Saarbrücken, DE +49 (731) 40 79 95 44 [email protected] Course Schedule Adobe Photoshop® CC, Level 1 / 624 EUR / Days: 2 Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator CC, Level 1 / 624 EUR / Days: 2 In diesem Training erlernen die Teilnehmer vektorbasierte Grafiken für Print, Web und andere Medien zu erstellen. Neben der Einführung in Adobe Illustrator® CC wird der Umgang mit Objekten, Pfaden, Text, Farben und Grafiken vermittelt. 07/13 - 07/14/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Scrum Master / 1750 EUR / Days: 3 In diesem zweitägigem Trainings lernen die Teilnehmer die Grundlagen der digitalen Bildbe- und verarbeitung mit Adobe PhotoShop CS6 kennen. Hierbei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf dem Workflow und nicht auf einzelnen Programmfeatures. 08/29 - 08/30/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA EXIN Agile Scrum EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation / 1450 EUR / Days: 2 Teilnehmer dieses Trainings lernen ihre vorhandenen Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit Adobe Illustrator® zu erweitern. Viele erweiterte Funktionen werden im Detail vorgestellt, damit Sie Ihren Workflow, Schwerpunkt Print, noch effizienter gestaltet können. In dieser Schulung werden die Grundlagen von SCRUM vermittelt. Die Themen sind u.a. agile Prinzipien, Artefakte, grundlegende Aktivitäten und Rollen. Die Teilnehmer erwerben ein Verständnis von agilen Managementmethoden und den Abläufen in SCRUM. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/14 - 07/15/16 OLL Adobe InDesign 08/11 - 08/12/16 OLL Adobe InDesign CC, Level 1 / 810 EUR / Days: 2 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer mit Hilfe von Adobe InDesign® Creative Cloud (CC) professionelle Printlayouts durch präzise Kontrolle über Grafiken, Typografie, Farbe, Transparenz, Effekte und Bilder zu erstellen. 09/12 - 09/13/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA SAA SAA EXIN Agile Scrum Master / 1175 EUR / Days: 2 07/05 - 07/06/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Der Kurs soll Wissen zu und den Umgang mit dem Agilen Framework, wie auch mit der Methode SCRUM vertiefen und festigen. Voraussetzung ist die Teilnahme an dem Kurs EXIN Agile SCRUM Foundation. 09/15 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/28 - 07/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Adobe InDesign CC, Level 2 / 405 EUR / Days: 1 08/25 - 08/26/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA In diesem Seminar erlernen die Teilnehmer ihre Workflows durch fortgeschrittene InDesign-Tools zu verbessern. Zusätzlich werden die Möglichkeiten für Interactive Design, Webdesign und Mobile Media geleert. 07/15 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop CC, Level 2 / 312 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Seminar lernen die Teilnehmer effizientere Workflows und erweiterte Techniken der Bildbearbeitung, -verarbeitung, Compositing und der Retusche. Photoshop für Print, Web und Video, sowie Techniken für Arbeiten von Fotografen werden vermittelt. 06/30 - 06/30/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/13 - 09/13/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Adobe Photoshop® CC, Level 1 / 624 EUR / Days: 2 In diesem zweitägigem Trainings lernen die Teilnehmer die Grundlagen der digitalen Bildbe- und verarbeitung mit Adobe PhotoShop CS6 kennen. Hierbei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf dem Workflow und nicht auf einzelnen Programmfeatures. 07/25 - 07/26/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Scrum Foundation / 1450 EUR / Days: 3 Die Teilnehmer lernen durch Frontalvorträge und interaktive Übungen das agile Vorgehen und die agile Philosophy kennen. 06/21 - 06/23/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/04 - 07/06/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/18 - 07/20/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/01 - 08/03/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/16 - 08/18/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/30 - 09/01/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/14 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Scrum Master / 1750 EUR / Days: 3 Die Teilnehmer lernen die Aufgaben eines SCRUM Masters kennen und wie der SCRUM Master die Unternehmensentwicklung unterstützen und vorantreiben kann. 06/21 - 06/23/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 06/29 - 07/01/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/13 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/27 - 07/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/10 - 08/12/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ILT Instructor-Led Training ML Mentored Learning OLL Online Live SAA = Saarbrucken 08/24 - 08/26/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/06 - 09/08/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ITIL Adobe Illustrator® CC, Level 2 / 312 EUR / Days: 1 07/19 - 07/19/16 OLL Die Teilnehmer lernen die Aufgaben eines SCRUM Masters kennen und wie der SCRUM Master die Unternehmensentwicklung unterstützen und vorantreiben kann. ITIL® Lifecycle Stream - Continual Service Improvement (2011 Edition) / 1450 EUR / Days: 3 Der CSI richtet sich an Personen und IT-Mitarbeiter, die überwiegend mit Technologien umgehen und die sich in ihrer persönlichen Servicedienstleistung verbessern möchten. 07/18 - 07/20/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/22 - 08/24/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/22 - 08/24/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/12 - 09/14/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ITIL® Lifecycle Stream - Managing Across the Lifecycle (3 Tage Kompaktkurs, 2011 Edition) / 1450 EUR / Days: 3 Die Seminarschwerpunkte sind neben Business-, Management- & Steuerungszielen, auch Prozesse, Funktionen und Aktivitäten sowie die Schnittstellen und Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Prozessen, die in den fünf Kernpublikationen der ITIL® enthalten sind. 06/27 - 06/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/08 - 08/10/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/05 - 09/07/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/05 - 09/07/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ITIL® Lifecycle Stream - Service Design (2011 Edition) / 1450 EUR / Days: 3 Dieser Intermediate Kurs vermittelt den Teilnehmern einen vertieften Einblick in die ITIL® Version 2011 Service Design Phase. Im Fokus stehen die Kenntnisse des Gesamtkonzepts, der Prozesse, Policies & Methoden im Zusammenhang mit der Design Phase. 07/04 - 07/06/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/11 - 07/13/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/25 - 07/27/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/12 - 09/14/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Saarbrücken, DE +49 (731) 40 79 95 44 [email protected] Course Schedule ITIL® Lifecycle Stream - Service Operation (2011 Edition) / 1450 EUR / Days: 3 Dieser Intermediate Kurs vermittelt den Teilnehmern einen vertieften Einblick in die Service Operation Phase. Die Teilnehmer erarbeiten die Kenntnisse des Gesamtkonzepts, der Prozesse, Policies und Methoden im Zusammenhang mit der Operation Phase. 