保護者各位/Dear Parents and Guardians: 終業式 / The Year-End Ceremony 5月21日午前10時より1階のホールで終業式を行います。終業式では皆勤賞と精勤賞が授与されます。ご家族 そろってご参加ください。この日に、子供さんが登校できない場合は前もってお知らせ下さい。 The year-end ceremony will be held on 5/21/2016 in the hall on the first floor (street level). In the ceremony, “perfect” and “good” attendance awards will be given to qualified students, and you are invited to enjoy this event. Please inform us if your child(ren) will not come to the school on this day. May 21th 9am-10am 授業、掃除 / class, clean-up own desk 10am-12pm 終業式 / The Year-End Ceremony *We appreciate your support by cleaning after the ceremony (chairs need to be returned to storage. 次年度登録 / Registration of New School Year 新年度は8月20日(土)が始業日です。最終日5月21日に登録をされますと、年間登録料は$20ですがそれ以後の登 録は新入生扱いとなり$50になりますのでお早目に登録下さい。また、授業料納入〆切は8月20日です。登録料、 授業料の御返金は出来ませんので御了承下さい。 The new school year will start on 8/20/16. Please find the information below. 登録料/Registration Fees On or by 5/21/2016・・・・・・・・・・・・・ $20.00 per student(for continuing students) After 5/22/2016 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ $50.00 per student (as new student) Academic Year Tuition (8/20/16 to 5/20/17): $720.00 (including material besides book) The first payment $360.00 /for Sibling $340.00 (due 8/20/2016) The second payment $360.00 /for Sibling $340.00 (due 1/14/2017) * Please make note, there will be no refund of the fees Kinmon Gakuen / Golden Gate Institute 2031 Bush San Francisco, CA 94115 / 415-567-4383 www.kinmongakuen.com /E-mail:[email protected] 2016 年度(2016 年秋~2017 年春) 登録用紙 The School Year of 2016 (Fall 2016 ~Spring 2017) Registration Slip 生徒名/Student Name: 1_________________________________________________________________($20) by 5/21/2015 2_________________________________________________________________($20) by 5/21/2015 3_________________________________________________________________($20) by 5/21/2015 支払い方法/Method: Check / Cash 合計額/Total Amount: $_______________ ご署名/Signature: ________________________________________ 日付/Date:_________________ ………………..…………………………..キリトリセン/ cut here. ………………………………………………... 授業料/ Tuition ( the first half payment) 生徒名/Student Name: 1_______________________________________________________________________($360) 2.(Sibling) _______________________________________________________________($340) 3.(Sibling) _______________________________________________________________($340) 支払い方法/Method: Check / Cash 合計額/Total Amount: $________________ ご署名/Signature: __________________________________ 日付/Date:_________________
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