Time-Periodic Parabolic Problems

Fachbereich Mathematik und Statistik
Prof. Dr. R. Denk, Prof. Dr. R. Racke, Prof. Dr. O. Schnürer
Oberseminar Partielle Differentialgleichungen
gibt es am
Donnerstag, den 9. Juni 2016,
einen Vortrag von
Dr. Jonas Sauer
(Technische - Universität Darmstadt)
“ Time-Periodic Parabolic Problems and Maximal Regularity ”
Beginn: 15.15 Uhr
Raum: F 426
Interessenten sind herzlich willkommen!
R. Denk, R. Racke, O. Schnürer
Throughout the last fifteen years or so, the concept of maximal Lp regularity has been examined and
applied successfully to quasilinear parabolic equations. In my talk, I will show that maximal regularity for
the initial value problem is equivalent to a time-periodic variant of maximal regularity. As time-periodic Lp
estimates can be obtained in a fast and straight-forward way for the Laplace and the Stokes operator on
different domains such as the whole space, the half space and sufficiently regular bounded domains, this
constitutes an elegant proof of maximal Lp regularity of these operators which completely circumvents the
somewhat complicated notion of R-boundedness. In proving the corresponding time-periodic estimates, the
key idea is to replace the time axis with a torus, reformulate the problem on a locally compact abelian
group and use Fourier techniques.
The talk is based on joint works with Mads Kyed and Yasunori Maekawa.
(invited by Prof. Dr. Robert Denk)