanazawa University Hospital) 司会: 吉村 健一(金沢大学附属病院 先端医療開発センター) 10:40-11:10 Educational Lecture 28 /教育講演 28 EL-28 Systemic treatment for bone and soft tissue sarcomas -current concepts and the latest findings骨軟部肉腫に対する薬物療法 - 最近の知見 - Akira Kawai(Musculoskeletal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital) 川井 章(国立がん研究センター中央病院 骨軟部腫瘍科) Chair : Toshihiro Akisue(Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences) 司会: 秋末 敏宏(神戸大学大学院 保健学研究所) Poster Room 260 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) 11:10-11:40 Educational Lecture 29 /教育講演 29 EL-29 Management of febrile neutropenia in cancer patients 発熱性好中球減少症の適正管理 Yasushi Takamatsu(Division of Medical Oncology, Hematology and Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Fukuoka University) 髙松 泰(福岡大学医学部 腫瘍・血液・感染症内科) Chair : Atsuo Okamura(Medical Oncoogy / Hematology Kakogawa West City Hospital) 司会: 岡村 篤夫(加古川西市民病院 腫瘍・血液内科) Room 1 13:30-14:00 Presidential Lecture /会長講演 PLR-2 Barrier-free cancer drug therapy by medical oncology & clinical pharmacology 臨床腫瘍学と臨床薬理学による Barrier-free のがん薬物療法 Hironobu Minami(Department of Oncology / Hematology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) 南 博信(神戸大学大学院医学研究科 内科学講座 腫瘍・血液内科学分野) Room 2 Chair : Nagahiro Saijo(Japanese Society Medical Oncology) 司会: 西條 長宏(日本臨床腫瘍学会) Room 3 Room 4 14:00-15:00 Special Lecture 4 /特別講演 4 James P. Allison(Department of Immunology, Immunology Platform, MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Texas, USA) Room 7 Sponsored by Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund / 公益財団法人 高松宮妃癌研究基金後援 Room 6 Immune Checkpoint Blockade in Cancer Theraphy: New Insights and Opportunities, and prospects for Cures Chair : Hiroyoshi Nishikawa(Division of Cancer Immunology, Exploratory Oncology Research and Clinical Trial Center, National Cancer Center) Room 5 SL-4 Room 8 Room 9 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Poster Room 261 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 9(神戸国際会議場 3F 国際会議室) 8:30-10:50 International Symposium 30 /インターナショナルシンポジウム 30 ISY-30 Improving the Evidence Base for Treating Older Adults with Cancer Chairs : Takeshi Isobe(Department of Medical Oncology & Respiratory Medicine, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine) Yasuo Hamamoto(Keio University, School of Medicine) Room 1 ISY-30-1 THE ROLE OF SIOG (International Society for Geriatric Oncology); IMPROVING Room 2 ISY-30-2 Improving the Evidence for Treatment in Older adults with cancer in Asia THE EVIDENCE-BASE FOR TREATING OLDER WITH CANCER Matti S. Aapro(Multidisciplinary Oncology Institute, Genolier, Switzerland) Eileen Poon(National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore) Room 3 ISY-30-3 HOW TO IMPROVE HEALTH CARES IN ELDERLY CANCER PATIENTS? A CALL Room 4 FOR MORE SPECIFIC CLINICAL RESEARCH IN GERIATRIC ONCOLOGY BASED ON THE EXPERIENCE OF THE FRENCH UNICANCER GERICO GROUP Etienne GC Brain(Institut Curie, Saint-Cloud, France) ISY-30-4 Comprehensive geriatric assessment for the management of genito-urinary Room 5 cancers in elderly patients Yoshiyuki Kakehi(Department of Urology, Kagawa University Hospital) ISY-30-5 Clinical Trial Methodology for Geriatric Oncology –JCOG Geriatric Research Room 6 Policy Kenichi Nakamura(Clinical Trial Management Section/JCOG Operations Office, National Cancer Center Hospital) Room 7 ISY-30-6 Pharmacokinetics of anticancer agent in elderly patients: visualizing spatial drug distribution in target tissues Akinobu Hamada(National Cancer Center) Room 8 ISY-30-7 Improving the Evidence Generation for Older Adults in Japan Fumio Nagashima(Kyorin University) Room 9 Sponsored by Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund / 公益財団法人 高松宮妃癌研究基金後援 13:30-15:00 Panel Discussion 10 /パネルディスカッション 10 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Chemotherapy for Elderly Cancer Patients and Geriatric Assessment -Research and Clinical