PD Dr. Alexander Alldridge • Independent research group leader Work address: University of Cologne, Weyertal 86-90, 50937 Köln, Germany Tel: +49-221-4705398 (work) Home address: Langenfelder Str. 16b, 51371 Leverkusen, Germany Tel: +49-2173-2607355 · +49-172-7537030 (mobile) Email: [email protected] · Web: http://www.mi.uni-koeln.de/~alldridg EDUCATION 2004–2010 1999–2004 1995–1999 1996–1998 1993–1995 1993 University of Paderborn, Institute for Mathematics Habilitation in Mathematics Thesis title: Harmonic analysis on Riemannian symmetric superspaces Referees: H. Glöckner, A.T. Huckleberry, K.-H. Neeb, Chr. Schweigert University of Marburg, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Doctor of Mathematics, Thesis title: Toeplitz operators on semi-simple Lie groups Mark: summa cum laude, Supervisor: H. Upmeier University of Marburg, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Maths Diploma, Dissertation: Toeplitzoperatoren auf dem Hardyraum von SL2 (R) Mark: with utmost distinction, Supervisor: H. Upmeier University of Marburg, Centre for Japanese Studies Studies in Japanese Language, Passed pre-degree (Vordiplom) language exams University of Marburg, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Pre-degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics, Mark: 1 (both) Städtisches Dreikönigsgymnasium zu Köln, Abitur (A-Levels) Mark: 1.0 (2nd of school) EMPLOYMENT 2010–today 2004–2010 1999–2004 University of Cologne, Mathematical Institute Leader, independent research group (funded by German Research Council) – Head of research unit, all-round management experience in funding and people management, academic leadership, and recruitment – Sought out and obtained funding in collaboration and independently – Supervised PhD dissertations and Masters theses University of Paderborn, Institute for Mathematics Research associate and postdoctoral researcher – Taught lecture courses to undergraduates and postgraduates – Contributed to curricular design – Engaged in assessment and examination of students and doctorals University of Marburg, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Research assistant and doctoral researcher – Assisted in teaching undergraduates, marking, examination, invigilation – Responsible for assignment of teaching assistants – Mentoring and informal guidance to undergrads and fellow doctorals FUNDING 2015 2014 2014–2017 2013–2018 2012–2013 2011 2011–2014 2010–2016 Conference, supported by SPP 1388 and SFB/TR 12, € 20K QM2 guest funding, Centre of Excellence QM2 , € 8.5K UoC Advanced Researcher Group Grant, Excellence Intiative, € 180K QM2 independence/travel fund, Centre of Excellence QM2 , € 5K p.a. PhD grant, Collaborative Research Centre SFB TR/12, € 48K Conference, supported by SPP 1388 and SFB/TR 12, € 7K PhD grant, Collaborative Research Centre SFB TR/12, € 144.9K Independent junior research group, funded from the proceed of the Leibniz prize awarded to M.R. Zirnbauer (DFG ZI 513/2-1), € 825K Cologne, December 4, 2015 APPENDIX PUBLICATIONS Proceedings and survey articles are marked by ∗. 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2002 [1]. Superorbits, submitted, 45 pp. arXiv:1502.04375v2 (w/ J. Hilgert and T. Wurzbacher). [2]. Spherical representations of Lie supergroups, J. Func. Anal. 268 (2015), no. 6, 1403–1453 DOI 10.1016/j.jfa.2014.11.018 (w/ S. Schmittner). [3]. Asymptotics of spherical superfunctions on rank one Riemannian symmetric superspaces, Documenta Math. 19 (2014), 1317–1366 (w/ W. Palzer). [4].∗ I: Harmonic Analysis on Lie Supergroups — An Overview, II: Riesz Superdistributions, In: P. Jørgensen, K.-H. Neeb and G. Ólafsson (eds.), Reflection Positivity in Representation Theory, Stochastics, and Physics (MFO Workshop, Nov. 30–Dec. 6, 2014), Oberwolfach Reports 55 (2014), pp. 7–10. [5]. Fréchet globalisations of Harish-Chandra supermodules, submitted, 30 pp. http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.4055. [6]. Singular superspaces, Math. Z. 278 (2014), no. 1–2, 441–492 (w/ J. Hilgert and T. Wurzbacher). [7]. Superbosonization via Riesz superdistributions, Forum of Math., Sigma 2 (2014), e9 (64 pp.) (w/ Z. Shaikh). [8].∗ Superbosonisation, Riesz superdistributions, and highest weight modules, In: M. Gorelik and P. Papi (eds.), Advances in Lie Superalgebras (Rome, Dec 10– 15, 2012), Springer INdAM Series 7, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2013, pp. 1–18 (w/ Z. Shaikh). [9].∗ Moderate growth representations of Lie supergroups, In: J. Hilgert, T. Kobayashi, K.