doi:10.1006/jmbi.2001.5281 available online at on J. Mol. Biol. (2002) 315, 613±625 Polymerisation of Chemically Cross-linked Actin:Thymosin b 4 Complex to Filamentous Actin: Alteration in Helical Parameters and Visualisation of Thymosin b 4 Binding on F-actin Edda Ballweber1, Ewald Hannappel2, Thomas Huff2, Harald Stephan1 Markus Haener3, Nicole Taschner3, Daniel Stoffler3, Ueli Aebi3 and Hans Georg Mannherz1* 1 Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany 2 Institute of Biochemistry, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen, Germany 3 Biozentrum, M.E. MuÈller Institute for Structural Biology University of Basel, Basel Switzerland The b-thymosins are intracellular monomeric (G-)actin sequestering proteins forming 1:1 complexes with G-actin. Here, we analysed the interaction of thymosin b4 with F-actin. Thymosin b4 at 200 mM was chemically cross-linked to F-actin. In the presence of phalloidin, the chemically cross-linked actin:thymosin b4 complex was incorporated into F-actin. These mixed ®laments were of normal appearance when inspected by conventional transmission electron microscopy after negative staining. We puri®ed the chemically cross-linked actin:thymosin b4 complex, which polymerised only when phalloidin and the gelsolin:2actin complex were present simultaneously. Using scanning transmission electron microscopy, the mass-per-length of control and actin:thymosin b4 ®laments was found to be 16.0(0.8) kDa/nm and 18.0(0.9) kDa/nm, respectively, indicating an increase in subunit mass of 5.4 kDa. Analysis of the helical parameters revealed an increase of the crossover spacing of the two right-handed long-pitch helical strands from 36.0 to 40.5 nm. Difference map analysis of 3-D helical reconstruction of control and actin:thymosin b4 ®laments yielded an elongated extra mass. Qualitatively, the overall size and shape of the difference mass were compatible with published data of the atomic structure of thymosin b4. The deduced binding sites of thymosin b4 to actin were in agreement with those identi®ed previously. However, parts of the difference map might represent subtle conformational changes of both proteins occurring upon complex formation. # 2002 Academic Press *Corresponding author Keywords: actin; DNase I; gelsolin; phalloidin; b-thymosins Introduction Abbreviations used: ADF, annular dark ®eld; A:Tb4, actin:thymosin b4 complex; AwTb4, chemically crosslinked actin:Tb4; CTEM, conventional transmission electron microscopy; Cc, critical concentration of actin polymerisation; DNase I, deoxyribonuclease I (EC; EDC, 1-ethyl-3[3-(dimethylamino)propyl] carbodiimide; EDC-actin, actin treated with EDC; EM, electron microscope/microscopy; GA2, gelsolin in complex with two actin molecules; PI-actin, pyrenylactin; RMS, root-mean-square; STEM, scanning transmission EM; Tb4, thymosin b4. E-mail address of the corresponding author: [email protected] 0022-2836/02/040613±13 $35.00/0 Among the numerous actin-binding proteins there is a limited number of proteins that interact preferentially with monomeric (G-)actin. These proteins have the capacity to depolymerise ®lamentous (F-)actin, stabilise it in its monomeric form and/or to sequester it from the equilibrium between G- and F-actin, thus preventing its incorporation into the polymer moiety. A prototype of an actin-sequestering protein is thymosin b4 (Tb4) and related peptides (the b-thymosins), which in some cells are present in high enough concentration to stabilize about 50 % of the intracellular actin in G-form.1 ± 4 The b-thymosins have a mol# 2002 Academic Press 614 ecular mass of roughly 5 kDa and are found in almost every eukaryotic cell. They form a 1:1 complex with G-actin of intermediate binding af®nity (KD 0.2 to 5 mM). Very little is known about the binding site of thymosin b4 on actin. Attempts have been made to identify residues or regions on actin involved in thymosin b4 binding by chemical cross-linking using 1-ethyl-3[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]carbodiimide (EDC)5,6 or by competition of thymosins with other actin-binding proteins..7-9 Both approaches have led to the proposal that thymosin b4 binds to the N-terminus located on subdomain 1 and to Glu167 of subdomain 3 of actin.6,8 It has been suggested that thymosin b4 might exist as an elongated molecule that stretches from the bottom of subdomain 3 to the DNase I binding region on subdomain 2 of actin.6 The b-thymosins are able to intracellularly shift the G/F-equilibrium of actin towards the monomeric state by removing (sequestering) G-actin from this equilibrium. It has been proposed that a rapid increase in the number of free ends of F-actin upon cell stimulation leads to the incorporation of free monomeric actin into F-actin. Indeed, in vitro experiments have shown that an increase in the number of free actin ®lament ends results in dissociation of the actin:thymosin b4 complex in order to maintain the equilibrium between free G-actin and the actin:thymosin b4 complex.10 Within the framework of this model, thymosin b4 is able to bind to only G-actin. However, it has been demonstrated recently that Tb4 is able to interact with ®lamentous actin,11,12 since it was shown that addition of high concentrations of thymosin b4 (>200 mM) to polymerising actin decreased the critical concentration of free actin to polymerise, indicating the participation of the actin:Tb4 complex in the polymerisation reaction. Similarly, it has been reported that over-expression of thymosin b4 in ®broblasts induces increased formation of actin containing stress ®bres and, at the same time, decreased the amount of monomeric actin.12 We therefore analysed the interaction of thymosin b4 with preformed F-actin, and the ability of the actin:thymosin b4 complex chemically crosslinked by EDC to copolymerise with native actin or to form actin ®laments by itself. Our data demonstrated that in the simultaneous presence of phalloidin and gelsolin, the puri®ed cross-linked actin:thymosin b4 complex can be induced to polymerise into ®lamentous actin. Structural analysis of electron