Universität zu Köln Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät A special course for students in teacher education programs and for other interested students: An international perspective on STEM education: Experience, examples, and teaching approaches in the GLOBE program 1 This course presents a series of lectures and seminars conducted by international experts in science and science education. It particularly targets students interested in methods of inquirybased learning in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines, students interested in bilingual teaching approaches coupling science disciplines with English and students interested in international cooperation in teaching professions. The lectures provide examples of integrating science and educational research. Using examples from current NASA earth observing systems and other international space missions, the mutual benefit of integrating internationally recognized research projects with broad public participation is discussed, participation approaches are shown and the motivational aspects for STEM disciplines are addressed. The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program is a NASA led international science and worldwide education program that provides students and the public with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process as well as to contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment. Details about the GLOBE program can be found at: www.globe.gov. The goal of the course is: a) to provide students in teacher education programs with an overview of international activities and teaching approaches in the context of environmental and science education using GLOBE as a role model, b) to establish an international network of students and scientists interested in fostering STEM education and c) to establish a network between the University of Cologne and GLOBE schools in Germany. This course is comprised of three different parts: 1. Lecture, 2. Seminar 3. Teacher training. The three parts are independent of each other. However, we recommend that students, admitted to the seminar, should also participate in the lectures. a) lectures Participation is open for all students of all faculties. Students earn 2 to 3 CP depending on their study program for active participation. Active participation is documented by 1. Presence in the lectures and 2. Writing a portfolio. b) seminar / workshop This part carries a workload of 3 CP. Credit points can be allocated for instance within the modules “Studium Integrale” or “Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlegung”. Enrolment is limited to 30 students and open for all students in science teacher education programs (students studying in a teacher education program of the science faculty). Grading will be based upon the assignments given during the student lab / workshop. c) GLOBE protocol training. Participation is limited to 10 students. No credits are assigned to this class. However, students will earn a GLOBE teacher training certificate, which entitles becoming a member in the GLOBE program and actively participating in this program. This part is a combined event for in-service teachers of current and prospective GLOBE schools and students, thus providing opportunities to exchanges ideas and build networks with (GLOBE) schools, both nationally and internationally. 1 Funding provided by the Science Faculty in its program improve the quality of teaching is greatly appreciated Lecture Series: Großer Hörsaal Geo/Bio, Thursdays 16:00 – 18:00 To sign up please klick here: Sign-Up for the lecture Date Speaker Title 29.10.2015 Prof. Dr. Karl Schneider, Univ. of Cologne GLOBE: Opportunities of STEM Education at UoC 05.11.2015 Dr. Russane Low, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Arlington, VA Science Education and Public Outreach: Experience with the GLOBE Program 12.11.2015 Dr. Joris Veenhoven, Univ. Utrecht Matthijs Begheyn, GLOBE Netherlands Foundation Developing a cross curricular learning trajectory for inquiry in science education 19.11.2015 Prof. Dr. Kevin Czajkowski, Univ. of Toledo Researching the urban climate with GLOBE 26.11.2015 Verschiedene Dozenten MNF Projekte zum Forschenden Lernen in den MINT Fächern der UzK I 03.12.2015 Prof. Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Mount Royal Univ., Calgary Canada Understanding the effects of participation in Environmental Education programs upon societal participation 10.12.2015 Verschiedene Dozenten MNF Projekte zum Forschenden Lernen in den MINT Fächern der UzK II 17.12.2015 Jessica Taylor, NASA, Langley Research Center GLOBE’s role in NASA's outreach strategy and its potentials for elementary school education 14.01.2016 No Lecture 21.01.2016 Prof. Dr. Costas Cartalis, Univ. of Athens Mitigating climate change effects in cities: The role and contribution of STEM education 28.01.2016 Anna Heyne-Mudrich, Vorsitzende GLOBE Verein Deutschland GLOBE an Schulen in Deutschland 04.02.2016 Prof. Dr. Michael Jabot, Fredonia State University of New York Conceptual diagnostic assessment tools in science education 11.02.2016 Dr. Erika Podest, JPL, California Institute of Technology SMAP: Worldwide monitoring of surface soil moisture Lectures with German titles are taught in German For questions about the lecture series, please contact Prof. Dr. Karl Schneider Seminar: Übungsraum II Rundbau Geographie, Fridays: 9:00 – 14:00 To sign up please klick here: Sign-Up for the seminar 2 Date Speaker Title 30.10.2015 Prof. Dr. Karl Schneider, Univ. of Cologne Working with GLOBE data and the GLOBE Web site 06.11.2015 Dr. Russane Low, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Arlington, VA An online, asynchronous, large lecture format course promoting climate change understanding in undergraduate programs 13.11.2015 Matthijs Begheyn, GLOBE Netherlands Foundation Dr. Joris Veenhoven, Univ. Utrecht Teaching high school students to do scientific research 20.11.2015 Prof. Dr. Kevin Czajkowski, Univ. of Toledo Satellite observations and their use in Ohio schools 27.11.2015 Andreas Thiemer, Univ. of Cologne Die Rolle mathematisches Verfahren im Forschungsorientierten Lernansatz des GLOBE Projekts 04.12.2015 Prof. Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Mount Royal Univ., Calgary Canada Methods to observe and quantify participation effects 11.12.2015 Andreas Thiemer, Univ. of Cologne Globe Literature and Publication Analysis 18.12.2015 Jessica Taylor, NASA, Langley Research Center GLOBE teaching approaches in elementary schools 15.01.2016 Dr. Astrid Hensel, Univ. of Cologne MASS Best Practice Teaching Approaches in Schools 22.01.2016 Prof. Dr. Costas Cartalis, Univ. of Athens Science of cool cities: Examples of multidisciplinary approaches 29.01.2016 Anna Heyne Mudrich, Vorsitzende GLOBE Verein Deutschland GLOBE Lehrveranstaltungsformate an Gymnasien 05.02.2016 Prof. Dr. Michael Jabot, Fredonia State University of New York Impact of geospatial reasoning and place-based science learning 12.02.2016 Dr. Erika Podest, JPL, California Institute of Technology The role of soil moisture in environmental education and research Seminars with German titles are taught in German For questions about the seminar, please contact Andreas Thiemer In order to ensure fair and equal access to this seminar, admittance will be based on a quota for each discipline in case that the demand exceeds 30 students. 2 Signup and admission to the GLOBE Teacher Training is done through the GLOBE Website GLOBE Teacher Training: Saturday 9:00 – 13:00 To sign up please klick here: Sign-Up for the teacher training Date Speaker Title Ort 07.11.2015 Dr. Russane Low, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Arlington, VA GLOBE Protocols Biosphere: Pulheimer Bach 21.11.2015 Prof. Dr. Kevin Czajkowski, Univ. of Toledo GLOBE Protocols Atmosphere: Air Temperature, Surface Temperature and Relative Humidity Pulheimer Bach 05.12.2015 Prof. Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Mount Royal Univ., Calgary Canada GLOBE Protocols Atmosphere: Clouds, Precipitation Pulheimer Bach 19.12.2015 Jessica Taylor, NASA, Langley Research Center GLOBE Protocols Biosphere: Green-Up and Green-Down (in phenology) for Elementary Schools Pulheimer Bach 23.01.2016 Prof. Dr. Karl Schneider, Dr. Astrid Hensel Univ. of Cologne MASS Training Module Übungsraum II, Rundbau Geographie 30.01.2016 Anna Heyne Mudrich, Vorsitzende GLOBE Verein Deutschland Biosphere Pulheimer Bach 13.02.2016 Dr. Erika Podest, JPL, California Institute of Technology Soil Moisture: The SMAP Protocoll Pulheimer Bach For questions about the GLOBE teacher training, please contact Prof. Dr. Karl Schneider
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