OPINION SUPPORT CONCLUSION テーマ作文のアイデア小箱 天候 病気 季節 気候 天気 風土 健康 公共輸送 機関 減量 交通 喫煙 観光地 流行 命の尊さ 温暖化 生物 衣食住 生活 宇宙探査 言語 日記 スポーツ 道徳 音楽 趣味 教育 テレビ 進学率 携帯電話 政策 政治 生き様 政局 産業政策 景気 不況 結婚 出費 経済 視野 就職 人生 倫理 臓器 医学 交渉 判断力 手術 辞書 学習 国益 迷信 インター ネット 言葉の役割 読書 世論 成熟 科学 言葉の暴力 国際人 風俗 人間関係 技術 習得 アルバイト 差別 人間 光景 習慣 社会 祭り 行事 ブーム 少子高齢化 文化 快適な生活 生態系 視野 伝統 旅行 渋滞 料理 環境 公害 案内 事故 への影響 資源 温暖化 運動 ストレス 気温 通学 日本社会 災害 友好 事件 戦争 平和 外交 偉人 歴史 セカンド オピニオン 戦争 教訓 国際関係 結論を決めてしまう + 問題の本質からズレない What is important is that S'V'... to V'... V'ing... What is important is that + (about bieng A → 当事者意識 ) What is good about A is that S'V'... to V'... V'ing... This would make people happier [us・the world・the situation] This would make people feel happier 賛成 I agree (with the idea) that SV 〜 I support the idea that SV 〜 I am for 〜 We should accept 〜 I think that SV 〜 is a good idea. 反対 I disagree (with the idea) that SV 〜 I am against 〜 I am opposed to 〜 I don't think that SV 〜 is a good idea. 二択 I like 〜 better than ... I prefer 〜 to ... 話題の導入 These days many things are said about 〜 , These days more and more people are using 〜 , but I'd like to think about what is good and bad about it. People talk a lot about 〜 these days, but I'd like to think about advantages and disadvantages. Recently, 〜 has become common, but I think ... but there are a lot of pros and cons to ... There is nothing new about 〜 , but we should stop to think about it. 小学校で英語を教えることに賛成か反対か ① 私は小学校で英語を教えることに賛成です ② 今や国際化の時代なので、日本人ももっと英語を使いこなせるように ならなければ、世界についていけないからです。 ③ したがって、私は小学校で英語を教えることに賛成です。 小学校で英語を教えることに賛成か反対か ① 私は小学校で英語を教えることに賛成です ② 幼いうちから勉強1し始めた方が、物事は身につきやすい。 子どもの方が柔軟性があるからだ。 ③ したがって、私は小学校で英語を教えることに賛成です。 小学校で英語を教えることに賛成か反対か ① 私は小学校で英語を教えることに反対です ② 我々の社会は国際化されつつあるからこそ、 我々は日本人としての強固な基盤を持つべきである。 ③ したがって、私は小学校で英語を教えることに反対です。 小学校で英語を教えることに賛成か反対か ① 私は小学校で英語を教えることに反対です ② 日本では英語を使う機会はほとんどなく、必要に迫られない限り 言語は身につかない。 ③ したがって、私は小学校で英語を教えることに反対です。 → ③ 日本はもはや孤立した島国であってはならない。 Japan should not be an isolated island nation any longer. → ③ ことわざにもあるように、「鉄は熱いうちに打て」 As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot. → ③ 英語を学ぶ前に、日本人として国際社会で発言するための思考力を育成するべき。 Before studying English, we should mature the ability to think as a Japanese in order to increase our voice in the international community. → ③ 日本では英語教育を行なっても非効率的だ。 英語を習得する一番良い方法は英語圏の国に住むことだ。 It is not always effective to study English in Japan. The best way to learn English is to live in a country where English is spoken. 抽象→具体 文章全体やパラグラフの冒頭などでは要点を抽象的な表現で示したり、 以下のような【抽象】の論理語を使用。 some / many + 複数形 various / different + 複数形 certain + 名詞 疑問文 :( コロン ) following / as follows いくつかの / 多くの… →続けて具体的な説明 さまざまな 一定の、多少の ☆疑問文は文章やパラグラフの主題 すなわち →コロンの前は抽象、後は具体 以下の Alfred Nobel was a man of many contrasts. He was a scientist, but he loved literature. He made a fortune but lived a simple life. He invented dynamite to be used in the industries in general, but he had to see it used in war. ( アルフレッド・ノーベルは数々の相反する要素を持つ人物だった。科学者にして文学好き、 財を成したが生活は質素であっ た。産業全般での使用を目指しダイナマイトを発明したが、それが戦争で使われるのを目にすることとなった ) ☆ a man of many contrasts「数多くの相反する要素を持つ人物」 という抽象的な表現のあとに具体的説明を続けている How many words are there in the English language? According to one study, English consists of 988,968 words. But counting the number of words of a language is not easy. Indeed, when one comes to think about it, defining the number of words in a language is next to impossible. ( 英語にはいくつの単語があるのだろうか。ある研究によると英語は 988,968 の単語から構成される。だが 1 つの言語に 含まれる単語数を数えるのは容易ではない。実際改めて考えてみると、ある言語の単語数を数えるのは不可能に近い ) ☆疑問文で「英語の語数」というトピックを導入。2 文目以降は But で文 の流れを転換したあと、 「言語の語数を数えるのは難しい」という主張を 述べている。 譲歩 トピックを提示しつつ、主張と反対の内容を述べる。 It is true that S'V' Of course, Certainly No doubt 仮定法 確かに S'V' は事実 ( だが ) むろん ( だが ) 確かに (… だが ) 明らかに (… だが ) ( 事実と逆を仮定 ) may( 助動詞 ) ・・・ かもしれない ( が事実は違う ) ・・・ のようだ ( が実際は違う ) It seems that S'V' It is generally said that S'V' 一般に言われる ( が実際は違う) ・・・と Although S'V' admittedly apparent(ly) だが ( 主節で主張 ) 認められるところでは 一見したところでは ( が実際は違う ) We may take it for granted that TV advertisement is a part of TV programs. Yet, their prospects are not bright. In fact, they may disappear in the near future. ( テレビ CM はテレビ番組の一部だと当然のように思っているかもしれない。CM のおかげで番組を無料で視聴できるのだ。 だが CM の今後は明るくない。それどころか近い将来なくなる可能性もある ) ☆ may が「譲歩」 、But と not が「逆接」 、In fact が「主張」 The apparent simplicity of its use may lead us to think that we know everything that we need to know about it, but in fact e-mail has overtaken us without our really understanding what it is. ( 東大 08) (e メールの使い方は一見単純なので、我々は e メールについて知るべきことは何でも知っていると思いがちだが、実際 には、我々は e メールが何か知らないままに、それに支配されてしまっているのだ。) ☆典型的な「譲歩→逆接→主張」の展開 逆接 譲歩の後に用いられ、主張を導く but however even so nevertheless Yet, all the same Still, on the contrary しかし しかし しかし それでもなお それでもなお それでもなお しかし いやむしろ Though computers will no doubt continue to get faster and smaller, their true value should be judged not by their efficiency, but by their contribution to human life and the environment. ( コンピューターの高速化と小型化が進むことは間違いないが、その真の価値は効率性ではなく、人間生活と地球環境へ の貢献度によって判断されるべきだ。) ★ on the contrary の使い方に注意 Americans love their parents, sisters, brothers and ever their pets. On the contrary, a typical Japanese man doesn't show his emotions in such a manner. (例えばアメリカ人は、両親、兄弟姉妹、ペットにさえも「love」という表現を使います。でも、典型的な日本の男性は 感情をそのようには表しません。 ) 控えめな主張 on the whole in general broadly speaking, by and large apart from A, B exceptA, B it is likely that S'V' possibly probably 概して 概して 概して 概して A を除き、B である (A は譲歩 ) A を除き、B である (A は譲歩 ) おそらく おそらく おそらく The newspapers and magazines are full of criticisms regarding politicians. Most politicians who have been criticized ignore such criticisms rather than refute them. On the whole, freedom of speech in Japan is not crushed by any political pressure. (新聞や雑誌には、政治家への批判がたくさん掲載されている。批判された政治家も、そうした批判に対して反論せず、 無視することが多い。全体として日本では、言論の自由が政治圧力で潰されるということはまずない。 ) 筆者の主張 I think [feel] in my view [opinion] really more or less Actually, I mean in any case in fact as a matter of fact Surprisingly 筆者が思うに 筆者の意見では 実は 多かれ少なかれ (= 要は ) 実際、 つまり いずれにせよ 実際は 実際は 驚いたことに →文修飾の副詞は主張 強調 even ... as little [much] as ... indeed especially in fact at least undoubtedly do V... …さえ …ほども少なく [ 多く ] 実に 特に 実際 少なくとも 疑う余地なく 確かに…する 論理的帰結 therefore as a result consequently then in conclusion thus よって 結果として 結果として よって 結論として よって this means that … …を this is why … this results in … 意味する よって … このことは … をもたらす There are about 1.5 million people of Japanese descent living in Brazil. This is probably the largest expatriate Japanese community in the world. Conversely, there are 200,000 Brazilians who have come to work in Japan. This results in a deep bilateral relationship. (ブラジルには、現在、約 150 万人の日系移民が暮らしています。世界で最も大きな日系社会と言えるでしょう。また、 最近では、逆に 20 万人のブラジル人が日本に働きに来ています。両国は、ますます深いかかわりあいを持つようになり ました。) 言い換え I mean つまり this means that … …を In other words That is to say, or ―( ダッシュ ) :( コロン ) 意味する 言い換えると 言い換えると 言い換えると すなわち すなわち Food miles, or the distance food is transported from the field to the consumer's table, is one way to measure the impact of food on the environment. (「フードマイル」言い換えると畑から消費者の食卓まで食べ物が移動した距離は、食べ物の環境負荷を測るひとつの方 法だ ) 例示 for instance for example one example is in particular ―( ダッシュ ) :( コロン ) 例えば 例えば 一例をあげると とりわけ 例えば 例えば 対比 on the one[other] hand ~ , while … ~ , at the same time, … in contrast Meanwhile one … another 〜 some … others 〜 一方で [ 他方で ] ~である一方、… … ~と同時に… 対照的に 同時に 一つは…他は〜 一部は…他は〜 Some scientists argue that the rise in global temperatures is a mere change, thus the term “climate change” is appropriate. On the other hand, many scientists have pointed out that this climate change is a matter of concern, and the term “global warming” should be used. ( 一部の科学者は、地球の気温上昇は単なる変動であるため、 「気候変動」という言葉が適切だと主張する。