07/18 - 07/20/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/08 - 08/10/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/16 - 08/18/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ITIL® Lifecycle Stream - Service Strategy (2011 Edition) / 1450 EUR / Days: 3 Dieser Intermediate Kurs vermittelt den Teilnehmern einen vertieften Einblick in die ITIL® Service Strategy Phase. Die Teilnehmer erarbeiten die Kenntnisse des Gesamtkonzepts, der Prozesse, Policies & Methoden im Zusammenhang mit der Strategy Phase. 06/27 - 06/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/11 - 07/13/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/29 - 08/31/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/14 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ITIL® Lifecycle Stream - Service Transition (2011 Edition) / 1450 EUR / Days: 3 Dieser Intermediate Kurs vermittelt einen vertieften Einblick in die ITIL® Service Transition Phase. Die Teilnehmer erarbeiten die Kenntnisse des Gesamtkonzepts, der Prozesse, Policies und Methoden im Zusammenhang mit der Transition Phase. 07/04 - 07/06/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/25 - 07/27/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/01 - 08/03/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/29 - 08/31/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ITIL® Practitioner / 1175 EUR / Days: 2 ITIL® Practitioner offers practical guidance to support your business' objectives, developing the skills to apply ITIL® concepts in the organization, ensuring business value by delivering fit-for-purpose and fit-foruse services. 09/15 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA JavaScript Students will learn essential programming skills and techniques that are required to develop Windows Store apps, including design and development skills, and use of the Visual Studio and Expression Blend tools. 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL SAA VBA für MS Access 2013 / 1175 EUR / Days: 3 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Visual Basic (VBA) für Microsoft Access 2013 von Grund auf kennen. 07/18 - 07/20/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/05 - 09/07/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/06 - 09/08/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Microsoft Azure Access 2010 - Level 2 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 10978 Introduction to Azurefor Developers / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Students will learn how to normalize data, manage table relationships, and enforce referential integrity; work with Lookup fields and subdatasheets; create join queries, calculated fields, and summary values; add objects to forms and create advanced forms This course offers students the opportunity to take an existing ASP.NET MVC application and expand its functionality as part of moving it to Azure. This course focuses on developing in Azure using Storage, Cloud Services, Service Bus, Active Directory. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA 09/05 - 09/09/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Access 2010 - Part 1 / 294 EUR / Days: 2 10979 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals / 1354 EUR / Days: 2 In this course, students will learn how to use Access 2010 to manage your data, including creating a new database, constructing tables, designing forms and reports, and creating queries to join, filter, and sort data. In this course, students will learn key Microsoft Azure concepts and basic implementation of Azure subscriptions, websites, virtual machines, storage, virtual networks, databases and Microsoft Azure Active Directory. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA 06/29 - 06/30/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Access 2013, Level 1 / 588 EUR / Days: 2 20532 Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Microsoft Access von Grund auf kennen. Sie lernen die Oberfläche von Access kennen sowie den Aufbau von Tabellen, Abfragen, Formularen und Berichten. This course focuses on the architectural considerations and decisions necessary when building a highly available solution in the cloud. This course also prepares the students for the 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions certification exam. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA Access 2013, Level 2 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer wichtige Funktionen von Access 2013 kennen, die Ihnen im täglichen Umgang helfen Arbeiten schneller und professioneller durchzuführen. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA Access 2013, Level 3 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer viele weiterführende Funktionen von Access 2013 kennen. Damit können Sie für die Erledigung ihrer täglichen Arbeiten den maximalen Funktionsumfang von Access 2013 ausnutzen und noch effizienter arbeiten. ML Time - Flexible SAA In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Visual Basic (VBA) für Microsoft Access 2010 von Grund auf kennen. 07/18 - 07/20/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/05 - 09/07/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ILT Instructor-Led Training ML Mentored Learning OLL Online Live SAA = Saarbrucken SAA VBA für MS Access 2010 / 1175 EUR / Days: 3 This course provides an introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. This course helps students gain basic HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript programming skills. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Microsoft Access Date - Flexible 20480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 20481 Essentials of Developing Windows® Metro Style Apps Using HTML5 and JavaScript / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 08/08 - 08/12/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course is aimed at experienced IT Professionals who currently administer their on-premise infrastructure. The course introduces the student to Microsoft Azure and then teaches them how to manage their infrastructure in Azure rather than on premise. 08/29 - 09/02/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 55065 Microsoft Azure for IT Professionals / 1648 EUR / Days: 3 This course is designed for IT professionals looking to understand the Microsoft Azure Infrastructure components, including virtual machines, virtual networks, migrating, extending, running, managing and monitoring common workloads in the cloud. 