www.dialogsummit.de EUROPEAN CONFERENCE FOR DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING! 2nd European Forum for E-Mail and Data-Driven Marketing 3 May 2016 I Steigenberger Airport Hotel, Frankfurt MASTERING DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING 2 May 2016 I Master class and Workshops L E A D PA R T N E R PROVIDER Seven shots of inspiration and twenty doses of practice-based insight! MASTERING DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING The latest edition of the European conference for e-mail and data-driven marketing: seven inspiring keynotes and 20 practice-related talks make the Forum a must, with topics ranging from digitization of dialogue to big data analytics, multichannel integration and marketing automation. > > > > > Twenty practice-based talks tell it how it is in B2C & B2B Seven international keynote speakers Networking with 250 e-mail and data-driven marketing executives Opportunities for 1-to-1 expert talks How Big is your Data? powered by DDV ACCOMPANYING PROGRAMME Innovative formats, 1-to-1 talks, a trade show, award ceremony and attractive break-time facilities provide plenty of opportunities for informal networking and "shop talk". Seminars and workshops will be held on 2 May 2016. Initiator. Torsten Schwarz, absolit Producer. Helmut Blocher, SUCCUS I Wirtschaftsforen Advisor. Martin Nitsche, Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e.V. (DDV) Moderators. Stephanie Grace Cox, Frank Puscher Anyone with an interest in moving ahead with data-driven marketing: executives responsible for digital marketing, online marketing, data-driven marketing, e-mail marketing, CRM, sales and service; CMOs and CEOs. PROVIDER I www.dialogsummit.de TARGET AUDIENCE I T. Schwarz F. Puscher M. Nitsche S. Cox H. Blocher DIALOG SUMMIT 2016 DISRUPTIVE DOMINATION Data drives the way we shop, play and make money MASTERING DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING Aligning the organization for data driven marketing success Dietmar Dahmen, Futurologist, Innovation Expert, Global Top-Speaker, Vienna, Austria Tamara Gielen, Plan to Engage, Meerhout, Belgium OPTIMIZING CONVERSION WITH PERSUASION How to create a persuasive customer journey PERMISSION-MARKETING 2.0 Nachhaltige Steigerung der digitalen Reichweite Kath Pay, Holistic Email Marketing, London, UK Mark Brauch, PAYBACK, München, Deutschland THE END OF MARKETING CAMPAIGNS The challenge of highly personalized, multi-channel interactions WIR WISSEN, WAS SIE MORGEN ESSEN Eine globale Restaurantkette zeigt, wie verhaltensabhängige, automatisierte 1:1-Kundenkommunikation funktioniert Nikolaus von Graeve, rabbit eMarketing, Frankfurt a.M., Germany Gregor Wolf, Experian Marketing Services, Düsseldorf, Deutschland THE CONVERSION CUBE Pick the right tactics to scale up email & data-driven marketing results FIXING YOUR DATA DRIVEN MARKETING 3 crucial elements to achieve better results Jordie van Rijn, Emailmonday.com, Utrecht Area, Netherlands Michael Leander, International Marketing Speaker, Copenhagen Area, Denmark WHERE’S THE DATA? How to generate customer data when you don't have it G. Wolf N. v. Graeve J. v. Rijn K. Pay M. Leander D. Quist PLUS TWENTY PRACTICE-BASED TALKS tell it how it is in B2C & B2B at the summit and in the workshop with Dr. Torsten Schwarz featuring companies including DocMorris, McDonald’s, ABB, 3M, Otto, Thalia, Payback, Sixt, Renault, AEB and XING. Dela Quist, AlchemyWorx, London, UK T. Gielen D. Dahmen M. Brauch 3 MAY 2016 I INSPIRING, MOTIVATIONAL KEYNOTES AND PRESENTATIONS DIALOG SUMMIT I 3 May 2016 MASTERING DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING! 08:30 Check-in 09:00 Welcome WILLKOMMEN BEIM DIALOG SUMMIT 2016 | Mastering data-driven marketing Helmut Blocher, Geschäftsführer, SUCCUS GmbH | Wirtschaftsforen, Wien Stephanie Grace Cox, Moderatorin, Berlin; Frank Puscher, Moderator, Hamburg 09:10 Keynote DISRUPTIVE DOMINATION | Data drives the way we shop, play and make money Dietmar Dahmen, Futurologist, Innovation Expert, Global Top-Speaker, Vienna > Embark on an exciting journey of adaptation, innovation and disruption of digital marketing! 