綜研化学株式会社 Soken Chemical & Engineering Co.,Ltd. 2016 2015 2016年3月期 For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016 連結財務ハイライト Consolidated Financial Highlights 単位:百万円/Millions of yen 通期/fiscal term 前期比/ 営業成績 Operating Results 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2016/3 % Change 売上高 24,573 21,822 2,751 6,979 1,052 898 26,434 23,107 3,326 8,269 1,632 1,566 27,561 24,683 2,877 8,568 1,553 1,560 28,772 26,277 2,494 8,668 1,430 1,417 26,019 23,226 2,793 8,322 1,244 1,007 -9.57 -11.61 11.99 -3.99 -13.01 -28.93 親会社株主に帰属する 当期純利益 Net sales Chemicals Plant & System Gross profit Operating income Ordinary income Net income attributable to shareholders of parent company 401 967 913 765 529 -30.85 資産状況 Financial Position 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2016/3 総資産 Total assets Current assets Tangible fixed assets Current liabilities Interest-bearing debt Net assets 27,758 14,472 11,461 8,372 3,340 16,336 31,778 17,937 11,702 11,233 3,614 17,691 34,026 18,200 13,265 12,034 4,918 19,890 34,751 18,111 13,951 10,160 4,072 21,818 33,031 16,853 13,752 9,065 2,998 21,082 ケミカルズ 装置システム 売上総利益 営業利益 経常利益 流動資産 有形固定資産 流動負債 有利子負債 純資産 総資産に対する比率/ % of Total Assets 100.0 51.0 41.6 27.4 9.1 63.8 売上高(ケミカルズ) 営業利益 経常利益 親会社株主に帰属する当期純利益 売上高(装置システム) 営業利益率 経常利益率 当期純利益率 Net sales (Chemicals) Operating income Net sales (Plant & System) Operating income margin 百万円 35,000 百万円 Millions of yen 2,000 30,000 2,877 3,326 25,000 20,000 21,822 Ordinary income margin % Millions of yen Net income Percent Net income margin 百万円 12 2,000 9 1,500 % Millions of yen Percent 百万円 12 2,494 1,200 1,632 1,500 1,553 26,277 1,566 1,560 1,430 24,683 23,226 Percent 5 913 800 3.3 6 5.7 1,007 6 600 765 4.9 4.8 10,000 3 500 500 3.7 529 401 400 3.9 3 3 2.7 898 5.0 4.3 5.9 1,000 5.6 15,000 4 3.7 1,244 6.2 2 2.0 1.6 200 5,000 0 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 2016 3 0 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 2016 3 0 0 2013 3 2012 3 2014 3 2015 3 0 2016 3 0 1 2012 3 株主資本利益率(ROE) 流動比率 純資産 有利子負債 総資産利益率(ROA) 当座比率 自己資本比率 D/Eレシオ Return on equity Current ratio Return on assets Net assets Quick ratio % 250 百万円 Percent 25,000 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 2016 3 0 Interest-bearing debt Shareholders’ equity ratio % Percent 6 967 9 1,417 1,000 1,052 8 % Millions of yen 1,000 2,793 2,751 23,107 Ordinary income Debt-to-equity ratio % Millions of yen Percent 百万円 100 5,000 倍 Millions of yen Times 0.5 4,918 7 21,818 200 5.9 6 178.3 5.1 5 20,000 185.9 159.7 131.8 15,000 151.2 130.6 136.1 121.1 3.3 3 2.8 2.6 2.6 4,000 60 3.000 100 113.4 53.5 0.4 4,072 3,614 16,336 56.8 3.9 4 21,082 80 17,691 172.9 150 19,890 55.7 59.5 60.3 3,340 2,998 0.25 10,000 40 2,000 0.20 0.19 0.20 0.3 0.2 0.14 2.2 2 1 0 1.6 1.5 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 2016 3 50 0 5,000 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 0 2016 3 1 20 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 2016 3 0 1,000 0 0.1 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 2016 3 