micrographs of negatively stained actin:Tb4 ®laments revealed a 4.5 nm increase of the crossover spacing of the two long-pitch helical strands. Difference map analysis of a 3-D helical reconstruction of control and actin:thymosin b4 ®laments revealed the possible contact sites of thymosin b4 with actin, and suggested the occurrence of subtle conformational changes in actin upon thymosin b4 binding. Binding of Thymosin 4 to F-actin Results Thymosin b 4 can be cross-linked to F-actin It has been shown that thymosin b4 can be crosslinked to F-actin.11 However, since kinetic analysis demonstrated that F-actin depolymerising ability by free thymosin b4 is most probably due to a shift in the G/F-equilibrium and the formation of actin:Tb4,11 we repeated these experiments in the absence or presence of phalloidin, which stabilises preformed F-actin in the presence of Tb4.10 After incubation overnight (about 16 hours) of F-actin and thymosin b4 added at 200 mM (14-fold excess over actin), the mixture was treated with EDC (see Materials and Methods). The samples were subjected to ultracentrifugation and the resulting supernatants and pellets were analysed separately by SDS-PAGE. As can be seen from Figure 1(a), Tb4 was cross-linked to ®lamentous actin both in the absence and the presence of phalloidin under these conditions. When using phalloidin-stabilised F-actin, the generated cross-linked actin:Tb4 was only in the pellet, whereas in its absence a considerable amount of actin:Tb4 was found in the supernatant, demonstrating that Tb4 induced depolymerisation of F-actin (Figure 1(a); see also Figure 1(b), lanes 3 and 4). In contrast, when native, i.e. not cross-linked actin:Tb4, obtained by mixing actin and thymosin b4 at almost equimolar ratio, was ®rst induced to polymerise by addition of phalloidin and then treated with EDC, no crosslinked actin:Tb4 in the pellet after sedimentation was detected by SDS-PAGE (Figure 1(b)), indicating that thymosin b4 had dissociated from actin during the polymerisation reaction. In this particular experiment, we employed dansyl-labelled thymosin b4, therefore dissociation of thymosin b4 from polymerising actin was veri®ed directly by ¯uorescence analysis of the gel (Figure 1(c)). Dansylation of thymosin b4 has been shown not to affect its actin-binding ability.13 Chemically cross-linked actin:Tb b4 copolymerises with actin Due to the G-actin-sequestering activity of thymosin b4, actin:Tb4 has been regarded not to be able to copolymerise with native actin.2 We analysed this property of actin:Tb4 directly by using chemically cross-linked actin:Tb4. Actin and thymosin b4 were cross-linked by EDC under mild conditions (see Materials and Methods), yielding about 40 % of total actin as the cross-linked adduct. KCl has been shown to reduce the af®nity of thymosin b4 for G-actin.7 Therefore, the concentration of the remaining non-cross-linked actin moiety was reduced by inducing polymerisation in the presence of 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.1 M KCl, followed by high-speed centrifugation, which led to an enrichment of the cross-linked actin:Tb4 in the supernatant to a ratio of approximately 1:1 to non-crosslinked actin:Tb4 (Figure 2, lane 1). In the absence of Binding of Thymosin 4 to F-actin 615 Figure 2. AwTb4-complex is incorporated into actin ®laments. A solution of nearly equimolar amounts of cross-linked and not cross-linked A:Tb4-complex (1.5 mM each) was employed for sedimentation. In the absence of salt no sedimentation of actin or cross-linked A:Tb4complex occurred (lanes 1 and 2). Sedimentation after addition of 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.1 M KCl (lanes 3 and 4) and in the additional presence of phalloidin (lanes 5 and 6). Supernatants (S) and pellets (P) were analysed on an SDS/10 % (w/v) polyacrylamide gel. Figure 1. Interaction of thymosin b4 with monomeric and ®lamentous actin. (a) Preformed F-actin (14.2 mM) was treated with a high molar excess of thymosin b4 (200 mM) under polymerising ionic conditions in the presence and absence of phalloidin (20.65 mM). The incubation was allowed to proceed overnight at room temperature. After reaching the new equilibrium, Tb4 was cross-linked to actin, and monomeric and ®lamentous actin were separated by sedimentation. Supernatants (S) and pellets (P) were analysed on an SDS/ 7.5 % (w/v) polyacrylamide gel. (b) In order to test incorporation of the native actin:thymosin b4 complex into F-actin, the actin:Tb4 complex (11.7 mM G-actin, 12.6 mM Tb4) was polymerised by the addition of phalloidin (18.5 mM), 100 mM KCl, and 2 mM MgCl2. After an incubation period of about 15 hours at room temperature, G and F-actin were separated by centrifugation. Supernatants (S) and pellets (P) were analysed on an SDS/7.5 % polyacrylamide gel. (c) The corresponding ¯uorescence pattern of the dansyl-labelled Tb4 as detected by a UV-illuminator. salt, we observed no sedimentation of this material (Figure 2, lanes 1 and 2). After addition of 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.1 M KCl, only very little AwTb4 copolymerised with native actin, in agreement with the sequestering function of thymosin b4. However, if phalloidin was present, incorporation of AwTb4 into F-actin was observed, as veri®ed by sedimentation experiments (Figure 2, lanes 5 and 6). Electron microscopy after negative staining showed that these ®laments were of normal F-actin appearance (Figure 3(a)). In order to check the incorporation of cross-linked A:Tb4 into these ®laments, we treated them with a polyclonal antithymosin b4 antibody followed by a secondary antibody attached to 10 nm gold beads (see Materials and Methods). Immunogold labelling revealed in many instances a ``beads-on-a-string'' like alignment of the gold particles (Figure 3(b)), suggesting random incorporation along the entire length of the ®lament rather than preferential binding to ®lament ends. Hannappel and Wartenberg have demonstrated that thymosin b4 lacking the six N-terminal residues dissociated from actin under polymerising conditions, indicating