10:00 Impuls THE FREQUENCY LIE | How to determine the right frequency of emails Dr. Torsten Schwarz, Inhaber, absolit, Waghäusel 10:15 Keynote OPTIMIZING CONVERSION WITH PERSUASION | Using design elements to achieve conversions Kath Pay, CEO & Founder, Holistic Email Marketing, London > This keynote will explore common ecommerce journeys and provide examples of how to make each step of the journey a persuasive one. D. Dahmen S. Cox M. Brauch Relaxation in the Networking Zone G. Braren Break H. Blocher 10:45 DIGITAL MARKETING 2016 11:15 (IN ENGLISH) LIFECYCLE AUTOMATION (IN GERMAN) B2B FOCUS (IN GERMAN) B2C FOCUS (IN GERMAN) DIFFERENT DEVICES – DIFFERENT INTERACTIONS Examples and approaches to maximize engagement and conversions IM CROSS-CHANNEL OLYMP Kundenzentrierte Kommunikation bei L’Occitane, Renault & Co. OMNICHANNEL SHOPPING Die Conversion steigern mit personalisierter Kundenansprache Timo Kohlberg, Product Marketing Manager, Robin Müller, CTO & Co-Founder, Loren McDonald, Marketing Evangelist, Adobe, München Lesara GmbH, Berlin IBM Marketing Cloud, San Francisco Bay Area 11:45 12:15 THE CONVERSION CUBE Pick the right tactics to scale up email & data-driven marketing results Jordie van Rijn, Founder, Emailmonday.com, IN-APP-MARKETING FÜR MEHR ENGAGEMENT Mobile Trends im Businessnetzwerk XING Showcases von Kampagnen Utrecht Area Gerret Braren, Marketing Technology, GLOBALES KONTAKTMANAGEMENT Lokale Datensilos vs. globales Kontaktmanagement – Alignement von Vermarktungskampagnen XING AG, Hamburg Thomas Düker, CMO, AEB GmbH, Stuttgart INDIVIDUALISIERUNG IM E-MAIL MARKETING Personalisierte Kundenansprache über Mailing-Kampagnen THE B2B CHALLENGE E-Mail- & Data-Driven Marketing im internationalen Konzernumfeld 'WHERE IS THE DATA?' How to generate customer data when you don't have it Dela Quist, CEO, AlchemyWorx, London tbc NEWSLETTER PERMISSION-MARKETING 2.0 Steigerung der digitalen Reichweite durch Multi-Maßnahmen-Management Katrin Rinder, Senior Digital Marketing Mark Brauch, Leiter Digital Directmarketing; Specialist, Versandapotheke DocMorris, Michael Sumereder, Senior Manager Digital Heerlen Directmarketing PAYBACK GmbH, München 12:45 Break Shared lunch in the Networking Zone 13:30 ONE2ONE talks Plenty of opportunity for individual chats. J. van Rijn M. Sumereder T. Schwarz K. Rinder D. Quist F. Puscher K. Pay R. Müller L. McDonald T. Kohlberg Th. Düker Parallel program DIALOG SUMMIT I 3 May 2016 MASTERING DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING! Parallel program 02:00 DIGITAL MARKETING 2016 HOT TOPICS MASTERING DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING (IN ENGLISH) Aligning the organization for data driven marketing success QUALITÄT IM E-MAIL MARKETING (IN GERMAN) Rechtliche und technische Kriterien Tamara Gielen, Plan to Engage, Meerhout Certification (CSA), Köln WIR WISSEN, WAS SIE MORGEN ESSEN McDonald’s zeigt, wie verhaltensabhängige, automatisierte 1:1-Kundenkommunikation funktioniert Alexander Zeh, Engineering Manager, Christopher Barth, Executive Director, Certified Senders Alliance (CSA), Köln TRACK GmbH, Hamburg B2B FOCUS (IN GERMAN) RA Rosa Hafezi, Legal Consulting and B2C FOCUS (IN GERMAN) Gregor Wolf, Experian Deutschland GmbH, München (IN GERMAN) 02:30 