Some MPI-MMG Publications relevant to current refugee crisis

Some MPI-MMG Publications relevant to current refugee crisis
Books and Edited Volumes
Burchardt, M., & Michalowski, I. (Eds.). (2015). After integration: Islam, conviviality and contentious
politics in Europe. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Horstmann, A., & Jung, J.-H. (Eds.). (2015). Building Noah's ark for migrants, refugees, and religious
communities. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Shachar, A., & Levey, G. B. (Eds.). (2015). The politics of citizenship in immigrant democracies.
London: Routledge.
Vertovec, S. (Ed.). (2015). Diversities old and new: Migration and socio-spatial patterns in New York,
Singapore and Johannesburg. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Articles in Refereed Journals and in Edited Volumes
Biehl, K. S. (2015). Governing through uncertainty: Experiences of being a refugee in Turkey as a
country for temporary asylum. Social Analysis, 59(1), 57-75.
Burchardt, M. (2015). Längst angekommen: Entgegen aller Kritik: Muslimische Einwanderer sind in
Europa gut integriert. Kulturaustausch, (3), 68-70.
Connor, P., & Koenig, M. (2015). Explaining the Muslim employment gap in Western Europe:
Individual-level effects and ethno-religious penalties. Social Science Research, 49, 191-201.
Jung, J.-H. (2015). North Korean migrants in South Korea: From heroes to burdens and first unifiers.
In J. Lie (Ed.), Multiethnic Korea? Multiculturalism, migration, and peoplehood diversity in
contemporary South Korea (pp. 142-164). Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of
Kankonde, P., Lakika, D., & Richters, A. (2015). Violence, suffering and support: Congolese forced
migrants’ experiences of psychosocial services in Johannesburg. In I. Palmary, B. Hamber, & L. Núñez
(Eds.), Healing and change in the city of gold (pp. 101-120). Springer.
Koenig, M. (2015). Incorporating Muslim migrants in western nation states: A comparison of the
United Kingdom, France, and Germany. In M. Burchardt, & I. Michalowski (Eds.), After integration:
Islam, conviviality and contentious politics in Europe (pp. 43-58). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Koenig, M., & Knöbl, W. (2015). Religion, nationalism and European integration: Introduction. In M.
Koenig, W. Knöbl, & W. Spohn (Eds.), Religion and national identities in an enlarged Europe (pp. 116). Palgrave Macmillan.
Newhouse, L. (2015). More than mere survival: violence, humanitarian governance and practical
material politics in a Kenyan refugee camp. Environment and Planning A, 47. doi:10.1068/a140106p.
Vertovec, S. (2015). Introduction: Migration, cities, diversities 'old' and 'new'. In S. Vertovec (Ed.),
Diversities old and new: Migration and socio-spatial patterns in New York, Singapore and
Johannesburg (pp. 1-22). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Vertovec, S. (2015). Conclusion. In S. Vertovec (Ed.), Diversities old and new: Migration and sociospatial patterns in New York, Singapore and Johannesburg (pp. 247-258). New York: Palgrave
Yanasmayan, Z. (2015). Citizenship on paper or at heart? A closer look into the dual citizenship
debate in Europe. Citizenship studies. doi:10.1080/13621025.2015.1053793.
Other Publications
Moutselos, M. (2015). Group consciousness and political behavior among citizens of immigrant
origin: The case of France. MMG Working Paper, (15-07).
Books and Edited Volumes
Luo, R. (2014). Becoming urban: State and migration in contemporary China. Kassel: Kassel University
Vertovec, S. (Ed.). (2014). Migration and Diversity. Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Articles in Refereed Journals and in Edited Volumes
Biehl, K. (2014). Spatializing diversities, diversifying spaces: housing experiences and home space
perceptions in a migrant hub of Istanbul. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Horstmann, A. (2014). Stretching the border: Confinement and mobility and the refugee public
among Karen Refugees in Thailand and Burma. Journal of Borderland Studies, 29(1), 47-61.
