Faculty (2) Hubertusstraße 22 16547 Birkenwerder bei Berlin Phone +49 (0)3303-5 13 40 00-0 Fax +49 (0)3303-5 13 40 00-90 Rostock/Hamburg Birkenwerder Jutta Liebau, MD, PhD Plastic Surgeon, Florence Nightingale Krankenhaus Kreuzbergstraße 789, 40489 Düsseldorf, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Prenzlau 10 [email protected] www.park-klinik-birkenwerder.de 10 Tegel Berlin Juliane Meyer, Dipl.-Biol. Universitätsmedizin Rostock, Zentrum für Medizinische Forschung Arbeitsbereich Zellbiologie Schillingallee 69, 18057 Rostock, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] 10 Hotel Recommendation IBIS Hotel at Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Central Train Station) Invalidenstraße 53, 10557 Berlin, Fone: +49 30 7109600 There will be a FREE bus shuttle from the IBIS Hotel at the central station to Birkenwerder on both days. Duration is about 30–40 min according to traffic. There are a couple of other congresses on at the same time in Berlin, so please reserve a room rather sooner than later. www.booking.com www.hrs.com You have a great choice of alternative hotels from 50 € to 500 €. Potsdam Magdeburg Schönefeld Frankfurt/O. 10 13th Berlin International BEAULI Workshop Fat Grafting Cottbus Leipzig How to find us: By car 1. via Autobahn from north or Berlin Alexanderplatz 2. from south (Berlin West Autobahn direction Hamburg) take Hennigsdorf/ Stolpe, follow the signs to Birkenwerder. From Tegel airport about 25 min. In Birkenwerder follow the signs „Asklepios Klinik“. By S-Bahn Take S1 (Wannsee direction Oranienburg) to Station Birkenwerder. From Station to Hospital on foot about 12 min: http://www.s-bahn-berlin.de/fahrplanauskunft-routenplaner Jaroslav Michalek, MD, PhD Advanced Cell Immunotherapy Unit, Faculty of Medicine Masaryk University Building A3, Kamenice 5, Brno 625 00, Czech Republic E-Mail: [email protected] Hilkka H. Peltoniemi, MD, PhD Plastic and general surgeon, Laser-Tilkka, Mannerheimintie 164 00300 Helsinki, Finland E-Mail: [email protected] Jannine Sauber, M.D Plastic Surgeon, Universitätsklinikum Leipzig Plastische, Ästhetische und spezielle Handchirurgie Liebigstraße 20, 04103 Leipzig, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Marco Stabile, MD Plastic Surgeon Piazza Somenzi 6, 26100 Cremona, Italy E-Mail: [email protected] Tilman Stasch, MD Plastic Surgeon Valentis Beauty, Mohrenstraße 20, 50670 Köln, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Yves Surlemont, MD Plastic Surgeon, Clinique Saint Antoine Rue Robert pinchon, 76230 Bois Guillaume, France E-Mail: [email protected] Ursula Tanzella, MD Plastic Surgeon, Abteilung für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie Park-Klinik Birkenwerder, Hubertusstraße 22, 16547 Birkenwerder, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Klaus Ueberreiter, MD Plastic Surgeon, Abteilung für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie Park-Klinik Birkenwerder, Hubertusstraße 22, 16547 Birkenwerder, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] PARK-KLINIK BIRKENWERDER Dear Colleagues, Program In June 2015 we could welcome again an international faculty and visitors from 30 different nations around the world. The extension of the congress for two days, more live procedures and the inclusion of stem cells and other indications for fat grafting as pain and chronic wound treatment has proved highly successful so we decided to keep it this way. The first day will present life procedures as aesthetic fat graft to the breast, lipofilling after implant removal and fat grafting to the face and may be some other procedure. The second day will give us time for lectures and – most important – extensive discussions. Friday, June 10th, 2016 Saturday, June 11th, 2016 08:00 B u s shu t t l e t o B i rk e n w e rde r 08:45 R e g i st rat i o n / C o f fe e B re ak 09:15Introduction: The Principles of Mega Volume Fat Grafting -U e be r re i t e r ( G e r m an y ) 09:45 1. Live OP procedure: Breast Augmentation by BEAULI - Tan ze l l a ( G e r m an y ) 10:30 C o f fe e B re ak 08:45 09:30 09:40 Friday evening you will be fed in the Berlin Zoo, one of the oldest in the world. We will be the only visitors and you can enjoy this huge park in the center of the city. As June is one of the best travel seasons for our city, hotels will be booked early – so do not hesitate too long with your decision. We provide a bus shuttle to the venue site in Birkenwerder; the recommended hotels are near the pickup place (see separate information). Looking forward to meet you for our 13th BEAULI Symposium in Birkenwerder/ Berlin June 10th – 11th, Dr. K l au s U e be r re i t e r U n de r t he au spi ce s o f De u t sche G e se l l schaf t f ü r Ä st