University of Victoria Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies Spring 2016: "Beginning German I” (GMST 101 A01-A02) Section A01 A02 CRN 21779 21780 Days TWF TWF Time 9:30 – 10:20 10:30 – 11:20 Location COR B145 CLE A308 Instructor Ms. Anja Rockel Dr. Katrina Sark Office CLE D250A CLE D250A The office hours and further detailed contact information of your instructors can be found either at the department’s People page or through CourseSpaces. Description: The course is designed for learners with little or no previous knowledge of German. It balances listening, speaking, reading and writing to enable you to communicate in German. Authentic material in form of texts, film and music is integrated into each chapter of the textbook. Successful learning requires a combination of regular attendance and participation in class work, pre-reading assigned grammar topics, practicing German online, promptly completing assignments, and focused study for in-class tests. The learning outcome is that students will be able to conduct a conversation in German at the basic level, using expressions and structures required for basic daily interaction. The text is designed to build student competencies in German according the Common European Reference for Languages; GMST 101 and GMST 102 together are to be equivalent to A1. Upon completion of this course, we recommend that you subsequently register in German Studies 102; the text will remain the same. For any questions about the language program, please contact the academic coordinator, Dr. Matt Pollard, at [email protected] or during his office hours in Clearihue D 259A. Please read the Course Requirements and Course Policies on the following pages carefully. Required Texts: 1. Menschen – Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch. Hueber (publisher), 1st edition, 2012. This is the textbook 2. Menschen – Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch. Hueber (publisher), 1st edition, 2012. This is the workbook 3. Menschen – Deutsch als Fremdsprache. XXL Glossary. Hueber (publisher),1st edition, 2014. This is the German - English glossary for grammar and vocabulary. Marking Scheme: A+ A AB+ B 90 -100 85 – 89 80 – 84 77 – 79 73 – 76 BC+ C D F 70 – 72 65 – 69 60 – 64 50 – 59 0 – 49 To familiarize yourself with the UVic grading guidelines, please consult the University Calendar. Note (from the University calendar): An A+, A, or A- is earned by work which is technically superior, shows mastery of the subject matter, and in the case of an A+ offers original insight and/or goes beyond course expectations. Normally achieved by a minority of students. Course Requirements Attendance and Participation: (4% + 8% = 12%) Attendance shall be taken on a regular basis by your instructor. Aside from the obvious disadvantage or inconvenience of failing to acquire course information in a timely and structured manner, failure to attend class on a regular basis has serious implications. Please be aware of the academic regulations cited on page 31 in the University Calendar: “Students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled… /…/ Students who neglect their academic work, including assignments, may be refused permission to write the final examination in a course”. Students missing more than eight classes per term may be debarred without notice from writing the final examination. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of his or her own attendance status; instructors will keep records of attendance but are not expected to keep running totals and/or provide weekly updates. Detailed descriptions of the following tasks will be discussed in class and/ or posted on CourseSpaces. Four Tests: (1 x 8%, 1 x 10%, 1 x 10%, 1 x 12% = 40%) The 45-minute tests will take place on the specified dates, and will primarily cover grammar material from the modules. Four Vocabulary Tests: (4 x 2% = 8%) There are four 10-minute in-class vocabulary quizzes (based on each module) taking place on specified days during the term. Online Activities (4 x 2% = 8%) Throughout the semester you are asked to complete a series of online activities on CourseSpaces. Two Written Assignments (1 x 4% plus 1 x 8% = 12%) The written assignment consists of writing 100 words (first assignment) and 200 words (second assignment) on a topic relevant to the material covered in class. Two Spoken Assignments (1 x 4% plus 1 x 8% = 12%) The spoken assignment consists of recording two (first assignment) and four (second assignment) short passages relevant to the material covered in class. Oral Group Presentations (8%) These oral presentations are done in groups of two, three or four towards the end of the term. Course Policies Accessibility Statement: Students with diverse learning styles and needs are welcome in this course. In particular, if you have a disability/health consideration that may require accommodations, please feel free to approach me and/or the Resource Center for Students with a Disability (RCSD) as soon as possible. RCSD staff members are available by appointment to assess specific needs, provide referrals and arrange appropriate accommodations. The sooner you let us know your needs the quicker we can assist you in achieving your learning goals in this course. Registration: Students are not permitted to take GMST 101 while taking another language course in German with the exception of GMST 105. Furthermore, students are not permitted to take any course out of sequence (i.e. to take a higher level course (201) before a lower-level course (102). Waitlisted students must attend the class in which they wish to register in order to be admitted into the course. Students who do not attend class within the first seven calendar days of the course’s beginning may be deregistered. Add/Drop Deadlines: It is the student’s responsibility to attend to ADD/DROP dates as published on page 6 in the Calendar and the Undergraduate Registration Guide and Timetable. You will not necessarily be dropped automatically from a class that you do not attend. Placement: Students are