PUBLICATIONS Barbara Hasse Original articles with peer review 1. Hasse B, Tarr PE, Marques-Vidal P, Waeber G, Preisig M, Mooser V, Valeri F, Djalali S, Bur-tonJeangros C, Rauch A, Bernasconi E, Calmy A, Cavassini M, Vernazza P, Battegay M, Weber R, Senn O, Vollenweider P, Ledergerber B and the CoLaus Cohort, FIRE and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2015). Strong impact of smoking on multimorbidity and cardiovascular risk among HIV infected individuals in comparison to the general population. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 1015 Jul 8;2(3) 2. Kohler P, Kuster SP, Bloemberg G, Schulthess B, Frank M, Tanner F, Rössle M, Böni Ch, Falk V, Wilhelm MJ, Sommerstein R, Achermann Y, tenOever J, Debast S, Wolfhagen M, Brandon Bravo Bruinsma GJ, Vos M ,Bogers A, Serr A, Beyersdorf F, Sax H, Böttger EC, Weber R, Wagner D, van Ingen J, Hasse B (2015). Health-care associated prosthetic heart valve, aortic vascular graft, and disseminated Mycobacterium chimaera infections subsequent to open heart surgery. Eur Heart J. 2015 Oct 21;36(40):2745-53 3. Kouyos R, Hasse B, Calmy A, Cavassini M, Furrer HJ, Stöckle M, Vernazza PL, Bernasconi E, Weber R, Günthard HF (2015). Increases in condom-less sex in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Open Forum Infect Dis. Jun 3;2(2) 4. Husmann L, Sah BR, Scherrer A, Burger IA, Stolzmann P, Weber R, Rancic Z, Mayer D, Hasse B, the Vasgra cohort (2015). 18 F-FDG-PET/CT for therapy control in vascular graft in-fections: a first feasibility study. J Nucl Med. Jul;56(7):1024-9 1 1 1 1 5. Sax H; Bloemberg G; Hasse B ( contributed equally), Sommerstein R, Kohler P, Acher-mann Y, Rössle M, Falk V, Kuster SP, Böttger EC, Weber R (2015). Prolonged outbreak of Mycobacterium chimaera Infection after open chest heart surgery. Clin Infect Dis Jul 1;61(1):67-75. 6. Sah BR, Husmann L, Mayer D, Scherrer A, Rancic Z, Puippe G, Weber R, Hasse B, the Vasgra cohort (2015). Diagnostic performance of 18 F-FDG PET/CT in vascular graft infections. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg; 49(4):455-64 7. Hasse B, Iff M, Ledergerber B, Calmy A, Schmid P, Hauser Ch, Cavassini M, Bernasconi E, Marzolini C, Tarr PE (2014). Obesity trends and body mass index changes after starting antiretroviral treatment: The Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 1(2):1-10. 8. Hasse B, Walker AS, Fehr J, Furrer HJ, Hoffmann M, Battegay M, Calmy A, Fellay J, Di Benedetto C, Weber R, Ledergerber B (2014). Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis is associated with reduced risk of incident tuberculosis in participants of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 58(4):2363-8. 9. Achermann Y, Rössle M, Hoffmann M, Deggim V, Kuster S, Zimmermann D, Bloemberg G, Hombach M, Hasse B (2013). Prosthetic valve endocarditis and blood stream infection due to Mycobacterium chimaera. J Clin Microbiol. 51(6):1769-73. 10. Mayer D, Hasse B, Koelliker J, Enzler M, Veith FJ, Rancic Z, Lachat M (2011). Vascular graft and artery preserving treatment with negative wound pressure therapy in Szilagyi grade III in-fections: long term results justify a paradigm shift. Ann Surg. 254: 754-59 11. Hasse B, Ledergerber B, Egger M, Vernazza P, Furrer H, Battegay M, Hirschel B, Cavassini M, Bernasconi E, Weber R (2011). Morbidity and aging among HIV-positive persons: The Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Clin Infect Dis. 53: 1130-9 12. Meier S, Weber R, Zbinden R, Ruef C, Hasse B (2011). Extended-spectrum β-lactamaseproducing Gram negative pathogens in community acquired urinary tract infections: an in-creasing challenge for antimicrobial therapy. Infection. 