he t i sch-Pl ast i sche C hi r u r g i e w w w. dg ae pc. de Faculty (1) 1 0 : 4 5 Comparision of WAL and UAL Liposuction -C ho u ( Tai w an ) 11:00 2. Live OP procedure: Implant removal and exchange for fat -U e be r re i t e r ( G e r m an y ) 12:00 3. Live OP procedure: Fat graft to the Face - Pe l t o n i e m i ( Fi n l an d) 13:00 4. Live OP procedure: Fat graft to the Face - Pe l t o n i e m i ( Fi n l an d) 13:30 Lu n ch B re ak 14:30 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 Fat and Stem cells - H ar m se n ( N e t he rl an ds) What happens after Transplantation - S au be r ( G e r m an y ) Important cofactors: Local anaesthetcs, Botox and Co. - K e ck ( G e r m an y ) Cell clusters and evaluation - H e ro l d ( G e r m an y ) Arthrosis treatment with fatgraft: Hand - H e ro l d ( G e r m an y ) 16:00 C o f fe e B re ak 16:15 16:30 16:45 Facial Fat Graft - Pe l t o n i e m i ( Fi n l an d) Fat grafting in Asians - K an g ( Ko re a) Stem Cells for Arthrosis treatment - M i chal e k ( C ze ch R e pu bl i k ) 17:15 17:30 C o f fe e an d D i sc u ssi o n B u s shu t t l e t o B e rl i n 19:45 Dinner event in the Berlin Zoological Garden (Casual!) M e e t i n g po i n t i n f ro n t o f Li o n G at e B us shut t l e t o B i rk enwerder Re gi st rat i o n/Co f fee B reak Fat Grafting for Aesthetic Breast Augmentation -Pel t o ni emi (Fi nl and) 10:00 The role of fat graft in modern Plastic Surgery -Fat ah (Great B ri t ai n) 10:20 Breast Reconstruction by Fat Grafting -K auhanen (Fi nl and) 10:40 Implants or Fat Injection? - Fri edman (I srael ) 11:00 Refining Silicone implants with fatgraft - Fi nck enst ei n (Ger many ) 11:20 Co f fee B reak 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 Fat graft for Capsular Fibrosis and tubular breast - Tanzel l a (Ger many ) Fatgraft after external preexpansion with BRAVA - Hei ne (Ger many ) Body deformities and fat graft - S url emo nt (Franc e) Buttock augmentation with fat - Kumar (I ndi a) 13:00 Lunch B reak 14:30 14:50 15:10 15:30 15:50 16:10 Hand rejuvenation by Fat grafting - Gi unt a (Ger many ) Validity of stem cells harvested by waterjet - Me yer (Ger many ) Arthrosis treatment with fatgraft: Hip and Knee - S t abi l e (I t al y ) Fat graft for chronic wounds - S t asch (Ger many ) More indications for fat: chronic pain - K auhanen (Fi nl and) Fare wel l and Co f fee B reak 16:30 B us shut t l e t o B erl i n Fee (online registration only): 790 € p.p (price for 2 day symposium including food, beverages, bus transfer and dinner reception) 80 € p.p – accompanying person for the dinner event on Friday night Erh-Kang CHOU MD EK Plastic Surgery Clinic, 3f, No. 185, Da-long Road Taichung, 407_Taiwan, E-Mail: [email protected] Fazel Fatah, MD, FRCSEd Consultant Plastic Surgeon The Westbourne Centre, Birmingham, 53 Church Road, Edgbaston, B15 3SJ, Great Britain E-Mail: [email protected] Nimrod Friedman, MD Plastic Surgeon Sibel - Aesthetic and Surgery House, 7 Haomanim Street Tel Aviv, 67897, Israel, E-Mail: [email protected] Riccardo Giunta MD, PhD Plastic Surgeon HOD Plastic Surgery, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München Pettenkoferstraße 8a, 80336 München, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Marco Harmsen, MD, PhD University of Groningen, Faculty of Medical Sciences Pathology & Lab. Medicine / Med. Biology Section Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen, Netherlands E-Mail: [email protected] Norbert Heine, MD Plastic Surgeon Klinik für Plastische und Ästhetische, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie Caritas-Krankenhaus St. Josef, Landshuter Straße 65, 93053 Regensburg, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Christian Herold, MD, PhD Plastic Surgeon Klinik für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie Sana Klinikum Hameln-Pyrmont Saint-Maur-Platz 1, 31785 Hameln, Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Susanna MC Kauhanen, MD, PhD Plastic Surgery Consulant, Helsinki University Central Hospital Department of Plastic Surgery, Jorvi Unit Haartmaninkatu 3, PO Box 180, 00029, Helsinki Uusimaa, Finland, E-Mail: [email protected] Tae-Jo Kang, MD Plastic Surgeon Yujin Plastic Surgery 5F of Ilsin Bldg., 437, Apgujeong-ro, Gangnam-gu Seoul, Korea, E-Mail: [email protected] Maike Keck, MD, PhD Plastic Surgeon Abteilung für Plastische und Rekonstruktive Chirurgie Klinik für Chirurgie, Medizinische Universität Wien Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Wien, Austria E-Mail: [email protected] Lokesh Kumar, MD Plastic Surgeon HOD Plastic Surgery, BLK Super Speciality Hospital Pusa Road, New Delhi -110005, India E-Mail: [email protected]
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