心理と言語A 第6回 インタラクションを重視した第二言語学習法

心理と言語 A(担当:廣森)
第 6 回: インタラクションを重視した第二言語学習法
・インプット仮説(Input Hypothesis),インプット仮説に基づいた英語指導法
・インタラクション仮説(Interaction Hypothesis)
Input, made comprehensible through interaction, is necessary for SLA, since interaction additionally
provides a means for identifying those aspects of output that cause
Learners can use this information to
they can also, in interaction,
about correct interlanguage forms and
(e.g., feedback) and incorporate these into
their language system.
So Long argues, contrary to Krashen, that comprehensible input is necessary but not sufficient. Input is
and testing of output forms.
, and interaction creates opportunities for noticing, revising