GW GERMAN WORLD BILINGUAL MAGAZINE SPRING WELLNESS SPECIAL: ❯ A NEW YOU WITH KNEIPP AND PILATES TRAVEL: ❯ JEWISH CULTURE IN SWITZERLAND JULIA BIEDERMANN LIVING THE CALIFORNIA DREAM Neue Karriere und Familienglück in Kalifornien SPRING 2015 $3.50 / ISSUE $12.95 / YEAR (USA) ISBN 1 558-7568 YOUR SOURCE OF GERMAN-AMERICAN NEWS IN THE US GWSpr15_covC-d4.indd 1 5/9/15 5:09 PM 2 SPRING 2015 PUBLISHER’S NOTE Dear Reader, Spring has finally come and this is usually a time of new hope and new beginnings accompanied by beautiful, sunny days with the scent of blossoming flowers and trees in the air. This year, however, the joy about this wonderful season was overshadowed by the news about the fatal Germanwings International Airlines, crash on March 24, 2015, in the French Alps. Among the 150 victims were three American citizens, two of them German-Americans from Virginia. Our heart goes out to the families, colleagues and friends of all victims. This devastating incident will certainly remain for a long time on the minds of most of us. Did it affect my personal attitude towards flying? Not at all! Accidents can happen at any time, anywhere. Most of the fatal accidents actually happen at home. I personally travel a lot for business as well as for leisure and I still have complete confidence in air travel. I trust that all major airlines always make an effort to exercise the utmost diligence in all areas of passenger safety – even more so after this devastating incident. I hope you share my attitude and enjoy our Travel Section, as well as our Fitness & Wellness Special that takes you to Bad Woerishofen in Germany, and on to Basel and Zurich in Switzerland. On behalf of the German World team, I wish you a beautiful springtime and always safe travels! Liebe Leser, die Frühlingszeit hat endlich begonnen und damit normalerweise die Zeit von Neubeginn und neuer Hoffnung begleitet vom Duft blühender Blumen und Bäumen in der Luft. Dieses Jahr jedoch wurde die Freude über den Frühlingsanfang überschattet von dem tragischen Absturz der Germanwings Maschine am 24. März über den Französischen Alpen. Unter den 150 Opfern sind auch drei Amerikaner, davon zwei Deutsch-Amerikaner aus Virginia. Unser tiefste Beileid gilt den Familien, Kollegen und Freunden aller Opfer. Dieses tragische Unglück wird sicherlich die meisten von uns noch lange nicht loslassen. Hat dieser Unfall meine persönliche Einstellung zum Fliegen beeinträchtigt? Auf keinen Fall! Unfälle können jederzeit und überall passieren. Die meisten tödlichen Unfälle passieren tatsächlich zu Hause. Ich reise selbst häufig aus beruflichen oder privaten Gründen und habe immer noch größtes Vertrauen in die Flugindustrie. Ich glaube daran, dass alle großen Fluggesellschaften immer ihr Bestmöglichstes tun, um für die Sicherheit der Passagiere zu sorgen. Besonders nach so einem tragischen Geschehnis wird noch stärker versucht, Unglücke dieser Art in Zukunft unmöglich zu machen. Ich hoffe, Sie teilen meine Ansicht und lesen mit Interesse unseren Reiseteil so wie das Fitness & Wellness Spezial, das Sie nach Bad Wörishofen und in die Schweiz nach Basel und Zürich bringt. Im Namen des German World Teams wünsche ich Ihnen eine schöne Frühlingszeit und allzeit sicheres Reisen! Herzliche Grüße Petra Schürmann Herausgeberin Best regards, Petra Schürmann Publisher SPRING 2015 3 CONTENTS 24 COVER STORY Julia Biedermann Living the California Dream Mein Leben in Kalifornien 24 8 BUSINESS 8-9 GACC Opens Two New Chapters DHL: High Marks as Top Employer in the U.S. VW Looks Back to a Successful Year of 2014 8 27 10 CULTURE 10 Remembering Günter Grass 12 New Study about 13 the German Language 13 German-Americans: The Silent Minority 18 REGULARS 18-23 Germany in Chicago, 27 FITNESS & WELLNESS SPECIAL 35 Fit with Kneipp & Pilates 35 TRAVEL 35 Switzerland for the 38 Jewish Traveler 38 EDUCATION ©Alexander Johnson GERMAN WORLD Cover photo: Julia Biedermann Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Washington, D.C. 40 Culinary: New Spring-Fresh Recipes 42 Spotlight 42-45 Society News from Coast to Coast 46 German TV in the U.S.: DW-TV Program for May & June 38 Saturday Schools, Summer Camps & More 40 PUBLISHER CONTRIBUTORS OFFICE MANAGEMENT & ADVERTISING GERMAN WORLD MAGAZINE Petra Schürmann Carl Anderson, Malena Fuchs, Elyse Glickman, Becky Hellwig, Jenny Peters, Lisa Raab EDITORIAL Sandra Kashani / Hiltrud Altit [email protected] Phone 323.876.5843 / 310.801.0424 Consultant at large: Marianne Beland, Berlin is published quarterly by, Inc. Subscription rate: $12.95/year Single copy: $3.50/issue Editorial Director & Editor in Chief Petra Schürmann SENIOR EDITOR Jenny Peters Daena Caligagan [email protected] TRANSLATIONS Anna-Maria Furlong [email protected] Malena Fuchs, Lisa Raab 4 LAYOUT & DESIGN SPRING 2015 004_GWSpr15_TOC_crx01.indd 4 HOW TO REACH US Mailing Address, Inc. PO Box 3541 Los Angeles, CA 90078 Phone 323.876.5843 Fax 323.843.9954 [email protected] Subscriber Services Phone 323.876.5843 [email protected] POSTMASTER Send address changes to, Inc. PO Box 3541, Los Angeles, CA 90078. Entire contents © 2002-2015 by, Inc. unless otherwise noted on specific articles. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA by Southwest Offset Printing, Gardena, CA. 5/17/15 11:59 AM 005_GWSpr15_Ad-AirBerlin.indd 5 5/14/15 10:34 PM CONTRIBUTORS SENIOR EDITOR 1 Jenny Peters 1 2 3 4 5 Jenny has covered the entertainment, lifestyle and travel worlds as a freelance journalist since 1989, with credits including Variety, USA Today Weekend, the Los Angeles Daily News, Scholastic, Cosmopolitan, Mademoiselle and many other domestic and international outlets. She was the Editor in Chief of both Brentwood and Scene magazines and is a voting member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association. NEWS & GERMAN LANGUAGE EDITOR 2 Ingo Ackerschott Born and raised in Neuss, Germany, Ingo moved to Mainz to study politics, film and communications. His goal has always been to be a journalist. After graduating from university he worked for the Rhein-Zeitung. Later he moved to one of Europe’s biggest TV companies, the ZDF. In addition to his work at GW, Ingo is also a freelance journalist for SWR. Malena, a native of Berlin, finished school in 2014 and is currently spending three months in California before starting her studies in International Business Management in September, 2015. In order to improve her English language skills, Malena volunteers at the GermanEnglish-Spanish immersion pre-school KIGALA in Santa Monica, California. Since she also has a strong interest in journalism, she contributed to the current German World issue as translator and copy editor in German. ENTERTAINMENT 4 Katja Lau Katja began her journalism career in 1994 as a freelance reporter for various local radio and television stations; in 1997 she moved to Los Angeles. She currently produces TV shows and documentaries for the European market. She also produces live feeds from California for the German news station N24. TRAVEL 5 Elyse Glickman Elyse Glickman’s work as a writer and editor spans the globe, covering a world of topics including gastronomy, wellness, interior design and celebrity profiles. In addition to her Senior Editor duties for CSQ, her work appears in Intermezzo, Taste & Travel, The Jewish Journal/Tribe, In the MIX, Tasting Panel and Harper’s Bazaar Malaysia. The Chicago native is currently based in Los Angeles, and enjoys photography, yoga and cooking. TRANSLATION 6 Ida Sophie Winter Sophie is majoring in Journalism, French, and International Studies at the Missouri School of Journalism. She writes for the Deutsche Rundschau, a Germanlanguage newspaper based in Ontario, and edits for the University of Missouri chapter of Condolences 6 The team of German World wishes to express the victims of the Germanwings plane crash, Alps. Our heart goes out to all those who 6 EDITORAL ASSISTANCE 3 Malena Fuchs their deepest condolences to the families of flight 9525, on March 24, 2015, in the French lost a relative, friend or colleague. With deepest sympathy, Petra Schuermann & the entire German World staff. SPRING 2015 006_GWSpr15_ContrV2.indd 6 5/11/15 10:15 PM 007_GWSpr15_Ad-GIC.indd 7 5/14/15 10:35 PM NEWS BUSINESS DHL EXPRESS: Top Employer 2015 in the Americas and Top Employer Global 2015 D HL Express was recently certified as a 2015 Top Employer in both North America and Latin America by the Top Employers Institute. At the global level, the company garnered the Global Top Employer award, a distinction that recognizes the company’s commitment to support and develop its employees worldwide. The annual international research undertaken by the Top Employers Institute recognizes leading employers around the world based on several areas: providing excellent employee conditions, nurturing and developing talent throughout all levels of the organization, and striving to continuously optimize employment practices. DHL Express also received Top Employer certifications in other regions of the world, including Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. Overall, 32 countries were granted certifications. “To be recognized as a Top Employer is an outstanding honor that acknowledges DHL’s complete dedication to its employees,” said Stephen Fenwick, CEO, DHL Express Americas. “It is our people who make the difference in our company.” DHL is the global market leader in the logistics sector, including international express delivery, national and international parcel delivery, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, and is composed of more than 220 countries and territories and with approximately 315,000 employees worldwide. DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL. VOLKSWAGEN GROUP: Volkswagen Reports New Records in Unit Sales Revenue and Earnings in 2014 T he Volkswagen Group improved its earnings strength again in 2014 and continued along its qualitative growth path despite major economic challenges. With sales revenue of EUR 202.5 billion (previous year: EUR 197.0 billion) and an operating profit of EUR 12.7 billion (EUR 11.7 billion), the group generated new record highs. Volkswagen AG announced these records on February 27, 2015, at the conclusion of their Supervisory Board meeting. The equity-accounted profit of the firm’s Chinese joint ventures exceeded the high prior-year figure. The activities of the Chinese joint ventures have always been accounted for in the financial result using the equity method and are therefore not included in the group’s sales revenue and operating profit. 8 SPRING 2015 “We can look back on the past fiscal year with satisfaction: despite the difficult economic environment,: we achieved our goals for 2014,” said Dr. Martin Winterkorn, Chairman of the Board of Management of VW AG. The Board of Management expects group sales revenue to increase by up to four percent year-on-year. “Given the subdued growth prospects in regions outside China, there is no guarantee that 2015 will be a successful year – either for the industry or for the VW Group. Continuing political uncertainty, strong currency fluctuations and tough environments in markets such as Russia and Brazil present major challenges for the Volkswagen Group this year as well. In light of this, our forecast is based on conservative assumptions”, said Chief Financial Officer Hans Dieter Pötsch. Sommer explained the Volkswagen Group’s global commitment to become more environmentally conscious from sourcing, to manufacturing, to the cars on the road and beyond – cars such as the launch of the e-Golf. A GERMAN IN SILICON VALLEY M any famous people of German descent live in the U.S.A. But Konstantin Guericke, one of the top figures in America’s Internet industry, is still relatively unknown. He is one of the main founders of the world famous network “LinkedIn,” which is one of America’s 10 most-visited Internet portals, meant to help professionals maintain and cultivate business contacts. Guericke, born 1967 to a pair of teachers, grew up in the northern German town of Zeven. After high school, he applied to study in the U.S.A., and was accepted by Stanford University. There, he chose to study engineering with an emphasis on organizations, technology and innovation. In May 2003, he founded LinkedIn with classmate Reid Hoffman. They then began sending e-mail invites to close acquaintances, who, in turn, spread word of the new network to their friends. By year’s end, the website boasted over 80,000 members and 14 employees. Today, the number of worldwide members is estimated at over 300 million. Since April 2, 2014, Guericke serves as a venture partner of the Earlybird Venture Capital GmbH & Co. KG and recently joined the Advisory Board of the German-American Business Association in California. Source: Internationale Medienhilfe – GACC NEW YORK WELCOMES TWO NEW CHAPTERS: Pittsburgh and Arizona O n April 23, 2015, the most recent additions to the German American Chamber of Commerce New York, Inc. (GACC) officially opened their doors: The German American Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburgh Chapter (GACCPIT) and the Arizona Chapter (GACCWEST). With the help of the two Cchapter Cco-Ddirectors, Dr. Helge Jordan and Rudy Vetter, the GACC West will strive to connect the local German-American business community and to promote commerce and investment between Germany and the State of Arizona. Arizona is one of the fastest-growing, most dynamic economies in the nation. Its innovative climate and lower cost of living attract many global corporations and forwardthinking startups. Companies in Arizona have access to a highly skilled work force due to excellent university programs and research facilities. Information: www. APPLY NOW FOR THE GREEN TALENTS COMPETITION Deadline: June 2, 2015, 12 p.m. CET S ustainable development means leading an environmentally friendly life in a way that conserves resources. Germany supports these efforts in particular by intensifying international cooperation among the bright young minds of tomorrow. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has held the prestigious ”Green Talents – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development” competition since 2009. Visit for more information how to apply. SAVE THE DATE! June 24, 2015: German-American Business Forum in Munich After the successful conference in 2013, the German American Chambers of Commerce (AHK USA), in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria, will host the 2nd German American Business Forum on June 24, 2015 in Munich Location: Chamber of Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria in Munich, Orleansstraße 10-12, 81669 München Germany. SPRING 2015 9 NEWS LITERATURE RICH AND INTERNATIONAL New Books About the German Language T wo new books explore the treasure trove of the German language, and how important it is worldwide. The 1300 page book “Die Stellung der deutschen Sprache in der Welt” (DeGruyter), by the renowned German Studies Professor Ulrich Ammon, delivers a broad and profound overview of the current situation and history of the German language. He concludes, among other ideas, that German belongs to the five most important world languages, but is not duly encouraged by the German government. REICH UND INTERNATIONAL Neue Bücher zur deutschen Sprache W elche Schatztruhe die deutsche Sprache darstellt und wie bedeutend sie weltweit ist, zeigen zwei neue Werke auf dem Buchmarkt. Das rund 1300 Seiten umfassende Buch “Die Stellung der deutschen Sprache in der Welt” (DeGruyter-Verlag) vom renommierten Germanistik-Professor Ulrich Ammon liefert einen breiten und fundierten Überblick über die Lage der deutschen Muttersprache und ihrer Geschichte. Sein Fazit ist unter anderem, dass das Deutsche zu den fünf wichtigsten Weltsprachen gehört, aber von der deutschen Bundesregierung nicht gebührend gefördert wird. GÜNTER GRASS DIES D anzig-born author Günter Grass died at the age of 87 in a Lübeck clinic on April 13. He achieved fame with his 1959 novel “The Tin Drum,” part of the Danzig Trilogy. In 1999, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Also considered “the voice of the post-war period” by the media, Grass has been a frequent topic of all leading Feuilletons. The German news show “Tagesschau” honored Grass’ “baroque, magnificent, rich, possibly oversaturated use of language,” with which he stamped his roughly 20 narratives, from “Cat and Mouse” to “Too Far Afield,” © Udo Hesse from “The Flounder” to “Crabwalk.” In the “Neuen Osna-brücker Zeitung,” the literary scholar Volker Neuhaus called Grass a “German world author,” putting him on the same level of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Thomas Mann. Neuhaus stressed a certain point: “Grass had a love-infused relationship with the German language. He loved to play with words, to distinguish their indirect meanings.” ZUM TODE VON GÜNTER GRASS A m 13. April ist der aus Danzig stammende Schriftsteller Günter Grass im Alter von 87 Jahren in einer Lübecker Klinik gestorben. Grass erlangte mit seinem 1959 als Teil der Danziger Trilogie erschienenen Schelmen- und Epochenroman „Die Blechtrommel“ Weltruhm. 