Ergebnisse der Suche nach "schwameder" durchgeführt am 22-05-2016 2015 2015 Alexander, N. , Strutzenberger, G. , Jenny, H. , Augustin, H. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Static and dynamic evaluation of a pedal system for measuring three-dimensional forces in cycling. Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology. Strutzenberger, G. , Moore, J. , Griffiths, H. , Schwameder, H. , & Irwin, G. (2015). Effects of gluteal kinesio-taping on performance with respect to fatigue in rugby players. European Journal of Sports Science. 1-7. Wunsch, T. , Kröll, J. , Strutzenberger, G. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Biomechanical and metabolic effects of a leaf spring structured midsole in heel-toe running. . Wunsch, T. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Lauftechniken sportbiomechanisch analysieren. . 3 112-118. Kröll, J. , Spörri, J. , Fasel, B. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Type of muscle control in elite alpine skiing – Is it still the same than in 1995?. Meyer & Meyer Sport: UK Alexander, N. , Strutzenberger, G. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Effects of a manual therapy on tibiofemoral joint forces in patients with acute anterior cruciate ligament rupture. Poitiers, France Kröll, J. , Spörri, J. , Kandler, C. , Fasel, B. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Kinetic and kinematic comparison of alpine ski racing disciplines as a base for specific conditioning regimes. Poitiers, France Wunsch, T. , Hans-Peter, W. , Kröll, J. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Ankle muscle strength and Achilles tendon properties in runners with different speed dependent heel-strike patterns. 2015 ISBS Organizing Committee: Portiers, France Schwameder, H. , Andress, M. , Graf, E. , & Strutzenberger, G. (2015). Validation fo an IMU system (Gait-up) to identify gait parameters in normal and induces limping walking conditions. Poitiers, France Wunsch, T. , Wiesinger, H.-P. , Kröll, J. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Ankle muscle strength and Achilles tendon properties in runners with different speed dependent heel-strike patterns. 2015 ISBS Organizing Committee: Portiers, France Fritz, J. , Lindinger, S. J. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Correlation between strength related parameters and ski-jumping performance in junior ski-jumpers. Alexander, N. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Comparison of estimated and measured muscular activity during inclined walking. Schwameder, H. , & Alexander, N. (2015). Knee joint structure forces in inclined walking at self-selected and pre-set speed. Schwameder, H. , Strutzenberger, G. , & Alexander, N. (2015). Latarlity in daliy life, sport and locomotion activities. Strutzenberger, G. , Bamboschek, D. , Nußdorfer, A. , Alexander, N. , Langhof, H. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Gait analysis of obese adolescent’s uphill walk: Kinematic and kinetic adaptations compared to normal weight adolescents. Strutzenberger, G. , Graf, E. , Nußdorfer, A. , Bamboschek, D. , Alexander, N. , Langhof, H. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Belastungsanalyse des Abwärtsgehens von adipösen Jugendlichen bei verschiedenen Neigungen, Pilotstudie. Wunsch, T. , Nathalie, A. , Kröll, J. , & Schwameder, H. (2015). Effects of a leaf spring structured midsole on lower limb muscle forces in running. 2014 2014 Böhm, H. , Hösl, M. , Schwameder, H. , & Doderlein, L. (2014). Stiff-knee gait in cerebral palsy: how do patients adapt to uneven ground?. Gait & posture. 39 (4), 1028-1033. Klous, M. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Three-Dimensional Lower Extremity Joint Loading in a Carved Ski and Snowboard Turn: A Pilot Study. . 2014 Strutzenberger, G. , Wunsch, T. , Kröll, J. , Dastl, J. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Effect of chainring ovality on joint power during cycling at different workloads and cadences. Sports Biomechanics. 13 (2), 97-108. Schnur, A. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Praxisorientierte Biomechanik im Sportunterricht – Vom Tun zum Verstehen. Hofmann: Schorndorf Alexander, N. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Analysis of muscle forces during downhill walking. 2014 ISBS Organizing Committee: Johnson City, TN Schwameder, H. (2014). Concepts in ski jumping biomechanics and potential transfer to other sports. 2014 ISBS Organizing Committee: Johnson City, Tennessee, USA Wunsch, T. , Kröll, J. , Stöggl, T. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Biomechanical and metabolic effects of a leaf spring structured midsole in overground running. 2014 ISBS Organizing Committee: Johnson City, TN, USA Alexander, N. , Strutzenberger, G. , Christian, J. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Maximum isometric strength in patients with acute unilateral anterior cruciate ligament rupture. 2014 ISBS Organizing Committee: Alexander, N. , Strutzenberger, G. , Kroell, J. , Christian, J. , Wunsch, T. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Joint loading during graded walking with different prostheses – a case study. Alexander, N. , Strutzenberger, G. , Kroell, J. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Gelenkbelastungen beim Gehen auf Neigung mit verschiedenen Prothesenfüßen - eine Fallstudie. Christian, J. , Alexander, N. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Automatische Klassifikation kinematischer Gangmuster nach einem Kreuzbandriss. Christian, J. , Alexander, N. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Automatische Klassifikation vertikaler Bodenreaktionskräfte nach einer Kreuzbandruptur. Wunsch, T. , Kröll, J. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Anpassung des Fußaufsatzwinkels an zunehmende Laufgeschwindigkeiten. Wunsch, T. , Kröll, J. , Stöggl, T. , & Schwameder, H. (2014). Effects of a leaf spring structured and a foam midsole shoe on the foot kinematics in overground and treadmill running. 2013 2013 Alexander, N. , Christian, J. , Jenny, H. , Augustin, H. , & Schwameder, H. (2013). A new pedal system measuring forces in three dimensions. Taipei - Taiwan Fritz, J. , Strutzenberger, G. , & Schwameder, H. (2013). Force related parameters and laterality in junior ski jumpers. Salzburg University Press: Salzburg, Austria Schwameder, H. , Alt, W. , & Gollhofer, A. (2013). Struktur sportlicher Bewegung – Sportbiomechanik. Springer Spektrum: Berlin Heidelberg Schwameder, H. , Nathalie, A. , Hailing, R. , & Strutzenberger, G. (2013). Pedal forces during cycling in patients with acute unilateral ACL rupture. National Taiwan Normal University: Taipei, Taiwan Schwameder, H. , Schaufler, D. , Strutzenberger, G. , & Nathalie, A. (2013). Effects of supplementary mats on ground reaction forces and neuromuscular pre-activation in gymnastics landings. National Taiwan Normal University: Taipei, Taiwan Strutzenberger, G. , Moore, J. , Griffiths, H. , Schwameder, H. , & Irwin, G. (2013). Effects of kinesio-taping on performance with respect to fatigue in rugby players: a pilot study. National Taiwan Normal University: Taipei, Taiwan Kröll, J. , Spörri, J. , Fasel, B. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2013). Type of muscle control in elite alpine skiing. Department of sport science and kinesiology, University of Salzburg: Kröll, J. , Spörri, J. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2013). The effect of different (alpine) ski-snow interaction modes on the human body. Moore, J. , Strutzenberger, G. , Griffiths, H. , Irwin, G. , & Schwameder, H. (2013). The effect of gluteal kinesio tape on performance and fatigue. Spörri, J. , Kröll, J. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2013). Alpine ski racing equipment - the challenge of balancing performance and safety aspects. Spörri, J. , Kröll, J. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2013). Biomechanical predictors of performance in alpine ski racing. Strutzenberger, G. , Wunsch, T. , Kröll, J. , & Schwameder, H. (2013). Biomechanische Effekte von ovalen Kettenblättern. 2012 2012 Klous, M. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2012). Three-dimensional knee joint loading in alpine skiing: a comparison between a carved and a skidded turn. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 28 (6), 655-64. Spörri, J. , Kröll, J. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2012). Turn characteristics of a top world class athlete in giant slalom – a case study assessing current performance prediction concepts. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 7 (4), 647659. Spörri, J. , Kröll, J. , Schwameder, H. , Schiefermüller, C. , & Müller, E. (2012). Course setting and selected biomechanical variables related to injury risk in alpine ski racing: an explorative case study. British Journal of Sports Medicines. 46 (15), 10721077. Wolfsegger, T. , Rotaru, I. , Topakian, R. , Aichner, F. , & Schwameder, H. (2012). Eine kinematische und kinetische Ganganalyse zwischen den neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen idiopathisches Parkinson-Syndrom und atypisches ParkinsonSyndrom. . Wolfsegger, T. , Rotaru, I. , Topakian, R. , Pichler, R. , Sonnberger, M. , Aichner, F. , & Schwameder, H. (2012). A biomechanical analysis of cyclical hand motor function: a pilot study in different Parkinsonian syndromes. Der Nervenarzt. 83 (6), 766-71. Schwameder, H. (2012). Challenges and issues in ski jumping biomechanics. Meyer & Meyer Sport: UK Schwameder, H. , Strutzenberger, G. , Wunsch, T. , & Kröll, J. (2012). Knee joint forces in cycling at two workloads with circular and non-circular chainrings. Australian Catholic University: Melbourne - Australia Strutzenberger, G. , Wunsch, T. , Kröll, J. , & Schwameder, H. (2012). Pedal forces, lower limb joint kinematics and kinetics in cycling with circular and non-circular chainrings. Australian Catholic University: Melbourne - Australia Christian, J. , Gierlinger, G. , & Schwameder, H. (2012). Machine Learning Based Classification of Neuromuscular Activation Patterns of Walking on Different Inclined Surfaces. Bloso Vlaamseoverheid: Schwameder, H. (2012). Conceptual aspects of biomechanics in ski jumping. 2011 2011 Wolfsegger, T. , Rotaru, I. , Schneider, A. , Schwameder, H. , & Aichner, F. (2011). Static posturography in selected Parkinson syndromes: quantitative analysis of postural control. Der Nervenarzt. 82 (12), 1584-1589. Wolfsegger, T. , Rotaru, I. , Topakian, R. , Aichner, F. , & Schwameder, H. (2011). Eine vergleichende biomechanische Ganganalyse zwischen dem Idiopathischen Parkinson-Syndrom und dem Normaldruckhydrozephalus. Aktuelle Neurologie. 38 1-6. 2010 2010 Klous, M. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2010). Collecting kinematic data on a ski/snowboard track with panning, tilting, and zooming cameras: is there sufficient accuracy for a biomechanical analysis?. Journal of Sports Sciences. 28 (12), 1345-53. Schwameder, H. (2010). Challenges and issues in ski jumping biomechanics. University of Salzburg: 2009 2009 Schwameder, H. (2009). Biomechanische Forschung im Skisprung - ein Überblick. Spectrum der Sportwissenschaften. 21 (1), 68-95. Virmavirta, M. , Isolehto, J. , Komi, P. , Schwameder, H. , Pigozzi, F. , & Massazza, G. (2009). Take-off analysis of the Olympic ski jumping competition (HS-106m). Journal of biomechanics. 