0.0 単位:円/yen 通期/fiscal term 1株当たりデータ Per Share Data 親会社株主に帰属する 当期純利益 配当金 1株当たり純資産 Net income attributable to shareholders of parent company Dividend Book-value Per Share 前期比/ 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2016/3 % Change 48.47 35.00 1,902.40 116.79 35.00 2,051.16 110.30 35.00 2,287.90 92.41 35.00 2,493.77 63.94 35.00 2,403.67 -30.8 0.0 -3.6 単位:百万円/Millions of yen 通期/fiscal term その他のデータ Other Data 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2016/3 減価償却費 設備投資額 研究開発費 営業キャッシュ・フロー 投資キャッシュ・フロー フリー・キャッシュ・フロー EBITDA 従業員数(人) 従業員1人当たり売上高 発行済株式数(千株) Depreciation Capital expenditures Research and development expenses Operating cash flow Investment cash flow Free cash flow EBITDA Number of employees Sales per employee Number of shares outstanding (thousands) 1,674 1,970 1,478 1,848 (1,722) 125 2,726 973 25 8,300 1,599 1,464 1,760 3,442 (1,905) 1,537 3,231 956 27 8,300 1,656 2,194 1,837 1,338 (1,910) (571) 3,209 964 28 8,300 1,794 1,653 2,115 2,173 (1,828) 345 3,224 986 29 8,300 1,718 1,894 1,953 3,660 (2,060) 1,600 2,962 962 27 8,300 1株当たり純利益 総資産回転率 売上債権回転日数 研究開発費 1株当たり配当金 有形固定資産回転率 棚卸資産回転日数 売上高研究開発費率 EPS Total asset turnover Dividend per share Tangible fixed asset turnover 円 200 Inventory turnover 倍 yen 1.5 Times 250 4.0 200 — 363.8 -8.1 -2.4 -6.9 0.0 Net sales to R&D expenses ratio 日 5.0 -4.2 14.6 -7.7 68.4 R&D expenses Receivables turnover 倍 Times 前期比/ % Change 日 Day Day 百万円 75 2,800 % Millions of yen Percent 12 2,400 1.2 150 50.9 54.7 52.4 55.9 60 2,115 2,000 1,760 116.79 100 3.0 0.9 110.30 0.89 92.41 2.14 0.6 0.83 2.26 0.81 2.08 63.94 50 2.06 150 45 43.8 0.79 115.4 113.4 2.0 1.89 112.7 109.2 100 104.1 30 0 2012 3 35.00 2013 3 35.00 2014 3 35.00 2015 3 35.00 2016 3 インタレスト・カバレッジ・レシオ 1.0 0.3 0 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 2016 3 50 0 0 投下資本利益率(ROI) Interest coverage ratio Return on investment 倍 15 6.0 1,200 8 6 800 4 400 2 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 2016 3 0 0 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 従業員数 フリーキャッシュ・フロー Free cash flow 従業員1人当たり売上高 2016 3 0 Sales per employee 人 Millions of yen 2015 3 Number of employee 百万円 6,000 7.5 15 投資キャッシュ・フロー Investment cash flow Percent 7.4 6.7 営業キャッシュ・フロー Operating cash flow % Times 1,953 10 1,837 1,600 1,478 6.7 48.47 35.00 30 0.83 14 1200 百万円 Persons Millions of yen 60 25.9 25 1000 4,500 12 3,442 20 9 8.2 1,600 1,537 1,338 1,500 6.7 6.1 12.9 6 10 10.1 986 50 962 40 600 390 125 5.5 964 2,173 1,848 7.2 15 956 800 3,000 16.7 973 3,660 30 25 0 27 28 29 27 400 20 200 10 (571) 3 6.0 5 -1,500 (1,722) 0 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 2016 3 0 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 -3,000 2016 3 2 2012 3 (1,905) (1,910) (1,828) 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 (2,060) 2016 3 0 2012 3 2013 3 2014 3 2015 3 2016 3 0 連結貸借対照表 Consolidated Balance Sheets 単位:百万円/Millions of yen 通期/fiscal term 資産 流動資産 現金及び預金 受取手形及び売掛金 有価証券 商品及び製品 仕掛品 原材料及び貯蔵品 繰延税金資産 その他 貸倒引当金 流動資産合計 固定資産 有形固定資産 建物及び構築物 機械装置及び運搬具 土地 建設仮勘定 その他 有形固定資産合計 無形固定資産 