Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) Work Programme 2015 Annex 2: List of activities Foreseen Outputs Title Target Audiences Coverage Proced ure Planned launch date 04.030201 PROGRESS - EMPLOYMENT Analytical knowledge and comparative information 1 Analytical activities in the area of youth employment and entrepreneurship Study reports 2 ESCO Hosting (European Skills, Competences, qualifications and Occupations) Web platform and information system 3 ESCO Reimbursement of experts (European Skills, Competences, qualifications and Occupations) Seminar / meeting / workshop 4 ESCO Technical Assistance (European Skills, Competences, qualifications and Occupations) Data base Business enterprises; Employment services; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; International organisations; Universities and research institutes Associations, NGOs and similar; Business enterprises; Employment services; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; International organisations; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes; Internal Associations, NGOs and similar; Business enterprises; Employment services; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; International organisations; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes Associations, NGOs and similar; Business enterprises; Employment services; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; International organisations; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes; Internal EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALi FYROM -ME-RSTR Procure 2015 ment Q2 EU28; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Other 2015 actions Q2 EU28; Iceland; Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Other 2015 actions Q2 EU28; Iceland; Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q2 Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation 5 6 7 Evaluation of the European Sectoral Skills Councils (activities funded under PROGRESS 2007-2013) Labour Force Survey 2016 ad-hoc module on youth in the labour market Pilot activity on supporting Mobility for Professionals including review and feasibility test of a jobsecondment Evaluation, Impact Assessment report EU and MS Policy makers; Experts EU28; Iceland; Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q2 Data and statistics EU and MS Policy makers, Experts EU28; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Other 2015 actions Q2 Study report General public, EU and MS Policy makers; Experts EU28 Iceland, Norway; Grants EU28 Procure 2015 ment Q2 8 Monitoring of the Quality Framework for Restructuring Implementati on report 9 OECD Tax Wedge and Effective Tax Rates on Labour Study report 10 OECD analysis and evaluation of employment policies Study report 11 Skills Governance in cooperation with OECD Study report Business enterprises; Employment services; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social and economic partners EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; International organisations Employment services; International organisations; Regional / local authorities; Universities and research institutes Employment services; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; International organisations; National authorities; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes Study on the future of the EU and MS Policy makers, Your First EURES job Study report General public mobility scheme Capacity to develop, promote and support EU instruments and policies Associations, NGOs and similar; Employment services; EU and Awareness raising, Information MS Policy makers, Experts; dissemination and outreach and General public; National 13 activities on Youth awareness authorities; Regional / local Guarantee offers activity authorities; Social and economic partners; Social services 12 2 EU28; Iceland, Norway; -ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR and other third countries 2015 Q2 Grants 2015 Q3 Grants 2015 Q3 EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants 2015 Q2 EU28, Iceland, Norway Procure 2015 ment Q2 EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants 2015 Q1201 5 Q2 Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation Capacity building Support the consolidation activities (SP, and continuation of NGO, 14 European Sectoral Skills enterprises, Councils that are beyond national, the feasibility phase regional, local authorities) Information-sharing mutual learning and dialogue Network of experts: Study European Employment reports , 15 Policy Observatory - EEPO Seminar / continuation (2nd renewal) meeting / workshop Seminar / Mutual Learning meeting / 16 Programme, continuation workshop, (3rd renewal) study reports Working groups of PES activities (Public national 17 Employment Services) officials / specialist bodies Working groups of PES (Public Employment national 18 Services) meetings under officials / DG EMPL FWC specialist bodies 19 PES (Public Employment Services) network support Seminar / meeting / workshop 20 Presidency events (Public Employment Services -PESnetwork board, …) Conference, events, Information, Communication and Meetings Information and awareness activity, Seminar / meeting 21 EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; National authorities; Social and economic partners EU28; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants EU and MS Policy makers, Experts EU28, - Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q2 Employment services; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Social and economic partners EU28, Iceland, Norway; -ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q4 General public EU28, - Iceland, Norway; 2015 Procure Q2 to ment Q4 Business enterprises; Employment services; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; General public; National authorities EU28; Iceland, Norway; Procure 2015 ment Q2 EU28; Iceland, Norway; Procure 2015 ment Q2 EU28; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants EU28; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR 2015 Procure Q2 to ment Q4 Business enterprises; Employment services; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; General public; National authorities Business enterprises; Employment services; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; General public; National authorities General public 3 2015 Q2 2015 Q2 Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation 04.030201 PROGRESS – WORKING CONDITIONS Analytical knowledge and comparative information Contribute to future actions Common related to G20 initiatives on 22 methodologie OSH in partnership with ILO s (Placeholder) 23 24 Contribution to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs Programme Contribution to the work of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Data and statistics Study report Implementati on report International organisations Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Health and long term care; International organisations; Journalists / media; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Health and long term care; National authorities; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Health and long term care; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social and economic partners Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Health and long term care; National authorities; Social and economic partners 25 OSH Information System (Scoreboard) 26 Study to gather the information necessary to further amend Directive 2004/37/EC 27 Study to support the targeted review of the Posting of Workers Directive Study report Internal 28 Development of European Statistics on Occupational Diseases Data and statistics EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; General public; International organisations; National authorities; Internal 29 Targeted surveys on application of core labour standards Study report Employment services; National authorities 30 Feasibility Study on a European Mobility Portal Study report, Seminar, meeting General public Study report EU28; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR 2015 Q2 Grants 2015 Q2 Grants 2015 Q2 Procure ment 2015 Q2 Procure ment 2015 Q2 Procure ment 2015 Q2 Other actions 2015 Q2 Procure ment 2015 Q4 Procure ment 2015 Q2 N.A. N.A. EU28; EU28; EU28; 4 Grants EU28; Iceland, Norway; EU28; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation Capacity to develop, promote and support EU instruments and policies Business enterprises; EU and Information Preparing the Senior Labour MS Policy makers, Experts; and 31 Inspectors’ Committee National authorities; Regional / awareness (SLIC) Campaign 2016 local authorities; Social and activity economic partners Associations, NGOs and similar; Capacity to EU and MS Policy makers, develop, Experts; International Call for proposals in the field promote and organisations; National 32 of posting of workers support EU authorities; Social and instruments economic partners; and policies Universities and research institutes Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Capacity to Experts; International develop, organisations; National Call for proposals in the field promote and 33 authorities; Regional / local of undeclared work support EU authorities; Social and instruments economic partners; and policies Universities and research institutes Information-sharing mutual learning and dialogue Business enterprises; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Presidency events (senior Conference, Health and long term care; 34 inspector committee, health events, National authorities; Regional / and safety at work, …) local authorities; Social and economic partners Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Health and long term Study report, care; International Contribution to the Seminar / organisations; Journalists / 35 International Programme on meeting / media; National authorities; Chemical Safety (WHO) workshop Regional / local authorities; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes 5 EU28; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants 2015 Q4 Grants 2015 Q2 Grants 2015 Q3 EU28; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants 2015 Q2 Q4 N.A. Grants 2015 Q4 EU28; Iceland, Norway; EU28; Iceland, Norway; Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation Conference, events, Leaflet, EU platform on undeclared publication, work - support the audio visual 36 implementation of the and Platform promotion material and social networks Network of experts, Study European Labour Law reports , 37 Network Seminar / meeting / workshop Information and Information, awareness 38 Communication and activity, Meetings Seminar / meeting / workshop 04.030201 PROGRESS - SOCIAL PROTECTION Analytical knowledge and comparative information 39 Index to monitor progress of policy reforms towards social investment Implementati on report 40 Conference dissemination and discussion of findings of ESDE report Conference, events, reports 41 42 Cooperation with the OECD on assessing activating and enabling benefits and services in the EU Cooperation with the World Bank on assessing activating and enabling benefits and services in the EU EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; National authorities; Social and economic partners EU28; Iceland, Norway; Procure ment 2015 Q2 EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Universities and research institutes; Internal EU28; Iceland, Norway; when relevant also ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure ment 2015 Q2 General public EU28; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RSii TR 2015 Procure Q2 to ment Q4 EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q3 EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q4 Grants 2015 Q2 Grants 2015 Q2 Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; International organisations; National authorities; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes Study report General public EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Study report EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; General public; National authorities; Regional / local authorities EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR 6 Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation 43 EC/OECD project for a multicountry database on benefit recipient Data and statistics EU and MS Policy makers, Experts 44 Euromod - Tax-benefit mode Data and statistics EU and MS Policy makers, Experts Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; General public; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social services Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Social and economic partners 45 Job creation potential in the social services sector Study report 46 Market based solutions for better social outcomes Study report 47 Policy analysis on addressing income inequality focusing on the role played by taxes and transfers Study report EU and MS Policy makers, Experts Social situation monitor Data and statistics EU and MS Policy makers, Experts 48 Study and development of a EU and MS Policy makers, production process taking as Study report Experts input the micro data files Capacity to develop, promote and support EU instruments and policies Capacity to Cooperation with the develop, Council of Europe on promote and National authorities; Regional / 50 building capacity at local support EU local authorities level for the integration of instruments ROMA and policies Capacity to Support to Social NGO develop, Networks at EU level to promote and Associations, NGOs and similar; 51 contribute to Europe 2020 support EU General public and SIP implementation instruments and policies Information-sharing mutual learning and dialogue Associations, NGOs and similar; Implementati Social Policy Peer Review EU and MS Policy makers, on report, Programme / Supporting Experts; National authorities; 52 Seminar / policy reforms through a Regional / local authorities; meeting / Peer Review Programme Social and economic partners; workshop Social services 49 7 EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants 2015 Q3 Grants 2015 Q4 EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q3 EU28-, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q3 EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q3 EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q2 Other 2015 actions Q2 EU28 Grants 2015 Q2 EU28, - Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants 2015 Q3 EU28-AL-FYROMME-RS-TR 2015 Procure Q2 – ment Q4 Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation 53 Monitoring, development and deployment of EESSI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information) providing EU citizens with easier access to their rights Web platform and information system General public; National authorities Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; General public; Journalists / media; Regional / local authorities; Social services Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; General public; Regional / local authorities; Social services EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Lawyers / judges; National authorities; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; General public; International organisations; Lawyers / judges; National authorities; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes 54 Involve stakeholders in the implementation of EU2020 Strategy (EPAP) Seminar / meeting / workshop 55 Monitoring implementation of the 2013 Rec - Investing in children through an online platform (EPIC) Web platform and information system 56 Presidency events (Mutual Information System on Social Protection –MISSOC-, …) Conference, events The Social Policy Network Network of experts: Study reports , Seminar / meeting / workshop Information, Communication and Meetings Information and awareness activity, Seminar / meeting / workshop General public Capacity to develop, promote and support EU instruments and policies Associations, NGOs and similar; Business enterprises; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social services; Universities and research institutes 57 58 EU28; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q3 EU28-AL-FYROMME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q4 EU28 Procure 2015 ment Q3 EU28, ; Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants EU28- Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q3 EU28- Iceland, Norway; 2015 Q2 – Q4 2015 Procure Q2 to ment Q4 Social policy experimentation 59 Supporting the design and implementation of social and labour market policy innovations 8 EU28- Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants 2015 Q3 Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation 04.030201 PROGRESS - CROSS-CUTTING Analytical knowledge and comparative information Database on Labour Market 60 Data base Policies - LMP database Web platform and 61 Datawarehouse information system EaSI mid-term evaluation Evaluation 62 (report to be delivered in report 2017) 63 64 65 66 Experts-Evaluators Monitoring the performance of EaSI (report to be delivered in 2017) OECD joint analysis of Labour Market Policies (LMP) Studies and analytical work in the areas of employment, social protection and social inclusion and working conditions Implementati on report Implementati on report Study report Study report EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; National authorities EU28 Procure 2015 ment Q4 Internal EU28 Procure 2015 ment Q2 EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; General public; Journalists / media EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; International organisations EU28- Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR EU28- Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR EU28-, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Universities and research institutes EU28-, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR 2015 Procure Q2 to ment Q4 EU28, Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR 2015 Procure Q2 to ment Q4 