Partner Search Form

Partner Search Form
Identification of the applicant
Name of the organisation
ORTET - Association of Tourism, Environment and
Kuratica bb. – 6000 Ohrid
Registered address (street, city, country)
Office address:
Dame Gruev, B1-2/23 - Ohrid
Macedonia (FYROM)
Telephone / Fax
Handy: ++389 72 52 46 42
Home: ++389 46 266 306
Website of the organisation
Name of the contact person
Goran Mickoski
[email protected]
Email/Telephone of the contact person
[email protected]; [email protected]
Handy: ++389 72 52 46 42
Our organisation its registered to contribute to the
local and sustainable rural development local
democracy and civic activism, by providing support,
projects and activities in the field of protection and
promotion of natural and cultural heritage.
The main activities are focused on:
- Supporting and strengthening civil society,
Short presentation of your organisation (key
activities, experience)
- Increase the role of civil society in the areas good
governance and decision-making,
- Increased participation in the processes of
European integration at the local and national level,
closer to the European principles, standards and
- Increasing the role of CSO participation and
monitoring of local governance and participation of
civil society organizations in decision-making,
- Initiating and financing civil actions in the
Die Kontaktstelle Deutschland »Europa für Bürgerinnen und Bürger« bei der
Kulturpolitischen Gesellschaft e.V. wird gefördert durch die Europäische Union aus
dem Programm »Europa für Bürgerinnen und Bürger« sowie vom Bundesministerium
für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend.
Description of the project
3. Civil society projects
Strand, Measure in the framework of „Europe
for Citizens” Programme
democratic engagement & civic participationgetting citizens involved
Priorities for 2016:Understanding and Debating
Timetable of the project
12 month
The involvement of citizens and civil society organisations in the process of European integration its
very important. Despite the long period of preparation of Macedonian citizens in the processes of
Euro integration of the country is evident that there
is a lack of information on European Union and the
process of European integration in general. European integration process much easier to place with
the understanding and public support than it is
There is a evident lack of knowledge and
information of the target groups about the
EU and the understanding of European integration process,
- Ignorance of European priority themes European Citizenship, Intercultural dialogue
and Volunteering;
- Ignorance of the target groups with available EU programmes and pre-accession funds
for Macedonia.
On the regional and local level there are no survey
data and research of the opinion of the citizenship
about the EU issues to address correctly the future
regional policies.
Short description of the project, including its
The project Ohrid Communicating Europe (O.C.E.)
will contribute to achieve it through five specific
1. to wide the knowledge and information of
the target groups about the EU and the
understanding of European integration
Die Kontaktstelle Deutschland »Europa für Bürgerinnen und Bürger« bei der
Kulturpolitischen Gesellschaft e.V. wird gefördert durch die Europäische Union aus
dem Programm »Europa für Bürgerinnen und Bürger« sowie vom Bundesministerium
für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend. Kooperationspartner ist das BBE.
2. to promote European priority themes European Citizenship, Intercultural dialogue
and Volunteering;
3. to arouse their interest in and need for
information about the EU through activities
of facilitation of the access to the existing
sources of information and creation of new
4. to familiarize the target groups with
available EU programmes and preaccession funds for Macedonia.
5. To analyse the opinion of the citizens about
the EU issues to address correctly the future regional policies.
Partner organization will need to provide:
-Sharing experiences to wide the knowledge and
information of the target groups about the EU and
the understanding of European integration process;
Role of the partner organisation in the project
-Presentation of European values through educational workshops
- promote European priority themes - European
Citizenship, Intercultural dialogue and Volunteering;
Comments from the applicant
*Partner organization may also occur as a leading
partner in the project, where we will be the second
(local) partner
* We would have preferred partners from Germany, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria
Die Kontaktstelle Deutschland »Europa für Bürgerinnen und Bürger« bei der
Kulturpolitischen Gesellschaft e.V. wird gefördert durch die Europäische Union aus
dem Programm »Europa für Bürgerinnen und Bürger« sowie vom Bundesministerium
für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend. Kooperationspartner ist das BBE.