1999 erhielt er den Nobel-Preis für Literatur. Alle Feuilletons setzten sich mit dem Leben und Werk „der Stimme der Nachkriegszeit“ auseinander. Die Tagesschau würdigte Grass’ „barocke, prachtvolle, reiche, bisweilen vielleicht überreiche Sprache“, die allen seinen knapp 20 Prosawerken das Gepräge gegeben habe, von „Katz und Maus“ bis „Ein weites Feld“, von „Der Butt“ bis „Im Krebsgang“. Der Literaturwissenschaftler Volker Neuhaus nannte Grass in der „Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung“ einen „deutschen Weltautor“ im Range von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und Thomas Mann. Neuhaus hob einen Punkt besonders hervor: „Grass hatte ein von Liebe geprägtes Verhältnis zur deutschen Sprache. Er liebte es, mit Worten zu spielen und ihre Nebenbedeutungen herauszuhören“. Source: Internationale Medienhilfe – 10 SPRING 2015 ©2014 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. Any resemblance to the car of your dreams is purely intentional. It wears its heritage proudly on its sleeves. And fenders. And roofline. Introducing the Porsche Macan Turbo. A 400-horsepower twin-turbo V6 that achieves 0-60 in 4.6 seconds. PDK double-clutch transmission and active all-wheel drive with Porsche Traction Management for maximum grip in varying driving conditions. All standard. The Macan Turbo is built around our defining belief that every drive should be unforgettable. And every car should be a sports car. Dream fulfillment begins with a Beverly Hills Porsche test drive. Porsche. There is no substitute. The new 2015 Macan Turbo Beverly Hills Porsche 8425 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills CA 90211 (310) 557-2472 Porsche recommends 011_GWSpr15_Ad-Porsche.indd 11 5/9/15 5:13 PM NEWS EDUCATION NEW STUDY: German Still Among the Most Learned Languages of the World A round 15.4 million people globally are currently learning German. As the recent survey “German as a foreign language worldwide” shows, interest in German is growing especially strong in China, India and Brazil. In Europe, numbers have remained constant in the last few years. The study is conducted every half decade by the German Foreign Ministry, the Goethe-Institut, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA). In South America, the Near and Middle East and, especially, Asia, German is increasingly in demand: in Brazil, 134,000 people are learning German, in China 117,000 and in India 154,000. In China, the numbers have doubled since 2010. In Europe, too, there is still a large interest in German as a foreign language – there, 9.4 million people learn German, creating the center of gravity for German learners worldwide. Poland is in the lead, with around 2.28 million individuals. Globally, 87 percent of German-language learners are elementary- and secondary-school students (13.4 million). In higher education, 1.3 million university students are currently learning German (8.8 percent). There are around 600,000 people in adult education (4.2 percent). The Goethe-Institut counted 228,528 students in its foreign-country-based language courses worldwide. Experts for international culture export point to persistent low numbers in impor- tant countries like France, Great Britain, Russia, the Netherlands and the U.S.A., which indicates that the Goethe-Institut is far from exhausting all opportunities in its language work. Large increases in certain regions are not, according to expert analyses, due to efforts by the Goethe-Institut. Source: Internationale Medienhilfe - Deutsch gehört weiterhin zu den meistgelernten Sprachen der Welt D erzeit lernen weltweit insgesamt rund 15,4 Millionen Menschen Deutsch. Wie die aktuelle Erhebung „Deutsch als Fremdsprache weltweit“ zeigt, wächst besonders in China, Indien und Brasilien das Interesse an Deutsch. In Europa blieben die Zahlen in den letzten Jahren weitgehend konstant. Die Untersuchung wird alle fünf Jahre vom deutschen Außenministerium gemeinsam mit dem Goethe-Institut, dem Deutschen Akademischen Austausch-Dienst (DAAD) und der Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA) durchgeführt. In Südamerika, im Nahen und Mittleren Osten und besonders in Asien wird Deutsch zunehmend nachgefragt: In Brasilien lernen heute 134.000 Menschen Deutsch, in China 117.000 und in Indien 154.000. Damit hat sich die Zahl zum Beispiel in China seit 2010 mehr als verdoppelt. Auch in Europa gibt es weiterhin ein großes Interesse an Deutsch als Fremdsprache – dort lernen derzeit 9,4 Millionen Menschen Deutsch und bilden damit den Schwerpunkt der Deutschlerner weltweit. Spitzenreiter ist Polen mit rund 2,28 Millionen. Von den weltweit erfassten Deutschlernenden sind 87 Prozent Schüler (13,4 Millionen). Im Hochschulbereich lernen aktuell 1,3 Millionen Studenten Deutsch (8,8 Prozent). Im Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung sind es etwa 600.000 Deutschlernende (4,2 Prozent). An Sprachkursen der Goethe-Institute im Ausland nahmen im vergangenen Jahr 228.528 Menschen weltweit teil. Die auf niedrigem Niveau verharrenden Zahlen in wichtigen Ländern wie Frankreich, Großbritannien, Russland, den Niederlanden und den USA führen Experten für internationalen Kulturexport insbesondere darauf zurück, dass das Goethe-Institut bei der Spracharbeit längst nicht alle Möglichkeiten ausschöpft. Zu hohen Steigerungsraten in einigen Regionen ist es nach Experten-Einschätzungen häufig ohne ein Zutun des Goethe-Instituts gekommen. Quelle: Internationale Medienhilfe - 12 SPRING 2015 CULTURE / KULTUR German-Americans: The silent minority America’s largest ethnic group has assimilated so well that people barely notice it by vlendeline von bredow [ Two young German-American girls at the annual Steuben Parade in New York. ] O n a bluff overlooking the Sheboygan river stands the Wälderhaus, a faithful reproduction of an Austrian chalet. It was built by the Kohler family of Wisconsin in the 1920s as a tribute to the homeland of their father, John Michael Kohler, who had immigrated to America in 1854 at the age of ten. John Michael moved to Sheboygan, married the daughter of another German immigrant, who owned the local foundry, and took over his father-in-law’s business. He transformed it from a maker of ploughshares into a plumbing business. Today Kohler is the biggest maker of toilets and baths in America. Herbert Kohler, the boss (and grandson of the founder), has done so well selling tubs that he has been able to pursue his other passion—golf—on a grand scale. The Kohler Company owns Whistling Straits, the course that will host the Ryder Cup in 2020. German-Americans are America’s largest single ethnic group (if you divide Hispanics into Mexican-Americans, CubanAmericans, etc). In 2010, according to the Census bureau, 46m Americans claimed German ancestry: more than the number who traced their roots to Ireland (33m) or England (25m). In whole swathes of the northern United States, German-Americans outnumber any other group. Some 41% of the people in Wisconsin are of Teutonic stock. Yet despite their numbers, they are barely visible. Everyone knows that Michael Dukakis is Greek-American, the Kennedy clan hail from Ireland and Mario Cuomo was an Italian-American. Fewer notice that John Boehner, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Senator Rand Paul, are of German origin. Deutsch-Amerikaner: Die stille Minderheit Amerikas größte ethnische Minorität hat sich so gut angepasst, dass sie kaum wahrgenommen wird. A uf einer Klippe hoch über dem Sheboygan Fluss steht das „Wälderhaus“, ein getreuer Nachbau eines österreichischen Landhauses. Es wurde in den 20er Jahren von der Familie Kohler aus Wisconsin als Tribut an das Heimatland ihres Vaters, John Michael Kohler, gebaut. Dieser ist 1854 im Alter von 10 Jahren nach Amerika ausgewandert. John Michael ist nach Sheboygan gezogen, hat die Tochter eines anderen Auswanderers geheiratet, der eine lokale Gießerei hatte und hat dann das Geschäft seines Schwiegervaters übernommen. Er hat das Geschäft von der Pflugschar-Herstellung zur Produktion von Sanitäranlagen umgewandelt. Heute ist Kohler einer der größten Hersteller für Toiletten und Bäder in den USA. Deutsch-Amerikaner sind die größte, einheitliche ethnische Gruppe in den USA (wenn man die hispanischen Einwanderer in Amerikaner mexikanischer, kubanischer, etc. Abstammung unterteilt). Im Jahr 2010 haben laut des Statistischen Bundesamtes der USA über 46 Millionen Amerikaner ihre Abstammung als „deutsch“ angegeben: das sind also mehr Deutsch-Amerikaner als Amerikaner irischer (33 Mio.) oder englischer (25 Mio.) Herkunft. SPRING 2015 013-016_GWSpr15_SilentMinority.indd 13 13 5/14/15 10:24 PM CULTURE / KULTUR 1 2 3 [ 1 Miss German-America and two 4 princesses at the Steuben Parade 2014 in New York. 2 A traditional costume from Frisia, Northern Germany. 3 The Hermann monument in New Ulm, Minnesota. 4 Ralph Schaller of Schaller & Weber in New York. 5 Kohler’s Wälderhaus in Wisconsin. ] 5 Companies founded by German-Americans tend to play down their roots, too: think of Pfizer, Boeing, Steinway, Levi Strauss or Heinz. Buried somewhere on their websites may be a brief note that “Steinway & Sons was founded in 1853 by German In ganzen Landstrichen der nördlichen USA sind die DeutschAmerikanischer in der Mehrheit. Circa 41 Prozent der Bewohner von Wisconsin sind teutonischer Abstammung. Trotz ihrer Mehrheit sind die Deutsch-Amerikaner jedoch kaum sichtbar. Jeder weiß, dass Michael Dukakis griechisch-stämmiger Amerikaner ist und dass der Kennedy-Clan irische Wurzeln hat, aber nur wenige wissen, dass John Boehner, Sprecher des US-Repräsentantenhauses, und Senator Rand Paul, deutsche Wurzeln haben. Auch Unternehmen wie Pfizer, Boeing, Steinway, Levi Strauss oder Heinz, die von Deutsch-Amerikanern gegründet wurden, propagieren diese Tatsache nicht gerade. Firmen, die mit ihrer deutschen Ursprungsgeschichte sowie Kohler werben, sind selten. Und doch haben deutsche Einwanderer die amerikanische Kultur aromatisiert wie Zimt den Apfelkuchen. Sie haben Weihnachtsbäume und den Osterhasen eingeführt und haben Amerika Appetit gemacht auf Brezeln, Hot Dogs, Bratwürste und Sauerkraut. Überall, wo sie sich niedergelassen haben, haben sie große evangelische Kirchen gebaut. Deutsche in Wisconsin haben Amerikas ersten Kindergarten aufgebaut und Turnvereine oder Gymnastikgruppen gegründet. Nach der gescheiterten Revolution in Deutschland im Jahr 1848 sind desillusionierte Revolutionäre nach Amerika aufgebrochen, um progressive Anschauungen zu verbreiten. „Germanismus, Sozialismus und Bier machen Milwaukee zu etwas Besonderem“, sagt der Historiker John Gurda. “GERMAN IMMIGRANTS HAVE FLAVOURED AMERICAN CULTURE LIKE CINNAMON IN AN APFELKUCHEN.” „DEUTSCHE EINWANDERER HABEN DIE AMERIKANISCHE KULTUR AROMATISIERT WIE ZIMT DEN APFELKUCHEN.“ immigrant Henry Engelhard Steinway in a Manhattan loft on Varick Street”. But firms that play up their Germanic history—as Kohler does —are rare. German immigrants have flavoured American culture like cinnamon in an Apfelkuchen. They imported Christmas trees and Easter bunnies and gave America a taste for pretzels, hot dogs, bratwursts and sauerkraut. They built big Lutheran churches wherever they went. Germans in Wisconsin launched America’s first kindergarten and set up Turnvereine, or gymnastics clubs, in Milwaukee, Cincinnati and other cities. After a failed revolution in Germany in 1848, disillusioned revolutionaries decamped to America and spread progressive ideas. “Germanism, socialism and beer makes Milwaukee different,” says John Gurda, a historian. As in so many other countries where Germans have settled, they have dominated the brewing trade. 14 SPRING 2015 013-016_GWSpr15_SilentMinority.indd 14 5/14/15 10:24 PM CULTURE / KULTUR Beer barons such as Jacob Best, Joseph Schlitz, Frederick Pabst and Frederick Miller made Milwaukee the kind of city that more or less had to call its baseball team the Brewers. “Germans were not part of the colonial aristocracy,” says Rüdiger Lentz, director of the Aspen Institute Germany. Many Italian and Polish immigrants were middle-class, and they quickly became politically active. German immigrants tended to be poor farmers, which is why they headed for the vast fertile spaces of the Midwest. “The Italians stormed the city halls; the Germans stormed the beer halls,” went the saying. During the first world war, parts of America grew hysterically anti-German. Some Germans were spat at in the street. The teaching of their language was banned in schools. Sauerkraut was renamed “liberty cabbage”. German books were burned, dachshunds kicked and German-Americans forced to buy war bonds to prove their patriotism. When New Ulm, a predominantly German town in Minnesota, refused to let its young men join the draft, the National Guard was sent in. After the war, German-Americans hunkered down. Many stopped speaking German and anglicized their names. The second world war saw less anti-German hysteria, although some 10,000 GermanAmericans were interned as enemy aliens. But the Holocaust gave German-Americans yet another reason to hide their origins. Today German-Americans are quietly successful. Their median household income, at $61,500, is 18% above the national norm. They are more likely to have college degrees than other Americans, and less likely to be unemployed. A whopping 97% of them speak only English at home. They have assimilated and prospered without any political help specially tailored for their ethnic group. “The Greeks and the Irish have a far stronger support network and lobby groups than we do,” says Peter Wittig, Germany’s ambassador in America. Five years ago a Wie in so vielen anderen Ländern haben sie das Brauereiwesen dominiert. Bierbarone wie Jakob Best, Joseph Schlitz, Frederick Pabst und Frederick Müller sorgten in Milwaukee dafür, dass ihr Baseball-Team „Brewers“ genannt wurde. „Deutsche waren nicht Teil des kolonialen Adels“, sagt Rüdiger Lentz, Direktor des Aspen Institutes Deutschland.Viele Italiener oder Polen waren mittelständisch und sind sehr schnell politisch aktiv geworden, während deutsche Einwanderer gewöhnlich arme Bauern waren. Dies war auch der Grund, warum die Deutschen in Richtung des Mittleren Westens zogen, um das fruchtbare Land dort zu kultivieren. „Die Italiener stürmten die Rathäuser, die Deutschen die Bierhallen“, so ein Sprichwort. Während des Ersten Weltkrieges entwickelte sich eine wahre Anti-Deutschland Hysterie. Manche Deutsche wurden auf offener Straße bespuckt. Deutschunterricht wurde aus Schulen verbannt. Sauerkraut wurde zu „Liberty Cabbage“ umbenannt. Deutsche Bücher wurden verbrannt, Dackel getreten und Deutsch-Amerikaner wurden genötigt, Kriegsaktien zu kaufen, um ihren Patriotismus zu beweisen. Als Neu-Ulm, eine überwiegend deutsche Stadt in Minnesota, sich weigerte die ansässigen jungen Männer in den Krieg ziehen zu lassen, wurde die Nationalgarde geschickt. Auch nach dem Krieg haben sich viele Deutsch-Amerikaner versteckt gehalten.Vielen haben aufgehört, Deutsch zu sprechen, und haben ihre Namen anglizisiert. Zwar war während des Zweiten Weltkriegs die antideutsche Hysterie weniger ausgeprägt, obwohl 10000 Deutsch-Amerikaner als feindliche Ausländer angesehen und interniert wurden, aber der Holocaust hat natürlich dazu geführt, dass viele DeutschAmerikaner lieber ihre Herkunft verschwiegen. Heutzutage sind die Deutsch-Amerikaner im Stillen erfolgreich. Das durchschnittliche Haushaltseinkommen ist mit 61500 US Dollar im Jahr 18 Prozent über dem landesweiten Durchschnitt. Sie haben häufiger einen Studienabschluss als Amerikaner und Arbeitslosigkeit ist seltener. Erstaunliche 97 Prozent von ihnen sprechen SPRING 2015 013-016_GWSpr15_SilentMinority.indd 15 15 5/14/15 10:26 PM CULTURE / KULTUR small German-American Heritage Museum opened in Washington, DC. “Germany has never been as popular as it is today,” says Petra Schürmann, the museum’s director. German fests and Oktoberfests [ Milwaukee Turner Hall. ] have sprung up all over the country, and they are not only about brats and beer, but also about tracing genealogy and displaying traditional dress and craftsmanship. Stuff made by Germans sells. And Americans travel to Germany in droves: the young to hip Berlin and older folks to pretty Heidelberg. On February 9, Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, met Barack Obama in the White House. They discussed the war in Ukraine, transatlantic trade, the wobbling euro zone and the G7 summit in Bavaria. Unlike Indian-Americans, who went wild when their new prime minister visited America, GermanAmericans will barely notice. Article first published by “The Economist” on February 7, 2015. Reprinted with kind permission by “The Economist.” German version by Lisa Raab for German World. 