Meissner, F. (2014). Migration in migration-related diversity? The nexus between superdiversity and
migration studies. Ethnic and Racial Studies. doi:10.1080/01419870.2015.970209.
Nowicka, M. (2014). Fremdwissen: Lokale und translokale Verortung von Wissen über Andere im
Kontext der Migration. In D. Bender, A. Duscha, T. Hollstein, L. Huber, K. Klein-Zimmer, & C. Schmitt
(Eds.), Orte transnationaler Wissensproduktionen (pp. 92-112). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
Petermann, S., & Schönwälder, K. (2014). Immigration and social interaction: Do diverse
environments matter? European Societies. doi:10.1080/14616696.2013.865064.
Schönwälder, K. (2014). Politische Partizipation von Migrantinnen und Migranten. In E.
Vanderheiden, & C.-H. Mayer (Eds.), Handbuch Interkulturelle Öffnung (pp. 97-107). Göttingen:
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Street, A., & Hansen, R. (2014). Immigration and integration. In S. Colvin (Ed.), Routledge Handbook
of German Politics and Culture. London: Routledge.
Volkert, D. (2014). Politische Parteien und Einwanderer: eine kritische Reflexion förderlicher und
hinderlicher Faktoren der Inkorporation. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 27(4), 125-130.
Wessendorf, S. (2014). ‘Being open, but sometimes closed’. Conviviality in a super-diverse London
neighbourhood. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 17(4), 392-405.
Other Publications
Biehl, K. S. (2014). Exploring migration, diversification and urban transformation in contemporary
Istanbul: The case of Kumkapı. MMG Working Paper, (14-11).
Collins, J. (2014). Migration, language diversity and education policy: A contextualized analysis of
inequality, risk and state effects. MMG Working Paper, (14-09).
Heil, T. (2014). How and why does it matter to understand diverse urban engagements from the
migrants’ perspective? MMG Working Paper, (14-03).
Wallbott, T. (2014). Citizenship and immigration in Western Europe: National trajectories under
postnational conditions? A qualitative comparative analysis of selected countries. MMG Working
Paper, (14-12).
Books and Edited Volumes
Schönwälder, K., & Bloemraad, I. (Eds.). (2013). Immigrant incorporation in urban politics [Special
Issue]. European Political Science, 12(4).
Vigneswaran, D., & Quirk, J. (Eds.). (2013). Representing ‘hidden’ populations: a symposium on
sampling techniques [Special Issue]. Journal of Refugee Studies, 26(1).
Vigneswaran, D. (2013). Territory, migration and the evolution of the international system.
Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Articles in Refereed Journals and in Edited Volumes
Huang, W. (2013). Diversity and competition: Politics and conflicts in new immigrant communities. In
W. Huang, R. Cimino, & N. A. Mian (Eds.), Ecologies of faith in New York City (pp. 105-119).
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Jung, J.-H. (2013). Narrativization of religious conversion: “Christian Passage” of North Korean
refugees in South Korea. Hankukŏnŏmunhwa, 50, 269-288.
Jung, J.-H. (2013). North Korean refugees and the politics of evangelical mission in the Sino-Korean
border area. Journal of Korean Religions, 4(2), 147-173.
Koenig, M., & Connor, P. (2013). Bridges and barriers: religion and immigrant occupational
attainment across integration contexts. International Migration Review, 47(1), 3-38.
Koenig, M., & Diehl, K. (2013). God can wait: new migrants in Germany between early adaptation and
religious reorganization. International Migration, 51(3), 8-22. doi:10.1111/imig.12093.
Koenig, M., & Diehl, C. (2013). Zwischen Säkularisierung und religiöser Reorganisation: Eine Analyse
der Religiosität türkischer und polnischer Neuzuwanderer in Deutschland. Kölner Zeitschrift für
Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 65(1 Supp), 235-258. doi:10.1007/s11577-013-0225-6.
Nowicka, M., & Cieslik, A. (2014). Beyond methodological nationalism in insider research with
migrants. Migration Studies, 2(1), 1-15. doi:10.1093/migration/mnt024.