Practice- PD-10 高齢者に対するがん薬物療法とリスクアセスメント - 研究と実地臨床 - Chairs : Fumio Nagashima(Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology, School of Medicine, Kyorin University) Tetsuya Hamaguchi(Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital) 司会: 長島 文夫(杏林大学 医学部内科学腫瘍科) 濱口 哲弥(国立がん研究センター中央病院 消化管内科) PD-10-1 Development of CGA tools and regional co-operation network for the precision treatment with elderly cancer patients Yukari Tsubata(Shimane University Faculty of Medicine) 高齢がん患者に対する治療の最適化を指向した総合的機能評価ツールの重要性と島根大 学の取り組み Poster Room 262 津端 由佳里(島根大学医学部内科学講座 呼吸器・臨床腫瘍学) Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) PD-10-2 Geriatric assessment for the evaluation of tolerability to out-patient chemotherapy among elderly cancer patients Naomi Hayashi(Department of Clinical Oncology and Chemotherapy Nagoya University Hospital) 高齢者評価を用いた化学療法忍容性の検討 林 直美(名古屋大学医学部附属病院 化学療法部) Tomonori Mizutani(JCOG Data Center/Operations Office, National Cancer Center) 臨床試験における高齢者総合機能評価 水谷 友紀(国立がん研究センター 研究支援センター JCOG 運営事務局 /JCOG データセンター) PD-10-4 Geriatric assessment using G8 screening tool in elderly patients with unresectable or metastatic gastrointestinal cancer Masahiro Takahashi(Department of Clinical Oncology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University / Department of Medical Oncology, Tohoku University Hospital) 高橋 昌宏(東北大学加齢医学研究所 臨床腫瘍学分野 / 東北大学病院 腫瘍内科) Room 4 PD-10-5 び漫性大細胞 B 細胞性リンパ腫 (DLBCL) 高齢患者に対する包括的高齢者機能評価 (CGA) を用いた適正治療に関する研究~予備調査結果報告 Kazuo Tamura(Fukuoka University, General Medical Research Center) 田村 和夫(福岡大学 医学部総合医学研究センター) Room 5 Room 3 Room 2 Room 1 PD-10-3 Comprehensive geriatric assessment in clinical trial Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Room 9 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Poster Room 263 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 10(神戸国際会議場 4F 401・402 会議室) 8:30-9:30 O3-1 Oral Session 3-1 /口演 3-1 Clinical Pharmacology 臨床薬理 Chair : Yusuke Tanigawara(Department of Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, Keio University School of Medicine) 司会: 谷川原 祐介(慶應義塾大学 医学部 臨床薬剤学) Room 1 O3-1-1 演題取下げ Room 2 O3-1-2 UGT1A1 遺伝子検査導入によるイリノテカン治療の副作用 Profile 変化:A Historical- controlled study Masashi Takano(Department of Clinical Oncology, National Defense Medical College Hospital / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, National Defense Medical College Hospital) 髙野 政志(防衛医科大学校病院 腫瘍化学療法部 / 防衛医科大学校病院 産科婦人科) Room 3 O3-1-3 Pharmacokinetics of adverse events with crizotinib in Japanese patients with Room 4 ABCB1 polymorphism Room 5 Yutaka Fujiwara(Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital / Department of Experimental Therapeutics, National Cancer Center Hospital) 藤原 豊(国立がん研究センター中央病院 呼吸器内科 / 国立がん研究センター中央病院 先端医 療科) O3-1-4 Validity of new methods to evaluate renal function in cancer patients treated with cisplatin Room 6 シスプラチン投与患者における eGFR / CKD-EPI の検討 Hitomi Sumiyoshi Okuma(Department of Breast and Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital) 再発・転移性 HER2 陽性乳がんに対する T-DM1 の免疫応答の新規測定系による測定可 能性の検証試験 Room 9 Room 8 Yohei Funakoshi(Division of Medical Oncology/Hematology, Kobe University Hospital and Graduate School of Medicine) Room 7 船越 洋平(神戸大学医学部附属病院 / 大学院医学研究科 腫瘍・血液内科) O3-1-5 A novel method evaluating antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity in breast cancer patients treated with T-DM1 大熊 ひとみ(国立がん研究センター中央病院 乳腺・腫瘍内科) Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 9:30-10:30 O3-2 Oral Session 3-2 /口演 3-2 International Session Clinical Pharmacology Toxicology Chair : Chiyo Imamura(Department of Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, School of Medicine, Keio University) O3-2-1 Loss of muscle mass associated with the long term use of mTOR inhibitors Bishal Gyawali(Department of Clinical Oncology and Chemotherapy, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine) O3-2-2 The risk of the cerebrovascular disease