Podiumsdiskussion powered by BVDW: DIGITAL UND EMOTIONAL (Wie) geht das zusammen? Am Podium: Harald R. Fortmann, Director Executive Search, Dwight Cribb Personalberatung GmbH, Hamburg; Botschafter des Ressorts "Bildung & (IN ENGLISH) THE NEW DATA PROTECTION REGULATION What it means for you – a survival guide Dr. Sachiko Scheunig, European Privacy BIG DATA ZIELGRUPPEN-PROFILIERUNG – Der Einsatz von b2bwebscoring bei der AIKA Officer, Acxiom, Frankfurt a. M.; Chair, FEDMA, Carsten Lange, Vorstandsvorsitzender, Brussels AIKA e.V., Bochum Meinert Jacobsen, Geschäftsführer, Personalentwicklung", Bundesverband Digitale MarAnCon GmbH, Bonn Wirtschaft (BVDW) e.V., Düsseldorf Karl-Heinz Land, Digital Darwinist & 03:00 Evangelist, neuland GmbH, Köln E-MAIL-ADRESSQUALITÄT FÜR DEN ERFOLG IM E-COMMERCE Praxiserprobte Lösungen für mehr Response Anne M. Schüller, Expertin für Empfehlungsmarketing, München Frederike Voss, CEO, orbyd GmbH, Hamburg Daniel Augustin, Leiter eCommerce & Moderation: Raoul Fischer, StoryWorks Digitales Lesen, Orell Füssli Thalia AG, Zürich GmbH, Frankfurt a.M. 03:30 Break Relaxation in the Networking Zone M. Nitsche Ch.Pause G. Wolf A. Zeh M. Leander K.-H. Land M. Jacobsen R. Hafezi T. Gielen H. R. Fortmann R. Fischer Ch. Barth D. Augustin 04:00 Keynote THE END OF MARKETING CAMPAIGNS | The Challenge of highly personalized, multi-channel interactions Nikolaus von Graeve, CEO, rabbit eMarketing, Frankfurt a. M. 04:30 Panel discussion powered by DDV WAVE GOODBYE TO DATA PHOBIA! | How paranoia is costing us the future Martin Nitsche, Präsident, DDV, Frankfurt a.M. Dr. Sachiko Scheunig, European Privacy Officer, Acxiom, Frankfurt a. M.; Chair, FEDMA, Brussels Gregor Wolf, Geschäftsführer, Experian Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf Moderation: Christoph Pause, Chefredakteur acquisa, Haufe Gruppe, Freiburg 05:15 Keynote FIXING YOUR DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING | 3 crucial elements to achieve better results Michael Leander, International Marketing Speaker, Copenhagen Area João Ribeiro, Head of Marketing, Markedu, Lisboa F. Voss N. von Graeve A. M. Schüller S. Scheunig J. Ribeiro 05:45 End of the DialogSummit 2016 Partner L E A D PA R T N E R Cross-channel marketing specialist Experian Marketing Services is a global provider of integrated customer insight, targeting and data quality solutions. Based on the three pillars of data quality ("Identity"), customer insights and targeting profiles ("Intelligence") and customer journey-based cross-channel communication ("Interactions"), the Experian Marketing Suite, complemented by a comprehensive range of consultancy services, helps companies and organisations from around the world interact intelligently with their customers. By coordinating seamless interactions across all marketing channels (e-mail, mobile, display, social and print), companies are empowered to plan and execute superior brand experiences that deepen customer loyalty, strengthen brand advocacy and maximise profits. www.experian.de Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. Its solutions empower companies to create, manage, market and monetise digital content. Adobe's integrated solutions use data analytics to deliver reliable results that allow marketers to orchestrate campaigns effectively. Companies and marketers use Adobe solutions to manage and enhance the customer experience and roll out optimized marketing content across all digital channels. With the help of real-time analytics and detailed customer insight, companies of all sizes can deliver personalized, relevant and timely content to their customers and quantify the return on their marketing investment. www.adobe.com/de