39: 333-340 13. Boffi El Amari E, Combesecure C, Yerly S, Calmy A, Kaiser L, Hasse B, Furrer H, Cavassini M, Vernazza P, Hirsch HH, Bernasconi E, Hirschel B, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2011). Clinical relevance of cytomegalovirus viraemia. HIV Med. 12: 394-402 14. Magenta L, Dell-Kuster S, Richter WO, Young J, Hasse B, Flepp M, Hirschel B, Vernazza P, Evison J, Cavassini M, Decosterd LA, Bucher HC, Bernasconi E; the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2011). Lipid and Lipoprotein Profile in HIV-Infected Patients Treated with Lopinavir/Ritonavir as a Component of the First Combination Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS Res Hum Retrovirus-es. 27: 525-33 15. Hasse B, Ledergerber B, Hirschel B, Vernazza P, Glass TR, Jeannin A, Evison JM, Elzi L, Cavassini M, Bernasconi E, Nicca D, Weber R (2010). Frequency and determinants of unpro-tected sex among HIV-infected persons: The Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Clin Infect Dis. 51:1314-22 1 1 1 1 16. Kuster SP, Hasse B, Hübner V ( contributed equally), Bansal V, Zbinden R, Ruef Ch, Ledergerber B, Weber R (2010). Risk factors for infections with extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae at a tertiary care university hospital in Switzerland 2005-2007. Infection. 38: 33-40 17. Keiser O, Spoerri A, Brinkhof MWG, Hasse B, Gayet-Ageron A, Tissot F, Furrer H, Battegay M, Schmid P, Bernasconi E, Egger M, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2010). Trends over time and risk factors for suicide in HIV-infected individuals and the general Swiss population 1988-2008. Am J Psychiatry. 167: 143-50 1 1 1 18. Scherrer A, Hasse B ( contributed equally), von Wyl V, Yerly S, Böni J, Bürgisser Ph, Klimkait Th, Bucher HC, Ledergerber B, Günthard HF, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2009). Geno-typic Activity of ETV in patients on Efavirenz or Nevirapine: the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. HIV Medicine. 10: 647-656 19. Poelsel J, Clifford GM, Rickenbach M, Dal Maso L, Battegay M, Bouchardy Ch, Furrer HJ, Hasse B, Levi F, Probst-Hensch NM, Schmid P, Franceschi S, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2008). Non-Hodgkin lymphoma incidence in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study before and after Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS. 22: 301-306 20. Wolbers M, Battegay M, Hirschel B, Furrer HJ, Cavassini M, Hasse B, Vernazza PL, Bernas-coni E, Kaufmann G, Bucher HC, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2007). Predictors for CD4 cell count increase for treatment naïve patients with sustained viral load suppression within one year after start of cART. Antiviral therapy. 12: 889-897 21. Franceschi S., Polesel J, Rickenbach M, Dal Maso L, Probst-Hensch NM, Fux C, Cavassini M, Hasse B, Kofler A, Ledergerber B, Erb P, Clifford GM. Hepatitis C Virus and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: findings from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2006). Br J Cancer 95:1598-602 22. Aceto L, Karrer U, Grube Ch, Oberholzer R, Hasse B, Presterl E, Böni J, Kuster H, Trkola A, Weber R, Günthard HF (2005). Primary HIV-1 infection in Zurich: 2002-2004. Schweiz Rund-sch Med Prax. 94:1199-205 23. Hasse B, Moll C, Oehy K, Roethlin M, Krause M (2005). Anti-infectious prophylaxis after splenectomy:current practice in an eastern region of Switzerland. Swiss Med Wkly. 135:291-6 24. Hasse B, Ledergerber B, Egger M, Flepp M, Bachmann S, Bernasconi E, Egger M, Guyot S, Hirschel B, Weber R, Guenthard HF, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2005). Antiretroviral treatment and Osteonecrosis in patients of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study: a nested case control study. Aids Research and Human Retroviruses; 20: 909-915 25. Zuber JP, Calmy