at the patients with VEGF targeting Poster Room 264 therapy Fumiyuki Yamasaki(Department of Neurosurgery, Graduate School of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Hiroshima University) with regorafenib induced toxicity Takeru Wakatsuki(Tha Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR) O3-2-4 Large-Scale Prospective Pharmacogenomics Study of Oxaliplatin Induced Neuropathy in Colon Cancer Patients Masashi Kanai(Department of Clinical Oncology and Pharmacogenomics, and Palliative Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University) patients with advanced pancreatic cancer Room 2 Meiko Nishimura(Division of Medical Oncology/Hematology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) 11:00-12:00 Oral Session 3-3 /口演 3-3 O3-3 Outpatient Chemotherapy 外来化学療法 O3-3-1 Quality evaluation for standardized chemotherapy system and an instance of Shoko Akiyama(Department of Medical Oncology, Sendai Medical Center) がん診療連携拠点病院を対象とした薬物療法における診療体制の質評価と体制の運用調 査 秋山 聖子(仙台医療センター 腫瘍内科) O3-3-2 Factors Associated With Unplanned Hospitalization of Patients Receiving Yoshiko Irie(Department of Nursing, University of Tsukuba Hospital) 外来化学療法を受ける患者の緊急入院状況に関する調査研究 入江 佳子(筑波大学附属病院 看護部) Room 8 Chemotherapy in the Ambulatory Setting Room 7 O3-3-3 外来化学療法中のがん患者の苦痛~苦痛スクリーニングシートの内容から~ Akemi Tsuchiya(Nagasaki University Hospital Outpatient Chemotherapy Room) 土屋 暁美(長崎大学病院 外来化学療法室) O3-3-4 Importance of the continuous follow-up by pharmacists for the management of adverse events in ambulatory practice Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Miki Hioki(Department of Pharmacy, Mie University Hospital) 外来化学療法における薬剤師の継続的な患者面談による有害事象重症度の改善 日置 三紀(三重大学医学部附属病院 薬剤部) O3-3-5 進行大腸癌に対するレゴラフェニブ療法における看護介入の有効性の検討 Room 9 Room 6 utilization in designated hospitals Room 5 Room 4 Chair : Kenji Kawada(Department of Medical Oncology, Fujita Health University School of Medicine) 司会: 河田 健司(藤田保健衛生大学 医学部 臨床腫瘍科) Room 3 Room 1 O3-2-5 HLA alleles correlate with gemcitabine plus erlotinib-induced ILD in Japanese Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) O3-2-3 Genetic variants of genes involved in regorafenib metabolism were associated Maiko Kubo(Cancer Treatment and Palliative care Center, Kansai Medical University Hospital) 久寳 麻衣子(関西医科大学附属枚方病院 看護部 がん治療・緩和センター) Poster Room 265 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) 13:30-14:30 Oral Session 3-4 /口演 3-4 O3-4 Supportive Care(FN、CINV) 支持療法(FN、CINV) Chair : Yong-il Kim(Department of Medical Oncology, Yodogawa Christian Hospital) 司会: 金 容壱(淀川キリスト教病院 腫瘍内科) O3-4-1 Efficacy and safety of Rikkunshito to prevent of CINV in lung cancer receiving Room 1 highly emetogenic chemotherapy Yuka Fujita(National Hospital Organization Asahikawa Medical Center) 藤田 結花(旭川医療センター 呼吸器内科) O3-4-2 Efficacy and safety of Rikkunshito to prevent of CINV in lung cancer receiving Room 2 moderately emetogenic chemotherapy Takahiro Ogi(Obihiro Kosei General Hospital) 荻 喬博(帯広厚生病院 第一内科) Room 3 O3-4-3 The impact of adding Aprepitant for the patients receiving moderate risk of Room 4 emetogenic chemotherapy Ken Asaishi(Osaka medical college Cancer Chemotherapy Center) 中等度催吐性化学療法の悪心・嘔吐に対するアプレピタント併用のランダム化比較検討 浅石 健(大阪医科大学附属病院 化学療法センター) Room 5 O3-4-4 A double-blind randomized phase II study of 10 versus 5 mg olanzapine for emesis induced by cisplatin-based chemotherapy Room 6 Wataru Suzuki(Department of Pharmacy, The Cancer Institute Hospital of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research) シスプラチンを含む化学療法施行時の嘔吐に対する Olanzapine 10mg と 5mg の有効 性と安全性を評価する用量設定試験 Room 7 鈴木 亘(がん研有明病院 薬剤部) O3-4-5 Comparison of DRPM and MEPM as the first-line therapy in FN patients with Room 8 Room 9 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Poster Room 266 acute leukemia: A randomized, controlled trial Tatsuo Oyake(Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Iwate Medical University School of Medicine) 小宅 達郎(岩手医科大学 血液腫瘍内科) 