投資その他の資産 投資有価証券 関係会社出資金 繰延税金資産 その他 貸倒引当金 投資その他の資産合計 固定資産合計 資産合計 Assets Current Assets Cash on hand and in banks Trade notes and accounts Marketable securities Merchandise and finished goods Work in process Raw materials and supplies Deferred tax assets - Current Others Allowance for bad debts Total current assets Fixed Assets Tangible fixed assets Buildings and structures Machinery and equipment Land Construction in progress Others Total tangible fixed assets Intangible Assets Investments and Other Assets Investments in securities Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and affiliates Deferred tax assets Other investments Allowance for bad debts Total Total fixed assets Total assets Liabilities / Net assets Current Liabilities 流動負債 Trade notes and accounts 支払手形及び買掛金 Short-term bank loans 短期借入金 Current maturities of long-term debt 1年以内返済長期借入金 Income taxes payable 未払法人税等 Accrued bonuses to employees 賞与引当金 Provision for warranties for completed construction 完成工事補償引当金 Accrued bonuses to directors' and corporate auditors 役員賞与引当金 Others その他 Total current liabilities 流動負債合計 Non-Current Liabilities 固定負債 Long-term debt 長期借入金 退職給付引当金 Employees’ retirement benefits allowance 退職給付に係る負債 Net defined benefit liability その他 Others Total non-current liabilities 固定負債合計 Total liabilities 負債合計 Net assets 株主資本 Common shares 資本金 資本剰余金 Additional paid-in capital 利益剰余金 Retained earnings 自己株式 Treasury shares Total shareholders' equity 株主資本合計 Accumulated other comprehensive income その他の包括利益累計額 その他有価証券評価差額金 Unrealized gains on securities 為替換算調整勘定 Foreign currency translation adjustments 退職給付に係る調整累計額 Remeasurements of defined benefit plans その他の包括利益累計額合計 Total accumulated other comprehensive income Minority interests 非支配株主持分 Total net assets 純資産合計 Total liabilities and net assets 負債純資産合計 % of Total Assets 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2016/3 3,025 7,009 999 2,133 39 780 157 335 (8) 14,472 3,687 8,214 1,699 2,721 29 937 371 275 — 17,937 3,698 8,243 1,699 2,801 34 1,124 246 355 (4) 18,200 2,575 9,098 1,600 3,029 33 1,247 163 367 (3) 18,111 3,501 8,036 800 2,899 34 1,052 245 317 (33) 16,853 10.6 24.3 2.4 8.8 0.1 3.2 0.7 1.0 0.0 51.0 6,380 3,354 1,164 238 324 11,461 165 6,190 3,381 1,190 570 369 11,702 196 6,507 3,922 1,218 1,164 451 13,265 230 7,154 3,805 1,251 1,237 502 13,951 173 7,055 3,795 1,228 1,208 465 13,752 124 21.4 11.5 3.7 3.7 1.4 41.6 0.4 629 709 750 1,004 793 2.4 312 522 195 (1) 1,658 13,286 27,758 372 477 385 (2) 1,941 13,840 31,778 470 541 633 (66) 2,329 15,826 34,026 526 469 516 (2) 2,514 16,639 34,751 411 560 594 (58) 2,301 16,178 33,031 単位:百万円/Millions of yen 通期/fiscal term 負債╱純資産 総資産に対する比率/ 2012/3 2012/3 1.2 1.7 1.8 0.0 7.0 49.0 100.0 総資産に対する比率/ % of Total Assets 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 4,644 1,970 — 55 199 24 14 1,463 8,372 6,024 2,204 136 597 550 19 48 1,652 11,233 5,666 2,794 1,688 62 436 9 35 1,340 12,034 5,309 2,266 482 88 443 6 27 1,536 10,160 5,247 1,690 308 130 421 19 13 1,234 9,065 15.9 5.1 0.9 0.4 1.3 0.1 0.0 3.7 27.4 1,369 