Schönwälder, K., & Bloemraad, I. (2013). Extending urban democracy? The immigrant presence in
European electoral politics. European Political Science, 12(4), 448-454.
Schönwälder, K. (2013). Germany: Reluctant steps towards a system of selective immigration. In T.
Triadafilopoulos (Ed.), Wanted and welcome? Policies for highly skilled immigrants in comparative
perspective (pp. 273-286). Heidelberg: Springer.
Schönwälder, K., & Bloemraad, I. (2013). Immigrant and ethnic minority representation in Europe:
conceptual challenges and theoretical approaches. West European Politics, 36(3), 564-579.
Schönwälder, K. (2013). Immigrant representation in Germany’s regional states: the puzzle of uneven
dynamics. West European Politics, 36(3), 634-651.
Schönwälder, K. (2013). Integration – no integration? Worüber das Streiten (nicht) lohnt. Migration
und soziale Arbeit, 35(3), 217-221.
Schönwälder, K., Sinanoglu, C., & Volkert, D. (2013). The new immigrant elite in German local politics.
European Political Science, 12(4), 479-489.
Stolle, D., Petermann, S., Schmid, K., Schönwälder, K., Hewstone, M., Vertovec, S., Schmitt, T. M., &
Heywood, J. (2013). Immigration-related diversity and trust in German cities: the role of intergroup
contact. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, 23(3), 279-298.
Street, A. (2013). Naturalization dynamics in immigrant families. Comparative Migration Studies, 1(1),
23-44. doi:10.5117/CMS2013.1.STRE.
Van Acker, K., Reijerse, A., Vanbeselaere, N., Phalet, K., & Duriez, B. (2013). Beyond the ethnic-civic
dichotomy: Cultural citizenship as a new way of excluding immigrants. Political Psychology, 34(4),
611-630. doi:10.1111/ j.1467-9221.2012.00920.x.
Vertovec, S. (2013). Circular migration. In I. Ness (Ed.), The encyclopedia of global human migration:
Vol. 2: A - Cro (pp. 1053-1058). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Vigneswaran, D. (2013). The criminalization of human mobility: A case study of law enforcement in
South Africa. In K. Franko Aas, & M. Bosworth (Eds.), The borders of punishment: Migration,
citizenship, and social exclusion (pp. 111-127). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Vigneswaran, D., & Quirk, J. (2013). Quantitative methodological dilemmas in urban refugee
research: a case study of Johannesburg. Journal of Refugee Studies, 26(1), 110-125.
Ye, J. (2013). Notes from 'Migrant Encounters': Visualizing Singapore’s diversity through South Asian
male migrants. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 34(3), 407-413. doi:10.1111/sjtg.12034.
Other Publications
Koenig, M., & Diehl, C. (2013). God can wait: new migrants in Germany between early adaptation and
religious re-organisation. Norface Migration Discussion Paper, (2013-04).
Books and Edited Volumes
Vigneswaran, D., & Quirk, J. (Eds.). (2012). Slavery, migration and contemporary bondage in Africa.
Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press.
Articles in Refereed Journals and in Edited Volumes
Aptekar, S. (2012). Immigration and customs enforcement. In P. Hayes (Ed.), The making of modern
immigration: an encyclopedia of people and ideas (pp. 305-320). Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO.
Horstmann, A. (2012). Mediating the suffering of Karen Refugees and the representation of their
rights. Sangkhomsāt: The Journal of social sciences, 24(1-2), 243-284.
Petermann, S., & Schönwälder, K. (2012). Gefährdet Multikulturalität tatsächlich Vertrauen und
Solidarität? Eine Replik. Leviathan, 40(4), 482-490.
Schmitt, T. M. (2012). Mosque debates as space-related, intercultural, and religious conflicts. In B.
Becker-Cantarino (Ed.),Migration and religion: christian transatlantic missions, islamic migration to
Germany (pp. 207-217). Amsterdam: Radopi.
Schönwälder, K. (2012). Cautious steps: minority representation in Germany. In T. E. Givens, & R.