either reduced af®nity or inability to sequester G-actin.14 We therefore repeated the copolymerisation experiment using the N-terminally truncated thymosin b4,7 ± 42 which was cross-linked to G-actin by EDC as intact thymosin b4 with similar yield. The cross-linked actin:thymosin b47 ± 42 complex was mixed, without further enrichment, with native actin and subsequently allowed to polymerise for about 16 hours after addition of 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.1 M KCl. The results obtained (Figure 4) showed that the cross-linked actin:thymosin b47 ± 42 complex 616 Binding of Thymosin 4 to F-actin Figure 4. Incorporation of actin in complex with truncated Tb47 ± 43 into F-actin. A mixture of cross-linked and native complex of actin and truncated Tb47 ± 43 (12 mM) was subjected to different actin polymerising conditions as detailed (2 mM MgCl2, 100 mM KCl, 15.4 mM phalloidin). The samples were incubated overnight at room temperature. After sedimentation of actin ®laments, supernatants (S) and pellets (P) were separated and analysed on an SDS/10 % (w/v) polyacrylamide gel. Figure 3. Electron microscopy of negatively stained copolymerised ®laments. (a) Actin ®laments consisting of actin and AwTb4 in a molar ratio of 2:1 were negatively stained and visualised at a magni®cation of 123,500. (b) Immunostaining on the grid using the monoclonal anti-thymosin b4 antibody and gold-labelled second antibody as detailed in Materials and Methods. Particle size of gold granules, 10 nm. copolymerised with native actin even in the absence of phalloidin, thus demonstrating the loss of its sequestering capacity. Isolation and polymerisation of the chemically cross-linked actin:thymosin b 4 complex Since actinwTb4 copolymerised with native actin, we wanted to test the ability of puri®ed actinwTb4 to form ®laments. Therefore, chemically crosslinked actin:Tb4 had to be puri®ed to homogeneity. To achieve this, actin:Tb4 was cross-linked under mild cross-linking conditions, i.e. by not affecting the critical concentration of actin polymerisation, Cc (see Materials and Methods). After puri®cation as detailed in Materials and Methods, actinwTb4 was found to be about 98 % pure (Figure 5, ®rst lane). The actinwTb4 contained tightly bound nucleotide (not shown) and was able to inhibit the enzymatic activity of DNase I, although to a lesser extent than by native G-actin or G-actin treated with EDC under identical conditions (not shown). The ability of pure AwTb4 to form ®lamentous actin was investigated under a number of different conditions. Raising the ionic strength by addition of 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.1 M KCl did not result in polymerisation of AwTb4, not even in the presence of an 8.7-fold molar excess of phalloidin (Figure 5). However, when in addition to phalloidin, catalytic amounts of gelsolin or a gelsolin:2-actin complex (gelsolin/total actin molar ratio 1:150) were added, AwTb4 polymerised in the absence of any native actin, as veri®ed by sedimentation (Figure 5) and electron microscopy (EM) in conventional transmission (CTEM) and scanning transmission (STEM) mode after negative staining (Figure 6(b) and inset, respectively). In fact, AwTb4 ®laments were indistinguishable from control ®laments (Figure 6(a) and inset), i.e. actin ®laments polymerised in the absence of thymosin b4 but otherwise identically treated with EDC. Evidently, the gelsolin:2-actin (GA2) complex acted as seeds or nuclei for AwTb4 to polymerise into ®laments. Most likely, the GA2 complex was also generated upon addition of gelsolin to unpolymerised AwTb4 by complexation to remaining small amounts of free actin present in the AwTb4 preparations. The fact that GA2 was able to induce polymerisation of AwTb4 indicated that AwTb4 was still able to bind to the (ÿ)end of actin ®laments or nuclei. EDC has been shown to cross-link Tb4 either via Lys3 to Glu167 or via Lys18 to the N terminus of actin.6 In agreement with these authors, we found that puri®ed AwTb4 consisted predominantly of Tb4 cross-linked to the actin N terminus. Only a small fraction (less than 10 %) contained Tb4 crosslinked to Glu167 of actin, as veri®ed by treatment with hydroxylamine (for details see Materials and Methods, data not shown). When analysing the formed AwTb4 ®laments by limited proteolysis, both cross-linked species were found to be incorporated into the AwTb4 ®laments (data not shown). 617 Binding of Thymosin 4 to F-actin Figure 5. Polymerisation of AwTb4 into ®laments in the simultaneous presence of GA2-complex and phalloidin. Pure cross-linked A:Tb4-complex (1.5 mM) was treated with various combinations of actin-polymerising substances (15.2 mM phalloidin, 10.13 nM GA2-complex or free gelsolin) as detailed. The polymerisation was allowed to continue overnight at room temperature. The samples were centrifuged and the supernatants (S) and the pellets (P) were analysed on an SDS/10 % (w/v) polyacrylamide gel. Mass-per-length determination of control and Aw w Tb b 4 filaments The mass-per-length (MPL) of unstained AwTb4 ®laments was determined by STEM after freezedrying and compared to control F-actin ®laments that had been produced after an identical treatment of G-actin with EDC and likewise polymerised in the presence of identical concentrations of phalloidin and gelsolin (see also Figure 6(a) and (b) for the ®lament morphologies). Figure 6 displays selected STEM images of (c) control and (d) AwTb4 ®laments, and Figure 6(e) reveals an MPL histogram computed from a mixture of control and AwTb4 ®laments. As documented, the histogram could be ®t by two Gaussian curves, one representing the control ®laments, i.e. peaking at an MPL of 16.0(0.8) kDa/nm, and the other representing the AwTb4 ®laments, i.e. peaking at an MPL of 18.0(0.9) kDa/nm. Based on a crossover spacing of 36.0 nm for the two long-pitch helical strands and a helix geometry with 13 subunits per crossover for the control ®laments (see below), an MPL of 15.8 kDa/nm is calculated (i.e. assuming an actin:phalloidin monomer mass of 43.8 kDa). Similarly, taking a crossover