16 daheim zudem ausschließlich Englisch. Sie sind wirtschaftlich erfolgreich und haben sich angepasst - ohne politische Hilfe. „Die Griechen und die Iren haben bei Weitem ein größeres Netzwerk von Unterstützern und Lobbygruppen als wir“, sagt Peter Wittig, deutscher Botschafter in USA. Es gab bis 2010 keinen deutsch-amerikanischen Kongress-Ausschuss, wohl aber gab es Ausschüsse für Kartoffeln, Fahrräder und albanische Angelegenheiten. Vor fünf Jahren wurde ein kleines German-American Heritage Museum in Washington DC eröffnet. „Noch nie war Deutschland so beliebt wie derzeit“, so die Direktorin des Museums. Deutsche Feste wie das Oktoberfest gibt es in ganz USA und dabei geht es nicht nur um Bratwurst und Bier, sondern auch um Ahnenforschung, Pflege traditioneller Kleidung und Handwerkskunst. Deutsches Handwerk verkauft sich gut. Und Amerikaner reisen in Scharen nach Deutschland: die Jüngeren ins hippe Berlin, die Älteren ins schöne Heidelberg. Am 9. Februar traf die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel im Weißen Haus auf Barack Obama. Sie erörterten den Ukraine-Konflikt, den transatlanischen Handel, die wacklige Eurozone und den G7-Gipfel in Bayern. Im Gegensatz zu den Amerikanern indischer Herkunft, die Kopf standen, als ihr neuer Ministerpräsident Amerika besucht hat, hat dieser Besuch unter den Deutsch-Amerikanern weniger Aufsehen erregt. SPRING 2015 013-016_GWSpr15_SilentMinority.indd 16 5/14/15 10:24 PM 017_GWSpr15_Ad-Swiss.indd 17 5/14/15 10:09 PM CHICAGO, IL BAROQUE BAND PRESENTS “WATER WORKS” IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, IL GOETHE PICNIC IN THE PARK A MUSICAL PICNIC AT THE FOOT OF THE GOETHE MONUMENT May 28, 2015 from 6PM – 8PM Come out to the Chicago’s giant bronze Goethe monument in Lincoln Park for an evening of Goethe-inspired musical compositions, a reading of a selection of Goethe’s works (in English and German) and a BYO picnic (popcorn and ginger ale will be provided). RSVP: (443) 542-2263 Location: Goethe Monument in Lincoln Park, W. Cannon Drive and N. Diversey Parkway, Chicago, ILA CHICAGO BRAUHAUS MAY FESTIVAL 2015 May 6 – May 24, 2015, 7:00PM Enjoy lots of “Gemuetlichkeit” at Chicago Brauhaus with Live Entertainment by “The Fellows” from Wednesdays to Sundays starting at 7:00PM. May Fest Specialties will be served. Location: Chicago Brauhaus, 4732 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL, (773) 784-4444 18 (Dictatorship and Democracy © germany,info/chicago) May 29, 2015 – June 3, 2015 at 7:30 PM Baroque Band, Chicago’s Original Tribute Band, now in its 8th season of presenting Baroque music played with period instruments, presents “Water Music” under the direction of Artistic Director Garry D. Clarke. The program includes: Georg P. Telemann’s “Wassermusik – Hamburger Ebb und Fluth” and Georg Friedrich Händel’s “Wassermusik”. Dates and Venues: May 29 – Music Institute of Chicago, 1490 Chicago Ave., Evanston, IL May 30 – Augustana Lutheran Church, 5500 S. Woodlawn Ave., Hyde Park, IL June 3 - Symphony Center, Grainger Ballroom, 220 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL Tickets: $39/adults - Ticket Information & Order: (312) 235-2368 or online at MINNEAPOLIS, MN EXHIBITION: “DICTATORSHIP AND DEMOCRACY IN THE AGE OF EXTREMES” April 15 – May 15, 2015 The exhibition “Dictatorship and Democracy in the Age of Extremes: Spotlights on the History of Europe in the Twentieth Century” details the struggle between democracies and totalitarian ideologies of both the left and right in the 20th century, and depicts the seminal events from the two World Wars to the Cold War, to the creation of the European Union, and beyond. The exhibition is made available by the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany. Location: University of Minnesota. Elmer L. Andersen Library, 222 21st Ave. S. Hours: Mon, Tue, Fri: 8:30AM to 4:30PM; Wed & Thu: 8:30AM to 7PM ST. LOUIS, MO MEETING OF THE MODELLEISENBAHNGRUPPE AT THE GERMANIC-AMERICAN INSTITUTE (GAI) May 9, 2015, 12PM – 3PM Fun for kids of all ages, the GAI’s Modelleisenbahngruppe — Germanic Model Trains Group—celebrates the trains, landscapes, models, and architecture of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Everybody is welcome at the Modelleisenbahngruppe. The group also accepts donations of model trains. All trains and landscapes must be of Germanic origin, and HO gauge models are preferred. Meeting on the second Saturday of each month from 12PM to 3PM at GAI. SPRING 2015 018-023_GWSpr15_GermanyIn-Pages.indd 18 5/9/15 5:15 PM ECLECTIC SALON: 20 YEARS OF MUSIC PROGRAMS AT VILLA AURORA FILM MOVIE NIGHT AT ESMOA PRESENTS “THE THIEF LORD” ADAPTED FROM THE BOOK “DER HERR DER DIEBE” BY CORNELIA FUNKE, Directed by Richard Claus, starring Aaron Johnson (III), Jasper Harris. D/UK/LUX 2006, 98 min. May 16, 2015 – 7:00PM Bo and Prosper, two orphaned children are on the run, hiding among the crumbling canals and misty alleyways of Venice. A great threat to the boys’ new-found freedom is something from a forgotten past - a beautiful magical carousel with the power to spin time itself. Location: ESMoA, 208 Main St, El Segundo, CA 90245 Admission: FREE Information: (424) 277-1020 MUSIC LE SALON DE MUSIQUES CONCERT SERIES By removing the stage, Le Salon de Musiques concerts series in Los Angeles offers a more personal touch to listeners eager to familiarize themselves with Chamber Music and learn through a new dialogue between artist and audience. Concert 8: May 17, 2015, 4:00PM Works by I. Stravinsky, S. Rachmaninoff Concert 9: June 7, 2015, 4:00PM Works by Mikhail Gnesin, M. Glinka, Losif Andriasov, Vitezslav Novak Location: Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, 5th Floor, 135 N Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012 May 30 & June 7, 2015 On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the German artist residence in Pacific Palisades, Villa Aurora is going to present a series of concerts, embracing the diversity of musical production in Los Angeles. May 30 at 8:00PM: Eclectic Salon & MicroFest present: Wolfgang = 2 x 3 + 4 Bach/Schweinitz: Ricercare string trio Schweinitz: Franz and Morton piano trio [US Premiere] Schweinitz: Plainsound String Quartet ‘Holy Howl’, Op. 57 [West Coast Premiere] Formalist Quartet + Richard Valitutto Tickets: $25 June 7 at 4 PM: Eclectic Salon & Salastina Music Society present: Masterpiece Discovery Brahms String Sextet No.2 in G-Major, Opus 36 Hosted by Brian Lauritzen, from KUSC and LA Philharmonic’s “Inside the Music” Performers: Salastina Music Society, with special guests Carrie Dennis, principal viola of Los Angeles Philharmonic and Robert deMaine, principal cello of Los Angeles Philharmonic For this set of Masterpiece Discoveries, Dr. Bill Sloan has generously loaned the artists use of his Stradivarius and Guarneri del Gesu. Tickets: $28; $35 at the door Location: Villa Aurora, 520 Paseo Miramar, Los Angeles, CA 90272 EXHIBITION WORK OF NORBERT TADEUSZ AT ESMOA June 7 – September 26, 2015 The work of German artist Norbert Tadeusz (19402011) will be exhibited for the first time in Los Angeles and on the West Coast at ESMoA. The retrospective spans the entire career of the prolific painter and draftsman and presents about 30 paintings of mostly monumental scale. Tadeusz was associated with German figurative painting of the 1980s – a.k.a., Neo-Expressionism or The New Wild. Location: ESMoA, 208 Main St, El Segundo, CA 90245 Information: (424) 277-1020 Admission: Free ONGOING WATCH LIVE SPORTS AT THE WATERFRONT CAFÉ Hours: Mon-Fri: 11:00AM - 11:00PM; Sat-Sun: 9:30AM - 11:00PM Enjoy a glass of Erdinger Weissbier and watch the Bundesliga or UEFA Champions League games with friends! Location: 205 Ocean Front Walk, Venice, CA 90291 OTHER EVENTS IN MAY & JUNE WATCH LIVE SPORTS AT THE WATERFRONT CAFÉ May 2: Austrian-American Club 60th Anniversary Celebration at Glendale’s Elk’s Hall May 9: Maifest Dance at German-American Club of Santa Monica / Music by Blue 2 Band June 13: Summer Bierfest at The Phoenix Club – June 27: German South Bay Club – 49th Birthday Party at Alpine Village Inn’s Emerald Room – Information: August 15, 2015 – 7:30PM Concert: Los Angeles Debut of Thomas Anders and Modern Talking Band Experience a mega-80’s nostalgia night with the music that moved generations across the world! This is a Los Angeles Debut Concert for the iconic band visiting from Germany! Location: Starlight Bowl Amphitheatre, 1249 Lockheed View Dr., Burbank, CA 91501 Tickets: SPRING 2015 018-023_GWSpr15_GermanyIn-Pages.indd 19 19 5/11/15 10:21 PM LOOKING BACK BERLIN & BEYOND FILM FESTIVAL KICKED OF THE YEAR OF 2015 WITH “TO LIFE!” Star-studded festival days with Hannelore Elsner and Doris Doerrie In its 19th year of existence, Berlin & Beyond Film Festival, America’s leading annual showcase of contemporary film productions from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and beyond, brought stars and talents to San Francisco from January 29 to February 3. This year, legendary actress Hannelore Elsner who starred in the opening night movie “To Life,” was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Festival. The actress, often called Germany’s Catherine Deneuve, was joined by director and author Doris Dörrie, Academy Award winner Pepe Danquart, young director Philipp Leinemann and captivating newcomer Samuel Schneider at the legendary Castro Theater. The Festival’s first “Spotlight Award in Acting” was bestowed to Ronald Zehrfeld, one of ELSNER AND MAX FILMSCENE: HANNELORE G FILM OF NIN the leading contemporary actors in OPE THE — !” RIEMELT IN “TO LIFE BEYOND FILM FESTIVAL. THE 2015 BERLIN AND Germany, at a gala reception at the DAAD ALUMNI EVENING WITH NOBEL PRIZE WINNER THOMAS SUEDHOF The DAAD Alumni Association of the USA hosted an evening reception on January 20 at Stanford University giving DAAD alumni and current scholarship holders an opportunity to exchange ideas with 2013 German Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology, Professor Thomas Suedhof. Based on his own life experience, Suedhof emphasized how important international exchange is for the quality of science in a country. Cultural cross-fertilization greatly influenced his scientific career: German thoughtfulness and thoroughness paired with flat American hierarchies, and open spaces for more exchange with your neighboring laboratory was NOBEL PRIZE WINNER 2013 PROF. THOMAS SUEDHOF the recipe for his success. The evening co-hosted by Consul General Stefan Schlueter marked the beginning of efforts to knit a closer network among former DAAD scholars who live and work on the US West Coast. Information & Contact: or 20 residence of the German Consul General Dr. Schlueter on January 30, following the screening of the film “Inbetween Worlds.” 2015 also marked the second successful year of the Berlin & Beyond’s educational program, “Youth 4 German Cinema,” bringing together a carefully selected jury of eight teens from the United States, Canada and Mexico. The jury chose Pepe Danquart’s true-life drama “Run Boy Run” as this year’s winning film. “Youth 4 German Cinema” is made possible by generous support of Germany’s Federal Foreign GOETHE-INSTITUT DIRECTOR SABINE ERLENWEIN (L.) WITH HANNELORE ELSNER Office. EVENTS EXHIBITION: LIGHT AND DARK. PHOTOGRAPHS FROM GERMANY On display: May 1 - July 3, 2015 This exhibition presents a selection of iconic black-and-whitephotographs by Barbara Klemm. Those capture forty years of political, economic, cultural and social German history, as they document decisive events – for example the reunification of East and West Germany in 1989. Even if the majority of photographs were taken on assignment, many of them combine the aspects of documentary and art. Barbara Klemm, born 1939, is a German art and press photographer who worked many years for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The exhibition “Light and Dark” is a common project of ifa and the Goethe-Institut in San Francisco. It was curated by the German art historians Matthias Flügge and Ursula Zeller. Location: Goethe-Institut San Francisco, ART-Lounge, 530 Bush Street. Free admission. Information & Opening Hours: (415) 263-8760 SPRING 2015 018-023_GWSpr15_GermanyIn-Pages.indd 20 5/9/15 5:17 PM MIAMI, FL GERMAN-AMERICAN BUSINESS EVENTS IN FLORIDA Another Breakfast Seminar organized by the European Chambers took place on April 2nd, 2015 again at Greenberg Traurig. Mr. Thomas Heierli, Cofounder & CEO of Global Wealth Management L.C., held an engaging presentation on “Economies & Equity Markets USA and Europe - USD vs. EURO and Swiss Franc”. The presentation was a technical analysis and outlook on equity markets, currencies, and commodities and attracted a lot of members and guests that morning. The GermanAmerican Business Chamber of South Florida who co-hosted the event was happy about a “full house” with around 70 attendees. The GABC is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization founded by local business men and WEST PALM BEACH, FL BREWS & BBW – CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL AT AMERICANGERMAN CLUB OF WEST PALM BEACHES May 16, 2015, 12PM – 7PM Rib and Chicken Cook-off Live Music, different bands are playing throughout the day. This is a fundraiser benefitting Valentin Brand (a patient at the Paley Institute) and the Scholarship Fund of Jason Peters. Admission: $8. Entrance for Children under 12 free. women in Miami. For over 25 years, the organization has promoted business and trade between Germany and the US, particularly in South Florida. The objective of the GABC is to support commercial and personal relations between its members and to promote economic, social and cultural relations between the USA and Germany. THE GERMAN SCHOOL OF ATLANTA INVITES YOU TO “SPIELSTRASSE” May 9 at 10AM Come and join GSA for fun, food, games, silent auction and our Annual Raffle. Enjoy a Saturday among friends and treat yourself to homemade German dishes and cakes. Location: East Cobb Middle School, 380 Holt Road, Marietta, GA 30067 MAIFEST PICNIC May 17, 2015, 11AM – 5:30PM Our Volkstanz Gruppe will entertain you with the traditional “Bandltanz” around the Maypole and additional dance. Guest Admission: $17. Music by: Alpine Express Duo ATLANTA, GA BUNDESLIGA BREAKFAST AT THE GOETHEZENTRUM ATLANTA” Until May 15, 2015 at 9:30AM Come and start your Saturday with a “soccer breakfast” at the Goethe-Zentrum, meet other soccer fans and watch the LIVE broadcasts of the Bundesliga games from Germany. Every Saturday during the Bundesliga season at 9:30AM. Free Admission. Location: Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta, 1197 Peachtree Street NE, Colony Square, Plaza Level, Atlanta, GA 30361. GOETHE-ZENTRUM BOOK CLUB: “MEIN AMERIKA DEIN AMERIKA May 31, 2015 at 3PM to 4:30PM The Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta is offering a monthly members-only book club in which selected German-language books in English translation are discussed. The club meets in Classroom 1 at the Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta, one Sunday per month at 3pm until 4:30pm. This meeting, the book club three chapters from “Mein Amerika Dein Amerika” by Tom Buhrow and Sabine Stamer. Location: Goethe-Zentrum / German Cultural Center Atlanta, Colony Square, Plaza Level, 1197 Peachtree St., NE, Atlanta Information: (404) 892-2388 SPRING 2015 018-023_GWSpr15_GermanyIn-Pages.indd 21 21 5/9/15 5:17 PM HAPPY BIRTHDAY! THE GERMAN-AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM TURNS FIVE EVENTS AT THE GAHM April 4: 11AM – 5PM Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the End of The Civil War: Frühschoppen with guest speaker G. William Quatman presenting his recently published biography about General Godfrey Weitzel Reopening of the exhibit “The Civil War Seen through the Eyes of Two German-American Caricaturists: Adalberg Volck and Thomas Nast” May 2: 11AM Frühschoppen with guest speaker Arnim von Friedeburg on the end of WWII 70 years ago June 6: 11AM Frühschoppen with acclaimed journalist Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, recipient of the Friedrich Hecker Freedom Award 2009. Reading from his latest book “Triumph of the Absurd: A reporter’s love for the abandoned people of Vietnam”, and discussion of his book “Griewatsch!” about his childhood in war-ridden Leipzig. 