Sino-German Symposium on Application of Coupl... Suchen... Home Alle Nachrichten lesen → Vibration Control in China Home Förderprogramme Informationen für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs Informationen für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler Suchen Sino-German Symposium on Application of Coupled Multi-field mechanics in Dynamic Detection and Sino-German Symposium on Application of Coupled Multi-field mechanics in Dynamic Detection and Vibration Control in China The Sino-German Symposium on Application of Coupled Multi-field Mechanics in Dynamic Detection and Vibration Control was organized by Prof. Liu Ying from Nanjing Forestry University (NFU), and Prof. Bernd Markert from the Institute of General Mechanics, RWTH Aachen University, and held at NFU in Nanjing, China from Sept. 25-29, 2015. It was made possible by the generous support from the Sino-German Center, which is very gratefully acknowledged. Aktuelles Wir über uns Serviceleistungen Kontakt Download Center FAQ Liste Website Map Erkenntnistransfer Prof. Cao Fuliang, President of Nanjing Forestry University, and Prof. Lu Rongkai, Chinese Director of Sino-German Center for Research Promotion and Deputy Director General of Bureau of International Cooperation National Natural Scientific Foundation o China, gave the opening addresses. Prof. Zhao Maocheng, the Vice President of Nanjing Forestry University, chaired the opening ceremony. 9 presenters from Germany or Sweden, and 25 other presenters from China attended this symposium. Specifically, members attending the symposium came from Aachen University, Stuttgart University, Technical University Dresden, and Jülich Forschungszentrum from Germany, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) from Sweden, and Southeast University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Beijing Forestry University, Nanjing Forestry University, Jiangsu University, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Southwest Forestry University, and Beijing Transportation University from China. 34 presentations were given following 5 themes, i.e. coupled multi-field modeling of materials, biomechanics, mechanic simulation of porous media, mechanical properties and inspection of wood materials, and new methods in vibration control. 1 von 3 19.11.2015 16:03 Sino-German Symposium on Application of Coupl... A corner stone was also laid for the follow-ups of prospective Sino-German academic cooperationin terms of joint-research, student exchange, and scholar visiting.And it was agreed to hold a similar meeting in 2016 in Germany. A tour to a series of laboratories in both Nanjing Forestry University and Southeast University, as well as to the national high-tech communication company of ZTE co. gave members of the symposium a better sense of the academic and industrial progress in China, meanwhile the visit to Nanjing Museum and to the Former Residence of JohnH.D. Rabe, a feel of Chinese culture and are new to the friendship between the peoples. 2 von 3 19.11.2015 16:03 Sino-German Symposium on Application of Coupl... 30/10/2015 29/10/2015 28/10/2015 Sino-German Symposium über grundlegende Theorie und ihre Anwendung für hocheffiziente und sehr zuverlässige rotordynamische Pumpen Deutsch-chinesische Sommerschule zu energetischer und stofflicher Nutzung von biogenem Abfall und Restsoffen 1st Sino-German Symposium on “Atmospheric Pressure Gas Discharges and Plasma Applications” Mit der Unterstützung des ChinesischDeutschen Zentrums für On October 10-17th 2015, the first Sino-German Symposium on Wissenschaftsförderung fand vom 11. bis 17. Oktober 2015 die deutsch- “Atmospheric Pressure Gas Discharges and Plasma Applications” chinesische Sommerschule zu energetischer und stofflicher Nutzung [ ... ] was successfully held in Sino-German Center, Beijing. The symposium was [ ... ] Das erste Chinesisch-Deutsche Symposium über die Theorie und ihre Anwendung von hocheffizienten und sehr zuverlässigen rotordynamischen Pumpen wurde erfolgreich an der Jiangsu Universität vom 21 [ ... ] Alle Nachrichten lesen → Seitenaufrufe : 2270838 Wir haben 215 Gäste online Impressum 3 von 3 Suche Sitemap Kontakt 京ICP备05002859号 Copyright (c) Sino-German Center 19.11.2015 16:03
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