GEMEINDEBRIEF “I am the vine, and you are the branches!” GRAPEVINE 43 JAHRGANG / VOLUME 43 + NO. 5 + JUNE 2016 ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 11423 CHICAGO RD. WARREN, MI 48093 586-979-3850 Fax: 586-979-3903 email: stpeters_church@ Website: REGULAR FEATURES Anniversaries/Birthdays Calendar Home Bound Schedules: Bus Flower Reader Seniorenkreis Sunday School Sunday Services . . . And much more! 1 Don’t forget to drop your loose change in the 3 Pentecost Sunday, June 5th 1 Kings 17:17-24 Galatians 1:11-24 Luke 7:11-17 Pastor Tim Roehrs Church Choir Sunday School LSSM Jar 4 PENTECOST SUNDAY, June 12th 2 Samuel 11:26-12:10, 13-15 Galatians 2:15-21 Luke 7:36-8:3 Pastor Gary MacManus Bell Choir Sunday School If you would like prayers said for yourself or someone you know, please fill out the form in the Narthex and put it in the prayer box or mail it to the church, Attn: Prayer Chain 4 PENTECOST SUNDAY, June 19 Isaiah 65:1-9 Galatians 3:23-29 Luke 9:51-62 Pastor George Hockley Church Choir Sunday School 5 PENTECOST SUNDAY, June 26 1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21 Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Luke 9:51-62 Pastor Fred Gross Bell Choir Sunday School 2 FLAG DAY Father's Day In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened on that day in 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. Over the years As we grow old, We remember our father So brave and bold. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day; in August 1949, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress. Flag Day is not an official federal holiday. In the garden, Leaning on the plow, He would listen to me; I see him now. On June 14, 1937, Pennsylvania became the firstU.S. state to celebrate Flag Day as a state holiday, beginning in the town of Rennerdale. New York Statutesdesignate the second Sunday in June as Flag Day, a state holiday. He would give advice And understand; He was always there To lend a hand. Perhaps the oldest continuing Flag Day parade is in Fairfield, Washington. Beginning in 1909 or 1910, Fairfield has held a parade every year since, with the possible exception of 1918, and celebrated the "Centennial" parade in 2010, along with some other commemorative events. God made fathers Strong and firm, For he knew our lives Would have great concerns. Appleton, Wisconsin claims to be the oldest National Flag Day parade in the nation, held annually since 1950. It was also named "Most Patriotic City in America" by in 2008. So he gave us fathers To teach us to pray, And guide our lives, And show us the way. Quincy, Massachusetts has had an annual Flag Day parade since 1952 and claims it "is the longest-running parade of its kind in the nation." The largest Flag Day parade is held annually in Troy, New York, which bases its parade on the Quincy parade and typically draws 50,000 spectators. In addition, the Three Oaks, Michigan Flag Day Parade is held annually on the weekend of Flag Day and is a three-day event and they claim to have the largest flag day parade in the nation as well as the oldest. The week of June 14 is designated as "National Flag Week." During National Flag Week, the president will issue a proclamation urging U.S. citizens to fly the American flag for the duration of that week. So on his day Let's take the time To say "Thanks, dad. I'm glad you're mine." Mary Frances Bogle 3 Thrivent Financial “SIMPLY GIVING” Electronic Transfers But you’re not the only one that benefits. Your congregation benefits from steady, more predictable revenues throughout the year, more efficient bookkeeping and greater confidence in meeting its financial commitments. “Simply Giving” is an automated giving program designed to help you conveniently and consistently contribute to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. Through “Simply Giving”, your offerings are made through a preauthorized withdrawal from your bank account. You determine the frequency of your automatic gift—weekly, semi-monthly or monthly—the option is yours. Your offering is deposited into the church’s bank account on the same day it is withdrawn from your account—at NO cost to you or the church. Why does Thrivent Financial for Lutheran offer Simply Giving? Thrivent Financial offers Simply Giving to further its mission of serving Lutheran congregations and institutions. How do I participate? Complete an enrollment form and return it to your church. Contact Tim Meier (313-886-3201) for an enrollment form. Benefits to you and to your Congregation “Simply Giving” is a reliable, safe way to move your stewardship plan into action. It allows you to share your offerings through planned giving and activates your generosity into ongoing stewardship. Because your offering is given consistently, you won’t need to play “catch-up” at yearend or worry about forgotten checkbooks or missed Sunday offerings. Whom do I call if I have more questions about Simply Giving? Simply Giving will be administered by Vanco Services, LLC, an outside vendor that Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has contracted with to provide administrative services. Contact Tim Meier for more information (313-886-3201). 