-H. Neeb and T. Ratiu (eds.), Representations of Lie Groups and Supergroups (MFO Workshop, March 10–16, 2013), Oberwolfach Reports 13 (2013), pp. 762–765. [10]. Harmonic analysis on Heisenberg–Clifford Lie supergroups, J. London Math. Soc. 87 (2013), no. 2, 561–585 (w/ J. Hilgert and M. Laubinger). [11]. The Harish-Chandra isomorphism for reductive symmetric superpairs, Transformation Groups 17 (2012), no. 4, 889–919. [12]. Berezin integration on non-compact supermanifolds, J. Geom. Phys. 62 (2012), no. 2, 427–448 (w/ J. Hilgert and W. Palzer). [13]. Infinite-dimensional supermanifolds over arbitrary base fields, Forum. Math. 24 (2012), no. 3, 565–608 (w/ M. Laubinger). [14]. A convenient category of supermanifolds, 32 pp. http://arxiv.org/abs/1109. 3161v1. [15]. Convex polytopes and the index of Wiener–Hopf operators, J. Operator Theory 65 (2011), no. 1, 145–155. [16]. Boundary orbit strata and faces of invariant cones and complex Ol’shanskii semigroups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011), 3799–3828. [17]. Chevalley’s restriction theorem for reductive symmetric superpairs, J. Algebra 323 (2010), no. 4, 1159–1185 (w/ J. Hilgert and M.R. Zirnbauer). [18]. Invariant Berezin integration on homogeneous superspaces, J. Lie Theory 20 (2010), no. 1, 65–91 (w/ J. Hilgert). [19].∗ Index theory for Wiener–Hopf operators on convex cones, In: J. Hilgert, A. Hora, T. Kawazoe, K. Nishiyama and M. Voit (eds.), Infinite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis IV (Tokyo, September 10–14, 2007), World Scientific, Singapore 2009, pp. 1–12. [20]. An index theorem for Wiener–Hopf operators, Adv. Math. 218 (2008), no. 1, 163–201 (w/ T.R. Johansen). [21]. Spectrum and analytical indices of the C∗ -algebra of Wiener–Hopf operators, J. Func. Anal. 249 (2007), no. 2, 425–453 (w/ T.R. Johansen). [22].∗ Functoriality for twisted K-theory of stacks, In: U. Bunke, D. Freed and T. Schick (eds.), Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Twisted K-Theory, Oberwolfach Reports 3 (2006), pp. 2796–2800 (w/ J. Giansiracusa). [23].∗ Index theory for Wiener–Hopf operators on convex cones, In: H. Upmeier (ed.), Quantization and Analysis on Symmetric Spaces (Vienna, Sep 22-23, Oct 12, 2005), ESI Reports (2005), pp. 4–16. [24].∗ Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space over SL(2, R): Irreducibility and representations, In: A. Strasburger, J. Hilgert, K.-H. Neeb and W. Wojtyński (eds.), Geometry and Analysis on Finite- and Infinite-Dimensional Lie Groups (Bedlewo, 2000), Banach Center Publ. 55 (2002), pp. 173–209 (w/ H. Upmeier). 2 In preparation [25]. Actions, slices, and radial parts, 30 pp. (w/ K. Coulembier). [26]. Invariant superfunctions on symmetric superspaces, 38 pp. (w/ K. Coulembier). [27]. Fourier analysis on rank one symmetric superspaces, 23 pp. (w/ W. Palzer). [28]. Calculus on Supermanifolds, book, 430 pp. (w/ J. Hilgert and T. Wurzbacher). [29]. Supermanifolds of maps and fields, 64 pp. Theses [30]. Harmonic analysis on Riemannian symmetric superspaces (2009), Habilitation, 58+85 pp. [31]. Toeplitz operators on semi-simple Lie groups (2004), Dissertation, 254 pp. [32]. Toeplitzoperatoren auf dem Hardyraum von SL(2, R) (1999), Diploma thesis, 102 pp. TEACHING EXPERIENCE University of Cologne Spring 2015 Autumn 2013 Spring 2012 Autumn 2011 Spring 2011 Autumn 2010 Gauge field theory · 1st year MMath Representations of Lie algebras in category O · 3rd year BMath/1st year MMath Representations and dualities of Lie superalgebras · 2nd year MMath Geometry and analysis of supermanifolds and supergroups II · 2nd year MMath Geometry and analysis of supermanifolds and supergroups I · 1st year MMath Unitary representations of reductive Lie groups · 2nd year MMath University of Paderborn Spring 2009 Autumn 2008 Spring 2008 Spring 2007 Spring 2006 Representation theory of locally compact groups · 2nd year MMath Mathematics C for Physicists* · 2nd year BPhys Lie groups · 1st year MMath Analysis IV* · 2nd year BMath Geometric measure theory · Doctorals University of Marburg 1999–2010 1995–1998 Organised and conducted tutorials on a regular basis, usually two per term Conducted tutorials as a student TA, about one per term * Conducted evaluations, reports available upon request. SUPERVISION Dissertations 12/2013–today 10/2012– 10/2015 10/2010–1/2014 9/2010–2/2014 D. Ostermayr · Super G-structures and harmonic maps J. Perez Gavilan Torres · The symplectic plactic monoid, words, MV cycles, and non-Levi