Fachbereich Mathematik und Statistik Prof. Dr. R. Denk, Prof. Dr. R. Racke, Prof. Dr. O. Schnürer Im Oberseminar Partielle Differentialgleichungen gibt es am Donnerstag, dem 7. Januar 2016, einen Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Dirk Pauly (Universität Duisburg-Essen) “Non-standard partial integration: Implications to Maxwell and Korn inequalities - or: How one cannot apply the closed graph theorem!” Beginn: 15.15 Uhr Raum: F 426 Interessenten sind herzlich willkommen! R. Denk, R. Racke, O. Schnürer Abstract: We will prove that in bounded and convex three-dimensional domains the Maxwell constants lie in between the Friedrichs and Poincare constants. Furthermore, in our efforts to prove these estimates, it turned out that in (piecewise) concave domains interesting new non-standard first Korn inequalities hold. A special case of these non-standard Korn inequalities has been used by Cedric Villani in his celebrated (fields medal) works. We will discuss a disturbing consequence. (invited by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Racke)
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