EU28- Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q2 EU28- Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants General public Internal Information and Information, awareness 67 Communication and activity, General public Meetings Seminar / meeting / workshop Capacity to develop, promote and support EU instruments and policies Adaptation of JASMINE Web platform online (Joint Action to and 68 Business enterprises Support Micro-finance information Institutions in Europe) system Capacity to develop, Support to networks promote and Associations, NGOs and similar; 69 promoting microfinance and support EU Business enterprises social enterprise finance instruments and policies 9 Procure 2015 ment Q4 Other 2015 actions Q4 Procure 2015 ment Q4 Grants 2015 Q4 2015 Q3 Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation Capacity to develop, Technical assistance for promote and 70 microfinance institutions support EU instruments and policies Information-sharing mutual learning and dialogue Associations, NGOs and similar; Business enterprises EU28 Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Other 2015 actions Q2 71 Peer Review Programme to support policy reforms in the Member States (framework contract to be implemented in 2016) Implementati on report, Seminar / meeting / workshop Associations, NGOs and similar; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social and economic partners; Social services EU28 Iceland, Norway; -ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q2 72 ASEM Labour and Employment Ministers meeting and ASEM Social Partners Forum Seminar / meeting / workshop Social and economic partners EU28- Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Procure 2015 ment Q2 73 Communication Publications activities (OPOCE) - Progress Axis Leaflet, publication, audio visual and promotion material and social networks General public EU28- Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Other 2015 actions Q2 74 Presidency events (in the fields of Employment, SPSI and working conditions) Conference, events EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; Universities and research institutes EU28- Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR Grants Information, Communication and Meetings Information and awareness activity, Seminar / meeting / workshop General public EU28- Iceland, Norway; ALFYROM-ME-RS-TR 2015 Procure Q2 to ment Q4 75 10 2015 Q4 Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation 04.030202 EURES Services for the recruitment and placing of workers Capacity to develop, EURES Cross-border promote and 76 partnerships support EU instruments and policies Capacity to EURES Development of develop, intra-EU labour mobility promote and 77 strategies and reinforcing support EU the role of EURES - Lot 1 instruments and policies 78 EURES Experts evaluators Internal 79 EURES provision of coordination and support to communication activities Lot 2 Information and awareness activity 80 Targeted Mobility Scheme, through provision of services for young job seekers Capacity to develop, promote and support EU instruments and policies Employment services; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social and economic partners; Universities and research institutes EU28; Iceland; Norway; Grants Employment services; Internal EU28; Iceland; Norway; Procure 2015 ment Q2 EU28; Iceland; Norway; Other 2015 actions Q3 EU28; Iceland; Norway; Procure 2015 ment Q2 EU28, Iceland; Norway; Grants EU28, Iceland; Norway; 2015 Procure Q2 to ment Q4 EU28; Iceland; Norway; Procure 2015 ment Q2 EU28; Iceland; Norway; Procure 2015 ment Q2 EU28; Iceland; Norway; Procure 2015 ment Q2 Employment services; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social and economic partners Associations, NGOs and similar; Business enterprises; Employment services; EU and MS Policy makers, Experts; General public; Journalists / media; National authorities; Regional / local authorities; Social and economic partners; Social services; Internal General public Information, Conferences, Communication and General public events Meetings Transparent information on job vacancies and applications Web platform Business enterprises; and 82 EURES Helpdesk Employment services; General information public; Internal system Web platform Business enterprises; and 83 EURES Portal Employment services; General information public system 81 84 EURES Training Training Employment services 11 2015 Q2 2015 Q2 Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Programme for Employment and Social Innovation 85 Hosting of the EURES Portal 86 Translation for the EURES Portal Web platform and information system Web platform and information system Internal EU28; Iceland; Norway; Other 2015 actions Q2 Business enterprises; Employment services; General public; Internal EU28; Iceland; Norway 2015 Procure Q2 to ment Q4 EU28- Iceland, AL-FYROM-MERS-TR Financi al 2015 instru Q2 ments EU28- Iceland, AL-FYROM-MERS-TR Financi al 2015 instru Q2 ments 04.030203 MICROFINANCE AND SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Associations, NGOs and Implementat similar; Business 87 Access to micro-finance ion report enterprises; Social and economic partners Capacity to Capacity-building develop, Associations, NGOs and activities for microfinance promote and similar; Business 88 and/or social support EU enterprises; Social and entrepreneurship actors instruments economic partners and policies Development of social Associations, NGOs and enterprises Social Implementat similar; Business 89 entrepreneurship finance ion report enterprises; Social and instrument economic partners 90 Information, Information General public Communication and and Meetings awareness activity, Seminar / meeting / workshop i ii the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia For meetings participation of CC and PCC will be ensured when relevant 12 EU28- Iceland, AL-FYROM-MERS-TR EU28- Iceland, AL-FYROM-MERS-TR Financi al instru ments Procur ement 2015 Q2 2015 Q2 to Q4
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