Tuesday, 31.05.2016 Time BrainBox EEN Area Zukunftsorte Tours 10:00 10:30 11:00 Interactive Table Business Sessions MetSol Tour (starting at Berlin Area) 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 Lunchtime Talk Talks Zukunftsorte 13:30 14:00 Throughout its history, the city of Berlin has experienced unique change and transformation processes. As a growing metropolis, Berlin has an outstandingly developed research landscape, the largest start-up scene in Germany and considerable land use potential. In addition, the political leadership of Berlin has set itself the goal of establishing the city as one of the leading smart cities in Europe. At the joint stand of the capital region Berlin-Brandenburg and in the conference area we provide hands-on examples of local Smart City solutions, various Talks, Matchmaking opportunities (EEN area) and guided Smart City tours. 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 Interactive Table Innovation Hour Interactive Table 17:00 17:30 18:00 Hackathon Results & After Party B2B Meetings Tour 1: Smart Living Wednesday, 01.06.2016 Time 10:00 10:30 BrainBox Startup Pitches EIT Digital 11:00 EEN Area Wednesday, 01.06.2016 Zukunftsorte Berlin – Amsterdam – Graz Evening Event, Berlin Area, 01.06.2016, 17:30 h Business Sessions Tour 2: Energy Efficiency 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 Lunchtime Talk 14:30 Pitches: Berlin TXL Adlershof Südwest Schöneweide 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 Interactive Table Innovation Hour Interactive Table 17:00 B2B Meetings Berlin, Amsterdam and Graz are at the very heart of the European community of Smart cities. Although each city has its own unique character, they all share certain problems that government, business and civil society have to address: growing population and higher urbanization but limited resources. The city of tomorrow must guarantee high living and working standards in order to compete globally. A cross-border partnership can help in bringing about joint efforts, developing solutions more quickly and efficiently and in learning from each other’s experiences in pursuing implementation. Going forward, their different competences will be incorporated into an intensified collaboration in order to derive mutual benefit from their differing experiences. Talk Zukunftsorte 13:30 14:00 „Smart City Cooperations – Learning from the best“ Tours A number of joint projects will be developed over the next time with different companies and institutions. They will gain more added value in becoming part of a cooperation agenda between the three cities which will focus on the topics as housing, mobility systems, energy transition, energy grids, Internet of Things / Data, city & district management and involvement of citizens. Tour 3: Safe City Solutions Programme: 17:30 Welcome and Keynotes City of Berlin Permanent Secretary Dr. Hans Reckers, Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research Permanent Secretary Christian Gaebler, Senate Department for Urban Development and Environment 17:45 The City of Amsterdam Ger Baron, Chief Technology officer, City of Amsterdam Audrie van Veen, Amsterdam Economic Board 18:00 The City of Graz Christian Nussmüller, City Department for Urban Development Kai-Uwe Hoffer, City Department for Urban Development 18:15 Get together & networking 17:30 18:00 Smart City Cooperations Host: Alexander Möller, Head of Unit Smart Cities, Berlin Partner Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH Thursday, 02.06.2016 Thursday, 02.06.2016 Smart City & WearCityHack Time BrainBox EEN Area Interactive Table Business Session Zukunftsorte Tours 10:00 10:30 11:00 Tour 4: Innovative Mobility Concepts 11:30 Agenda (R11, Level 3) 12:00 12:30 13:00 Lunchtime Talk Zukunftsorte Pitches 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 Interactive Table Innovation Hour 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 Last December passionate developers and ingenious makers came together at WearCityHack to imagine and build solutions for the smart city of tomorrow. In our sessions we want to have a closer look at the outcomes and methods AtomLeap, Berlin Partner and Wear It used to make WearCityHack a success. Additional speeches provide key insights into future challenges of smart cities in terms of mobility and security. Interactive Table 10:00 - WearCitHack review 10:30 Claudia Pelzer (Berlin Partner), Konstanze Neumann (AtomLeap) 10:30 - Hands-on I: 11:00 design thinking Konstanze Neumann (AtomLeap) 11:00 - Hands-on II: 12:00 rapid prototyping Mia Konew (AtomLeap) 12:00 - Critical infrastructures: 12:30 security in smart ecosystems Bastian Halecker (AtomLeap) Prof. Dr. Hartmann (HTW Berlin) 12:30 - Sharing infrastructures: 13:00 the future of mobility Fabian Reetz (AtomLeap) 13:00 - Closing Session: 13:30 Future outlook & farewell Claudia Pelzer (Berlin Partner) Konstanze Neumann (AtomLeap) Fabian Reetz (AtomLeap)
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