expected to be honest and forthcoming about their level of German knowledge. The department reserves the right to place students with previous knowledge of German at an appropriate level. Absences and Incomplete Work: Regular attendance, completion of in-class tests and the punctual submission of work are important and mandatory components of completing the course successfully. Concessions and Documentation: Students may ask for an academic concession, such as the rescheduling of a quiz or test or an extension for an assignment, upon providing proper documentation of a personal or medical affliction or of a time conflict. Proper documentation would include a doctor’s note or a memo from Counseling Services, or a memo from a coach, employer or faculty member. It must be dated before or close to the time of the missed work or classes. Withdrawals and Deferrals: Students who miss more than eight classes for documented medical or personal reasons may still be asked to apply for a backdated withdrawal. Even when the reasons for failing to meet course requirements are valid, it is neither academically sound nor fair to others in the course to allow students missing significant amounts of work to continue in the course and receive credit. Students who miss substantial amounts of class and assignments without documentation will be asked to withdraw, as they will receive an N at the end of the semester. Students are to familiarize themselves with the withdrawal dates on page 6 of the academic calendar. Students may only apply for a course deferral if a) they have serious and documented medical or personal reasons for not completing some of the end-of-term requirements and b) they have already completed practically all the course requirements at the time of their application. In situations in which a student cannot complete the course requirements and a deferral is not a viable option, he or she must have completed 80% of the course requirements for an AEG (aegrotat) grade to be assigned. A Note on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism: Actions such as plagiarism, multiple submissions, falsifying materials used in academic evaluations, cheating or aiding others to cheat violate University policies on academic integrity and are considered serious offences. You must inform yourself about the university regulations (see the Uvic Policy on Academic Integrity in the University Calendar). It is forbidden to use automated translation programs (such as google) or have advanced German speakers edit, rework, and/or write your assignments. Classroom Conduct: Since the quality of the learning environment is paramount, every student has the right to learn and your instructor has the duty to perform his or her teaching duties in a cooperative, distraction-free and effective manner. The course text is available as an e-book. Students using their laptops or smart phones during class are expected to use them solely for accessing and working with course-related materials. Course Schedule and Plan CourseSpaces will be the main source for all course-related information, including the course calendar with assignment, quiz and test dates which may be subject to change. The completion dates for online practice assignments will be determined during the course of the semester. Please check CourseSpaces regularly for updated information, as the information posted there will take precedence over this calendar below. GMST 101 Spring 2016 1. Woche “Introduction/ Language learning games” (Einführung, Sprachlernspiele) Dienstag, den 5. Januar Mittwoch, den 6. Januar Freitag, den 8. Januar 2. Woche Modul 1: “Greetings- Personal Information – Family” (Begrüßung, Angaben zur Person, Familie) Dienstag, den 12. Januar Mittwoch, den 13. Januar Freitag, den 15. Januar Vocabulary Test 1(Vokabeltest 1) 3. Woche Modul 1: “Greetings – Personal Information – Family” (Begrüßung, Angaben zur Person, Familie) Dienstag, den 19. Januar Mittwoch, den 20. Januar Freitag, den 22. Januar Test 1 Online Activities due (Online Aufgaben) 4. Woche Modul 2: “Shopping – Products – Business”(Einkaufen, Produkte, Büro und Technik) Dienstag, den 26. Januar Vocabulary Test 2 (Vokabeltest 2) Mittwoch, den 27. Januar Freitag, den 29. Januar Spoken Assignment 1 due (mündliche Aufgabe 1) 5. Woche Modul 2: “Shopping – Products – Business” (Einkaufen, Produkte, Büro und Technik) Dienstag, den 2. Februar Mittwoch, den 3. Februar Freitag, den 5. Februar Test 2 Online Activities due (Online Aufgaben) 6. Woche Montag, den 8. bis Freitag, den 12. Februar Reading Break / keine Lehrveranstaltungen 7. Woche Literatur - Film - Musik Dienstag, den 16. Februar Writing Assignment 1 due(schriftliche Aufgabe 1) Mittwoch, den 17. Februar Freitag, den 19. Februar 8. Woche Modul 3: “Leisure activities – Making an appointment – Invitations” (Freizeit, Verabredungen, Einladungen) Dienstag, den 23. Februar Vocabulary Test 3 (Vokabeltest 3) Mittwoch, den 24. Februar Freitag, den 26. Februar 9. Woche Modul 3: “Leisure activities – Making an appointment – Invitations” (Freizeit, Verabredungen, Einladungen) Dienstag, den 1. März Mittwoch, den 2. März Freitag, den 4. März Test 3 Online Activities due(Online Aufgabe) 10. Woche Modul 4: “Travel – Daily Routine – The Past” (Reisen, Tagesablauf, Vergangenes) Dienstag, den 8. März Vocabulary Test 4 (Vokabeltest 4) Mittwoch, den 9. März Freitag, den 11. März Spoken Assignment 2 due (mündliche Aufgabe 2) 11. Woche Modul 4: “Travel – Daily Routine – The Past” (Reisen, Tagesablauf, Vergangenes) Dienstag, den 15. März Mittwoch, den 16. März Freitag, den 18. März Test 4 Online Activities due (Online Aufgabe) 12. Woche Literatur – Film - Musik Dienstag, den 22. März Mittwoch, den 23. März Writing Assignment 2 due (schriftliche Aufgabe 2) Freitag, den 25. März Good Friday – no class (Karfreitag / keine Lehrveranstaltungen) 13. Woche Oral presentations (Präsentationen) Dienstag, den 29. März Mittwoch, den 30. März Freitag, den 1. April Last day of class (letzter Unterrichtstag)
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