4 BABY-CHILD BLANKETS Our goal is to collect as many blankets for our ill children as possible. We want to let them know we care & pray for them. Give a child something to snuggle with. Won’t you please make or donate at least one? • Any size • Any color • MUST be washable • Any fabric or yarn • Knit, crocheted or sewn • Drop off at St. Peter Lutheran Church any time Blankets are for patients (babies & children) of Children’s Hospital of Michigan, DMC and Henry Ford Hospital 11423 Chicago Warren, 48093 5 Phone: 586-979-3850 Fax: 586-979-3903 Email: [email protected] PLEASE HUGE SUCCESS ! let the office secretary (Astrid) know if anyone is sick, in the hospital or homebound. Thank you! In Nursing Home: Hohentanner, Adolph Medel, Adam Thank you to everyone who came to the Wurstfest, the volunteers that cooked, baked, collected money, set up the Hall, and those that ordered fresh sausage. 141 members & guests were drawn into the church by the smell of sausage on the BBQ and sauerkraut cooking in the pots. As they walked into Luther Hall, they were impressed with the new chairs and the wonderful decorations. We consumed a delicious dinner of potato salad (made by the ladies of the Schwäbisher Männerchor), sauerkraut, baked beans, jello, fresh sausages made by Rudy & Karin Knoedl and their helpers, and of course the delicious desserts made by our members. Afterwords the Schwäbischer Männerchor delighted the crowd with a few songs. A sing along was then started with a medley of old favorite tunes that every age could enjoy and much to everyone’s surprise the words were displayed on a video screen. In Care Facility: Zerrer, Ilse Pridoehl, Hannelore At Home: Boehm, Heinrich & Eva Hintz, Adeline Krink, Christel Lüdeking, Jürgen Mueller, Elisabeth Schiszler, Hans & Elisabeth Wachner, Elsa Cheer someone up by giving them a friendly call! Thank you for signing up your Kroger card for our community rewards program #92941. If you have not done so already, it’s not too late. St. Peter’s will receive a percentage of every purchase you make at Kroger plus you will earn fuel points for gas discounts. For more information call Ati at 586-979-3850. Two big food & drink baskets as well as two huge hanging baskets were raffled off. A more “gemütlicher Abend”, it could not have been. 6 Of the Seniorenkreis June 8, 2016 11:00 AM Catered Lunch & Program $16.00 per person RSVP: 586586 - 979979 - 3850 7 JUNE: Hannelore Wachner Eberhard Wasserbaech Hans Ganesch Lothar Schwalbe Nina Cherian Kathy Gies Adam Medel Horst Reschke Anneliese Strauch Edward Ballach Waltraud Limberg Katarina McCarty George Cherian Charlotte Klein Hannelore Rehner 1 1 7 9 10 14 14 14 14 19 19 21 23 23 30 Seniorenkreis Schluss Picnic Mitwoch (Wednesday), 22 June 11:00 Uhr Anmeldungen (RSVP): Kirche (Church) Narthex or Erika Anger (586) 777-7566 ANNIVERSARIES JUNE: Mr & Mrs Tony Bering Pastor & Mrs Waldemar Gies Mr & Mrs Joachim Gablowski Mr & Mrs Samuel Fleischer Käthe Fedototszkin (586) 792-9080 1 14 15 20 $10.00/person 8 Ich habe nichts Neues zu berichten von unserem Meeting. Wie immer, unsere Meeting begann mit einem Gebet von Käthe, folgend mit Gedichten, gemeinsamem Singen und Geburtsagfeiren für diejenigen, die Geburtstag hatten im Monat Mai. Wir besprachen auch, was wir vorhaben zu tun für unser 40-jahriges Jubiläum der Senioren. Wir wollen unseren Köchinnen und Helfern Ruhe gönnen, damit sie auch alles genießen können. Wir möchten Euch danken für all die schwere Arbeit die Ihr immer für uns getan habt und beten, daß Gott Euch die Kraft schenkt, daß Ihr es auch weiterhin tun könnt. Wir haben zwei Frauen, die auch in der Carpathia beim kochen helfen und uns gerne das Essen kochen. Wir danken Ihnen schon im voraus und ich bin gewiß, es wird ein schmackhaftes Essen geben. Da es nun Catering ist, so ist der Betrag diesmal $16.00. Jeder ist herzlich willkommen und wir hoffen, daß doch ein paar mehr wie sonst kommen. Mit 11 Personen wurde der Seniorenkreis im Jahre 1976 als Pastor Goegginger Seelsorger der St. Peter’s Kirche war, gegründet. Im Jahr 1978 bekamen wir Herrn Pfarrer Müller, der sehr tätig bei den Senioren