100 YEARS OF HOLLYWOOD: THE LAEMMLE EFFECT June 19 – September 26, 2015 New exhibit at the GAHM about 100 years of Hollywood’s film history and the influence of German-speaking immigrants from 1915, founding of Universal Studios in Hollywood by Carl Laemmle, and today. Admission: $5 22 On March 20, 2010, the long-held dream of the founding fathers’ of the German- American Heritage Foundation of the USA® (GAHF) to have a presence in the U.S. capital became reality with the opening of its headquarters at the German-American Heritage Museum at 719 Sixth Street NW in Washington, DC. Generous contributions of members and donors, especially a large donation of almost one million dollars given by Wilma Schmidt from Pennsylvania, enabled the GAHF to acquire and restore Hockemeyer Hall, a Victorian townhouse in Penn Quarter previously owned by the successful German merchant John Hockemeyer. Under the leadership of Hans Stein, architect, Rüdiger Lentz, the museum’s first executive director, and designer Nicole Hamam, a distinguished cultural center with a sleek interior design was created which is missing any kind of Old World stuffiness. During the last five years, exhibits in combination with lectures, panel discussions, and film evenings were hosted at the museum which has welcomed more than 10,000 visitors so far from all over the world. It is dedicated to record and to preserve the rich German-American culture in the U.S. capital for generations to come. If you like to support this mission, please contact the staff at [email protected] or call (202) 467-5000. For more information visit EVENTS AT THE GOETHE-INSTITUT EXHIBIT “GUTE AUSSICHTEN: NEW GERMAN PHOTOGRAPHY 2014/201” Until April 30, 2015 gute aussichten” presents a unique and farranging synopsis in terms of both the content and style of the works created by young photographers in Germany during the past 12 months. FILM SERIES: FILM|NEU March 3 - April 13, 2015 Film|Neu, Washington’s annual festival of new German-language cinema, runs for one week every year. All films are in German with English subtitles. STREAMLINING GOETHE: FRIEDRICH SCHILLER’S STAGE ADAPTATION OF “EGMONT” April 16 at 6:45PM Lecture by Dr. Kerstin Gaddy, Professor of German at the Catholic University of America. Organized by the American Goethe Society. Literature lecture in English. No charge. RSVP: (443) 542-2263 Location: Goethe-Institut, 812 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001-3718, USA CONGRATULATIONS, FORT GERMANNA! The archaeological site “Fort Germanna/Enchanted Castle” has been nominated for inclusion on the World Monuments Fund 2016 Watch List. As the Germanna Foundation in Virginia re-starts archaeological exploration and interpretation of the Fort Germanna and Enchanted Castle site (listed on the National Register of Historic Places), the nomination also helps the Germanna Foundation to seek Historic Landmark status as recommended by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. SPRING 2015 018-023_GWSpr15_GermanyIn-Pages.indd 22 5/13/15 10:46 PM FILM KINO! 2015 @ CINEMA VILLAGE Thanks to its 35 years at MoMA, KINO! has become a household name on the New York cultural calendar for bringing the latest in German cinema to the Big Apple. This year, five filmmakers and actors, among them Hannah Herzsprung, confirmed their attendance. Events at the Goethe-Institut New York and Deutsches Haus at NYU complement the movie screenings. Organized by German Films, the national information and advisory center for German cinema abroad, KINO! opens on April 9 with the East Coast premiere of the drama TOUR DE FORCE with director April 9 – 16 Christian Zübert presenting his film as one of the festival guests. One other highlight is certainly the East Coast Premiere of TO LIFE! by Uwe Janson starring Hannelore Elsner. In this moving drama two German stars face each other with Hannelore Elsner playing Ruth, a Jewish former cabaret singer and the young, aimless Jonas (Max Riemelt) who drives her to an elder care center. Ruth gets a new lease on life, while Jonas comes to terms with his own health and mortality. OTHER EVENTS IN NEW YORK: MAIFESTINNYC – CELEBRATE SPRING WITH GERMANYINNYC May 5, 6:00PM – 9:00PM Tickets: $45 or $50 at the door. Location: Porsche Design SoHo, 465 West Broadway ABOUT A GIRL treats teenage depression in a nonreferential manner, pushing the heroine across the edge – hair dryer in hand in a failed suicide attempt, before she finds romance. Lighter fare comes in the form of the charming children’s film THE PASTA DETECTIVES with its cheeky tone and vibrant visuals, the entrancing art forgery documentary BELTRACCHI and the dry humor of SCHMITKE, about a no-nonsense German engineer feeling the mysterious power of the Czech forest he is working in. KINO! 2015 is generously supported by the Goethe-Institut New York, Deutsches Haus at NYU, and The Village Voice. PEN WORLD VOICES FESTIVAL - THE LITERARY MEWS May 8, 10:30AM – 9:00PM Location: The International Houses of the Washington Mews, New York, NY 10003 AN AFTERNOON “EXPLORING THE RING” May 10, 2015 – 2:00PM – 6:00 PM With internationally known Wagner specialist and lecturer Prof. Heath Lees Location: Marjorie S. Deane Little Theater at the Y, 10 West 64th St. THE FUTURE OF HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE May 13, 2015 – 7:00PM A Panel Discussion by Children of Survivors Location: Consulate General of Germany, 871 UN Plaza EXHIBITION “LOST OR LANDMARK - GERMAN LIFE AND ARCHITECTURE IN 19TH CENTURY NEW YORK” May 14 – June 10, 2015 This exhibit compiled by Dr. Ilona Stoelken brings together a selection of photos and illustrations of buildings and street scenes depicting German life during the heyday of German immigration between 1850 and 1900. Location: Consulate General of Germany, 871 UN Plaza SPRING 2015 018-023_GWSpr15_GermanyIn-Pages.indd 23 23 5/11/15 10:22 PM COVER JULIA BIEDERMANN O nly recently, through a post from lifestyle blogger Becky Hellwig on, I learned to my big surprise that one of the most famous German TV stars has actually been leading a regular family life in Silicon Valley since 2010, away from all media glitz –she’s Julia Biedermann, Germany’s favorite TV sweetheart in the 80s and 90s. E rst vor kurzem erfuhr ich durch die Lifestyle-Bloggerin Becky Hellwig,, zu meinem großen Erstaunen, dass eine der bekanntesten deutschen Fernsehschauspielerinnen seit 2010 ein ganz normales Familienleben, fernab jeglichen Medienrummels, im kalifornischen Silicon Valley führt: Julia Biedermann. Julia, der Liebling der Deutschen in den 80er und 90er Jahren durch ihre Rolle als „Tanja Graf” in der deutschen Erfolgsserie „Ich heirate eine Familie”, war mit Start der Serie 1983 schlagartig berühmt geworden. Julia became famous through her role as “Tanja Graf” in the German TV hit series “Ich heirate eine Familie” (“I Am Marrying a Family”), beginning in 1983. After appearing at the young age of 4 for the first time on German TV in “Sesamstraße” (“Sesame Street”) and playing a few roles in German TV movies, she landed the role of “Tanja” at the age of 15 and soon conquered teen boys’ hearts in a storm. Meanwhile, girls just wanted to be like her. Tanja, the typical difficult teenage daughter, and her TV parents, played by Peter Weck and Thekla Carola Wied, were characters that most German teenagers and their parents could relate to only too well. Schon als Vierjährige hatte Julia Biedermann ihren ersten Auftritt im Fernsehen, in der Sesamstraße. Einige Fernsehrollen folgten, bis sie dann mit 15 die Rolle der „Tanja” bekam und bald der Schwarm der deutschen Teenager war. Mit den Rollen der Tanja Graf, ein Mädchen mit typischen Teenager-Allüren, und ihrer Fernseheltern Peter Weck und Thekla Carola Wied konnten sich die deutschen Zuschauer, Kinder wie Eltern, sehr gut mit identifizieren. Mehr The series was a staple on German TV for more than three years and reached record viewing numbers. Soon after, even Hollywood called, and Julia landed a role as “Ilse” on the American TV series “The Dirty Dozen.” In Germany, role after role followed in other blockbuster series like “Praxis Bülowbogen” (“Doctor’s JULIA BIEDERMANN LIVING THE CALIFORNIA DREAM -- by Petra Schürmann -- JULIA BIEDERMANN MEIN LEBEN IN KALIFORNIEN Photo: ©Alexander Johnson 24 SPRING 2015 Julia with actor/singer Roy Black in “Ein Schloss am Wörthersee”. Unforgettable: Julia Biedermann in “Ich heirate eine Familie” with Peter Weck and Thekla Carola Wied. Julia Biedermann as Tanja Graf. Office Buelowbogen”), “Ein Schloss am Wörthersee” (“A Castle on the Lake of Woerth”), with heartthrob Roy Black, and “Der Landarzt” (“The Countryside Doctor”). Julia was also a regular in many German romantic TV movies and detective series including “Tatort” (“Crime Scene”). In recent years, Julia Biedermann has started a family of her own. With her husband Matthias Steffens, a native from Cologne, whom she married in 2002, she currently lives with her two sons (6 and 10) in Silicon Valley. “Life is full of surprises. I am open to everything.” I was curious how she liked her life in California and whether she missed her career as an actress. In no time, I was granted a phone interview, and I must admit that my heartbeat got faster when I heard the voice that was still so familiar to me through a decade of watching romantic comedies in Germany starring Julia Biedermann. As friendly and open as she comes across on TV or at red-carpet events, she is a delight to interview. “I truly enjoy my life here in California,” she tells me. “I have always felt very welcome here. The weather is great, and with all the available modern technology, I can easily stay connected to family and friends in Germany and elsewhere.” While her husband, who worked as a Senior Manager at Google for many years and recently became the Global P2P Manager at Facebook, is fully immersed in mostly American circles, Julia puts a lot of dedication to staying in touch with German culture. It is important to her that her kids, who go to a English-Spanish immersion school, also attend regular German classes. She sings als drei Jahre war die Serie ein absoluter Fernsehhit und erreichte neue Zuschauerrekorde. Kurz danach meldete sich auch Hollywood und Julia spielte die Rolle der „Ilse” in der amerikanischen Fernsehserie „The Dirty Dozen”. In Deutschland landete sie eine Rolle nach der anderen in solchen beliebten Fernsehserien wie „Praxis Bülowbogen”, „Ein Schloss am Wörthersee” mit Herzensbrecher Roy Black, und „Der Landarzt”. Neben diverser Theaterrollen an Bühnen in Düsseldorf, Hamburg und Berlin, spielte Julia in vielen deutschen Fernsehfilmen und im Krimiklassiker „Tatort”. In der Zwischenzeit hat Julia Biedermann eine eigene Familie. Mit ihrem Kölner Ehemann Matthias Steffens, den sie 2002 heiratete, lebt sie mit ihren zwei Kindern (6 und 10) in Silicon Valley. Ich war neugierig zu erfahren wie ihr das Leben in Kalifornien gefällt und ob sie ihre Arbeit als Schauspielerin vermisst. Bald schon bekam ich einen Termin für ein Telefoninterview und ich muss gestehen, dass mein Herz doch etwas schneller schlug, als ich die Stimme hörte, die ich so gut vom deutschen Fernsehen her kannte. Doch so freundlich und offen sie im Fernsehen und auf Veranstaltungen wirkt, so war sie auch als Interviewpartner. „Ich genieße mein Leben hier in Kalifornien sehr”, erzählt sie. „Ich habe mich hier immer willkommen gefühlt und bin sehr glücklich. Das Wetter ist einfach toll, und dank moderner Technologie ist es ja auch ganz einfach, mit Familie und Freunden in Deutschland und überall in der Welt in Kontakt zu bleiben.” Während ihr Mann, der viele Jahre bei Google arbeitete und nun Global P2P Manager bei Facebook ist, sehr amerikanisiert ist, tut Julia viel, um mit der deutschen Kultur verbunden zu bleiben. Es ist ihr wichtig, dass ihre Kinder, die auf eine englisch-spanische Immersionsschule gehen, auch regelmäßig Deutschunterricht erhalten. Sie singt auch mit ihren Kindern auf Deutsch und SPRING 2015 25 COVER JULIA BIEDERMANN Julia Biedermann with husband Matthias Steffens and their sons Matthias Arnold (l.) and Julius Matthias enjoying a day in San Francisco in 2011. Photo: © Peter Bischoff/Getty Images Julia having fun in March 2015 in Las Vegas with Hugh Brandon (r.) at the wedding of her acting colleague Wolff von Lindenau (l.) whom she knows from her acting days at “Die Komödie Frankfurt”. Photo: private. German songs to her children, reads German books to them and even produced a play based on the folk’s tale “Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten” (“The Bremen Town Musicians”) at her kids’ school. Julia has a large circle of German friends in California. . “There is just a different attitude among people from my native country about what friendship means and how we stay in touch,” she explains. “Especially when it comes to anything related to kids things are so much easier.” Trying to organize a two-hour play date for her kids with American friends, she explains with a laugh, requires four week’s notice while, with German moms, a quick call asking “Can I just come by and leave my kids with you for two hours?” would do the same. As to her own career as an actress, she is still staying in the game. Recently, she played in the short film “Reconcile” directed by Marcus Lucas of Bravides Films, who is also known for his acting roles in “Grimm” and “Twilight.” “It was a great experience,” Julia Biedermann says. “I play a German psychologist and we filmed my part via Skype in one day. Who knows what happens! Life is full of surprises and I am open to everything.” It seems as if a dream life in California is coming full circle for Julia Biedermann. 26 SPRING 2015 liest ihnen deutsche Bücher vor. In der Schule ihrer Kinder hat sie sogar „Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten” als Theaterstück mit den Schülern produziert. Auch hat sie einen großen Kreis deutscher Freunde in Kalifornien gefunden. „Die Einstellung zu Freundschaft zwischen Deutschen und wie man sie aufrechterhält, ist „Das Leben ist bunt. Ich bin für alles offen.” einfach total anders, “ erklärt sie. „Besonders, wenn es um Kinder geht, ist alles viel leichter.” „Um ein zweistündiges Treffen zum Spielen zu organisieren, bedarf es einer vierwöchigen Vorbereitung mit amerikanische Freunden”, sagt sie mit einem Lachen. „Unter deutschen Müttern reicht meistens ein kurzfristiger Anruf nach dem Motto ‘Kann ich mal für zwei Stunden meine Kinder bei Dir lassen?’.” In puncto Karriere ist sie für alles offen. Erst vor kurzem hat sie für den Bravides-Kurzfilm „Reconcile” mit Regisseur Marcus Lucas, der als Schauspieler durch Rollen in „Grimm” und „Twilight” bekannt ist, gedreht. „Es war ein tolles Erlebnis, “ so Julia Biedermann. „Ich spiele eine deutsche Psychologin und wir haben meinen Part an einem Tag per Skype gedreht. Wer weiß, was als Nächstes passiert. Das Leben ist bunt. Ich bin für alles offen.” Anscheinend ist ein Traumleben in Kalifornien für Julia Biedermann Wirklichkeit geworden. WELLNESS & FITNESS SPECIAL FIT WITH KNEIPP & PILATES: GERMAN PIONEERS IN WELLNESS WHO STAND THE TEST OF TIME DEUTSCHE FITNESS & WELLNESS PIONIERE DIE LEHREN VON KNEIPP UND PILATES HABEN BIS HEUTE ÜBERLEBT G ermans have always led the world in the universal quest for wellness and fitness, ever since the first Neanderthal man eased into one of the countless hot mineral springs that dot Germany’s landscape. The Romans knew that Germania had the right idea; for while those southern invaders could never quite conquer the Germans, they brought the idea of building bathhouses over thermal springs to the country. Visitors today can still find Roman baths in BadenBaden, Aachen, Wiesbaden and beyond, as Germans over the centuries have continued to embrace the health aspects of taking the waters and enjoying a spa experience. In more modern times, two far-seeing Germans took the search for optimum wellness to its highest levels, pioneering ideas that resonate today, in all parts of the world. Those two pioneers – Father Sebastian Kneipp in the 19th century and Joseph Pilates in the 20th – each developed systems of healthy living that have stood the test of time. In fact, both men’s ideas are probably more popular today than when they first developed them! S chon seit sich die ersten Neandertaler in einer der vielen Mineralquellen Deutschlands entspannt haben, haben die Deutschen weltweit die Nase in puncto Fitness und Wellness vorn gehabt. Schon die Römer wussten, dass diese Germanen die richtige Idee hatten: Während die südlichen Angreifer Germanien nie wirklich besiegen konnten, brachten sie die Idee zum Bau von Badehäusern an den Orten der Thermalquellen ins Land. Besucher können noch heute römische Bäder in Baden-Baden, Aachen, Wiesbaden und anderen Orten besuchen, da man in Deutschland über Jahrhunderte hinweg dem gesundheitlichen Aspekt von Wasser und Badekuren viel Bedeutung beigemessen hat. In jüngerer Zeit haben sich zwei vorausschauende Männer mit zukunftsweisenden Ideen auf der Suche nach einem optimalen Gesundheitskonzept beschäftigt. Noch heute sind ihre Lehren in der ganzen Welt bekannt. Diese beiden Pioniere – Sebastian Kneipp im 19. Jahrhundert und Joseph Pilates als Fitness-Guru des 20. Jahrhundert - entwickelten Richtlinien für einen gesunden Lebensstil, die die Zeiten überdauerten und prägten. Fakt ist, dass beider Lehren heute wahrscheinlich beliebter sind als zu ihrer Zeit! SPRING 2015 27 WELLNESS | FITNESS THE SEBASTIAN KNEIPP KNEIPP PHILOSOPHY OF NATURAL MEDICINE AND HOLISTIC THOUGHT F or Sebastian Kneipp, the key to finding a wellness system for many began with a personal experience. In 1846, Kneipp, then a 25-year-old student who planned to become a Catholic priest, was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. By 1849, as he began his seminary studies, his body was in complete collapse. So Kneipp, armed with information from a book on the healing power of cold water by the physician Johann Siegmund Hahn, attempted his own cure. On November 16, 1849, Kneipp ran a distance to the Danube River, then, sweating profusely, submerged himself in the frigid water for a few moments. He then dressed and ran back home. The next day, he felt much improved, so much so that he did it again three days later. The system, which evolved into the Kneipp water cure still practiced today, helped cure his tuberculosis. Healthy again, Kneipp completed his studies and was ordained as a priest in 1852. His treatment system had already garnered interest among his friends at the seminary and gained more followers as he ministered free of charge to desperate patients who came to him for help. And when Father Kneipp cured a woman of cholera, his reputation for success as a healer became the stuff of legend. He moved to Bad Wörishofen in Bavaria in 1855, where thermal springs abound, and in the ensuing 42 years continued to expand on his water therapy concepts, adding in herbal medicine to create an overall life therapy system designed for preventive health care as well as for treatment of specific ailments and diseases. He became a famed author, lecturer and businessman, creating the Kneipp brand of medicinal products and nutritional supplements along with pharmacist Leonhard Oberhäußer that still thrives today. 