07/11 - 07/13/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Saarbrücken, DE +49 (731) 40 79 95 44 [email protected] Course Schedule VBA für MS Excel 2010 / 1175 EUR / Days: 3 Microsoft Excel 20336 Core Solutions of Microsoft® Lync® Server 2013 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Big Data: Datenanalyse mit Power Pivot für Excel / 390 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Visual Basic (VBA) für Microsoft Excel 2010 von Grund auf kennen. Mit PowerPivot können Business Intelligence Auswertungen, die früher in Auftrag gegeben werden mussten, selbst erstellt werden. Der Kurs zeigt wie. 07/13 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA The course teaches IT professionals how to plan, design, deploy, configure, and administer a Microsoft Lync Server 2013 solution. 08/24 - 08/26/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/06 - 09/06/16 OLL VBA für MS Excel 2013 / 1175 EUR / Days: 3 09/05 - 09/09/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Excel 2010 - Level 1 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 After an introduction to spreadsheet terminology and Excel's window components, students will learn how to use the Help system and navigate worksheets and workbooks. Then they will enter and edit text, values, formulas, and pictures, and save workbooks. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible Students will learn how to use multiple worksheets and workbooks efficiently, start working with more advanced formatting options including styles, themes, and backgrounds, learn how to create outlines and subtotals, work with tables and add hyperlinks. ML Time - Flexible Students will work with advanced formulas, as well as lookup functions such as VLOOKUP, MATCH, and INDEX; will learn about data validation and database functions such as DSUM; will learn how to import and export data, and how to query external data bases. ML Time - Flexible 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/24 - 08/26/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/13 - 09/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Microsoft Exchange SAA 20337 Enterprise Voice and Online Services with Microsoft Lync Server 2013 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Students will gain the knowledge and skills to configure and manage a Lync Server 2013 on premises, in the cloud or in a mixed deployment. 08/08 - 08/12/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Microsoft Office 20341 Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 VBA für Office 2010 Grundlagen / 724 EUR / Days: 2 Students will gain the knowledge and skills to plan, deploy, manage, secure, and support Microsoft Exchange Server 2013. In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Visual Basic (VBA) für Microsoft Office 2010 von Grund auf kennen. 07/11 - 07/12/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ML Time - Flexible SAA 08/22 - 08/23/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/18 - 07/22/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA VBA für Office 2013 Grundlagen / 724 EUR / Days: 2 SAA Excel 2010 - Level 3 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 Date - Flexible 07/13 - 07/15/16 OLL SAA Excel 2010 - Level 2 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 Date - Flexible In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Visual Basic (VBA) für Microsoft Excel 2013 von Grund auf kennen. Date - Flexible 20342 Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Students will gain the knowledge and skills to configure and manage a Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 messaging environment. In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Visual Basic (VBA) für Microsoft Office 2013 von Grund auf kennen. 07/11 - 07/12/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/22 - 08/23/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Excel 2013, Level 1 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 08/01 - 08/05/16 OLL Dieses Training vermittelt den Teilnehmern die grundlegenden Funktionen von Tabellen, Formatierungen, Diagrammen und unter anderem Formeln. 20345-1 Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Outlook 2010 - Level 1 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 This course teaches IT professionals how to administer and support Exchange Server 2016. The course also teaches students how to maintain and monitor an Exchange Server 2016 deployment. Students will learn how to read, create, send, and forward e-mail messages; how to manage messages and attachments, configure message options, and use search folders; how to manage contacts, use the People Pane and schedule meetings. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA Excel 2013, Level 2 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer wichtige Funktionen und Methoden von Excel 2013 kennen, die ihnen im täglichen Umgang mit Excel helfen ihre Arbeiten schneller und professioneller durchzuführen. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA Excel 2013, Level 3 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer viele weiterführende Funktionen von Excel 2013 kennen. Damit können sie für die Erledigung ihrer täglichen Arbeiten den maximalen Funktionsumfang von Excel 2013 ausnutzen um noch effizienter und ergebnisorientierte Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA SAA Microsoft Lync Server 20334 Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course teaches students how to plan, deploy, configure, & administer a Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 solution. Students will also learn how to deploy a multi-site and highly available Skype for Business infrastructure for their organization. Microsoft Outlook Date - Flexible Time - Flexible SAA Outlook 2010 - Level 2 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 Students will learn how to customize Outlook, use Quick Steps, create Navigation-pane shortcuts, work with contacts and contact groups, manage address books, customize their messages and signatures, and set up automatic replies. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Outlook 2013, Level 1 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 09/12 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Microsoft Outlook von Grund auf kennen. Date - Flexible ILT Instructor-Led Training ML Mentored Learning OLL Online Live SAA = Saarbrucken ML ML Time - Flexible SAA Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Saarbrücken, DE +49 (731) 40 79 95 44 [email protected] Course Schedule Outlook 2013, Level 2 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer wichtige Funktionen von Outlook 2013 kennen, die Ihnen im täglichen Umgang helfen Arbeiten schneller und professioneller durchzuführen. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA Zeitmanagement und Arbeitsorganisation mit MS Outlook / 377 EUR / Days: 1 10962 Advanced Automated Administration with Windows PowerShell® / 1648 EUR / Days: 3 Project 2013, Level 1 / 734 EUR / Days: 2 This course is built on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 and while it is specifically focussed on Windows PowerShell v4.0, is also relevant in v2.0 and v3.0 Windows PowerShell environments. 