war. Im Jahr 1980 übersiedelten wir in diese Kirche in Warren. Langsam vergrößerte sich der Seniorenkreis bis auf 120 Mitglieder. Wir danken dem lieben Gott, der all diese Jahre den Weg mit uns ging und uns mit soviel Gutem segnete. Wir wollen auch diejenigen in guter Erinnerung behalten, die mit viel Liebe und Aufopferung bei der Gründung waren—Ihnen danken, obwohl sie nicht mehr mit uns sind. Unsere Gruppe zur Zeit ist nicht sehr groß, da manche verstarben—oft auch durch Krankheit nicht mit uns sein können. Aber wir kommen doch gerne zusammen und freuen uns, daß wir das können, es heißt ja: Wenn auch nur zwei oder drei versammelt sind, da ist der liebe Gott auch mit dabei. So bitten wir den lieben Gott, ob wenige oder viele in die Meeting kommen, daß Er auch weiter über die 40 Jahre Seinen Segen auf unseren Seniorenkreis, und unsere St. Peter’s Kirche ruhen läßt, damit wir die Liebe, die Er für uns hat, an Andere weitergeben können. Nach dem 40.zigten Jubiläum ist nur noch ein Treffen und zwar unser Picknick am 22. Juni. Danach beginnen die Sommerferien. Daher wünsche ich uns Allen einen schönen Sommer -ob Zuhause oder auf Reisen. Der Herr behüte uns bis wir uns wieder im Sept. treffen. Unsere ersten Treffen nach den Sommerferien sind am 7. und 21. September. Ganz herzlich, Maria Leprich und der Vorstand SPRINGTIME When lovely Springtime’s promise of beauty Yet to be has paved the way for Summer, when days stretch endlessly . . . Then nature is aburst with flowers, their perfume fills the air! And every breeze proclaims the news that God is everywhere. Butterflies aflutter with the very joy of living; Dance their way from flower to flower, While beauty they are giving. May every flower attest to this . . . God made everything! The earth we see and Heaven we can’t; It is why the angels sing! By Margaret Peterson JUNE 8, 2016—11:00 AM 9 Word Search Puzzle from W H E N T W E E P H E R I S E N W H O T H I S H W E N T I Y O U N G T O W N B B L H R T H E M M F T O U C H E D L E E O E O J U D E A E Y C O U N T R Y A I O G U J E S U S A W W O R D J H F R N K L G S A I D P R O P H E T S A R E G E O H A P P R O A C H E D C P S O R F D R O L A R G E M A N F D R R U M S O L I U N A I N O T L R A S O E R O G R U F T S T I L L A L S V P W A R T A W K I B E G A N D F E V O E D D O H T A E E U P C A M E T D S R A O I U E E R J D I S C I P L E S A A K F E N R F D G A V E B I E R R T Y B S A D D S C O M P A S S I O N W O I L O M G I A L O R D E A D H A D A O N Y O O R N T S O N C A R R I E D R D G Y N N E G H A B O U T H E Y W I D O W A S G A O E P E O P L E W I T H S E I Z E D T D N SURROUNDING THROUGHOUT COMPASSION APPROACHED AFTERWARDS GLORIFIED FAVORABLY DISCIPLES TOUCHED PROPHET FORWARD COUNTRY CARRIED BEARERS SPREAD SEIZED SAYING PEOPLE MOTHER LOOKED CALLED YOUNG WIDOW STOOD STILL SPEAK RISEN LARGE JUDEA JESUS GREAT CROWD BEING BEGAN AMONG ABOUT WORD WITH WHEN WENT WEEP TOWN THIS THEY THEN THEM SOON SAID ONLY NRSV NAIN LUKE LORD GAVE GATE FROM FEAR DIED DEAD CAME BIER WHO WAS SON SHE SAW SAT NOT MAN HIM HAS HAD GOD AND UP OF Every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM, the children of the parish join in the early service through the Children’s Sermon. They are then excused to Luther Hall with their teacher for their lesson based on the Sunday lectionary used in worship. Remember to talk to your children about the marvelous things they learned and did at Sunday School. You will see what a good time they have when they come! 10 Everyone enjoys the fellowship of our coffee hours after the services. The Readers for the month of June June 5 Mark O’Malley 12 19 26 Adele Reinke George Cherian Maria Leprich Please sign up in the Narthex to bring a cake OR won’t you please consider hosting the Coffee Hour one Sunday morning, perhaps to celebrate a birthday or anniversary? Please let the office, 586-979-3850 know if you plan on hosting a particular Sunday. A TRAVELERS PRAYER With God, every day is a day to hope for the very best – to believe our prayers are being heard, to believe good news is on its way, and that anything can happen between yesterday and tomorrow. Mit liebe Käthe Fedototszkin (586) 792-9080 Happy Father’s Day to all our Members “Lord, be our guide and our protector on the journey we are about to take. Watch over us. Protect us from accidents. Keep us free from harm to body and soul. Lord, support us with Your grace when we are tired. Help us be patient in any trouble which may come our way. Keep us always mindful of Your presence and love. Amen. JUNE: JUNE: 5 12 19 26 Gordon Koivu John Benesch Ulrich WIedmann Gordon Koivu 5 12 19 26 11
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