1,315 — 364 3,049 11,421 1,273 1,300 — 278 2,853 14,086 436 — 1,443 221 2,101 14,135 1,323 — 1,342 106 2,772 12,933 1,000 — 1,826 57 2,883 11,949 3.0 — 5.5 0.2 8.7 36.2 3,361 3,402 9,274 (10) 16,028 3,361 3,402 9,952 (10) 16,706 3,361 3,402 10,576 (10) 17,329 3,361 3,402 11,052 (11) 17,805 3,361 3,402 11,292 (11) 18,045 10.2 10.3 34.2 0.0 54.6 119 (383) — (264) 572 16,336 27,758 163 126 — 290 694 17,691 31,778 186 1,515 (73) 1,628 932 19,890 34,026 372 2,483 1 2,858 1,154 21,818 34,751 226 1,990 (345) 1,871 1,164 21,082 33,031 0.7 6.0 0.0 5.7 3.5 63.8 100.0 3 2016/3 連結損益計算書 Consolidated Statements of Income 単位:百万円/Millions of yen 通期/fiscal term 売上高 ケミカルズ 粘着剤 微粉体 機能材 加工製品 装置システム 売上原価 売上総利益 販売費及び一般管理費 Net Sales Chemicals Pressure-sensitive Adhesives Fine Powder Performance Materials Specialty Coated Products Plant & System Cost of Sales Gross profit Selling, General and Administrative Expenses Operating income 営業利益 Other Revenue 営業外収益 Interest and dividend income 受取利息及び配当金 持分法による投資利益 Equity in earnings of unconsolidated subsidiaries and affiliates Subsidy income 補助金収入 Trial products income 試作品等売却収入 Exchange gain 為替差益 Miscellaneous income 雑収入 Other Expenses 営業外費用 Interest expenses 支払利息 持分法による投資損失 Equity losses of affiliates Sales discount 売上割引 Foreign withholding taxes 外国源泉税 Commission paid 支払手数料 Exchange loss 為替差損 Other losses 雑損失 Ordinary income 経常利益 Extraordinary Revenue 特別利益 Gain on sale of properties 固定資産売却益 Gain on sales of investment securities 投資有価証券売却益 Subsidy 補助金収入 Gain on donation of invention たな卸資産受贈益 Other その他 Extraordinary Expenses 特別損失 Loss (gain) on sales and disposal of 固定資産除売却損 noncurrent assets Loss on reduced value of fixed asset 固定資産圧縮記帳損 Loss on write-down of investments 投資有価証券評価損 in securities Loss on liquidation of 子会社整理損 subsidiaries general Appraisal loss on golf club ゴルフ会員権評価損 membership 税金等調整前当期純利益 Income before income taxes 法人税、住民税及び事業税 Corporate, residence and business taxes Adjustment to corporate taxes 法人税等調整額 Income before minority interests 当期純利益 非支配株主に帰属する当期純利益 Minority Interests in Earnings of Consolidated Subsidiaries Net income attributable to 親会社株主に帰属する shareholders of parent company 当期純利益 前期比/ 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2016/3 % Change 24,573 21,822 11,268 1,854 3,586 5,112 2,751 17,594 6,979 26,434 23,107 12,395 2,169 3,312 5,229 3,326 18,165 8,269 27,561 24,683 12,542 2,593 3,991 5,555 2,877 18,992 8,568 28,772 26,277 12,665 2,920 4,017 6,674 2,494 20,103 8,668 26,019 23,226 12,439 2,509 3,022 5,255 2,793 17,697 8,322 -9.6 -11.6 -1.8 -14.1 -24.8 -21.3 12.0 -12.0 -4.0 5,927 1,052 127 22 6,636 1,632 187 31 7,014 1,553 286 38 7,238 1,430 318 40 7,077 1,244 158 35 -2.2 -13.0 -50.3 -12.5 8 48 — — 47 280 141 — 15 8 15 84 14 898 17 1 — — 16 — 63 18 28 — 62 47 253 205 — 11 1 15 — 19 1,566 80 0 — 80 — — 93 25 65 — 94 61 278 224 — — — — — 54 1,560 — — — — — — 53 20 56 — 111 89 330 215 — — 40 — — 75 1,417 0 0 — — — — 11 — 57 25 — 39 395 141 69 — 25 — 120 38 1,007 29 7 22 — — — 42 — 1.8 — — -56.2 19.7 -34.4 — — — — — -49.3 -28.9 — — — — — — 