一方多くの 科学者は、この気候変動は心配すべき問題であり「地球温暖化」という言葉を使うべきだと言う ) ☆気候変動⇔地球温暖化 追加 moreover furthermore in addition another thing is, what is more さらに さらに さらに さらに さらに 手紙・メールのテンプレ お願い Please Can you Could you I am wondering if you put me up for a couple of days. I will appreciate it if you give nme some advice. I have a big favor to ask you. I am wondering if I can ask you a favor. Would you please do me a favor? Let's go to some restauranto for lunch. What do you say to going to some restaurant for lunch? tell me the way. 小学校から英語教育を始めることについて、賛成か反対か。 言語・教育 I think that English should be made a compulsory subject at elementary school. Children are more flexible than grownups. Studies show that the earlier people start learning a language, the more likely they are to be good at it. Small children don't hesittate to try a new thing. When children start studying English after they reach puberty, they are embarrassed to pronounce the sounds which the Japanese language doesn't have, such as 'f,' 'v,' 'th.' The wave of globalization is unaboidable. From now on, Japanese people must be able to hold a conversation in English. Studying English will give children an opportunity to find out about other cultures, and they will be able to see things from an international point of view. English is the world's main tool of communication, and Japan should not be an isolated island any longer. テーマ英作文集 24 ① 主張 ② 理由 A 抽象→具体 ③ 賛成 脳の柔軟性 思春期以前の性質 国際化の波 異文化を知る 鎖国打破 理由 C 原因→結果 ⑤ 理由 B 抽象→具体 ④ 理由 D 原因→結果 マクロ ⑥ 結論 テーマ英作文集 25 小学校から英語教育を始めることについて、賛成か反対か。 言語・教育 I don't think that it is necessary to teach English in elementary school. The first thing children have to do is to learn their own language because many thngs are said about the declining ability of Japanese kids to use Japanese. There are few good Japanese teachers of English. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology should give priority to improving teachers' ability. Also ALTs should be trained to study the Japanese language. English learning would impose an additional burden on schoolchildren. This is against the cram-free education system. Being exposed to English once a week is not effective. In order to learn even basic communication skills, schoolchildren need more than one or two hours of classes per week. To carry out a new projec, careful preparation must be made, but as things are today, you have to say that the time is not ripe. テーマ英作文集 26 ① 主張 ② 理由 A 原因→結果 ③ 反対 国語力の低下 英語教師の数が不足 負担の増大 授業時間数 入念な準備が必要 理由 C 原因→結果 ⑤ 理由 B 抽象→具体 ④ 理由 D 抽象→具体 マクロ ⑥ 結論 テーマ英作文集 27 義務教育で英語を教えることに賛成か、反対か。 言語・教育 I think that people need to study English as part of compulsory education. These days more and more Japanese people are going abroad on business or for pleasure and they have more opportunities to communicate in English. For better or worse, English has become the common language. English is now used in many areas from computers and the Internet, to sports, fashion and technology. If you are good at English, it can help you when you are looking for a job. More and more companies want to employ people who can hold a conversation in English. If schools taught all subjects, inclusing mathematics, science, art and physical education, in English, apart from Japanese, it would be much more effective. The Mistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology should reinforce the teaching of practical English so that they put oral communication above grammar and translation. テーマ英作文集 28 ① 主張 ② 理由 A 原因→結果 ③ 結論 サジェスト ⑥ 賛成 海外旅行者の増加 日常の英語の増加 英語が就職に影響 教科も英語で コミュニケーション中心の教育を 理由 C 原因→結果 ⑤ 理由 B 抽象→具体 ④ 結論 サジェスト テーマ英作文集 29 義務教育で英語を教えることに賛成か、反対か。 言語・教育 I don't think everybody needs to study English. Although some people say that the age of globalization has come, most Japanese have no problem in daily life in Japan even if they can't speak English. Only people who work for multinational corporations need to use English. The Japanese language is completely different from English in structure and pronunciation, so learning English is a burden to many Japanese people. We have much more difficulty acquiring English than European do. There are few native English teachers in Japan. Of course, there are many more native speakers in the country, but most of them have never been trained to be teachers. You can't possibly speak English if you study it in Japan. You can't learn it until you are required to use it in daily life. Teaching English in Japan is inefficient. The best way to learn the language is to live in an English-speaking country. テーマ英作文集 30 ① 主張 ② 理由 A 譲歩→主張 ③ 理由 D 結果→原因 ⑥ 反対 国際化の波 言語構造の違い 外国人講師の数 会話の習得方法 英語の習得=英語圏に住むこと 理由 C 譲歩→主張 ⑤ 理由 B 原因→結果 ④ 結論 サジェスト テーマ英作文集 31 英語を日本の唯一の公用語にすることに賛成か、反対か。 言語・教育 I agree that English should be the only official language of Japan. Many Japanese want to be able to speak English, but few of them can learn it. You can't acquire a language unless you use it in daily life. If English were the only official language of our country, we would have to use English and so we would be able to be good at English speakers. The Japanese language is only used in Japan and it has a lot of vague expressions. This makes it quite difficult for people from other countries to understand Japan and Japanese people. On the other hand, English is widely used all over the world. If English became our official language, Japanese people would study English from an early age and became proficient in it. This makes it easier for us to communicate with foreign people and many trading companies could deal with foreign companies more smoothly, which would strengthen our economic power. The wave of globalization is unavoidable and Japan cannot survive without trade with other countries. Using English as the offficial language will be an important strategy so that our country can continue to prosper. テーマ英作文集 32 ① 主張 ② 理由 A 原因→結果 ③ 賛成 英語が堪能になる 日本語は日本人だけ 英語は世界共通語 海外との取引の効率化 国家の存亡 対比 原因→結果 ⑤ 理由 B 原因→結果 ④ 結果 結果→原因 マクロ ⑥ 結論 テーマ英作文集 33 英語を日本の唯一の公用語にすることに賛成か、反対か。 言語・教育 I disagree that English should be the only official language of Japan. Some people often say thtat the age of globalization has come and English skills are the most important in international commnication, but the only people in Japan who need to use English are those who work for multinational corporations. Most people have no problem in their daily lives even if they don't speak English. The Japanese language is completely different from English in pronunciation and structure. On the other hand, European languages and Chinese are rather similar to English in word order. Learning English for Japanese people is more difficult than it is for European and Chinese people. The Japanese language has a lot of unique vocabulary and expressions in it. How could you describe something like 'wabi sabi' or 'shibui' in English. Language is closely connected with culture, and doing away with the Japanese language would mean destroying a large part of our heritage. Our generation has no right to suddenly wipe out something that has dveloped over thousands of years. テーマ英作文集 34 ① 主張 反対 ② 理由 A 国際化 英語なしでもやっていける 構造上の問題 理由 D 日本語独特の表現 言語論→文化論 譲歩→主張 ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 35 全世界が同じ1つの言語を使用していたら、どうなると思うか。 言語・教育 If there were only one language in the world, we could more easily communicate with other people. This would save time and make business more efficient. In addition, there would be fewer misunderstandings. Many conflicts are mainly due to the lack of communication. If we spoke the same language, we could express ourselves more clearly and would be more likely to share our opinions. Thus, we would live a more peaceful life. テーマ英作文集 36 ① 主張 ② 理由 コミュニケーションが容易に 社会の効率性 誤解の現象 マクロ 平和の実現 ③ 結論 テーマ英作文集 37 全世界が同じ1つの言語を使用していたら、どうなると思うか。 