spacing of 40.5 nm for the two long-pitch helical strands and a helix geometry with 15 subunits per crossover for the AwTb4 ®laments (see below), an MPL of 18.1 kDa/nm is calculated (i.e. assuming an actin:Tb4:phalloidin monomer mass of 48.8 kDa). Determination of the helical parameters of Aw w Tb b 4 filaments STEM annular dark ®eld (ADF) images of 30 well-preserved, evenly negatively stained and relatively straight 100-200 nm ®lament segments each of control and AwTb4 ®laments were selected by visual inspection and computationally unbent (Figure 6(f), ÿ and ). Next, the optimal crossover spacing of the two long-pitch helical strands was determined for each ®lament segment by varying it so that upon averaging over three crossovers the power loss became minimal and the image enhancement maximal (Figure 6(g), ÿ and ). Accordingly, the average crossover spacing for the 30 control ®laments amounted to 36.0 nm and that for the 30 AwTb4 ®laments to 40.5 nm. Based on these crossover spacings, the following integer helical selection rules were determined for the ``genetic'' one-start helix: 13 subunits in six left-handed turns (i.e. a screw angle of ÿ166.2 and an axial rise of 2.77 nm per subunit) for the control ®laments, and 15 subunits in seven left-handed turns (i.e. a screw angle of ÿ168.0 and an axial raise of 2.70 nm per subunit) for the AwTb4 ®laments. Finally, the averaged three-crossover long ®lament segments (Figure 6(g), ÿ and ) were D(Z,k)®ltered according to the above integer helical selection rules (Figure 6(h), ÿ and ).15 This change of the helical parameters might have been caused either by a direct steric effect of thymosin b4 on the ®lament geometry and/or a thymosin b4-induced conformational change on actin. 3-D helical reconstruction of control and Aw w Tb b 4 filaments The formation of stable ®laments composed of AwTb4 with an apparently typical F-actin appearance (Figure 6) indicated that, even in the presence of chemically cross-linked thymosin b4, actin was still able to form ®lamentous contacts similar to those of native F-actin. Therefore the structure of the control and AwTb4 ®laments was further analysed by 3-D helical reconstruction of the 12 best three-crossover long ®lament segments each. The individual 3-D reconstruction of both the control and AwTb4 ®laments (Figure 7(a), 1 and 2, respectively) were aligned relative to a reference and averaged. Moreover, a difference map was computed by subtracting the averaged control reconstruction reconstruction from the averaged AwTb4 618 Binding of Thymosin 4 to F-actin Figure 6. (a) and (b) Conventional and scanning transmission electron microscopy (CTEM and STEM) of negatively stained control and AwTb4 ®laments. (a) CTEM of F-actin polymerised from EDC-treated actin by addition of phalloidin and GA2 complex. The inset shows identically prepared control ®laments viewed by STEM in annular dark ®eld mode. (b) CTEM of actin ®laments polymerised from AwTb4 as detailed in Materials and Methods. The inset displays identically obtained AwTb4 ®laments viewed by STEM. The scale bars represent 100 nm. (c) to (e) Mass-per-length determination by STEM of control and AwTb4 ®laments. The mass-per-length (MPL) was determined on stretches of an equimolar mixture of control and AwTb4 ®laments. For this purpose, ®laments were prepared using identical conditions. (c) A selected control ®lament; (d) a selected AwTb4 ®lament; and (e) an MPL (kDa/nm) histogram of the equimolar mixture of control and AwTb4 ®laments. Gaussian curve ®tting of the MPL histogram yielded two wellresolved curves, one peaking at 16.0 kDa/nm (peak 1), and the second peaking at 18.0 kDa/nm (peak 2). (c) and (d) The scale bar represents 100 nm. (f) to (h) Comparison of the helical parameters of control and AwTb4 ®laments. (f) STEM dark-®eld images of three-crossover long (i.e. 130 nm) segments of a selected control (ÿ) and AwTb4 () ®lament, prepared using identical conditions. (g) Linear averages over exactly three crossovers followed by periodic continuation to the original length of the control (ÿ) and AwTb4 () ®lament segments displayed in (f). (h) Helically ®ltered (i.e. D(Z,k)-®ltered; see Materials and Methods) images of exactly three-crossover long segments of the control (ÿ) and AwTb4 () ®laments shown in (f), employing the integer helical selection rule l ÿ 6n 13 m (i.e. for the control actin ®laments) and l ÿ 7n 15 m (i.e. for the AwTb4 ®laments), respectively. Note the increase in the crossover spacing from 36.0 nm in the case of the control ®lament (ÿ) to 40.5 nm in the case of the AwTb4 ®lament (). (Figure 7(a), 3). To achieve subtraction of two 3-D reconstructions with different helical selection rules, the averaged AwTb4 reconstruction was mapped onto the genetic helix of the control ®laments (i.e. 13 subunits in six left-handed turns).16 Furthermore, surface renderings were contoured to include 100 % (Figure 7(a), 1 and 2) and 30 % mass (Figure 7(a), 5 and 6) of the aligned and averaged reconstructions computed from 12 control and 12 AwTb4 ®laments. Taken together, the reconstructions demonstrate clearly that the AwTb4 ®laments are of a ``more compact'' appearance than the control ®laments, in the sense that the inter-subunit contacts along the two long-pitch helical strands Binding of Thymosin 4 to F-actin 619 Figure 7. 