28 SPRING 2015 KNEIPP PHILOSOPHIE DIE DER NATURHEILKUNDE UND DES GANZHEITLICHEN DENKENS F ür Sebastian Kneipp begann die Suche nach einer ganzheitlichen Heilmethode mit einer persönlichen Erfahrung. 1846 wurde der damals 25 Jahre alte Student, der katholischer Priester werden wollte, mit Tuberkulose diagnostiziert. Als er 1849 mit dem Priesterseminar anfing, stand sein Körper kurz vor dem kompletten Zusammenbruch. So unternahm Kneipp, ausgerüstet mit einem Buch des Physikers Johannes Siegmund Hahn über die heilende Kraft von kaltem Wasser, den Versuch der Selbstheilung. Am 16. November 1849 rannte Kneipp eine Strecke zur Donau, schwitzte dabei sehr und tauchte anschließend für einige Sekunden in das kalte Flusswasser. Wieder angezogen rannte er den ganzen Weg zurück nach Hause. Am nächsten Tag fühlte er sich so viel besser, dass er die ganze Prozedur drei Tage später wiederholte. Diese Methode, die sich als Kneippsche Wasserkur etablierte und noch heute praktiziert wird, half seine Lungentuberkulose zu heilen. Wieder gesund, schloss Kneipp sein Studium ab und wurde 1852 zum Priester geweiht. Sein Heilverfahren hatte unter seinen Priesterkollegen schon großes Interesse geweckt und seine Anhängerzahl wuchs schnell, als er begann, verzweifelte Kranke kostenlos zu behandeln. Als Vater Kneipp schließlich eine Frau von Cholera heilte, wurde er als erfolgreicher Heiler zur Legende. 1855 zog er nach Bad Wörishofen in Bayern, wo es zahlreiche Thermalquellen gibt, und entwickelte 42 Jahre lang seine Methode der therapeutischen Anwendung von Wasser weiter. In Verbindung mit Heilpflanzenkunde schuf er ein Gesamttherapiekonzept zur Vorbeugung von Krankheiten und Heilung spezifischer Beschwerden und Erkrankungen. Er wurde ein bekannter Autor, Dozent und Geschäftsmann, und zusammen mit dem Apotheker Leonhard Oberhäußer schuf er die Marke Kneipp für medizinische Produkte und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, welche noch heute existiert und sehr erfolgreich ist. „Alles was wir brauchen, um gesund zu bleiben, hat uns die Natur reichlich geschenkt.” -- Sebastian Kneipp The philosophy he developed rests on “Five pillars for health”: water, plants (specifically herbs), exercise, nutrition and balance. The main foundation is Kneipp’s water therapy, which consists of a series of steps: adherents first warm up the body through physical exertion, then undergo a very brief cold stimulus; then immediately after, without drying off, warm up the body again through physical exertion. There are approximately 120 different water applications, that range from washing to pouring, swaddling and taking herbal baths all the way to a “Blitzguss,” a brief effusion of one’s arm, foot or knee, designed to quickly invigorate the body’s metabolism. Add in herbal plant remedies (arnica, lavender, aloe vera, etc.), plenty of fresh-air exercise (like walking), a nutritional diet based on fruit, vegetables, grain and dairy products (with less foods of animal origin) and taking the time to relax and keep the body and soul in balance and you have Father Sebastian Kneipp’s formula for healthy living. The system is especially recommended for those suffering from high or low blood pressure; arthritis; rheumatism; cardiovascular diseases, digestive system problems and weak immune systems. But it is also widely followed, in Germany and beyond, as a way to keep all of those problems from arising at all. Kneipp’s healthful philosophy continues to be a cornerstone of spa experiences across Germany, Europe and around the world, now usually offered up as a series of hot and cold showers, rinses, baths and compresses. Kneipp’s treatments are still strongly practiced in Bad Wörishofen, where more than 165 clinics and hotels continue his practices (see page 32 and 33 for more information). There is also a Kneipp Museum in that beautiful Bavarian hamlet, where visitors can see firsthand how his philosophies developed, along with the small bathing house where he treated his first patients. It’s a fascinating spot devoted to a fascinating man, whose life-health philosophies have not only stood the test of time, but also thrived. Kneipps Philosophie basiert auf den „Fünf Säulen der Gesundheit“: Wasser, Pflanzen (insbesondere Kräuter), Bewegung, Ernährung und Ausgewogenheit. Die Hauptgrundlage ist die Kneippsche Wassertherapie, die aus folgenden Schritten besteht: Zuerst wird der Körper durch körperliche Anstrengung aufgewärmt, dann einem kurzen Kältereiz ausgesetzt und danach ohne Abtrocknen sofort wieder durch körperliche Anstrengung aufgewärmt. Es gibt ungefähr 120 verschiedene Wasseranwendungen, welche von Wassertreten, Übergießen, Kräuterbädern bis hin zum sogenannten „Blitzguss“, einem kurzen Wasserguss auf Arm, Fuß oder Knie, reichen, um den Stoffwechsel des Körpers schnell zu beleben. Nehmen Sie natürliche Heilpflanzen, wie zum Beispiel Arnika, Lavendel, Aloe Vera, hinzu, bewegen Sie sich viel an der frischen Luft, ernähren Sie sich hauptsächlich von Früchten, Gemüse, Körnern und Milchprodukten und weniger von tierischen Lebensmitteln, nehmen Sie sich Zeit zum Entspannen und halten Sie Ihren Körper und Ihre Seele im Gleichgewicht, und schon haben Sie Vater Kneipps Formel für einen gesunden Lebensstil. Dieses Konzept ist besonders empfehlenswert für Menschen mit zu hohem oder zu niedrigem Blutdruck, sowie für Menschen mit Arthritis, HerzKreislauf-Erkrankungen, Verdauungsproblemen und einem geschwächtem Immunsystem. Vor allem wird diese Methode in Deutschland und über dessen Grenzen hinaus auch angewandt, um derartige Gesundheitsprobleme erst gar nicht entstehen zu lassen. Kneipps naturheilkundliche Heilmethoden sind international zum Grundstein vieler Kuranwendungen geworden und werden normalerweise als eine Serie aus heißem und kaltem Duschen, Spülungen, Wassertreten, Bädern und Kompressen angeboten. Kneipps Heilmethoden werden noch heute in Bad Wörishofen praktiziert, wo mehr als 165 Kliniken und Hotels seine Methode anwenden (siehe auch Seite 32 und 33). Des Weiteren gibt es in diesem schönen bayrischen Ort auch ein Kneipp-Museum, wo Besucher aus erster Hand bestaunen können, wie er sein Heilkonzept in dem kleinen Badehaus entwickelte, wo er seine ersten Patienten behandelte. Es ist ein faszinierender Ort, einem außergewöhnlichem Mann gewidmet, dessen Lebens- und Gesundheitsphilosophie nicht nur die Zeit überstanden hat sondern sogar zu einem großen Erfolg wurde. – Von Malena Fuchs SPRING 2015 29 WELLNESS | FITNESS JOSEPH PILATES JOSEPH PILATES’ENDUING DIE SYSTEM JOSEPH-PILATES-METHODE OF FITNESS FÜR LEBENSLANGE FITNESS FOR LIFE I t began with weakness. When Joseph Pilates was born in 1883 in Mönchengladbach, Germany, he was not a strong child. Suffering with asthma and rickets, as Pilates at age 57 Pilates at age 82 well as contracting rheumatic fever, the young Pilates was a very weak child who suffered bullying (reportedly losing one of his eyes that way) and eventually became determined to build his strength and fitness. By the time he was 14, Pilates had followed in his gymnast father’s footsteps, toning and strengthening his body to such an extent that he became a model for a series of anatomy charts. He had taken up skiing, diving, boxing, martial arts and yoga and once he came of age, traveled from Germany to England as a circus performer (known because of his now-perfect physique as the “living Greek statue”) and a professional boxer. But it was his dedication to health and wellness that was his true calling. As World War I began, Joseph Pilates was interred in a British camp for German citizens, where he refined and developed his mat exercise techniques and began to imagine and create the spring-based resistance pulley system that combined together are the key elements of the Pilates Method practiced around the world today. Back then, Pilates called his technique “Contrology,” and by the time he returned to Germany after the war, word had spread about the success he had with his fellow prisoners in the camp. Not a single person under his care there died of the deadly influenza epidemic of 1918, a fact that contributed to his growing fame as a wellness innovator. But when, in 1925, the German secret police asked Pilates to begin training both that group as well as the German army, the fitness guru balked. As Hitler gained traction in Germany, Joseph Pilates decided it was time to go. He immigrated to the United States (meeting his wife and lifelong teaching partner Clara on the ship during the Atlantic crossing), opened his first exercise studio in New York City and soon became the toast of the town, especially among dancers. 30 SPRING 2015 E s begann mit einer Schwäche: Joseph Pilates, 1883 in Mönchengladbach, Deutschland, geboren, war kein starkes Kind. Geschwächt durch Asthma und Rachitis im Zusammenhang mit rheumatischem Fieber war der junge Pilates ein sehr krankes Kind und wurde oft gemobbt (angeblich verlor er auf diesem Wege auch ein Auge). Schließlich entschloss er sich zu trainieren, um kräftiger und widerstandsfähiger zu werden. Im Alter von 14 Jahren trat er in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters und machte viel Gymnastik. Er begann damit, seinen Körper so intensiv zu trainieren und Muskeln aufzubauen, dass er gefragt wurde, sich als Model für einige Anatomiestudien zur Verfügung zu stellen. Er fing mit Skifahren, Boxen, Kampfsport und Yoga an, reiste, als er älter wurde, von Deutschland nach England, um als Zirkusathlet zu arbeiten. Dort wurde er wegen seines perfekten Körpers auch als „lebende griechische Statue“ bekannt und fing an, als professioneller Boxer zu arbeiten. Sein Engagement für Gesundheit und Fitness war jedoch seine wahre Berufung. Als der Erste Weltkrieg ausbrach, wurde Joseph Pilates in einem Lager in England für deutsche Staatsbürger interniert, wo er seine Übungstechniken auf der Gymnastikmatte weiterentwickelte und verfeinerte. Er entwickelte ein Trainingsgerät mit einer eingebauten Federmechanik, welches das wichtigste Element der Pilates-Methode darstellt und noch heute weltweit eingesetzt wird. Er nannte diese Technologie „Contrology“. Als er nach Ende des Krieges nach Deutschland zurückkehrte, hatte sich der Erfolg, den er mit seinen Lagerkameraden hatte, weltweit herumgesprochen: Nicht eine Person in seinem Lager war während der tödlichen Grippeepidemie 1918 gestorben. Diese Tatsache trug weiter zu seinem wachsenden Ruhm als Erfinder innovativer Fitnessmethoden bei. Doch als die deutsche Geheimpolizei Joseph Pilates im Jahr 1925 fragte, ob er die deutschen Truppen trainieren könnte, sträubte sich der Fitness-Guru. Als Hitler kurze Zeit später an die Macht kam, beschloss Pilates, dass es an der Zeit war zu gehen. Er immigrierte in die USA. Bei der Atlantiküberquerung begegnete er seiner späteren Frau und lebenslangen Lehrpartnerin Clara. Er eröffnete sein erstes Studio in New York und wurde schnell zu einer Berühmtheit in der Stadt, vor allem unter Tänzern. Von George Balanchine über Martha Graham und Jerome Robbins, Tänzer aller Art kamen in Pilates’ Studio, um den „Man ist so alt, wie die Wirbelsäule beweglich ist!“ - Joseph Pilates - From George Balanchine to Martha Graham and Jerome Robbins, dancers of all sorts flocked to Pilates’ studio, to learn and practice the fundamental tenets of the master’s system of health and fitness. The Pilates Method, both then and now, teaches the balance of mind and body, using the core muscles to control posture and support the spine. The exercises done on both the mat and the Reformer (the sliding, spring-based resistance machine that Pilates patented) build strength, flexibility and stamina through specific deep breathing and the flow from one series of exercises to the next. As the years passed, Joseph Pilates refined and improved his method, wrote two books on the subject and began sanctioning his “disciples,” master teachers who trained under his guidance, to begin teaching the Pilates Method in studios of their own. Among that group, most of whom began teaching in the 1970s, were Eve Gentry, Carola Trier, Romana Kryzanowska and Ron Fletcher. Fletcher, a famed Broadway dancer and choreographer, is credited with opening the first Pilates studio in Los Angeles in 1972. That Beverly Hills location quickly developed a following among actors and socialites, including Barbra Streisand, Candice Bergen and Nancy Reagan. After Joseph Pilates died in 1967, Fletcher and the others kept his work alive, and as more people joined in the practice, his system spread around the world. Today, in the United States alone, it’s been estimated that there are over 50,000 Pilates studios across the country, with millions of practitioners using Pilates’ tried and true methods. In fact, in 2015 the Pilates Method is thriving everywhere, from Australia to Dubai, South Africa to Switzerland and – of course – throughout Germany, as Pilates’ ideas have stood the test of time, continuing to bring a level of wellness and fitness to its devotees that is beyond compare. fundamentalen Grundsatz für Gesundheit und Fitness vom Meister selbst zu erlernen und zu trainieren. Die Pilates-Methode lehrt damals wie heute das Gleichgewicht von Körper und Geist unter Einsatz der eigenen Muskelkraft, um die Körperhaltung zu kontrollieren und die Wirbelsäure zu stützen. Die Übungen können auf der Matte wie auch auf dem „Reformer“, einem Trainingsgerät mit einem eingebauten Gleitund Widerstandsmechanismus, das sich Pilates patentieren ließ, ausgeführt werden. Sie bauen Stärke, Flexibilität und Ausdauer durch gezieltes tiefes Atmen und durch Übungsserien, die ineinander fließen, aus. Mit der Zeit verfeinerte und verbesserte Joseph Pilates seine Methoden, schrieb zwei Bücher über dieses Thema und begann seine besten Schüler darin zu unterstützen, die PilatesMethode in eigenen Studios zu lehren. Über diese Gruppe hinaus begannen in den 70er Jahren unter anderem Eve Gentry, Carola Trier, Romana Kryzanowska, und Ron Fletcher damit. Fletcher, ein berühmter Broadway-Tänzer und Choreograph war der erste, der 1972 ein eigenes Pilates-Studio in Los Angeles eröffnete. Der Standort in Beverly Hills wurde bei Schauspielern und Prominenten schnell bekannt. Unter anderem wurde das Studio von Barbra Streisand, Candice Bergen und Nancy Reagan besucht. Nachdem Joseph Pilates 1967 im Alter von 84 Jahren starb, haben Ron Fletcher und andere Schüler sein Werk am Leben erhalten und machten schließlich die Pilates-Methode weltweit bekannt. Heute sind allein in den USA über 50.000 Pilates-Studios zu finden mit Millionen von Menschen, die Pilates‘ bewährte Übungen praktizieren. Doch Pilates-Studios gibt es mittlerweile überall in der Welt: von Australien über Dubai und Südafrika bis hin in die Schweiz und – natürlich – auch weiterhin in Deutschland, wo Pilates’ Ideen den Test der Zeit überstanden haben und seinen Anhängern ein Niveau an Gesundheit und Fitness bringen, das seinesgleichen sucht. For more information on the Pilates Method, go to and SPRING 2015 31 WELLNESS | FITNESS TRAVEL T o get back to the place where the Kneipp cure all began, you’ll need to visit Bad Wörishofen in the Allgäu. That’s the region filled with thermal hot springs in Bavarian Swabia where Father Sebastian Kneipp settled in 1855 and began his wellness work in earnest. With more than 150 health treatment facilities in the area that follow Kneipp’s practices, as well as plenty of spa hotels and the city’s famed spa park, there’s much to do in this center of health and wellness. And don’t forget to visit the Kneipp Museum, which celebrates the pastor’s life and work. Steigenberger Hotel, Der Sonnenhof Kneipp Wading Pool V I S IT I NG BAD WÖRISHOFEN TO EXPERIENCE A KNEIPP SPA Hotel Chateau Fontenay Getting there is easy. Fly into Munich, then take the train or rent a care and drive; it is only about a 45-minute trip to lovely Bad Wörishofen. Once there, choose one of the numerous hotels that specialize in providing the hydrotherapy treatments that the Kneipp philosophy embraces. Choose the five-star Chateau Fontenay for luxury accommodations; Steigenberger Hotel Der Sonnehof is another top-notch choice. Both resorts have extensive spa facilities and both are within easy distance of Therme Bad Wörishofen, the famed city spa that features mineral waters chockablock with beneficial elements of fluoride and iodide. Other popular hotels include the pretty Kneippkur & WellVitalhotel Edelweiss, the Parkhotel Residence and the Hotel Cebulj. 