A, Evison JM, Hasse B, Schiffer V, Wagels T, Nuesch R, Magenta L, Ledergerber B, Jenni R, Speich R, Opravil M, Swiss HIV Cohort Study group (2004). Pulmonary arterial hypertension related to HIV-infection: improved hemodynamics and survival as-sociated with antiretroviral therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 38:1178-1185 Original articles without peer review 1. Pollock E. Hasse B (2015). CME Pertussis. Praxis 104 (18): 941–949 2. Hasse B, Huttner A, Huttner B, Zanetti G, Marschall J, Mühlemann K, Harbarth S (2014). Behandlung von unkomplizierten Harnwegsinfektionen. Behandlung von unkomplizierten Harnwegsinfektionen. Available at: 3. Flückiger M, Andreisek G, Hasse B (2014). CME Spondylodiszitis. Praxis; 103 (19):1–11 4. Hasse B, Bernasconi E, Furrer HJ, Eyer M, Kovari H (2014). HIV und Komorbidität. Ther Umsch 71(8):483-9. Case reports 1. Ruehe B, Capaul R, Müller N, Sax H, Hasse B (2015). Wie lautet ihre Diagnose? Laborinfektion mit Vaccinia Virus. Praxis 2015; 104 (17): 893–895 2. Nussbaumer-Ochnser Y, Hasse B, Valmaggia C, Krause M (2015). A pneumonia leading to blindness. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 May 6;2015. pii: bcr2014208749. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-208749 3. Braun D, Hasse B, Stricker J, Fehr J (2013). Prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by Propionibacterium species successfully treated with rifampin in combination with intravenous peni-cillin: report of two cases. BMC Case reports.10.1136/ bcr-2012-007204 4. Hasse B, Strebel B, Thurnheer R, Uhlmann F, Krause M (2005). Chronic necrotizing pulmo-nary aspergillosis after tuberculosis in a HIV-positive woman: an unusual immune reconstitu-tion phenomenon? AIDS. 19:2179-2181 1 1 1 5. Schraner C, Hasse B1 ( contributed equally), Hasse U, Baumann D, Faeh A, Burg G, Grimm F, Mathis A, Weber R, Günthard HF (2005). Successful treatment with miltefosine of disseminated cutaneous leishmaniasis in a severely immunocompromised patient infected with HIV-1. Clin Infect Dis. 40: e120-4 6. Hasse B, Günthard HF, Bleiber G, Krause M (2005). Efavirenz Intoxication due to slow hepatic metabolism. Clin Infect Dis. 40: e22-3 7. Hasse B, Kronenberg A (2003). African Immigrant with weight loss and disseminated skin lesions. Clin Infect Dis. 37:692-693 8. Hasse B, Hummel Y, Böni J, Schüpbach J, Flepp M, Günthard HF (2003). 25jähriger therapienaiver Patient mit einem dreiklassenresistenten HI-Virus. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 92: 601-5 Reviews 1. Hasse B, Husmann L, Zinkernagel A, Weber R, Lachat M, Mayer D (2013). Vascular graft infections. Swiss Med Wkly. 143:w13754 Supervision of doctoral work 1. Silvan Meier. Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Gram-negative pathogens in communityacquired urinary tract infections: An increasing challenge for antimicrobial therapy. Universität Zürich 2011. 2. Jeannette Kölliker. Bei Szilagyi Grad III Infekten können vaskuläre Grafts durch eine VAC-Therapie erhalten werden: Langzeitresultate Universitätsspital Zürich 2002-2009. Universität Zürich 2011. 3. Volker Hübner. Risk factors for and clinical outcome of infections with extended spectrum betalactamase producing E. coli and Klebsiella Pneumoniae at a tertiary care university hospital in Switzerland 2005-2007. Universität Zürich 2009. Supervision of master thesis 1. Sandra Frauenfelder. Predictors of treatment response and outcome among patients with prosthetic vascular graft infections. Universität Zürich 2015. 2. Claudio Fuchs. Klinische Relevanz von aus Schwämmen zur topischen Unterdruckwundbehandlung isolierten Bakterien bei Gefässprotheseninfektionen. Universität Zürich 2014. 16. November 2015
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