8:30-9:30 O3-5 Oral Session 3-5 /口演 3-5 International Session Developmental Therapeutics Chair : Kuniaki Shirao(Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, Oita University, Faculty of Medicine) O3-5-1 Phase I trial of pimasertib monotherapy in Japanese patients with solid tumors or hepatocellular carcinoma Room 1 Kiyotaka Yoh(Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East) safety from two Phase I expansion cohorts Kiyotaka Yoh(Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East) patients with advanced solid tumors Takashi Seto(National Kyushu Cancer Center) Room 4 O3-5-4 Phase I study of DFP-11207, a novel chemotherapeutic agent, in patients with solid tumors by reasonable dose escalation Jaffer A. Ajani(The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA) with Recurrent Malignant Glioma 9:30-10:30 O3-6 Oral Session 3-6 /口演 3-6 International Session Translational Research ① 橋渡し研究① Room 7 Room 6 Yoshitaka Narita(National Cancer Center Hospital) Chair : Shiro Akinaga(Research and Development Division, Kyowa Hakko Kirin, Co., Ltd.) Yosuke Hirotsu(Genome Analysis Center, Yamanashi Prefectural Central Hospital) O3-6-2 Oncogenic and drug-sensitive FGFR2 extracellular domain insertion mutations Junko Tanizaki(Kindai University Faculty of Medicine) O3-6-3 Hypoxia negates hyperglycaemia-induced chemoresistance in breast cancer cells Athba Al Qahtani(University of Bristol, Learning and Research Building, Southmead Hospital, UK) O3-6-4 Blocking autophagy and CD47 for the therapy against non-small-cell lung cancer Xuyao Zhang(Fudan University, China) O3-6-5 Blocking autophagy enhanced leukemia cell death induced by recombinant human arginase Shaofei Wang(Department of Biosynthesis, School of Pharmacy, Fudan University, China) Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Room 9 Room 8 O3-6-1 Genetic analysis for trastuzumab-resistance in HER2-amplified breast cancer Room 5 O3-5-5 Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics (PK) of ABT-414 in Japanese Patients (pts) Room 3 O3-5-3 Phase I study of roniciclib (BAY1000394), an oral CDK inhibitor in Japanese Room 2 O3-5-2 First-line osimertinib treatment for EGFRm aNSCLC pts: updated efficacy and Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 11(神戸国際会議場 5F 501 会議室) Poster Room 267 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) 11:00-12:00 Oral Session 3-7 /口演 3-7 O3-7 Translational Research ② 橋渡し研究② Chair : Ryohei Katayama(Cancer Chemotherapy Center, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research) 司会: 片山 量平(がん研究会 がん化学療法センター 基礎研究部) O3-7-1 Identification of LASEP3 as a new serological and prognostic biomarker and a Room 1 therapeutic target for lung cancer Room 2 Atsushi Takano(Center for Antibody and Vaccine Therapy, Research Hospital, Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo / Department of Medical Oncology and Cancer Center, Shiga University of Medical Science) 高野 淳(東京大学医科学研究所附属病院 抗体ワクチンセンター / 滋賀医科大学 腫瘍内科・臨 床腫瘍学講座) O3-7-2 LC-MS/MS analysis of serum and tissue 2HG as a diagnostic marker for Room 3 malignant glioma with IDH mutations Room 4 Makoto Ohno(Department of Neurosurgery and Neuro-Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital) 液体クロマトグラフタンデム質量分析法を用いた悪性神経膠腫患者の血清および腫瘍組 織中のがん代謝産物 2HG 測定の有効性の検討 大野 誠(国立がん研究センター中央病院 脳脊髄腫瘍科) Room 5 O3-7-3 Paclitaxel-induced sensory peripheral neuropathy is associated with a SCN9A variant Room 6 Room 7 Yasutaka Tono(Department of Hematology and Oncology Mie University Graduate School of Medicine) Room 8 Yuko Tanabe(Department of Medical Oncology, Toranomon Hospital / Department of Breast and Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital) 田辺 裕子(虎の門病院 臨床腫瘍科 / 国立がん研究センター中央病院 乳腺・腫瘍内科) 進行 HER2 陽性乳癌に対するペルツズマブ、トラスツズマブ、エリブリンの 3 剤併用 療法のバイオマーカー解析 O3-7-4 Analysis of biomarkers in a pilot study of pertuzumab, trastuzumab and eribulin Room 9 for advanced HER2 positive breast cancer 