Slides Time Series Analysis Winter Term 2015/2016 Wednesdays 14.00 – 15.30 Room: CAWM 1 Prof. Dr. Bernd Wilfling Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Contents 1 1.1 1.2 Introduction Syllabus What is Time Series Analysis? 2 2.1 2.2 Basic Concepts Examples Definitions 2.3 Stationarity 3 3.1 ARMA Modeling Lag Operator 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 Special and Limiting Cases MA(q) Processes MA(∞) Processes 3.2.3 3.3 3.4 3.5 AR(q) and AR(1) Processes Causality and Invertibility Linear Processes and Filtering Autocovariance Function of ARMA(p, q) Processes 4 4.1 Estimation of the Expectation and the Autocovariance Function Ergodicity 4.2 4.3 Estimation of the Expectation Estimation of the Autocovariance and the Autocorrelation Function 5 Partial Autocorrelation Function 5.1 5.2 Definition, Computation, Estimation Interpretation of ACF and PACF 6 Estimation of Stationary ARMA Processes 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Box-Jenkins Methodology Estimation of ARMA(p, q) Processes Estimation of the Lag Orders p and q Modeling of a Stochastic Process i 7 7.1 Integrated Processes Stochastic Versus Deterministic Trends 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.4.1 Hypothesis Testing in AR(p) Models With Deterministic Trend Statistical Tests for Unit Roots Regressions With Integrated Variables Spurious regressions 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 Cointegration A Test for Cointegration Vector Error Correction Models 7.4.5 Multiple Cointegration 8 8.1 Volatility Processes Stylized Facts on the Volatility of Returns 8.2 8.3 8.4 ARCH Processes GARCH Processes Extensions of the GARCH Model ii References and Related Reading Probability Calculus, Statistical Inference Hesse, C. 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Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for stochastic volatility models. Journal of Econometrics 108, 281-316. Dickey, D.A. and W.A. Fuller (1979). Distribtuion of the estimators for autoregressive time series with a unit root. Journal of the American Statistical Association 74, 427-431. Dickey, D.A. and W.A. Fuller (1981). Likelihood ratio statistics for autoregressive time series with a unit root. Econometrica 49, 1057-1072. Ding, Z., Granger, C.W.J. and R.F. Engle (1993). A long memory property of stock market returns and a new model. Journal of Empirical Finance 1, 83-106. Engle, R.F. (1982). Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity with estimates of the variance of United Kingdom inflation. Econometrica 50, 987-1007. iii Engle, R.F. and V.K. N.G. (1993). Measuring and testing the impact of news on volatility. Journal of Finance 48, 1749-1778. Fuller, W.A. (1976). Introduction to Statistical Time Series. Wiley and Sons, New York. Glosten, L.R., Jagannathan, R. and D.E. 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Oxford University Press, Oxford, 267-276. Nelson, D.B. (1991). Conditional heteroskedasticity in asset returns: A new approach. Econometrica 59, 347-370. Neusser, K. (2006). Zeitreihenanalyse in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften. B.G. Teubner Verlag, Wiesbaden. Reher, G. and B. Wilfling (2016). A nesting framework for Markov-switching GARCH modelling with an application to the German stock market. Quantitative Finance, forthcoming. Schlittgen, R. und B.H.J. Streitberg (2001). Zeitreihenanalyse (9. Auflage). Oldenbourg Verlag, München. Schmid, F. und M. Trede (2006). Finanzmarktstatistik. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. Stock, J.H. and M.W. Watson (2011). Introduction to Econometrics (3rd Edition). Pearson Education, Essex, England. iv Stralkowski, C.M., Wu, S.M. and R.E. DeVor (1974). Charts for the Interpretation and Estimation of the Second Order Moving Average and Mixed First Order AutoregressiveMoving Average Models, Technometrics 16, 275-285. Vogelvang , B. (2005). 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