32 SPRING 2015 -- By Jenny Peters -- Kurpark Bad Wörishofen No visit to Bad Wörishofen is complete without a trip to the city’s spa park, where Kneipp’s belief in walking barefoot for health is practiced every day. The barefoot trail covers 1.5 kilometers, and is designed to stimulate every sense. It takes about an hour for the walk, as you move from one sensory station to the next (there are 23 in all). And that is only the beginning of the experience; don’t miss the aromatic gardens, the medicinal herb garden and the rosarium. For the ultimate in a healthy, invigorating vacation, schedule a trip during one of Bad Wörishofen’s many festivals. The Festival of the Nations is a yearly classical music extravaganza held in the early fall, while the Jazz Goes to Kur [Health] celebrates its 25th anniversary with jazz and blues in late October. KNEIPP SPA RESORTS IN GERMANY A town that offers accredited water therapies after Sebastian Kneipp may be termed Kneipp spa or Kneipp resort. You’ll always find the following in a Kneipp spa or Kneipp resort: Several institutions specialized in providing Kneipp treatment methods including Kneipp open air wading pools An especially healthy climate - nature in abundance and no industrial areas in the vicinity, also only a limited number of cars pass through these townships. Specially qualified spa physicians, expert in all aspects of Kneipp therapy, area available In addition to professional medical care, Kneipp spas and resorts have specialized physiotherapists Relax in natural surroundings, the resorts provide lush and quiet resort gardens. Since nutrition also plays a significant role in Kneipp therapy, specialised dieticians and nutritionists are available to you every day. Kneipp Spa Resorts in Germany Berlin-Brandenburg Bad Freienwalde Mineral and Thermal springs, Medicinal mud spa resorts In Saxony Bad Schmiedeberg Mineral and Thermal springs, Medicinal mud spa resorts, Kneipp spas and Kneipp health resorts In Nor th-West Germany Tecklenburg Bad Iburg Kneipp spas and Kneipp health resorts Kneipp spas and Kneipp health resorts In Central Germany: Kassel - Bad Wilhelmshöhe Mineral and Thermal springs Bad Berleburg Kneipp spas and Kneipp health resorts Bad Münstereifel In Bavaria Kneipp spas and Kneipp health resorts Prien am Chiemsee Kneipp spas and Kneipp health resorts In Southern Germany Bad Bergzabern Mineral and Thermal springs, Climate health resorts Villingen-Schwenningen Kneipp spas and Kneipp health resorts For more information visit CRUISING WITH KNEIPP Hapag Lloyd’s new luxury cruise ship Europa 2 probably offers some of the finest spas in existence, the OCEAN SPA – all complete with a Kneipp wading pool, icepool, and waterfall shower. In the OCEAN SPA, which covers 800 m²/ 8,611 ft², you will find extensive facilities for the personal vitalisation of your body, mind and soul. And so that you never forget where you are, you’ll always have a fantastic view of the open sea. SPRING 2015 33 TRAVEL NEWS TIP FOR HIKING FANS ALETSCH GLACIER HIKE IN SWITZERLAND L ooking for a perfect hiking trip? The team at Switzerland Tourism, recommends you take the Jungfrau Railway up to the Jungfraujoch, Europe’s highest railway station and the starting point for a 2-day hike on the Aletsch Glacier. First, get roped in by the mountain guide, then you’ll walk for four hours downstream on the glacier towards the Concordia Hut, the place to spend the night. There you’ll be treated to fantastic views, a hearty three-course meal, and a bunk bed. At dawn, the discovery on the ice continues. With every bend, new alpine peaks like the Matterhorn come into view, until you arrive at Fiescheralp six hours later – just in time for a well-deserved drink. More information at: or NEW NORTHERN HIGHLIGHT: Hamburg’s Elbphilhar- monie Concert Hall to Open January 2017 Hamburg’s long-anticipated new concert hall and cultural landmark, the Elbphilharmonie, is scheduled to open on January 11, 2017, the Hamburg Senate announced in late January, 2015. The Herzog & de Meuron-designed building is poised to become the city’s newest landmark, and a major cultural and architectural attraction. Preceding the unveiling of the concert hall, the building’s 120-foot-high plaza, which will feature panoramic city views, becomes accessible to the public in November 2016. With most major construction cranes gone, the stunning Elbphilharmonie is even now fully visible. Set at the tip of the Sandtorhafen, the Elbphilharmonie is already the prominent center piece of Hamburg’s HafenCity, a former docklands area-turned fashionable waterfront district. More information on: DESTINATION GERMANY: Record Result with More Than 75 Million Overnight Stays in 2014 The volume of international travel to Germany reached a record high for the fifth year in a row in 2014, with a total of 75.6 million overnight stays. According to the German Federal Statistical Office, the number of overnight stays by visitors from abroad in the period from January to December increased by 5.1 per cent. Europe continues to be the biggest player in inbound tourism to Germany, accounting for roughly 75 percent of the market. The Arab Gulf States are on a steep upward curve and hold the top position among the overseas markets in terms of absolute growth in overnight stays with a total volume of almost 1.9 million. In second place came China with more than two million overnight stays. The U.S.A., which remains the biggest overseas market for Germany, continued to grow strongly, with its travelers making nearly 246,000 more overnight stays than the previous year, as part of a total volume of 5.2 million in 2014. Source: 34 SPRING 2015 TRAVEL AUF’S LEBEN! Auf den Spuren jüdischer Kultur in der Schweiz L’CHAIM 1 Tracing the Jewish Experience Through Switzerland 2 by elyse glickman For the Jewish traveler, modern Switzerland holds many wonderful surprises, especially when it comes to its Jewish community and culture. One of the most surprising and emotionally powerful is that back on August 29, 1897, the seeds for the future state of Israel were planted under the leadership of journalist, writer and political activist Theodor Herzl at the First Zionist Congress held in Basel. T ravelers exploring Jewish history in Switzerland need to take the bad with the good, as Swiss history shares many parallels with other European countries. In many centers like Basel and Zurich, Jews endured second-class citizen status, vocational restrictions, expulsions, persecution and pogroms; expulsions and religious discrimination occurred there from the Middle Ages through the 19th century. However, Switzerland is also a country known for important human rights milestones and bringing about sweeping change, starting with the Great Council of Helvetia (1798-99, when Switzerland’s most liberal citizens advocated civic equality for the Jews and attacked the ancient prejudices of intolerance) and the 1874 Federal Constitution, which granted civic equality for Jewish residents. Today, various Swiss Jewish populations are well united under the auspices of The Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities, which oversees the interests of 23 different organizations. Jews who resided in or spent considerable time in Switzerland include Chaim Weizmann (the first president of Israel), Albert Einstein (who spent much of his youth in Switzerland), Marc Chagall, Yehudi Menuhin and Ruth Dreifuss, who became Switzerland’s first woman president. A Jewish Tour of Basel Prior to starting my guided tour of Jewish sights in Basel, which we began at the Basel Hilton (which has a superb program for guests keeping kosher), my Basel Tourism guide Armgarde Sasse showed me a rare brochure published in 1997 providing comprehensive information for Jewish and Kosher travelers coming to celebrate the centennial of the First Zionist Congress. Für den jüdischen Reisenden halt die Schweiz von heute viele wunderbare Überraschungen parat. Eine der größten davon ist sicherlich die Tatsache, dass bereits am 29. August 1897 die Basis für den zukünftigen Staat Israel in der Schweiz geschaffen wurde, als der Journalist und politische Aktivist Theodor Herzl den ersten Zionisten-Kongress in Basel abhielt. W enn man als Reisender die jüdische Geschichte in der Schweiz erforscht, so wird man, wie auch in anderen europäischen Ländern, auf negative und positive Aspekte stoßen. In vielen Großstädten wie Basel und Zürich hatten Juden lange Zeit den Status Bürger zweiter Klasse und mussten Berufsverbote, Vertreibung, Verfolgung und Pogrome erdulden. Es finden sich Zeugnisse für religiös motivierte Verbannung und Diskriminierung vom Mittelalter bis in das 19. Jahrhundert. Auf der anderen Seite ist die Schweiz jedoch auch ein Land, das bekannt dafür ist, gerade im Bereich der Wahrung der Menschenrechte wichtige Meilensteine erkämpft zu haben und große Veränderung in der Gesellschaft damit herbei geführt hat. Ein Beispiel ist das Große Schweizer Konzil (1788-1799), als liberale Schweizer Bürger sich für die Gleichstellung der Juden einsetzten und die existierende Intoleranz sowie herrschenden Vorurteile angriffen; ein weiteres die 1874 verabschiedete Bundesverfassung, die jüdischen Bürgern die Gleichstellung garantiert. Heute sind die verschiedenen jüdischen Gruppen gut unter dem Schweizerischen Israelitischen Gemeindebund organisiert, der 23 verschiedene Organizationen vereint. Bekannte jüdische Bewohner der Schweiz sind Chaim Weizmann SPRING 2015 035-037_GWSpr15_TravelSwitzerland-2.indd 35 35 5/13/15 10:39 PM All photos: Courtesy TRAVEL 3 4 [ 1 The Old Town of Zurich. 2 Part of Zurich’s skyline. 3 The Great Synagogue in Basel. 4 The famous vegetarian restaurant Hiltl in Zurich. ] According to Sasse, generations of Jews were required to live outside Basel’s city walls and were restricted to the money-lending trade. One famous gate leading into the present-day central business district once featured a plaque from the early 18th century, listing entry tolls and a warning that Jews had to be out of the city when a loud curfew bell was rung. Although there’s no definitive Jewish quarter, we began at Basel’s Great Synagogue and walked to Israel Park, a grove of 40 trees presented to Basel by Israel President Chaim Herzog, and to Switzerland’s only Jewish Museum, which is small in size, but rich in artifacts and history. We also visited Kunstmuseum Basel, which features five of Marc Chagall’s revered studies of four rabbis, a moving portrait of his wife Bella and an idiosyncratic self-portrait. And we took in Fondation Beyeler Museum as well, to see more Chagall and works of other key artists in its permanent collection. On to Zurich Zurich is home to nearly half of Switzerland’s estimated 6,800 Jews, and has been for centuries, so an exploration this thriving city is particularly fulfilling. After an elegant lunch at Olive Garden, the fine-dining restaurant at the Israelitische Cultusgemeinde Zürich (the Swiss equivalent of the Jewish Community Center), my guide Elisabeth Brem led me via busses and trams through neighborhoods off the Bahnhoffstrasse and Langstrasse, to see how Jewish residents helped shape and transform the areas. Our first stop in Old Zurich was the Blue Note Music Store, which was once a synagogue in the heart of the former Judengasse—a thriving community ultimately eradicated during the Protestant reform movement led by John Calvin. Amid books and music-related gift items, Brem points out murals revealing the building’s former use. Nearby, we go inside an apartment whose hallway reveals a mural from the 1330s depicting Jews living well, dancing and displaying family crests of relatives and friends in their homes. We also saw many modern signposts to Jewish/Christian co-existence, from Marc Chagall’s five stained glass windows at Cathedral Frauenmyunster and other works on display in the Kunsthaus Zurich 36 (der erste Präsident Israels), Albert Einstein, der einen großen Teil seiner Jugend in der Schweiz verbracht hat, Marc Chagall, Yehudi Menuhin und Ruth Dreifuss, die erste weibliche Bundespräsidentin der Schweiz. Basel Bevor ich an einer geführten Tour zu den Stätten jüdischer Kultur in Basel teilnahm, die im Basel Hilton startet, das ein exzellentes Menü mit koscheren Gerichten anbietet, zeigte mir der Vertreter vom Tourismusverband Basel, Armgarde Sasse, eine Broschüre, die 1997 anlässlich des 100. Jahrestages des ersten Zionisten-Kongresses veröffentlich wurde und ausführliche Informationen für jüdische und koscher-lebende Reisende enthält. Wie Sasse erzählte, mussten Juden viele Generationen lang außerhalb der Stadtmauern Basels leben und durften nur den Beruf des Geldverleihers ausüben. Ein Schild vom 18. Jahrhundert an einem berühmten Stadttor, das heute zum Business Zentrum führt, zeigt noch die damaligen Zugangszölle und eine Warnung, dass Juden beim Erklingen der Abendglocke die Stadt verlassen mussten. In Basel gibt es kein regelrechtes jüdisches Viertel. Wir begannen daher unsere Tour bei der Großen Synagogue und spazierten zum Israel Park, ein Gelände mit über 40 Bäumen, die der israelische Präsident Chaim Herzog der Schweiz geschenkt hat, und von da zum Jüdischen Museum, dem einzigen in der Schweiz. Dieses ist zwar klein, aber reich an Kunstgegenständen und geschichtlicher Informationen. Wir besuchten auch das Kunstmuseum Basel, wo man fünf von Marc Chagalls berühmter Studien der Vier Rabbiner bewundern kann sowie ein bewegendes Bild seiner Frau Bella und ein Selbstportrait des Malers. Zürich Als nächstes besuchte ich Zürich, wo ungefähr die Hälfte der insgesamt 6800 jüdischen Schweizer wohnen und die Entdeckung ihrer Geschichte in dieser lebendigen Stadt ist daher umso interessanter. SPRING 2015 035-037_GWSpr15_TravelSwitzerland-2.indd 36 5/13/15 10:39 PM TRAVEL Museum to the flagship location of Hiltl, the famed vegetarian restaurant that has been a popular hangout for generations of local Jews who are not orthodox and maintain a kosher-style diet. While not officially certified kosher, it’s been serving Zurich Jews since 1898. Geneva’s Jewish Gems Many of Geneva’s luxury hotels, including Le Richemond and Le Beau-Rivage, offer impressive kosher programs, making them a perfect home base for our Jewish city tour. We started out at La Grand Synagogue, Geneva’s first major synagogue, constructed in the 1850s after the Swiss government granted religious freedom for all in 1847. Now known as Beth Yaacov, it is a beautiful structure. Then it was on to Carrouge, a one-time Jewish enclave outside the Geneva walls, which was later encompassed by Geneva’s urban sprawl.Though many of the structures in the area are gone, you can visit the Jewish cemetery there. We made sure to look closely at the Gare de Cornavin, the city’s main train station on the left bank of Lake Geneva, a beautiful example of Art Deco architecture designed by the Geneva-born Jewish architect Julien Flegenheimer. He also designed the Palace of the League of Nations, which is today the United Nations; that’s nearby and also worthy of a visit. To round out our tour, we headed to Macom, Geneva’s principal Jewish community center, which offers a sanctuary, a main Jewish library and Le Jardin kosher restaurant – and the place where we toasted the end of our fascinating Jewish tourist experience in Switzerland. Nach einem eleganten Mittagessen im “Olive Garden”, dem niveauvollen Restaurants der Israelitischen Cultusgemeinde Zürich, zeigte mir meine Fremdenführerin Elisabeth Brem die Altstadt und unter anderem auch den Blue Note Music Store, wo früher eine Synagoge gestanden hat. Dies war einmal das Kernstück der damaligen Judengasse gewesen, ein florierendes Viertel, das durch die protestantische Reformationsbewegung unter Calvin ausgelöscht wurde. Nicht weit hiervon besuchen wir ein Apartmentgebäude, in dessen Gang wir ein Wandrelief von 1330 betrachten können, das gutsituierte jüdische Einwohner beim Essen und Tanzen zeigt. Im heutigen Zürich findet man auch viele Zeichen friedlicher Ko-Existenz von Juden und Christen, wie zum Beispiel die fünf berühmten Glasfenster des Frauenmünster von Marc Chagall und andere Kunstwerke, die im Kunsthaus Zurich ausgestellt sind. Die Tour beendeten wir im Hiltl, ein berühmtes vegetarisches Restaurant, das seit Generationen ein beliebter Ort für jüdische Einwohner von Zürich ist, die zwar nicht orthodox leben, aber sich koscher ernähren. Obwohl es nicht ein offiziell koscheres Restaurant ist, bewirtet das Hiltl seit 1898 jüdische Gäste. Und hier stießen wir zum Abschluss unserer faszinierenden Tour durch die jüdische Schweiz miteinander an: Auf ’s Leben! L’Chaim! – VON MALENA FUCHS MEMBER SCHOOLS IN AlaskatArizonatConnecticuttDelawaretFloridatGeorgia IllinoistIndianatKansastMarylandtMassachusettstMichigan New JerseytNew YorktNorth CarolinatOhiotPennsylvania South CarolinatTexas OFFERING t German Instruction (K – 16 and Adults) for Beginning Learners, German Expatriates and Heritage Learners t Preparation for US and German University Entry Examinations (AATG, AP, SAT, DSD) t Conference Workshops and Networking Opportunities for Teachers and School Administrators in Cooperation with US and German Organizations and Agencies t Assistance for Creating New German Language Schools t Summer Programs for Younger Students, Teenagers and Adults in Germany and Switzerland For Information contact: SPRING 2015 035-037_GWSpr15_TravelSwitzerland-2.indd 37 37 5/13/15 10:40 PM EDUCATION LEARNING GERMAN LEARNING GERMAN IN THE U.S. Saturday Schools, Summer Camps & More German is one of the seven most important languages in the world. It is one of the four most-used languages in the internet (Mandarin, English, German and Spanish). It is spoken by 120 million people or a quarter of all Europeans as their mother tongue. GERMAN SUMMER CAMPS 2015 Not able to take your kids to Germany this summer? No worries. Consider sending them to one of the following summer camps: CALIFORNIA GASA’s German Immersion Outdoor Camp Once again, the German American School (GASA) will be hosting a German Immersion Outdoor Camp at the beautiful Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center in Orange, CA, from July 26 – August 1, 2015. All activities will be conducted in German. For more information, please visit: ILLINOIS: German Interactively @ Goethe-Institut Chicago Summer Camp! The Goethe-Institut Chicago invites teenagers to learn German in this year’s Summer Camp which is designed for all levels. Students will also get an introduction to many aspects of German culture, work on projects and experience total immersion in the German language including field trips. The summer camp is a day camp and will be held from Monday through Friday, August 17 - August 21, from 9:30 AM until 4 PM, at the Center on Halsted (3656 North Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60613). Cost is $ 500 per student. Registration deadline is June 1, 2015. MINNESOTA: Summer Language Camps at the Germanic-American Institute in Minneapolis From June 15 to August 21, 2015 the GAI offers several oneweek language camps with fun and lots of interaction. Full day and half-day options are available. Students will explore subjects ranging from history and art to science and music. All language skills levels are welcome. 