07/11 - 07/13/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Microsoft Project 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Microsoft PowerPoint PowerPoint 2010 - Level 1 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 After an introduction to PowerPoint's window components and Help system, students will learn to create, save, rearrange presentations, format text, use drawing objects, work with graphics, insert tables and charts, use templates, themes and transitions. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA PowerPoint 2010 - Level 2 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 Students will customize PowerPoint by modifying the Ribbon and changing application settings. They will also apply themes and templates, and they will work with SmartArt graphics and tables. Students will add multimedia content and interactive elements to Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA PowerPoint 2013, Level 1 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 von Grund auf kennen. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA PowerPoint 2013, Level 2 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer wichtige Funktionen von PowerPoint 2013 kennen, die Ihnen im täglichen Umgang helfen Arbeiten schneller und professioneller durchzuführen. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA Microsoft PowerShell In this course, students create a project plan containing tasks, organize these tasks in a work breakdown structure containing task relationships, create and assign resources, and finalize the project to implement the project plan. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible Time - Flexible SAA Project 2010 - Level 1 / 780 EUR / Days: 1 ML Time - Flexible SAA Project 2010 - Level 2 / 390 EUR / Days: 1 ML Time - Flexible SAA Project 2010, Level 1 / 734 EUR / Days: 2 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Microsoft Project 2010 von Grund auf kennen 08/01 - 08/02/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/12 - 09/13/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 10961 Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Project 2010, Level 2 / 377 EUR / Days: 1 This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to use Windows PowerShell 4.0 for administering and automating administration of Windows based servers. In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer wichtige Funktionen von Project 2010 kennen, die Ihnen im täglichen Umgang helfen Arbeiten schneller und professioneller durchzuführen 08/15 - 08/19/16 OLL 08/03 - 08/03/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/14 - 09/14/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ILT Instructor-Led Training ML Mentored Learning OLL Online Live SAA = Saarbrucken In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer wichtige und tiefergehende Funktionen von Project 2013 kennen, die Ihnen im täglichen Umgang helfen Arbeiten schneller und professioneller durchzuführen. 08/03 - 08/03/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/14 - 09/14/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 10232 Designing and Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Applications / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 In this course, students learn the skills and best practices that are required to help organizations design and develop effective SharePoint applications. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20331 Core Solutions of Microsoft® SharePoint® Server 2013 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course will teach you how to configure SharePoint Server 2013, as well as provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help you optimize your SharePoint server deployment. 08/29 - 09/02/16 OLL Students will learn how to work with templates, create baseline plans, monitor and update projects, analyze project statistics, handle delays and conflicts, create reports, consolidate project files, share resources, and customize Project. Students will a Date - Flexible SAA 08/22 - 08/26/16 OLL Students will learn how to create and modify task lists, establish a project schedule, create calendars, assign resources to tasks, track costs, and work with different views and tables. Students will also apply filters and groups, and sort task and resou Date - Flexible SAA 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Microsoft SharePoint In this course, students exchange project plan data with other applications, update project plans, create visual reports, and reuse project plan information. ML 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 09/12 - 09/13/16 OLL SAA Project 2007 - Level 2 / 390 EUR / Days: 1 Date - Flexible 08/01 - 08/02/16 OLL Project 2013, Level 2 / 377 EUR / Days: 1 Project 2007 - Level 1 / 780 EUR / Days: 1 07/29 - 07/29/16 OLL In diesem Kurs lernen Teilnehmer die Grundlagen von Microsoft Project 2013 kennen. Sie lernen den Aufbau und die grundlegendsten Funktionen dieser Anwendung Schritt für Schritt kennen. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20488 Developing Microsoft® SharePoint® 2013 Core Solutions / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Students will learn core skills that are common to almost all SharePoint development activities, including server-side and client-side object models, developing and deploying features, solutions, and apps, managing identity and permissions, and querying. 08/08 - 08/12/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20489 Developing Microsoft® SharePoint® 2013 Advanced Solutions / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Students will learn how to implement SharePoint solutions using Enterprise Search, Managed Metadata Service, Business Connectivity Services, Enterprise Content Management, Web Content Management, Social Computing features and SharePoint Apps. 08/22 - 08/26/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Saarbrücken, DE +49 (731) 40 79 95 44 [email protected] Course Schedule 50354 SharePoint 2010 SharePoint Designer / 1354 EUR / Days: 2 Microsoft SQL Server This course discusses how to navigate and use the new Ribbon interface, new features from Designer, what changes have been made to the actions and conditions of workflows, how to build external content types, and how to modify Out Of the Box Workflows. 07/21 - 07/22/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/15 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA This course explores several advanced topics of working with SharePoint 2010 sites. Topics include SharePoint Server site definitions (Business Intelligence, Search Center, etc.), in-depth coverage of Workflows, My Sites and Social Computing. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM This course teaches students how to use the enhancements and new features that have been added to SQL Server and the Microsoft data platform since the release of SQL Server 2008. 