んDIわ llも J7 √ じ 乳 懲 雛 員 0 N ? rry srcs ν もりし翻 θ 厨5 " The cylinder shown has a piston top and contains an ideal gas. There is no friction between the piston and the cylinder walls. The cylinder is immersed in affip htrr ffiandis.allout9dlpcometothermalequilibriumwithitssurroundings. The piston i ir tttrtl-*fiffi ilfi**d very slowly in such a way that the gas is always with the suffoundings. tSbTltep-r4qL -::=) f ) U\hh 0 b s{ u'r C"$.l&utrru a) Please put a checkmark in the cell that best describes what happens to each the following quantities in this process: Increosps Stays the same Decreases 〆 Volume of the gas Temperature of the gas 〆 / Internal energy of the gas 〆 Pressure of the gas ゞo電 ギ寡 VT Piston fmal position of sb 鴻 と書 I PJ Ll0hlTTssT H;r#rgfr 鶴 P↓ Sketch the process on the P-V diagram provided. Be sure to indicate which point is the initial state and which is the final state. b) c) Circle whether the following quantities are positive, negative or zero, and explain ・ your answers. positive Work done on the gas: θ「 ′ ′ 助 ″α “ “ cAS DOし 、 N臨 Zθ ′θ 酬 Fi和二 場涎 negative ・ Hctt transfer to the gas: Explanation: Ъ T陀 Entropy change of the gas: negotive 驚が ぶ く ⑩ 可 じψ 職 亀y) z`rθ fヽJ ir)rlC$ fr> ん 《御 、出 轟 Explanationr 錦郎 約下 o 辮 了TttЪ 瞥 輔 鵡り >∂ ιVD:ι Vt気 F ノ 織 When a system is taken from an initial to a final state along path i-c-f, there is 82 J of heating, and the system does 30 J of work' Q,c$ $8LY W,*-F = - 3oS → &:凛 鮮 J与 a)HOW much heating occurs along the pa■ 52・ │ 懸T: イヂifthe ′ y WOrk done is 10 J? ムu.lι F 7△ ui農 《 =5λ 丁 Ⅷ i奔 ‐ ―16丁 Qil{ F Al.J. -hl = l"r-S ■ 「 .ι QliJ/= b) The system is returned to the initial state (i) the along the curved path shown in the diagram. If stem is 20 J along the curved PFth: i) What happens to the gas along the curved path (circle one): ii) by how much? λ″″″″ 八u icT=一 lu,Fム uFぇ 聟T5ユ √ ヾft=十 島 ご ▼ △Ц ギ i摯 WFl嗜 %だ -72丁 ? 和F「 ≒ル c) Find the real efficiency of the cycle i-c-J-i. ぼ4`'ル =‐ 30J斗 こ畿:こ 上DJ=‐ 「 %= J■ J一 ヵ √ 毛―■ 101← ' 冒 1砂 ご てスご ≦ー ソ y E務 1師 ギ _ し ∠ 螢 たこbl。 3. 北1 ︵ ′ J ︵ V´ 仏 断I P One mole of an ideal gas is confined to a container with a movable piston. The P-V diagram shown describes a cyclic process made up of three legs: I, II and II in the figure. The cycle goes X-Y-Z-X... \ &u*n[ Compare the net energyllansfelred to the gas through heating/cooling with the net amount of work done by/on the gas in one cycle: L職 懇 1:: \\{NE.\ a) You need to know the pressures and volumes in order to determine which amount of energy transfer is bigger. b)The net quantity ofenergy transferred to the gas through heating/cooling is greater than the net work done by/on the gase C)The net quattity Ofenergy trmsferred to the gas through hetting/cooling is less than the net work done by/on the gas. 1:│∬ ::乱 1じ た I篇 :1「 γ :認百 gaS thrOugh hetting/,001ing iS the same ttil逸 C)The net quttltity ofenergy transferred to the gas through hetting/cooling can be greater than orless than the net work done by/on the gas,depending on the temperatures。 Block 2 4 Block l 亀 ‰ ぐ ︱ も tt=∫ √ =ぶ 5翁 Vlお d) つ 粍 臥 墓 M、 ・ infinitely long pipeo ln the sectton shown,the pipe narows fronl a diameter of 4 cm to a diameter of χ cm,and the nuid is ■owing through the narow region at a speed of 3 m/s. What is the■ ow speed olmtte7■ 滅止i≧ 山島wide r2里 On pfthe pipe? a)(12)m/s b)(16/3χ 2)m/S C) (4χ /3)m/s A, v, s ArV, よ丁ザ t Tが lL ・ (3x/4)m/s (3χ 上 χT An incompressible■ uid of unifollll denSity flows through an mL F c 5。 m2=0045 ml 1 わ 怒 じt写 向 \ m2=0055 ml づ e) 猟 V、 2/16)m/s VI Y VЪ 3蹴 V。 1… rttt $orr-r In your physics lab you have a sample of a pure compound ネ麒 iS COntained in a closed,well― insulated containero The r4 6。 MttLTr唱 sample is heated at a constant rate and its temperature is recordedo The data are show in the grapho Which ofthe following conclusions isjusdfied from the data shown? Titue(**,) The sample was initially at its melting temperature. Atz}minutes the sample was completely gas. The sample gas was heated above its boiling temperature. The heat of vaponzation is greater than the heat of fusion. At 'l . 10 minutes the sample was completely liquid. P The P-V diagram shown at the right describes a 3-leg cyclic process, that goes l-2-3-l-2-3... as shown. The mass of the gas is constant. Circle the Pressure vs Temperature graph that best describes this cycle, or select E if none describe this cycle. :→ 色 ■シ 3 3二り l P T E 8。 Of none the above are correct The pressure and volume ofan enclosed sa7mple ofan ideal gas Ere mettsured at hvo di]腱 renttimes during tt experiment,shown as P ・ よル ι 認 :胤 魔 LTl豊 竃竃 ∬ 熙鷲 ∬ 朦 鑢d tte same"mpe lfyes,then seled the lower case letter s ■lat represents this case on thc P‐ V diaF,m. Ifno,select“ not possible。 a)a - 1 臥 Ⅵ― d)d e) not possible T、 6: " 峰 niト い Pw` ず │二 移 軌 角 tで V.PYも しu鳩 れ、 こ ヽ・ iギ 懲砲l卜 」 颯 P燎 ゆ色職 ャ ふ VY と 11ぃれよs
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