THE GATE BERLIN PRESS-KIT 1. THE GATE BERLIN – THE MULTIMEDIA EXPERIENCE CONTENTS 1. THE GATE Berlin – The Multimedia Experience 1.1 THE GATE Berlin – Technical Facts 1.2 THE GATE Berlin – Statements 2. TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises GmbH 3. TRIAD Berlin Projektgesellschaft mbH 4. Short Profiles: Prof. Lutz Engelke, Founder and Managing Director (Chairman) of TRIAD Dr. Stefan Klessmann, Managing Director of TRIAD Daniel Brusch, Managing Director of THE GATE Berlin 5. THE GATE Berlin – Team 6.Contact 2 Experience World History at the Brandenburg Gate Embark on a multimedia time travel through 300 years of world history: the Revolution, the German Empire, the Roaring Twenties, the World Wars, the Fall of the Wall, and the “summer fairy tale” of the 2006 World Cup. Listen to the stunning sound of the metropolis as you are surrounded by giant screens and experience historical milestones in a unique timescape show. Marvel, mourn, and laugh with the city the world is watching. THE GATE Berlin – the new Brandenburg Gate experience, located only 50 meters away from the Brandenburg Gate! THE GATE Berlin | Exper ience World Histor y at the Brandenburg Gate | w w | w w iad-edutainment .de | w w | Follow us on Facebook & Youtube 3 The New Brandenburg Gate Experience THE GATE Berlin – For Everyone from Everywhere Embark on a time travel from 1650 to today – from the construction of the Brandenburg Gate, the seizure and return of the Quadriga, and the establishment of the German Empire to the age of rapid industrialization, the outbreak of World War I, and the Roaring Twenties. See the city become the capital of the Third Reich and the center of nightmarish destruction, followed by a period of 40 years in which Berlin became the symbol of a world divided into two blocs. Witness how mass protests and a peaceful revolution lead to the Fall of the Wall and a new start for the entire country. Feel the pumping bass of 1990s techno music at the Love Parade and join the German National Football Team as it celebrates its victory at the Brandenburg Gate. The multimedia show is suitable for all visitors, regardless of their language or cultural background. THE GATE Berlin is the key to the history of a city that has seen it all and, at the same time, has it all ahead of it. THE GATE Berlin – For Time Travelers Take a visually stunning and breathtaking trip through history right where it all happened – the Brandenburg Gate. THE GATE Berlin will make you want to learn more! THE GATE Berlin – Take Your Time Watch the 20-minute multimedia show as often as your time allows. The adjacent Treasure Chamber displays a collection of historical pictures documenting the dramatic changes Pariser Platz has gone through over the centuries. THE GATE Berlin – Meet the Goddess Meet Nike, the goddess of victory. As the one steering the Quadriga, she has been sitting atop the Brandenburg Gate since 1793 and knows Pariser Platz like no one else. Our Treasure Chamber provides the opportunity to contemplate the world‘s only exact replica of the Nike sculpture. THE GATE Berlin – Take a Break THE GATE Berlin – Innovation Meets History Make sure to visit the exhibition‘s café that offers a breathtaking view of the Brandenburg Gate. Experience historical milestones as you are surrounded by 87 high-tech screens. 180 million pixels and a 36-channel sound system provide an experience for all the senses. THE GATE Berlin tells history with the technology of tomorrow. 4 THE GATE Berlin | Exper ience World Histor y at the Brandenburg Gate | w w | w w iad-edutainment .de | w w | Follow us on Facebook & Youtube 5 1.1 THE GATE BERLIN – TECHNICAL FACTS 1.2 THE GATE BERLIN – STATEMENTS Prof. Lutz Engelke, Managing Director of TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises GmbH, Founder and Managing Director (Chairman) of TRIAD Berlin Projektgesellschaft mbH “THE GATE Berlin provides an overture to the history of Berlin.” “THE GATE Berlin is the key to the history of a city that has seen it all and, at the same time, has it all ahead of it.” “THE GATE Berlin will make you want to learn more about history!” “There‘s hardly any other place where you can emotionally learn so much about German history in so little time.” Dr. Stefan Klessmann, Managing Director of TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises GmbH, Managing Director of TRIAD The following technology is used to create the virtual and immersive spatial experience of THE GATE Berlin: • • • • • • • • • 34-meter wall of screens 87 full-HD screens Size of the front wall: 17 meters Size of the side walls: 8.5 meters Total screen size: 71 square meters Impressive full-HD image quality 180 million pixels Unique mirror technology State-of-the-art sound quality: A stunning surround system with 38 channels creates a threedimensional hearing space imitating human aural perception. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Berlin Projektgesellschaft mbH “At TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises, we create new formats that aim at imparting knowledge in an entertaining manner.” “THE GATE Berlin is the first of several locations we want to create around the world to allow people to experience history. Plans are being made for similar formats in Shanghai and Paris.” “There is much talk about edutainment, i.e. combing education and knowledge transfer with entertainment and emotions. THE GATE Berlin is TRIAD‘s answer.” Daniel Brusch, Managing Director of THE GATE Berlin “THE GATE Berlin offers edutainment that is perfectly suitable for acquainting students with the diverse history of Europe, Germany, and Berlin in an exciting manner.” “THE GATE Berlin is a high-quality, sophisticated format for both Berliners and tourists from across the globe.” 6 THE GATE Berlin | Exper ience World Histor y at the Brandenburg Gate | w w | w w iad-edutainment .de | w w | Follow us on Facebook & Youtube 7 2. TRIAD EDUTAINMENT ENTERPRISES GMBH THE GATE Berlin is a brand of TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises GmbH. TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises develops globally unique edutainment formats. We skillfully combine top-class storytelling, touching content, and state-of-the-art technology to create formats for the tourism industry as well as the fields of leisure, arts, and culture. Merging the words “education” and “entertainment”, edutainment describes a megatrend that aims at making knowledge transfer and entertainment more interactive, informative, and intriguing. As a subsidiary of TRIAD Berlin Projektgesellschaft mbH, TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises has access to a wealth of experience gathered in more than 600 projects in 40 countries. Presenting topics in an emotional and interactive manner is the key to successful knowledge transfer. In collaboration with our media department, we explore and implement a broad range of unconventional film products. Our profound expertise in the fields of animation, 360° films, communicative interfaces, sound composition, and classic film production enables us to create unforgettable experiences and to set trends in modern storytelling and edutainment. 3. TRIAD BERLIN PROJEKTGESELLSCHAFT MBH TRIAD Berlin – Creativity is Our Most Important Asset As a creative agency focusing on spatial communication, TRIAD Berlin has been designing and producing exhibitions, museums, theme parks, trade fairs, brand environments, retail spaces, and events across the globe since 1994. At our offices in Berlin, Shanghai, and Riyadh, we pool the expertise and creativity of more than 200 staff members from over 20 countries who represent more than 50 different disciplines. OUR METHOD: EXPLORE – PLAY – TRANSFORM We consider ourselves a think-do tank that translates stories into spaces and information into emotions. As a strategic navigator, TRIAD teams up with its partners and clients to explore new territory at the intersection of science, culture, and economics. This interdisciplinary and intercultural collaboration results in new realms of thought and spatial experiences. Our work starts with gaining a comprehensive understanding of the big picture and considering future topics and technologies. TRIAD turns abstract ideas into concrete experiences, creating spatial stories in the actual world that involve all senses. OUR SERVICES Our in-house offer covers the entire range of project development services – from strategic consulting, scenographic development, concept design, and media production to construction planning and engineering – as well as turn-key solutions that include general contracting and operational management. Our work is supported by specialist departments and interaction / media labs that test, develop, and create trend-setting products. 8 THE GATE Berlin | Exper ience World Histor y at the Brandenburg Gate | w w | w w iad-edutainment .de | w w | Follow us on Facebook & Youtube 9 4. SHORT PROFILE: PROF. LUTZ ENGELKE, FOUNDER AND MANAGING DIRECTOR (CHAIRMAN) OF TRIAD Lutz Engelke, Managing Director of TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises GmbH and founder of TRIAD Berlin Projektgesellschaft mbH, calls his own company a “think-do tank”. With offices in Berlin, Shanghai, and Riyadh , TRIAD pools the technical and creative expertise of some 200 people and constantly breaks new ground worldwide at the intersection of science, culture, and economics. Apart from THE GATE Berlin, the numerous national and international projects he is currently working on include the German Football Museum in Dortmund, the FIFA World Football Museum in Zurich, and the Siemens exhibition stand at the Hannover Messe. Engelke studied Literature, Psychology, Journalism, and Film at FU Berlin and Cornell University, USA. After working as a spokesperson for the Berlin Senate for three years, he founded TRIAD Berlin in 1994. Today, the creative agency brings together people from the most diverse professions, generations, and cultural backgrounds. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Prof. Lutz Engelke “Design Works! Sieben Thesen zum Verhältnis von Raum und Innovation” (A. Osswald & L. Engelke), in: Zeitschrift für Orga¬nisationsentwicklung, Handelsblatt Fachmedien, Vol. 2, 2016. “Die Dauerausstellung. Eine Reise in die Tiefe des Raums”, in: “Mehr als ein Spiel” (Buch zum Deutschen Fußballmuse¬um), Klartext Verlag, January 2016. “Die Saat ist aufgegangen”, in: DIE WELT, July 6, 2013. “Der Schausteller”, in: DIE ZEIT, May 20, 2010. “Der Chef ersetzt die Kirche”, in: DIE WELT, June 20, 2009. His motto: Dare to imagine more. “Das Shanghai-Abenteuer”, in: FOCUS, May 11, 2009. “Im Erlebnispark des Kapitalismus: Über das Ballspielen mit dem All”, in: Wolff Lotter, “Die kreative Revolution: Was kommt nach dem Industriekapitalismus?”, Murmann 2009. 10 THE GATE Berlin | Exper ience World Histor y at the Brandenburg Gate | w w | w w iad-edutainment .de | w w | Follow us on Facebook & Youtube 11 4. SHORT PROFILE: DR. STEFAN KLESSMANN, MANAGING DIRECTOR OF TRIAD Dr. Stefan Klessmann is Managing Director of TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises GmbH and Managing Director of TRIAD Berlin Projektgesellschaft mbH. The main focus of his work is on providing internal and external advice on the development of themed and experience worlds, museums, and exhibitions. At TRIAD, he is responsible for business administration, organizational development, and operational management. In these functions, Klessmann is involved in several TRIAD Berlin projects. He currently focuses on the creation of edutainment formats, the development of TRIAD China, and projects in the Arab region. Born in 1962, Klessmann grew up in Hamburg and, following his alternative civilian service at Bahnhofsmission Hamburg, studied Information Science, Religious Studies, and Philosophy at FU Berlin. He spent two years in New York as a DAAD scholar and Ph.D. student at New York University. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Stefan Klessmann “Science Communication in Riyadh: The Prince Salman Science Oasis”, in: Ghorfa (ed.), “Education Guide – Partnerships and Perspectives of Arab-German Cooperation”, ghorfa 2013. “Deutsche und amerikanische Erfahrungsmuster von Welt – eine interdisziplinäre, kulturvergleichende Analyse im Spiegel der Dostojewskij-Rezeption zwischen 1900 und 1945”, Dissertation, S. Roderer Verlag 1990. S. Kleßmann, P. Kraft, F. Schüre (eds.), “Leipzig-Berlin”, Berlin 1989 After receiving his Ph.D. degree in 1989, Klessmann worked as a lecturer in adult education and was involved in the establishment of a messenger service company. In 1995, he was appointed Director of British Airways Berlin. From 1996 onward, he became increasingly involved in the creation and development of TRIAD Berlin as a consultant and head of finances. In 2011, he was appointed Managing Director. 12 THE GATE Berlin | Exper ience World Histor y at the Brandenburg Gate | w w | w w iad-edutainment .de | w w | Follow us on Facebook & Youtube 13 4. SHORT PROFILE: DANIEL BRUSCH, MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE GATE BERLIN 5. THE GATE BERLIN – TEAM TRIAD Berlin Projektgesellschaft mbH Founder and Managing Director (Chairman) Prof. Lutz Engelke Managing Director Dr. Stefan Klessmann Director Exhibitions / Themed Worlds Gabriele Karau Daniel Brusch is Head of Operations and Marketing at TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises GmbH and Managing Director of THE GATE Berlin. The focus of his work is on the sustainable growth and internationalization of TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises GmbH and the development of the brand THE GATE Berlin. After a stay in Australia, Brusch worked for the arts, culture, and event center Antiquarium Schönwalde, where he was extensively involved in controlling, project management, and marketing. He studied Business Administration at Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, and the Louvain School of Management. Specializing in controlling, logistics, and entrepreneurship, he earned a Master‘s degree in Business Management from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. During his studies, Brusch worked as a research associate, tutor, and student consultant for Contact & Cooperation Würzburg e. V. under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Peter Bofinger. In 2014, he became Head of Marketing and, in 2015, Chief Executive Officer of Contact & Cooperation, assuming responsibility for more than 50 consultants working on projects for clients such