09/12 - 09/16/16 OLL 50469 SharePoint 2010 End User Level II / 1354 EUR / Days: 2 07/18 - 07/19/16 OLL 10977 Updating Your SQL Server Skills to Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 SAA 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 10986 Upgrading Your Skills to SQL Server 2016 / 1648 EUR / Days: 3 This three-day instructor-led course provides students moving from earlier releases of SQL Server with an introduction to the new features in SQL Server 2016. SAA 09/15 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 55035 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 for the Site Owner/Power User / 1354 EUR / Days: 2 This class is designed for information workers or power users who serve as SharePoint Site Owners or Site Collection Administrators. Students will learn how to manage the team collaboration, document management and social features of SharePoint 2013. 08/02 - 08/03/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 55052 SharePoint 2013 End User Level II / 1648 EUR / Days: 3 Students will learn SharePoint Server site definitions (Business Intelligence, Document Center, eDiscovery, Education, Search Center,etc), in-depth coverage of Workflows, Site Administration, Site Customization and Site Collection Administration. 07/18 - 07/20/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/15 - 08/19/16 OLL 20467 Designing Business Intelligence Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2014 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20462 Administering Microsoft® SQL Server® Databases / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA This course teaches students how to implement selfservice Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data analysis solutions using the Microsoft data platform. 08/29 - 09/02/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Microsoft System Center 10747 Administering System Center 2012 Configuration Manager / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This five-day course provides students with the knowledge and skills to maintain a Microsoft SQL Server 2014 database. The course focuses on teaching individuals how to use SQL Server 2014 product features and tools related to maintaining a database. This course describes how to configure and manage a System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager site and its associated site systems. The course focuses on day-to-day management tasks for System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager. 08/22 - 08/26/16 OLL 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/05 - 09/09/16 OLL 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20463 Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft® SQL Server® / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Students will learn how to create a data warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2014, implement ETL with SQL Server Integration Services, and validate and cleanse data with SQL Server Data Quality Services and SQL Server Master Data Services. 10748 Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager / 1648 EUR / Days: 3 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA This course describes how to plan and deploy a System Center 2012 Configuration Manager hierarchy, including the central administration site, one or more primary sites and secondary sites, and all associated site systems. 08/29 - 09/02/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/25 - 07/27/16 OLL 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20464 Developing Microsoft® SQL Server® Databases / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 10964 Cloud & Datacenter Monitoring with System Center Operations Manager / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course introduces SQL Server 2014 and describes logical table design, indexing and query plans. It also focusses on the creation of database objects including views, stored procedures, along with parameters, and functions. This course equips students with the skills they require to deploy and configure System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager. 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/12 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ILT Instructor-Led Training ML Mentored Learning OLL Online Live SAA = Saarbrucken This course describes how to implement multidimensional and tabular data models, deliver reports with Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, create dashboards with Microsoft SharePoint Server PerformancePoint Services. SAA 08/08 - 08/12/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 20466 Implementing Data Models and Reports with Microsoft® SQL Server® / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 SAA 08/02 - 08/03/16 OLL 07/21 - 07/22/16 OLL SAA 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Students learn the technical skills to write basic Transact-SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server 2014. This course is the foundation for all SQL Serverrelated disciplines; namely, Database Administration, Database Development and Business Intelligence. This SharePoint 2013 Power User training class is designed for individuals who need to learn the fundamentals of managing SharePoint sites. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 08/29 - 08/31/16 OLL This course is designed for the site owner/´power user´ of a SharePoint site who needs to know how to create sites and lists, manage user access and customize lists and pages. This class uses the SharePoint Server 2010 version of SharePoint. 55028 SharePoint 2013 Power User / 1354 EUR / Days: 2 08/08 - 08/10/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 20461 Querying Microsoft SQL Server® / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 SAA The focus of this course is on planning and implementing enterprise database infrastructure solutions by using SQL Server 2014 and other Microsoft technologies. 07/18 - 07/20/16 OLL 50470 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 for the Site Owner/Power User / 1354 EUR / Days: 2 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 20465 Designing Solutions for Microsoft SQL Server 2014 / 1648 EUR / Days: 3 07/18 - 07/22/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Saarbrücken, DE +49 (731) 40 79 95 44 [email protected] Course Schedule 10965 IT Service Management with System Center Service Manager / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Visio 2010, Level 1 / 370 EUR / Days: 1 This five day course will provide students with the key knowledge required to deploy and configure System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager. In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Microsoft Visio 2010 von Grund auf kennen. 