3-D helical reconstruction of control and AwTb4 ®laments, together with difference map and its location relative to the Holmes-Lorenz atomic model of the F-actin ®lament. (a) The 3-D helical reconstruction of control (1, 5) and AwTb4 (2, 6) ®laments, contoured at a mass density level so as to include 100 % (1, 2) and 30 % (5, 6) mass, respectively. Both the control and the AwTb4 ®lament reconstruction represent and average over 12 individual, threecrossover long ®lament segments. Difference map (3), i.e. computed as AwTb4 (2) minus control (1) ®lament, reconstruction and its mapping onto the control ®lament contoured at 100 % (4) and 30 % (7) mass, respectively. (b) Modelling of the molecular F-actin ®lament backbone (i.e. as a ribbon representation of just one long-pitch helical strand of the Holmes-Lorenz atomic model of the F-actin ®lament; cf. Lorenz et al.18) into the control ®lament plus the difference map, exactly as in (a)4 except with the F-actin mass envelope being semi-transparent. (c) Same as (b) but with the control ®lament mass envelope removed. are signi®cantly more massive. The extra mass of the AwTb4 ®laments relative to the control ®laments can be much better appreciated and delineated in the difference map (Figure 7(a), 3), and by overlaying the difference map onto the control ®lament 3-D reconstruction (Figure 7(a), 4 and 7). Discussion Kinetic experiments analysing the effect of high concentrations of thymosin b4 on the Cc or the G/ F-equilibrium had demonstrated that thymosin b4 was able to interact with ®lamentous actin.11,12 Therefore, we analysed the ability of thymosin b4 to interact with ®lamentous actin and of chemically cross-linked actin:thymosin b4 complex to incorporate into or to even form actin polymers by itself. Using chemical cross-linking, we showed that thymosin b4 was able to bind to F-actin and when employing the chemically cross-linked actin:thymosin b4 complex, we documented that this complex can copolymerise with native actin. The heterogeneous ®laments were of normal appearance as judged by electron microscopy after negative staining. Immunogold labelling suggested that cross-linked A:Tb4 was incorporated randomly along the entire ®lament length, excluding the possibility of its preferential binding to ®lament ends. Surprisingly, it was possible to induce polymerisation of the puri®ed AwTb4 complex to ®lamentous actin, although it occurred only under ``strong'' polymerising conditions, i.e. in the simultaneous presence of catalytic amounts of the gelso- 620 lin:2-actin complex (molar ratio of GA2 to actin: 1:150) and phalloidin, which strongly decreases the Cc. Hence, short ®laments consisting of only AwTb4 were formed at low protein concentration. These ®laments were also of normal appearance and, probably due to the presence of phalloidin, we did not observe unravelling of the two long-pitch strands.11 The ability of catalytic amounts of the gelsolin:2-actin complex to induce ®lament formation might be due to its ability to act as competent nuclei for puri®ed AwTb4 complex, suggesting that an additional in vivo function of thymosin b4 may be the inhibition of the formation of polymerisation-competent actin nuclei. EDC has been shown to cross-link Lys3 and Lys18 of thymosin b4 to Glu167 (i.e. on subdomain 3) and the N terminus (i.e. on subdomain 1) of actin.6,17 Our data indicated that both cross-linked species were incorporated into the AwTb4 ®laments (data not shown). However, the complex crosslinked via Lys3 of thymosin b4 to Glu167 of actin is produced only in small yield (our own observations).6 Incorporation of this complex is surprising, since Glu167 is believed to reside within the long-pitch helix actin:actin interface, suggesting thymosin b4 binding or cross-linking to actin should result in steric hindrance of the formation of this actin:actin contact.18 In contrast, polymerisation of the complex cross-linked via Lys18 of Tb4 to the N terminus of actin might not be surprising, since the N terminus of actin is located on the surface of the atomic model built by Holmes & Lorenz.18 During polymerisation of the AwTb4 complex, the N-terminal half of thymosin b4 might have been pushed ``out of the way''. Evidently, this hypothesis is supported by the data showing that actin cross-linked to the truncated thymosin b74 ± 42 polymerised even in the absence of phalloidin and gelsolin. Hence, we have to assume that the presence of the six N-terminal residues of thymosin b4 has a decisive effect on its sequestering activity either by a steric blocking type of mechanism or by inducing a subtle conformational change(s) in the actin molecule. Polymerisation of AwTb4 under our conditions was accompanied by alterations of the helical parameters of the resulting AwTb4 ®laments relative to the control F-actin ®laments. Most strikingly, an increase of the crossover spacing of the two righthanded long-pitch helical strands from 36.0 nm for the control ®laments to 40.5 nm for the AwTb4 ®laments was observed, originating from an increase of the screw angle of the left-handed genetic helix from ÿ166.15 to ÿ168.0 . Since phalloidin preferentially stabilises the intersubunit contacts along the genetic helix,19 it is conceivable that AwTb4 polymerisation was largely driven by these actin:actin contacts rather than by those along the two longpitch helical strands that might have been modi®ed by the thymosin b4 binding (see above). The fact that phalloidin was necessary to induce polymerisation of AwTb4 indicated that the geometry of its binding site as determined previously19 was not Binding of Thymosin 4 to F-actin affected severely by the observed ®lament untwisting or by thymosin b4 binding (see also Figure 7). A decrease of the crossover spacing of the two right-handed long-pitch helical strands from 36 nm to 28 nm has been reported to occur upon binding of co®lin to F-actin ®laments.16 Hence, induced changes of the helical parameters of F-actin by actin-binding proteins may be a more general phenomenon. In fact, such induced structural changes of the actin ®lament geometry may be employed intracellularly to modify its mechanical properties or its dynamic behaviour, or to generate subtle modi®cations of exposed interaction sites on the ®lament surface related to the observed cooperative binding of a number of F-actin-binding proteins. Thus, it was observed that co®lin binding excludes phalloidin binding, although their binding sites are distinct.16 It is conceivable that actin ®laments containing bound b-thymosins might exist in vivo; for example, in regions of high local concentrations of actin and b-thymosins, or in the presence of high concentrations of polymerisation nuclei and ®lament-stabilising proteins such as tropomyosins or myosins. Such ®laments might possess slightly altered biological properties, resulting, for instance, in