281.8 54 — 13 78 23 — 11 — 42 — 281.8 — 7 0 — — — — — — 30 — — — 1 853 1 1,553 — 1,507 — 1,407 — 994 — -29.4 142 222 488 710 (190) 1,032 393 101 1,011 363 64 978 311 33 649 -14.3 -48.4 -33.6 4 86 64 97 212 119 -43.9 401 967 913 765 529 -30.8 連結キャッシュ・フロー計算書 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 単位:百万円/Millions of yen 通期/fiscal term 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2016/3 Cash Flows from Operating Activities: 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Income before income taxes 税金等調整前当期純利益 Depreciation 減価償却費 Increase (decrease) in allowance for bad debts 貸倒引当金の増減額 Increase (decrease) in bonus payment reserve 賞与引当金の増減額 Increase (decrease) in employees’ benefit allowance 退職給付引当金の増減額 Increase decrease in net defined benefit liability 退職給付に係る負債の増減額 完成工事補償引当金の増減額 Increase (decrease) in provision for warranties for completed construction Increase in accrued bonuses to directors’ and corporate auditors 役員賞与引当金の増減額 Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on construction contracts 工事損失引当金の増減額 Interest and dividend income 受取利息及び受取配当金 Interest expenses 支払利息 Exchange (gain) loss 為替差損益 Subsidy income 補助金収入 Loss (gain) on sales and disposal of noncurrent assets 固定資産除売却損益 Loss (gain) on sales of investment securities 投資有価証券売却損益 Equity in earnings of unconsolidated subsidiaries 持分法による投資損益 (Increase) decrease in receivables 売上債権の増減額 Increase (decrease) in payables 仕入債務の増減額 (Increase) decrease in inventories たな卸資産の増減額 Increase (decrease) in consumption tax payable 未払消費税等の増減額 Others その他 Subtotal 小計 Interest and dividend received 利息及び配当金の受取額 Proceeds from subsidy 補助金の受取額 Interest paid 利息の支払額 Income taxes paid 法人税等の支払額 Income taxes refund 法人税等の還付額 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Cash flows from operating activities 1,553 1,599 (8) 351 (14) — (5) 34 0 (31) 205 (29) (108) 91 — (18) (1,020) 1,430 (624) 32 247 3,685 31 108 (205) (176) — 3,442 1,507 1,656 67 (113) — 29 (9) (12) (0) (38) 224 (4) (65) 23 — (25) 419 (771) 67 (27) (583) 2,372 60 65 (224) (935) — 1,338 1,407 1,794 (53) 6 — 15 (3) (8) (0) (40) 215 (22) (56) 10 — (20) (493) (450) (143) 31 392 2,579 59 56 (215) (347) 39 2,173 994 1,718 86 (21) — (20) 12 (13) — (35) 141 47 (57) 34 (22) 69 835 (32) 220 29 (75) 3,913 56 57 (141) (324) 98 3,660 Cash Flows from Investing Activities: 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 有形固定資産等の取得による支出 Payments for acquisition of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sales of property plant and equipment 有形固定資産の売却による収入 無形固定資産等の取得による支出 Payments for acquisition of intangible fixed asset Payments for purchase of investments in securities 投資有価証券の取得による支出 Proceeds from sales of investments in securities 投資有価証券の売却による収入 Others その他 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Cash flows from investing activities (1,803) 1 (79) (13) — (8) (1,905) (1,798) 4 (99) (13) — (3) (1,910) (1,802) 1 (11) (14) — (1) (1,828) (2,100) 25 (15) (14) 50 (5) (2,060) Cash Flows from Financing Activities: 