Maxwell (Eds.), Immigrant politics: race and representation in Western Europe (pp. 67-86). Boulder:
Lynne Rienner Publ.
Schönwälder, K., Baykara-Krumme, H., Fromm, S., & Schmid, N. (2012). Ethnizität in der
Zuwanderungs- gesellschaft Deutschland. In Forschungsverbund Sozioökonomische Berichterstattung
(Ed.), Berichterstattung zur sozio-ökonomischen Entwicklung in Deutschland - Teilhabe im Umbruch:
zweiter Bericht (pp. 693-722).
Vertovec, S. (2012). Trends and impacts of migrant transnationalism. In A. K. Sahoo, M. Baas, & T.
Faist (Eds.), Indian diaspora and transnationalism (pp. 48-106). Jaipur: Rawat.
Vigneswaran, D., & Quirk, J. (2013). Quantitative methodological dilemmas in urban refugee
research: a case study of Johannesburg. Journal of Refugee Studies, 26(1), 110-125.
Other Publications
Horstmann, A. (2012). Creating non-state spaces: interfaces of humanitarianism and self-government
of Karen-refugee migrants in Thai Burmese border spaces. MMG Working Paper, (12-17).
Petermann, S., & Abel, F. (2012). Beeinflusst der Wohnort die Einstellung zu Migranten? Eine
Untersuchung über die Wirkung individueller und kontextueller Faktoren auf die Meinung zu
Migranten in den Leipziger Ortsteilen. Stadt Leipzig, Statistischer Quartalsbericht, III/2012, 23-28.
Petermann, S., Heywood, J., Hewstone, M., Hüttermann, J., Schmid, K., Schmitt, T. M., Schönwälder,
K., Stolle, D., & Vertovec, S.(2012). The “Diversity and Contact” (DIVCON) Survey 2010 (wave 1) Technical Report. MMG Working Paper, (12-21).
Books and Edited Volumes
Arnaut, K. (2011). Ten Westen! Activisme, migratie en subalterniteit in Ivoorkust. Brüssel: VUB Press.
Oh, K.-S., Shin, E.-J., Wi, E.-J., Jung, J.-H., Lee, B.-H., & Lee, K.-S. (2011). Iju inkwŏn kaidŭrain Jesian =
Human Rights guideline for immigrants (B.-H. Chung, Ed.). Seoul: National Human Rights Commission
of Korea.
Oh, K.-S., Shin, E.-J., Wi, E.-J., Jung, J.-H., Lee, B.-H., & Lee, K.-S. (2011). Iju inkwŏn kaidŭrain kuch‘uk
ŭl wihan silt‘ae chosa = The study on actual conditions of immigrants for Human Rights Guideline (B.H. Chung, Ed.). Seoul: National Human Rights Commission of Korea.
Nieswand, B. (2011). Theorising transnational migration: the status paradox of migration. New York:
Schönwälder, K., Sinanoglu, C., & Volkert, D. (2011). Vielfalt sucht Rat: Ratsmitglieder mit
Migrationshintergrund in deutschen Großstädten. Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
Vertovec, S., & Baumann, G. (Eds.). (2011). Conceiving multiculturalism: from roots to rights. London
[u.a.]: Routledge.
Vertovec, S., & Baumann, G. (Eds.). (2011). Crises and transformations: challenges and futures.
London [u.a.]: Routledge.
Vertovec, S., & Baumann, G. (Eds.). (2011). Multiculturalism and the nation state: who recognizes
whom?. London [u.a.]: Routledge.
Vertovec, S., & Baumann, G. (Eds.). (2011). Multiculturalism in the public sphere: city and school,
markets and media. London [u.a.]: Routledge.
Articles in Refereed Journals and in Edited Volumes
Horstmann, A. (2011). Ethical dilemmas and identifications of faith-based humanitarian organizations
in the Karen refugee crisis. Journal Refugees Studies, 24(3), 513-533.
Horstmann, A. (2011). Sacred spaces of Karen Refugees and humanitarian aid across the ThailandBurma Border. Austrian journal of South-East Asian studies: ASEAS = Österreichische Zeitschrift für
Südostasienwissenschaften: ASEAS, 4(2), 254-272.