42 (8), 1095-1101. Wolfsegger, T. , Rotaru, I. , Schwameder, H. , Schneider, A. , Topakian, R. , & Aichner, F. (2009). Erhöhte Frequenzanteile 36 304-307. Greimel, F. , Virmavirta, M. , & Schwameder, H. (2009). Kinematic analysis of the landing phase in ski jumping. Meyer & Meyer Sport: Oxford - UK Schwameder, H. (2009). Dynamometrie. Hofmann Verlag: Schorndorf - Germany Schwameder, H. (2009). Fortbewegung auf Schnee: Skisprung. Hofmann Verlag: Schorndorf - Germany Schwameder, H. (2009). Kinemetrie. Hofmann: Schorndorf - Germany 2008 2008 Federolf, P. , Scheiber, P. , Rauscher, C. , Schwameder, H. , Lüthi, A. , Rhyner, H. U. , & Müller, E. (2008). Impact of skier actions on the gliding times in alpine skiing. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. 18 (6), 790-797. Metzler, V. , Osenstätter, K. , Schwameder, H. , & Baise, M. (2008). Improvement of gait pattern for children with infantile cerebral palsy and dynamic pes equinus after treatment with hinged subtalar circular locking ankle foot-orthoses. . 11 (3), 9297. Schwameder, H. (2008). Biomechanics research in ski jumping – 1991-2006. Sports Biomechanics. 7 (1), 114-136. Schwameder, H. (2008). Aspects and challenges of applied sport biomechanics research. Korean Society of Biomechanics: Seoul - Korea Schwameder, H. , Müller, E. , Stöggl, T. , & Lindinger, S. (2008). Methodology in alpine and nordic skiing biomechanics. Routledge: London - UK 2007 2007 Schwameder, H. (2007). Issues and challenges of applied sport biomechanics research. Journal of Biomechanics. 40 (2), 14. Klous, M. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2007). Lower extremety joint loading in carved ski and snowboard turns. Müller, E. , Lindinger, S. , Sattlecker, G. , Schwameder, H. , & Stöggl, T. (2007). The role of biomechanics in optimizing performance in Nordic skiing. Meyer & Meyer Sport: Aachen Schwameder, H. (2007). Current and future aspects of ski-jumping biomechanics. Meyer & Meyer Sport: Oxford - UK Strutzenberger, G. , Rasp, B. , & Schwameder, H. (2007). Effect of walking speed and pole length on kinematics and dynamics in Nordic Walking. Federal University of Minas Gerais: Ouro Preto - Brazil Greimel, F. , Virmavirta, M. , & Schwameder, H. (2007). Biomechanical analysis of the landing phase in ski jumping. University of Salzburg: Klous, M. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2007). Knee joint loading at the inside and outside leg in alpine skiing: a comparison between carved and skidded turns. Klous, M. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2007). Knee joint loading in alpine skiing: a comparison between carved and skidded turn. 2006 2006 Klous, M. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2006). Joint loading on the lower extremities in skiing and snowboarding: methodological procedure. Journal of Biomechanics. 39 (1), 187. Schwameder, H. (2006). Lower extremity joint loading in level and graded walking. Journal of Biomechanics. 39 (1), 185. Schwameder, H. , & Ring, S. (2006). Fakten und Legenden. Nordic Walking auf dem Prüfstand – Eine Untersuchung zu Energiebilanz und Gelenkbelastung. Nordicsports Magazin. 28-31. Schwameder, H. , & Ring, S. (2006). Knee joint loading and metabolic energy demand in walking, Nordic walking and running. Journal of Biomechanics. 39 (1), 185. Schwameder, H. , Strutzenberger, G. , Fastenbauer, V. , Lindinger, S. , & Müller, E. (2006). Proceedings of the 24. International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. University Press: Salzburg - Austria Birklbauer, J. , Kratky, S. , Kreuzhuber, D. , & Müller, E. (2006). Kinematics of sprinting in different assisted conditions compared to normal free sprinting in trained athletes. University of Salzburg: Salzburg, Austria Federolf, P. , Elisabeth, R. , Scheiber, P. , & Schwameder, H. (2006). Does a skier’s position on the ski affect the results of gliding tests used to assess ski-snow friction?. Salzburg University Press: Salzburg - Austria Klous, M. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2006). The accuracy of 3D kinetic and kinematic data used for joint loading analysis in skiing and snowboarding. Salzburg University Press: Salzburg - Austria Kröll, J. , Birklbauer, J. , Stricker, G. , & Müller, E. (2006). Technique Training in Alpine Ski Racing: Forced Movement Changes by a Specific Device. University of Salzburg: Salzburg, Austria Scheiber, P. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2006). Characteristic of the force application point - a method to identify learning processes in alpine skiing?. University of Salzburg: Salzburg, Austria Schiefermüller, C. , Feldbacher, P. , & Müller, E. (2006). The Power Threshold Concept in Ski Specific Strength Training. University of Salzburg: Salzburg - Austria Federolf, P. , Rauscher, E. , Scheiber, P. , & Schwameder, H. (2006). Does a skier’s position on the ski affect the results of gliding tests used to assess ski-snow friction?. Salzburg University Press: Salzburg - Austria Haudum, J. , Wagner, H. , & Schwameder, H. (2006). Vergleichende kinematische Analyse von Rollstuhl- und stehend Tennisspielern. Haudum, J. , Wagner, H. , Schwameder, H. , & Haudum, A. (2006). Comparative kinematic analysis of similarities and differences in serve and groundstrokes between wheelchair and standing tennis player. Lederhilger, B. , Trauner, T. , & Schwameder, H. (2006). Heart rate and lactate profile in beach soccer. Sportverlag Strauß: Müller, E. , Lindinger, S. , Sattlecker, G. , Schwameder, H. , & Stöggl, T. (2006). The role of biomechanics in optimizing performance in nordic skiing. Müller, E. , Schiefermüller, C. , Kröll, J. , & Schwameder, H. (2006). High Tech in Elite Alpine Ski Racing. Rasp, B. , Strutzenberger, G. , Wagner, H. , & Schwameder, H. (2006). Kinematische und dynamometrische Analyse der Nordic-Walking-Technik hinsichtlich Stocklängenvariation. Schwameder, H. (2006). Biomechanical issues in ski-jumping. Strutzenberger, G. , Rasp, B. , Wagner, H. , & Schwameder, H. (2006). Vergleich von Gehen und Nordic Walking hinsichtlich biomechanischer Parameter bei verschiedenen Geschwindigkeiten. Trauner, T. , Lederhilger, B. , & Schwameder, H. (2006). Kinematic match analysis in beach soccer. Sportverlag Strauß: Virmavirta, M. , Isolehto, J. , Komi, P. , Schwameder, H. , Pigozzi, F. , & Massazza, G. (2006). Velocity of the ski jumpers during the take-off in Olympic ski jumping competition (HS-106 M). Sportverlag Strauß: 2005 2005 Schwameder, H. , Lindenhofer, E. , & Müller, E. (2005). Effect of walking speed on lower extremity joint loading in graded ramp walking. Sports biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports. 4 (2), 227-43. Schwameder, H. , Peter, S. , & Ring, S. (2005). Energetische Aspekte im Tourenskilauf mit unterschiedlichen Bindungs-SchuhSystemen. Spectrum der Sportwissenschaften. 17 (1), 79-87. Söser, K. , & Schwameder, H. (2005). Eine dreidimensionale, kinematische Analyse des Standservice im Faustball. Spectrum der Sportwissenschaften. 17 (1), 52-61. Virmavirta, M. , Isolehto, J. , Komi, P. , Brüggemann, G.-P. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2005). Characteristics of the early flight phase in the Olympic ski jumping competition.. Journal of biomechanics. 38 (11), 2157-2163. Müller, E. , Bacharach, D. , Klika, R. , Lindinger, S. , & Schwameder, H. (2005). Science and Skiing III - Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Science and Skiing (ICSS). Meyer & Meyer Sport: Aachen Kröll, J. , Schiefermüller, C. , Birklbauer, J. , & Müller, E. (2005). Inline-skating as a Dry Land Modality for Slalom Racers – Electromyographic and Dynamic Similarities and Differences. Meyer & Meyer Sport Verlag: Oxford - UK Lindinger, S. , Stöggl, T. , & Müller, E. (2005). A biomechanical and performance related validation of a specific upper body testing and training device for strength abilities