as Cinemaxx and Würzburger Tafel. Project Management Nicolas Köster Scenography / Design Olaf Noack Contents / Editorial Department Peter Paul Kubitz Stefan Richter Julia Novak Graphics Ole Bahrmann (Graphics Concept) Max Lacher (Corporate Design) Architecture / Construction Management Barbara Backhaus (Construction Management) Steven Morgan (Planning) Technical Planning Hajo Gawins (Head of Technical Planning) Andreas Heinemann 14 THE GATE Berlin | Exper ience World Histor y at the Brandenburg Gate | w w | w w iad-edutainment .de | w w | Follow us on Facebook & Youtube 15 Media Production Alexander Bartneck – Creative Director Nastasia Hase – Production Management Julia Müller-Novak – Director Peter Paul Kubitz, Stefan Richter – Dramaturgical and Editorial Advice Ben Thöming, Lena Zieseniss – Research, Art Buying Max Baberg – Art Direction 2D and 3D Motion Design Shuhei Sako Nils Kreter Marvin Bohm Shuhei Sako André Roboredo Susann Stötzner Felix Knoche Ronny Traufeller Daniel Büttner Mingjun Sui Marta Bala Philipp Bremer Philipp Hahn Christian Weißmann – Technical Support Anke Langhardt – Director Events Natanja von Stosch – Events Annette Kusche – Director of Communications / Public Relations Felix Dunkl – Communications Luise Schenker – Communications Yulia Shrayfel – Management Assistant Manuel Kiep – Management Assistant Johann Hillmann – Accounting 16 TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises GmbH Managing Director of THE GATE Berlin Daniel Brusch Marketing & Sales Consultant (Tourism) Marc Burgdorff Head of Public Relations Céline Gaulke Sales Management Stephan Geyer Marketing Jennifer Hengst Lena Jungheim Irmela Sinkewitsch Controlling Michael Kuhn Purchasing Knut Gewehr THE GATE Berlin | Exper ience World Histor y at the Brandenburg Gate | w w | w w iad-edutainment .de | w w | Follow us on Facebook & Youtube 17 EXTERNAL SERVICE PROVIDERS CONTACT Technical Planning – Lighting weißpunkt und purpur Annette Kusche, Director of Communications / Public Relations, TRIAD Berlin Mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 30 23 60 78 357 — Céline Gaulke, Head of Public Relations THE GATE Berlin Mail: [email protected] Tel +49(30) 23 60 78 307 Technical Planning – Electrical Engineering Dipl.- Ing. Mehmet Ali Ölmez Technical Planning – Air Conditioning Philippundknoll Ingenieurbüro für Gebäudetechnik GbR Box Office Technology and Admission Control Giant Monkey Software Engineering GmbH General Contractor APOprojekt GmbH TAUCHER Sound Environments – 3D Soundtrack, Sound Design and Composition Aleesa Savtschenko Johannes Scherzer Johannes Varga Felix Rösch THE GATE BERLIN Pariser Platz 4a 10117 Berlin, Germany tel +49 30 23 60 78 436 fax +49 30 23 60 78 381 mail [email protected] — --Sitz der Gesellschaft TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises GmbH Marburger Straße 3 10789 Berlin Nsynk – Show Control System Programming Eno Henze Ingolf Heinisch David Brüll — Geschäftsführung Prof. Lutz Engelke Dr. Stefan Kleßmann Special thanks to: Arne Krasting, Nora Werdich, Robin Schacht, Markus Küpper, Nele Mauter, Witja Frank, Torsten Feig, Diego Ain, Barbara Linke, Ove Sander, Benjamin Kiesewetter, Frederic Berninger, Thilo Wohlgemuth, Tino Frick, and Kerstin Schilly 18 THE GATE Berlin | Exper ience World Histor y at the Brandenburg Gate | w w | w w iad-edutainment .de | w w | Follow us on Facebook & Youtube 19 We would like to thank all licensors! Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Bundesarchiv Bildarchiv (c) Bundesarchiv, Abt. Filmarchiv / Transit Film GmbH, PROGRESS Filmverleih, Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung, Uwe Gerig, Landesarchiv Berlin, Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Archiv der sozialen Demokratie der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft e.V. / Das Archiv der DDR-Opposition, Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv, Siemens Corporate Archives, Deutsche Welle, BStU, Chronos Media, RBB Media, ZDF Media, Deutsche Welle, Spiegel TV, S.U.M.O. Film, Getty Images Deutschland GmbH, DPA / picture alliance, bpk Bildagentur für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Ullsteinbild, History Vision, framepool akg-images, akg-images / Imagno, © Les Arts Décoratifs, Paris / Jean Tholance / akg-images / Gerd Hartung, akg-images / Voller Ernst / Chaldej, akg-images / picture-alliance / dpa, akg-images / AP, akg-images / Nelly Rau-Häring, akg-images / Binder, akg-images / Hansgert Lambers, akg-images / Henschel, akg-images / Sewcz, akg-images / Pansegrau Sissa Marquardt, Hans Peter Meister, Dieter Kramer, Christian Triebsch & AB Gallery Switzerland, Daniel Harder Despite extensive research, identifying all copyright holders was not possible. For any copyright claims, please contact TRIAD Edutainment Enterprises GmbH. 20
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