08/22 - 08/26/16 OLL 07/21 - 07/21/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/06 - 09/06/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Microsoft Visio SAA 10981 Infrastructure Provisioning with System Center Virtual Machine Manager / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course will cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 environment using System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager. 08/01 - 08/05/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Visio 2010, Level 2 / 370 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer wichtige Funktionen von Visio 2010 kennen, die Ihnen im täglichen Umgang helfen Arbeiten schneller und professioneller durchzuführen. 07/22 - 07/22/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/07 - 09/07/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20246 Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Visio 2013, Level 1 / 377 EUR / Days: 1 This course describes how to monitor and operate a cloud with Microsoft System Center 2012 R2. It focuses on how to manage and administer a cloud environment and describes how you can monitor key infrastructure elements and applications. In diesem Kurs lernen Teilnehmer die Grundlagen von Microsoft Visio 2013 kennen. Sie lernen den Aufbau und die grundlegendsten Grafik- und Zeichnungsfunktionen dieser Anwendung Schritt für Schritt kennen. 08/29 - 09/02/16 OLL 07/21 - 07/21/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/06 - 09/06/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20247 Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Visio 2013, Level 2 / 377 EUR / Days: 1 This course equips students with the skills they require to configure and deploy a cloud using Microsoft System Center 2012 R2. 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20409 Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V® and System Center / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Students will learn the skills you need to deploy and manage a Microsoft Server Virtualization infrastructure in an enterprise environment. 06/27 - 07/01/16 OLL 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/15 - 08/19/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 55004 Installing and Configuring System Center 2012 Operations Manager / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 55006 System Center Operations Manager 2012 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 In this course, students are introduced to the basic theory of service monitoring. They will also learn about configuration, deployment, monitoring, and operation of Operations Manager 2012. 09/12 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 07/22 - 07/22/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/07 - 09/07/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Microsoft Visual Studio 10263 Developing Windows Communication Foundation Solutions with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 / 1648 EUR / Days: 3 This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to develop distributed applications using WCF 4 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to install and configure System Center 2012 Operations Manager. In addition this class will prepare the student for managing their 2012 Operations Manager infrastructure. 08/29 - 09/02/16 OLL In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer wichtige und tiefergehende Funktionen von Visio 2013 kennen, die Ihnen im täglichen Umgang helfen Arbeiten schneller und professioneller durchzuführen. SAA 08/22 - 08/24/16 OLL SAA 10550 Programming in Visual Basic with Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course teaches students Visual Basic language syntax, program structure, and implementation by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and the Microsoft .NET Framework 4. 07/18 - 07/22/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20483 Programming in C# / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This training course teaches developers the programming skills that are required for developers to create Windows applications using the C# language. 08/08 - 08/12/16 OLL ILT Instructor-Led Training ML Mentored Learning OLL Online Live SAA = Saarbrucken 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20484 Essentials of Developing Windows® Store Apps Using C# / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Students will learn essential programming skills and techniques required to develop Windows Store apps, including a combination of design and development skills and using Visual Studio and Expression Blend tools. 08/22 - 08/26/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20485 Advanced Windows® Store App Development Using C# / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Students will learn the more advanced programming skills and techniques that they can use to optimize their Windows Store app and differentiate their app from other apps in the Windows Store. 09/12 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20486 Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Students will learn to develop advanced ASP.NET MVC applications using .NET Framework 4.5 tools and technologies. 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Microsoft Windows 10982 Supporting and Troubleshooting Windows 10 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge & skills required to support & troubleshoot Windows 10 PCs & devices in a Windows Server domain environment. 08/22 - 08/26/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20694 Virtualizing Enterprise Desktops and Apps / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course builds your skills in Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) Service Pack 2 (SP2), Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V), and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) as part of Windows Server 2012 R2. 08/08 - 08/12/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20695 Deploying Windows Desktops and Enterprise Applications / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course describes how to assess operating system and application deployment options, determine the most appropriate deployment strategy, and then implement a lite-touch or zero-touch deployment solution for Windows devices and apps. 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20697-1 Installing and Configuring Windows 10 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to install and configure Windows 10 desktops and devices in a Windows Server domain corporate environment. 