工学研究科 Graduate School of Engineering 電気電子工学専攻 Course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 知覚機能拡張のための人間計測技術 Human Sensing for Augmented Human Perception 准教授 竹村憲太郎 Assoc.Prof. Kentaro TAKEMURA Keywords: Eye-tracking, Joint angle, Haptic feedback 情報通信技術は、生活の質向上を大きく担うこ Information and communication technology is とから、センシング技術の開発も必要不可欠で played a key role in the quality of life, and thus あります。そこで、本研究室では人間計測技術 it is essential to develop sensing technologies. の研究開発を中心に取り組み、現在はウェアラ In our laboratory, human sensing technologies ブルなセンサによる計測技術として、視線計測 have been studied. Currently, we are focusing や振動計測の研究を行っております。 on wearable sensing techniques such as eye-tracking and vibration sensing. 視線計測では、3 次元注視点や注視対象推定 In eye-tracking research, we have been 技術など装着型視線計測装置の問題点の解決 solved problems such as estimating 3D に取り組んでいます。 point-of-regard and the focused object for head-mounted eye tracker. また、振動計測では、アクティブ骨導音セン In vibration sensing, we have studied the for haptic-enabled active シングを提案し、関節角度の計測と触覚フィー method ドバックが同時に可能な手法の確立を目指し bone-conducted sound sensing which can ています。 estimate joint angle and provide haptic feedback simultaneously. Fig.1 Snapshots of research. The figures are the developed eye-tracking system (left), the wearable devices for active bone-conducted sound sensing (middle), and the result of estimating joint angle (right). respectively. ◆リンクページ(Link):http://takemura-lab.org/wordpress ◆電子メール(address):[email protected]
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