$WWKHDLUSRUW )HUWLJNHLW+|UYHUVWHKHQ 1LYHDX$ Wenn langsam und deutlich gesprochen wird, kann ich kurze Texte und Gespräche aus bekannten Themengebieten verstehen, auch wenn ich nicht alle Wörter kenne. 'HVNULSWRU Ich kann das Wesentliche bei kurzen, deutlichen Mitteilungen, Anweisungen und Durchsagen verstehen. %HVFKUHLEXQJ Die Schülerinnen und Schüler hören verschiedene kurze Durchsagen auf einem Flughafen. Auf einem Arbeitsbogen kreuzen sie dann im PXOWLSOHFKRLFH Verfahren die Informationen an, die in der Durchsage enthalten sind. Die Ansagen werden zweimal vorgespielt. 2UJDQLVDWLRQVIRUP Einzelarbeit. =HLWDXIZDQG ca. 10 Minuten (UIOOXQJVJUDG Die Aufgabe gilt als erfüllt, wenn 4 von 5 Informationen richtig angekreuzt wurden. 6SLHJHOELOG$XIJDEH: --- 0DWHULDO0HGLHQ Hörtext auf CD Arbeitsanweisungen Arbeitsblatt Lösungsblatt Sammlung von Musteraufgaben zum Sprachenportfolio des © BLK-Verbundprojekts „Sprachen lehren und lernen als Kontinuum“ Aufgabe $WWKHDLUSRUW Seite 1 von 4 7UDQVNULSW 1 American Airlines announce that flight AA 3281 to New York will be two hours late. There are some technical problems. American Airlines, flight to New York, two hours late. 2 Will Herr Stefan Neumann, passenger on flight LH 4066 from Frankfurt, please come to the information desk in hall A. Herr Stefan Neumann from Frankfurt to the information desk, please. 3 Turkish Airlines announce that flight TK 786 from Istanbul will be about 30 minutes late. Flight TK 786 from Istanbul 30 minutes late. 4 Last call for Iberia flight IB 534 to Madrid. Passengers please go to gate 36. Passengers for Madrid please go to gate 36. 5 Will passengers booked on Air France flight AF 281 please go to gate 8. Passengers for Paris please go to gate 8. 6 British Airways flight BA 8033 from London has landed at gate 5. Flight BA 8033 from London has landed at gate 5. © Nachdruck mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Bildungshaus Schulbuchverlage Westermann Schroedel Diesterweg Schöningh Winklers GmbH Sammlung von Musteraufgaben zum Sprachenportfolio des © BLK-Verbundprojekts „Sprachen lehren und lernen als Kontinuum“ Aufgabe $WWKHDLUSRUW Seite 2 von 4 $WWKHDLUSRUW $UEHLWVDQZHLVXQJHQ )UGLHVH$XIJDEHEUDXFKVWGX Ö &'.DVVHWWHPLW+|UYHUVWHKHQVWH[WHQ Ö &'6SLHOHU.DVVHWWHQUHNRUGHU Ö GDV$UEHLWVEODWW$WWKHDLUSRUW Ö HLQHQ6WLIW]XP$EKDNHQGHU$QWZRUWHQ :LUEHILQGHQXQVDXIHLQHP)OXJKDIHQ'RUWZHUGHQYLHOH/DXWVSUHFKHUGXUFKVD JHQJHPDFKW Ö +|UHGLUGLH$QVDJHQDQ Ö /LHVGDQDFKGLH)UDJHQDXIGHP$UEHLWVERJHQ Ö .UHX]HMHZHLOVGLHULFKWLJH,QIRUPDWLRQDQ; Ö +|UHGLUGLH$QVDJHQQRFKHLQPDODQ Ö hEHUSUIHGHLQH$QWZRUWHQ ULFKWLJH$QWZRUWHQ ULFKWLJH$QWZRUWHQ ULFKWLJH$QWZRUWHQ <RXQHHG Ö Ö Ö Ö -VHKUJXW .RND\ /GXEUDXFKVWQRFKPHKUhEXQJ &'ZLWKOLVWHQLQJFRPSUHKHQVLRQWH[WV &'SOD\HU WKHZRUNVKHHW$WWKHDLUSRUW DSHQWRWLFNWKHULJKWDQVZHUV :HDUHDWWKHDLUSRUW Ö /LVWHQWRWKHDQQRXQFHPHQWV Ö 5HDGWKHTXHVWLRQVRQWKHZRUNVKHHW Ö 7LFN;WKHULJKWDQVZHUV Ö /LVWHQWRWKHDQQRXQFHPHQWVDJDLQ Ö &KHFN\RXUWLFNV ULJKWDQVZHUV ULJKWDQVZHUV ULJKWDQVZHUV -YHU\JRRG .RND\ /\RXQHHGPRUHSUDFWLFH Sammlung von Musteraufgaben zum Sprachenportfolio des © BLK-Verbundprojekts „Sprachen lehren und lernen als Kontinuum“ Aufgabe $WWKHDLUSRUW Seite 3 von 4 $WWKHDLUSRUW <RXDUHDWWKHDLUSRUW/LVWHQWRWKHDQQRXQFHPHQWV:KDWLQIRUPDWLRQGR\RX JHW"7LFNWKHFRUUHFWLQIRUPDWLRQ You are travelling with Stefan Neumann from Frankfurt. He does not understand the announcement made for him. What can you tell him? the plane from Frankfurt is late he is expected at the information desk in hall A his passport was found in hall A You want to travel to Madrid. Which gate do you have to go to? gate IB 534 gate 46 gate 36 You want to meet a friend who has arrived from London. Which gate do you have to go to? gate 5 gate 8033 gate 33 You are booked on American Airlines flight AA-3281 to New York. What does the announcement tell you? it’s boarding time your plane will be two hours late the technical problems are solved You are at the airport to pick up a friend coming in from Istanbul. What do you learn from the announcement? the plane landed 30 minutes ago the flight has been cancelled the flight will be 30 minutes late You are booked on Air France flight AF281 to Paris. Which gate do you have to go to? gate 8 gate 8a gate 81 Sammlung von Musteraufgaben zum Sprachenportfolio des © BLK-Verbundprojekts „Sprachen lehren und lernen als Kontinuum“ Aufgabe $WWKHDLUSRUW Seite 4 von 4 /|VXQJ6ROXWLRQ You are travelling with Stefan Neumann from Frankfurt. He does not understand the announcement made for him. What can you tell him? 9 the plane from Frankfurt is late he is expected at the information desk in hall A his passport was found in hall A You want to travel to Madrid. Which gate do you have to go to? 9 gate IB 534 gate 46 gate 36 You want to meet a friend who has arrived from London. Which gate do you have to go to? 9 gate 5 gate 8033 gate 33 You are booked on American Airlines flight AA-3281 to New York. What does the announcement tell you? 9 it’s boarding time your plane will be two hours late the technical problems are solved You are at the airport to pick up a friend coming in from Istanbul. What do you learn from the announcement? 9 the plane landed 30 minutes ago the flight has been cancelled the flight will be 30 minutes late You are booked on Air France flight AF281 to Paris. Which gate do you have to go to? 9 gate 8 gate 8a gate 81 Sammlung von Musteraufgaben zum Sprachenportfolio des © BLK-Verbundprojekts „Sprachen lehren und lernen als Kontinuum“
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