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Increase (decrease) in short-term loans 短期借入金の増減額 Proceeds from long-term borrowings 長期借入れによる収入 Repayments of long-term borrowings 長期借入金の返済による支出 Repayments of lease obligations リース債務の返済による支出 Repurchase of treasury stocks 自己株式の取得による支出 Cash dividends 配当金の支払額 非支配株主に対する配当金の支払額 Payment of cash dividends to non-controlling shareholders 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Cash flows from financing activities (57) — — (81) (0) (290) (9) (439) (122) 778 (173) (102) (0) (290) (5) 84 (878) 1,315 (1,774) (66) (0) (289) (36) (1,731) (463) — (460) — (0) (290) (85) (1,299) 163 (1,223) 5,398 4,175 (173) 126 4,175 4,301 現金及び現金同等物に係る換算差額 現金及び現金同等物の増減額 現金及び現金同等物の期首残高 現金及び現金同等物の期末残高 Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents Changes in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year 5 263 1,361 4,025 5,387 498 11 5,387 5,398 単独貸借対照表 Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets 単位:百万円/Millions of yen 通期/fiscal term 資産 Assets 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2016/3 流動資産 固定資産 有形固定資産 無形固定資産 投資その他の資産 資産合計 Current assets Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Investments and other assets Total assets 9,636 12,452 7,999 141 4,311 22,088 10,645 12,846 7,316 176 5,353 23,492 9,196 13,399 7,236 209 5,952 22,595 9,921 13,548 6,730 154 6,663 23,470 10,210 13,229 6,051 113 7,065 23,440 単位:百万円/Millions of yen 通期/fiscal term 負債╱純資産 Liabilities / Net assets Liabilities 負債 Current liabilities 流動負債 Non-current liabilities 固定負債 Total liabilities 負債合計 Net assets 株主資本 Common shares 資本金 Additional paid-in capital 資本剰余金 Retained earnings 利益剰余金 Treasury shares 自己株式 Total shareholders' equity 株主資本合計 Valuation and translation adjustments 評価・換算差額等 その他有価証券評価差額金 Unrealized gains on securities 評価・換算差額等合計 Total valuation and translation adjustments Total net assets 純資産合計 Total liabilities and net assets 負債純資産合計 総資産に対する比率/ % of Total Assets 43.6 56.4 25.8 0.5 30.1 100.0 総資産に対する比率/ 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2016/3 5,807 2,318 8,126 6,581 2,320 8,901 6,126 1,363 7,489 4,829 2,458 7,288 4,586 2,372 6,958 19.6 10.1 29.7 3,361 3,402 7,090 (10) 13,844 3,361 3,402 7,674 (10) 14,427 3,361 3,402 8,166 (10) 14,920 3,361 3,402 9,056 (11) 15,810 3,361 3,402 9,502 (11) 16,255 14.3 14.5 40.5 0.0 69.3 118 118 13,962 22,088 162 162 14,590 23,492 185 185 15,105 22,595 371 371 16,181 23,470 225 225 16,481 23,440 1.0 1.0 70.3 100.0 % of Total Assets 単独損益計算書 Non-Consolidated Statements of Income 単位:百万円/Millions of yen 通期/fiscal term Net sales 売上高 Cost of sales 売上原価 Selling, general and administrative expenses 販売費及び一般管理費 Operating income 営業利益 Other revenue 営業外収益 Interest and dividend income 受取利息及び配当金 Other income その他 Other expenses 営業外費用 Interest expenses 支払利息 Interest on bonds 社債利息 Sales discounts 売上割引 Commission paid 支払手数料 Foreign withholding taxes 外国源泉税 Foreign exchange losses 為替差損 Other losses その他 Ordinary income 経常利益 Extraordinary revenue 特別利益 抱合せ株式消滅差益 Gain on extinguishment of tie-in share 固定資産売却益 投資有価証券売却益 Extraordinary