a modi®ed ®lament stability and/or interaction modes with other actinbinding proteins. Although cosedimentation data indicated that the AwTb4 ®laments were able to bind myosin subfragment 1 in an ATP-dependent manner similar to control ®laments, this method may be too crude to detect more subtle changes. Based on the observation that the C terminus of thymosin b4 can be enzymatically cross-linked to Gln41 of actin (subdomain 2) by the action of transglutaminase, although with low yield, it has been suggested that the C-terminal half of thymosin b4 extends to subdomain 2 of actin.6,}20 To test this hypothesis, we evaluated our AwTb4 ®lament 3-D reconstruction by ®tting an atomic model of the F-actin ®lament18 into the reconstruction shown in Figure 7(a) 4 (Figure 7(b); for simplicity, only one long-pitch helical strand of the atomic model has been drawn). As illustrated in Figure 7(c), to better appreciate the placement of the difference map (in pink) relative to the atomic model, the EM-based F-actin ®lament envelope present in Figure 7(b) was removed. Accordingly, the elongated, tripartite extra mass was seated with one of its legs resting on subdomain 1 and the other on subdomain 3, and with its third leg lining subdomain 2 so as to make contact with the bottom of the actin subunit above. More accurately, whereas the longer of the two legs is ``padding the cavity'' separating subdomains 1 and 3 from subdomains 2 and 4, the shorter leg is partially ``®lling the gap'' between subdomains 1 and 2. To evaluate the interaction of the difference map (Figure 8(a), left) with actin at atomic detail, we tried to ®t the atomic model of thymosin b4 that was determined by NMR spectroscopy in Ê restri¯uoroethanol21 and surface-rendered at 25 A Binding of Thymosin 4 to F-actin 621 Figure 8. Molecular modelling of the interaction of thymosin b4 (Tb4) with the F-actin ®lament. (a) Attempt to align (right) an NMR structure of Tb4 (middle) within the difference map (left) computed between the AwTb4 and the control ®lament 3-D helical reconstruction (see Figure 7a3). The atomic structure of Tb4 is ``embedded'' in a semi-transparent envelope representing the electron density map Ê resolution from computed at 25 A its NMR structure and surface-rendered so as to include 100 % of its nominal mass. (b) Stereo pair of the best ®t of the Tb4 backbone (i.e. as shown in (a), middle) onto the F-actin monomer backbone using mapped cross-links between Tb4 and actin (i.e. Lys3-Glu167, Lys18Asp1, and Lys38-Gln41; cf. Safer et al.6) as spatial constrains. For optimising the ®t, both the Tb4 and the F-actin monomer backbone were kept rigid, i.e. no structural changes of Tb4 or actin were allowed. (c) Stereo pair yielding the relative alignment of the Tb4 ®t onto the F-actin monomer as shown in (b) with the difference map plus 3-D helical reconstruction of the control ®lament (i.e. as shown in Figure 7(b)). In this montage, the atomic structure of Tb4 is shown as a space-®lling CPK representation. olution (Figure 8(a), middle) into the extra mass (Figure 8(a), right). Whereas this ®t, which minimised the root-mean-square (RMS) difference between the two density maps, is far from perfect, it represents a unique solution, so that thymosin b4 can be oriented unambiguously (i.e. with regard to its N and C terminus; see Figure 8(a), middle) within the difference map. Structural studies of thymosin b4 have demonstrated that it is a highly mobile molecule that lacks a uniquely de®ned conformation in water at temperatures above 1 C, although a propensity to form an N-terminal a-helix was noted.22 However, in aequeous solutions containing ¯uorinated alcohols thymosin b4 adopts a well-de®ned fold containing an N and a C-terminal a-helix comprising residues 5 to 19 and 30 to 40, respectively, that are joined by a loop extending from residue 24 to residue 29 so that a bending angle of about 60 is formed.21 Based on this ``qualitative'', yet unique ®t (see Figure 8(a), right) it is tempting to speculate that the two long legs of the difference map (see Figure 8(a), left) represent the N and C-terminal a-helices of thymosin b4, whereas the short leg corresponds to the loop joining the two a-helices. 622 As a next step, we tried to ®t the NMR-based atomic model of thymosin b4 (see Figure 8(a), middle) into the atomic model of the F-actin monomer employing the known chemical cross-links between thymosin b4 and actin as constraints.6 As may be gathered from Figure 8(b), the ``best'' solution is given by an elongated thymosin b4 molecule and an F-actin monomer without conformational changes. Even then, the distances between the side-chains of the participating residues on thymosin b4 and actin were too far apart Ê ; Lys18-Asp1, 18.85 A Ê; (i.e. Lys3-Glu167, 10.45 A Ê ) to ful®l the spatial and Lys38-Gln41, 10.12 A requirements for being zero-length cross-links. As illustrated in Figure 8(c), the ``best'' qualitative ®t of thymosin b4 onto the F-actin monomer (see Figure 8(b)) departed both in relative position and orientation from the extra mass representing the difference map computed between AwTb4 and the control ®lament. Accordingly, the largest difference occurred in the orientation of the N-terminal a-helix of thymosin b4, whereas the C terminus of thymosin b4, located on subdomain 2 of F-actin, ®ts well into the difference map. Evidently, the C terminus of thymosin b4 behaved like a ®xed hinge, about which the rest of the molecule was rotated so that its N terminus moved upwards into the vicinity of the longer leg of the difference map. As detailed in Results, this ``upward'' movement of the N terminus might have occurred during the polymerisation reaction. Nevertheless, a signi®cant part of these differences might be due to conformational changes taking place in both proteins upon interacting with each other as demonstrated recently for actin.20 For instance, the angle between the N and C-terminal a-helices of thymosin b4 appeared to have become more acute, most likely due to a structural change of the connecting loop. Nevertheless, our data suggest