戸野 泰孝(三重大学大学院医学系研究科 血液・腫瘍内科) O3-7-5 大腸癌患者におけるm GPS の予後不良因子としての有用性と EPA を用いた免疫栄養療 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Poster Room 268 法の臨床応用の可能性 Yoshinaga Okugawa(Medical Oncology, Iga Municipal Ueno General Citizen's Hospital / Gastrointestinal Surgery, Iga Municipal Ueno General Citizen's Hospital / Department of Gastrointestinal and Pediatric Surgery, Mie University) 奥川 喜永(伊賀市立上野市民総合病院 腫瘍内科 / 伊賀市立上野市民総合病院 消化器外科 / 三 重大学 消化管・小児外科学講座) O3-8 Translational Research ③ 橋渡し研究③ Chair : Hiromichi Ebi(Division of Medical Oncology, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University) 司会: 衣斐 寛倫(金沢大学がん進展制御研究所 腫瘍内科) O3-8-1 Clarification of mechanisms of acquired resistance for EGFR-TKIs using plasma samples 血漿を用いた EGFR-TKIs 獲得耐性機序の解明 中村 朝美(佐賀大学医学部附属病院 血液・呼吸器・腫瘍内科) O3-8-2 The feasibility of detecting PIK3CA and AKT1 mutation using circulating tumor Hideaki Bando(Department of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East) 坂東 英明(国立がん研究センター東病院 消化管内科) Room 4 DNA (ctDNA) from peripheral blood samples Room 3 O3-8-3 Distribution of Circulating Tumor DNA; Analysis of Lung Primary, Pulmonary Vein, Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Taichiro Goto(Department of General Thoracic Surgery, Yamanashi Central Hospital) 後藤 太一郎(山梨県立中央病院 呼吸器外科) Room 5 Takaaki Sasaki(Asahikawa Medical University) 液体生検による肺がん診断の臨床応用 佐々木 高明(旭川医科大学病院 呼吸器センター) O3-8-5 Dielectrophoretic microwell array system for detection CTC in cancer patients Takeshi Sawada(Department of Medical Oncology, Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious diseases Center Komagome Hospital / Department of Medical Oncology/ Hematology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) 澤田 武志(都立駒込病院 腫瘍内科 / 神戸大学 腫瘍・血液内科) Room 9 and single cell analysis of detected CTC Room 8 Room 7 Room 6 O3-8-4 Clinical Application of Liquid Biopsy in Lung Cancer Diagnosis Room 2 Tomomi Nakamura(Division of Hematology, Respiratory Medicine and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University) Room 1 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) 13:30-14:30 Oral Session 3-8 /口演 3-8 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Poster Room 269 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 12(神戸国際会議場 5F 502 会議室) 8:30-9:30 O3-9 Oral Session 3-9 /口演 3-9 Lung Chemotherapy ① 肺 薬物療法① Chair : Terufumi Kato(Department of Thoracic Oncology, Kanagawa Cancer Center) 司会: 加藤 晃史(神奈川県立がんセンター 呼吸器内科) O3-9-1 Survey of patients with pathological stage I(T1> 2cm) NSCLC, who were Room 1 Room 2 excluded from a clinical trial of adjuvant therapy Koichi Yoshida(Department of Thoracic Surgery, Tokyo Medical University) 病理病期Ⅰ期非小細胞肺がん完全切除例における術後治療に関する観察研究 吉田 浩一(東京医科大学 呼吸器・甲状腺外科学分野) O3-9-2 Prognostic factors in patients with advanced thymic carcinoma treated with Room 3 chemotherapy from NEJ023 Study Hisao Imai(Division of Respiratory Medicine, Gunma Prefectural Cancer Center) 今井 久雄(群馬県立がんセンター 呼吸器内科) Room 4 O3-9-3 Second-line chemotherapy efficacy in patients with previously treated Room 5 advanced thymic carcinoma from NEJ023 Study Eisaku Miyauchi(Department of Respiratory Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital) 宮内 栄作(東北大学病院 呼吸器内科) O3-9-4 Phase II study of carboplatin/pemetrexed/bevacizumab for non-squamous Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 NSCLC with carcinomatous pleuritis (NEJ013A) Eisaku Miyauchi(Department of Respiratory Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital) 癌性胸膜炎を伴う非小細胞肺癌(扁平上皮癌)に対する carboplatin/pemetrexed/ bevacizumab 併用療法の臨床第Ⅱ相試験(NEJ013A) 宮内 栄作(東北大学病院 呼吸器内科) O3-9-5 Randomized PII Trial Comparing CDDP/TS1 With CDDP/DTX With Concurrent Radiotherapy in Locally Advanced NSCLC (TORG1018) Room 9 Haruhiro Saito(Thoracic Oncology, Kanagawa Cancer Center / Thoracic Oncology Research Group: TORG) 根治放射線照射可能 III 期非小細胞肺癌に対する CDDP/TS-1/TRT 併用療法と CDDP/ DTX/TRT 併用療法とのランダム化第 II 相試験 (TORG1018) Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 