Huang, W. (2011). Buddhists in action: transnational migration and religious cosmopolitanism.
Encounters, 4, 215-239.
Jung, J.-H. (2011). Underground railroads of Christian conversion: North Korean migrants and
evangelical missionary networks in Northeast Asia. Encounters, 4, 163-188.
Nieswand, B. (2011). Der Migrations-Entwicklungs-Nexus in Afrika: Diskurswandel und
Diasporaformation. In T. Baraulina, & A. Kreienbrink (Eds.), Potenziale der Migration zwischen Afrika
und Deutschland (pp. 400-425). Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge.
Nowicka, M. (2011). Unsichtbare Arbeitskraft: Osteuropäerinnen in der deutschen
Schattenwirtschaft. In Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM) (Ed.), Migration im
Donauraum: willkommen in Europa? (pp. 23-24). Wien: IDM.
Palmberger, M., & Kroner, G. (2011). Flüchtlinge. In A. Gingrich, E.-M. Knoll, & F. Kreff (Eds.), Lexikon
der Globalisierung (pp. 85-86). Bielefeld: Transcript.
Petermann, S. (2011). Internationale Zuwanderung und Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse: Kontakte von
Deutschen mit Ausländern im siedlungsstrukturellen Kontext. In P. Gans, & H. H. Nachtkamp (Eds.),
Soziale Ungleichheit, Segregation und Integration (pp. 43-67). Mannheim: Lehrstuhl für
Wirtschaftsgeographie der Univ. Mannheim.
Schmitt, T. M. (2011). Moschee-Debatten als raumbezogene und interkulturelle Konflikte. In H. Popp
(Ed.), Migration und Integration in Deutschland (pp. 145-153). Bayreuth: Verlag
Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V.
Vertovec, S. (2011). Die Chimäre des Multikulturalismus. In S. Stemmler (Ed.), Multikultur 2.0:
willkommen im Einwanderungsland Deutschland (pp. 72-76). Göttingen: Wallstein-Verl.
Vertovec, S. (2011). The cultural politics of nation and migration. Annual Review of Anthropology, 40,
Vertovec, S. (2011). Multiculturalism, culturalism and public incorporation. In R. Cohen, & G. Jónsson
(Eds.), Migration and Culture (pp. 351-371). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Vigneswaran, D. (2011). Migration control, documentation, and state transformation. In A. Segatti
(Ed.), Contemporary migration to South Africa: a regional development issue (pp. 105-120).
Washington, DC: World Bank.
Vigneswaran, D. (2011). Taking out the trash?: A ‘garbage can’ model of immigration policing. In
Landau, Lauren B. (Ed.), Exorcising the demons within: xenophobia, violence and statecraft in
contemporary South Africa (pp. 150-171). Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
Vigneswaran, D. (2011). The transformation of sovereign territoriality: a case study of South African
immigration control. In S. Cornelissen, F. Cheru, & T. M. Shaw (Eds.), Africa and international
relations in the 21st century. Basingstoke [u.a.]: Palgrave Macmillan.
Vigneswaran, D., Sutton, R., & Wels, H. (2011). Waiting in liminal space: migrants queuing for home
affairs in South Africa. Anthropology Southern Africa, 34(1&2), 30-37.
Other Publications
Jung, J.-H. (2011). State and church in the making of post-division subjectivity: North Korean migrants
in South Korea. MMG Working Paper, (11-12).
Petermann, S. (2011). Räumlicher Kontext, migrationsbezogene Vielfalt und Kontakte zu Ausländern
in der Nachbarschaft. MMG Working Paper, (11-06).
Vertovec, S. (2011). Migration and new diversities in global cities: comparatively conceiving,
observing and visualizing diversification in urban public spaces. MMG Working Paper, (11-08).
Wessendorf, S. (2011). Commonplace diversity and the ‘ethos of mixing’: perceptions of difference in
a London neighbourhood. MMG Working Paper, (11-09).