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/29 - 09/02/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Saarbrücken, DE +49 (731) 40 79 95 44 [email protected] Course Schedule 20697-2 Deploying and Managing Windows 10 Using Enterprise Services / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 10983 Upgrading Your Skills to Windows Server 2016 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 20414/21414 Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This 5-day course provides administrators with the knowledge and skills needed to deploy and manage Windows 10 desktops, devices, and applications in an enterprise environment. This course explains how to implement and configure new features and functionality in Windows Server 2016. This course is for students who want to upgrade their skills from Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2016. In diesem Kurs erlernen die Teilnehmer, wie sie einige der komplexeren Funktionen von Windows Server 2012 planen und implementieren. Kurs 21413 ist Voraussetzung für Kurs 21414. 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/22 - 08/26/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA SAA Microsoft Windows 10 20409 Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V® and System Center / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 20697-1 Installing and Configuring Windows 10 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to install and configure Windows 10 desktops and devices in a Windows Server domain corporate environment. 08/29 - 09/02/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 20417/21417 Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Students will learn the skills you need to deploy and manage a Microsoft Server Virtualization infrastructure in an enterprise environment. Dieser Kurs ist für Personen entworfen, die ihre technischen Fähigkeiten für Windows Server aktualisieren möchten 2008 und Windows Server 2008 R2 auf Windows Server 2012. Ein hohes Maß an Kenntnissen der vorherigen Server-Versionen wird vorausgesetzt. 06/27 - 07/01/16 OLL 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 06/27 - 07/01/16 OLL 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/15 - 08/19/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/29 - 09/02/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20410/21410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 40366 Networking Fundamentals / 1648 EUR / Days: 3 20697-2 Deploying and Managing Windows 10 Using Enterprise Services / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This 5-day course provides administrators with the knowledge and skills needed to deploy and manage Windows 10 desktops, devices, and applications in an enterprise environment. In diesem Kurs werden die erforderlichen Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse zum Implementieren einer Kerninfrastruktur von Windows Server 2012 in einer vorhandenen Unternehmensumgebung vermittelt. ML Time - Flexible SAA 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 06/27 - 07/01/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20411/21411 Administering Windows Server 2012 / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Microsoft Windows Server 10971 Storage and High Availability with Windows Server® / (CALL) EUR / Days: 4 In this course, you will learn about traditional storage topologies such as Direct Attached Storage (DAS), Network Attached Storage (NAS), Storage Area Networks (SANs), and bus technologies such as Fibre Channel and Internet SCSI (iSCSI). 08/01 - 08/04/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 10972 Administering the Web Server (IIS) Role of Windows Server / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge to configure and manage IIS. It provides pre-requisite skills supporting a broad range of Internet web applications, security, and knowledge to help support other products that use IIS. 09/12 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 10974 Deploying Windows Server® / 1648 EUR / Days: 3 In this course, you will learn how to plan for & deploy your Windows Server infrastructure in physical, virtual, & cloud environments. You will learn about different deployment methodologies & techniques, as well as general imaging usage and configuration 09/05 - 09/07/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Date - Flexible In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Sie Windows Server 2012 verwalten. Vermittelt werden die erforderlichen Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse, die zum Implementieren einer Kerninfrastruktur in einer vorhandenen Unternehmensumgebung benötigt werden. 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20412/21412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie die Advanced Services mit Windows Server 2012 bereitzustellen und zu konfigurieren. Sie erlernen die erforderlichen Kenntnisse zum Implementieren einer Kerninfrastruktur in einer vorhandenen Unternehmensumgebung. 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 20413/21413 Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure / 2194 EUR / Days: 5 Dieser Kurs vermittelt die Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse, der erforderlich sind, um eine physische und logische Windows-Server 2012-Infrastruktur mit Active Directory Domänendienste (AD DS) zu planen, zu entwerfen und bereitzustellen. 08/08 - 08/12/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA This three-day MTA Training course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-366, and build an understanding of these topics: Network Infrastructures, Network Hardware, and Protocols and Services. 08/01 - 08/03/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 55021 Configuring and Administering Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012 / 1648 EUR / Days: 3 Students will learn the history of Virtualization as it pertains to Microsoft technologies. Students will learn the new features of Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012. 07/18 - 07/20/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 6425 Configuring Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Domain Services / 1000 EUR / Days: 5 This course provides in-depth training on implementing, configuring, managing and troubleshooting Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environments. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA 6426 Configuring and Troubleshooting Identity and Access Solutions with Windows Server® 2008 Active Directory® / 1000 EUR / Days: 3 This course provides the knowledge and skills that IT Professionals need to configure identity and access solutions with Windows Server 2008 Active Directory. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA SAA SAA ILT Instructor-Led Training ML Mentored Learning OLL Online Live SAA = Saarbrucken SAA Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Saarbrücken, DE +49 (731) 40 79 95 44 [email protected] Course Schedule Word 2010 - Level 1 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 PRINCE2 Foundation, Projektmanagement (Deutsch) / 1380 EUR / Days: 3 This course will help students prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist core-level exam for Word 2010 (exam 77-881) and the Microsoft Office Specialist Expert exam for Word 2010 (exam 77-887). Der Kurs vermittelt einen guten Überblick über die Methode PRINCE2®. Mit Beispielen & Übungen lernen die Teilnehmer das Vokabular sowie alle wichtigen Elemente von PRINCE2® und deren Zusammenhang innerhalb der Methode kennen. Microsoft Word Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA VMware - Miscellaneous 06/22 - 06/24/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Word 2010 - Level 2 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 07/11 - 07/13/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Students will work with styles, sections, and columns, use the Navigation pane to work with outlines, will format tables, print labels and envelopes, work with graphics, use document templates, manage document revisions, and work with web features. 