PROVIDER G O L D PA R T N E R PA R T N E R Markedu 2 PA R T N E R I www.dialogsummit.de I Integrate Content, Email Marketing and Marketing Automation ACE Masterclass NEXT LEVEL IN AUTOMATION-, CONTENT- & EMAIL MARKETING Your trainer Michael Leander, Global Marketing Expert, Coach and Trainer This full day masterclass will show you new ways to decide which content to create, how to seed this content and integrate with your email marketing and marketing automation programs. Content in context is more important than ever. Understanding why your audience engage with certain types of content and how you can use that knowledge to improve automated communication is critical for results. In this highly interactive masterclass, you will get hands-on inspiration to achieve better integration between automation, content and email marketing. After attending this masterclass, you will master new techniques that will help you get better results from your customer acquisition and customer retention programs. You will learn > How to make smarter content marketing decisions > How to effectively implement your best content ideas for maximum impact > Why you need to switch your thinking from content to content in context and how to do it. > How to apply lead scoring based on content in context behavior – and how scores affect your email- and marketing automation > Best practices for marketing automation and email marketing > Effective techniques to improve key metrics for email marketing and marketing automation > Inspiration that will help you think differently on how you approach FTT: frequency, targeting and triggers M. Leander Monday, 2 May 2016, 10.00am - 05.00pm, Full day Masterclass Registration and information If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. +43 1 319 09 34-10 Location Steigenberger Airport Hotel in Frankfurt am Main Unterschweinstiege 16 60549 Frankfurt am Main Germany Hotel booking: under the heading „DialogSummit 2016“ you will receive a room at the price of € 139,- each, breackfast included [email protected] Fon: +49 69 6975 2426 Hosted by: SUCCUS® and DIALOG SUMMIT® s® are registered EU-community trademarks. Copyright © 2016, all rights reserved B. Schneeweiss Participation fee The participation fee for users amounts to € 480 (if booking before April 18, 2016, regular price will be € 580) The participation fee for providers* amounts to € 960 (if booking before April 18, 2016, regular price will be € 1,060) Full day masterclass with Michael Leander: ACE Masterclass – Next level in automation-, content- & email marketing 2 May 2016, € 580 (if booking before April 18, 2016, regular price will be € 680) K. Zauner Feel free to contact us: Barbara Schneeweiss, Project management [email protected] Katharina Zauner, Project management [email protected] Helmut Blocher, Director [email protected] We kindly request your registration online: www.dialogsummit.de [email protected] Including entry to all program events inclusive the documents in electronic form as well as culinary breaks and meals together. All prices excl. 19 % VAT I Registrations are subject to our terms and conditions: http://www.dialogsummit.de/agb.html * By service providers we mean companies who provide services such as consultancy, or development and integration of solutions, that are thematically related to e-mail and data-driven marketing, even though they may also be users of such services themselves. Accordingly, by users we mean commercial and industrial enterprises or financial services providers. H. Blocher SUCCUS GMBH I Wirtschaftsforen Haizingergasse 54, 1180 Wien Telefon: +43 1 319 09 34-0 [email protected]
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