斉藤 春洋(神奈川県立がんセンター 呼吸器内科 / 胸部腫瘍臨床研究機構) 9:30-10:30 O3-10 Oral Session 3-10 /口演 3-10 Lung Chemotherapy ② 肺 薬物療法② Chair : Hiroshige Yoshioka(Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kurashiki Central Hospital) 司会: 吉岡 弘鎮(大原記念倉敷中央医療機構 倉敷中央病院 呼吸器内科) O3-10-1 Phase II study of carboplatin and pemetrexed followed by gefitinib for NSCLC Poster Room 270 harboring EGFR mutation Fumihiro Oshita(General Medicine, Kanagawa Prefectural Ashigarakami Hospital / Thoracic Oncology, Kanagawa Cancer Center) 尾下 文浩(神奈川県立足柄上病院 総合診療科 / 神奈川県立がんセンター 呼吸器科) advanced non-small cell lung cancer Kageaki Taima(Department of Respiratory Medicine, Hirosaki University) 當麻 景章(弘前大学 呼吸器内科) O3-10-3 A phase II study of weekly nab-paclitaxel monotherapy for patients with previously treated advanced NSCLC (KTOSG1301) Kazutoshi Komiya(Division of Hematology, Respiratory Medicine and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University Hospital) プラチナ既治療進行、再発非小細胞肺癌に対する weekly nab-Paclitaxel 単独療法の第 II 相試験 (KTOSG1301) 小宮 一利(佐賀大学医学部附属病院 血液・呼吸器・腫瘍内科) Room 2 O3-10-4 Safety and Efficacy of S-1 and Carboplatin in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease Room 3 Akimasa Sekine(Kanagawa Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center) 関根 朗雅(神奈川県立循環器呼吸器病センター 呼吸器科) Hidetoshi Hayashi(Department of Medical Oncology, Kindai University, Faculty of Medicine) 局所進行非小細胞肺癌に対するシスプラチン /nab- パクリタキセル+胸部放射線同時併 用化学療法の第 1/2 相試験(第 1 相パート) 林 秀敏(近畿大学医学部 内科学腫瘍内科) Room 6 11:00-12:00 Oral Session 3-11 /口演 3-11 Head and Neck Cancer ① Room 7 O3-11 頭頸部がん① Chair : Yusuke Onozawa(Division of Clinical Oncology, Shizuoka Cancer Center) 司会: 小野澤 祐輔(静岡がんセンター 原発不明科) recurrent squamous cell cancer of head and neck 再発・転移頭頚部扁平上皮癌症例に対する 1 次化学療法としてのパクリタキセル+セツ キシマブ療法 平良 眞一郎(がん研究会有明病院 総合腫瘍科) O3-11-2 Role of second-line chemotherapy after failure of first-line chemotherapy plus cetuximab in patients with R/M SCCHN Tetsuro Wakasugi(National Cancer Center Hospital East / University of Occupational and Environmental Health) 頭頸部扁平上皮癌再発・転移におけるセツキシマブ併用一次治療不応に対する二次治療 の役割(後方視的解析) 若杉 哲郎(国立がん研究センター東病院頭頸部内科 / 産業医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科) O3-11-3 Cisplatin-induced Ototoxicity in Head and Neck cancer: the patterns and Prediction Chiaki Suzuki(Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University) Poster Room Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Shinichiro Taira(Division Medical Oncology, Cancer Institute Hospital Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research) Room 9 Room 8 O3-11-1 Weekly Paclitaxel plus Cetuximab in the primary treatment of metastatic/ Room 5 advanced NSCLC (Results of phase 1 part) Room 4 O3-10-5 Phase I/II study of nab-paclitaxel with CDDP and radiotherapy for locally Room 1 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) O3-10-2 Randomized phase II trial of daily versus alternate-day administration of S-1 in 271 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) 頭頸部癌患者におけるシスプラチン難聴の聴力経過・予測因子の検討 鈴木 千晶(京都大学大学院医学研究科 耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科) O3-11-4 Clinicopathological and biomarker analyses of early stage (T1/2) oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC) Tomohiro Enokida(Department of Head and Neck Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East) StageI/II 舌癌に対する舌部分切除後の再発予測因子の検討 Room 1 榎田 智弘(国立がん研究センター東病院 頭頸部内科) O3-11-5 Prognostic factors and multidisciplinary postoperative chemoradiotherapy for Room 2 Room 3 clinical T4a tongue cancer Tomoya Yokota(Division of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Shizuoka Cancer Center) T4a 舌癌に対する予後予測と多職種連携による術後化学放射線療法 横田 知哉(静岡県立静岡がんセンター 消化器内科) 13:30-14:30 Oral Session 3-12 /口演 3-12 International Session Room 4 Head and Neck Cancer ② O3-12 頭頸部がん② Chair : Susumu Okano(Department of Head and Neck Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East) Room 5 O3-12-1 Risk factors for