言語・教育 If there were only one language in the world, life would be boring. This is because languages reflects a nation's characteristics, history and geography. If there were no differences, we wouldn't try to understand others. Some people say that conflicts would disappear, but wars break out not because of language barriers but because of people's natural instincts, geographical conditions and the gap between the rich and poor. One language wouldn't bring people together. テーマ英作文集 38 ① 主張 退屈に ② 理由 言語は国家を反映する ③ 結論 エクステ 戦争の原因は言語の違いではない テーマ英作文集 39 言葉の力について論ぜよ。 言語・教育 Language sometimes hurts more than physical violence. In modern history, the authorities, such as the government, oppressed the opinions of the public. These days, it seems that the power of speech suppresses people. For example, the mass media, such as newspapers and TV, criticize the government or some people excessively as if the media were right and just. The public thoughtlessly believe what the media say. It is not too much to say that the media is the leader of the country. Another example is online bullying, such as 'Channel 2' and unofficial school websites. Everybody can write anything anonymously, and mos of them are personal remarks. People begin to wonder who hates them and soon come to distrust everyone. Thus, we are living in an age when we cannot tell what is right and what is wrong. We have to be careful about the usages of words and what other people have to say. テーマ英作文集 40 ① 主張 言葉は人を傷つける ② 展開 言語が民衆を圧迫 ③ 具体例 A メディアの発言力 ④ 具体例 A 2チャンネル/学校裏サイト ⑤ 結論 マクロ 成否が判断できない →言葉の使用に要注意 テーマ英作文集 41 日本の教育について、あなたの意見を英文で書きなさい。 言語・教育 Japanese education may be efficient in producing good office and factory workers, but it doesn't cultivate people who can think creatively. Teachers tend to spend most of their time cramming their students with numerous facts and figures. Students study just because they are afraid of failing examas. This is why students are good at answering patterned questions, but on the other hand, they are poor at coming up with creative ideas and solving problems which they have not met before. About 40 years ago, Japan hoped to be an economic superpower. In order to increase the economic power rapidly and efficiently, they needed to produce the type of people who can do a lot of standardized things properly and accurately, like robots. Workers who followed their bosses' orders faithfully were regarded as excellent. In order to develop these kinds of workers, the uniformity of education was effective. However, now that Japan has already developed into an economic superpower, the conventional education system is insufficient. From now on, we need people who can think of unique ideas, and therefore people should be trained to think for themselves at school. I suggest that Japan adopt the skipping system at school. In this way, students can improve their ability in their favorite subjects. It is natural that different people have different abilities and require different lengths of time to learn something. テーマ英作文集 42 ① 主張 独創的人間を生み出さない ② 展開 A 教育の現状 経済大国へ サジェスト 飛び級制度 原因→結果 ③ 展開 B 原因→結果 ④ 結論 テーマ英作文集 43 「ゆとり教育」(pressure-free-education) に賛成か、反対か。 言語・教育 I agree with the idea of pressure-free education. Education in which more emphasis is put on students' academic achievement has discouraged students who do badly on exams from enjoying studying, which is thought to be one of the reasons why there are bullying and classrooom breakdown. Children have their characteristics and the purpose of education is to help develop each student's ability. The cramming style of education cannot save all students. Some peopole say that pressure-free education has led to the decline in academic ability of children these days, but it doesn't just mean reducing the amount of teaching. The primary aim is to give students the oppotunity to think for themselves and to reflect about themselves. It is important for chilcren to take responsibility for their decisions. Thus, what matters in pressure-free education is not only cutting the amount of studying but also changing how to educate children. テーマ英作文集 44 ① 主張 賛成 ② 展開 A 学力偏重教育の欠点 詰め込み教育の欠点 譲歩 ゆとりある教育の譲歩 ゆとりある教育の目的 ゆとりある教育は教育法を変えること ③ 理由 A ③ ③ 展開 B 理由 A 主張 ④ 結論 マクロ テーマ英作文集 45 「ゆとり教育」(pressure-free-education) に賛成か、反対か。 言語・教育 I disagree with the concept of pressure-free education. People often say that the cram-free education style has led to students' poor academic ability, and I think this is true. Generally speaking, the younger people are, the more easily they can learn something. No matter what they think about, they have to build up a foundation from which to start thinking. Children should memorize as many things as they can. They should learn about various ways of thinking. Otherwise, they will become narrow-minded. Some people say that we should give children more opportunities to decide for themselves, but they are inexperienced and not mature enough to make their own decisions in life. Before making decisions they have to think about a lot of choices. In order to wien the range of choice, they should cram themselves with facts anf figures. In conclusion, a decline in academic ability leads to the collapse of the country. We should keep in mind that we owe what Japan is today to the hard work and diligence of those whio came before us. テーマ英作文集 46 ① 主張 反対 ② 展開 A ゆとりある教育の欠点 記憶力は幼いうちの方がよい 様々な考え方を学ぶべきだ 理由 C 自分で決定すべき 譲歩→主張 →子どもはまだ判断できない マクロ 学力低下は国家の崩壊 ③ 理由 A ③ 理由 B ③ ④ 結論 テーマ英作文集 47 「ギャップ・イヤー」(a gap year) とは、大学への入学を認められた学生が、通例では1 年ほど入学を遅らせて、その間に外国での生活・ボランティア活動・職業体験などを通 して、いわゆる「自分探し」をする期間、または制度のことを指します。この制度の是 言語・教育 非についてどう思うか。 I think that a gap year is a good idea. Most Japanese high school studets go on to college immediately after they graduate. They do nothing but study for exams and have no time to reflect on themselves. Studying may be very important in itself, but there is more to life than that. By having a lot of experience, you can broaden your mind. A gap year will give you an opportunity to learn the real world. If you travel in other countries, you'll get a lot out of talking to various kinds of people. If you do volunteer work, you'll realize that you're a contributing member of society. During that year you can decide what you want to do in your future career. テーマ英作文集 48 ① 主張 賛成 ② 理由 A 自分を見つめ直す時間がない 実社会から学ぶ機械を得られる 様々な人々と話す ボランティア活動をする ③ 具体例 ③ 理由 C 譲歩→主張 ④ 理由 B 譲歩→主張 ③ 結論 エクステ 職業決定のヒントが見つかる テーマ英作文集 49 「ギャップ・イヤー」(a gap year) とは、大学への入学を認められた学生が、通例では1 年ほど入学を遅らせて、その間に外国での生活・ボランティア活動・職業体験などを通 して、いわゆる「自分探し」をする期間、または制度のことを指します。この制度の是 言語・教育 非についてどう思うか。 I think that a gap year is a waste of time. This extra time might seem to give new university students a lot of opportunities to find themselves, but that is whay you can do anytime in life. Some people can choose a vocation, while others realize they are not fit for the jobs they have chosen after they get the jobs. Different people have different ways of living. In fact, a gap year just means prolonging what is called a moratorium. This may lead to an increase in the number of the so-called 'Neets.' I think society is overly including young people. Young Japanese people are generally slow to stand on their own feet. They should get out into the real world earlier than they do now. テーマ英作文集 50 ① 主張 ② 展開 A 理由 A 抽象 生き様は人それぞれだ モラトリアムを延長させるだけ 日本の若者は自立が遅い 譲歩→主張 ③ ③ 自分探しはいつでもできる 理由 B 具体 ④ 反対 結論 マクロ テーマ英作文集 51 高校の授業料の無償化の主張に賛成か、反対か。 