expenses 特別損失 Loss on disposal of properties 固定資産除売却損 Loss on valuation of shares of subsidiaries and associates 関係会社株式評価損 Appraisal loss on golf club membership ゴルフ会員権評価損 Loss on write-down of investments in securities 投資有価証券評価損 Other losses その他 Income before income taxes 税引前当期純利益 法人税、住民税及び事業税 Corporate, residence and business taxes Adjustment to corporate taxes 法人税等調整額 Net income 当期純利益 前期比/ 2012/3 2013/3 2014/3 2015/3 2016/3 % Change 15,669 10,955 4,432 281 387 120 267 128 7 2 15 15 — 77 9 541 — — — — 33 24 — 1 7 — 507 45 154 308 16,807 11,117 4,786 903 467 152 315 50 14 — — 15 — — 21 1,319 80 — — — 152 2 — 1 0 147 1,247 504 (130) 873 16,386 10,995 4,781 610 528 158 370 50 14 — — 15 — — 21 1,088 — — — — 18 18 — — — — 1,070 231 56 782 16,314 11,006 5,010 297 805 427 378 107 14 — — 23 40 — 29 995 392 392 — — 56 4 51 — — — 1,332 156 (4) 1,180 15,295 9,979 4,839 476 625 301 324 121 11 — — 9 25 65 10 981 29 — 7 22 5 5 — — — — 1,006 136 133 735 -6.2 -9.3 -3.4 60.3 -22.4 -29.5 -14.3 13.1 -21.4 — — -60.9 -37.5 — -65.5 -1.4 -92.6 — — — -91.1 25.0 — — — — -24.5 -12.8 — -37.7 6 会社情報 (2016年3月31日現在) Corporate Data (as of March 31, 2016) 商号 本社 綜研化学株式会社 〒171-8531 東京都豊島区高田3-29-5 代表者 創立 資本金 従業員数 会計監査人 上場証券取引所 代表取締役社長 逢坂 紀行 1948年9月2日 33億61百万円 連結 962名 単独 357名 有限責任 あずさ監査法人 東京証券取引所(コードNo.4972) 株式の状況 Stock Information 発行済株式数 株主数 8,300,000株 3,022名 株主分布状況 Distribution of Shareholders Number of shares issued Number of shareholders 金融機関 証券会社 その他法人 外国法人等 個人その他 合計 Soken Chemical & Engineering Co.,Ltd. 3-29-5, Takada, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-8531 Representative President, Noriyuki Oosaka Founded September 2, 1948 Paid-in Capital ¥3,361million Number of Employees Consolidated 962 Non-consolidated 357 Certified Public Accountants KPMG AZSA LLC Stock Exchange Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange (stock code 4972) Company Name Head Office 株主数 構成比 Number of shareholders Financial institutions Securities companies Other corporations Foreign institutions and individuals Individuals and others Total 8,300,000 shares 3,022 shareholders 所有株式数 % of total shareholders 14 15 61 30 2,902 3,022 Number of shares owned 0.46 0.50 2.02 0.99 96.03 100.00 構成比 % of total shares 1,016,600 40,259 1,602,048 1,349,600 4,291,493 8,300,000 12.25 0.49 19.30 16.26 51.70 100.00 株価/売買高の推移 Stock Price/Trading Volume 円/yen 株価/Share 売買高/Trading Price 千株/1,000 Volume 2,000 shares 5,000 4,000 1,000 3,000 0 2,000 問合せ先 綜研化学株式会社 経営管理部 TEL: 03-3983-3268 FAX:03-3988-9216 E-mail:[email protected] http://www.soken-ce.co.jp Contact Information Soken Chemical & Engineering Co., Ltd. Corporate Management Department TEL:+813-3983-3268 FAX:+813-3988-9216 E-mail:[email protected] http://www.soken-ce.co.jp 2016/ 4 2016/ 3 2016/ 2 2016/ 1 2015/12 2015/11 2015/10 2015/ 9 2015/ 8 2015/ 7 2015/ 6 2015/ 5 2015/ 4 2015/ 3 2015/ 2 2015/ 1 2014/12 2014/11 2014/10 2014/ 9 2014/ 8 2014/ 7 2014/ 6 2014/ 5 2014/ 4 2014/ 3 2014/ 2 2014/ 1 2013/12 2013/11 2013/10 1,000 0
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