aspiration pneumonia after definitive chemoradiotherapy or Room 6 bio-radiotherapy for head and neck cancer Sadayuki Kawai(Division of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Shizuoka Cancer Center) O3-12-2 Survival of elderly patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer and a Room 7 high comorbidity index Szu-Yuan Wu(Department of Radiation Oncology Taipei Medical University - Wan Fang Medical Center / Institute of Toxicology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taiwan) Room 8 O3-12-3 Identification and validation of a prognostic biomarker panel in head and neck cancer and therapeutic stratification Room 9 Nicholas Shannon(Department of Surgical Oncology, National Cancer Centre, Singapore / Cancer and Stem Cell Biology, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore) Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 st line paclitaxel/carboplatin/cetuximab for recurrent or metastatic head and neck cancer O3-12-4 Phase II trial of 1 Tomoya Yokota(Division of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Shizuoka Cancer Center) O3-12-5 Biomarker analysis in recurrent/metastatic head and neck squamous cell Poster Room 272 carcinoma treated with afatinib: LUX-Head&Neck 1 Makoto Tahara(National Cancer Center Hospital East) 8:30-9:30 O3-13 Oral Session 3-13 /口演 3-13 International Session Hepatoma/HCC 肝臓 Chair : Hideki Ueno(Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital) O3-13-1 Hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy with low-dose 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma Room 1 Yozo Sato(Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Aichi Cancer Center Hospital) carcinoma and Child-Pugh B cirrhosis Room 3 Takeshi Terashima(Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University / Department of Gastroenterology, Kanazawa University Hospital) and anorexia in patients with HCC O3-13-4 Global GIDEON data: Subgroup analysis of sorafenib dosing pattern in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma Masatoshi Kudo(Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kindai University School of Medicine) O3-13-5 Statins improve outcomes of non-surgical curative treatments in hepatocellular carcinoma patients Szu-Yuan Wu(Department of Radiation Oncology Taipei Medical University - Wan Fang Medical Center, Taiwan) Oral Session 3-14 /口演 3-14 Biliary Tract and Pancreatic Cancer ① 胆道・膵臓がん① Room 9 O3-14 Room 8 9:30-10:30 Room 7 Chair : Satoshi Shimizu(Department of Gastroenterology, Saitama Cancer Center) 司会: 清水 怜(埼玉県立がんセンター 消化器内科) therapy for advanced pancreatic cancer Toshifumi Yamaguchi(Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital) 切除不能進行・再発膵癌に対する Gemcitabine+nab-Paclitaxel 併用療法の実臨床で の後方視的検討 山口 敏史(国立がん研究センター中央病院 肝胆膵内科) O3-14-2 Phase II study of fixed dose-rate gemcitabine plus S-1 as second-line Satoshi Kobayashi(Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Medical Oncology, Kanagawa Cancer Center) 小林 智(神奈川県立がんセンター 消化器内科肝胆膵) Poster Room treatment in advanced biliary tract cancer Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 O3-14-1 Retrospective analysis of Gemcitabine+nab-Paclitaxel regimen as first line Room 6 Room 5 Sadahisa Ogasawara(Department of Gastroenterology and Nephrology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University) Room 4 O3-13-3 Dexamethasone for the prevention of TACE-induced fever, nausea, vomiting, Room 2 O3-13-2 Efficacy of hepatic arterial infusion for patients with advanced hepatocellular Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) Room 13(神戸国際会議場 5F 504・505 会議室) 273 Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) O3-14-3 A phase II study of gemcitabine, S-1 and leucovorin combination therapy (GSL) for advanced biliary tract cancer Naminatsu Takahara(Department of Gastroenterology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo) 切除不能・術後再発胆道癌に対するゲムシタビン・S-1・ロイコボリン併用療法の第 