言語・教育 I agree with the policy of making tuition free for high school. About 98 percent of junior high school students go on to high school. The three years at high school are an important stage of education, which allows young people to consider their career options seriously. More and more high school students, however, are being forced to drop out, often because of financial reasons like their parents losing their jobs. Some students are so busy doing part-time jobs to help the family finances that they have little time for studying. In most countries, education up to and including high school level is provided at no cost thanks to the International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights. Japan has reserved endorsement of a provision calling for the introduction of free education at high schools and universities. Society should invest more money to develop people with various talents, who will support our country in the future. As a part of this objective, free high school education should become a reality. テーマ英作文集 52 ① 主張 ② 具体 理由 A 学費を払えない者の増加 学費の無償化は国際人権規約 人づくりの投資 ③ ③ 高校進学率 理由 B ④ 賛成 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 53 高校の授業料の無償化の主張に賛成か、反対か。 言語・教育 I disagree with the policy of making public high school education effectively tuition-free. As you know, Japan has a fiscal deficit of more than 40 million yen. We have to pay this back as soon as possible to keep the economy going. In addition, Japan is aging, so we need money for sopporting more a nd more elderly people. Unfortunately, there is a continuing economic depression. It is difficult to secure sufficient revenue. If the government puts this policy into practice, they will have to make up for the money by raising taxes. This means adding to the existing debt. The cost of this policy will ultimately have to be paid by the children who benefit from it. The government must put an end to these kinds of dole-out measures. テーマ英作文集 54 ① 主張 反対 ② 理由 A 債務が多い 理由 B 高齢化に伴う福祉の費用、不況 増税につながる ばらまき政策にすぎない ③ ③ 結果 ④ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 55 読書の利点について論じよ。 言語・教育 I think that there are several advantages to reading. First, reading is instructive. If you compare older literature to contemporary literature, for example, you can see the differences in lifestyles. If you read historical books, you can learn a lot from the past. Of course, things these says have completely changed, and the lessons about the past are not necessarily relevant to our way of living, but we can get some hints from historically important people's ways of living, such as how they dealt with crises and how they managed their countries or retainners. Reading is also a way to get away from it all. When you read novels, for instance, you can escape into another world. Third, reading helps you enrich your life. By reading various genres of books, you can acquire a lot of knowledge and broaden your mind. Thus, books can be something that you can consult or enjoy. It is not too much to say that books are the most important teacher in life and the most inexpensive consultant. テーマ英作文集 56 ① 導入 いくつかの利点 ② 理由 A 読書は勉強になる 読書は視野を広げる 書物は人生で最良の師であり相談相手 抽象→具体 ③ 具体 譲歩→主張 ④ 理由 B 抽象→具体 ⑤ 理由 C 抽象→具体 ⑥ 歴史書から教訓を 読書は気晴らしになる 結論 マクロ テーマ英作文集 57 紙の辞書か電子辞書か 言語・教育 I think that printed dictionaries are instructive. Some people say that electronic dictionaries are more convenient, but being convenient doesn't necessarily mean being instructive. When you use electronic dictionaries, all you do is to look up a word you want to know the meaning of, but when you use printed ones, you can see a lot of words around the world you have looked up. In this way, you can find out, say, that 'different' is an adjective and 'difference' is a noun. You will acquire a lot of vocabulary naturally. Electric dictionaries need batteries, so they will cost more than printed ones in the long run. Also, they say that the mroe time and energy you spend, the stronger your memory becomes. The task of underlining a word you have looked up helps you memorize it. Recently, almost everything has been digitized, but because of technology, the natural abilities of human beings seem to be declining. This is the crisis of human existence. テーマ英作文集 58 ① 主張 紙の辞書がよい ② 理由 A 便利≠学習 理由 B 対比 理由 C 記憶力は苦労に比例する 技術への過度な依存は人類存続の危機 譲歩→主張 ③ 具体 ④ ⑤ 結果→原因 ⑥ 周りの単語が目に映る 電池代 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 59 紙の辞書か電子辞書か 言語・教育 I think that electric dictionaries are more convenient. Electric dictionaries are so small and light that you can take one with you everywhere you go. When you come across a word whose meaning you can't understand, you will be able to memorize it more easily if you look it up in the dictionary as soon as you have a question. If you always carry an electroonic dictionary wity you, you can use it even on the train. Electric dictionaries these days have the function of pronouncing words, so learners can listen to the correct pronunciation. In addition, electronic dictionaries can contain a lot of different dictionaries, such as English-Japanese dictionaries, English-English dictionaries, thesauruses, a dictionary of Chinese characters, archaic words, medical terms, and encyclopedias. It is next to impossible to carry them all every day. Generally speaking, the older generation tends to avoid the newest electronic gadgets, but with this kind of conservative attitude, one cannot hope for advancement. You should be practical and not hesitate about using things which are convenient. テーマ英作文集 60 ① 主張 電子辞書がよい ② 理由 A 持ち運びが便利 理由 B 理由 C 複数の辞書が持ち歩ける エクステ 最新のものを使う姿勢こそ ③ 具体 ④ ⑤ ⑥ 疑問に思ったらすぐに引ける 正しい発音が確認できる 結論 進歩につながる テーマ英作文集 61 高校生は制服を着るべきであるという主張に賛成か、反対か。 言語・教育 I think that senior high school students should wear school uniforms. If students didn't have to wear school uniforms, they would pay too much attention to what they wear. Students, especially girls, would like to keep up with the latest fashions. They would spend a lot of money on new clothes and compete with the other girls about fashion. Their primary duty at school is to study diligently. Wearing school uniforms is a good way to save money and avoid fashion contests among students, and helps students concentrate on studying. Uniforms allow students to feel that they belong to their schools and promote cooperation among them. They join a world of shared values, loyalties, hopes and dreams. Indeed, this 'togetherness' is too heavily emphasized in Japan and is often considered harmful, but now that there are a lot of bullying problems and also a breakdown in school discipline, cooperation and consideration toward others should be stressed. School uniforms help to do away with material rank and status. Both children of low-ranking parents and of wealthy families wear the same clothes to school. テーマ英作文集 62 主張 賛成 ② 理由 A 抽象→具体 服装の競い合い 理由 B 所属意識の養成 社会的平等 ① ③ 具体 ④ ⑥ 勉学に集中するべき 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 63 高校生は制服を着るべきであるという主張に賛成か、反対か。 言語・教育 I don't think senior high school students should wear school uniforms. Senior high school students are right on the path to becoming adults. SInce they are not young children, they should decide for themselves what to wear. By selecting their own clothes, they can express themselves and find out who they are. Uniforms make students feel that they have to behave as a group. The feelig of solidarity helped Japan to develop into an economic superpower, but at the same time, was responsible for people losing creativity. There is a girl whose school didn't make the wearing of uniforms compulsory who said that many girls wore their favorite school uniforms to school. Japanese girls' middy blouses and skirts seem cute to them. Ironically, thanks to the lack of a rule about uniforms, they can choose the uniforms that they think are the best. Generally speaking, depriving someone of their liberty leads to human rights violations. If you agree that high school students are grownups, you should give them the right to choose for themselves. テーマ英作文集 64 ① 主張 ② 理由 A 反対 成長・自覚 理由 B 集団行動の洗脳→独創性の喪失 理由 C 女子高生は制服好き(皮肉) 選択の自由 ③ ④ ⑤ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 65 いじめ問題についてあなたが考えていることを述べなさい。 