英語 (English Version)

FY2016 Edition
A Step-by-Step Guide to Taking a CITI Japan Course
1. Initial Setup
(1) Go to the CITI Japan Home Page (https://edu.citiprogram.jp/).
Enter your user name and password, and click on the login button.
New user: Enter the user name and password given by the system administrator.
Registered User: Enter your user name and password.
[New User]
i. The “Edit Your Name and E-mail” page appears. If not, go to (ii).
Check your name and e-mail address on the page, make corrections if necessary,
and enter your secondary e-mail address (optional). Click “送信 (Submit).”
Check your name and e-mail address.
Enter your secondary e-mail address
The Main Menu appears on the screen.
Click “パスワードの変更はこちら (Change my password)” to change the default
password to a new one.
←The name of your organization is displayed here
Click “受講コースの選択 (Course Selection).”
The course selection page appears.
Your organization's courses are as follows.
JST 研究者コース(2016)
研究倫理教育 研究者コース(教員・特任研究員・技術職員対象)(2016)
研究倫理教育 研究者支援者コース(技術職員対象)(2016)
研究倫理教育 研究者コース(その他)(2016)
Use a check mark to select the course you will take and click “Continue”.
! Even if you plan to take more than one course, select one at a time.
The course list will be shown in the Main Menu, in accordance with your selection
in step iv. Your initial setup has been completed.
[Registered User]
Log in to open the Main Menu.
Click “受講コースの選択 (Course selection).”
←The name of your organization is displayed here
(Your previous course list is displayed here.)
The course selection page appears.
Your organization's courses are as follows.
JST 研究者コース(2016)
研究倫理教育 研究者コース(教員・特任研究員・技術職員対象)(2016)
研究倫理教育 研究者支援者コース(技術職員対象)(2016)
研究倫理教育 研究者コース(その他)(2016)
Use a check mark to select the course you will take and click “Continue”.
! Even if you plan to take more than one course, select one at a time.
The course list will be shown in the Main Menu, in accordance with your selection
in step ii. Your initial setup has been completed.
2. How to Start and Proceed with Coursework
(1) Go to the CITI Japan Home Page (https://edu.citiprogram.jp/) to log in.
Now you start the required courses. You will receive the Course Completion Report
when you finish all the coursework for each of these courses.
研究倫理教育 研究者コース(教員・特任研究員・技術職員対象)(2016)
研究倫理教育 研究者コース(その他)(2016)
The required courses are as follows:
01_責任ある研究行為:基盤編(RCR), Stage 1
02_人を対象とした研究:基盤編(HSR), Stage 1
JST 研究者コース(2016)
研究倫理教育 研究者支援者コース(技術職員対象)(2016)
The required course is as follows:
01_責任ある研究行為:基盤編(RCR), Stage 1
Click “受講 (Start).”
(2) The module list for the course appears.
Click “受講に先立つ誓約 (Assurance Statement).”
Please read the text shown in the window carefully, check the mark, and click “提出
(3) You are back on the screen showing the module list. Begin the course by clicking on the
first module’s title and proceed with the coursework in order of the modules.
(4) Select Your Language.
(5) After you finish studying the textbook, click “クイズを行う/Take the quiz” at the foot of
the module.
(6) Click your choice for each of the questions, and click “送信 (Submit)” at the end of the
page. Your score and correct answers appear on the screen.
Click “本コースの成績管理書へ/Return to the module list for this course” to open the
module list, and make sure that the modules you have finished are marked “完 了
Note: If there is only one required module then, the course is finished as soon as a passing score is
achieved. At this time the “本コースの成績管理書へ/Return to the module list for this course” link
will not be displayed. Please continue to (7).
(7) You complete the required course when you finish studying all the required modules, and
score an average of 80 percent on the quizzes shown at the end of the course material.
Then, you can print out your Course Completion Report.
How to issue the Course Completion Report: Go to the Main Menu and click on the“修了証(印刷
/Print) (Course Completion Report (PRINT))” link. Please see Section 3 for more details.
If your average score is below 80%, review modules where you scored a low total and
re-take each quiz to achieve a passing score. You can re-enter each module by clicking
on its title in the module list.
(8) The optional courses are not mandatory, and the Course Completion Report is
NOT issued for the completion of any of these courses.
Click “受講(Start)” to begin the course of study.
研究倫理教育 研究者コース(教員・特任研究員・技術職員対象)(2016)
研究倫理教育 研究者コース(その他)(2016)
The optional courses are as follows:
03_責任ある研究行為:基盤編(理工系)(RCR-S), Stage 1
04_研究の安全性(BIO), Stage 1
05_実験動物の取り扱い(ACU), Stage 1
06_治験(GCP), Stage 1
07_米国被験者保護局(OHRP)教材, Stage 1
08_国内 IRB の米国 OHRP への登録手続き案内, Stage 1
09_責任ある研究行為:基盤編(復習用)(RCR:review), Stage 1*
10_人を対象とした研究:基盤編(復習用)(HSR:review), Stage 1*
JST 研究者コース(2016)
研究倫理教育 研究者支援者コース(技術職員対象)(2016)
The optional courses are as follows:
02_人を対象とした研究:基盤編(HSR), Stage 1
03_責任ある研究行為:基盤編(理工系)(RCR-S), Stage 1
04_研究の安全性(BIO), Stage 1
05_実験動物の取り扱い(ACU), Stage 1
06_治験(GCP), Stage 1
07_米国被験者保護局(OHRP)教材, Stage 1
08_国内 IRB の米国 OHRP への登録手続き案内, Stage 1
09_責任ある研究行為:基盤編(復習用)(RCR:review), Stage 1*
* Regarding optional courses that state ‘(復習用) review. ’
Once the course completion report is issued then you will no longer be able to access the texts
for the required course. The purpose of these optional courses is to allow review of the
required courses. Please use them as required for revision. Note that another course
completion report will not be issued.
Course Status (Main Menu)
“受講履歴” states your course status.
3. Course Completion Report
Once you complete the required course, “修了 (Passed)” is shown on the Main Menu. ➊
Click “修了証(印刷/Print) (Course Completion Report (PRINT))” in the “修了レポート
(Completion Report)” column to view and print out your course completion report. ➋
If you need any further clarification on the step-by-step guide, please e-mail CITI
Japan Support Office at [email protected].