38 SPRING 2015 ONGOING PROGRAMS TO LEARN GERMAN IN THE U.S. CALIFORNIA Learning German in Northern California Check out the many places in the Bay Area offering German language instruction for children and adults. GOETHE-INSTITUT | San Francisco Language courses and intercultural training for adults and teenagers GERMAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF SILICON VALLEY Mountain View, Berkeley, San Francisco Bilingual education from Preschool to Grade 12 GERMAN-AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL | Menlo Park IB education from Preschool - Grade 12 with multiple language track GERMAN AMERICAN SCHOOL ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA | Fremont, Marin, Oakland, Palo Alto, Pleasanton, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Rosa Saturday German Classes and Summer Camps for all ages from toddlers to adults BAKS plus | Berkeley and Pleasant Hill German after-school classes for grades K to 12 BAY AREA KINDERSTUBE | Albany Full-immersion German Preschool KINDERHAUS | San Francisco German International Preschool SANDMANN FAMILY DAY CARE | San Francisco Bilingual childcare program for children between 18 and 48 months LEARNING GERMAN IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA “Kaffeeklatsch ohne Kaffee” at Santa Monica College From April 25 to May 30, 2015, each Saturday from 10 AM to 12 PM, German native speakers and non-native speakers with advanced German language skills meet at the Santa Monica College for this fun conversational course. Guided by a native German language teacher, students can expand their vocabulary through discussion on a variety of topics. Location: Santa Monica College Community Education, SMC Bundy Campus, Room 240, 3171 S. Bundy Dr., Los Angeles Information & Registration: or call 310.434-3400 May 3: Practice Your German at the Kinderfest of the Phoenix Club in Anaheim The annual Kinderfest & Maifest of the Phoenix Club starts this year on May 3 at 11 AM with a the traditional parade of the German American League Clubs at 1 PM. Don’t miss the annual GASA Raffle later in the afternoon and all the wonderful Kinderfest activities such as “Arts and Crafts,” pony rides and a bounce house for the children. Location: The Phoenix Club, 1340 Sanderson Ave., Anaheim, CA 92806 LEARNING GERMAN IN FLORIDA Società Dante Alighieri Coral Gables, FL 33134 | German American Social Club of Greater Miami Miami Dade College | German School of Ft. Lauderdale Contact: Svenja Iglesias | LEARNING GERMAN IN GEORGIA German Schools in the Southeastern United States Atlanta International School – German School Atlanta – German School Charlotte – E.E. Waddell Language Academy, Charlotte – Information: (980) 343-5815 German School Knoxville – German School Spartanburg – For all German programs, visit SPRING 2015 39 CULINARY SPRING RECIPE SPARGELZEIT The White Asparagus Season is here The hype about the coveted white vegetable starts up again in Germany at the end of April. By the end of the season, on June 26, Germans will have spent more than 175 million euro on white asparagus, Germany’s most important cultivated product over the years. White asparagus needs a specific combination of soil, temperature and rain in order to develop the perfect taste. You might not find white asparagus from Germany in the U.S. but try this recipe with white asparagus from Peru oder Mexico. You can also mix it with green asparagus. White Asparagus in Brown Butter & Brioche Crumbs Ingredients for 4 people 20 white asparagus stalks, peeled Salt and freshly ground black pepper 5 ounces butter 1 cup brioche crumbs 11/2 teaspoon freshly minced parsley leaves Directions Peel the asparagus. Line the asparagus from the spear end and cut into approximately 6-inch lengths. Discard ends. In a medium saucepan, bring salted water with lemon juice and one teaspoon of butter to a boil. Cook the asparagus for 10 to 12 minutes, until tender. Be careful not to overcook. Drain the asparagus. Set aside. In a large saute pan, heat the rest of the butter. Add the brioche crumbs and saute until golden. Add the reserved asparagus and saute until well-coated with the browned butter and brioche crumbs. Sprinkle with parsley, season with salt and pepper. Serve warm. - Recipe courtesy of Wolfgang Puck, 2001. Where to find White Asparagus from Europe in the U.S.? In San Francisco and New York, the German-American Chamber of Commerce traditionally hosts an annual White Asparagus Dinner. In New York, Austrian gourmet chef Kurt Gutenbrunner occasionally adds it to its menu. In Southern California, a good choice is Swiss Chef in Valley Glen and Jägerhaus in Anaheim who both offer white asparagus dishes for several weeks until June. 40 SPRING 2015 CULINARY SPRING COOLER WALDMEISTER-BOWLE SWEET WOODRUFF PUNCH © Maria Nagel An All-Time German Favorite in Spring April and May is the time to pick sweet woodruff in Germany and Austria for a refreshing punch. Waldmeister Bowle | Sweet Woodruff Punch Ingredients for 12 Glasses 1 bunch of sweet woodruff 1 1/2 bottle of dry, white wine 1 1/2 bottle of icy cold sparkling wine Directions Wash the sweet woodruff well. In order to increase its aroma, freeze the herb for 15 – 20 minutes in a plastic bag. Fill the chilled white wine into a punch bowl and add the sweet woodruff without the stems. The best is to tie the stems of the sweet woodruff with kitchen yarn and hang the bundle upside down into the punch bowl for 30 minutes. Add sugar to taste and add half a bottle of sparkling wine. Serve chilled. A variation is to cover a pound of washed strawberry halves with dry white and chill the mix for several hours. Then add the sweet woodruff for 30 minutes and fill up with sparkling wine. Zum Wohl! SPRING 2015 41 SPOTLIGHT San Francisco SAP FOUNDER HASSO PLATTNER Receives GABA Lifetime Achievement Award 42 All photos: ©Philipp Weitz Photography. Courtesy of GABA. T he German American Business Association (GABA) presented the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award to Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Hasso Plattner, founder of SAP and chairman of SAP’s Supervisory Board at a gala event on January 23 in San Francisco. Hasso Plattner co-founded SAP in 1972 and helped grow the company into the worldwide market leader in enterprise application software. SAP (NYSE: SAP), headquartered in Waldorf, Germany, helps companies of all sizes and industries operate better. SAP applications and ser1 vices enable more than 263,000 customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably. German Consul General Stefan Schlüter explained,“Hasso Plattner is a phenomenally successful and innovative entrepreneur. He grew SAP from a five-person-startup to a strong global market leader with more than 68,800 employees. Continuous innovation is a hallmark of his success – both within SAP as well as through the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University – and his ongoing support and engagement with startups here in the Silicon Valley and in Germany.” 2 3 In his acceptance speech, Plattner stated “GABA is an impressive organization that helps connect German-American business professionals and fosters transatlantic relationships. I am honored to be recognized by GABA with its Lifetime Achievement Award.” That evening GABA also presented – for the first time - two Startup and Innovation Awards 2015 to 4 German startups that have had a significant impact on [ 1 Welcome reception at the GABA Gala 2015 German-American business. “Smaato and ParStream at the City Club in San Francisco. 2 Hasso are excellent examples of how German companies Plattner (center) with GABA Chairman Daniel 5 can be successful in California with dedication, innoZimmermann and GABA Executive Director vation and great German engineering,” said Caroline Caroline Raynaud. 3 Consul General Stefan Schlueter 4 GABA Startup Award Winner ParStream: CEO Michael Hummel, Caroline Raynaud, Dieter Gerdemann (GABA Startup Award Committee) and CTO Joerg Bienert (f.l.t.r.) Raynaud, Executive Director of GABA. Smaato is a 5 Caroline Raynaud presents the GABA Startup Award 2015 to Petra Vorsteher (r.) of Smaato. ] global leader in mobile advertising. ParStream drives innovation in database and analytic technology. This ABOUT GABA allows users to perform real-time analytics on big GABA is a member-driven, non-profit organization that fosters transatlantic knowledgedata in new innovative ways and at a significantly sharing and networking among German-American and Californian business and tech lower cost. “We congratulate GABA for creating the communities. GABA’s Advisory Council consists of Sun CoFounder Andy Bechtolsheim, Startup awards,” recognized Dirk Kanngiesser, CEO GoogleX Founder Sebastian Thrun, Dirk Kanngiesser (German Accelerator) and German of the German Accelerator. “An increasing number Consul General Stefan Schlueter. GABA is proud to serve more than 10,000 members of German startups have achieved great visibility in in its network. the Silicon Valley ecosystem.” SPRING 2015 042_GWSpr15_SpotSF-2.indd 42 5/13/15 10:56 PM OPENING SPOTLIGHT 1 GOETHE-INSTITUT NEW YORK GOETHE-INSTITUT NEW YORK FOUND A NEW HOME NOW AT 30 IRVING PLACE | By Petra Schürmann 2 3 SPACE 4 5 Expanding its cultural programs and, for the first time, offering German language courses, the Goethe-Institut New York opened its new home at 30 Irving Place on Saturday, March 28, 2015 to the public. The newly renovated space, originally built in 1912 by Central Realty Company and rebuilt for the Goethe-Institut by architects Sebastian Kaempf and Anke Roggenbuck of KARO Architects, offers a venue for cultural events but it also encompasses a library with a collection of over 15,000 volumes (books, ebooks, audio books, DVDs, CDs, print media), an open reading area, and four classrooms. Part of the opening day program was DJ Rokin presenting German and US avant-garde silent films from the 1920s accompanied by music ranging from electronica and instrumental hip hop. “Our new home, which is close to Union Square, gives us opportunities to reach new audiences in new ways,” states Executive Director Christoph Bartmann. “We can now offer for the first time, German language courses in fulfillment of the Goethe-Institut’s worldwide engagement for the German language and culture.” 7 7 6 8 OPEN HOUSE 9 The new space which is accessible on street level offers a lot of light and transparency due to large windows next to the front entrance. Sleek stainless steel counters offer reading and research space during the day and function as a bar and buffet table during events. While the library and event space is on the first floor, the four classrooms, and the offices are on the fourth floor. Siberian oak was used for a stunning grey wood panel floor on the fourth floor, and very high ceilings as well as glass doors and dividing walls create again an atmosphere of lightness and transparence. 10 1 From left: Christoph Bartmann, Director Goethe-Institut New York; Penny Abeywardena, Commissioner for International Affairs at the Mayor’s Office New York; Brita Wagner, Consul General, German Consulate General New York; Stephan Steinlein, State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office; and Johannes Ebert, Secretary-General of the Goethe-Institut 2 Applauding audience at the by-invitation-only opening of the new Goethe-Institut New York 3 Street view of the new Goethe-Institut New York 4 Library of the new Goethe-Institut New York 5 Seating area in the library of the new Goethe-Institut New York 6 Library of the new Goethe-Institut New York 7 Guests exploring the library of the new Goethe-Institut New York 8 & 9 Guests exploring the library of the new Goethe-Institut New York 10 Open House party at the new Goethe-Institut New York | Photos © Goethe-Institut New York / Jacobia Dahm THE 3RD GACC AUTOMOTIVE FORUM THE SELF-DRIVING CAR - FUTURISTIC DREAM OR REALITY IN THE MAKING? T he dream of selfdriving vehicles has been with us since the 1950s, and advanced electronic safety systems let cars already react autonomously. How will these systems evolve? The GACC New York invited a panel of industry experts to debate this question at the 3rd GACC Automotive Forum which was co-presented by KPMG and hosted at their office building. After a welcome by Dietmar Rieg, CEO of the GACC, the panelists Gary Silberg (KMPG), Anupam Malhotra (Audi of America), and Paul Ferraiolo (BMW of North America) as well as moderator John Voelcker, editor of Green Car Reports, started the discussion. Self-parking car (demonstrated by Volkswagen and others at | By Nicholas Jaksic this year’s Consumer Electronics Show) is a milestone on the way to fully autonomous cars, but the consensus at the forum was that the technology exists already today but that the necessary framework of governmental guidelines and regulation as well as insurance policies would be the biggest hurdle. Who is responsible if a car while self-parking is causing an accident? And technical hurdles remain. Both Malhota and Ferrailo admitted that bad weather can throw off current self-driving technology. At some points the car would have to tell the drivers to take back control. The German-American forum coincided with KPMG’s recent report, written by Gary Silberg and others, “Me, My Car, My Life…In the Ultraconnected Age.” The report states, for example, that we are moving toward a sharing model that will de-emphasize individual car ownership. This will certainly impact how the self-driving car is adopted, and car sales in general. The panelists at the GACC Automotive Forum, from left, John Voelcker (moderating), Gary Silberg (KPMG), Anupam Malhotra (Audi) and Paul Ferrailo (BMW). (Photo: Courtesy GACC) SPRING 2015 43 SPOTLIGHT LOS ANGELES US-A-BIZ AWARD 2015 The winners of the Austrian “Business Oscar” are Doka, FACC, Getzner, opvizor, Siemens 1 2 E very year Hollywood is in the world’s limelight for the Oscar Awards, the most coveted prize of the world film industry. Two days earlier the Austrian Trade Commission Los Angeles/ ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA awarded the US-A-Biz Award, the “Business-Oskar” for excellent performance of Austrian companies on the U.S. market. “The US-A-Biz Award brings the extraordinary and innovative to the media spotlight. In many cases these world champions of niche markets are hardly known in Austria,” says Rudolf Thaler, Austrian Trade Commissioner in Los Angeles. On February 20th this award was presented for the fifth consecutive year. This year the winners are companies in information technology, aerospace, transportation, and construction, that performed outstanding achievements in 2014. For the first time, there was also a special category for the world championship performance of the Austrian ski industry at the World Cup in Vail, Colorado. “The entire Austrian export industry should have earned a USA-Biz Award, as it produced a sensational increase in exports to the United States: from 9% in the first eleven months of 2014, to 7.15 billion Euros,” says Thaler. Imports from the United States amounted to Euro 4.17 billion, an increase of 2.4% compared to the same period last year. In the category ‘Spectacular’, the “Business Oscar” went to Doka GmbH for developing an innovative climbing formwork which was used in New York City in order to build the tallest residential high-rise in the Western Hemisphere. The US-A-BIZ Award in the category ‘Trendsetter’ went to Getzner GmbH, a specialist for vibration solutions, which makes the subway in New York City glide quietly thanks to their hightech materials for vibration protection. Getzner solutions are increasingly used in the U.S. in the construction-, railway- and industrial sector. In the category ‘Startup’, the winner is opvizor GmbH , a Viennese startup which was able to collect $2.15 million in venture capital in the United States for its security software to prevent power failures. The “Business Oskar” in the category of ‘Innovation’ was award to the TTTech Computer Technology AG, a Viennese company that has conquered the U.S. with its highly reliable network technology ‘TTTEthernet’. In December of last year the Orion spacecraft of NASA completed its maiden voyage with on board the 44 SPRING 2015 TTTEthernet, which controls all crucial components of the system. TTTech technology was also used on the Boeing Dreamliner for the control of electrical- and cabin pressure control. In the category of ‘Investment’, the FACC AG, a specialist for technologically advanced lightweight solutions like the fuel-saving Split Scimitar winglets, won the award. Over 3,000 Boeing 737NG are about to switch to the new winglets in the coming years, which is about 70% of the planes located in the United States. Siemens AG Austria received the business award in the category of ‘Market Penetration’ thanks to a spectacular order of the Department of Transportation of the City of San Francisco. 