言語・教育 The number of children who commit suicide because of bullying is increasing. One of the factors causing bullying is that children have become materially rich but they have become spiritually poor. Also, it seems that the society surrounding children brings spiritual pressures on children, such as competitive markets and entrance examinations. Both in school and at home, children have no place to relax, which increases their frustration, and therefore in search of a way out of this, they bully other children. In order to solve bullying problems, we should give children a lot of opportunities to experience many kinds of lifestyles and to deepen relationships. In this way, they will come to understand others' values and learn to respect each other. In addition, it is also important to make environments in which children don't hesitate to consult with their parents and teachers. Adults must not ignore children's bullying and must be always careful with respect to children. If they find any sign of bullying, they should do something about it right away and protect them. テーマ英作文集 66 ① 導入 自殺の増加 ② 原因 A 精神的未熟 原因 B 精神的プレッシャー 結論 A 生活体験をさせる場の提供 親・教師の気配り ③ ④ サジェスト ⑤ 結論 B サジェスト テーマ英作文集 67 いじめ問題についてあなたが考えていることを述べなさい。 言語・教育 Bullying is found in the world not only of children but also of adults. These days we often hear the word 'the winning side' and 'the losing side,' which reflects people's attitude toward society. People are too conscious of whether they have won or not. Those who think they have lost try to find people who are weaker than themselves and bully them. They, in turn, bully another weak person. It's a kind of vicious circle. This consciousnes on the part of adults also influences children. Therefore, the first thing we have to do is to do something about society in which there are wide gaps between people. I hope the second chance programs of the government will work out well. Besides, we have to put emphasis on the education of morality. Both parents and teachers have to teach children how important it is to be kind to others. テーマ英作文集 68 ① 導入 大人社会にもいじめ ② 肉付け 勝ち組と負け組 負け組がさらに弱いものをいじめる 結論 A 格差社会を是正 心の教育の強化 ③ 原因 ④ サジェスト ⑤ 結論 B サジェスト テーマ英作文集 69 高齢化・少子化と社会福祉について論じよ。 Japanese is rapidly aging as a result of increased life expectancy. In addition, the birthrate is decreasing. 社会問題 It will be difficult for the government to mainain the present welfare system and support elerly people. The subsidies to meical care of older people, for example, will have to be reduced considerably. Taxes will have to be raised to deal with this problem. We will run short of labors as the number of young people will lead to lower sales in different markets. This will have a bad effect on the economy. I suggest, for example, that companies should raise the official retirement age from 60 to 65. In this way, we can at the same time compensate for fewer workers caused by the small number of young people. One of the factors causing the declining birthrate is that women have begun working. Most companies in Japan are reluctant to allow female workers maternity leave, so women who want to continue to work cannot have babies. Therefore, companies should probide them with sufficient child-caring leave. テーマ英作文集 70 ① 導入 少子化の定義 ② 問題点 A 医療費増大→増税 若者減少→売上減少 結論 A 定年齢の引き上げ 育児休暇を与える ③ 問題点 B ④ サジェスト ⑤ 結論 B サジェスト テーマ英作文集 71 裁判員制度の是非について論じよ。 Japan introduced the lay judge system in 2008. There are a lot of opinions for or against it. 社会問題 Generally speaking, Japanese judgment in courts is slow, but this new system will help speed up trials. THe new trial system will help us to look at a case from various angles. That is to say, professional judges decide on a case according to the rules, while lay judges bring in a verdict based on their experience. Lay judges are supposed not to reveal anything to be talked about during the case, but this does not improve the system. This is because even if a presiding judge pushes forward the proceedings forcibly or if he rebukes a lay judge who won't change his or her opinion, it won't be announced. The lay judge system cannot prevent false accusations. If lay judges don't have sufficient knowledge, they will only agree with the opinions of professional judges. The use of jurisciction is one of the sovereignties of the people, in the same way as election in legislation. We must make good use of the right to protect democracy. テーマ英作文集 72 ① 導入 2008 年から裁判員制度導入 ② 利点 A 裁判の迅速化 利点 B 多角的な判断 ③ ④ 欠点 A 守秘義務の問題点 冤罪の抑止にならない マクロ 民主主義を守るために権利を活用すべき ⑤ 欠点 B ⑥ 結論 テーマ英作文集 73 未成年犯罪者にも厳しい罰を科すべきかどうか論じよ。 I think it is necessary to give heavier punishment to children if they commit serious crimes such as assault and murder. 社会問題 The present Juvenile Act protects the rights of criminal boys and girls excessively and the position of victims and their families are not taken into consideration. This is more than victims and their families can endure. It is essentiol that people should follow tulrd in society, and people who cannot follow them have to be segregated. Even children are obliged to obey rules. I don't think that it is necessary to give heavier punishment to children if they commit serious crimes such as assault and murder. Young people have their futures in front of them. They should be given another opportunity to start a new life. If they are properly educated and guided, they will be good citizens. They should not be deprived of this right. Many criminal boys and girls have problems in ther families. For example, they have one parent or their parents treat them badly. In these cases, you cannot only blame children for their crimes. THeir parents also are responsible for this situation. テーマ英作文集 74 ① 主張 ② 理由 ③ 結論 賛成 被害者への配慮 ルールを守らない者は隔離 反対 再チャレンジの機会を与えるべきだ 親にも責任がある マクロ ① 主張 ② 理由 ③ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 75 18歳以上を大人とみなす場合の利点と欠点を論じよ。 According to current Japanese law, people who are twenty years and over are looked on as adults, but some people say the year at which they 社会問題 become adults should be made two years earlier. People who are eighteen would start to pay ther premiums of welfare pension insurance, and taxes on tobacco and alchol. This means a considerable increase in tax income for the nation, so the government can spend it on better causes such as welfare and education. Adult members of society have to take full responsibility for their bad behaviors and serve punishment of crimes has to be carried out This will prevent young people from committing cirimes. Due to the growing number of young people going on to university, most of the 18-year-old population are still students. Most of them are still financially dependent on their parents. They are not socially mature yet. In addition, if the right to vote is given to them, the whole body of voters will include a large group of people who are not full-fledged members of society or socially mature. If the voters don't become contributing members of society, democracy won't work properly. I hope people of eighteen and over have a sense of being adult regardless of the law. テーマ英作文集 76 ① 導入 18 歳から大人とすべきだと主張する者がいる ② 利点 A 税金による国の増収 若者の犯罪防止 ④ 欠点 A 18 歳はまだ学生 ⑤ 欠点 B 投票権も与えられるのか ⑥ 結論 法律に関係なく大人としての自覚を ③ 利点 B サジェスト テーマ英作文集 77 死刑制度を廃止すべきか否か I think that the death penalty should be abolished. Capital punishment alone imposes an irreversible sentence. Once 社会問題 a prisoner is killed, you cannot do anything to recover the loss even if you find out afterwards he or she is innocent. They say that there is considerable evidence that many mistakes have been made in sentencing people to death. Among the members of OECD, the countries that have maintained the death penalty are only the U.S. and Japan. I think the system is brutal and cruel. We should feel ashamed that the countries called modern nationstates have this kind of barbarous