GI-Dissertationspreis 2015 – Kolloquiumsprogramm Letzte Aktualisierung: 18.04.2016 Das Kolloquium findet vom 02.–04.05.2016 auf Schloss Dagstuhl statt. Sonntag 01.05.2015 ist als Anreisetag vorgesehen. Für die Vorträge der Kandidaten sind jeweils 15 Minuten Vortragszeit sowie 5 Minuten Diskussion vorgesehen. Zusätzlich sind pro Vortrag 5 Minuten Toleranz eingeplant. Wenn Sie Muttersprachler in Deutsch sind, wird erwartet, dass die Vorträge und die Vortragsfolien auf Deutsch sind. 1 Montag 02.04.2016 9:00 – 9:25 Begrüßung 1. Breuer, Alexander High Performance Earthquake Simulations 9:25–10:15 2. Bläsius, Thomas New Approaches to Classic Graph-Embedding Problems Orthogonal Drawings & Constrained Planarity 10:15 – 10:45 Pause 3. Wachsmuth, Henning Pipelines for Ad-Hoc Large-scale Text Mining 10:45 – 12:00 4. Strötgen, Jannik Domain-sensitive Temporal Tagging for Event-centric Information Retrieval 5. Zhang, Shanshan Efficient Pedestrian Detection in Urban Traffic Scenes 12:00 – 14:00 Mittagspause 6. Forler, Christian Analysis, Design & Applications of Cryptographic Building Blocks 7. Zerr, Sergej Privacy Preserving Content Analysis, Indexing and Retrieval for Social Search Applications 14:00 – 15:40 8. Thom, Dennis Visual Analytics of Social Media for Situation Awareness 9. Niemann, Katja Discovery of Usage-based Item Similarities to Support Recommender Systems in Dealing with Rarely Used Items 15:40 – 16:10 Pause 10. Bremer, Jörg Constraint-Handling mit Supportvektor-Dekodern in der verteilten Optimierung 16:10 – 17:25 11. Moritz, Ruby Cooperation in Self-Organized Heterogeneous Swarms 12. Schmitt, Berthold Immanuel Convergence Analysis for Particle Swarm Optimization 2 Dienstag 03.05.2016 13. Taha, Abdel Aziz Addressing metric challenges: Bias and Selection - Efficient Computation - Hubness Explanation and Estimation 9:00–10:15 14. Krinninger, Sebastian Faster Approximation Algorithms for Partially Dynamic Shortest Paths Problems 15. Curticapean, Radu The simple, little, and slow things count: On parameterized counting complexity 10:15 – 10:45 Pause 16. Wamser, Florian Performance Assessment of Resource Management Strategies for Cellular and Wireless Mesh Networks 10:45 – 12:00 17. Steuwer, Michel Improving Programmability and Performance Portability on Many-Core Processors 18. Wander, Matthäus The Impact of DNSSEC on the Internet Landscape 12:00 – 14:00 Mittagspause 19. Kreilinger, Alex Improving Continuous Motor Imagery-Controlled Applications with Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface Design Principles 14:00 – 15:40 20. Brosch, Tobias Cognitive Sequential Parallelism: From Canonical Neural Circuits to Training Recurrent Neural Networks in Perceptual Decision-Making 21. Dörr, Daniel Gene Family-free Genome Comparison 22. Winkler, Thomas Methods to investigate gene-strata interaction in genome-wide association meta-analyses on the example of obesity 15:40 – 16:10 Pause 23. Rodler, Patrick Interactive Debugging of Knowledge Bases 16:10 – 17:25 24. Kehrer, Timo Calculation and Propagation of Model Changes Based on User-level Edit Operations 25. Dokmanić, Ivan Listening to Distances and Hearing Shapes: Inverse Problems in Room Acoustics and Beyond 3 Mittwoch 04.05.2016 26. Christakis, Maria Narrowing the gap between verification and systematic testing 9:00–10:15 27. Le, Hoang M. Automated Techniques for Functional Verification at the Electronic System Level 28. Thüm, Thomas Product-Line Specication and Verication with Feature-Oriented Contracts 10:15 – 10:45 Pause 29. Bernard, Jürgen Exploratory search in time-oriented primary data 10:45 – 12:00 30. Eberius, Julian Query-Time Data Integration 31. Hölzl, Gerold Goal Oriented Sensing in Pervasive Computing 12:00 – 14:00 Mittagspause 32. Liebig, Jörg Analysis and Transformation of Configurable Systems 14:00 – 15:15 33. Reitmaier, Tobias Aktives Lernen fr Klassifikationsprobleme unter der Nutzung von Strukturinformationen 34. Krämer, Juliane Why Cryptography Should Not Rely on Physical Attack Complexity ab 15:15 Kaffee & Abreise 4
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