平成 28 年 6 月 13 日 関東の地域資源とシンガポールデザインのコラボ事業が始動します ~関東経済産業局とシンガポールデザイン庁の協調支援事業~ 関東経済産業局は、シンガポールデザイン庁との協調支援の一環として、関東 の地域資源とシンガポールデザインのコラボ商品の開発のため、シンガポール デザイナーを招へいします。 シンガポールデザイナーが関東地域のものづくり事業者の工房を訪問し、関東 のものづくり事業者とシンガポールデザイナーのコラボ事業である「共(KYO) プロジェクト」がスタートします。 1.シンガポールデザイナーの招へい事業 6月14日(火)から17日(金)までの間、シンガポールデザイナー4社10名(詳 細は「別紙1」参照)を招へいします。シンガポールデザイナーが関東地域 のものづくり事業者の工房を訪問し、関東地域のものづくりの技術、素材の 特徴、背景等を伝え、コラボ商品の開発に繋げていきます(訪問先一覧は「別 紙2」参照)。 なお、6月6日(月)にシンガポールで実施した関東経済産業局とシンガポー ルデザイン庁の協調支援のキックオフ式典を機に、実施するものです。 2.「共(KYO)プロジェクト」のキックオフ会議の開催 6月14日(火)15時30分から関東経済産業局にて、関東のものづくり事業者と シンガポールデザイナーのコラボ事業である「共(KYO)プロジェクト」の日 本国内のキックオフ会議を開催します。 「共(KYO)プロジェクト」に参画する関東地域のものづくり事業者、シンガ ポールデザイナーが一堂に会して、平成29年3月にシンガポールで開催される 国際展示会への出展に向けた本コラボ事業がスタートします。 (本発表資料のお問い合わせ先) 関東経済産業局 産業部 流通・サービス産業課長 小澤 担当者:長澤、真下、竹内 電 話:048-600-0346(直通) 048-601-1295(FAX) (別紙1) 来日するシンガポールデザイナー(詳細次項) デザイナー名 Jackson Tan 他2名 ※ 会社 BLACK design (http://blackdesign.com.sg) Chris Lee 他2名 Asylum (http://theasylum.com.sg) Colin Seah 他1名 MOD (http://www.modonline.com) Wong Mun Summ & Richard Hassell WOHA (http://www.woha.net) ※ディレクション担当 JACKSON TAN (Curator) Founder and Creative Director BLACK Jackson Tan is a Singaporean artist, designer and curator. He is the co-founder of PHUNK, a contemporary art and design collective based in Singapore. Described as "The Champion of Singapore's Graphic Scene" (Creative Review, UK), "Asia's hottest agency" (Computer Arts, UK) and "one of the world's foremost cutting-edge design collectives" (Asia Tatler, Hong Kong). Jackson is also the co-founder and Creative Director of BLACK, a multi-disciplinary design practice based in Singapore. His work has won numerous international awards including the inaugural “Best Of Show for Design” at the Creative Circle Awards 2006, D&AD, 100 Show, One Show, Promax Asia and Singapore Design Awards. JACKSON TAN - Founder and Creative Director - BLACK - Projects PERANAKAN MUSEUM Singapore SG50 Singapore CREATIVE©ITIES Kaohsiung, Taiwan CHRIS LEE Founder and Creative Director ASYLUM Chris Lee is the founder and Creative Director of Asylum, one of the most respected creative companies in Asia. Since its inception in 1999, the creative company has focused on cross disciplinary projects that include interactive design, product development, environmental & interior design, packaging, apparel design, branding and graphic design. Asylum’s work in the creative industry is recognized with more than 100 international awards. Chris is the recipient for the Designer of the year (2009) and Design of the year (2010) in Singapore’s President Design Award. He has served as a juror for many of the top international creative awards such as D&AD, Red Dot, The One Show and Tokyo Type Directors Club. Chris is also a founding member and ex-President of The Design Society, a non-profit organization that aims to promote visual culture through exhibitions, workshops and education. CHRIS LEE - Founder and Creative Director - Asylum - Projects SMOKES & MIRRORS Singapore IMPERIAL TREASURE SUPERDUCK Shanghai, China JOHNNIE WALKER HOUSE Seoul, South Korea COLIN SEAH Founder and Design Director MOD (Ministry of Design) Architecturally trained in the US and licensed in Singapore, Colin Seah honed