that upon binding to actin, thymosin b4 adopted a structural fold similar to that it assumes in aqueous solution in the presence of ¯uorinated alcohols (see Figure 8(a), middle).21 Final proof, however, will have to await the availability of co-crystals of actin and thymosin b4. Materials and Methods Materials The chemical cross-linker 1-ethyl-3[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]carbodiimide (EDC) was obtained from Pierce (Rockford, IL, USA). Monodansylcadaverine, tissue type transglutaminase (guinea pig liver) and subtilisin were commercial products of Sigma Corp., MuÈnchen, Germany. All other reagents were of analytical grade. Protein preparations Rabbit skeletal muscle actin was puri®ed as described23 as modi®ed by Ballweber7 and taken up in G-buffer (5 mM Hepes-OH (pH 7.4), 0.1 mM CaCl2, 0.5 mM NaN3, 0.2 mM ATP). Human plasma gelsolin was expressed in Escherichia coli and further puri®ed.24 Binding of Thymosin 4 to F-actin Bovine pancreatic deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I; EC was a commercial product (Paesel and Lorei, Frankfurt, Germany) and further puri®ed by ionexchange chromatography on hydroxylapaptite.25 Thymosin b4 was isolated from bovine spleen.26 Gel electrophoretic procedures Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was performed in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS-PAGE).27 For evaluation of the molecular mass, we employed prestained marker proteins (180 kDa, a2-macroglobulin; 116 kDa, b-galactosidase; 84 kDa, fructose-6-phosphate kinase; 58 kDa, pyruvate kinase; 48.5 kDa, fumarase; 36.5 kDa, lactate dehydrogenase; and 26.5 kDa, triosephosphate isomerase) obtained from Sigma Corp., MuÈnchen, Germany. For densitometric analysis of Coomassie blue-stained gels, we used an Intas gel scanner (Intas, GoÈttingen, Germany) equipped with the Intas program Cream-1D for quantitative analysis. Chemical cross-linking of thymosin b 4 and F-actin Thymosin b4 and ®lamentous actin were incubated overnight at room temperature. Thereafter, cross-linking was performed with 5 mM EDC in 25.7 mM Mes buffer (pH 6.0) at room temperature. After two hours the reaction was stopped by the addition of 22.5 mM Tris. Chemical cross-linking of thymosin b4 to G-actin for copolymerisation assays Native actin:thymosin b4 complex (11 mM) in G-buffer was cross-linked by addition of 0.5 mM EDC in 5 mM Mes (pH 6.0) at room temperature. After two hours the reaction was stopped by adding 5.7 mM Tris. Under these ``mild'' cross-linking conditions, no detectable alteration of the polymerisation behaviour of uncomplexed control actin had occurred, since the critical concentration of actin polymerisation (Cc) of both native and EDC-treated control actin were found to be identical (data not shown). Dansylation of thymosin b 4 Thymosin b4 contains glutamine residues at positions 23, 36 and 39. Dansylation of glutamine residues 23 and/or 36 was achieved by incubating 50 mM thymosin b4with 250 mM mono-dansylcadaverin and 2 mg transglutaminase. The reaction was performed overnight at room temperature in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 1 mM CaCl2, 5 mM dithioerythritol, 0.5 mM ATP, 0.2 mM NaN3. Dansylation of thymosin b4 was veri®ed after SDS-PAGE by placing the gels on a UV-illuminator. Under these conditions, no cross-linking of actin to Tb4 was observed.13 Identification of the Tb b 4 cross-linking sites on actin In order to identify the region on actin to which Tb4 was linked by the chemical cross-linking reaction, the actin of the cross-linked actin:Tb4 complex was either proteolytically treated with subtilisin or chemically cleaved by hydroxylamine. Subtilisin was shown to cleave native monomeric actin after residue Met47 and Gly48 and in addition after Glu42 and Val43.28,29 Subtilisin treatment of the chemically cross-linked actin:Tb4 complex was performed as described for actin.28 In some 623 Binding of Thymosin 4 to F-actin of these experiments, dansylated thymosin b4 was employed.13 For cleavage of actin of actin cross-linked to Tb4, the polymerised complex was treated with 2 M guanidinium hydrochloride and 1 M hydroxylamine in the presence of 1 mM ATP and 0.2 M K2CO3 (pH 9.0), in order to achieve selective cleavage at the asparaginylglycine bond at position 12 of monomeric actin.30,31 Enrichment and purification of the cross-linked A:Tb b 4 complex For copolymerisation assays, the cross-linked A:Tb4 complex was enriched by inducing polymerisation of the actin moiety that was not cross-linked to Tb4 in the presence of 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.1 M KCl at room temperature. After about 15 hours, F-actin was separated from globular A:Tb4 by ultracentrifugation for 1.5 hours at 100,000 g. The supernatant contained cross-linked and native A:Tb4 in about equimolar amounts (about 1.5 mM each) as veri®ed by SDS-PAGE. The cross-linked A:Tb4 complex was further puri®ed to almost homogeneity (about 95 % pure) by the following procedure. The volume of the equimolar mixture of native and cross-linked A:Tb4 (about 1.5 mM each, see above) was reduced tenfold by the use of Centricon 30 concentration capsules (Millipore, Witten, Germany), which allowed the passage of uncomplexed thymosin b4. Consequently, the native A:Tb4 complex dissociated into the free components actin and thymosin b4. In the presence of 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.1 M KCl, the free actin polymerised to F-actin, which was removed by ultracentrifugation for 1.5 hours at 100,000 g. Subsequently, the supernatant was subjected to a number of cycles of dialysis against F-buffer (G-buffer plus 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.1 M KCl) to remove free thymosin b4 and to induce polymerisation of free actin. The dialysis/polymerisation/ultracentrifugation cycle was repeated several times until the cross-linked A:Tb4 complex was almost completely devoid of free actin and thymosin b4 as judged by SDS-PAGE. Cosedimentation Cosedimentation experiments were performed using either a Beckman Airfuge run at 20 psi (1 psi 6.9 