175 rail cars were supplied for a value of 648 million USD. Including an option for other 85 cars this is the largest order for light rail vehicles that was ever awarded in the United States. Siemens produces the light rail cars in a plant in Sacramento, CA, in accordance with the “Buy America”-act. 1,300 “Made in USA”-trams and light rails were delivered in 17 cities. In the new special category ‘World Champion of Brands’, the Austrian ski equipment producer Head with 15 champions using their brand and winning 3 gold, 4 silver and 8 bronze medals at the recent Ski World Championship in Colorado was honored with the US-A-Biz Award. More information on 1 Fuel-saving Split Scimitar Winglet, developed and manufactured by FACC for the US customer Aviation Partners Boeing. Photo: Courtesy FACC. 2 Austrian Trade Commissioner in Los Angeles Rudolf Thaler. Photo: Courtesy SPOTLIGHT LOS ANGELES AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... Celebrating German Academy Award Nominees in Los Angeles O ver 300 people gathered to celebrate this year’s German Academy Award nominees at a reception hosted in their honor by German Films together with Villa Aurora and the Consulate General of Germany on February 21. The annual German pre-Oscar party is always held one day before Oscar day and always draws members of the German and American film community, foreign dignitaries and distinguished guests. This year, Björn Böhning, head of the Senate Chancellery of the Federal State of Berlin, film director Wim Wenders, and fashion designer Wolfgang Joop, came to Los Angeles to celebrate German cinema. 1 2 3 4 The German community was hoping that “The Salt of the Earth” directed by Wim Wenders and Juliano Ribeiro Salgado or “Citizenfour” directed by Laura Poitras and produced by German company Praxis Films, both nominated for Best Documentary Feature, would win. German composer Hans Zimmer received a nomination for “Interstellar” by Christopher Nolan for Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures (Original Score). The other nominees included “The Grand Budapest Hotel” directed by Wes Anderson and produced by Studio Babelsberg which was nominated in the categories of Best Achievement in Cinematography, Costume Design, Film Editing, Makeup and Hairstyling, Music Written for Motion Pictures - Original Score, Best Motion Picture of the Year, Production Design, Best Original Screenplay, and for Best Director. In his remarks, Consul General Dr. Bernd Fischer lauded the nominees and said, “Babelsberg is now the place to be FAREWELL TO KARIN MEMMERT 5 in the world for filmmakers.” Later that afternoon, “Citizenfour” won the Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary, and the next day at the 87th Academy Awards, the documentary won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature. Studio Babelsberg could not be happier that “The Grand Budapest Hotel” took home four Oscars for original score, production design, costume design, as well as makeup and hairstyling. 1 Pre-Oscar at Villa Aurora, from left, Consul General Dr. Fischer, Mariette Rissenbeek (German Films managing director), Annette Rupp (Villa Aurora Berlin) and Oliver Mahrdt, German Films US representative). 2 Wim Wenders, second from left, with “The Salt of the Earth” team: Donata Wenders (stills), Juliano Salgado (writer, co-director), Ivi Roberg, and Laurent Petitgand (composer). 3 Dr. Fischer and Björn Böhning join “Citizenfour” director Laura Poitras, fourth from left, and her film team on stage. Courtesy Consulate General of Germany in Los Angeles. 4 German fashion designer Wolfgang Joop, for the first time at Villa Aurora, and one of his models joined Wim and Donata Wenders at the party. All photos: ©Volker Correll. 6 Despite all the excitement about the Oscar nominations at the German pre-Oscar party on February 21, Consul General Dr. Fischer did not forget about a very prominent member of the German community: Dr. Karin Memmert, a board member of the Los AngelesBerlin Sister City Committee, and journalist for the local German media had passed away on February 9. Karin had fought cancer for many years, and sadly lost her courageous battle against the illness eventually. The memorial service took place the same morning at the St. Frances de Sales Church in Sherman Oaks, and Dr. Fischer called for a moment of silence to pay tribute to Karin Memmert. Karin is survived by her husband for 48 years, Dr. Günter Memmert, and her son Markus. Karin Memmert had also been a contributor and friend to German World Magazine for many years, and we will always be very thankful for her support. Our heartfelt sympathies to Guenter, Markus, all her family members, and friends. Cordially, Petra Schürmann & German World staff. 5 Karin Memmert as a young woman in New York. Photo: private 6 Karin Memmert (2nd f.l.) and her husband Guenter (l.) with Consul General Dr. Fischer and his wife at the LA Berlin Christmas Party in 2012 at the residence of Prinz von Anhalt and Zsa Zsa Gabor. Photo: ©Volker Corell. SPRING 2015 45 TV Programmtipp Ihr Fernsehprogramm für Amerika Januar 2014 JUBILÄUM Zehn Jahre PopXport Die Sendung PopXport stellt herausragende Interpreten und Bands aus Deutschland vor, zeigt die neuesten Trends und berichtet über die wichtigsten Musikveranstaltungen. Jetzt wird das Musikmagazin auf DW zehn Jahre alt. PopXport feiert das Jubiläum mit einem Rückblick: Was waren die Highlights? Welche Bands hat das Magazin porträtiert? Bei welchen Events waren die PopXport-Reporter dabei? Und wer hat die Sendung schon moderiert? Foto: Michael Reichel Snowkiting im Thüringer Wald FR 10. Jan. 21:30 SA 11. Jan. 00:30 | 14:00 | 18:30 EUROMAXX SO 12. Jan. 16:00 Schneetreiben KINO Wenn die Temperaturen unter den Gefrierpunkt rutschen und der Schnee glitzert, dann ist Hochsaison in Europas Wintersportgebieten. Ab Januar zieht es Skifahrer und Snowboarder traditionell in die Berge. Und die Liste der Angebote für Wintersportler wird immer länger: Vom Snowkiting über das Schneeschuhwandern bis hin zum Eisklettern – wer will, kann im Winterurlaub jede Minute aktiv sein! In der sechsteiligen Serie „Schneetreiben“ stellt Euromaxx einige der schönsten und gleichzeitig ungewöhnlichsten Wintersportregionen in Europa vor. Spanien zum Beispiel bietet Skifahren mit Meerblick – in der Sierra Nevada in Andalusien, Europas südlichstem Skigebiet. In Deutschland können Winterurlauber im Thüringer Wald abheben, entweder beim Snowkiting oder beim Skispringen von der Marktiegelschanze. Und in Davos in der Schweiz lädt Europas größte Natureisbahn zum Eislaufen ein. 19. – 24. Jan. 16:30 | 23:30 | 20. – 25. Jan. 03:30 | 12:30 Geheimnis Film Große Emotionen und immer neue Fantasiewelten: Kino fasziniert weltweit ein Millionenpublikum. Doch wie entsteht die Magie im Film? Welche Rolle spielen Licht und Farbgestaltung? Welche Stimmungen lassen sich mit Sounddesign und Musik erzeugen? Welche Tricks wenden die Profis an, um die Zuschauer in die perfekte Illusion zu entführen. Kino wirft einen Blick hinter die Kulissen und ergründet die Geheimnisse des Filmemachens. HIN & WEG SA 18. Jan. 02:00 | 12:00 | 18:00 Winterfreuden MO 20. Jan. 21:30 DI 21. Jan. 15:30 FR 24. Jan. 22:00 Auch Hin & weg besucht eine beliebte Wintersportregion – die Zugspitze. Deutschlands höchster Berg bietet Wintersportfreuden für jeden Geschmack. Auf dem Zugspitzplatt sorgen abwechslungsreiche Pisten auf insgesamt 22 Kilometern für pures Ski- und Snowboardvergnügen – schneesicher vom Herbst bis zum Frühjahr. Darüber hinaus lockt oben auf dem Gletscher der Sonnenschein, auch wenn im Tal der Nebel die Sicht versperrt. Seitdem das Skigebiet Garmisch-Classic am Fuße der Zugspitze mit zahlreichen Schneekanonen aufgerüstet wurde, ist auch hier Schneesicherheit garantiert. An den Hängen von Hausberg, Kreuzeck und Alpspitze findet man 40 Pistenkilometer, darunter die berüchtigte Kandahar-Abfahrt. Doch auch Winterurlauber, die nicht Ski oder Snowboard fahren, können die verschneite Bergwelt rund um die Zugspitze genießen – etwa bei einer Schneeschuhwanderung zum Eibsee. SA 25. Jan. 21:30 | SO 26. Jan. 00:30 | 14:00 | 18:30 | MO 27. Jan. 16:00 Foto: Piffl Medien Martina Gedeck im Kinofi lm „Hinter der Tür“ (2012) Alle Zeiten in GMT/UTC | Lokale Zeiten: Vancouver UTC –8 | New York UTC -5 | São Paulo UTC –2 046-047_GWSpr15_TVTip-May.indd 46 4/24/15 8:24 PM TV Program Ihr Fernsehprogramm fü Foto: Michael Reichel Snowkiting im Thüringer Wald EUROMAXX Schneetreiben Wenn die Temperaturen unter den Gefri Hochsaison in Europas Wintersportgebi traditionell in die Berge. Und die Liste de Vom Snowkiting über das Schneeschuhw Winterurlaub jede Minute aktiv sein! In der sechsteiligen Serie „Schneetre gleichzeitig ungewöhnlichsten Wintersp bietet Skifahren mit Meerblick – in der S Skigebiet. In Deutschland können Winte beim Snowkiting oder beim Skispringen Schweiz lädt Europas größte Natureisbah 19. – 24. Jan. 16:30 | 23:30 | 20. – 2 HIN & WEG Winterfreuden Auch Hin & weg besucht eine beliebte W höchster Berg bietet Wintersportfreude sorgen abwechslungsreiche Pisten auf i boardvergnügen – schneesicher vom H auf dem Gletscher der Sonnenschein, a Seitdem das Skigebiet Garmisch-Cla kanonen aufgerüstet wurde, ist auch hi Hausberg, Kreuzeck und Alpspitze find tigte Kandahar-Abfahrt. Doch auch Win können die verschneite Bergwelt rund u schuhwanderung zum Eibsee. SA 25. Jan. 21:30 | SO 26. Jan. 00:3 Alle Zeiten in GMT/UTC | Lokale Zeiten: Van 046-047_GWSpr15_TVTip-May.indd 47 4/24/15 8:25 PM TV Programmtipp Ihr Fernsehprogramm für Amerika Januar 2014 JUBILÄUM Zehn Jahre PopXport Die Sendung PopXport stellt herausragende Interpreten und Bands aus Deutschland vor, zeigt die neuesten Trends und berichtet über die wichtigsten Musikveranstaltungen. Jetzt wird das Musikmagazin auf DW zehn Jahre alt. PopXport feiert das Jubiläum mit einem Rückblick: Was waren die Highlights? Welche Bands hat das Magazin porträtiert? Bei welchen Events waren die PopXport-Reporter dabei? Und wer hat die Sendung schon moderiert? Foto: Michael Reichel Snowkiting im Thüringer Wald FR 10. Jan. 21:30 SA 11. Jan. 00:30 | 14:00 | 18:30 EUROMAXX SO 12. Jan. 16:00 Schneetreiben KINO Wenn die Temperaturen unter den Gefrierpunkt rutschen und der Schnee glitzert, dann ist Hochsaison in Europas Wintersportgebieten. Ab Januar zieht es Skifahrer und Snowboarder traditionell in die Berge. Und die Liste der Angebote für Wintersportler wird immer länger: Vom Snowkiting über das Schneeschuhwandern bis hin zum Eisklettern – wer will, kann im Winterurlaub jede Minute aktiv sein! In der sechsteiligen Serie „Schneetreiben“ stellt Euromaxx einige der schönsten und gleichzeitig ungewöhnlichsten Wintersportregionen in Europa vor. Spanien zum Beispiel bietet Skifahren mit Meerblick – in der Sierra Nevada in Andalusien, Europas südlichstem Skigebiet. In Deutschland können Winterurlauber im Thüringer Wald abheben, entweder beim Snowkiting oder beim Skispringen von der Marktiegelschanze. Und in Davos in der Schweiz lädt Europas größte Natureisbahn zum Eislaufen ein. 19. – 24. Jan. 16:30 | 23:30 | 20. – 25. Jan. 03:30 | 12:30 Geheimnis Film Große Emotionen und immer neue Fantasiewelten: Kino fasziniert weltweit ein Millionenpublikum. Doch wie entsteht die Magie im Film? Welche Rolle spielen Licht und Farbgestaltung? Welche Stimmungen lassen sich mit Sounddesign und Musik erzeugen? Welche Tricks wenden die Profis an, um die Zuschauer in die perfekte Illusion zu entführen. Kino wirft einen Blick hinter die Kulissen und ergründet die Geheimnisse des Filmemachens. HIN & WEG SA 18. Jan. 02:00 | 12:00 | 18:00 Winterfreuden MO 20. Jan. 21:30 DI 21. Jan. 15:30 FR 24. Jan. 22:00 Auch Hin & weg besucht eine beliebte Wintersportregion – die Zugspitze. Deutschlands höchster Berg bietet Wintersportfreuden für jeden Geschmack. Auf dem Zugspitzplatt sorgen abwechslungsreiche Pisten auf insgesamt 22 Kilometern für pures Ski- und Snowboardvergnügen – schneesicher vom Herbst bis zum Frühjahr. Darüber hinaus lockt oben auf dem Gletscher der Sonnenschein, auch wenn im Tal der Nebel die Sicht versperrt. Seitdem das Skigebiet Garmisch-Classic am Fuße der Zugspitze mit zahlreichen Schneekanonen aufgerüstet wurde, ist auch hier Schneesicherheit garantiert. An den Hängen von Hausberg, Kreuzeck und Alpspitze findet man 40 Pistenkilometer, darunter die berüchtigte Kandahar-Abfahrt. Doch auch Winterurlauber, die nicht Ski oder Snowboard fahren, können die verschneite Bergwelt rund um die Zugspitze genießen – etwa bei einer Schneeschuhwanderung zum Eibsee. SA 25. Jan. 21:30 | SO 26. Jan. 00:30 | 14:00 | 18:30 | MO 27. Jan. 16:00 Foto: Piffl Medien Martina Gedeck im Kinofi lm „Hinter der Tür“ (2012) Alle Zeiten in GMT/UTC | Lokale Zeiten: Vancouver UTC –8 | New York UTC -5 | São Paulo UTC –2 048-049_GWSpr15_TVTip-Jun.indd 48 4/24/15 8:26 PM TV Program Ihr Fernsehprogramm fü Foto: Michael Reichel Snowkiting im Thüringer Wald EUROMAXX Schneetreiben Wenn die Temperaturen unter den Gefri Hochsaison in Europas Wintersportgebi traditionell in die Berge. Und die Liste de Vom Snowkiting über das Schneeschuhw Winterurlaub jede Minute aktiv sein! In der sechsteiligen Serie „Schneetre gleichzeitig ungewöhnlichsten Wintersp bietet Skifahren mit Meerblick – in der S Skigebiet. In Deutschland können Winte beim Snowkiting oder beim Skispringen Schweiz lädt Europas größte Natureisbah 19. – 24. Jan. 16:30 | 23:30 | 20. – 2 HIN & WEG Winterfreuden Auch Hin & weg besucht eine beliebte W höchster Berg bietet Wintersportfreude sorgen abwechslungsreiche Pisten auf i boardvergnügen – schneesicher vom H auf dem Gletscher der Sonnenschein, a Seitdem das Skigebiet Garmisch-Cla kanonen aufgerüstet wurde, ist auch hi Hausberg, Kreuzeck und Alpspitze find tigte Kandahar-Abfahrt. Doch auch Win können die verschneite Bergwelt rund u schuhwanderung zum Eibsee. SA 25. Jan. 21:30 | SO 26. Jan. 00:3 Alle Zeiten in GMT/UTC | Lokale Zeiten: Van 048-049_GWSpr15_TVTip-Jun.indd 49 4/24/15 8:26 PM LAST PAGE GO June 18 - September 30, 2015 German-American Heritage Museum of the USA, Washington, DC PAPERLESS! GW BILINGU 1915 - 2015: 100 Years of Hollywood L.A. CAR SHOW CARMAK THE PACKERS LEAD Food: ❯ HOT RECI FOR COLDPES DAYS More: Only $12.95 /year! 50 SPRING 2015 KATHERINE HEIGL WINTER 2014 YOUR SO URCE GWWint14-B1 -final_cov.indd 1 BETWEEN ESSL INGEN AND THE WHITE HOUSE Spurens OF GERM AN -AMERIC uche in Esslinge n $4.95 / ISSUE $19.95 / YEAR (USA) ISBN 1 AN NEW S I N T H E 558-7568 US ORDER GERMAN WORLD eMAGAZINE TODAY! This project is sponsored by the Transatlantic Program of Germany with funds of the European Recovery Program (ERP) of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi). Hours: Tue-Fri 11 am – 6 pm | Sat noon – 5 pm | Sun-Mon closed. Please call to schedule group tours. RLD E ❯ GERMAN The “Laemmle Effect” While the influence of German immigrants on the Hollywood film industry in the 1920s and 1930s is well known, there is only little awareness of the fact that the earliest beginnings of the Hollywood film industry can also be traced back to German immigrants. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of Universal Studios in Hollywood, which was opened on March 15, 1915 by German immigrant Carl Laemmle, this multimedia traveling exhibit explores the influence of German immigrants on the American film and entertainment industry from 1915 to today. AL MAGA ZIN GERMAN WO ONLY $1.99 / ISSUE TONI GAR 051_GWSpr15_Ad-DAAD.indd 51 4/18/15 11:01 PM 052_GWSpr15_Ad-DW.indd 52 4/18/15 11:12 PM
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