his sensibilities working for the likes of Rem Koolhaas and Daniel Libeskind. He also spent 4 years at the National University of Singapore’s Department of Architecture researching design pedagogy and serving as design critic. As MOD’s Founder and Director of Design, Colin has been named Designer of the Year by International Design Awards USA 2010, and is a two-time recipient of Singapore’s highest design accolade, the President’s Design Award. Recognized as ”Rising Star in Architecture” by Monocle, Colin Seah has been invited by the Singapore Tourism Board to redefine Singapore as a destination for 2020 and beyond. COLIN SEAH - Founder and Design Director - MOD (Ministry of Design) - Projects MACALISTER MANSION George Town, Malaysia DUO RESIDENCES Singapore LOKE THYE KEE RESIDENCES Penang, Malaysia WONG MUN SUMM & RICHARD HASSELL Founders and Directors WOHA Wong Mun Summ is the co-Founding Director of WOHA, an internationally-acclaimed architectural practice in Singapore. He graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1989 and is now a Professor in Practice at his alma mater. He has mentored students under NUS's Embedded Studio in Practice programme and anchored the University's MSc in Integrated Sustainable Design Masterclass since 2011. In conjunction with WOHA’s installation at the 2016 Venice Biennale, WOHA will launch a new book, titled "Garden City Mega City", which shares strategies for the burgeoning mega cities of the tropical belt. Richard Hassell is the co-Founding Director of WOHA, an internationally-acclaimed architectural practice based in Singapore. He graduated from the University of Western Australia in 1989, and was awarded a Master of Architecture degree from RMIT University, Melbourne, in 2002. He has lectured at universities around the world, and served as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Technology Sydney, and the University of Western Australia. Together with Wong Mun Summ, WOHA conducted a Design Studio at the Singapore University of Technology and Design in 2016. WONG MUN SUMM & RICHARD HASSELL - Founders and Directors - WOHA - Projects ALILA VILLAS ULUWATU Bali, Indonesia INTERCONTINENTAL SANYA RESORT Hainan, China PARKROYAL ON PICKERING Singapore (別紙2) シンガポールデザイナーの訪問先一覧(6月14日~17日) 6月 14日 (火) 事業者名 (法人番号) 地域資源 時間 (株)堀口切子 ※ (9010601042316) 江戸切子 9:00~13:00 東京都江戸川区松江5-10-2 (株)富田染工芸 ※ (3011101014562) 江戸小紋 9:00~13:00 東京都新宿区西早稲田3-6-14 - 15:30~18:30 関東経済産業局内 さいたま市中央区新都心1-1 笠間焼 8:30~14:00 (株)松井ニット技研 (8070001016989) ニット 10:00~12:00 群馬県桐生市本町 4-85 朝倉染布(株) ※ (1070001015535) 繊維 13:00~17:00 群馬県桐生市浜松町1丁目13-24 厚川産業(株) ※ (9030001065444) 桐材 14:30~18:30 埼玉県吉川市旭10-1 (有)中むら ※ (4010002013061) 暖簾 8:30~12:30 東京都港区東麻布1-17-12 新潟漆器(株) ※ (2110001003906) 漆器 8:30~14:00 新潟県新潟市西区赤塚4414 (株)Duco (3012301005590 ) 硝子漆器 14:00~16:00 東京都町田市森野6丁目195-1 (株)イシモク ※ (7110001015153) 桐材 14:00~18:00 新潟県加茂市加茂新田10007-3 大久保鋳物 四代晴雲 原 惣右ェ門 ※ 鋳物 8:30~12:30 新潟県柏崎市大久保2-3-12 (株)TreetoGreen ※ (9010901032660) 木曽檜 11:00~16:00 長野県木曽郡大桑村野尻1725(予定) (有)相和シボリ工業 (5020002089406 ) ステンレス漆 17:00~19:00 神奈川県川崎市高津区新作3-3-2 キックオフ会議 (株)向山窯 ※ (9050001007972) 訪問先 茨城県笠間市下市毛1372-4 15日 (水) 16日 (木) 17日 (金) ※「共(KYO)プロジェクト」参画事業者
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