2 相試験 高原 楠昊(東京大学医学部附属病院 消化器内科) Room 1 O3-14-4 The Tumor Reduction Rate of Sunitinib for advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor in Single Center Experience Room 2 Atushi Kudo(Department of Hepatobiliary Pamcreatic Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University) 膵神経内分泌腫瘍の非切除、転移症例に対する Sunitinib の縮小率 Room 3 工藤 篤(東京医科歯科大学 肝胆膵外科学分野) O3-14-5 切除不能進行膵がんに対する化学療法開始前の腫瘍増大と画像評価の時期について Room 4 Yasushi Kojima(National Center for Global Health and Medicine) 小島 康志(国立国際医療研究センター病院 消化器科) 11:00-12:00 Oral Session 3-15 /口演 3-15 Room 5 Biliary Tract and Pancreatic Cancer ② O3-15 胆道・膵臓がん② Room 6 Chair : Masashi Kanai(Department of Clinical Oncology, Kyoto University Hospital) 司会: 金井 雅史(京都大学 がん薬物治療科) O3-15-1 Evaluation of the safety of third-line FOLFIRINOX for advanced pancreatic cancer after failure of Gemcitabine and S-1 Room 7 Room 8 Takeshi Tamura(Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases) 膵癌に対する GEM/S-1 治療不応例に対する FOLFILINOX の third-line としての安全 性の検討 田村 猛(大阪府立成人病センター 肝胆膵内科) Room 9 O3-15-2 Phase II study of modified FOLFIRINOX for chemotherapy-naïve patients with Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 metastatic pancreatic cancer Kouichirou Miyashita(Internal Medicine of Gastroenterology, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital) 宮下 耕一郎(昭和大学横浜市北部病院 内科) O3-15-3 Observational study of FOLFIRINOX for advanced pancreatic cancer (JASPAC-06), analysis of serious adverse events Hideki Ueno(Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology Division, National Cancer Center Hospital) 実臨床における切除不能膵癌に対する FOLFIRINOX(FFX)の大規模観察研究 (JASPAC-06):重篤な有害事象(SAE)と患者背景の解析 上野 秀樹(国立がん研究センター中央病院 肝胆膵内科) O3-15-4 The impact of mGPS as a predictor of survival advantage by FOLFIRINOX in Poster Room 274 metastatic pancreatic cancer Ikuhiro Yamada(Department of Gastroenterology, Cancer institute hospital) 山田 育弘(がん研有明病院 消化器内科) Day1(Thu) Day2(Fri) Day3(Sat) O3-15-5 Prognostic factors in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer Makoto Kadokura(Kofu Municipal Hospital) 門倉 信(市立甲府病院 消化器内科) 13:30-14:30 Oral Session 3-16 /口演 3-16 Biliary Tract and Pancreatic Cancer ③ O3-16 胆道・膵臓がん③ Room 1 Chair : Makoto Ueno(Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic division, Kanagawa Cancer Center) 司会: 上野 誠(神奈川県立がんセンター 消化器内科肝胆膵) Advanced Pancreatic Cancer (PAN-01 study) Hideki Ueno(National Cancer Center Hospital) 切除不能進行膵癌(局所進行又は転移性)に対する S-1 通常投与法と S-1 隔日投与法 のランダム化第Ⅱ相試験(PAN-01) 上野 秀樹(国立がん研究センター中央病院 肝胆膵内科) metastatic pancreatic cancer Takashi Sasaki(Department of Gastroenterology, Cancer Institute Hospital of Japanese Foundation of Cancer Research) 転移性膵癌に対する gemcitabine + nab-paclitaxel 併用療法の検討 Room 5 佐々木 隆(がん研究会有明病院 消化器内科) Room 6 Room 4 O3-16-2 Gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel combination therapy for the treatment of O3-16-3 Phase I study of S-1, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin combination therapy in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer Akihiro Ohba(Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology Division, National Cancer Center Hospital) 進行膵癌を対象とした S-1、irinotecan および oxaliplatin 併用療法の第 I 相試験 大場 彬博(国立がん研究センター中央病院 肝胆膵内科) Room 8 Room 7 O3-16-4 局所進行膵癌に化学放射線療法は有効か?長期経過観察例での検討 Yuta Maruki(Department of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Internal Division, National Cancer Center) 丸木 雄太(国立がん研究センター中央病院 肝胆膵内科) Room 9 obstruction in unresctable pancreatic cancer Yukio Yoshida(Division of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Shizuoka Cancer Center) 切除不能膵癌による悪性胃十二指腸狭窄に対する胃空腸バイパス術と十二指腸ステント 留置術の成績 吉田 幸生(静岡県立静岡がんセンター 消化器内科) Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 O3-16-5 Gastrojejunostomy versus duodenal stent for malignant gastric outlet Room 3 Room 2 O3-16-1 A Randomized Phase II Study of Dose Schedule of S-1 for Metastatic/ Poster Room 275
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