branchings (co-referee; supervisor: P. Littelmann) M. Mücke · Prehomogeneous super-vector spaces W. Palzer · Fourier analysis on Riemannian symmetric superspaces of rank one Diploma theses 2011 2010 S. Schmittner · Spherical representations of Lie superalgebras W. Palzer · Integration on supermanifolds (co-referee; supervisor: J. Hilgert) Master’s theses 4/2015–today Chr. Max · Non-unitary Fourier analysis on super-Grassmannian varieties Research internships 2013 Chr. Max · Local Fourier–Sherman theory for the supersphere MEETINGS ORGANISED Jan 16–17, 2015 Sep 19–22, 2011 Jan 16–27, 2009 Seminar Sophus Lie XLVIII, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef Representation Theory of Lie Superalgebras, University of Cologne with M. Gorelik, Weizmann Institute Seminar Sophus Lie XXXVI, University of Paderborn with H. Glöckner, Paderborn 3 SERVICE TO DEPARTMENT AND UNIVERSITY 2014–today 2013, 2014/15 2012–today 2010 2006 2009–2010 2008–2010 2008–2009 2007, 2009 2006–2008 2005–2010 2005–2008 2004–2010 2000–2004 1999–2000 1995 Member of the board, Junior Faculty Club (Cologne) Rector’s hiring officer, hiring committees Supply Chain Management (Cologne) Members’ committee, Centre of Excellence QM2 (Cologne) Hiring committee Full professor in Algebra (Paderborn) Hiring committee Heisenberg professor in Functional Analysis (Paderborn) Programme commission, BSc/MSc mathematics education (Paderborn) Exams officer (Paderborn) Administered exam proctors, developed a PHP3/SQL application (Paderborn) Doctoral viva panels (Paderborn) Programme commission, BSc/MSc mathematics (Paderborn) Editor for the Department’s annual report (Paderborn) Department board (Paderborn) Doctoral exams commission (Paderborn) Senate, elected member (Marburg) Convent, convent directorate, elected member (Marburg) Hiring committee Full professor in Geometry/Topology (Marburg) SELECTED INVITED TALKS 7/2015 5/2015 3/2015 2/2015 6/2014 5/2014 5/2013 3/2013 12/2012 12/2012 2/2012 9/2011 4/2011 2/2011 6/2010 4/2010 3/2010 12/2009 9/2009 12/2008 11/2008 Supergroup actions and harmonic analysis Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics XXXIV, Białowieża, Poland Superorbits “Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Physics”, University of Cologne Symmetric superspacs: slices, radial parts, and invariants Priority programme SPP 1388, annual meeting, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef Invariant functions and operators on symmetric superspaces “Representation Theory—Introductory Workshop”, Uppsala Universitet Supergeometry and superbosonisation Colloquium of the School for Pure Mathematics, Universität Hamburg Fourier inversion and Paley–Wiener theorems for rank one symmetric superspaces Seminar Sophus Lie, Philipps-Universität Marburg Globalisation of Harish-Chandra supermodules. “2013 Workshop on Super Representation Theory”, Academia Sinica, Taipei Moderate growth representations of Lie supergroups. “Representation Theory of Lie Groups and Supergroups”, Oberwolfach Superbosonisation, lowest weight modules, and Riesz superdistributions. INdAM, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy Minicourse: Supermanifolds of maps and fields. Workshop on Graded Algebra and Geometry, Université du Luxembourg Superbosonisation, Riesz superdistributions, and unitary highest weight representations. Seminar Sophus Lie—Journées MNRS, Université de Reims Smooth vectors in supergroup representations. DFG-JSPS seminar “Lie Groups: Geometry & Analysis”, Universität Paderborn A Paley–Wiener theorem for the super-hyperbolic disk. Transformation Groups and Mathematical Physics, Universität Paderborn Quantum diffusion for a 3D SUSY lattice model/Invariant differential operators on symmetric superspaces. SFB/TR 12 review panel, LMU München Invariante Differentialoperatoren auf symmetrischen Superräumen. Seminar mathematische Physik, Universität Marburg Invariant differential operators on symmetric superspaces. Priority programme SPP 1388, annual meeting, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef The Harish-Chandra isomorphism for reductive symmetric superspaces. 