Books and Edited Volumes
Caglar, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (Eds.). (2010). Locating Migration: Rescaling Cities and Migrants. Ithaca:
Cornell University Press.
Vertovec, S. (Ed.). (2010). Anthropology of Migration and Multiculturalism: New Directions. London:
Vertovec, S. (Ed.). Depicting Diversities. Special issue of Diversities 12(1).
Vertovec, S. (Ed.). [2010] Migration, Vol. I: Theories, London: Routledge (Critical Concepts in the
Social Sciences)
Vertovec, S. (Ed.). [2010] Migration, Vol. II: Types, London: Routledge (Critical Concepts in the Social
Vertovec, S. [2010] Migration, Vol. III: Trends, London: Routledge (Critical Concepts in the Social
Vertovec, S. [2010] Migration, Vol. IV: Policies, London: Routledge (Critical Concepts in the Social
Vertovec, S. [2010] Migration, Vol. V: Processes, London: Routledge (Critical Concepts in the Social
Articles in Refereed Journals and in Edited Volumes
Caglar, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (2010). Introduction: Migrants and Cities. In A. Caglar, & N. Glick Schiller
(Eds.), Locating Migration: Rescaling Cities and Migrants (pp. 1-22). Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Caglar, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (2010). Migrants and Cities, not Migrants in Cities: Components of a
Theory of Locality in Migration Studies. In A. Caglar, & N. Glick Schiller (Eds.), Locating Migration:
Rescaling Cities and Migrants (pp. 60-84). Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Caglar, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (2010). Small Scale Cities in Globalizing Societies: Pathways of Migrant
Local Incorporation and Transnational Connection. In A. Caglar, & N. Glick Schiller (Eds.), Locating
Migration: Rescaling Cities and Migrants (pp. 190-212). Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Nowicka, M. (2010). Exkurs zum Begriff der Migration. In A. Bührmann, U. Fischer, & G. Jasper (Eds.),
Migrantinnen gründen Unternehmen. Eine empirische Analyse und die Entwicklung innovativer
Beratungskonzepte (pp. 33-42). München/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag.
Schönwälder, K. (2010). Einwanderer in Räten und Parlamenten. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 4647, 29-35. Retrieved from
Schönwälder, K. (2010). Germany: Integration policy and pluralism in a self-conscious country of
immigration. In S. Vertovec, & S. Wessendorf (Eds.), The Multicultural Backlash: European Discourses,
Policies and Practices (pp. 152-169). London, New York: Routledge.
Vertovec, S. (2010). Cosmopolitanism. In K. Knott, & S. McLoughlin (Eds.), Diasporas: Concepts,
Identities, Intersections (pp. 63-69). London: Zed Books.
Vertovec, S. (2010). General Introduction. In S. Vertovec (Ed.), Migration, Vol. I: Theories (pp. 1-8).
London, New York: Routledge.
Vertovec, S. (2010). Super-diversity and its implications. In S. Vertovec (Ed.), Anthropology of
Migration and Multiculturalism: New Directions (pp. 65-96). London: Routledge.
Vertovec, S. (2010). [2010] ‘Introduction,’ (with Susanne Wessendorf) in The Multicultural Backlash:
Eureopan Discourses, Policies and Practices, S. Vertovec and S. Wessendorf (eds), London Routledge,
pp. 1-31
Other Publications
Gamlen, A. (2010). International Migration Data and the Study of Super-Diversity. MMG Working
Paper, 10-05.
Nieswand, B. (2010). Diversität und Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
Schönwälder, K., & Kofri, C. (2010). Diversity in Germany’s Political Life? Immigrants in City Councils.
MMG Working Paper, 10-17.
Schönwälder, K., & Kofri, C. (2010). Vielfältige Gesellschaft – homogene Parlamente? Einwanderer in
den Räten von Nordrhein-Westfalens Großstädten. MMG Working Paper, 10-17-de.
Wessendorf, S. (2010). Commonplace Diversity: Social Interactions in a Super-diverse Context. MMG
Working Paper, 10-11.