kPa) or a Beckman TL 100 refrigerated ultracentrifuge operated at 100,000 g for one hour. The sample size subjected to ultracentrifugation was usually 30 ml. After centrifugation, the supernatants and pellets were collected separately and suspended to identical ®nal volumes in boiling sample buffer. Identical volumes were analysed by SDSPAGE. DNase I inhibition assay DNase I activity was determined by using the optical hyperchromicity assay.32,33 Puri®ed bovine pancreatic DNase I was pre-incubated in G-buffer with native or EDC-actin, or cross-linked actin:Tb4. The absorbance density change was determined at 260 nm and room temperature using a Beckman DU 640 spectrophotometer. Electron microscopy For conventional transmission electron microscopy (CTEM), F-actin and actin:Tb4 ®laments were negatively stained with 1 % (w/v) uranyl acetate as described10 and visualised in a Philips 420 microscope operated at 80 kV. For immunogold detection of thymosin b4, carbon-coated grids were ®rst loaded with the actin sample. Then unspeci®c binding sites were blocked with 0.1 mg/ml of bovine serum albumin (this step made negative staining and visualisation of F-actin impossible), followed by treatment with a monoclonal anti-thymosin b4 antibody (kindly provided by Professor B. Jockusch, Braunschweig, Germany) to label Tb4. Finally, the grids were overlaid with gold-tagged anti-mouse IgG. F-actin and actin:Tb4 ®lament preparations intended for structural analysis and 3-D helical reconstruction were negatively stained with 0.75 % (w/v) uranyl formate and imaged by an annular dark-®eld (ADF) detector in a dedicated scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM; HB5, Vacuum Generators, East Grinstead, UK) at 100 kV acceleration voltage. For recording images at 500,000 magni®cation the e ÿ dose was kept at 5 103 e ÿ/nm2. STEM ADF images were digitally recorded by a custom-built data acquisition system.35 The frame size of the images was 512 512 pixels corresponding to a pixel size of 0.28 nm at the 500,000 magni®cation setting. STEM mass measurements of control and actin:Tb b 4 filaments For their mass-per-length (MPL) determination, an equimolar mixture of control and actin:Tb4 ®laments were adsorbed to glow-discharged ultrathin carbon ®lms mounted on fenestrated carbon supports that were adhered to gold-plated 200-mesh copper grids. The grids were washed ®ve times in double quartz-distilled water before being freeze-dried overnight in the pre-treatment chamber connected directly to the specimen chamber of the STEM. The MPL and full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the resulting unstained freeze-dried ®laments were determined by quantitative STEM using an HB5 STEM (Vacuum Generators, East Grinstead, UK), operated at 80 kV.34,}35 STEM dark-®eld images consisting of 512 512 pixels were recorded at 200,000 nominal magni®cation. Air-dried tobacco mosaic virus (TMV; kindly provided by Dr J. Witz, Institut de Biologie MoleÂculaire et Cellulaire, Strasbourg, France) prepared on ultrathin carbon ®lms was imaged in the same way as the ®laments, and used as an instrumental control. The processing of STEM images was carried out using the IMPSYS software package.34 For image analysis, ®lament segments approximately 60 nm long were de®ned and boxed. MPL and FWHM analysis was carried out on each boxed ®lament segment using IMPSYS. The data from all ®lament segments were then pooled and presented as a histogram that was ®t with Gaussian curves. A series of pictures of the same 512 x 512 pixel area were taken where the sample was irradiated sequentially with increasing doses of electrons. From these images, the mass-loss was calculated for a normal dose of 300 e ÿ/nm2. This mass loss was found to be <4 %, so that no mass-loss correction of the data was performed. Digital image processing and 3-D helical reconstruction For structural analysis and 3-D helical reconstruction, well preserved, evenly negatively stained and relatively straight ®lament segments were chosen by visual inspection of STEM ADF images and processed.36 Brie¯y, about 30 ®lament stretches, 100-200 nm long, were digi- 624 tally straightened using the SEMPER6 image processing package.37 The straightened ®lament stretches were subjected to 3-D helical reconstruction using the Micrograph Data Processing Program MDPP.38 The three-crossover long ®lament segments (i.e. three crossover spacings of the two long-pitch helical strands) were D(Z,k)-®ltered, employing either the integer helical selection rule l ÿ6n 13 m (i.e. for the control actin ®laments) or l ÿ7n 15 m (i.e. for the actin:Tb4 ®laments), whereby the helical repeat length and radial position of the ®lament axis were optimised via a 3-D helical parameter search.16,39,40 The 12 ®laments with the highest transmitted power upon D(Z,k)-®ltration in each case were Fourier-transformed and their equator and the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th and 14th (i.e. for the control Factin ®laments), or their 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th (i.e. for the actin:Tb4 ®laments) layerlines extracted. Layer-line correlation with a reference was used to align and average a set of D(Z,k)-®ltered and layer-line-extracted ®lament segments.39 The 3-D reconstructions were computed and surface-rendered by isocontouring them with a program implemented on a Silicon Graphics (Mountain View, CA) computer.39,41,42 Contouring levels were selected so as to include the nominal molecular volume of the 43 kDa actin subunit or fractions of it, taking into consideration the calculated cylindrical radius of gyration of the respective reconstructions. Acknowledgements It is a pleasure for us to thank Mrs Ulrike Ritenberg for expert technical assistance and Dr T. Holak (Martinsried, Germany) for supplying the coordinates of thymosin b4; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the M.E. MuÈller Foundation of Switzerland, and the Canton Basel-Stadt for ®nancial support. References 1. Safer, D., Golla, R. & Nachmias, V. T. (1990). 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