in cross-country ski racing. Meyer & Meyer Sport: Oxford, UK Lüthi, A. , Federolf, P. , Fauve, M. , Oberhofer, K. , Rhyner, H. U. , Ammann, W., . . . Müller, E. (2005). Determination of forces in carving using three different methods. Meyer & Meyer Sport: Oxford - UK Müller, E. , Schiefermüller, C. , Kröll, J. , & Schwameder, H. (2005). Skiing with Carved Skis – what is new. Meyer & Meyer Sport: Aachen Raschner, C. , Huber, R. , Arno, S. , Kröll, J. , Patterson, C. , Reinhard, P. , & Müller, E. (2005). Cornerstones of a Holistic Educational Concept in Youth Alpine Ski Racing – Exemplified by the Skigymnasium Stams. Meyer & Meyer Sport Verlag: Oxford - UK Schiefermüller, C. , Lindinger, S. , Raschner, C. , & Müller, E. (2005). The skier's center of gravity as a valid point in movement analyses using different reference systems. Meyer & Meyer Sport: Oxford, UK Schwameder, H. , Müller, E. , Lindenhofer, E. , De Monte, G. , Potthast, W. , Brüggemann, G.-P., . . . Komi, P. (2005). Kinematic characteristics of the early flight phase in ski-jumping. Meyer & Meyer Sport: Oxford - UK Schwameder, H. , & Ring, S. (2005). Belastungen in den Gelenken der unteren Extremitäten beim Nordic Walking und Laufen. Bad Tatzmannsdorf - Austria Söser, K. , & Schwameder, H. (2005). A three-dimensional kinematic analysis of the stand und jump serve in fistbal. Beijing China Stöggl, T. , Lindinger, S. , & Müller, E. (2005). A specific upper body testing and training device and concept for strength capacities in cross-country ski racing. Meyer&Meyer Sport Verlag: Oxford - UK Klous, M. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2005). Dynamics of carved and skidded ski and snowboard turns. Kröll, J. , Seifert, J. G. , Scheiber, P. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2005). Muscle fatigue in alpine skiing: determination through phase shifting in EMG?. Müller, E. , Schwameder, H. , Kröll, J. , Lindinger, S. , & Stöggl, T. (2005). Biomechanics in Elite Sport Performance. Müller, E. , Schwameder, H. , Kröll, J. , Lindinger, S. , Stöggl, T. , & Wagner, H. (2005). Biomechanics and Performance Enhancement. Schwameder, H. , Lindinger, S. , Stöggl, T. , Kröll, J. , Benko, U. , & Müller, E. (2005). Biomechanical performance diagnostics in elite sports. Schwameder, H. , Ring, S. , & Lindinger, S. (2005). Belastungen in den Gelenken der unteren Extremitäten beim Nordic Walking und Laufen. 2004 2004 Schwameder, H. (2004). Biomechanische Belastungsanalyse beim Berggehen. Meyer & Meyer: Aachen Klous, M. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2004). Experimental setup to collect input data for calculating loading on the lower extremities in skiing and snowboarding. Ottawa - Canada Müller, E. , Schwameder, H. , Raschner, C. , & Kröll, J. (2004). Messplätze und Messplatztraining in Wintersportarten. Academia: St. Augustin Schwameder, H. (2004). Kniegelenkbelastungen beim Bergwandern. Gibt es sinnvolle Maßnahmen zu deren Reduktion?. Innsbruck - Austria Schwameder, H. , Burgstaller, R. , Roithner, R. , & Müller, E. (2004). Visualisierung von Kniegelenkskräften beim Gehen auf verschieden geneigten Ebenen. Czwalina: Hamburg - Germany Schwameder, H. , Müller, E. , Schiefermüller, C. , & Kröll, J. (2004). Applied biomechanics in alpine skiing – past, present and future issues. Ottawa - Canada Schwameder, H. , Schilcher, P. , Lindenhofer, E. , & Ring, S. (2004). Mechanical and metabolic energy aspects of different binding-boot systems in ski-touring. Ottawa - Canada Klous, M. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2004). Kinematischer Messaufbau und Validierung kinematischer Daten für die Bestimmung von Gelenkbelastungen im Skilauf und Snowboarden. Kröll, J. , Stricker, G. , Mayerhofer, K. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2004). Ski Gliding Technique on a quasi static laboratory device – comparison with the situation on snow and possibilities of performance enhancement. Müller, E. , Schiefermüller, C. , Kröll, J. , Raschner, C. , & Schwameder, H. (2004). Skiing with Carving Skis – What is New?. Müller, E. , Schwameder, H. , Kröll, J. , & Lindinger, S. (2004). Biomechanics in Winter Sports. Schwameder, H. , Müller, E. , De Monte, G. , Potthast, W. , Brüggemann, G.-P. , Virmavirta, M., . . . Komi, P. (2004). Kinematic characteristics of the early flight phase in ski-jumping. Söser, K. , & Schwameder, H. (2004). Kinematische Analyse von Stand- und Sprungservice im Faustball. 2003 2003 Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2003). Biomechanical aspects of new techniques in alpine skiing and ski-jumping. Journal of Sports Sciences. 21 (9), 679-692. Müller, E. , Schwameder, H. , Schiefermüller, C. , Raschner, C. , & Niessen, W. (2003). Carving – eine neue Dimension des Skisports. NOEO - Wissenschaftsmagazin der Salzburger Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen. 1 6-10. Schwameder, H. (2003). Gelenksbelastungen beim Bergwandern. Analyse, Steuerung und Anwendungen. NOEO – Das Salzburger Wissenschaftsmagazin. 03 44-47. Schwameder, H. (2003). Tourenstöcke am Berg – Hilfe oder Hindernis?. Innsbruck - Austria Klous, M. , & Schwameder, H. (2003). New method for 3D kinematic analysis in skiing. Schilcher, P. , Schwameder, H. , Lindenhofer, E. , & Ring, S. (2003). Mechanical and metabolic energy aspects of different binding-boot systems in ski-touring. Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2003). Biomechanics on performance enhancement in ski-jumping. Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2003). Ski-jumping: Performance Limiting Factors. Schwameder, H. , Schiefermüller, C. , Niessen, W. , & Müller, E. (2003). Technology and skiing performance. Virmavirta, M. , Isolehto, J. , Komi, P. , Brüggemann, P. , Potthast, W. , De Monte, G. , Müller, E. , & Schwameder, H. (2003). Early flight phase in the Olympic ski jumping competition. Schwameder, H. (2003). Biomechanische Analyse und Steuerung der Belastung in den Gelenken der unteren Extremitäten beim Gehen und Berggehen. 2002 2002 Müller, E. , Raschner, C. , & Schwameder, H. (2002). Biomechanics and Training in Elite Alpine Ski Racing. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 34 (5, Suppl.), 104. Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2002). Angewandte Biomechanik im Leistungssport. Beispiele und Konzepte im Skispringen. NOEO-Das Salzburger Wissenschaftsmagazin. 01 30-33. Schwameder, H. , Lindenhofer, E. , & Müller, E. (2002). Knee joint loading in graded walking as a function of step length and step frequency. Caceres - Spain Burgstaller, R. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2002). Classification of movement patterns in graded walking using neuronal networks. Kösters, A. , Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2002). Correlation between endurance time and emg parameters during isometric trunk extension. Müller, E. , Schwameder, H. , & Schiefermüller, C. (2002). Skiing with carved skis – challenges on performance and safety. Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2002). Biomechanical analysis of sport techniques: from basics to application. Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2002). Biomechanical research methodology in skijumping: overview and perspectives. 2001 2001 Schwameder, H. , & Müller, E. (2001). Biomechanics in ski-jumping: A review. European Journal of Sport Science. 1 (1), 1-16. Schwameder, H. , Roithner, R. , & Müller, E. (2001). Energieverteilung auf die Gelenke der unteren Extremitäten beim Gehen auf verschieden geneigten Flächen. Spectrum der Sportwissenschaften. 98-105. Müller, E. , Lindinger, S. , Raschner, C. , & Schwameder, H. (2001). Skilauf und Wissenschaft. 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