08/01 - 08/03/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/16 - 08/19/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/22 - 08/24/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/07 - 09/09/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA Word 2010 - Level 3 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 Students will perform mail merges, create and use forms, and create master documents that include a table of contents, a table of figures, footnotes, endnotes, an index, bookmarks, cross-references, and Web frames. They will also create macros. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA PRINCE2 Practitioner, Projektmanagement (Deutsch) / 1580 EUR / Days: 2 Der Kurs vermittelt vertieftes Wissen über die Methode PRINCE2®. Die Teilnehmer lernen, die Methode in Projektszenarien anzuwenden. Der Kurs hat einen starken praktischen Charakter und bereitet die Teilnehmer systematisch auf die Prüfung vor. VMware® Application Virtualization with VMware ThinApp / 590 EUR / Days: 1 This course provides administrators with the knowledge & skills to virtualize Windows applications with VMware® ThinApp®, modify the Package.ini parameters to handle special circumstances, & choose the best deployment processes for their environment. 08/05 - 08/05/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/16 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA VMware Horizon VMware® Horizon (with View): Install, Configure, Manage v6.0 / 2800 EUR / Days: 4 This course builds your skills in installing, configuring, and managing the HorizonViewcomponent of VMware Horizon 07/18 - 07/21/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA VMware® Horizon (with View): Install, Configure, Manage v6.2 / 2800 EUR / Days: 4 Word 2013, Level 1 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 06/27 - 06/28/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer Microsoft Word 2013 von Grund auf kennen. 07/04 - 07/05/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/25 - 07/26/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/11 - 08/12/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA This hands-on training course gives students the skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) platform. It builds upon the skills of installing, configuring, and managing the View component. 08/25 - 08/26/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/18 - 07/21/16 OLL 09/05 - 09/06/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA Word 2013, Level 2 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer wichtige Funktionen von Word 2013 kennen, die Ihnen im täglichen Umgang mit Word helfen ihre Arbeiten schneller und professioneller durchzuführen. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA Word 2013, Level 3 / 294 EUR / Days: 1 In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer viele weiterführende Funktionen von Word 2013 kennen. Damit können Sie für die Erledigung ihrer täglichen Arbeiten den maximalen Funktionsumfang von Word 2013 ausnutzen und noch effizienter arbeiten. Date - Flexible ML Time - Flexible SAA PRINCE2 Prince2 Agile / 1295 EUR / Days: 3 Prince2 Agile ist die perfekte Kombination aus dem klassischen Projektmanagement nach ÄPrince2³und zusätzlichen agilen Methoden. 07/06 - 07/08/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/22 - 08/24/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 09/14 - 09/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA PRINCE2® Foundation, Projektmanagement (Deutsch) by 4train / 1380 EUR / Days: 3 Der Kurs vermittelt einen guten Überblick über die Methode PRINCE2®. Mit Beispielen & Übungen lernen die Teilnehmer das Vokabular sowie alle wichtigen Elemente von PRINCE2® und deren Zusammenhang innerhalb der Methode kennen. 07/06 - 07/08/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/01 - 08/03/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/29 - 08/31/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA PRINCE2® Practitioner, Projektmanagement (Deutsch) by 4train / 1580 EUR / Days: 2 Der Kurs vermittelt vertieftes Wissen über die Methode PRINCE2®. Die Teilnehmer lernen, die Methode in Projektszenarien anzuwenden. Der Kurs hat einen starken praktischen Charakter und bereitet die Teilnehmer systematisch auf die Prüfung vor. SAA VMware vSphere VMware® vSphere: Fast Track v5.5 / 4450 EUR / Days: 5 This course combines the content of the VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage course with advanced tasks and skills for configuring a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure. 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM SAA VMware® vSphere: Fast Track v6.0 / 4450 EUR / Days: 5 This course focuses on installing, configuring, managing & troubleshooting VMware vSphere® 6, including VMware ESXiand VMware vCenter ServerStudents will gain practical experience through the completion of intensive, hands-on labs. 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM SAA VMware® vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage v6.0 (MLoD) / 3300 EUR / Days: 5 07/21 - 07/22/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/15 - 08/16/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA This course will give you a solid understanding of how to administer a vSphere infrastructure for an organization of any size. 09/08 - 09/09/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/11 - 07/15/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 07/25 - 07/29/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ILT Instructor-Led Training ML Mentored Learning OLL Online Live SAA = Saarbrucken 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Saarbrücken, DE +49 (731) 40 79 95 44 [email protected] Course Schedule VMware® vSphere: What's New v5.5 to v6.0 / 1320 EUR / Days: 2 In this course, students will explore the newest features and enhancements in VMware vCenter Serverand VMware ESXiThis class is recommended for customers who want to deploy vSphere 6 into their existing vSphere environment. 07/04 - 07/05/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA 08/02 - 08/03/16 OLL 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SAA ILT Instructor-Led Training ML Mentored Learning OLL Online Live SAA = Saarbrucken Tuesday, June 21, 2016
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