2nd Killing–Weierstrass Colloquium, Braniewo, Poland Harmonic analysis on symmetric superspaces. “Transformation Groups and Mathematical Physics IV”, Universität Hamburg Towards harmonic analysis on Riemannian symmetric superspaces. “Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Physics”, Gdánsk, Poland C∗ -algebras of Wiener–Hopf operators. Oberseminar C∗ -Algebren Cuntz–Echterhoff–Werner, Universität Münster Invariant differential operators on Riemannian symmetric superspaces “Harmonic Analysis, Operator Algebras, and Representations”, CIRM, Luminy 4 11/2007 9/2007 3/2007 12/2006 9/2006 9/2006 3/2006 9/2005 5/2005 6/2004 3/2004 3/2004 12/2003 3/2000 9/1999 Index theory for Wiener–Hopf operators États de la Recherche, Géométrie non-commutative, Université Paul Verlaine Index theory for Wiener–Hopf operators on arbitrary cones “Infinite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis IV”, University of Tōkyō An index theorem for Wiener-Hopf operators. German Mathematical Society, annual meeting, Humboldt-Universität Berlin Ein Indexsatz für Wiener-Hopf-Operatoren. Graduiertenkolleg “Gruppen und Geometrie”, Universität Göttingen Index Theory for Multivariate Wiener–Hopf Operators. Kyōto University, Japan The Embedding of Discrete Series Representations of Facial Subgroups. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar, RIMS, Japan An Index Theorem for Wiener–Hopf Operators. Seminaire Algèbres d’Opérateurs, Institut de Mathématique de Jussieu Index Theory for Wiener–Hopf Operators on Convex Cones. “Quantization, Complex and Harmonic Analysis”, Erwin-Schrödinger Institute Zur Indextheorie von Wiener-Hopf Operatoren auf konvexen Kegeln. Nordwestdeutsches Funktionalanalysis-Kolloquium, Universität Wuppertal Geometry of Ol’shanskii Semigroups, and Applications to Operator Theory. Seminar Sophus Lie XXVIII, Université Paul Verlaine Multivariable Complex Analysis and Operator Theory. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA The Geometry of Ol’shanskii Domains, and Applications to Operator Theory. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space of an Ol’shanskii semigroup Section on “Operator Theory", AMS-India Meeting #992, IIS Bangalore Non-commutative Hardy spaces and Toeplitz operators over SL(2, R). “Nichtkommutative Geometrie”, Oberwolfach Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space of SL(2, R). “Complex Analysis”, Erwin-Schrödinger Institute, Vienna RESEARCH VISITS 9/2014 4/2014 2/2014 9/2013 4/2013 3/2013 2–3/2013 12/2012 2/2012 10/2011 3/2008 9/2007 1–3/2007 10/2006 9/2006 9/2005 9/2000 1/2000 9/1999 Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna (1 week) Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics, Bonn (1 week) Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics, Bonn (1 week) Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics, Bonn (1 week) Academia Sinica, Taiwan (10 days) Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach (1 week) Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics, Bonn (1 week) Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi, Rome (1 week) Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics, Bonn (2 Wochen) Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach (2 weeks) Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (2 Wochen) University of Tokyo (1 week) Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris (2,5 months) Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach (1 week) Kyoto University (2 weeks) Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna (1 week) Mathematical Research and Conference Center, Bedlewo (2 weeks) Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach (1 week) Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna (1 month) REFEREE Journals – – – – – – – – – – – Archiv der Mathematik Algebras and Representation Theory Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society Canadian Mathematical Bulletin Communications in Mathematical Physics Forum Mathematicum Journal of Algebra Journal of Functional Analysis Journal of Lie Theory Journal of Mathematical Physics 5 – – – – – – – – – Journal of Physics: Conference Proceedings Mathematische Nachrichten Mathematische Zeitschrift MDPI Mathematics Münster Journal of Mathematics Pacific Journal of Mathematics Transformation Groups Semigroup Forum Symmetry Funding bodies – FWO–Research Foundation, Flanders – GAČR–Czech Research Foundation Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet MEMBERSHIP – American Mathematical Society – Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung – Deutscher Hochschulverband FURTHER INFORMATION Nationalities British, German Language skills – English, German: native languages – French: independent user B2 (estimated according to CEFR scale) – Japanese: basic user A1 (estimated according to CEFR scale) 6
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