custom. Some people say that capital punishment helps stop serious crimes like murder, but statistics show that the number of serious crimses is not falling. In fact, some criminals committed indiscriminate murder just because they are not brave enough to kill themselves and they want to be sentenced to death. Thus, it seems clear that the system hardly ever contributes to the prevention of crimes. It would be better to force convicted murders to work for the rest of their lives and to do something good for society. テーマ英作文集 78 ① 主張 廃止すべき ② 理由 A 人命は取り返しがつかない ③ 理由 B 先進国の大半は死刑を廃止した 理由 C 犯罪の抑止力になっていない 結論 ④ ⑤ サジェスト 生涯社会のために働かせるべき テーマ英作文集 79 死刑制度を廃止すべきか否か I think that the death penalty should be maintained. Capital punishment is major deterrent to future crimes. It makes violent 社会問題 robbers stop to think before fulling the trigger. Above all, it protects young children from brutal sex-maniacs. The system is fair. When someone kills another person, it is only right that they should pay for the crime in the form of their own lives being taken away. When you think about the family of the victims, murders deserves to be killed if they are judged under the law. If it were not for the death penalty, crime rates would be soaring and we wouldn't be able to walk around the streets without fear. We all know that indefinite-term imprisonment does not mean what it says. If murders behave properly in prison, ten yers or so after they have committed the crime, they will be able to return to society. Statistics show that they are likely to go on committing offenses and to be caught again. Speaking of murders, I think politicians who start a war and decide to carry out bombing deserve to be sentenced to death. If human beings don't take strong action like this, it will be impossible to wipe out war from the earth. テーマ英作文集 80 ① 主張 維持すべき ② 理由 A 犯罪抑止力として働く ③ 理由 B 死は死をもって償う ④ 理由 C 無期懲役はやがて釈放される ⑤ 結論 エクステ 戦争も殺人罪 テーマ英作文集 81 高校生のアルバイトを禁止すべきか否か。 I agree that high school students should prohibit students from doing part-time jobs. 社会問題 Students need to study and learn basic knowledge that will be important for their futures. Generally speaking, the older you get, the less likely you are to acquire new things. High school students are still flexible enough to acquire a lot of knowledge. Some people say that high school students can learn how harsh reality is by experiencing part-time jobs, but they can easily learn that after the graduated from school. It is an undeniable fact that if a university is more prestigious, its graduates are more likely to get good jobs. Students also have to study to get into a good university. As the saying goes, you ust strike while iron is hot. [As the saying goes, you must make hay while the sun shines.] テーマ英作文集 82 ① 主張 賛成 ② 理由 A 若いうちは勉強が優先 ③ 理由 B 社会勉強はいつでもできる ④ 理由 C 就職活動を有利にする ⑤ 結論 クォート 鉄は熱いうちに打て(諺) テーマ英作文集 83 高校生のアルバイトを禁止すべきか否か。 I disagree about high school students not being allowed to work parttime. 社会問題 There are many things you cannot experience at school. Working is one of them. By working, you can learn about how difficult it is to respond to your customers and to make money for yourself. In some cases, you may recognize what working is all about. Whether students should work part-time is something they should decide for themselves and this is, as it were, a peronal liberty. Schools shouldn't interfere in private concerns. In addition, owing to the recession these days, there are quite a few parents that have difficulty paying school fees. Some students wouldn't be able to get by if they didn't earn their own money. I hope schools will consider their students' economic situation. テーマ英作文集 84 ① 主張 反対 ② 理由 A お金を稼ぐ難しさを悟る ③ 理由 B アルバイトは個人の自由 ④ 理由 C 学費を払えない家庭もある ⑤ 結論 サジェスト 学生の経済状況も配慮すべきだ テーマ英作文集 85 日本の都市でオリンピックを開催することに賛成か反対か。 I agree that the Olympic should take place in a Japanese city. Japan seems to be a difficult country for people in other countries to 社会問題 understand, but the Olympic Games will provide a good opportunity for people from other countries to become interested in Japan. If we host the Olympic Games in our country, we can hope that it will have a good effect on the economy. After the Olympic Games took place in Tokyo in 1964, Japan's economy improved rapidly and Japan developed into an economic superpower. We have had a bad economy for the past several years We need a trigger for business recovery. In 2009 Hiroshima and Nagasaki jointly announced their candidacy for the host city. It goes without saying that both of them were cities that suffered bombing. One of the aims of the Olympic Games is to maintain the peace of the world. How significant it is that the event might be held in these two cities! The Olympic Charter allows only one city from each country to bid for the Games, but I think this attitude is too conservative. テーマ英作文集 86 ① 主張 賛成 ② 理由 A 日本を理解してもらうチャンス ③ 理由 B 経済効果が期待できる ④ 肉付け 景気回復の起爆剤が必要 ⑤ 理由 C 広島・長崎の立候補 ⑥ 結論 一都市だけという考えは古い エクステ テーマ英作文集 87 e メールの利点と欠点を述べよ。 E-mail is a very convenient means of communication, so I use it every day. However, I'm aware of the advantages and disadvantages. Let me consider some good points about-email. You can get in touch with someone quickly. When you are going to meet a friend of yours and are likely to be late, you can tell him or her about it immediately. 科学・医学 E-mail doesn't restrict other people in terms of time, unlike the telephone. When you use a phone, you have to wait until the other person picks up the receiver. He or she might be busy doing things at hand. As for e-mail, however, you can send your message anytime you like without worrying about the other person's situation. You can contact your friends and parents immediately. This is useful, especially when they live far away. Of course, you can do the same thing over ta home phone, but it takes a lot of time. Text messaging is quiet. I often see many people using their cell phones on the train or bus, but it is better to see them than to have to hear them talking loudly about personal matters. テーマ英作文集 88 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ① 導入 ④ e メールは便利な通信手段だ(利点) 連絡の速さ 時間的制約がない 遠くにいる人との連絡 音を立てない 理由 C ⑤ 理由 D テーマ英作文集 89 e メールの利点と欠点を述べよ。 E-mail, on the other hand, has quite a few disadvantages. It can be a nuisance. Some people don't care about when they send their messages The ringing of my cell phone late at night often wakes me up. Exchanging of e-mails can make people addicted. Once you send some messages and you get a erady answer, you have to compose another 科学・医学 message in return. In this way, communication by-e-mail continues endlessly. Text messaging on cell phones tends to make people inconsiderate. Every day I see users so engrossed in texting on their cell phones that they don7t get out of the way when other passengers need to get on or off a train, or they walk without watching where they are going. Most people don't take pains to make themselves clear, so they often use the wrong spelliong or don't describe things in detail, which may cause misunderstanding on the part of the other person. Besides, pritnted text cannot add a personal touch to messages as hand-written letters can. We should sometimes write by hand. There are too many digital things now. That's why handmade items impress people all the more. テーマ英作文集 90 ① 導入 欠点 ② 理由 A 夜中の着信音 ③ 理由 B だらだら続く 他人に迷惑 ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 D 誤変換が多い、温かみがない ⑤ 結論 手書きも大切にすべきだ サジェスト テーマ英作文集 91 携帯電話の利点と欠点を述べよ。 More and more people are using cell phones these days. Cell phones have advantages and disadvantages. Let us consider the advantages. You can get in touch with other people anywhere, anytime, thanks to cell phones. For example, if you are going to meet a friend of yours and are likely to be late, you can inform him or 科学・医学 her of it immediately. Also, if you can't find a friend in a crowd, you can contact each other about where you are. Businessmen who meet a lot of clients can easily get up-to-date inofrmation from their offices and consult with their boss. Besides, in emergencies, you can save many lives by reporting the situation right away to the fire or police station. Next, many cell phones have e-mail and Internet functions. Cell phones can send text messages more easily than personal computers. You can kill more time by using messaging and the Internet on your cell phone. For women, cell phones can act as an effective bodyguard. If girls take their cell phones with them, potential attackers might give up attacking them for fear of being reported to the police. Also, parents who have small children feel safe if their children carry a cell phone with them. テーマ英作文集 92 ① 導入 利点 ② 理由 A 連絡の速さ【個人】 ③ 理由 B 連絡の速さ【社会】 ④ 理由 C e メール、インターネット ⑤ 理由 D 犯罪予防 テーマ英作文集 93 携帯電話の利点と欠点を述べよ。 There are a few disadvantage of using cell phones. Some of the users talk loudly in public places such as trains or buses, which bothers other passengers. It is strange to see a person talking and chuckling alone on the train. Also, many of the conversations are personal and trivial. Good manners in public places are being lost. 科学・医学 The use of cell phone costs a lot. Many young people who depend on their parents for money don't hesitate to use them for a long time. I wonder if they ghink it is a waste of money and they feel sorry for thier parents. Cell phones can have an adverse effect on the health. Because of the electromagnetic waves radiated from cell phones, pacemakers might not function properly. This can cause people with pacemakers to die. On top of that, there is a theory that radio waves from cell phones can damage the brain. When people start using a new invention, there is always a negative aspect. Anyway, you have to be careful about using your cell phone in public places. テーマ英作文集 94 ① 導入 ② ③ 理由 A マナー【社会】 理由 B 使用料金【経済】 ④ 欠点 理由 C ⑥ 結論 電波による悪影響【医学】 新発明品の問題 マクロ テーマ英作文集 95 クローン実験について自分の意見を述べよ。 I support cloning technology, unless it is clearly shown to be harmful. Cloning technology can be used for the purpose of medical treatment. For example, a heart can be developed from a patient's own cell and the body will not reject it in organ transplantation. Besides, it is impossible to stop cloning experiments. Even if one country bans cloning, there will 科学・医学 always be another country that promotes it. Therefore, scientists should have the freedom to experiment and seek lifesaving treatments. I am worried about cloning technology. There are a lot of ethical problems. Some people might say that cloning will help create new organs which will contribute to the increase in organ transplantation, but this is equivalent to killing. In addition, it might lead to attempts to creat superior humans. This is a kind of discrimination. Therefore, we have to reconsider what life is, not only in terms of science, but also in terms of ethics. テーマ英作文集 96 ① 導入 賛成 ② 理由 臓器移植に貢献【医学】 ③ 結論 人命救助の手段を増やすべきだ サジェスト ① 導入 反対 ② 理由 臓器移植への利用は殺人や差別に近い ③ 結論 倫理的に考慮すべきだ サジェスト テーマ英作文集 97 もしあなたが臓器提供されたとしたら、どんな気持ちを抱くだろうか。 If I had another person's organ inside me, I would feel that something was wrong. If you received an organ transplant, you would have to take medicine every day to weaken your immune system so that your body would not reject the organ. Therefore, it would soon be impossible for you to resist 科学・医学 harmful viruses. Of course, there are a lot of people who are waiting for new organs, and most of them cannot get one. However, it is also true that even if they can get one, they will only live for at most ten years. The Organ Transplant Law was revised in 2010. Under the revised law, organ transplants are possible only when the family of brain-dead patients gives permission even if the patient haven't made it clear that they wish to donate their organs. Some people might be diagnosed as being brain dead even though they actually are not. If my donor were this kind of person, I would suffer from a guilty conscience. Therefore, organ transplantation is not the best way to prolong the lives of patients. I hope doctors and scholars develop artificial organs or iPs cells. テーマ英作文集 98 ① 導入 違和感をおぼえる(部分的反対) ② 理由 A 免疫効果低下【医学】 ③ 理由 B 延命期間は短い【医学】 ④ 肉付け 臓器移植法の改訂【医学】 ⑤ 理由 C 良心の呵責【人間】 ⑥ 結論 iPS 細胞に期待 エクステ テーマ英作文集 99 宇宙探査は有益だと思うか、無駄だと思うか。 In my opinion, the exploration of space is useful. In order to live in space, we have to invent a life-support system. This study will help us to live on the earth, too. For example, if we could unravel the mystery of life, we might be able to cure all diseases. If we could find some ways to produce food in space, we 科学・医学 might stop starvation on the earth. If living on other plants came true, we could creat new employment. As the world's population grows, the unemployment rate will increase. New lands will be necessary if everyone wants to live a stabale life. Therefore, there are a lot of bright hopes in space. テーマ英作文集 100 ① 導入 ② 理由 A 有益 生命維持システムの研究【科学】 抽象→具体 ③ 理由 B 雇用創出 抽象→具体 新たな土地の確保 宇宙には希望がある ⑥ 結論 マクロ テーマ英作文集 101 宇宙探査は有益だと思うか、無駄だと思うか。 In my opinion, the exploration of space is useless. Once you went on a journey into space, you wouldn't be able to meet your family again. According to the special theory of relativity, the faster you travel. the more slowly time goes by. If you traveled at almost the same speed as 科学・医学 light and went far away from the earth, your family would die long before you came back to this planet. It costs a lot to explore outer space. Nevertheless, nobody knows how it will turn out. Possibly, we might as well throw a large sum of money down the drain. In fact, NASA stopped the space-shattle project in 2011. The first thing we should do is to study how human beings can survive in space. If we travevl in space without understanding the system of sustaining living things, what will be waiting for us will be death. Thus, going into space will not be as rosy as is portraited in SF. テーマ英作文集 102 ① 導入 ② 理由 A 抽象→具体 ③ 理由 B 無駄 宇宙旅行は実際的ではない【科学】 相対性理論 莫大な費用【経済】 ④ 理由 C 生命維持の研究を優先させるべきだ【教育】 ⑤ 結論 SF ほど輝かしくはない マクロ テーマ英作文集 103 原子力発電を続けるべきかやめるべきか。 Since the nuclear plant accident in Fukushima, many things have been said about denuclearization. At a really held to demand and end to Japan's reliance on nuclear power, there were over sixty thousand people present. However, I think that many people take radioactive contamination too 科学・医学 seriously. The mass media and even the government are announcing alarming reports without checking them out properly. For example, some TV programs said that if you are exposed to more than seven Sieverts of radioactivity, you will die. To be exaxt, if you are intensely exposed to more than seven Sieverts all over your body within five minutes, you will die. In the present situation, it is impossible to experience such a large amount of radioactivity at a time. It is irresponsible to call for an end to nuclear power plants without any definite outlook for alternative energy sources. Solar energy is inefficient and thermal power generation gives off greenhouse gases. Japan doesn't have a lot of natural rexources. Therefore, for the time being, we have no choice but to depend on nuclear energy, even though it is dangerous. If you didn't care about going back to a primitive way of life, you could get by without much energy. テーマ英作文集 104 ① 導入 続けるべき マスコミの発表に敏感になりすぎている ② 理由 A 報道に惑わされすぎている【社会】 ③ 理由 B 代替エネルギーがない【科学】 当面は原子力に頼らざるを得ない ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 105 原子力発電を続けるべきかやめるべきか。 The accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake made us recognize that nuclear energy is dangerous. We should stop operation of all the nuclear power plants in Japan in order to protect people. Nuclear energy can deprive people of their resdences and jobs. In fact, 科学・医学 some residents in Fukushima Prefecture were forced to evacuate from the dangerous area where they had lived. Many of them became unemployed because leaked radioactivity polluted the sea and the land around the nuclear power plant. During the summer of 2011, the people and companies in the Kanto area tried not to use too much energy. Thanks to this cooperation, they could get by without using so much electricity. This shows that we can do without depending on nuclear energy. Japanese people have been wasting electric poewer so far, such as leaving the lights of vending machines on at night. We have gotten used to a lifestyle which depends too much on electricity. It is about time that we reconsidered our way of living. Of course, we should try to find alternative energy at the same time. Some surveys show that there is a large amoungt of methane hydrate at the bottom of the sea around Japan, which is likely to be a promising energy source. テーマ英作文集 106 ① 導入 ② 理由 A 原発は住居と仕事を奪った【社会】 ③ 理由 B 節電で乗り切った経験【社会】 ⑥ 結論 やめるべき 現代の生活様式を見直すべきだ メタンハイドレートの採掘 エクステ ⑥ 結論 サジェスト テーマ英作文集 107 将来どのようなロボットにどんなことをしてもらいたいか。 I would like a robbot to separate my garbage. When some article is made of two or more different materials, this robot would be a tremendous help. For instance, it could strip an empty plastic bottle of its label and cap, and then clean and pass it (for you). When you try to make society eco-friendly, one of the most difficult task 科学・医学 is separating garbage. I would like to have a robot which would deal with chemical waste. Receanly, several workers at nuclear power plants have been involved in accidents when handling chemical waste, which has caused long-term health problem, and in a couple of casese it has caused death. If robots could do such a dangerous jobs, people would not be put into such dangerous situations and some lives could possibly be saved. テーマ英作文集 108 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ⑥ 結論 導入 環境にやさしい社会作り 2つ以上の材料でできた物の分別【環境】 マクロ ① ゴミ分別ロボット 科学廃棄物を処理できるロボット ② 理由 A ⑥ 結論 被爆する作業員【科学】 人命が助かる エクステ テーマ英作文集 109 法律で喫煙を禁じるべきか否か。 I agree that the government should impose legal controls on smoking. True, smoking is a right of the individual, like drinking, but it really does harm to others. Studies show that seconhand smoke is eve more dangerous than firsthand smoke because it's not filtered. No smoker has the right to fou the air I breathe. 科学・医学 In medical terms, it has been pointed out that smoking has a lot to do with lung cancer. japan tops the list of cigarette-importing countries. Of course, a cigarette tax is an important source of revenue and I can accept domestic cigarette production to some degree, but we don't have to make foreign cigrette companies profitable. Since it is difficult to get every smoker to stop smoking, the Japanese government should pass a bill to prohibit them from smoking, at least in public places, and to ban all kinds of tabacco advertisements. テーマ英作文集 110 ① 導入 ② 理由 A 間接喫煙【医学】 ③ 理由 B 癌の危険性【医学】 賛成 ④ 理由 C 煙草輸入【経済】 ⑥ 結論 煙草の広告禁止 サジェスト テーマ英作文集 111 法律で喫煙を禁じるべきか否か。 I disagree that the government should impose legal control on smoking. Smoking is a matter of choice. Nobody, even the government, can or should control individuals' taste. Everybody should have the freedom to do what the like to do, as long as it is legal. I am also afraid that this kind of restraint might lead to a black market in 科学・医学 cigarettes, as was the case with alchol in the U.S. during Prohibition. In addition, the tabacco tax is an important source of revenue. Smokers should be applauded for paying so much extra tax, instead of being condemned. According to some heavy smmokers, it seems that good ideas flash into their mind immediately after they smoke. For example, they say that Einstein might not have hit on the theory of relativity without tabacco. Actually, many writers are smokers. Whether ot quit smoking or not should be determined by the individual, not by the government. テーマ英作文集 112 ① 導入 ② 理由 A 個人の権利【社会】 ③ 理由 B 闇市場の発生【歴史】 反対 ④ 理由 C 国家の歳入減【経済】 ⑤ 理由 C 煙草は着想を醸成する【人間】 ⑥ 結論 個人の問題 マクロ テーマ英作文集 113 地球温暖化防止のために、何をすべきだと思うか。 It is an undoubted fact that oil will run out some day. Therefore, we can't save too much energy. I separate my garbage so that glass, plastic and aluminum items can be recycled, and I also take my own bag with me when I go shopping in order to reduce the use of plastic bags. 科学・医学 I try to walk as often as possible, instead of using public transportation, in order to help reduce the exhaust gases that are released intot the atmosphere and which create global warming or acid rain. In order to help cut down on the amount of CFCs, I don't use my air conditioner. Japan depends on imports for food, so food has to be transported from abroard by ship, which uses oil. Therefore, I've started growing some vegetables with my neighbors recently, and we don't overuse chemical fertillizers so as not to avoid making the land barren. People should keep in mind that there are a lot of living things other than themselves on the earth. Also, we must remember that we have a duty to pass on a clean environment to our descendants. テーマ英作文集 114 ① 導入 ② 具体策 A ゴミの分別、買い物かご持参【社会】 ③ 具体策 B 自転車やバスを利用しない【交通】 資源は有限 ④ 具体策 C エアコンの使用制限【社会】 ⑤ 具体策 D 家庭菜園【科学】 ⑥ 結論 他の生物や子孫のために マクロ テーマ英作文集 115 都会と田舎とどちらに住みたいですか。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 116 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 117 都会と田舎とどちらに住みたいですか。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 118 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 119 テレビの長所を述べよ。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 120 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 121 テレビの短所を述べよ。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 122 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 123 ペットを飼うことの良いところを述べよ。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 124 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 125 ペットを飼うことの悪いところを述べよ。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 126 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 127 自転車のマナーが問題になっているが、どのような点があるか。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 128 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 129 日本も学校の始業月を9月にするという意見に賛成か、反対か。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 130 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 131 サマータイムを日本でも導入することに賛成か、反対か。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 132 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 133 「郷に入っては郷に従え」という諺に同意するか否か。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 134 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 135 「嘘も方便」だと思うか。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 136 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 137 日本の伝統行事を何か1つ英語で説明せよ。 日常生活 テーマ英作文集 138 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 139 今まで教わった先生で好きだった先生を紹介せよ。 個人体験 テーマ英作文集 140 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 141 あなたが今までに下した大きな決断について書きなさい。 個人体験 テーマ英作文集 142 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 143 タイムマシンが作られたら、それを使って何をしたいか。 個人体験 テーマ英作文集 144 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 145 あなたの好きな科目と、その理由を言いなさい。 個人体験 テーマ英作文集 146 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 147 あなたの嫌いな科目と、その理由を言いなさい。 個人体験 テーマ英作文集 148 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 149 あなたの尊敬する人物は誰か。理由と共に答えよ。 個人体験 テーマ英作文集 150 ① 導入 ② 理由 A ③ 理由 B ④ 理由 C ⑤ 理由 C ⑥ 結論 エクステ テーマ英作文集 151
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